jackarius86 | wheatthin: i am setting up catalyste now | 00:00 |
wheatthin | don't forget to reboot :) | 00:01 |
FmRUF | anything any one..... | 00:01 |
jackarius86 | ok thanks :) | 00:01 |
wheatthin | yup.. | 00:01 |
wheatthin | FmRUF, are you in the same workgroup? | 00:02 |
braindrop | wheatthin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7610549/ | 00:02 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: yes | 00:02 |
wheatthin | FmRUF, you're using custom boot options aren't you? | 00:05 |
wheatthin | like nolapic | 00:05 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: no | 00:05 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: no nto that I know of | 00:05 |
wheatthin | that would be the only change. | 00:05 |
wheatthin | so we can start by checking that kernel like in grub | 00:05 |
wheatthin | line* | 00:05 |
wheatthin | although I'm out of time with grub since it's been tweaked over last couple years | 00:06 |
wheatthin | let me check mine out | 00:06 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: ok ty | 00:06 |
wheatthin | FmRUF, do you have a usb hub or something odd plugged into that | 00:13 |
wheatthin | ? | 00:13 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: yes | 00:14 |
wheatthin | try unplugging it and rebooting | 00:14 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: really is that what it is going to be | 00:14 |
wheatthin | I think.. I seen a problem someone had with it | 00:14 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: ok thank you brb | 00:14 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: nope same thing | 00:19 |
wheatthin | hmm.. well we can count that random event out lol.. | 00:19 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: lol | 00:19 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: why does it see it just fine act like it is going to print than say on hold auth needed | 00:19 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: i added the user to the list | 00:20 |
Pessimist | where can I get the linux kernel with ck patches or the -pf kernel for ubuntu? All I can find are seperate .debs or fishy ppas/repos =/ | 00:21 |
wheatthin | hmm FmRUF and hyperthreading is enabled too? | 00:22 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: everything is a default install of 12.04 just a couple of tweaks for my ssd but that is it | 00:23 |
wheatthin | and what was the tweaks for ssd? | 00:23 |
dw1 | noatime | 00:24 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: trim read and write logs things of that nature | 00:25 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: and noatime yes | 00:25 |
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware | ||
wheatthin | hmm, I know it's basically a fresh install, but I'd see if 14.04 would be better fit, since it incorporates all the new kernel stuff | 00:27 |
killmaker | check this out http://codes4free.net/?ref=FPjYNpU2b | 00:28 |
dw1 | i wouldnt | 00:28 |
dw1 | killmaker: dont spam crap plz | 00:29 |
OerHeks | killmaker, ubuntu does not need codes :-D | 00:29 |
killmaker | i'm not | 00:29 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: for me | 00:30 |
dw1 | killmaker: "You gain a point for each click of your unique referral link." -- youre a liar and a spammer! | 00:31 |
FmRUF | get an admin to boot his a## | 00:31 |
dw1 | hes smart he can learn better | 00:32 |
FmRUF | wheatthin: ok thank you, i am very happy with 12.04 and the way it runs I will just keep trying thank you for your help | 00:34 |
daniel311 | in the context of irc, what does pmg mean? | 00:35 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest23445 | ||
electricprism | I wrote a thumbnailer to try to get PSD files to generate thumbnails in the file manager using ImageMagick, I dont understand why this isn't working http://pastebin.com/q3STMXvY | 00:41 |
Asterisks | electricprism: how big are the psd's? | 00:46 |
electricprism | Asterisks: The test psd is 240 kb | 00:46 |
deepblue | i need help downloading folder link 1,2 and 3 please, http://books4electricians.blogspot.com/ | 00:47 |
Asterisks | it's not too big then | 00:47 |
electricprism | yeah :( | 00:47 |
Asterisks | deepblue: we can't help you bypass PPD sites | 00:48 |
braindrop | hey Ubuntu, after recreating the USB drive I installed from a few times and reinstalling, my 14.04 is recognizing things correctly | 00:48 |
braindrop | Is there an easy way to verify that turbo boost is working | 00:48 |
deepblue | Asterisks: why not? | 00:48 |
Asterisks | it's not within the realm of this support channel | 00:49 |
Asterisks | plus, fileice is nearly impossible to bypass. the creator is an asshat | 00:50 |
=== daniel311 is now known as danielle11 | ||
Asterisks | braindrop: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/turbostat.8.html | 00:50 |
deepblue | Asterisks: i gerss yie're right,thanx for trying | 00:50 |
=== streeter is now known as Guest77674 | ||
Asterisks | deepblue: I'm going to just tell you, cause I've had experience with fileice and know about it's creator, that there really isn't a bypass for it. I don't know the exact system, but you basically have to fill out one of the surveys | 00:51 |
deepblue | Asterisks: yeah i no,i just failed to do it .only worked for link 4.here if you were interested, https://mega.co.nz/#F!FUsUCByb!LPnGzmo6G4RvrLR-Tp70tQ | 00:54 |
=== Guest77674 is now known as k7jkz | ||
Asterisks | anyway, braindrop: I'd run that and then pull up something processor intensive like stress ( http://people.seas.harvard.edu/~apw/stress/ ) and see if it boosts | 00:55 |
k7jkz | after connecting my blackberry once, boot always hangs until i press s for skip | 00:56 |
k7jkz | which dir/file contains the instruction for the system to look to for a blackberry on usb? | 00:57 |
Asterisks | k7jkz: That'd be your bios | 00:59 |
Asterisks | unless I'm missing something here | 01:00 |
Ubnewbtu | Okay, Hi Hi! This is Ubnoobtu on the previsiously broken machine! Hello World! | 01:06 |
k7jkz | Asterisks: thanks; yeah, i'll check that. i did change bios to boot to usb for install... | 01:07 |
k7jkz | Hello world back at you Ubnewbtu it is working | 01:08 |
Ubnewbtu | k7jkz: Thank you! This is a wonderful chatroom, very great community here. | 01:09 |
k7jkz | welcome; i agree | 01:09 |
Ubnewbtu | Can someone point me in the direction of a more general room thou? I have a few more questions about ubuntu, and some of the distros | 01:09 |
sasha | for SMB, where would be the biggest bottleneck? I'm using an old computer with upgraded ram and a gigabit nic, but I'm getting slow transfers - like 5-7mb/s | 01:11 |
sasha | this is from a ubuntu-based desktop to a mac (but also slow speeds to another ubuntu computer) over wifi | 01:11 |
Ubnewbtu | Are you going through a computer from a computer, through wifi into the net? | 01:12 |
* k7jkz off rebooting | 01:12 | |
sasha | Ubnewbtu wired computer to wireless computer | 01:12 |
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon | ||
sasha | thing is I'm getting the same speeds as had I been downloading a file over torrents from the internet... | 01:13 |
Ubnewbtu | THats pretty cool, how did you do that? | 01:13 |
Ubnewbtu | and why? for like a proxy? | 01:13 |
Asterisks | Ubnewbtu: have you tried ##linux ? | 01:13 |
Ubnewbtu | Uh no, I don't use IRC very often, infact, I forgot how to even join other channels | 01:14 |
Ubnewbtu | I remember if I type someones name partially, like Ast- and then hit tab, it will auto complete. and thats it... Asterisks | 01:15 |
=== eduardo is now known as Guest71420 | ||
conspirasaurus_ | hey AiriA | 01:22 |
zipc | i got GPG error, whats the cause of this? | 01:23 |
conspirasaurus_ | http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/government/foreign_policy_and_government/news.php?q=1402064836 | 01:25 |
raj | ssh server can't actually be made to disable the inactivity timer? | 01:25 |
conspirasaurus_ | GPG error ? | 01:25 |
raj | it can only be made super long? | 01:25 |
zipc | yes a gpg error, whats the cause of this? | 01:26 |
stxz | is there anybody that can help me i have a acer aspire one that i installed linux mint 17 cinnamon on and i have a few issuse with at the momet it can't boot light dm fail | 01:27 |
xangua | !mint | stxz | 01:27 |
ubottu | stxz: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 01:27 |
maddawg2 | question about the system monitor in Ubuntu desktop.... i have a task that says it's using 220% of my CPU | 01:27 |
maddawg2 | how is that even possible? | 01:27 |
danielle11 | maddawg: how many cores and processors do you have in total? | 01:34 |
danielle11 | maddawg: I found this article to be quite helpful personally http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9001 | 01:35 |
vel_ | Hello there , i am unable to log in my standard account. | 01:36 |
danielle11 | "Not surprisingly, CPU contention is a queuing theory problem, and the concepts of arrival rates, Poisson theory and service rates all apply. A four-processor machine can be visualized as a four-lane freeway. Each lane provides the path on which instructions can execute. A vehicle can represent those instructions. Additionally, there are vehicles on the entrance lanes ready to travel down the freeway, and the four lanes either are ready to accommodate tha | 01:36 |
wilee-nilee | !details | vel_ | 01:36 |
ubottu | vel_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 01:36 |
vel_ | wilee-nilee, i enter my account in startx mode, after restart i am unable to login my account . | 01:39 |
wilee-nilee | vel_, If you are using startx that is incorrect it is deprecated | 01:43 |
wilee-nilee | vel_, Can't say this is the login issue, however, the channel not me in general needs the steps that got you to this problem. | 01:43 |
EzeQL | hi, wifi adapter gone after accepeting lastest update from 14.04. What can i do? | 01:43 |
spence | has anyone solved the issue with FDE and no swap starting? | 01:44 |
vel_ | wilee-nilee, ok | 01:45 |
zerowaitstate | EzeQL: did you try rebooting into the previous kernel? usually if you can get into the grub menu you can select the previous kernel version if you didn't uninstall it | 01:47 |
EzeQL | how to do so? | 01:48 |
EzeQL | zerowaitstate, | 01:48 |
zerowaitstate | EzeQL: try holding down SHIFT after the BIOS screen | 01:48 |
cyborgcygnus | I installed gnome-screensaver followed by xscreensaver, uninstalled both & put light-locker back on, it seems some of their settings keep running as even though I have my pc set not to sleep the display it still does after about 3 mins of inactivity | 01:50 |
cyborgcygnus | What would I do to find out what causes this error in source lists. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7610895/ | 01:56 |
zykotick9 | cyborgcygnus: you need to manually add the GPG key for that PPA. FYI, using add-apt-repository (or similar name) takes care of that automatically. | 01:58 |
=== eduardo is now known as Guest34799 | ||
chrstphrchvz | cyborgcygnus: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys D45DF2E8FC91AE7E | 02:01 |
k7jkz | The disk drive for /mnt/usb-RIM_BlackBerry_SD...etc... is not ready yet or not present | 02:03 |
cyborgcygnus | zykotick9, chrstphrchvz, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7610928/ | 02:04 |
k7jkz | Continue to wait, or Press S to skip mounting or M for Manual recovery | 02:04 |
cyborgcygnus | zykotick9, chrstphrchvz, That worked chrst cheers now to remember what software it was even for just for the sake of knowing. | 02:04 |
chrstphrchvz | cyborgcygnus: Great. apt-get update should't complain anymore. Yeah, I have to use that type of command on occasion. That PPA key is for quite a few packages, maybe unetbootin? | 02:06 |
cyborgcygnus | chrstphrchvz, that would be it | 02:08 |
cyborgcygnus | Does anyone else have problems taking photos or video with Cheese? After I take a pic it goes unresponsive, I have to force exit it. | 02:10 |
nero_ | #odirlei | 02:13 |
=== nero_ is now known as nero_ubuntu | ||
=== cassio is now known as cassio3 | ||
chrstphrchvz | cyborgcygnus: I'm not a cheese user, but does this sound like what you're experiencing? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cheese/+bug/1286394 | 02:21 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1286394 in cheese (Ubuntu) "Cheese freezes in Xubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 02:21 |
pushECX | I'm having some trouble with (I believe) the rtl8192cu driver. My wireless network adapter (Edimax EW-7811Un) can see networks around me but when I try to connect to my network, it keeps asking for the network password but won't connect. anyone know what's going on? | 02:29 |
sflw | Hi guys, I'm trying to install the python package Twisted 13.1 using pip install -r requirements.txt on my Digital Ocean droplet running Ubuntu 14.04 but I'm getting a really long and weird error that I can't Google. I'm totally new to Ubuntu so I'm not sure what to do here. Here's a snip of the error: http://bpaste.net/show/OabGXfYuN2wC2V83FoFG/ | 02:30 |
cyborgcygnus | <chrstphrchvz> exactly | 02:31 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: that's a pretty wild error message. Just for kicks, did you run this under sudo or just straight from the command line? | 02:31 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: tried under sudo | 02:32 |
zerowaitstate | are you using python3 or python2? | 02:32 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: 2.7.6 | 02:32 |
chrstphrchvz | cyborgcyngus, do you get the same warning if you run in terminal? Are you using xubuntu 14.04 as well? | 02:33 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: what does the debug.log say? | 02:33 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: actually, do you have a venv activated? | 02:34 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: It's a super long file I can't make sense of but there's a lot of "unrecognized filetype: .exe/.egg" | 02:34 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: and yes, venv is activated | 02:34 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: okay, I wouldn't think you would need to use sudo if you are operating under a venv; theoretically, it should install under your user venv directory rather than on global system, correct? Sorry, I am not a python expert | 02:35 |
chrstphrchvz | pushECX: is this from the default ubuntu desktop (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetworkManager#mediaviewer/File:Network_Manager_0.9.5.png) or somewhere else? | 02:35 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: In theory, yes. I'm using virtualenvwrapper which stores all of the venvs in a directory and the packages should be installing there. That's why you're seeing /root/Envs/bjair (venv name) | 02:35 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: Here's a link with the logs in it (5216 lines long though): http://ix.io/cRn | 02:37 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: looks like you're missing the package for python development header files; hold on | 02:38 |
pushECX | chrstphrchvz: i'm using gnome if that's what you're asking. trying to connect through the network manager in the top right | 02:38 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: That would do it. | 02:39 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: did you apt-get install python-dev? | 02:39 |
sflw | Just installed python-dev. | 02:39 |
sflw | Going to try again. | 02:39 |
_1_Sam24 | hi | 02:39 |
pushECX | chrstphrchvz: here is the output of some of the commands I ran earlier: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7611025/ | 02:42 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: having lxml problems now but at least I can google this error. | 02:43 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: awesome | 02:43 |
chrstphrchvz | pushECX: what's the name of your wifi network? | 02:44 |
pushECX | chrstphrchvz: SLP | 02:44 |
chrstphrchvz | pushECX: Looking at some reports going back to 2012, something having to do with power management on the rtl8192cu prevents connecting, especially if another nearby network has a better signal… | 02:46 |
pushECX | chrstphrchvz: hmm, I tried specifying the BSSID of the router I need to connect to, but that didn't help | 02:50 |
ggeecko | via /msg NickServ identify 339527 | 02:52 |
zerowaitstate | ggeecko: doh | 02:52 |
ggeecko | lol | 02:52 |
zerowaitstate | ggeecko: i've done that before | 02:52 |
=== shadow is now known as Guest39398 | ||
Guest39398 | hola | 02:53 |
Guest39398 | hello | 02:54 |
zerowaitstate | Guest39398: yarp | 02:54 |
Guest39398 | whats yarp? | 02:54 |
zerowaitstate | Guest39398: got a question? | 02:54 |
Guest39398 | nop, only say thanks for the whole work made in every versoions or flavors of ubuntu | 02:55 |
Guest39398 | i'm usin ubuntu studio and runs perfect? | 02:55 |
zerowaitstate | Guest39398: nice! | 02:55 |
Guest39398 | i'm using ubuntu studio and runs perfect? | 02:55 |
Guest39398 | only one question | 02:55 |
Guest39398 | haw i can install the hasshole of windows 8 with my presius ubuntu studio? | 02:56 |
cfhowlett | !dualboot|Guest39398 | 02:56 |
ubottu | Guest39398: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 02:56 |
Guest39398 | my pc don't turn up and ever lost the grub | 02:56 |
chrstphrchvz | pushECX: Unfortunately I haven't found a confirmed workaround short of installing a newer driver by hand…have you been able to update recently? what version of Ubuntu are you on? | 02:56 |
Guest39398 | it' fuckme up a hd | 02:57 |
cfhowlett | Guest39398 no profanity in this channel | 02:57 |
Guest39398 | sprry but my hd it's now broken, irreparable | 02:57 |
cfhowlett | Guest39398 reinstall or fix windows. ask ##windows for assistance. THEN install ubuntu | 02:58 |
Guest39398 | win 8 runs prety nice, but when i actualized to 8.1, thats thing called poopsoft broke my hd | 02:58 |
pushECX | chrstphrchvz: I'm running Ubuntu GNOME 14.04. Found a driver on github and installed, which got me to where I am now. previously it wasn't even trying to connect - not even asking for a password | 02:58 |
Guest39398 | so, i have to return to poop 7 and glory of ubuntu studio, again together | 02:59 |
sflw | Sheesh. | 03:00 |
sflw | Errors on top of errors. | 03:00 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: well, at least it doesn't fail silently | 03:00 |
Guest39398 | yes, buyt my wife do not like ubuntu, says "its to hard for me" | 03:00 |
cfhowlett | Guest39398 NOBODY said that. if you can install win8, do so. ask ##windows for help. Afteryou get it going, install ubuntu. and get a new wife. | 03:00 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: Very true. Having lxml issues now. I did apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev but now the error I have is UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 39: ordinal not in range(128). | 03:01 |
Guest39398 | aclaration, my wife hates computers and tecnology | 03:01 |
sflw | I guess I need to install some other C packages using apt-get? | 03:01 |
Guest39398 | i really thinked, a new wife, but prefer to cheatin her with ubuntu | 03:01 |
Guest39398 | ;-) | 03:01 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: post the error log again and let's see | 03:02 |
Corvette | I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I noticed that in contrast to 12.04 LTS, there are now no vertical tearing issues with my Nvidia GTX670. But when I installed Gnome shell, it asked me to choose from either GDM or LiteDM (which I don't really even know what they are). I chose LiteDM, and ever since, the screen tearing is back. Doing a fresh install now to fix, what to do to avoid screen tearing and still install gnome? | 03:02 |
cfhowlett | Corvette install gnome-ubuntu if you prefer the gnome experience | 03:03 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7611101/ | 03:03 |
Corvette | cfhowlett is that the same as gnome/ | 03:03 |
dux | Does anyone know what driver to use for the Geforce 750M and as well if it supports SLI? | 03:03 |
cfhowlett | !gnome|Corvette | 03:04 |
ubottu | Corvette: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome | 03:04 |
cfhowlett | !ubuntu-gnome| Corvette | 03:04 |
ubottu | Corvette: Ubuntu GNOME is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses !GNOME as the default desktop environment instead of Unity. For more info or to download, see http://www.ubuntugnome.org/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage | 03:04 |
Corvette | cfhowlett so you would not suggest installing normal Ubuntu and then adding gnome? | 03:04 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: what does the pip.log say? | 03:05 |
Asterisks | What was the logic behind switching to unity, anyway? | 03:05 |
chrstphrchvz | pushECX: I found a download on Realtek's site from Oct 2013, for up to kernel 3.9, so looking around, I guess others have had to port to 3.11 and later, you are on 3.13, correct? (check with uname -v) | 03:05 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: No pip.log in this instance, is there? At least the error message did not indicate. | 03:05 |
cfhowlett | Corvette I wouldn't - but YMMV. ubuntu-gnome is optimized for the gnome interface. adding gnome to default ubuntu is not. | 03:05 |
dux | Does anyone know what driver to use for the Geforce 750M and as well if it supports SLI? | 03:05 |
Corvette | I'll take that into consideration and find a download of ubuntu gnome. | 03:06 |
pushECX | chrstphrchvz: yeah, 3.13.0-29-generic | 03:06 |
dux | Finding a answer online is hard | 03:06 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: oh wow, so it's crashing while trying to generate the pip.log. nice | 03:06 |
cfhowlett | Corvette www.ubuntugnome.org for more info | 03:06 |
holstein | dux: try the open one, then move on to the proprietary one.. | 03:06 |
k7jkz | one time i connected a BlackBerry phone; now system asks me to press s to skip it every boot | 03:07 |
chrstphrchvz | pushECX: this seems to be a summary of the situation, http://blog.stuffedcow.net/2014/04/rtl8192cu-and-linux-3-13-10/ | 03:07 |
holstein | !fstab | 03:07 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 03:07 |
chrstphrchvz | pushECX: is this the one you tried installing? https://github.com/pvaret/rtl8192cu-fixes | 03:07 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: try sudo apt-get install python-lxml | 03:07 |
dux | holstein, feels like a noob question but... Which is the open one? | 03:08 |
Corvette | Thank you cfhowlett | 03:08 |
cfhowlett | Corvette happy to help | 03:08 |
dux | It seems like livecd's play nice sometimes... But not all of them. Then once installed they never play nice. | 03:08 |
k7jkz | thanks holstein i'm checking fstab | 03:08 |
Corvette | cfhowlett is it possible that gnome and MIR are not compatible | 03:08 |
pushECX | chrstphrchvz: yep, that's the one! I actually found it through the link you just gave me. apparently it's worked for others, but I followed the instructions perfectly to no avail | 03:08 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: you may need to go to #twisted to get your question answered; we're starting to get into python issues now | 03:09 |
