
mwhudsonanyone want to explain how the config works in ubuntu kernel builds?09:09
TJ-which bit?09:14
mwhudsonTJ-: oops, didn't see your reply!10:01
mwhudsoni think i figure it out anyway10:01
mwhudsonTJ-: now i'm onto wondering why some modules aren't in the initrd i have10:01
TJ-That depends on the initramfs config10:02
TJ-There's a setting in "/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf" "MODULES=" which can be most|netboot|dep|list10:03
mwhudsonTJ-: ah, thanks10:05
mwhudsonTJ-: what determines what 'most' means?10:05
TJ-mwhudson: I'd suspect, something in the internals of initramfs-tools!10:06
mwhudsonheh fair enough10:06
mwhudsoni hope it's not written in perl10:07
TJ-mwhudson: actually, no. see "man 5 initramfs.conf"10:07
mwhudson"most adds most file system, all ata, sata, scsi and usb drivers."10:07
mwhudsoni think the fun part here is that the sata/ahci driver for this platform has an undeclared dependency on the ethernet driver10:08
TJ-mwhudson: ... "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptroot:536: if [ "$MODULES" = "most" ]; then"10:09
TJ-mwhudson: "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions:427:auto_add_modules()"10:11
mwhudsonTJ-: thanks, am reading that now10:11
mwhudsonlooks like kernel/drivers/net is included in most10:11
mwhudsonbut the driver i need is in kernel/drivers/phy10:11
mwhudsoni guess 2215 on a sunday isn't the ideal time to be thinking about this10:14
TJ-regular add to "/etc/initramfs-tools/modules" then10:14
mwhudsoni want this to work in the archive kernel really10:15
mwhudsonbut i guess that means finding the right person to complain at, not trying to do it myself10:15
mwhudsoneh, not archive kernel precisely, "ubuntu-built images" is more what i actually mean10:15
sorenmwhudson: Which sata/ahci driver?12:47
soreaukees: I'm attempting a kernel bisect today, that's why I ask17:06
keessoreau: exciting! if you can replicate with a stock upstream kernel, it may be easier to track things down.17:07
soreaukees: What makes you say that?17:07
soreauAt this point I'm trying to establish a good commit using the instructions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel17:10
soreaubut it produces 5 deb packages instead of 3. I'm assuming I should still install all of them17:11
soreauany tips to speed things up?17:13
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soreauah good, turns out it's not a kernel bug18:58

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