
Noskcajdarkxst, It and the other g-s-d patch00:06
NoskcajBut i deleted the work i had done. I guess i'll be starting from scratch00:07
darkxstNoskcaj, the shelldbus patch? that refreshes fine here00:19
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
Noskcajdarkxst, oh. i just didn't get to it00:39
Noskcajdarkxst, I'm making the debdiff and bug now01:31
NoskcajThen i'll look into the wmbattery rm bug01:31
darkxstNoskcaj, ok, btw can you remove sponsors from sushi and rygel03:17
=== prth is now known as prth|away
Noskcajok. will do03:18
arpuanyone have an ppa deb of hotssh ? https://git.gnome.org/browse/hotssh/10:23
DASPRiDarpu, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hotssh10:49
DASPRiDits in the main repo10:49
arpuDASPRiD, yes buts this is a very old version10:56
DASPRiDcan't tell, hotssh on github has no version tags10:59
DASPRiDit's 0.2.610:59
arpuok thx so i think i need a build from git11:24
arpuanyway any idea how i can remove allubuntu unity dektop after i install gnome-shell11:25
DASPRiDi never installed it, no idea11:27
ricotzarpu, regarding the new hotssh, there is probably not ppa, it requires libgssh and libgsystem, the later can be picked from ppa:ricotz/testing11:36
ricotzpushed libgssh there too12:00
arpuhi ricotz can you push hotssh too?15:13
arpuah i see this packages are only for utopic15:16
ricotzarpu, right, i guess they would build on trusty as well15:31
ricotzthe last vte dev-release is missing too15:32
majodhi. is mount option x-gvfs-show necessary to show mounted drive in nautilus?20:24
darkxstNoskcaj, can you do gnome-shell-extensions as well22:03

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