cfhowlett | Corvette possible, but I don't have enough knowledge to to answer definitely | 03:09 |
chrstphrchvz | pushECX: actually, it even says it's the one included in Ubuntu (pretty neat). Have you tried the troubleshooting tip? https://github.com/pvaret/rtl8192cu-fixes#troubleshooting | 03:10 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: Thanks, I'll head over there. | 03:10 |
thedoctor | isses with an app | 03:10 |
thedoctor | sudo apt-get install mechanig | 03:10 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: Actually Twisted installed, now I'm on to lxml problems. :/ | 03:10 |
thedoctor | no luck | 03:10 |
Vivekananda | I installed emacs snapshot 24 for ubuntu 12.04. It launches from cli but fails to launch from the icon ( lock on Launcer bar) | 03:10 |
thedoctor | any ideas ? | 03:11 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: well, it's apparently a python package dependency....hold on | 03:11 |
pushECX | chrstphrchvz: yeah, overlooked that initially, but applied that conf within the past 30 minutes or so, rebooted, and still having the same issue. haha, I can't wint | 03:11 |
pushECX | win* | 03:11 |
Corvette | Wait does Ubuntu 14.04 use MIR? Or are we still on X? | 03:11 |
thedoctor | any one installed meching ? | 03:11 |
holstein | !mir | 03:11 |
ubottu | Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir | 03:11 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: did you install the libxml2-dev package? | 03:12 |
holstein | Corvette: no mir yet released | 03:12 |
Corvette | So this is still X | 03:12 |
Corvette | That's interesting because it seems different | 03:12 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: also libxslt-dev | 03:12 |
thedoctor | gusse not | 03:12 |
Bashing-om | !info | 03:13 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: reason I ask is that lxml is a python lib that is python binding to an external C library, so to rebuild it you would need those headers | 03:13 |
Bashing-om | !info mechanig | 03:13 |
ubottu | Package mechanig does not exist in trusty | 03:13 |
thedoctor | any one installed meching ? | 03:13 |
thedoctor | no kidding | 03:13 |
thedoctor | you have terminal it | 03:13 |
holstein | thedoctor: whats your question? | 03:13 |
thedoctor | not on trusty | 03:13 |
thedoctor | any one installed meching ? | 03:14 |
thedoctor | i did the ppa | 03:14 |
Bashing-om | thedoctor: 'apt-cache search' same result. | 03:14 |
holstein | thedoctor: ppa's are not officially supported. you'll need to ask the creator of the ppa for support | 03:14 |
thedoctor | lol | 03:14 |
thedoctor | ok | 03:14 |
thedoctor | i used they before no issue | 03:14 |
thedoctor | brb | 03:14 |
holstein | thedoctor: if you have the source added, the packages from the source should become available after refreshing | 03:14 |
holstein | thedoctor: sudo apt-get update.. i *never* said you were going to have trouble.. just that they are not supported officially here | 03:15 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: I did do apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev | 03:15 |
zerowaitstate | sflw: anyway, gtg; you may look into a tool called auto-apt, although be careful with it | 03:15 |
lotuspsychje | morning to all | 03:15 |
sflw | zerowaitstate: Well thanks so much for your help. | 03:16 |
chrstphrchvz | Vivekananda: does it launch from the 'Search applications'/HUD? | 03:16 |
thedoctor | ok | 03:17 |
thedoctor | what auto apt ? | 03:17 |
holstein | thedoctor: when you add the ppa, you are asked to accept the risk, and the risk is stated about using the ppa | 03:17 |
thedoctor | since when ? | 03:17 |
thedoctor | any ways ill run some searchs | 03:18 |
holstein | thedoctor: if you have added the ppa, you run an update command to update the cache.. "sudo apt-get update".. then, the packages in the new source are available | 03:18 |
holstein | !ppa | thedoctor | 03:18 |
ubottu | thedoctor: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 03:18 |
holstein | thedoctor: since always.. since they are not provided by ubuntu, but any individual | 03:18 |
thedoctor | thats what i did | 03:18 |
holstein | thedoctor: then, update your package cache,, and look for the packages you seek.. if you dont find them, let the maintainer of the packages know | 03:19 |
EzeQL | hi | 03:21 |
EzeQL | latest update broke wireless connection | 03:21 |
EzeQL | should i report this somwhere? | 03:21 |
holstein | EzeQL: i would try booting the older kernel | 03:22 |
holstein | !bug | EzeQL | 03:22 |
ubottu | EzeQL: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. | 03:22 |
sydney | !ppa-purge | 03:22 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 03:22 |
holstein | EzeQL: though, ideally, you would be able to report it to the creators of the hardware as well.. not sure if they have a bug system or not for linux | 03:22 |
EzeQL | holstein, yes, already tried. works ok with 3 13 0 27 works | 03:22 |
EzeQL | , doesnt work with 3 13 0 29 | 03:22 |
holstein | EzeQL: id just use the one that works, then | 03:23 |
gruzzli | anybody have a solution to get the network adapter: (Netgear WNA3100) working? | 03:23 |
EzeQL | holstein, so this is not a ubuntu problem, but the kernel right? | 03:23 |
pushECX | chrstphrchvz: i appreciate you taking the time to help me out. have a good night! | 03:23 |
holstein | EzeQL: you can keep updating, after checking for, and making a bug report if there is not one.. and check back later or look for a patch | 03:23 |
Corvette | Wait a second why would a live CD behave better with my GPU than an installed version | 03:24 |
thedoctor | no luck | 03:24 |
holstein | gruzzli: ideally, netgear would give you a driver for linux.. but, other than that, do you know the chipset? | 03:24 |
EzeQL | holstein, thats ok, but there should i report this? | 03:24 |
holstein | !bug | EzeQL | 03:24 |
ubottu | EzeQL: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. | 03:24 |
EzeQL | ok, thanks | 03:25 |
gruzzli | holstein: im checking that right now. | 03:25 |
holstein | !wifi | gruzzli this is actually helpful for getting started | 03:25 |
ubottu | gruzzli this is actually helpful for getting started: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:25 |
gruzzli | Bus 001 Device 015: ID 0846:9020 NetGear, Inc. WNA3100(v1) Wireless-N 300 [Broadcom BCM43231] | 03:25 |
lotuspsychje | Corvette: did you install ubuntu with updated during setup and internet connection on? | 03:26 |
holstein | !broadcom | 03:26 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 03:26 |
holstein | gruzzli: ^ | 03:26 |
thedoctor | same repos arent loading | 03:26 |
Corvette | lotuspsychje no, should I do an apt-get upgrade? | 03:26 |
thedoctor | thats the issue | 03:26 |
gruzzli | Not sure | 03:26 |
holstein | thedoctor: if you are looking for ppa packages, and the ppas are not loading, let the creators/maintainers know | 03:27 |
lotuspsychje | Corvette: its recommended to always stay updated, did you also check your additional drivers list? | 03:27 |
lotuspsychje | Corvette: wich ubuntu version did you try? | 03:28 |
thedoctor | Reading package lists... Done | 03:28 |
thedoctor | Building dependency tree | 03:28 |
thedoctor | Reading state information... Done | 03:28 |
thedoctor | E: Unable to locate package mechanig | 03:28 |
thedoctor | might be out of date | 03:28 |
holstein | thedoctor: let them know.. | 03:28 |
Corvette | lotuspsychje ubuntu 14.04. Is installing updates during installation different from installing them right afterward? Should I go back and do a reinstall | 03:28 |
thedoctor | theres no way to do that | 03:28 |
thedoctor | updates are updates | 03:29 |
holstein | thedoctor: yes.. the creators is listed.. otherwise, you shouldnt trust the ppa.. | 03:29 |
lotuspsychje | Corvette: no, if you did during setup, your good to go..check your additional drivers list? | 03:29 |
holstein | thedoctor: know, they are not.. these are unsupported updates | 03:29 |
Corvette | lotuspsychje I didn't do during setup | 03:29 |
lotuspsychje | Corvette: you can try sudo apt-get upgrade then yes | 03:29 |
Corvette | lotuspsychje I'm just donig it now | 03:29 |
Corvette | okay | 03:29 |
Corvette | am doing right now then I'll restart | 03:29 |
thedoctor | the ppa might be | 03:30 |
holstein | thedoctor: the ppa is not supported here.. if its bad, or failing, let them know.. its not maintained or updated by ubuntu, and not controlled by, or supported by ubuntu | 03:31 |
gruzzli | hey guys i get this for the chipset: Atheros AR9001U-2NX | 03:31 |
thedoctor | totally out of date on luanchpad | 03:31 |
thedoctor | moving on | 03:31 |
holstein | gruzzli: no.. the chipset is broadcom.. the bcm43231 | 03:31 |
holstein | !broadcom | gruzzli | 03:31 |
ubottu | gruzzli: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 03:31 |
thedoctor | correct | 03:31 |
thedoctor | only soupported on 12.10 | 03:31 |
holstein | thedoctor: sure.. so, dont use that for 14.04.. | 03:32 |
thedoctor | true indeed | 03:32 |
thedoctor | worth the googl;e serach | 03:32 |
thedoctor | thanks holstein | 03:32 |
UnicornAssassin | hmmm | 03:36 |
sflw | Sigh. Still no dice on getting lxml up on this Ubuntu machine. | 03:37 |
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k7jkz | holstein: leaving to reboot to see if i've fixed fstab or stabbed myself | 03:37 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 03:37 |
thedoctor | any one tried lxqt ? | 03:37 |
holstein | !info python-lxml | 03:37 |
ubottu | python-lxml (source: lxml): pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.3-1ubuntu0.1 (trusty), package size 569 kB, installed size 2346 kB | 03:37 |
nicomachus | I need some help with a bash script. I have this script that I use in windows: http://pastebin.com/N9AJvqWY and i want a similar script for ubuntu | 03:37 |
holstein | sflw: ^ | 03:38 |
gruzzli | ndiswrapper? | 03:38 |
holstein | gruzzli: correct.. you can use the windows driver you were guaranteed support for.. or at least try it | 03:38 |
holstein | gruzzli: what do i do? i'lll just get supported hardware and plug it in.. otherwise, you may be able to fool about and make that hardware work in linux.. with ndis, you use the windows driver and point to it in linux | 03:39 |
gruzzli | i have the windows driver, should i start in the terminal with this: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk | 03:39 |
nicomachus | if there is anyone that has the patience to basically walk a noob through making this batch script: http://pastebin.com/N9AJvqWY work in ubuntu, please PM me | 03:39 |
holstein | nicomachus: maybe try a programming channel | 03:39 |
cfhowlett | nicomachus #bash | 03:40 |
nicomachus | thank you. | 03:40 |
sflw | holstein: I'll give it a shot. | 03:41 |
k7jkz | holstein: hip hip hurray you helped me fix this nagging problem | 03:41 |
k7jkz | thanks | 03:42 |
lotuspsychje | !cookie | holstein | 03:42 |
ubottu | holstein: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 03:42 |
holstein | lol.. cheers k7jkz .. enjoy! | 03:42 |
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ProfessorKaos64 | Does anyone know how to set the default xsession now that there is all this X-LightDM stuff in the default entry ? or a page I can check out? | 03:44 |
k7jkz | somehow i forgot more than i never knew | 03:44 |
holstein | ProfessorKaos64: unity? | 03:45 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I read about it being a unity thing , im on 14.04 LTS | 03:45 |
holstein | ProfessorKaos64: about what being a unity thing? | 03:46 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I don't mind reading to do it, just different than it was before. Trying to make XBMC it's own session | 03:46 |
chrstphrchvz | ProfessorKaos64: The suggestion here http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/lightdm-cannot-figure-out-how-to-change-default-xsession-debian-wheezy-943468/ is to use "sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager" | 03:46 |
gruzzli | In a Terminal, change to the directory where your .inf was extracted to and run the following command:sudo ndiswrapper -i <DRIVERNAME>.inf | 03:47 |
gruzzli | Help? | 03:47 |
ProfessorKaos64 | chrstphrchvz, set defaults is no longer a command, even the absolute path | 03:47 |
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holstein | ProfessorKaos64: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2203100 suggests what i did.. | 03:48 |
holstein | i just autostarted xbmc.. | 03:48 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I have that, but for a project I have, I'd rather not load the desktop for no reason | 03:48 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I already know how to autostart addons and xbmc itself | 03:48 |
holstein | the link references a working session.. you can use it, and do what you like | 03:49 |
chrstphrchvz | ProfessorKaos64: oh, I see, just run the program XBMC on login (i.e. no desktop environment), sorry | 03:50 |
ProfessorKaos64 | Correct, I can manually choose it from the login page, but I want to make it the default | 03:50 |
holstein | ProfessorKaos64: go for it.. make it whatever you like | 03:50 |
ProfessorKaos64 | That command that worked before is no longer in 14.04 | 03:51 |
Corvette | Still getting vertical tearing after apt-get upgrade | 03:51 |
Corvette | but am not getting it when I run live CD | 03:51 |
Corvette | I don't understand why a live CD would work better than a fresh install | 03:52 |
cfhowlett | Corvette test: boot windows. if it's tearing there, your graphics card is faulty | 03:52 |
ProfessorKaos64 | It's not a "necessity" but would be nice to save a few seconds off the time to start my XBMC+RCB retro gaming project | 03:52 |
lotuspsychje | Corvette: what does additional drivers list say? | 03:52 |
Corvette | lotuspsychje how do I access that | 03:53 |
chrstphrchvz | ProfessorKaos64: I'm wondering if the lightdm-gtk-greeter is/needs to be installed, since Ubuntu I though comes with lightdm-unity-greeter… | 03:53 |
lotuspsychje | Corvette: software sources/last tab additional driver | 03:54 |
ProfessorKaos64 | chrstphrchvz, I'm not sure, interesting thing to look into tomorrow. I wanted to provide this session only as an after thought settings option, i'm sure i'll find out somehow | 03:54 |
Corvette | lotuspsychje no additional drivers are in use | 03:54 |
Corvette | cfhowlett windows does not tear | 03:55 |
cfhowlett | Corvette seems like you need to address your graphics driver in Ubuntu then. | 03:55 |
lotuspsychje | Corvette: can you pastebin us sudo lshw -C video? | 03:55 |
Corvette | lotuspsychje okay wait | 03:55 |
sflw | holstein: I stopped using a venv and now everything works fine. | 03:55 |
Corvette | lotuspsychje says it's using the x.org x server and nouveau display driver | 03:55 |
Corvette | doesn't nouveau kinda like... suck? | 03:56 |
ProfessorKaos64 | chrstphrchvz, I see it now. Just have to edit "/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf | 03:57 |
Corvette | lotuspsychje I switched to the nvidia proprietary and tested driver 331 or whatever | 04:02 |
chrstphrchvz | ProfessorKaos64: thanks, I think researching how to create any kind of "kiosk mode" login with LightDM might be helpful, definitely something I've wanted to look at myself. | 04:02 |
Corvette | still same prolem | 04:02 |
ProfessorKaos64 | i'm going to try it quick, see if it works | 04:02 |
ProfessorKaos64 | chrstphrchvz, this is my function, just have to confirm it http://slexy.org/view/s2MHgEnTaV | 04:03 |
ProfessorKaos64 | yep works! nice | 04:03 |
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ProfessorKaos64 | chrstphrchvz, this is my project in case you wanted to to review any other code : https://github.com/ProfessorKaos64/RetroRig | 04:11 |
holstein | Corvette: the open drivers either meet your needs or not.. | 04:11 |
holstein | Corvette: you should try them first, then move on to the proprietary ones | 04:12 |
Corvette | are you able to switch drivers on the fly? because I'm not seeing a difference. Do you need to restart? | 04:12 |
holstein | Corvette: yes.. they are kernel modules | 04:12 |
chrstphrchvz | ProfessorKaos64: wow, thanks, I'm actually not a developer (yet), but have spent several years now playing with Linux. This is actually my first time "helping out" here, enjoying it so far. | 04:14 |
ProfessorKaos64 | hahah I suck at programming, but bash4 gives you a lot of programming features and I'm fairly good at scripting, well decent I suppoes | 04:15 |
Corvette | restarting using the prop drivers, hoping for the best. In the mean time I have another question. can you control fan speed from within ubuntu | 04:15 |
ProfessorKaos64 | you can do if/case/do while/ functions with bash scripts | 04:15 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I'll learn python at some point | 04:15 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I've been at this retrorig project for a while now | 04:15 |
ProfessorKaos64 | getting more fun as I go | 04:15 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I just got done with a HUGE restructure to make it modular for expansion | 04:16 |
=== STiK is now known as FearTheGerbilz | ||
Corvette | holstein switching to the prop drivers did the trick | 04:17 |
holstein | Corvette: nothing about ubuntu is preventing your hardware manufacturer from providing a way for you to control the fan speed | 04:19 |
holstein | Corvette: are you talking specifically about the GPU fan? | 04:19 |
chrstphrchvz | ProfessorKaos64: what you're working on seems well on your way to possibly a new distribution, something that I guess could replace now-abandoned alternatives like puppy arcade. | 04:19 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I thought puppy arcade 12 was pretty recent | 04:20 |
ProfessorKaos64 | it's working fairly ok right now | 04:20 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I love it | 04:20 |
ProfessorKaos64 | its a ton of fun | 04:20 |
ProfessorKaos64 | so much I havent gamed myself since it started it! haha | 04:20 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I thought about a distro spin, but only if it gains enough traction and i get many more things refined | 04:20 |
ProfessorKaos64 | I changed a few things like Unity lock screen options and such, its shaping up, in due time it will be pretty cool | 04:22 |
lotuspsychje | ProfessorKaos64: plz keep channel free for ubuntu support questions | 04:23 |
ProfessorKaos64 | sorry lotuspsychje , apologies | 04:23 |
Corvette | holstein I mean the CPU fan | 04:28 |
Corvette | is there a way to control it through the OS | 04:28 |
holstein | Corvette: i would first decide just how important this is to you, and how much time you'd like to spend on it.. then, i would start here http://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed | 04:29 |
Foxhoundz | huh | 04:30 |
holstein | i suggest using a live CD, or maybe a "testing" partition install to experiement around.. could be, you will not be able to control them from linux, since you were not promised you would be able to | 04:30 |
Corvette | Well I'd like to experiment with controlling pump speed for overclocking reasons | 04:31 |
Corvette | so I'll look into it | 04:31 |
dens2204 | beer everyone | 04:48 |
thedoctor | having root issue | 04:53 |
thedoctor | cannot get root to user/share/themes | 04:54 |
thedoctor | root issue | 04:55 |
sudormrf | hey guys. I have one client that is not receiving its nameserver and search domain from my server. all other clients receive this information fine, it is just this one client (ubuntu client). Any suggestions for what I can do to resolve this? This issue just started happening as of yesterday | 04:55 |
sudormrf | nothing changed yesterday that should impact this | 04:55 |
phirex | Hello, i was able to mount my harddrive after trying many ways, the fix here worked: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/surviving-a-linux-filesystem-failures.html | 04:55 |
thedoctor | cannot get root | 04:56 |
sudormrf | can I do something like a dpkg-reconfigure on resolvconf? | 04:56 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, clone that sucker and call it a day, an image would have precluded that. | 04:56 |
phirex | but, when i try accessing my Home folder i couldn't access it for permission reasons, then i ran nautilus as root and was able to go in the home folder only to find it is "empty" ..... | 04:57 |
thedoctor | does sudo su - access every thing ? | 04:57 |
wilee-nilee | well not yet clone a solid set up | 04:57 |
phirex | wilee-nilee: I tried cloning before and it didnt work, but now when it mounts i bet it will | 04:58 |
phirex | wilee-nilee: i'm going to use clonezilla... i have to unmount the drives first, correct? | 04:58 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, Use the clonezilla boot disc, not from the desktop. | 04:58 |
phirex | i'm on live cd anyway | 04:59 |
thedoctor | help with root | 04:59 |
phirex | but ok... will do | 04:59 |
thedoctor | how can i copy to usr/share/themes | 04:59 |
thedoctor | ?? | 04:59 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, I have not used a live to do it, just the bootable clonezilla | 04:59 |
thedoctor | brb | 05:00 |
sudormrf | nm. I just setup a workaround in /etc/network/interfaces | 05:00 |
sudormrf | laters | 05:00 |
phirex | ok i dont think theres a big difference tho | 05:00 |
thedoctor | please help | 05:00 |
phirex | so maybe i should just go ahead and try.. | 05:00 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, I would not know, I have a multi boot usb with all sorts of goodies. | 05:01 |
thedoctor | help please | 05:01 |
phirex | well since no harm can be caused i'll give it a try | 05:01 |
thedoctor | no know hot to use root ? | 05:02 |
phirex | wilee-nilee: savedisk or saveparts? | 05:03 |
thedoctor | wow really ? | 05:03 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, Parts is partition disk is HD, your choice | 05:03 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, with parts you will see a list of partitons | 05:04 |
thedoctor | please help | 05:04 |
phirex | wilee-nilee: i just used disk.... | 05:05 |
phirex | please make it work make it workkkkkk | 05:05 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, Cool, I generally have 3-5 OS on the HD so I just do each separately | 05:05 |
phirex | didnt work. | 05:05 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, You have an external and it found it? | 05:06 |
phirex | yes | 05:07 |
phirex | wilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7611426/ | 05:07 |
thedoctor | kindly help | 05:07 |
=== archer_ is now known as Guest97676 | ||
TJ- | phirex: I missed the beginning of your issue, but noticed you said using 'root' the user home directory appeared empty. Was the user's home directory encrypted originally? | 05:07 |
thedoctor | cannot copy to file directoy | 05:07 |
thedoctor | any ideas ? | 05:07 |
phirex | it just "finished" cloning in a second | 05:07 |
phirex | TJ-: No it wasn't encrypted unless there's a default encryption on ubuntu | 05:08 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, Can't really help, this is not how I use it is all. | 05:08 |
phirex | wilee-nilee: how do you use it? :) | 05:08 |
TJ- | phirex: Home directory encryption is an option during installation | 05:08 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, With a clonezilla disc booted | 05:08 |
thedoctor | can i get some help ? | 05:09 |
phirex | TJ-: Basically, if my harddisk is really fixed, a reboot should load ubuntu regularry | 05:09 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, Never had a fail, but my OS are perfect. | 05:09 |
phirex | correct? | 05:09 |
TJ- | phirex: Well, be aware there will be 'hidden' directories in the encrypted home... the *real* contents are not in the /home/$USER/, they are in /home/.encrypted/$USER/.Private/ | 05:09 |
phirex | TJ-: but if my working version of ubuntu will load i wont need all of that | 05:10 |
TJ- | phirex: correction, typo! "/home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.Private/ | 05:10 |
TJ- | phirex: correct, but if you're recovering data it helps to know where it lives to ensure you recover the vital bits | 05:10 |
phirex | omg! | 05:11 |
phirex | my files!!! | 05:11 |
phirex | oh no | 05:11 |
phirex | its just the directories :< | 05:11 |
phirex | going to reboot and see if it works! thanks a lot!! | 05:13 |
jonalmeida | Hello! I just removed nitrogen, but I can't get Ubuntu System Settings to change my wallpaper. Does any one know how to get that back? | 05:28 |
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phirex | Hi again | 05:30 |
wilee-nilee | jonalmeida, Was this a ppa install and if so di you use ppa-purge? | 05:31 |
wilee-nilee | did* | 05:31 |
phirex | wilee-nilee, TJ- , I was unable to load into my old ubuntu installation. I'm ok with that, but i'm trying to backup some files. many of them return "permission denied" | 05:31 |
jonalmeida | wilee-nilee: Nope, from the ubuntu repo. | 05:31 |
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phirex | But many of them go through. my question is if this means they are corrupt or is it really some encryption issue | 05:32 |
jonalmeida | wilee-nilee: I've tried removing, and deleting the configs at `.config/nitrogen` | 05:32 |
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wilee-nilee | jonalmeida, Not sure really, maybe a logout or reboot is needed, never used that app, I use wallch | 05:33 |
jonalmeida | wilee-nilee: Ah, figured it out! | 05:34 |
jonalmeida | wilee-nilee: Installed gnome-tweak-tool and checked "Icons on desktop" | 05:34 |
wilee-nilee | jonalmeida, Cool, that is what we like to see. ;) ah that makes sense | 05:34 |
phirex | wilee-nilee: any idea about those files i dont have permission to access? | 05:36 |
jonalmeida | wilee-nilee: A complete derp moment from me. I knew that had to be the cause, just couldn't remember how to do it! Thanks any who :) | 05:36 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, Not really, where are they? | 05:37 |
phirex | wilee-nilee: they are in home/user/ | 05:37 |
wilee-nilee | jonalmeida, welcome to the club. ;) | 05:37 |
jonalmeida | wilee-nilee: :) | 05:37 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, Never encrypted? | 05:37 |
phirex | I dont remember encrypting them, and if i did, it would encrypt all of it, not just a part... | 05:38 |
phirex | some files im able to view and copy, others i cant | 05:38 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, depends on what you used to encrypt, you can encrypt folders, I do with truecrypt. I just saw you and TJ- and saw encryption mentioned. | 05:39 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, From this end I just have no idea what you have done and what may have happened otherwise, home should be accessible from a live. | 05:40 |
alazyworkaholic | I cannot start RhythmBox, Banshee, or Totem. When starting from terminal, they all seem to have a problem with "gst-plugin-scanner". Can anyone walk me through a solution? | 05:40 |
phirex | it could be, that files that were created from ubuntu are encrypted, and files that were created on Kubuntu, werent.... | 05:41 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, sounds like a mess, I hope you get it resolved, you seem to have the tenacity to. | 05:42 |
wilee-nilee | if possible | 05:42 |
phirex | :/ | 05:42 |
wilee-nilee | phirex, I gotta go do a short job so gonna be gone. | 05:42 |
phirex | wilee-nilee: Ok, thanks a bunch! | 05:43 |
TJ- | phirex: Sounds as if permissions got corrupted; first job is to repair those with something like "sudo find /home/$USER -type d -execdir chmod 750 {} \;" then "sudo find /home/$USER -type f -execdir chmod 640 \;" then "chmod /home/$USER/.ssh/ 700 && chmod -R 600 /home/$USER/.ssh/*" | 05:43 |
TJ- | phirex: Don't use those commands literally without checking/researching their effect first; I'm giving you a fairly specific example but it needs checking and possibly testing on a sacrificial /tmp/dir first | 05:44 |
phirex | ok, but since i'm on live cd the home/user u are refering to is on sda1 | 05:44 |
phirex | ok | 05:44 |
TJ- | phirex: Precisely - you need to adjust paths to fit where you mount the damaged file-system | 05:44 |
phirex | TJ-: ok, i will do, I guess i will get back to this later when i have the time instead of messing things up! | 05:45 |
phirex | Thanks a lot! hopefully will find another good person this evening to help me :) | 05:46 |
Saintpiusx-en | Does anyone know how to be able to have two terminals inside of one screen, kind of like a split screen scenario | 05:56 |
EncryptedCurse | Saintpiusx-en: use tmux | 05:57 |
lotuspsychje | !info terminator | Saintpiusx-en | 05:57 |
ubottu | Saintpiusx-en: terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97-2 (trusty), package size 337 kB, installed size 2048 kB | 05:57 |
TJ- | Saintpiusx-en: read the manual inside Screen, you can use split | 05:57 |
alazyworkaholic | Something related to "gst-plugin-scanner" has seriously messed up my system. Anyone know what that refers to? | 06:04 |
lotuspsychje | !info gst-plugin-scanner | 06:05 |
ubottu | Package gst-plugin-scanner does not exist in trusty | 06:05 |
Saintpiusx-en | TJ-: thanks! | 06:05 |
alazyworkaholic | lotuspsychje: It's preventing Totem, Rhythmbox, Banshee, unity-control-center, and maybe a few other things from running. | 06:07 |
alazyworkaholic | In terminal, they all give something like this; (gst-plugin-scanner:8075): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: type name '\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0001.... for ~1000 lines | 06:08 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: can you tell us what you trying to do exactly? | 06:08 |
EncryptedCurse | looks like something to do with "GStreamer"? | 06:08 |
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alazyworkaholic | lotuspsychje: I'm trying to playback media. VLC, SMplayer work. Totem, Banshee, RhythemBox, GnomeMplayer don't. | 06:09 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ? | 06:10 |
alazyworkaholic | yes, already installed | 06:10 |
lotuspsychje | hmm | 06:10 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: and vlc doesnt play well? | 06:10 |
alazyworkaholic | lotuspsychje: VLC works. | 06:11 |
lotuspsychje | ah | 06:11 |
lotuspsychje | kk | 06:11 |
wilee-nilee | mulitiple bugs on gst-plugin-scanner https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=gst-plugin-scanner+ubuntu&btnG=&gbv=1&sei=UP6TU72DJMbjoASc5IHQDw | 06:11 |
alazyworkaholic | lotuspsychje: already tried removing/installing the media programs and something in synaptic that looked like it had to do with gstreamer and plugins. | 06:13 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: i also read few bugs on that, like wilee-nilee says | 06:13 |
alazyworkaholic | wilee-nilee: I did that search, but I don't know what to make of it. any ideas? | 06:13 |
wilee-nilee | alazyworkaholic, In one bug report the user runs killall gst-plugin-scanner but says it does return | 06:13 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: ubuntu version? | 06:13 |
alazyworkaholic | lotuspsychje: 14.04, updated | 06:14 |
wilee-nilee | alazyworkaholic, seems to be a bug, not an issue here, but it's not installed in my 14.04 nor in synaptic, this an upgraded OS | 06:15 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: what about youtube working good? | 06:15 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: you have plugins suggested when you start a browser? | 06:17 |
alazyworkaholic | lotuspsychje: no, youtube and other videos in browsers work fine | 06:18 |
alazyworkaholic | lotuspsychje: gst-plugin-scanner doesn't seem to be a package, but a whole set of programs seem to use whatever it is in a similar way. | 06:20 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: im just browsing software centre with 'gst' | 06:20 |
wilee-nilee | alazyworkaholic, If you run a remove or purge what does it show for dependencies, you can start either and get a yes or no to finish. | 06:21 |
=== daniel is now known as Corvette | ||
hanasaki | could someone give me a hand with getting the audio on hdmi to work? video is working fine | 06:23 |
Corvette | So I was installing i-nex and halfway through the install my whole machine froze and I had to shut it off. Then when I turned it back on and tried to install it again it said I had to run sudo dpkg --configure -a, and I did, but now when I try to install i-nex it says package cannot be located. | 06:23 |
wilee-nilee | hanasaki, possibly, just share the details with the channel. | 06:23 |
Corvette | hanasaki try installing pavucontrol and switching the audio output to HDMI | 06:23 |
hanasaki | wilee-nilee: what do you need to know? | 06:23 |
alazyworkaholic | when i ran killall gst-plugin-scanner, an error messagebox popped up and showed this executable path: /usr/lib/x75_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer1.0/gstreamer-1.0/gst-plugin-scanner With a title: gst-plugin-scanner crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_video_decoder_get_type() | 06:24 |
wilee-nilee | hanasaki, The channel not me, but just asking for help is not how it works here is all, a description of what you have done helps. | 06:25 |
alazyworkaholic | wilee-nilee: sorry, I don't understand what you mean. remove or purge what? | 06:25 |
wilee-nilee | alazyworkaholic, gst-plugin-scanner | 06:25 |
alazyworkaholic | wilee-nilee: no, it's not a package | 06:26 |
wilee-nilee | alazyworkaholic, The only info I see on the web are these problems going a distance back, no real decription of what it does or dependencies. | 06:26 |
wilee-nilee | alazyworkaholic, Ah part of something. | 06:26 |
hanasaki | ok well first thing is I want to play audio/video through the hdmi to the monitor that has speakers . a dvd player does this fine. the computer only plays video. as a starting point, I want to play a sound through the bash cmd line w/o any GUI | 06:26 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: did you clean install or upgrade? | 06:27 |
wilee-nilee | Corvette, Try sudo apt-get -f install | 06:28 |
alazyworkaholic | lotuspsychje: I think I upgraded from 13.10. I didn't have any playback problems until a month ago. Left for vacation, came back to this. | 06:28 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: can you show us "dpkg -l {lib,}gstreamer* | grep '^i' | pastebinit" ? | 06:28 |
lotuspsychje | alazyworkaholic: maybe something went wrong, bad leftover from upgrade | 06:29 |
Corvette | wilee-nilee that tells me 0 installed 0 upgraded | 06:29 |
alazyworkaholic | tJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7611623/ | 06:29 |
wilee-nilee | Corvette, This a 3rd party, and how was the install made E.g a tar? | 06:30 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: It looks as if your issue is, you've got two versions of gstreamer installed, possibly due to the upgrade. Version 0.10 and 1.0 | 06:30 |
Corvette | wilee-nilee I'm trying to install via a ppa | 06:30 |
alazyworkaholic | TJ-: 1.0 and 0.1 aren't both supposed to be there? | 06:31 |
wilee-nilee | Corvette, Ah, well you can run ppa-purge and redo the whole deal, but technically ppa's are not supported here. | 06:31 |
Corvette | Oh really? | 06:31 |
hanasaki | how do you play an audio file from the bash cmd line? | 06:31 |
Corvette | wilee-nilee if I do ppa-purge that will get rid of all my ppas right? | 06:31 |
wilee-nilee | Corvette, No just the ppa you tell it to. | 06:32 |
wilee-nilee | !ppa-purge | Corvette | 06:32 |
ubottu | Corvette: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 06:32 |
Corvette | Okay | 06:32 |
Corvette | thank you | 06:32 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: Yes, but if there is/has been a 'bad' plugin, it may have left information in the registry that confuses the version of gst that is running. Can you give us the exact path of the gst-plugin-scanner that fails? | 06:32 |
wilee-nilee | Corvette, seems like a pointless tool from here, there are ways to do this from the ubuntu repos. | 06:33 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: You may have three versions on there; for 1.0 64-bit, 0.10 64-bit and 0.10 32-bit | 06:33 |
wilee-nilee | just an opinion though | 06:33 |
Corvette | wilee-nilee, the only thing in the repos is psensr | 06:34 |
Corvette | psensor | 06:34 |
wilee-nilee | Corvette, Gotta be a reason it's not in the ubuntu repos. | 06:34 |
Corvette | Security concerns? | 06:35 |
alazyworkaholic | TJ-: I'm not sure which version is being called. I suppose I should remove all the 0.1 versions, since 0.1 < 1.0? | 06:35 |
wilee-nilee | Corvette, Who know, the point I make here is this is a not supporfted issue, you are on your own with ppa's, you gotta ask yourself is this worth it. ;) | 06:36 |
Corvette | I've found (thus far) that most often people who develop apps for linux do so with good intentions | 06:36 |
wilee-nilee | granted a crash or whatever may be the cause but it still is an unsupported issue Corvette | 06:36 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: No, you don't need to remove any of them. The problem is probably due to some plugin that the version of gst that is used cannot understand the registry data for | 06:36 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: Run a media player that causes the problem, then from a terminal do "ps -efly | grep 'gst-plugin-scanner' " | 06:37 |
wilee-nilee | Corvette> I've found (thus far) that most often people who develop apps for linux do so with good intentions. Not the issue, it is can you fix this with no ones help. | 06:37 |
Corvette | wilee-nilee It's stumping me | 06:37 |
Corvette | but I think I'm just going to install CPU-G instead it looks like it's basically the same and comes from a different ppa | 06:37 |
TJ- | Corvette: sounds like corruption of the dpkg database when the system crashed has confused it | 06:38 |
alazyworkaholic | TJ-: Here's the output. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7611643/ | 06:39 |
Corvette | TJ that's interesting tell me what you know about that | 06:39 |
Trudko | guys is there one place where all packages place their logs? | 06:41 |
TJ- | Corvette: "dpkg" tracks the state of installed packages but not where they come from. If a system crashes whilst dpkg is installing a .deb package, then its not hard to imagine it becoming 'confused' over the state of that package. The best fix would be to ensure the repository for the package is available and then do "apt get install --reinstall <package-name>" | 06:41 |
TJ- | Trudko: convention is, "/var/log/" for system packages | 06:42 |
Trudko | TJ-: and non system? | 06:42 |
TJ- | Trudko: application/user specific | 06:43 |
Trudko | I see | 06:43 |
hanasaki | how do you play a audio file from the bash prompt? it is a wav file | 06:47 |
alazyworkaholic | TJ-: I would run sudo apt-get purge libgstreamer1.0-0, but apt-get tells me it'll remove half the software on my computer (steam, unity, calibre, rhythmbox, etc. etc. etc.) | 06:47 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: As I said, you don't want to be removing anything from the system like that | 06:48 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: The problem is, some plugin is failing whilst being scanned. You'd need to debug it manually | 06:49 |
alazyworkaholic | TJ-: Any ideas, besides reinstall ubuntu? | 06:49 |
dhaval2712 | So, I installed MATE with apt-get install mate-desktop but it's not showing up in the option in the login screen. | 06:49 |
Marduk666 | hi everyone | 06:50 |
Marduk666 | I have been getting some weird issues.... My desktop computer is not recognizing any USB device... I have currently my external HD and a pendrive plugged into the USB ports... it is not recognizing them... this is what I get http://pastebin.com/9HihFpAv | 06:50 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: Reinstall is never a good step! Debug it :) | 06:51 |
wilee-nilee | Marduk666, how about lsusb | 06:51 |
alazyworkaholic | TJ-: How? :-/ | 06:51 |
wilee-nilee | dhaval2712, Trusty? | 06:52 |
Marduk666 | wilee-nilee, did you see the pastebin? | 06:52 |
Marduk666 | the results are there | 06:52 |
helmut_ | hi | 06:52 |
dhaval2712 | wilee-nilee, Yes. | 06:52 |
TJ- | alazyworkaholic: If, for example, totem causes the problem, you can capture a log using "GST_DEBUG=*:5 totem 2>&1 | tee /tmp/gst-plugin-scanner.log" | 06:53 |
wilee-nilee | Marduk666, Yes I did you show a tiny amount of usb | 06:53 |
hanasaki | trying to run an application on one box and display on another. the box to display on has xhost + run however the remote box says connect connect to X server server:0 | 06:53 |
hanasaki | how do you make it display on the other computer? | 06:54 |
dhaval2712 | popey, Hey, you there? | 06:54 |
Marduk666 | wilee-nilee, that's all it shows | 06:55 |
wilee-nilee | dhaval2712, I had heard it was in 14.04, I see a install in synaptic, you tried a reboot as a variable? | 06:57 |
TJ- | Marduk666: try "sudo modprobe usb_storage" | 06:58 |
Marduk666 | TJ already did :( | 06:58 |
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dhaval2712 | wilee-nilee, I logged out... but I will reboot. | 06:59 |
TJ- | Marduk666: In that case "grep usb-storage /var/log/dmesg" or "grep usb-storage /var/log/kern.log" should report "usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage" | 07:00 |
Marduk666 | not finding the file | 07:01 |
hellyeah | hey | 07:02 |
hellyeah | i installed lamp to ubuntu 14.04 and i moved index.html file from www/html to wwww directory but default page is still welcome ubuntu page. Why is that? | 07:02 |
rww | lotuspsychje: (re: -ops) sorted, thanks :) | 07:04 |
lotuspsychje | rww: tnx :p | 07:05 |
lotuspsychje | !lamp | hellyeah | 07:05 |
ubottu | hellyeah: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process. | 07:05 |
JWommack | Also the root folder is usually listed on the default php page that ships with Apache, so check that to make sure it's where you think it is | 07:06 |
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hellyeah | hey | 07:19 |
hellyeah | i installed lamp and i saw ubuntu default page when i typed localhost in my brower. Guess there is a problem. I put my web files under www i couldnt operate those file it is still ubuntu default page. Why is that | 07:21 |
whydowefall | check your document root | 07:22 |
hellyeah | in apache.conf? | 07:23 |
raj | what's the deal with ubuntu for android? | 07:23 |
lotuspsychje | raj: you mean ubuntu-touch? | 07:24 |
raj | yes, I think so | 07:24 |
lotuspsychje | raj: or android support usb for ubuntu? | 07:24 |
lotuspsychje | !touch | raj | 07:24 |
ubottu | raj: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 07:24 |
raj | I want to replace the OS on my phone with linux | 07:24 |
goosee | ...oh my god. | 07:25 |
raj | lotuspsychje, have you used it? | 07:25 |
lotuspsychje | raj: yes i have ubuntu-touch working on my nexus7 | 07:25 |
raj | how's battery life? | 07:25 |
wilee-nilee | raj, not a os like android or others yet be prepared it's still in development. | 07:25 |
lotuspsychje | raj: not all devices work on it yet properly, but join #ubuntu-touch plz | 07:25 |
goosee | Raj, for future reference. If you're running android, you are running linux. | 07:26 |
raj | goosee, I know that | 07:28 |
raj | but I'm upset with the "updated" play store | 07:28 |
lotuspsychje | raj: lets not discuss this here plz | 07:29 |
goosee | Does anyone know how to reduce video tearing? Running a nvidia gt525m chip, have run the latest Nvidia proprietary binaries and see alot of tearing even with VBlank on | 07:30 |
lotuspsychje | goosee: any other drivers list in additional drivers? | 07:31 |
goosee | I've tried them all. It seems as if the picture gets rendered faster than the display can refresh. | 07:31 |
lotuspsychje | goosee: you had this issue on other ubuntu versions? | 07:32 |
goosee | Since, 12.04 | 07:32 |
penguinman | does it happen in other DEs? | 07:33 |
goosee | In Each one, penguinman | 07:34 |
lotuspsychje | goosee: thats an optimus card? | 07:35 |
lotuspsychje | goosee: maybe this can help: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/how-to-fix-video-tearing-in-videos-nvidia-ubuntu | 07:38 |
goosee | lotuspsychje, yes it is. I'm not sure if it's a kernel issue or a driver related. I've updated to a more recent kernel version, still no fix. Only option is to run mesa drivers for the built in intel graphics | 07:38 |
lotuspsychje | !optimus | goosee | 07:39 |
ubottu | goosee: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/ | 07:39 |
oliver14 | hi, i need a shell script to select a given wireless network by ssid and auto connect to it and finally run this script automatically | 07:39 |
goosee | ubottu, i've tried Bumblebee and with the same results. I use optirun to enable the nvidia chip and I get good performance but more tearing. | 07:40 |
ubottu | goosee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:40 |
goosee | lotuspsychje, I've tried the sync to vblank. Doesn't make it better or worse. | 07:41 |
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zeetrex | :) | 07:42 |
TJ- | goosee: Is it particular applications the suffer tearing, or particular modes, such as full-screen? | 07:46 |
Padawan | hey guys, i am taking an course on linux, and i just learned about aptitude and apt-get, but since the course is old which one is the community indicated? | 07:48 |
lotuspsychje | !aptitude | Padawan | 07:48 |
ubottu | Padawan: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see http://pad.lv/831768 for more information. | 07:48 |
lotuspsychje | !apt | Padawan | 07:49 |
ubottu | Padawan: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE) | 07:49 |
goosee | TJ- , i can reproduce it by watching a video with scenes that have quick movements, it does it not matter if it's full screen or not. VLC, along with stock video player all cause this tearing. | 07:49 |
penguinman | Padawan, use apt. trust me. | 07:49 |
wilee-nilee | hmm gotta trust a half penguin half man. | 07:50 |
Padawan | as i understanded both apt and aptitude is a front end to dpkg right? being aptitude a more high lvl one? | 07:50 |
penguinman | Padawan, kinda. aptitude is really more of an apt frontend. | 07:50 |
Padawan | i see | 07:51 |
Padawan | so, it would be better if i used apt directly | 07:51 |
wilee-nilee | I would | 07:51 |
Padawan | ok, thanks guys | 07:51 |
TJ- | goosee: Ensure you've enabled "triple buffering" in the Nvidia driver control panel | 07:53 |
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john_rambo | [PSAD PROBLEM] I have enabled logging by doing these >>> http://pastebin.com/yfSxpEma But I am still getting this email >>>http://pastebin.com/ynPzFNwP | 07:55 |
Padawan | another thing, since i am new and you guys are experienced, i have to search a lot for things before install, so apt-cache then apt-get. Dont you guys find annoying having to deal with 2 commands? I guess i am being annoyed cuz my previous system(osx) had a brew pkg manager, which did it all. | 07:57 |
phunyguy | Padawan, you are aware of the software center, right> | 07:59 |
phunyguy | ? | 07:59 |
oliver14 | hi, i need a shell script to select a given wireless network by ssid and auto connect to it and finally run this script automatically | 07:59 |
wilee-nilee | Padawan, Sounds like your just searching for equivalents to what your used to, after a while you know what they are. | 07:59 |
phunyguy | Padawan, unless you want to stay command line, and if so, tab-complete is a decent enough search most of the time | 08:00 |
Padawan | yeah, both points are good. I will take my time, and use more tab at least at this start | 08:01 |
Padawan | thanks | 08:01 |
wilee-nilee | Padawan, I don't use it but many like the software center | 08:01 |
thecha | padawan you can combine the comands by the operator "|" | 08:01 |
Padawan | yeah, i am not a big advocate of gui | 08:02 |
thecha | this syphons the output of the first comand into the input of the second | 08:02 |
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thecha | http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ | 08:03 |
Padawan | i would prefer stay in the black screen of the terminal xD | 08:03 |
wilee-nilee | Padawan, I just know what I need and apt-get most of the time | 08:03 |
phunyguy | thecha, not sure how that is relevant here. | 08:03 |
thecha | padawan try this link for details | 08:03 |
thecha | phunyguy he said he doesnt liek to have to deal with two commands, he can combine both commands | 08:03 |
phunyguy | thecha, searching for a package and then installing it can hardly be combined to one command | 08:03 |
thecha | why not? | 08:04 |
phunyguy | because scripting something of that magnitude would outweigh the benefit. | 08:04 |
thecha | ? | 08:04 |
Padawan | well aptitude does both search and install, but i guess i will follow the advises to use the raw apt-get/cache ones | 08:05 |
phunyguy | thecha, he needs to search for the package to install before installing..... how would you put that as one command? | 08:05 |
thecha | take the searchs result as iunput for the installer | 08:05 |
phunyguy | thecha, my point stands... it would be a nice lengthy script that would outweigh the benefit of just using two commands | 08:06 |
TJ- | thecha: terrible idea, unless you already know you're searching for a term that gets exactly zero or one results | 08:06 |
thecha | isnt it basically of this form? search | install? | 08:06 |
thecha | not tj | 08:06 |
phunyguy | thecha, what if the result isn't what you want to install? | 08:07 |
thecha | unless you put in a small break inbetween | 08:07 |
phunyguy | kinda boned there. | 08:07 |
Padawan | thecha: i think you misunderstood me. i meant i did: 1- apt-get search somethin 2- apt-get install something (in my osx) | 08:07 |
thecha | after the first command is execuzted you coudl displa the results and then pick whcih oen to deliver to install by entering anumber | 08:07 |
thecha | comeon that has go tto be possible to code in less than ten lines | 08:08 |
phunyguy | thecha, I disagree, and we should agree to disagree here. | 08:08 |
noob_irss | just use the gui at that point | 08:08 |
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phunyguy | noob_irss, yes | 08:08 |
JWommack | ^ | 08:08 |
thecha | ok now i feel liek i have to see if i an make it work to ub it in your faces next week | 08:09 |
thecha | of course if i fail this wil be the last of me | 08:09 |
phunyguy | should be a fun week of coding for you./ | 08:09 |
noob_irss | a week, lol | 08:09 |
TJ- | It's already been done, it ended up in aptitude | 08:09 |
thecha | dont be mean noob | 08:09 |
phunyguy | thecha, I suggest you settle down. | 08:09 |
noob_irss | i hope you do code it, i might be down to use it | 08:10 |
phunyguy | we need to move on | 08:10 |
thecha | O_O | 08:10 |
noob_irss | i usually just type part of the name and hit tab til i see what i want | 08:10 |
phunyguy | noob_irss, that was my recommendation. | 08:10 |
noob_irss | phunyguy: excellent recommendation | 08:10 |
phunyguy | and only if you really need to, to an apt-cache search | 08:10 |
phunyguy | do* | 08:11 |
thecha | phunyguy, look i am settled down dont ban me because you dislike what i said | 08:12 |
thecha | phunyguy, i am neither a troll nor am i disruptive so please dont threaten me | 08:12 |
phunyguy | ... | 08:13 |
Padawan | o.O look guys, i am sorry to had ask that. don't need to discuss over it. It was a stupid question anyway | 08:13 |
jose__ | hola | 08:13 |
phunyguy | Padawan, naah it was a fine question. | 08:13 |
phunyguy | Padawan, hopefully you got your answer. :) | 08:13 |
jose__ | Algun experto con servidor ubunuti | 08:14 |
[[thufir]] | did they take out dovecot-postfix stack? I thought you could install it as one package. | 08:14 |
phunyguy | !es jose__ | 08:14 |
phunyguy | !es | jose__ | 08:14 |
ubottu | jose__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 08:14 |
phunyguy | gree | 08:14 |
phunyguy | grrrr* | 08:14 |
phunyguy | I cannot type tonight. | 08:14 |
jose__ | Gracias | 08:15 |
[[thufir]] | oh, mail-stack-delivery replaced dovecot-postfix stack? | 08:15 |
phunyguy | thecha, I don't see you as disruptive. I just didn't see a reason for creating an advanced bash script to do something that can be done via other methods. | 08:18 |
JWommack | Sorry, but for that entire discussion this is all I could think about: http://i.imgur.com/MIBpN13.jpg | 08:18 |
phunyguy | thecha, except for the noob comment | 08:19 |
phunyguy | thecha, you should probably refrain from that in the future. | 08:19 |
phunyguy | jose__, you OK? | 08:20 |
phunyguy | jose__, type /join #ubuntu-es | 08:21 |
Padawan | ok, at this course i am taking the instructor said most of the community prefer to do a clean install when a new version of the distro is released. Is that true? If so, why is that? | 08:24 |
phunyguy | Padawan, because sometimes the upgrade paths don't work all that well. | 08:25 |
JWommack | Vagrant comes to mind here | 08:25 |
phunyguy | JWommack, one offtopic comment was enough. :) | 08:26 |
TJ- | Padawan: "most of the community"? I'd call nonsense on that, since Ubuntu is used by several millions of users, I think it'd be the tinkerers and experts that are more likely to do a fresh installation | 08:27 |
ikonia | I'd actually say it's the opposite, that most people want to do upgrades (and shouldn't) it's the minority that do clean installs, but they tend to be the more experienced users | 08:28 |
Padawan | i see | 08:28 |
aeon-ltd | Padawan: this is a lot easier with a good partitioning and backup plan, then it really is about 20 mins work depending on the setup | 08:28 |
phunyguy | ^^ | 08:28 |
Padawan | I gotta learn about the file system then. | 08:29 |
TJ- | Padawan: I can't imagine many server deployments doing a fresh install, either :) | 08:29 |
learner | hey guys i "ssh -w 0:0 ip" from machine1 to machine2, on machine 2 tun0 gets created, but on machine1 it doesn't why? | 08:30 |
ikonia | TJ-: pretty much every server I see does a clean install rather than upgrade | 08:30 |
TJ- | ikonia: Where's that at? | 08:30 |
ikonia | TJ-: any business | 08:30 |
aeon-ltd | Padawan: basically have a / + /home separation, that at least preserves most of your preferences and confiigurations | 08:30 |
TJ- | ikonia: I've never seen that except when a new deployment is going on in tandem | 08:31 |
ikonia | TJ-: standard 5 year lifecyle plan | 08:31 |
phunyguy | it is actually fairly common to do fresh installs for a server... considering the schedule of hardware upgrades vs software upgrades | 08:31 |
phunyguy | ikonia++ | 08:31 |
aeon-ltd | if it were lts for server that's not a lot of work in every few years | 08:31 |
Padawan | aeon-ltd: user prefs and configs right? what about installed packages prefs and confs? | 08:31 |
ikonia | phunyguy> ikonia++ | 08:31 |
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ikonia | oops | 08:31 |
phunyguy | :) | 08:31 |
ikonia | aeon-ltd it is if you have 500+ servers | 08:31 |
aeon-ltd | Padawan: that depends | 08:31 |
ikonia | aeon-ltd: the planning alone is significant | 08:31 |
[[thufir]] | I'm testing http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/mail-stack-delivery (dovecot-postfix) but how do I read the mail? http://pastebin.com/7hN6eNu9 | 08:32 |
phunyguy | better to just build out a new server if you budgeted for a new one anyway | 08:32 |
ikonia | [[thufir]]: open a mail client and connect to the mail service you are running | 08:32 |
dhaval2712 | ello? | 08:33 |
phunyguy | hello! | 08:33 |
dhaval2712 | What VNC application do you install on Ubuntu? | 08:33 |
aeon-ltd | dhaval2712: any you like | 08:33 |
phunyguy | !info x11vnc | 08:33 |
ubottu | x11vnc (source: x11vnc): VNC server to allow remote access to an existing X session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.13-1.1 (trusty), package size 969 kB, installed size 2046 kB | 08:33 |
dhaval2712 | Is it tight-vnc, tiger-vnc what? I mean, can you install tigervnc on ubuntu? | 08:33 |
[[thufir]] | ikonia: I tried "mail" command, and to configure thunderbird, no luck with those yet. It's in the Maildir directory. | 08:33 |
phunyguy | dhaval2712, ^^^^ | 08:34 |
phunyguy | !vino | dhaval2712 also this: | 08:34 |
phunyguy | err | 08:34 |
phunyguy | !info vino | dhaval2712 also this: | 08:34 |
ubottu | dhaval2712 also this:: vino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.1-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 132 kB, installed size 556 kB | 08:34 |
dhaval2712 | phunyguy, Well I install two: x11vnc and tiger-vnc. x11vnc to mirror displays, tiger-vnc for another display. | 08:34 |
dhaval2712 | I know vino, but that doesn't do a whole independent desktop, does it? | 08:34 |
phunyguy | what.... | 08:34 |
dhaval2712 | Well you can either see what's on the monitor, or you could have a whole different desktop. | 08:35 |
phunyguy | why wouldn't it? | 08:35 |
phunyguy | dhaval2712, that is what vino is for. | 08:35 |
phunyguy | remote control of an entire desktop, via vnc | 08:35 |
dhaval2712 | OK. So what about a completely different desktop? | 08:35 |
phunyguy | FreeNX? | 08:35 |
dhaval2712 | I'm looking into it... | 08:36 |
[[thufir]] | ikonia which mail client? "mail" CLI? thunderbird? connect my my fqdn "dur.bounceme.net"? | 08:37 |
phunyguy | [[thufir]], that's your choice | 08:37 |
sidd | Hi, I'm having some trouble getting my ethernet online. wlan works find, but ethernet won't even work if I fix the IP manually. | 08:38 |
dhaval2712 | One other thing. In the menus in the system tray, for the ambience theme. The Fonts are dark. | 08:38 |
sidd | nothing unusually in dmesg, so I'm having trouble trouble-shooting... | 08:38 |
dhaval2712 | So I can't really see them. Anybody know how I can change that? I didn't see anything in Unity Tweak tool. | 08:38 |
phunyguy | I need to go to bed. Nearly 5AM... night folks..... | 08:38 |
Padawan | phunyguy: good night, thanks for everything | 08:39 |
[[thufir]] | how do I get the "mail" CLI utility, from mailutils, to read this e-mail? http://pastebin.com/8AaB4bJP | 08:39 |
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guest-h7zHSI | ciao | 08:58 |
Zackstack | OK, I need some help with qbittorent on ubuntu 14.04 I have limited my global upload speed to 1kbps BUT yet qbittorent uses all of my UPLOAD speed even if torrent are uploading 300bytes. System monitor shows huge spike in upload as soon as i open qbitttorent yet when i exit it upload speed goes down | 09:04 |
=== nikki is now known as Guest27006 | ||
[[thufir]] | I'm trying to get ubuntu to read maildir: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4780441/ the mail is there: http://pastebin.com/7hN6eNu9 but thunderbird doesn't seem to let me log into my host (dur.bounceme.net through no-ip.com) nor localhost...? | 09:08 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: check if your pop3/imap-server listens at all? | 09:11 |
llutz | checked* | 09:11 |
roland_ | hello, i was using ubuntu/avidemux on my pb laptop, suddenly it went off during encodic process and now it won't start up anymore; removed cable and battery, pressed power button for 3 minutes, but still neither a sign of power input is showing up (battery charging, ect.); power supply led starts to blinking when put into the laptop; do i have a damaged mainboard? | 09:11 |
[[thufir]] | llutz: swaks test is fine, I was able to send through swaks. (it's like the EHLO test, but automated a bit.) so the answer to the question, as I understand it, is a definitive "yes." | 09:12 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: swaks is a smtp test | 09:13 |
[[thufir]] | ok, so "telnet 25" something like that to test imap (dovecot)? | 09:13 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: sudo lsof -i :143 | 09:14 |
[[thufir]] | llutz: no results from that lsof | 09:16 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: sudo lsof -i :993 | 09:16 |
janslow | thufir are you using POP or IMAP? which ports? did you follow a guide? | 09:16 |
[[thufir]] | http://pastebin.com/6JT59J6X I'm using imap, mail-stack-delivery which seems to be the new(?) version of postfix-dovecot stack. | 09:18 |
janslow | [[thufir]] is that on dur.bounceme.net ( | 09:18 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: so no imap-server listening at all, check dovecot config/logs, check ports 110/995 for pop3(s) too. check all your configs if you are unsure if you use pop3 or imap. read some basic docu | 09:18 |
[[thufir]] | janslow: yes, the fqdn is dur.bounceme.net, and that's the hostname. but there's no mx record, and the ISP blocks port 25 anyhow. | 09:19 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: imap access neither needs an MX-record nor port 25. it needs a imap-server running, which isn't in your case | 09:21 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/ | 09:21 |
[[thufir]] | just to get to something basic, the actual e-mail is in the Maildir directory as a text file. I'm only trying to read an e-mail which was received. That **must** be done through dovecot? (aside from just reading the raw file directly) | 09:22 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: you use dovecot deliver, that is a different part as the imap-server | 09:22 |
syeekick | any way to specify deluge to use only wifi rather than ethernet? | 09:22 |
spiro | hello people | 09:22 |
syeekick | i was wondering cause my powerline adapters suffer in speed and the wifi is very quiick. like 30mbsquicker | 09:23 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: from your previous pase: "(delivered to command: /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver ...." | 09:23 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: that part is called MDA, mail delivery agent, hast nothing to do with imap-access to your mailbox/-dir | 09:24 |
the_linuxian | Hello. I use Ubuntu 12.04.4 with mutiple user. I have a luks encrypted data partition and I want that all user (not only admin) are able to mount/unmount this disk. I configured the crypttab and fstab. In fstab I wrote /dev/sda2_crypt /media/mydisk noauto,user 0 0. But it doesn't work, normal are not able to mount with root password | 09:24 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: itjust delivers mails received by mta (postfix) to mailboxes | 09:24 |
[[thufir]] | I only need access to the mailbox dir in Maildir, that's it. the mail is sitting there already. | 09:25 |
TJ- | the_linuxian: "/dev/sda2_crypt" is not a valid device-mapper nodename, it's more like to be "/dev/mapper/sda2_crypt" | 09:26 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: which needs a pop3/imap server running. your's doesn't, so check logs/config | 09:27 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: or read your mails using less/more/cat/tail/whatever | 09:27 |
the_linuxian | TJ-: yes u're right. it is /dev/mapper/sda2_crypt that I wrote in the fstab. sorry | 09:27 |
TJ- | the_linuxian: so that isn't the problem then :) | 09:27 |
the_linuxian | TJ-: any idea why the user option is taken into account? | 09:28 |
[[thufir]] | right, I'm going to try mailx instead of cat to read the messages. maybe that will work nicely. | 09:28 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: it won't | 09:28 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
[[thufir]] | hmm, so thunderbird needs to connect to dovecot? and dovecot is not running? | 09:29 |
llutz | [[thufir]]: yes | 09:30 |
[[thufir]] | did I flood ubuntu? didn't mean to. | 09:32 |
the_linuxian | Anybody has an idea? thanks | 09:34 |
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nikolam | Why apport-gtk experience internal error? it does it on 13.10 it also used to do that before on 12.04 | 09:44 |
nikolam | As I see it is stops installed system from reporting bugs, right? | 09:44 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
Wipster | Hi, when does the installer start writing to the disc? I know once you select the installation scheme, full disc, overwirte install, other, that the partitions are created. If I was on the country selection screen will it still be installing? | 09:51 |
cfhowlett | Wipster country selection is early in the process. no writing happens there | 09:52 |
Wipster | cfhowlett, perfect this is exactly what I wanted to hear, I lost my windows install at that point, the partitions where switched from mbr to gpt and they where replaced with an full disc ext4. I stopped the liveCD at that point and I am trying to bring the partitions back. | 09:55 |
cfhowlett | Wipster I've only done GPT to MBR conversion after playing Hackintosh on my Dell. Best of luck | 09:56 |
Wipster | cfhowlett, thankyou | 09:56 |
=== soee_ is now known as soee | ||
RaDo | Moin, is this here only about the "server" variants? | 09:58 |
TJ- | Wipster: If you're using a LiveISO for recovery, use 'testdisk', that is the best tool for the job, short of having to do it manually | 09:58 |
Wipster | TJ-, yeh I am in the gparted iso exploring testdisk and photorec currenty, I have identified my work partition and am backing that image that up to an external as we speak. testdisk was unable to show me the file contents however sooo mbr -> gpt may have been really destructive | 10:01 |
TJ- | Wipster: That's not good news, 'testdisk' is *the* tool for recovering/rebuilding partition tables from fragments | 10:02 |
Wipster | TJ-, well heres hoping that its me not knowing how to drive it properly thats the problem :) | 10:03 |
[[thufir]] | ok, I double checked settings and logs. dovecot is running: http://pastebin.com/Q0r8Awhw however, thunderbird still cannot connect. "thunderbird failed to find the settings for your account." | 10:05 |
[[thufir]] | whoops, never mind. I'll try that again. ignore that pls. sorry. | 10:07 |
mashu | when i open nautilus, under devices i have local disk, 1TB HDD and Computer ... | 10:10 |
mashu | is there a way to permanently hide local disk and 1TB HDD | 10:10 |
lazor | Hello can i ask for help here ? | 10:13 |
Ben64 | for ubuntu help, yes | 10:13 |
lazor | Do u support kali help to ? | 10:14 |
cfhowlett | lazor nope. sorry | 10:14 |
cfhowlett | !kali|lazor | 10:14 |
ubottu | lazor: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 10:14 |
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lazor | Thx =) | 10:15 |
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[[thufir]] | ok, thank you for the help. I think all I needed to do was "sudo start dovecot" anyhow, thunderbird connects now. | 10:15 |
sdonatas | Did anyone had a problem with Ubuntu 14.04 hdd repetitive clicking noice while on battery? | 10:20 |
TJ- | sdonatas: No, but the description sounds like the disk is having its head parked too frequently, I've read of similar situations with some drives. I believe there are fixes involving using hdparm to change the power.d config applied by pm-utils | 10:22 |
=== Guest83171 is now known as moarrr | ||
[[thufir]] | I would like to be able to send e-mails to my domain: http://pastebin.com/zWVka17n but swaks gives: IO::Socket::INET6: connect: Connection refused is that a problem with postfix? This is done locally, send/receive on the same computer. | 10:22 |
__0000 | i want to remove the panel from lightdm login. | 10:22 |
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Clinteger | hi | 10:27 |
Clinteger | using hfsplus, mounting it as read/write, it tells me that there is no space left on the device when I am positive there is | 10:28 |
Clinteger | any ideas ? :( | 10:28 |
sdonatas | thanks TJ | 10:29 |
sdonatas | I think this issue was reported ages ago, yet still remains. I'm just wondering how many naive users would land on ubuntu using laptops and realise that their hdd is dead after short period of time | 10:30 |
andreasell | Hi all, i have a problem with ubuntu server in virtualbox, internet speed is horribly slow | 10:31 |
andreasell | anyone have any experience with this? | 10:31 |
TJ- | andreasell: transfers themselves, connections, hostname resolution? | 10:31 |
andreasell | transfers, downloading with apt-get now and i get like 50kb, then 0, then 20... | 10:31 |
andreasell | and i have a 100mbit connection | 10:31 |
dleonardi | hello, i have a 12.04 LTS box, which has a ZFS pool from which i'm copying more or less 2TB of data to a 2TB ext3 partition on a different disk. The data transfer has been ongoing for a couple of days now, as i can hear the disks churning. Unfortunately this is a headless system, and i only log in to it via SSH, but i'm unable to do so, as SSH does not respond except after a very long (and thus unobservable and timeouted) time. the | 10:32 |
TJ- | andreasell: specific target hosts, or all hosts everywhere? | 10:32 |
andreasell | when i check my download speed on speedtest i get about 110mbit | 10:32 |
dleonardi | How can it be that the load is so high, that ssh stops responding? | 10:32 |
andreasell | seems to be everything | 10:32 |
dleonardi | is there anything i could try? | 10:32 |
TJ- | andreasell: Sounds like a VirtualBox issue... have you tried simulating a larger transfer directly from a HTTP server on the host, into the guest? That'd pin down if the interface through VB is the problem | 10:33 |
cfhowlett | andreasell ask in #vbox | 10:33 |
jayayseakay | Hello guys, just picked up a Lenovo Thinkpad L430, would love to run Ubuntu or some other distro, but having issues with the trackpoint | 10:33 |
andreasell | ill try tnx | 10:34 |
andreasell | cfhowlett: ill try that too, tnx | 10:34 |
TJ- | dleonardi: If one of the disks also host the OS file-system then that isn't unusual... access to the OS files has to fight with the data transfer from disk to disk, which will be doing sequential reads/writes as large as possible | 10:35 |
dleonardi | the host OS is on a different disk | 10:35 |
rj1 | jayayseakay: what kind of issues? | 10:35 |
jayayseakay | rj1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/967399 this issue exactly | 10:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 967399 in linux (Ubuntu) "[11.10] Elantech trackpoint does not work Lenovo " [High,In progress] | 10:37 |
jayayseakay | rj1: if i run the patch, i can use the trackpoint but lose multi touch on my trackpad | 10:37 |
jayayseakay | which is a shame cause i bought this thinkpad specifically to run linux as ive just move from mac to this | 10:37 |
TJ- | dleonardi: do you know which CPU scheduler is in use? I usually switch server's to 'deadline' rather than 'ondemand' | 10:38 |
jayayseakay | rj1: i have the elantech driver installed as per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147059 | 10:38 |
dleonardi | honestly i never even heard about a cpu scheduler, so no, i dont know what its set to | 10:39 |
dleonardi | :) | 10:39 |
dleonardi | but it would be worthwhile changing that to something a bit more responsive i guess | 10:39 |
TJ- | dleonardi: see https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/block/deadline-iosched.txt | 10:40 |
rj1 | jayayseakay: looks like you would have to patch the kernel to fix it | 10:41 |
jayayseakay | rj1: oh dear that sounds tricky | 10:43 |
dleonardi | thanks TJ- , ill try changing this as soon as i gain response from the system again | 10:44 |
kurohyou | Hi, i've connected an usb mac keyboard to my laptop, now when i changed the keyboard layout only my keyboard from the laptop changes and not the usb one. Is there an easy way to change the usb keyboard layout also | 10:44 |
RaDo | Moin, with ubuntu-desktop 14/04 and an old notebook I get no sound. How to track down the reason? | 10:46 |
RaDo | (no sound with internal speakers) | 10:47 |
TJ- | jayayseakay: It looks like some fix might be in more recent kernels... "ae4bedf Tue Apr 22 22:56:41 2014 -0700 Jordan Rife Input: elantech - add support for newer elantech touchpads" | 10:47 |
[[thufir]] | what does line 76 http://pastebin.com/qmyPFc6p do? It seems to work, but I'm not sure why. dur.bounceme.net dur | 10:48 |
TJ- | jayayseakay: You could find out by installing the latest mainline kernel built by the kernel team, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds | 10:48 |
TJ- | [[thufir]]: local installations of a private dnsmasq usually use to avoid conflicts with other services on | 10:50 |
olitofuncio | quit | 10:50 |
TJ- | [[thufir]]: It's simply giving two hostnames that 'resolve' to that IP address | 10:50 |
[[thufir]] | is localhost, right? so is "almost" localhost? | 10:51 |
Ben64 | 127.* is all loopback | 10:51 |
[[thufir]] | any 127.* will loopback, ?redirect?, to localhost? | 10:52 |
Ben64 | in effect, yes | 10:52 |
ikonia | [[thufir]]: I'm not sure trying to test email servers if you don't understand the basics of networking is a good idea | 10:52 |
[[thufir]] | why not, please? the mail server cannot send out. | 10:53 |
ikonia | [[thufir]]: because if you don't understand basic networking you won't be able to understand the layers on top that are the mail server | 10:53 |
Ben64 | mail servers are complicated, and a misstep can turn your mail server into a spam relay | 10:53 |
[[thufir]] | well, I personally have no interest in mail servers per se, I just need a mailman function. There's no requirement to send nor receive across the internet. | 10:55 |
ikonia | [[thufir]]: you said you where testing these things - so how can you have no interest in something you are testing | 10:55 |
ikonia | if you have no interest in mail servers, why are you testing mail servers ? | 10:55 |
ronaldsmazitis | Failed to execute default Terminal Emulator. | 10:56 |
ronaldsmazitis | what line will work to open nano in terminal | 10:56 |
ikonia | ronaldsmazitis: what are yo utrying to actually do ? | 10:57 |
ronaldsmazitis | shortcut to nano , it's actually written | 10:57 |
hellyeah | i dont understand ubuntu is frozen | 10:57 |
hellyeah | i had to close computer manually | 10:57 |
cfhowlett | !details|hellyeah | 10:58 |
ubottu | hellyeah: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 10:58 |
[[thufir]] | oh, I only want a specific feature from mailman. The ins and outs of a mail server aren't terribly interesting to me, personally, but, yes, I need to test it a bit and am aware that there are pitfalls. In any event, I'll read a bit about loopbacks. | 10:58 |
hellyeah | cfhowlett: ubuntu did not respond to anything it is just frozen | 10:58 |
ikonia | [[thufir]]: what do you actually want to happen, what's your end goal ? | 10:58 |
cfhowlett | hellyeah what version? what were you doing exactly? what were the error messages? can you put up a screenshot? | 10:59 |
hellyeah | 14.04 | 10:59 |
hellyeah | there is no error message actually it didnt respond me i needed to close computer from switch | 10:59 |
[[thufir]] | it's just the news<-->mail gateway script in mailman I'm after. I had it working once. Fudforum has something similar, it might even be the same script. | 11:00 |
ActionParsnip | ronaldsmazitis: gnome-terminal -c nano | 11:00 |
ronaldsmazitis | tnx ActionParsnip | 11:00 |
ActionParsnip | hellyeah: no response from CTRL + ALT + F1 | 11:01 |
bng | hi all, don't you understand pipes and redirections, please? | 11:01 |
bng | what I am doing wrong? find /mnt/places -iname 'file*' | cfv -C -f checksum-of-files-all-over-places.sfv | 11:01 |
ActionParsnip | bng: yes. Its very simple | 11:01 |
bng | I want to checksum specific files that are returned by find | 11:02 |
Ben64 | and then what do you want the checksums to do? print out in order? make a file? ?? | 11:03 |
ActionParsnip | Bng: you will need to use {} at some point to act on the found files.... | 11:03 |
bng | cfv should write it down in file with the -C | 11:03 |
Ben64 | you probably need something more like xargs | 11:04 |
ActionParsnip | Bng: have you tested the find part of the command on its own? | 11:04 |
ActionParsnip | Ben64: was thinking that | 11:04 |
histo | bng: find ... | md5sum | 11:04 |
bng | ActionParsnip: so {} goes somewhere to the right of | | 11:05 |
histo | Ben64: or + | 11:05 |
Ben64 | histo: no, that will just be the md5sum of the text output of the find command | 11:05 |
bng | the find part works | 11:05 |
ActionParsnip | Bng: as histo said, couldnt you pipe the files to md5sum to generate hashes? | 11:05 |
Ben64 | bng: the way you have that set up is you're finding a list of files, then outputting that text list to cfv | 11:05 |
jess44 | hi | 11:06 |
hellyeah | ActionParsnip: if my english is not clear i am sorry. No respond to anything i just closed my computer from power switch | 11:06 |
bng | Ben64: that sound about right to me except it's not, it seems that cfv receives no files as input | 11:06 |
bng | Ben64: no file names that is | 11:07 |
[[thufir]] | ikonia: http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/mailman-admin/node27.html it's a python script, along the lines of mail_news_gateway.py IIRC which I want to use. I had it running once, it's just to get some gwene (nntp) to e-mail. There are other approaches, but this fits my purposes. | 11:07 |
Ben64 | bng: normally you wouldn't give cfv a bunch of text | 11:07 |
ActionParsnip | hellyeah: yes but did you try dropping to TTY1 | 11:07 |
bng | Ben64: is that so: cfv -C -f outputCRCfile.md | 11:07 |
bng | Ben64: is that so: cfv -C -f outputCRCfile.md5 the files to check | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | Bng: find /mnt/places -iname 'file*' -exec md5sum {} \; >result | 11:08 |
TestUser | hi | 11:09 |
histo | ActionParsnip: yes | 11:09 |
histo | but with + | 11:09 |
bng | ActionParsnip: "-exec" executes the md5sum command on the output? | 11:09 |
histo | bng: yes | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | Bng: on each found file | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | Histo: where would + go? | 11:10 |
histo | ActionParsnip: instead of \; | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | histo: oh, i see. Always did it that way myself | 11:11 |
histo | bng: ActionParsnip find . -iname 'foobar*' -exec md5sum {} + | 11:11 |
histo | bng: nvm | 11:11 |
histo | bng: do it the other way | 11:11 |
histo | that would be bad with + | 11:11 |
bng | ActionParsnip: nice, that does something! | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | Sweet | 11:11 |
histo | bng: it would group them together use \' | 11:11 |
histo | bng: sorry \; | 11:11 |
* histo wonders if it would work with sets | 11:12 | |
ActionParsnip | Could maybe use expect instead too. | 11:12 |
bng | so + or \ ; ? | 11:13 |
histo | Yeap works as expected with + and it's more effecient | 11:13 |
histo | bng: + | 11:13 |
bng | histo: so what do both do? | 11:14 |
histo | bng: \; will do one file at a time. where + will create groups or sets of filenames to process with md5sum. It will still dump a hash of each file individually | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | Could use locate instead of find too, superfast but needs updatedb running as root beforehand | 11:14 |
histo | bng: So if you had a huge list of files from find with \; you could run into problems. With + you don't have that issue. | 11:15 |
histo | ActionParsnip:I don't know if locate has -exec | 11:15 |
ActionParsnip | histo: not sure but the output is similar | 11:15 |
histo | bng: what type of files are you looking for and what names? | 11:15 |
bng | ActionParsnip: locate is nice, but sometimes the files are just installed etc. | 11:16 |
histo | bng: if you have new files you just sudo updatedb with locate | 11:16 |
=== rretzabch is now known as rretzbach | ||
histo | bng: just use find -type f -name 'blah' or -iname 'blah' if you need case insensitive and -exec whatever you want to do + | 11:17 |
bng | histo: so -exec is a parameter of find? | 11:17 |
histo | bng: yes | 11:17 |
histo | bng: just an execute command flag | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | Bng: yes and that is why updatedb is needed | 11:18 |
histo | bng: however with locate you will run into the problem that Ben64 cited. Where piping to md5sum would just hash the listing of files | 11:19 |
bng | histo that it would take *the text* as input, not the files? | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | Histo: for i in `locate foo` do; etc | 11:20 |
histo | bng: right | 11:22 |
histo | bng: unless you use a for loop etc... | 11:22 |
hellyeah | hey | 11:22 |
hellyeah | ActionParsnip: | 11:22 |
hellyeah | no ttf1, nothing | 11:23 |
hellyeah | system is just frozen the only solution close the machine and open again from power button | 11:23 |
bng | I just found that cfv works for checking the CRCs that are across different places, one just needs to be at / | 11:23 |
histo | !info cfv | 11:24 |
ubottu | cfv (source: cfv): versatile file checksum creator and verifier. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.18.3-2 (trusty), package size 33 kB, installed size 142 kB | 11:24 |
HD|Lapto1 | hey all, where's the ubuntu deb builder channel? in this buildlog https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172822197/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armhf.chromium-browser_34.0.1847.116-0ubuntu~ how is dpkg-source invoked? | 11:24 |
jess44 | ubutnu used to freeze on me. i just used to press all the keys at once unlock it | 11:25 |
bng | it seems cfv ignores the leading / on each line -- it takes the filepath as relative, not absolute address | 11:25 |
hellyeah | jess44: you just press al buttons on the keyboard | 11:26 |
jess44 | yep | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | Hellyeah: test RAM using Memtest from Grub | 11:26 |
jess44 | it was something to do with the graphics card | 11:26 |
jess44 | i think | 11:26 |
hellyeah | hmm | 11:26 |
hellyeah | i guess i had this problem and i updated graphic card and it solved | 11:27 |
bng | histo: but if I use loop, will it process the found files in one go? | 11:27 |
bng | histo: * for loop | 11:27 |
histo | bng: one at a time. Why do you need multiple solutions now? | 11:28 |
histo | bng: just use find it's what it was designed for. | 11:28 |
bng | histo: I don't, you just mentioned it :) | 11:28 |
bng | histo: it works, thank you! | 11:28 |
histo | bng: Or you could waste your time learning bash | 11:28 |
histo | not really a waste though | 11:29 |
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tesuji | Following problem. I am on 13.04 and wanted to do apt-get upgrade, now I get "W: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found | 11:32 |
tesuji | " for 3 sources. Any way around that short of a reinstall? | 11:32 |
histo | !eol | 11:33 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 11:33 |
histo | tesuji: ^^^ | 11:33 |
tesuji | thanks | 11:34 |
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tesuji | Guest68039 is a MUCH better name than cls. Good choice | 11:35 |
TJ- | tesuji: Yes, replace the references in "/etc/apt/sources.list" to "archive.ubuntu.com" with "old-releases.ubuntu.com" and then do "sudo apt-get update" then try again | 11:37 |
tesuji | TJ-, thank you I will | 11:37 |
tesuji | this is what I get for not touching this laptop for a year :/ | 11:39 |
histo | tesuji: upgrade to an LTS release and don't worry about it. | 11:39 |
histo | tesuji: like 14.04 | 11:39 |
tesuji | histo, my niece wanted this laptop. I did not expect to ever use it again, but thanks, that's some good advice in this case | 11:40 |
sebastianlutter | I need a linux distribution that is easy to use and fully configurable via web interface. It should be useable for a noob. Installing it does not to be easy (I'm very familiar with linux) | 11:40 |
sebastianlutter | media streaming options would also be good. Any hints? Thanks | 11:41 |
sebastianlutter | I found openmediavault and freenas. Any other suggestions? Or any thought which one is more flexible and easy to use? | 11:42 |
histo | sebastianlutter: Are you talking for a media server? | 11:42 |
sebastianlutter | histo, more NAS, it has no screen attached. | 11:43 |
histo | sebastianlutter: well freenas is not linux but it's great. Or you could run a headless server and do something like owncloud | 11:44 |
tesuji | should anyone stumble upon a similar problem: it was the the extra sources (independent) that prevented the upgrade. Thanks to all who helped. | 11:45 |
wols_ | sebastianlutter: in this channel there is only a single distro: ubuntu. nothing else | 11:45 |
sebastianlutter | histo, The important thing is: It is used by a noob, so it should be easy to use via web interface with LVM / RAID options. Adding and removing hdds should be possible. | 11:45 |
xianchen | xf | 11:45 |
sebastianlutter | wols_, ok, you are right | 11:45 |
xianchen | hi | 11:46 |
histo | sebastianlutter: then definately recommend freenas | 11:46 |
histo | sebastianlutter: you can even just boot off of a small thumb drive or cdrom so you have more space on your disks | 11:47 |
makara | hi. I have a Kindle Fire HDX I need to work on, but I have to use Windows. VirtualBox can't detect the Kindle when its plugged in. What 2 do? | 11:50 |
histo | makara: setup a usb filter in virtualbox so that windows guest can see the kindle | 11:51 |
makara | extensions are installed and USB 2.0 (EHCI) Controller is enabled | 11:51 |
histo | makara: then in settings for your vm under usb click the add filter button and select your kindle device. then the guest OS should be able to see it. | 11:51 |
makara | histo, the one with the green plus sign? Because its empty | 11:52 |
histo | makara: it says no devices availible when you click it? | 11:52 |
makara | just a plain empty 'new filter' ? | 11:52 |
histo | makara: no not the empty filter the green plus one. Then you should be able to select the kindle. | 11:53 |
histo | makara: does lsusb show the kindle? | 11:53 |
makara | VirtualBox menu > USB Devices > No USB Devices Connected | 11:54 |
makara | guest additions not installed | 11:54 |
histo | makara: well you need gust additions, and run lsusb in a terminal | 11:54 |
cfhowlett | makara entirely possible that the kindle uses some custom driver that may/may not be Vbox compatible. perhaps wine! | 11:55 |
makara | histo, lsusb outputs some devices. What am I looking for? | 11:55 |
histo | cfhowlett: shouldn't matter. | 11:55 |
histo | makara: the kindle | 11:55 |
makara | `Lab126, Inc.` | 11:55 |
MasterChief10 | Hello, what means message " INIT: Id "T0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes" ? | 11:55 |
* histo bites tongue | 11:55 | |
histo | makara: unplug the kindle. sudo dmesg -c then plug you kindle in and check the output of dmesg | 11:56 |
makara | histo, that's the kindle. Lab126 is subsidiary of Amazon | 11:56 |
histo | makara: k | 11:56 |
histo | makara: do you have guest additions installed or not? | 11:57 |
makara | histo, do you want the difference between first dmesg and 2nd? | 11:57 |
makara | histo, oh i see | 11:57 |
makara | ok, now what | 11:58 |
histo | makara: do you have guest additions installed? | 11:58 |
makara | histo, does it REALLY need that? Shouldn't vbox see the device anyway? | 11:58 |
histo | makara: yes it needs it. Also you user needs to be a member of the vboxusers group | 11:59 |
histo | makara: http://dedoimedo.com/computers/virtualbox-usb.html | 12:00 |
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Guest29442 | admin | 12:07 |
histo | Guest29442: HUH? | 12:07 |
* asdofindia granted Guest29442 admin status | 12:08 | |
* histo ducks from ban hammer | 12:08 | |
ODB2 | Hi | 12:17 |
histo | ODB2: hi | 12:17 |
ODB2 | histo | 12:17 |
ODB2 | do you know why I am called the ODB? | 12:18 |
histo | ODB2: no | 12:18 |
cfhowlett | ODB2 ask your ubuntu support questions | 12:18 |
ODB2 | sure | 12:18 |
ODB2 | does anyone know where I can get an ARM7 cross compiler? | 12:19 |
TJ- | ODB2: On Trusty? "sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi" | 12:27 |
maurice_la_sauci | hello | 12:27 |
jess44 | hi | 12:27 |
maurice_la_sauci | any riseup user here? | 12:27 |
histo | !any | maurice_la_sauci | 12:28 |
maurice_la_sauci | ? | 12:28 |
cfhowlett | !anyone | 12:28 |
cfhowlett | histo they killed ALL my favorite factoids! | 12:28 |
maurice_la_sauci | is it possible to access emails via ssh? | 12:29 |
ODB2 | cfhowlett | 12:30 |
ODB2 | Hod does odb like his steak?? | 12:30 |
cfhowlett | ODB2 stay on topic or play in #ubuntu-offtopic please. this is the support channel. | 12:30 |
jellow | maurice_la_sauci, why do you want to use ssh? | 12:33 |
wols_ | maurice_la_sauci: yes | 12:34 |
makara | histo, ok so guest additions installed, extensions installed. I've created a filter and plugged in the device, which shows under dmesg | 12:37 |
makara | histo, do I need to add the information I see in dmesg to the filter? | 12:37 |
histo | makara: is your user a member of vboxusers? | 12:38 |
histo | makara: type groups ina terminal to see | 12:38 |
Clinteger | hello | 12:39 |
Clinteger | iḿ installing 14.04 right now and it seems to be stuck on running post-installation trigger update-notifier-common | 12:40 |
histo | maurice_la_sauci: in a way yes. | 12:40 |
jess44 | hi | 12:40 |
Clinteger | Is this something I should worry about? | 12:40 |
Clinteger | normally triggers don't take so long | 12:40 |
makara | histo, I added using 'usermod -a -G vboxusers makara` but vboxusers still doesn't shows in `groups` | 12:42 |
IdleOne | Clinteger: stuck for how long now? | 12:42 |
makara | but there it is `sudo /etc/group` last line `vboxusers:x:125:makara` | 12:43 |
llutz | makara: user needs to logout/re-login | 12:43 |
makara | bah | 12:43 |
Clinteger | IdleOne: like 20 minutes | 12:43 |
IdleOne | Clinteger: I would give it another 10. | 12:44 |
Clinteger | IdleOne: and if that doesn't help? | 12:44 |
histo | makara: you will ahve to log otu and back in | 12:45 |
IdleOne | Clinteger: Then you may have to consider rebooting or you might want to give it another 10 minutes after that. Personally I prefer waiting and seeing if it works itself out. I have had it happen to me before where I waited an hour. | 12:45 |
histo | makara: after that you should be able to just click devices and it should be there for your guest vm | 12:46 |
histo | makara: I have to go | 12:46 |
makara | histo, ok, thanks a lot | 12:46 |
Clinteger | ok IdleOne I am just going to go to the lake :p | 12:46 |
IdleOne | Clinteger: sounds like a good plan | 12:47 |
makara | lets all go to the lake | 12:47 |
makara | har har har | 12:47 |
phirex | Hi, yesterday my computer was shut down due lack of battery and my harddrive didnt mount, today i was able to make it mount by using this fix http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1245536&p=7822694#post7822694 | 12:48 |
phirex | unfortunately i used boot-repair and i think it caused my ubuntu installation not to boot anymore :< | 12:49 |
phirex | (before fixing the harddrive) | 12:49 |
phirex | Now, i am in a stage that i just want to backup the files, but some of the files on that recovered partition say "Permission denied" | 12:49 |
cfhowlett | phirex get a boot USB and see what's left on the drive | 12:49 |
phirex | cfhowlett: I am on liveCD now and most of the files are showing, although some of them give me "permission denied" | 12:50 |
makara | omg its working | 12:50 |
phirex | I am not sure wether they are encrypted or perhaps they are just corrupt... | 12:50 |
cfhowlett | phirex gksudo mount the hdd, change permissions and back it up | 12:51 |
phirex | so should i unmount it and mount again with gksudo? | 12:52 |
cfhowlett | phirex I believe that's the process. gksudo will give you root permissions | 12:53 |
phirex | whats the mount command btw? :) | 12:53 |
phirex | gksudo mount /dev/sda1 ? | 12:53 |
cfhowlett | phirex gksudo your gui filemanager | 12:53 |
IdleOne | why would you use gksudo with mount? gksudo is normally used for graphical applications | 12:54 |
cfhowlett | IdleOne he's hitting some permission issues trying to back up files. help if you can - I've only read about this. | 12:54 |
phirex | ok gotcha | 12:54 |
IdleOne | hmm not sure I can help. just don't see how gksudo mount is any better and/or useful with mount | 12:55 |
phirex | "gksudo nautilus" did nothing | 12:57 |
cfhowlett | IdleOne I thought using gksudo would solve the permission issues so he could copy things | 12:57 |
phirex | whats wrong with sudo nautilus? | 12:57 |
cfhowlett | phirex gksudo for gui apps like nautilus, right? | 12:57 |
phirex | cfhowlett: thats what i tried, nothing happened | 12:58 |
IdleOne | cfhowlett: that would allow him to work with the files he is having issues with but it won't fix the permission issue. Again I am not sure I can help with the permissions problem though. | 12:58 |
phirex | Well i am just trying to back up the files | 12:59 |
cecropia | hey guys, my apt-get upgrade is breaking, not sure why http://dpaste.com/1KQCWZT.txt | 12:59 |
phirex | i believe moving it to a new hdd will not keep those permission issues with the files, right? | 13:00 |
IdleOne | phirex: I think the problem is you are trying to back up files owned by root and your user (the backup application) needs to be ran as root. | 13:00 |
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IdleOne | ran as root meaning with sudo | 13:00 |
phirex | Well i think its working now. i "sudo nautilus" and no longer see permission issues | 13:01 |
lamrz | hello, I tried to create a dd image of a 100GB drive on a 150GB target drive. the process was stopped after 4.3GB, saying "file too large" ??! | 13:01 |
cfhowlett | IdleOne right, I was just trying to get him to where he could cpy the files - but that seems not to have worked. | 13:02 |
llutz | lamrz: target is vfat filessytem? | 13:02 |
lamrz | llutz, it is fat..oh, that's why? | 13:02 |
llutz | lamrz: yep, no files >4GB | 13:02 |
lamrz | llutz..yeah..now i remembered that it had happened once again :)) | 13:03 |
lamrz | llutz, thank you! :) | 13:03 |
d3vlin | X configures my touchpad using evdev instead of synaptics. How can I change that? | 13:03 |
Safa_[A_boy] | Hello. When I click on the PDF file downloaded, it opens with GIMP. How can I set the application to Okular instead of GIMP? | 13:04 |
d3vlin | With evdev the touchpad basics work fine, but some features are missing | 13:04 |
wadhadegesoden | wad | 13:05 |
trijntje | what is the best filesystem to use on a ubs install? I was thinking ext2 because I'm worried that a journalled filesystem will wear out the flash memory by writing the log all the time | 13:06 |
adamcunnington_ | Hi, can i run 3 monitors with ubuntu? | 13:06 |
gry | !info stunnel4 | 13:10 |
ubottu | stunnel4 (source: stunnel4): Universal SSL tunnel for network daemons. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.53-1.1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 147 kB, installed size 454 kB | 13:10 |
gry | optional, ok, thanks | 13:10 |
mitsurugi | hello | 13:10 |
lotuspsychje | mitsurugi: hi, what can we do for you? | 13:11 |
mitsurugi | just wanted to say | 13:11 |
mitsurugi | *hi | 13:11 |
mitsurugi | i have a fresh 14.04 install and it feels great | 13:12 |
TJ- | adamcunnington_: You can run as many as you want | 13:12 |
lotuspsychje | mitsurugi: trusty feels lik freedom indeed :p | 13:12 |
adamcunnington_ | TJ-: great thanks | 13:13 |
TJ- | adamcunnington_: *hardware-allowing, of course | 13:13 |
adamcunnington_ | TJ-: yea thanks | 13:13 |
mitsurugi | now i'm getting familiar with unity | 13:13 |
cebor | hi in which pack is the "add-apt-repository" cmd ? 14.04 | 13:13 |
TJ- | cebor "software-properties-common" | 13:14 |
lotuspsychje | mitsurugi: unity is real intuitive once you get used to it | 13:14 |
TJ- | Aren't most things?! | 13:14 |
lotuspsychje | TJ-: well at birth of unity, i missed bottom style dock as gnome, but now im really used to left side | 13:15 |
* TJ- thinks lotuspsychje meant counter-intuitive | 13:15 | |
AlexPortable | Hello. I can set my resolution higher than 1024x768 | 13:16 |
AlexPortable | how can i solve it? | 13:16 |
roy | running multisite but cant get emails to send, any ideas? | 13:16 |
lotuspsychje | !resolution | AlexPortable | 13:16 |
ubottu | AlexPortable: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 13:16 |
angela | hi,everyone, may i have a question? why can't type using fcitx in sublime-2 | 13:17 |
TJ- | lotuspsychje: Unity is unusable on multi-display systems | 13:17 |
lotuspsychje | TJ-: even with xrandr? | 13:18 |
trijntje | what is the best filesystem to use on a ubs install? I was thinking ext2 because I'm worried that a journalled filesystem will wear out the flash memory by writing the log all the time | 13:19 |
OerHeks | trijntje, you can tweak grub, noatime will save a lot of writing | 13:19 |
TJ- | lotuspsychje: It's more fundamental than that, I had to switch over to KDE | 13:19 |
OerHeks | ext4 will be fine, i guess | 13:19 |
lotuspsychje | TJ-: you have multiple screens? | 13:20 |
TJ- | lotuspsychje: Problems on systems with 4 and 6 displays | 13:20 |
lotuspsychje | TJ-: i had a user here recently with 6 grafix cards on unity, maybe that why it got messed maybe..? | 13:21 |
TJ- | It's also not great on simpler, dual display configs, but it does at least work on those... but gets in the way, especially with high-res screens unless the stolen application menu workaround is in place | 13:21 |
TJ- | lotuspsychje: Yes, very likely | 13:21 |
trijntje | OerHeks, I read somewhere that the journal of ext4 gets written a lot, so that can also wear out the stick. But its hard to find info on this sinch all search results are polluted by people explaining how to make a linux installation disk on usb ;) | 13:22 |
lotuspsychje | TJ-: so you suggest kubuntu 14.04 for multiple? | 13:22 |
jayayseakay | serv | 13:22 |
TJ- | lotuspsychje: That was my solution, yes... I spent a couple days trying to fix it but gave up as not worth the trouble | 13:22 |
lotuspsychje | TJ-: ok nice to know! | 13:23 |
TJ- | lotuspsychje: I've got 3 GPUs on this laptop, for 6 displays | 13:23 |
lotuspsychje | TJ-: lol are you ne0 in the matrix :p | 13:23 |
TJ- | what, or who? | 13:24 |
lotuspsychje | TJ-: nvm was lil matrix joke | 13:24 |
OerHeks | trijntje, yes, but noatime stops the access time writing to files, what saves time and avoids the chance of white spots. | 13:24 |
OerHeks | swapiness is an other one | 13:25 |
winb | so many on ipv6 now | 13:26 |
kdeuser56 | how can I use the largest continuous free space to create a partition using one command? | 13:26 |
trijntje | OerHeks, yeah, ill use zram-config instead of a swap partition, lubuntu should run fine on almost any pc without swap | 13:26 |
lotuspsychje | kdeuser56: gparted can be helpfull | 13:27 |
kdeuser56 | lotuspsychje: yeah I am searching for one command, to let a script do this | 13:27 |
kdeuser56 | lotuspsychje: I know how to do it using a gui program, but not how to do it using command line | 13:28 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: use "parted" see "man parted" | 13:28 |
phirex | while on liveCD, if i want to permanently install Ubuntu where do i go if i dont want to reboot? (on startup it asks Try/Install).... | 13:28 |
kdeuser56 | TJ: I already looked at parted, but I would have to specify the blocks | 13:28 |
jayayseakay | Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to patch as seen in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/967399 comment #11 | 13:28 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 967399 in linux (Ubuntu) "[11.10] Elantech trackpoint does not work Lenovo " [High,In progress] | 13:28 |
kdeuser56 | TJ: do you know how I could simply say parted: use the largest continuouse free space? | 13:29 |
lotuspsychje | jayayseakay: you still on 11.10? | 13:29 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-, sorry for misspelling you nick | 13:29 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: is it for MBR, GPT, or both? | 13:30 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: that should not matter, but primary for mbr | 13:30 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, no im on 14.04, I just bought a thinkpad l430 to use linux on, and ive got the trackpoint working but at the loss of the multi touch functionality on the trackpad | 13:30 |
AlexPortable | lotuspsychje: xserver does not supports the size selected | 13:31 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: I want my script to handle things like this: take the specified device, create a new partition using the largest continouse free space | 13:31 |
dhaval2712 | So, Ubuntu, as in the entire OS, crashes when I start the YouTube Webapp from the launcher. | 13:31 |
=== cassio is now known as Guest80539 | ||
dhaval2712 | I can't switch to a tty, I can't kill it from an ssh session. Nothing. | 13:32 |
dhaval2712 | popey, You there mate? | 13:32 |
gry | check your logs please | 13:32 |
dhaval2712 | gry: Which logs specifically? | 13:32 |
gry | no clue | 13:33 |
gry | /var/log/kern.log or dmesg | 13:33 |
lotuspsychje | jayayseakay: trackpoint is that like trackball mose you mean? | 13:33 |
gry | describe what sort of thing you see when it crashes | 13:33 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: what crashes? X? kernel panic? compiz? | 13:33 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: have a look at /var/crash | 13:33 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: if something crashed there should be a file like <name>.1000.crash | 13:34 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: something like sfdisk or sgdisk then? | 13:34 |
dhaval2712 | I see it. kdeuser56, I'm not really sure what crashes. The system just freezes. I can't switch to a VTTY, I can't kill things from an ssh session. | 13:34 |
dhaval2712 | I see two files, one with the words unity-scope-home_unity or something in it. | 13:35 |
dhaval2712 | And the other is something about apport. | 13:35 |
dhaval2712 | How do you upload to the ubuntu pastebin? | 13:35 |
kdeuser56 | TJ- : no way to do this with standard tools? | 13:35 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: is the issue reproducible every time? | 13:36 |
dhaval2712 | kdeuser56, Yep. | 13:36 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: exact names of the files in /var/crash please | 13:36 |
dhaval2712 | Yeah hang on I'm looking for the pastebin cleint. | 13:36 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: they are standard tools; they're the scriptable tools | 13:37 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: and check the time stamps if the coincide with the freeze | 13:37 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: open the files, you will see a timestamp | 13:37 |
AlexPortable | `so how do i fix my resolution? | 13:37 |
dhaval2712 | kdeuser56, They don't coincide. | 13:38 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: for sure? neither of the files? | 13:38 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: how would I do that then? | 13:38 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, sorry was d/c'd | 13:38 |
dhaval2712 | kdeuser56, Yep. Neither of the files. | 13:38 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: then there was no crash | 13:38 |
dhaval2712 | kdeuser56, So what do you think happened? | 13:39 |
lotuspsychje | jayayseakay: is that like a trackball mouse? | 13:39 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: did you remove apport? | 13:39 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, yeah | 13:39 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: or disable it? | 13:39 |
dhaval2712 | No and no. kdeuser56, Is there an equivalent to journalctl ? | 13:39 |
lotuspsychje | !info gpointing-device-settings | jayayseakay try this mate | 13:39 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, there is a fix on the ticket on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/967399 but i dont know what to do with it | 13:39 |
ubottu | jayayseakay try this mate: gpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-6ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 62 kB, installed size 504 kB | 13:39 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | hi | 13:39 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 967399 in linux (Ubuntu) "[11.10] Elantech trackpoint does not work Lenovo " [High,In progress] | 13:39 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | I am trying to use ubuntu through hyper-v | 13:39 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | I have installed it fine but am having mouse issues | 13:39 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, it seems to be a commonly occuring issue | 13:40 |
makara | any idea why my Lenovo B570 with 14.04 desktop won't logout, reboot or shutdown? I always have to hold down the power button | 13:40 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | I can see the cursor move and I can even right click | 13:40 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: when apport did not detect the crash, then it was quite certainly no crash. Maybe some graphics freeze? | 13:40 |
dhaval2712 | kdeuser56, These are the files: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7613073/ | 13:40 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, but in the ticket it says there is a patch i can do but im a new linux user coming from macos | 13:40 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | but left click appears to do nothing | 13:40 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | hmm maybe it is being very very slow | 13:40 |
dhaval2712 | kdeuser56, Well if that were the case, I should've been able to kill X when I tried from an ssh client. | 13:40 |
dhaval2712 | Right? | 13:40 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: how did you try to kill it? | 13:40 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: exact command please | 13:41 |
dhaval2712 | sudo kill -s 9 $(pgrep X) and sudo kill -s 9 $(pgrep -u dhaval) | 13:41 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | yeah, firefox just popped up after minutes of wait | 13:41 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: build the info up using parted, I'd recommend | 13:41 |
dhaval2712 | kdeuser56, And pkill X | 13:41 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: so there is no simple option for that? | 13:42 |
lotuspsychje | TJ-: maybe he can use fdisk too for partitioning? | 13:42 |
kdeuser56 | lotuspsychje: yeah, but remember it should be script, so no interactive mode | 13:42 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: what was the response? | 13:43 |
kdeuser56 | dhaval2712: how can you be sure it was not killed? | 13:43 |
dhaval2712 | Screen was still froznem. | 13:43 |
lotuspsychje | kdeuser56: whats your end goal exactly, boot and automatic create partition on free space? | 13:43 |
kdeuser56 | lotuspsychje: long story short: I am creating a preseed config. I the early_command it should create a luks partition using the biggest available continouse space and then install stuff in that | 13:45 |
TestUser2 | hi | 13:45 |
kdeuser56 | lotuspsychje: preseeding allows for crypto partitions by default, but only when formatting the whole disk | 13:45 |
lotuspsychje | kdeuser56: can this help? http://superuser.com/questions/332252/creating-and-formating-a-partition-using-a-bash-script | 13:46 |
dhaval2712 | Hang on, maybe there's an update I could do. | 13:47 |
lotuspsychje | jayayseakay: try that gpointing tool, might be able to config more buttons | 13:47 |
AlexPortable | so, how can I fix this? | 13:48 |
TestUser1 | hi | 13:48 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: what the resolution, ubuntu chose for your setup? | 13:48 |
dhaval2712 | Is there a way I can turn off Animations in Unity? | 13:48 |
AlexPortable | 1024x768 | 13:48 |
lotuspsychje | dhaval2712: with ccsm | 13:48 |
AlexPortable | few days before it was 1600x1050 or so | 13:48 |
dhaval2712 | lotuspsychje, nevermind. | 13:49 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: did you upgrade or something? | 13:49 |
AlexPortable | no | 13:49 |
daftykins | new kernel? | 13:49 |
AlexPortable | i started the computer the next day | 13:49 |
AlexPortable | that's all what changed | 13:49 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: on 14.04? | 13:49 |
AlexPortable | 10.04 | 13:50 |
daftykins | !10.04 | 13:50 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details. | 13:50 |
daftykins | sorry, you're unsupported | 13:50 |
AlexPortable | so what should i do now? | 13:50 |
daftykins | upgrade :) | 13:50 |
cfhowlett | daftykins way WAY past time to do an upgrade! | 13:50 |
AlexPortable | parents don't like unity | 13:50 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: Something like this? "FIRST_SECTOR=$(sudo parted -sm /dev/sda unit s print | tail -1 | cut -d: -f3); LAST_SECTOR=$(sudo parted -sm /dev/sda unit s print free | grep free | sort -t: -k5 | head -1 | cut -d: -f3); parted -ms /dev/sdz unit s mkpart primary ${FIRST_SECTOR%s*} ${LAST_SECTOR%s*}" ? " | 13:50 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: install a version from topic mate | 13:50 |
AlexPortable | mint is too slow | 13:51 |
cfhowlett | !flavors|AlexPortable | 13:51 |
ubottu | AlexPortable: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. | 13:51 |
daftykins | cfhowlett: not sure which hair you're splitting today, but 'upgrade' may mean installing a newer release as well as the supported command. | 13:51 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, if that doesnt work, how do i go about patching like in that bug fix? | 13:52 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: In fact, you can probably pass the 's' designators though you'd have to check that: "parted -ms /dev/sdz unit s mkpart primary $FIRST_SECTOR $LAST_SECTOR" | 13:52 |
cfhowlett | daftykins install a currrently supported release. 12.04/14.04 are both LTS ... | 13:52 |
daftykins | cfhowlett: i don't understand why you're addressing me with this information, you realise i know this right? | 13:52 |
AlexPortable | well my parents need something that looks like 10.04 | 13:53 |
AlexPortable | and h | 13:53 |
AlexPortable | and how can i get all driver settings and printer settings back? | 13:53 |
dhaval2712 | AlexPortable, Try MATE. | 13:53 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: you might be better off hopping distro then, try a Mint | 13:53 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable xubuntu and to some degree lubuntu both resemble XP | 13:53 |
AlexPortable | mint is too slow | 13:53 |
dhaval2712 | AlexPortable, Or Fedora. It works. | 13:53 |
AlexPortable | i've had to do a lot of work to get my scanner and printer working | 13:53 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-, thanks, I will have to play with it for a while before I can report back, thanks for the input! | 13:54 |
cfhowlett | alex_ also lubuntu is optimized for older/lower spec hardware - which I suspect is causing mint to run like maple syrup (great distro name that is!) | 13:54 |
kdeuser56 | lotuspsychje: that link indeed be useful | 13:54 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: we understand the challenges but we've presented you with the facts and you know what must be done, if you pick an ubuntu i'm sure those issues can be helped with, but until then general discussion isn't really going to help | 13:54 |
AlexPortable | lubuntu = lxde, it sucs | 13:54 |
AlexPortable | sucks | 13:54 |
AlexPortable | daftykins: yes but why did it work fine 2 days ago | 13:54 |
cfhowlett | alex_ xubuntu = xfce | 13:54 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: the trick is, use "-ms" to get machine-formatted output with scripting interface (asks no questions), and use "unit s" to get units in sectors | 13:54 |
dhaval2712 | AlexPortable, LXDE on Ubuntu is fairly sexy. | 13:54 |
AlexPortable | support ended, so resolution just suddenly broke? | 13:54 |
AlexPortable | or did canonnical send am essage to my computer 'mess up the resolution so he upgrades' | 13:55 |
shaddowed | dhaval2712 lol no | 13:55 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: i don't know, but we can't in good conscience assist fixing it, because you're running an outdated unsecure system | 13:55 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: we cant support you until you install version from topic mate | 13:55 |
AlexPortable | why did it end btw? | 13:55 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable you know that did not happen. but fixing an unsupported/outdated/insecure system ... nope | 13:55 |
cfhowlett | !10.04 | 13:55 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details. | 13:55 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: that's a really ridiculous idea, it's not a commercial product so there's no reason they'd want you to upgrade other than for your own safety | 13:55 |
AlexPortable | you guys just won't help me because it ended? | 13:55 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable unsupported. UNsupported. | 13:55 |
AlexPortable | ? | 13:56 |
wols_ | AlexPortable: no one CAN help you. not possible | 13:56 |
AlexPortable | whats the difference cfhowlett (besides 2 letters) | 13:56 |
AlexPortable | wols_: why not? | 13:56 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: correct. software development moves on, older things have to be given up on | 13:56 |
AlexPortable | it's basically the same on newer ubuntu versions | 13:56 |
wols_ | 10.04 is EOL. just like Microsoft support for XP ended. same thing | 13:56 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: it would be not safe to help on insecure system | 13:56 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable means we don't/won't work with it. | 13:56 |
daftykins | we're not having this discussion, please accept it and move on | 13:56 |
cfhowlett | ^^^ this | 13:56 |
AlexPortable | lotuspsychje: how is it insecure? | 13:56 |
AlexPortable | it's not connected to the internet or something | 13:56 |
cfhowlett | !eol| AlexPortable | 13:56 |
ubottu | AlexPortable: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 13:56 |
shaddowed | wols: xp is only eol on paper, it's still madly popular, in fact more users use xp than ubuntu | 13:56 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: support ended for a reason right | 13:56 |
cfhowlett | next issue please - and XP is off-topic | 13:57 |
AlexPortable | well you can still get support for xp | 13:57 |
daftykins | no you cannot | 13:57 |
cfhowlett | !OT|AlexPortable then install it or don't. either way | 13:57 |
AlexPortable | yes you can | 13:57 |
ubottu | AlexPortable then install it or don't. either way: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 13:57 |
AlexPortable | there are people who are willing to help you ot | 13:57 |
daftykins | ok well the real definition of 'support' is the manufacturer, i.e. Microsoft - and they don't, so please drop it | 13:58 |
daftykins | having a little rant in here isn't going to change anything | 13:58 |
cfhowlett | rant will not change anything things either | 13:59 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: if your ubuntu version is outdated, strange things can happen to your system..like your issue | 13:59 |
AlexPortable | how so | 13:59 |
AlexPortable | why can those things happen | 13:59 |
TJ- | AlexPortable: Your best self-help measure is to investigate the log files in "/var/log/" and look at entries just before the issue arose, see if there are clues there. | 14:00 |
g105b | Is it possible to use Dropbox or something like that to sync the home directory, now I'm replacing Ubuntu One? | 14:00 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable unsecure system = invitation to break. NOW> we are done with this issue. your choice is to install a supported version. or not. your choice. but no support will be forthcoming to support 10.04. sorry | 14:00 |
AlexPortable | how do i enable remote desktop in unity? | 14:00 |
cfhowlett | g105b yes dropbox can be used to backup your data | 14:01 |
g105b | cfhowlett: but can it be used to *sync* folders within my home directory? | 14:01 |
AlexPortable | g105b: yes | 14:01 |
lotuspsychje | g105b: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/three-alternatives-ubuntu-one | 14:01 |
g105b | AlexPortable: I'd really like to learn how... all I can do is use symlinks which breaks projects. | 14:02 |
g105b | lotuspsychje: thanks I'll give it a read | 14:02 |
cfhowlett | g105b make a dropbox folder in /home. everything you put in /dropbox backs up to cloud | 14:02 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: echo -e "o\nn\np\n1\n\n\nw" | fdisk /dev/sdb seems to do too | 14:02 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | kdeuser56 | 14:03 |
ubottu | kdeuser56: Glad you made it! :-) | 14:03 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: I mean echo -e "\nn\np\n\n\n\nw" | sudo fdisk /dev/sdb | 14:03 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: Yes, you can do that, be aware it can break in scripts. You're redirecting stdin... if the shell redirects other fd's then it might not work as you expect | 14:03 |
lotuspsychje | kdeuser56: nice idea for the preseed, you base yourself on a good url? some users ask about that.. | 14:03 |
g105b | cfhowlett: what I'm looking for is U1 replacement though, so I can carry on using the same directory structure (/home/g105b/Projects and /home/g105b/Documents should sync on all computers) ... I don't think dropbox can do this can it -- without shoving everything in /home/g105b/Dropbox ? | 14:03 |
* lotuspsychje doesnt like online clouds | 14:04 | |
aq_ | How do I execute setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps during startup? I put it in my crontab then tried /etc/rc.local but nothing works. | 14:04 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: any idea how to avoid breaking for that? | 14:04 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: don't use that method! That's why there are scripted alternatives provided, like sfdisk/sgdisk/parted | 14:05 |
kdeuser56 | lotuspsychje: I can give you a bunch of urls I found useful, I might link you my final script once I am done | 14:05 |
ph88 | how can i put google search in ubuntu search ? | 14:05 |
cfhowlett | g105b /home/dropbox/ is the only way I know ... | 14:05 |
lotuspsychje | kdeuser56: was just curious about creating preseed ubuntu | 14:05 |
lionrouge | hi | 14:07 |
lotuspsychje | lionrouge: welcome | 14:07 |
torezzz | Who have expierence in making VPN client work on ubuntu VPS ? | 14:07 |
lionrouge | i need to help a girl with her notebook with Ubuntu remotely | 14:07 |
lotuspsychje | !vpn | torezzz | 14:07 |
ubottu | torezzz: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN | 14:07 |
lionrouge | what is the easiest way to connect to her computer? | 14:07 |
cfhowlett | !remote | 14:07 |
bekks | lionrouge: ssh | 14:07 |
cfhowlett | !vnc | 14:07 |
ubottu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 14:07 |
lionrouge | there is some remote desktop utility Ubuntu but how to work with it? | 14:08 |
bekks | !ssh | lionrouge | 14:08 |
ubottu | lionrouge: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 14:08 |
lotuspsychje | lionrouge: teamviewer, but its not the safest way..be carefull you uninstall it after :p | 14:08 |
kdeuser56 | lotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7613167/ | 14:08 |
cfhowlett | lionrouge remote desktop viewer | 14:08 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: Is this for a preseed install? | 14:09 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: what? | 14:09 |
lotuspsychje | kdeuser56: tnx alot! | 14:09 |
lionrouge | guys how should i describe her how to install ssh-server and setup it? noway | 14:09 |
aq_ | How do I execute setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps during startup? I put it in my crontab then tried /etc/rc.local but nothing works. | 14:09 |
bekks | lionrouge: Then mess around with getting some sort of remote desktop working instead, good luck :) | 14:10 |
kdeuser56 | lotuspsychje, TJ-, the problem with preseeding is: it works great as long as you do not have special needs, if you do, it becomes a pain | 14:10 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: are you writing a script for a preseed install, or something else? I was just wondering whether you could use "d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select biggest_free" | 14:10 |
lionrouge | bekks, do you know how the built-in Ubuntu tool work? | 14:10 |
bekks | lionrouge: I never used it, since I am using ssh. | 14:10 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: I am already using this for me preseed, but it does not help me, as parman cannot create luks partitions ... | 14:11 |
daftykins | lionrouge: both SSH and remote desktop would need a static IP and a port forwarded... surely you're not going to guide someone through that? :) | 14:11 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: you can only choose a crypto recipe, but that would wipe the whole harddrive | 14:11 |
TJ- | kdeuser56: Ahhh, got you | 14:11 |
lionrouge | daftykins, more likely | 14:11 |
asfasf | is there anywhere that I can get a list of the lastest linux distro torrents | 14:12 |
daftykins | lionrouge: more likely than...? | 14:12 |
torezzz | i see that wiki, but it not helps... | 14:12 |
asfasf | or auto download latest versions | 14:12 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-: so my idea is: I am preparing the partitions using "d-i partman/early_command string " | 14:12 |
torezzz | i need some tutorial on how to setup vpn client in ubuntu vps | 14:12 |
asfasf | i have a seedbox with a ton of bandwidth that i dont use, may aswell put it to good use | 14:12 |
torezzz | google gives nothing :/ | 14:13 |
daftykins | !vpn | 14:13 |
ubottu | For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN | 14:13 |
bekks | torezzz: First google result: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN | 14:13 |
torezzz | that not helps... | 14:13 |
bekks | torezzz: Because...? | 14:13 |
daftykins | torezzz: well, it's all we've got :) | 14:13 |
lotuspsychje | asfasf: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads | 14:14 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-, lotuspsychje: I am working towards full automation, using qemu for install. When I am done I will provide you with the scripts, given you are online in the next few weeks. Thanks very much for your input! | 14:14 |
torezzz | because i got disconnected from VPS when i connect to VPN | 14:14 |
bekks | torezzz: Thats expected. | 14:14 |
SchrodingersScat | torezzz: maybe because then your connection is adding the vpn hop? | 14:14 |
daftykins | torezzz: yeah that's pretty standard, i was about to say you'd have trouble with that | 14:14 |
bekks | torezzz: Either you connect to the vpn, or you dont. You cannot select on a per host-basis. | 14:14 |
torezzz | yes, i need to use TAP device | 14:14 |
asfasf | lotuspsychje: i was looking more for more or less all the distros and some way of getting notified when a new version is available | 14:15 |
torezzz | bekks: its possible, but i don't know how to configure TUN/TAP and iptables | 14:15 |
torezzz | need some text about this | 14:16 |
lotuspsychje | asfasf: not really an ubuntu question, but distrowatch | 14:16 |
bekks | torezzz: you dont have to configure tap/zun/iptables, but you have to configure your vpn accordingly. | 14:16 |
kdeuser56 | TJ-, lotuspsychje: thanks very much for your help, c ya! | 14:16 |
lotuspsychje | kdeuser56: cheers | 14:16 |
neutralizer | can I put textbox on ubuntu menu bar (~60px bar at the top)? | 14:16 |
asfasf | lotuspsychje: thats what i was looking for thanks | 14:17 |
OerHeks | asfasf, you are free to seed all these http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ | 14:17 |
torezzz | bekks: can you tell more what i need to configure ? or where i can read about it ? | 14:17 |
torezzz | on google i found only where they speaking about vpn server configuration | 14:17 |
lotuspsychje | OerHeks: wow nice list tnx! | 14:17 |
asfasf | OerHeks: is there anyway to download tem all at once? | 14:18 |
OerHeks | asfasf, sure, download all the(current) torrents | 14:19 |
lotuspsychje | asfasf: you wanna download 382 iso at once lol | 14:19 |
hellyeah | i am sure now about this | 14:19 |
phirex | I am trying to upgrade a broken ubuntu installation from 13.** to 14.04... but it seems like it hangs a long time on "Saving installed packages" | 14:19 |
=== alxgnon|afk is now known as alxgnon | ||
daftykins | phirex: you made some progress since yesterday? | 14:19 |
phirex | I am just wondering if i should wait or i should try a different approach | 14:19 |
asfasf | lotuspsychje: well at least get the torrent files all at once and the queue them | 14:19 |
phirex | daftykins: Yes :) | 14:20 |
hellyeah | my system was frozen several times i need to close my computer from power button and problem just went away when i install nvidia properity driver, everything seems fine yay ! | 14:20 |
lotuspsychje | phirex: would be more handy to clean install 14.04 maybe? | 14:20 |
phirex | daftykins: the first thread you pointed me to was the solution... | 14:20 |
daftykins | phirex: ah excellent, the kind of conversion to ext2 followed by recovery? | 14:20 |
asfasf | lotuspsychje: rather than have do download each torrent file individually | 14:20 |
bekks | torezzz: in the article given. | 14:20 |
lotuspsychje | asfasf: good luck seeding! | 14:20 |
neutralizer | so I am interested to write a plugin for ubuntu which will put textbox in the menu bar at the top. is it possible? or it's just for icons | 14:20 |
phirex | lotuspsychje: thats probably my next option, just gave it a try as i liked my old installation :< | 14:21 |
lotuspsychje | !cookie | OerHeks | 14:21 |
ubottu | OerHeks: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 14:21 |
phirex | daftykins: that.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1245536&p=7822694#post7822694 | 14:21 |
phirex | that was the first link you pointed out i dont know why we didnt try it at all :/ | 14:21 |
phirex | anyway i just backed up my files | 14:22 |
phirex | is there a possibility i need to run ubuntu installation as root? | 14:22 |
daftykins | phirex: well i was getting to it but i didn't trust that it wouldn't hose it completely so i wanted you to image the drive first, but sure if you took the risk and it's all good, that's lucky :D | 14:22 |
daftykins | phirex: given what i saw of your hard disk partitions, i would recommend you backup all your data to that external drive, then clean format with 14.04 | 14:22 |
lotuspsychje | neutralizer: there are many indicators for ubuntu: google text indicator ubuntu | 14:23 |
phirex | daftykins: yeah i guess you are right | 14:23 |
daftykins | phirex: having followed that guide, your partitions are in an even worse state now too | 14:23 |
fish47 | Hi everyone, how can I trace the matching rules of fontconfig? Thanks. | 14:23 |
phirex | daftykins: i cant seem to shut down the installer | 14:23 |
phirex | daftykins: Should i just kill it? :/ | 14:24 |
lotuspsychje | neutralizer: what kind of text you want there? | 14:24 |
dan2003 | hi, how can i remove all of gtk and associated gui bloat witout it trying to install kde? if i do apt-get purge libgtk-3-0 libgtk2.0-0, it says it going to install a load of kde stuff, | 14:24 |
dan2003 | i dont seem t have any top level desktop things installed anymnore | 14:24 |
dan2003 | and taskel is set to opsenssh server | 14:24 |
daftykins | phirex: did you boot 14.04 from USB and try a clean install by nuking the disk? (I call it the Ripley approach (Alien)) i'd advise it | 14:24 |
dan2003 | but i still have a whole system full of gui related stuff | 14:24 |
phirex | daftykins: well i just tried an upgrade and its hanging on "saving installed packages" i want to cancel it but cant | 14:25 |
AlexPortable | Why can't i conenct to remote desktop on ubuntu? | 14:26 |
daftykins | phirex: boot your liveUSB to 'try' mode then mount the hard disk inside and the external, then copy and paste your data over to backup, then nuke + install afresh | 14:26 |
AlexPortable | using androidvnc, i get this eror: vnc connection failed! server did not offer supported security ype | 14:26 |
AlexPortable | type | 14:26 |
AlexPortable | how can i set the security type? | 14:26 |
phirex | daftykins: already backed up.... | 14:26 |
daftykins | \o/ | 14:27 |
daftykins | reboot, rerun install and nuke that disk :) | 14:27 |
keemel | Hello! How can I install Ubuntu from a hard disk running Windows 7? Thanks | 14:29 |
bekks | keemel: Burn the Ubuntu ISO, boot it. | 14:29 |
daftykins | keemel: what do you mean? you ideally need to make up a DVD or flash drive with the ISO written to | 14:29 |
phirex | daftykins: Thanks! will be back in a bit (hopefully) :) | 14:29 |
penncil | I want to put ubuntu 12 on a cd over my cable connection. Do I need a network installer or the bit torrent. ?? | 14:29 |
AlexPortable | nvm i got it working | 14:30 |
AlexPortable | but now i only see the bckground | 14:30 |
AlexPortable | standard ubuntu background | 14:30 |
keemel | bekks, daftykins: I cannot use USB or DVD. I need to modify's Windows grub equivalent so I can boot up Ubuntu | 14:30 |
keemel | modify Windows' * | 14:30 |
AlexPortable | anyone? | 14:30 |
bekks | keemel: thats not possible. | 14:30 |
daftykins | keemel: that's... a really bad idea even if it could work | 14:30 |
torezzz | anyone can point me to right direction, how to setup VPN on VPS ? | 14:31 |
bekks | !vpn | torezzz | 14:31 |
ubottu | torezzz: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN | 14:31 |
daftykins | penncil: bit odd to choose 12 at this point in time, but... your only hope for a CD-R is using the mini.iso and to network install | 14:31 |
keemel | daftykins: well Ubuntu sources should be loaded entirely in the RAM, that should do | 14:31 |
torezzz | I read that all, there is no solution | 14:31 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable possibly a result of using EndOfLife 10.04 ... | 14:31 |
torezzz | this only works on regular linux | 14:31 |
lotuspsychje | keemel: why cant you use usb? | 14:31 |
torezzz | but not in vps | 14:32 |
daftykins | keemel: no | 14:32 |
jackarius86 | hi, after uninstalling fglrx and rebooting, my screen appears much sharper and direct rendering seems to be enabled, is this normal, and am i now set up, graphics wise? | 14:32 |
bekks | keemel: But you cant boot an Ubuntu installer from Windows. Thats why you need a USB or DVD or network install. | 14:32 |
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bekks | torezzz: It applies for VPS too. | 14:32 |
penncil | Thank you | 14:32 |
AlexPortable | cfhowlett: that's funny. this is 14.04 | 14:32 |
keemel | lotuspsychje, daftykind, bekks: I have an old BIOS and it only supports USB-ZIP. When I boot it, i get a loop saying "Loading Ubuntu etc" | 14:32 |
torezzz | bekks:but why i get disconnected from vps, when i do this ? | 14:32 |
torezzz | what i need to change ? | 14:33 |
AlexPortable | cfhowlett: i didnt know that end of life of 10.04 would affect my 14.04 installaton | 14:33 |
bekks | torezzz: I already told you. | 14:33 |
daftykins | keemel: so no blank DVDs? | 14:33 |
bekks | torezzz: you need to configure your vpn routing accordingly to your desires. | 14:33 |
daftykins | keemel: if it's that old i'm amazed you run win7 :P | 14:33 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | is there a simple way to reduce animations on ubuntu | 14:33 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | I am using it through hyper-v and it is really slowing things down | 14:34 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable didn't know you had upgraded | 14:34 |
ubuntuupgrade | Hello | 14:34 |
daftykins | ToAruShiroiNeko: don't use unity | 14:34 |
lotuspsychje | keemel: make a plop boot manager cd and you will be able to start usb | 14:34 |
ubuntuupgrade | one can upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 without any problem? | 14:34 |
ubuntuupgrade | or it is better to do a new install? | 14:34 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | how do I do that? I am very new to ubuntu | 14:34 |
AlexPortable | cfhowlett: i haven't | 14:34 |
AlexPortable | this is my pc | 14:34 |
AlexPortable | the 10.04 is my parents pc | 14:34 |
daftykins | ubuntuupgrade: err, only when 14.04.1 gets announced, i've not heard if it has yet | 14:34 |
keemel | daftykins: well, not so old, like 2006. I can install Win7 from USB, but not Linux. First of all, I had to use BOOTICE so I can set the USB MBR to USB-ZIP to get recognized at boot, but I end up in that fucking loop | 14:34 |
bekks | keemel: thats very old, 8 years. | 14:35 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: his point is you can't just wait some time and ask again expecting us to forget :) | 14:35 |
daftykins | keemel: ok, try and keep the language family friendly please | 14:35 |
AlexPortable | so i only have 1 pc? | 14:35 |
AlexPortable | just 1 pc with 10.04 and no smartphones or tablets or desktops or laptops? | 14:35 |
keemel | lotuspsychje: thanks for the idea, used plop before, but I don't have a CD/DVD ROM. I wish I had a floppy right now .. | 14:35 |
AlexPortable | anyway, | 14:35 |
ubuntuupgrade | daftykins sudo update-manager -d | 14:35 |
AlexPortable | i only see the default background on my remote desktop session | 14:36 |
keemel | daftykins: sorry, didn't want to offend | 14:36 |
daftykins | ubuntuupgrade: no, that is wrong | 14:36 |
AlexPortable | mouse works and keyboard also | 14:36 |
daftykins | keemel: oh you don't offend me :) it's just channel policy | 14:36 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable now you're being REALLY confusing. First you have 10.04 - EOL. NOW ou say you have 14.04 - no wait 10.04. get your story straight. if you're on 10.04, you're unsupported. if you're on 14.04, I don't know why your vnc doesn't work. | 14:36 |
neutralizer | lotuspsychje: text box where user can write something | 14:37 |
AlexPortable | my parents pc is 10.04 | 14:37 |
AlexPortable | mine is 14.04 lts | 14:37 |
lotuspsychje | neutralizer: memo? | 14:37 |
nightray | hello! I have a quick question. How do I change default sound device in Ubuntu 14.04 lts? | 14:37 |
neutralizer | lotuspsychje: nope just a line of text | 14:37 |
lotuspsychje | !sound | nightray | 14:37 |
ubottu | nightray: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 14:37 |
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AlexPortable | the strange thing is, i can control my desktop | 14:39 |
AlexPortable | but not see it | 14:39 |
OerHeks | nightray, open terminal: alsamixer # and hit F6 to select device | 14:39 |
nightray | lotuspsychje, I know how to change it manually from one device to the other. I am just tired of doing it every single time for each program | 14:39 |
keemel | lotuspsychje: can I write both plop and Ubuntu on the same USB stick? Boot plop first, then choose Ubuntu from the boot manager. | 14:40 |
nightray | OerHeks, thank you! | 14:40 |
lotuspsychje | keemel: no plop needs to be cd boot, thats the whole point booting it when you cant access usb from bios | 14:41 |
AlexPortable | so nobody can help me? | 14:41 |
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cfhowlett | !patience|AlexPortable | 14:41 |
ubottu | AlexPortable: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 14:41 |
AlexPortable | ok | 14:42 |
d3vlin | ok, any experts available in the synaptics/usb/hid area? :) | 14:43 |
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motaka2 | in afolder I have several files with .xmind extention In some of them I have the word CORS or JSONP how can I find those files ? | 14:43 |
AlexPortable | d3vlin: why? | 14:44 |
gompa | hey iam trying to set up a kvm host where the guests are able to connect to each other and to the Internet but not to the local network. i can get the lan and geusts isolated but i cant get the 2 geusts to connect ( i have enabled net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 on the host) | 14:44 |
AlexPortable | how can i install lib32asound2 on ubuntu? | 14:44 |
d3vlin | I just hooked up one of the new All-in-one Media keyboards of the type with a general USB transceiver. I can use both the keyboard and the mouse/trackpad just fine. | 14:44 |
wols_ | !multiarch | 14:44 |
d3vlin | However, the touchpad is using evdev instead of synaptics, so the advanced features of the touchpad are missing. | 14:45 |
cfhowlett | AlexPortable sudo apt-get install lib32asound2 | 14:45 |
AlexPortable | cfhowlett: it can't find the package | 14:45 |
gdm85 | hello! running 14 here. is it possible to use kernel 3.10 on this version? | 14:46 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | daftykins how do I do that? I am very new to ubuntu | 14:46 |
gdm85 | perhaps a backport? | 14:46 |
daftykins | ToAruShiroiNeko: easiest way? you could create the VM with lubuntu or xubuntu instead | 14:47 |
lotuspsychje | neutralizer: searching, but cant find anything better then notes or paste indicators | 14:47 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | umm I already have ubuntu installed | 14:48 |
daftykins | ToAruShiroiNeko: or if you must use stock ubuntu with unity as-is, perhaps you can find a way to tweak compiz to dial down a lot of the daft animations etc. | 14:48 |
daftykins | ToAruShiroiNeko: yes, but ubuntu uses unity which is 3D heavy - where xubuntu and lubuntu won't be because they use alternate desktop environments | 14:48 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | that really doesnt answer my question | 14:48 |
motaka2 | in afolder I have several files with .xmind extention In some of them I have the word CORS or JSONP how can I find those files ? | 14:48 |
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ph88 | how can i get google search in ubuntu search ? | 14:48 |
lamrz | hello everyone, what does 'lkl' signify in ubuntu terminal? | 14:48 |
lamrz | as a program, I mean | 14:48 |
daftykins | ToAruShiroiNeko: you want it to be less 3D heavy under hyper-V, how is that not an answer? | 14:48 |
lamrz | or as an executable whatever | 14:49 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | I cannot reinstall a different version | 14:49 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | I need to modify what I have | 14:49 |
daftykins | why | 14:49 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | because I was given such constraints | 14:49 |
bidello | \ciao | 14:49 |
bidello | \list! | 14:49 |
zykotick9 | motaka2: do you have lots of .xmind files on your system? "find / -iname '*.xmind'" might help | 14:50 |
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daftykins | ToAruShiroiNeko: that's... a ridiculous scenario, but ok you could install 'xubuntu-desktop' to get that instead | 14:50 |
ToAruShiroiNeko | [2014-06-08, 16:48:14] <daftykins> ToAruShiroiNeko: or if you must use stock ubuntu with unity as-is, perhaps you can find a way to tweak compiz to dial down a lot of the daft animations etc. | 14:50 |
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lotuspsychje | !backports | gdm85 | 14:51 |
ubottu | gdm85: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 14:51 |
kDycuLaptop | Hey, quick question. For some reason, when I run this program automatically at startup it immediately quits out. If I run it manually from the terminal, all is fine. | 14:52 |
planetmaker | it probably needs a terminal, kDycuLaptop | 14:52 |
planetmaker | or some other output channel it doesn't have as deamon | 14:52 |
kDycuLaptop | how would I do that? I just added the command to /etc/rc.local and thought that would do it | 14:53 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, hello mate, I tried that same tool before and had the same issue | 14:53 |
lotuspsychje | planetmaker: whats this program for exactly? does it need root maybe? | 14:53 |
daftykins | !info simple-ccsm | 14:53 |
ubottu | Package simple-ccsm does not exist in trusty | 14:53 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, you have any idea how i could use the patch at #11 on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/967399 | 14:53 |
daftykins | aww | 14:53 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 967399 in linux (Ubuntu) "[11.10] Elantech trackpoint does not work Lenovo " [High,In progress] | 14:53 |
kDycuLaptop | it's sort of complicated, but essentially it's a piece of emulation software for a pinball/video hybrid | 14:54 |
kDycuLaptop | currently my /etc/rc.local looks like this | 14:54 |
kDycuLaptop | cd /root/pinbox/bin | 14:54 |
kDycuLaptop | ./run pinbox -bpp 16 -fullscreen | 14:54 |
kDycuLaptop | exit 0 | 14:54 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: pinbox is the game or emulator? | 14:55 |
zykotick9 | kDycuLaptop: 1) do you really want it running as root? 2) rc.local isn't going to work with GUI apps | 14:55 |
zykotick9 | kDycuLaptop: 3) your rc.local syntax is not good | 14:55 |
kDycuLaptop | afaik I have to run it as root? | 14:55 |
kDycuLaptop | pinbox is technically the emulator | 14:56 |
kDycuLaptop | re 2) oh. well that's good to know. | 14:56 |
kDycuLaptop | re 3) yeah, I'm definitely just mucking around and trying out google suggestions, so I'm not terribly surprised :/ | 14:56 |
AlexPortable | the deskto pseems to be an issue with ubuntu | 14:56 |
AlexPortable | same happens with teamviewer | 14:56 |
nightray | does anyone know why on firefox I can search from address bar more then two words, but one word displays an error/ | 14:58 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: should that not be pinbox.desktop or something? | 14:58 |
AlexPortable | it freezes my ubuntu | 14:58 |
zykotick9 | kDycuLaptop: i'm 99% sure, ubuntu has some autorun setup GUI for users | 14:58 |
motaka2 | Is this wrong? grep -w "JSONP” Docs/*.xmind | 14:59 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: or try this: ./run pinbox -bpp 16 -fullscreen | 14:59 |
phirex | Yey | 14:59 |
phirex | finally on a clean working machine :) | 14:59 |
zykotick9 | motaka2: is JSONP in the file, or in the name? | 14:59 |
kDycuLaptop | that command works in terminal if I navigate to /root/pinbox/bin | 14:59 |
kDycuLaptop | but I think I have to be root to navigate there first? | 15:00 |
kDycuLaptop | sorry, I'm a bit rubbish at this linux stuff, clearly. | 15:00 |
zykotick9 | kDycuLaptop: use full path, /root/pinbox/bin/run pinbox -bpp 16 -fullscreen | 15:00 |
motaka2 | zykotick9: in the file it is a word in the file | 15:00 |
phirex | Lessons learnt: never install kubuntu, never run out of battery and always backup your important data! | 15:00 |
zykotick9 | motaka2: you may want to add -R for recursive on your grep, and using a full path vs Docs/ might help | 15:01 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: navigate first, then execute | 15:01 |
kDycuLaptop | "permission denied" | 15:01 |
AlexPortable | when i run teamviewer as root it all works | 15:01 |
jayayseakay | where is the kernel directory in ubuntu? | 15:01 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: ba carefull with teamviewer like i told you before | 15:01 |
zykotick9 | kDycuLaptop: the fact this program is in /root is probably going to be an issue! best of luck. | 15:01 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: use it to fix a fast solution, then uninstall it again | 15:02 |
kirankumar | hello good evening evrybody . some one help me? | 15:02 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | kirankumar | 15:02 |
ubottu | kirankumar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 15:02 |
kDycuLaptop | I can't navigate to /root without logging in as root | 15:02 |
kDycuLaptop | I think? | 15:02 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: executing a game with root sounds bit silly | 15:03 |
kDycuLaptop | well, it's interfacing with a real actual pinball machine | 15:03 |
kDycuLaptop | so that might be part of it? I dunnooo | 15:03 |
AlexPortable | like you told me before?/ | 15:03 |
kirankumar | sorry @ubottu sir i want to update my ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 lts its possible without losing data | 15:03 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: you sure this is default dir of game? | 15:04 |
AlexPortable | lotuspsychje: like you told me before?/ | 15:04 |
AlexPortable | also teamviewer works | 15:04 |
AlexPortable | how can i run the remote destkop service as root in ubuntu? | 15:04 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: i suggested you teamviewer, but not as safe solution, but fast one...be carefull with that okay | 15:04 |
kDycuLaptop | the whole "game" is packaged as an iso that installs ubuntu and the package all in one go | 15:04 |
AlexPortable | hm | 15:05 |
kDycuLaptop | so yeah, I mean, I don't have any choice in where the "game" is installed to | 15:05 |
AlexPortable | teamviewer closes | 15:05 |
AlexPortable | how to fix? | 15:05 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: we don't support third party software, nor EOL versions | 15:05 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: a game built in an ubuntu iso? | 15:05 |
kDycuLaptop | yeah. the whole thing comes as one iso | 15:06 |
kirankumar | can i update 12.04 lts to 14.04 lts | 15:06 |
kDycuLaptop | it's designed to be a replacement computer build for the proprietary hardware that came in the game | 15:07 |
lamrz | hello everyone, what does 'lkl' signify in this command line? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7613372/ | 15:07 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: where di you get that iso? | 15:07 |
AlexPortable | daftykins: so you also can't tell me where i can find logs for the crashing of the program? | 15:07 |
kDycuLaptop | so *theoretically* you build a computer to the specs and install the disc and it's good to go | 15:07 |
kDycuLaptop | (so not the case) | 15:07 |
AlexPortable | daftykins: because if i will contact teamviewer, they will say ask for support at [your operating system] | 15:07 |
daftykins | lamrz: it's something someone is searching for in running processes :) | 15:07 |
kDycuLaptop | lotuspsychje it was only available for a short period of time before the creator abandoned the project for legal reasons | 15:08 |
kDycuLaptop | friend of a friend situation | 15:08 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: whats the ubuntu version of this? | 15:08 |
lamrz | daftykins, that someone is me, but I'm trying to figure out what lkl here stands for. | 15:08 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: i doubt it, but we've already told you you're running an unsupported OS so there is nothing more to add. | 15:08 |
kDycuLaptop | In the progress I've upgraded to the current release | 15:08 |
kDycuLaptop | in order to get sound working properly and stuff | 15:08 |
daftykins | lamrz: well, the output shows it's not running whatever it is - so no idea :D what made you run it? :) | 15:08 |
Erik_v4 | http://www.linkeyproject.com/app/ | 15:09 |
lamrz | daftykins, I was reading of a keylogger named lkl | 15:09 |
jayayseakay | Can anyone help me with patching the kernel similar to bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/967399 | 15:09 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 967399 in linux (Ubuntu) "[11.10] Elantech trackpoint does not work Lenovo " [High,In progress] | 15:09 |
Erik_v4 | http://www.linkeyproject.com/app/ | 15:09 |
lamrz | daftykins, http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Logging/LKL-6347.shtml | 15:09 |
kirankumar | i have ubuntu 12.04 LTS i want update latest version . please help | 15:09 |
lotuspsychje | Erik_v4: plz stop that, this is an ubuntu support channel | 15:10 |
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daftykins | lamrz: i'm afraid i don't like to assist with what look like bad actions | 15:10 |
lotuspsychje | kirankumar: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-12-04 | 15:10 |
daftykins | ^the command used in that guide is a bad idea | 15:11 |
AlexPortable | daftykins: I didnt know 14.04 was unsupported | 15:11 |
lamrz | daftykins, you wouldnt be. I'm trying to figure out whether it's being run on my own devices | 15:11 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: i think you're just lying now. | 15:11 |
AlexPortable | daftykins: Good for you to think that | 15:11 |
Erik_v4 | http://www.linkeyproject.com/app/ | 15:11 |
lotuspsychje | !ops | Erik_v4 | 15:11 |
ubottu | Erik_v4: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l! | 15:11 |
kirankumar | Thanks @lotuspychje sir | 15:12 |
lotuspsychje | kirankumar: beware that you always backup first, upgrading is always a risk | 15:13 |
lotuspsychje | kirankumar: i recommend clean installs | 15:13 |
jayayseakay | lotuspsychje, you there mate? | 15:13 |
lotuspsychje | !patience | jayayseakay | 15:13 |
ubottu | jayayseakay: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 15:13 |
AlexPortable | daftykins: what do i need to do to 'prove it'? | 15:13 |
kirankumar | oh already start as soon as you send link | 15:13 |
SchrodingersScat | AlexPortable: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teamviewer 'License: Proprietary' | 15:14 |
AlexPortable | SchrodingersScat: yes but teamviewer can't help me with the log files on ubuntu | 15:14 |
SchrodingersScat | AlexPortable: and that's partially why. | 15:14 |
kirankumar | sorry what recommed clean install? | 15:14 |
daftykins | AlexPortable: well, i can no longer assist you anyway i'm afraid. | 15:14 |
SchrodingersScat | AlexPortable: can't or won't? It's a rhetorical question. | 15:15 |
lotuspsychje | kirankumar: yes, backup your data on usb stick, then install 14.04 clean | 15:15 |
AlexPortable | SchrodingersScat: i want to use teamviewer because the built in software doens't works | 15:15 |
kirankumar | i started process | 15:15 |
AlexPortable | built in 'remote desktop' wont work | 15:15 |
kirankumar | sir i installed multi it not iffect any other os data ? | 15:16 |
bijoo_ | lshw shows no driver: http://pastebin.com/mLb6vFyd | 15:16 |
lotuspsychje | kirankumar: you have other Os? | 15:16 |
kirankumar | yes sir | 15:16 |
lotuspsychje | kirankumar: wich? | 15:16 |
bijoo_ | Trying to get HDMI output; hooked up laptop to the TV right now; but I'm not getting asignal on TV> | 15:16 |
kirankumar | windows | 15:16 |
kirankumar | windows 7 | 15:16 |
lotuspsychje | bijoo_: xrandr maybe | 15:17 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: okay; thanks; does that mean the program righ? | 15:17 |
lotuspsychje | !xrandr | bijoo_ | 15:17 |
ubottu | bijoo_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 | 15:17 |
gdm85 | lotuspsychje: ok, thanks | 15:17 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: thank you; I'll check it out here right now. | 15:18 |
lotuspsychje | kirankumar: before you install/upgrade, always do backups..many things can go wrong sometimes | 15:18 |
zergut_ | good evening | 15:18 |
kirankumar | @lotuspsychje sir dont very i am student. i have no important data | 15:18 |
zergut_ | how to determine if drivers was successfully installed | 15:18 |
lotuspsychje | zergut_: wich device you want to know? | 15:19 |
zergut_ | sound card, video card etc | 15:19 |
kirankumar | @lotuspsychje thanks a lot i try so many command before this command but not work properly | 15:20 |
lotuspsychje | zergut_: sudo lshw -C video sudo lshw -C sound | 15:20 |
lotuspsychje | zergut_: check net to driver= if module loaded | 15:20 |
zergut_ | lotuspsychje: thank you | 15:20 |
kirankumar | @lotuspsychje . now it work thanks a lot | 15:21 |
jackarius86 | hi how can i get involved in developing for ubuntu? | 15:21 |
lotuspsychje | jackarius86: check #ubuntu-devel guys | 15:21 |
negev | hi, i'm running openldap on a ubuntu box, can't seem to figure out how to change the loglevel so i can debug authentication failures. how can i get slapd to log useful info? slapd.conf doesn't exist | 15:21 |
jackarius86 | thanks lotuspsychje | 15:22 |
lotuspsychje | jackarius86: we also have #ubuntu-touch if you wanna help improve ubuntu touch | 15:22 |
AlexPortable | where can i find crash logs? | 15:27 |
phirex | is the site http://www.enqlu.com trustable? | 15:27 |
lotuspsychje | !squid | phirex | 15:28 |
ubottu | phirex: squid is a caching proxy for the Web. See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard See: http://www.squid-cache.org | 15:28 |
phirex | uhmmm, ok and? | 15:28 |
lotuspsychje | AlexPortable: /var/log/ or dmesg | 15:28 |
lotuspsychje | phirex: oh just saw frist thread, tought you wanted squid.. | 15:29 |
lotuspsychje | phirex: trusting a site depends on many factors, adding ppa etc | 15:30 |
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bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: thanks for tip, but xrandr isn't it. Issue is TV's not recognized there; xrandr -q just returned monitor. | 15:30 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: I have NVidida card and not sure driver; | 15:30 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: I'm sure I'm not using Nvidia's driver. | 15:30 |
lotuspsychje | bijoo_: how about xrandr --auto | 15:30 |
lotuspsychje | or -auto | 15:31 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/K3dnBJzf | 15:31 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: it says gamman ot found; and not much else. | 15:31 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: I guess my issue's with my driver there. | 15:32 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: since none's listed in lshw | 15:32 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: I'm total newb at the OS level. | 15:32 |
lotuspsychje | bijoo_: check your additional driver list for drivers | 15:32 |
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bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: "software-properties-gtk --open-tab=4" ? | 15:33 |
kirankumar | give a link a for important linux command for study | 15:33 |
lotuspsychje | bijoo_: software sources/last tab additional drivers | 15:33 |
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bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: it says " No additional drivers available" | 15:34 |
lotuspsychje | !manual | kirankumar | 15:34 |
ubottu | kirankumar: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 15:34 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: "No propriertary drivers are in use." | 15:34 |
lotuspsychje | bijoo_: what does driver= say in lshw -C video ? | 15:34 |
OerHeks | bijoo_, what nvidia card? lspci | grep VGA | 15:34 |
kirankumar | @ubottu thanks sir | 15:35 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/Q6YAEtSH | 15:35 |
zergut_ | как пароль судо восстановить? | 15:35 |
lotuspsychje | !ru | zergut_ | 15:35 |
ubottu | zergut_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 15:35 |
bijoo_ | OerHeks: OerHeks http://pastebin.com/QDFN8xRY | 15:35 |
Vivekananda | having a lot of trouble setting up openvpn on ubuntu 12.04. Can someone help me troubleshoot this a little ? I am stuck and dont know what to do. the vpn connection says connected but cannot ping anything in the network except for my own computers local ip | 15:36 |
zergut_ | thank you | 15:36 |
zergut_ | again | 15:36 |
OerHeks | oh optimus | 15:36 |
andytt | Hi, I've trouble in apple magic trackpad on ubuntu gnome 14.04, http://askubuntu.com/questions/479406/touchegg-at-ubuntu-gnome-14-04-multi-touch-not-working | 15:36 |
bijoo_ | OerHeks: oh right, I've heard that name before as well; that's the type of Nvidia card right? | 15:36 |
jimi_ | are the java oracle jdks in the repo i cant find them | 15:36 |
lotuspsychje | !optimus | bijoo_ | 15:36 |
ubottu | bijoo_: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/ | 15:36 |
lotuspsychje | !java | jimi_ | 15:37 |
ubottu | jimi_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. | 15:37 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: got it, thank you; I thought I had it there. I remember bumblebee long ago; I thought I set it up , but I guess not. | 15:37 |
OerHeks | bijoo_, no, dual gpu, see this wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Basic_Setup_for_13.10_and_later | 15:37 |
lotuspsychje | bijoo_: tnx to OerHeks to recognize the card | 15:37 |
bijoo_ | OerHeks: thank you, I'll read it now and tell result. | 15:38 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: thank you; trying the bumblebee right now. | 15:38 |
kDycuLaptop | question: how can I boot directly into command line without starting the gui? not just one-time, but always. | 15:40 |
apb1963 | I'm sure this is a dumb question, but better safe than sorry.... If e2mkfs reports bad blocks, does it take them into account when it creates the file system? I've got a whole bunch of these... | 15:40 |
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apb1963 | Warning: the backup superblock/group descriptors at block 1802240 contain | 15:40 |
apb1963 | bad blocks. | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | kDycuLaptop: ubuntu server? | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | !info testdisk | apb1963 | 15:41 |
ubottu | apb1963: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-2 (trusty), package size 534 kB, installed size 1269 kB | 15:41 |
OerHeks | kDycuLaptop, see http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/01/boot-into-text-console-ubuntu-linux-14-04/ | 15:41 |
kDycuLaptop | no, I'd just rather not have the gui running if I'm not going to be using it. I can always start it if I need to, | 15:41 |
kDycuLaptop | OerHeks, thanks! | 15:42 |
AlexPortable | so how can i fix htis? | 15:42 |
AlexPortable | this | 15:42 |
apb1963 | !info testdisk | 15:42 |
ubottu | testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-2 (trusty), package size 534 kB, installed size 1269 kB | 15:42 |
AlexPortable | i'm trying to get this working for over an hour already | 15:42 |
apb1963 | lotuspsychje: thanks,but that doesn't answer my question | 15:43 |
andytt | hi, someone using magic trackpad on ubuntu gnome 14.04? | 15:43 |
apb1963 | lotuspsychje: e2mkfs already ran the badblocks utility for 12 hours | 15:43 |
lotuspsychje | apb1963: so your drive has badblocks.. | 15:44 |
apb1963 | so i'll ask again.... If e2mkfs reports bad blocks, does it take them into account when it creates the file system? I've got a whole bunch of these... Warning: the backup superblock/group descriptors at block 1802240 contain bad blocks. | 15:44 |
aftykins | apb1963: what does your disks SMART data look like? | 15:45 |
apb1963 | aftykins: it's a USB flash drive | 15:45 |
aftykins | apb1963: are you still dealing with that from the other day? | 15:46 |
aftykins | good lord man, let it die | 15:46 |
apb1963 | aftykins: yes | 15:46 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 15:46 |
apb1963 | aftykins: two different disks actually... and they're both brand new | 15:46 |
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lotuspsychje | apb1963: try what aftykins suggested, test it with ubuntu smart disk analyzer, see what it says | 15:48 |
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onholiday | I'm brand new to Ubuntu and I'm trying to switch a cloned GitHub repo over to a mirrored repo. Is there any reason why I shouldn't just rm the repo directory and clone it again using --mirror? | 15:48 |
onholiday | Or is there a smatter way to achieve the same effect? | 15:48 |
onholiday | smarter, too. | 15:48 |
aftykins | lotuspsychje: i was more thinking of hard disk SMART data but of course a flash drive won't have any | 15:49 |
apb1963 | lotuspsychje: I fail to understand how that will answer the question, If e2mkfs reports bad blocks, does it take them into account when it creates the file system? | 15:49 |
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lotuspsychje | apb1963: you want to know if the bad blocks will be used on your system? | 15:49 |
apb1963 | lotuspsychje: Yes. Or does it mark them bad and not use them and so my data will be safe. | 15:50 |
bijoo_ | lotuspsychje: OerHeks I followed the wiki and restarted; still can't connect HDMI TV; here'se paste for lshw and lspci http://pastebin.com/gY9qNzz7 | 15:50 |
lotuspsychje | bad blocks are bad blocks | 15:50 |
x0011bf | Apparently the stable cinnamon ppa is not being updated anymore. Is there an alternative source? A desktop similar to Cinnamon? | 15:51 |
lotuspsychje | bijoo_: still says unclaimed | 15:51 |
apb1963 | lotuspsychje: so you're saying you don't know. It's ok if you don't know, I don't know either... that's why I'm asking. I think it does mark them bad, it would be pretty dumb to find them and ignore them... but I was hoping for a definitive answer. | 15:51 |
lotuspsychje | apb1963: ask the ##hardware guys what you can do with bad blocks maybe | 15:52 |
apb1963 | lotuspsychje: they're not going to know what a linux utility does in regard to creation of a file system. | 15:53 |
apb1963 | lotuspsychje: I know that DOS and windows mark them bad... I can only assume linux would do the same... but there's nothing anywhere I can find that tells me that. | 15:54 |
arthurfiggis | apb1963: is there any point to you actually asking this question, besides offering you the opportunity to point out how much other people don't know about the answer? a ten second google search showed that the -c option to e2mkfs scans for bad blocks and prevents data from being stored on them | 15:54 |
flux242 | Hi, is it possible to start a remote desktop session on a display:1 without starting xinit on it first? | 15:54 |
apb1963 | arthurfiggis: I did not see the words "and prevents data from being stored on them" | 15:54 |
apb1963 | arthurfiggis: I'll have to doublecheck now. Thank you | 15:54 |
arthurfiggis | apb1963: read more carefully: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badblocks | 15:54 |
apb1963 | arthurfiggis: I only read the man page which states " | 15:56 |
apb1963 | -c Check the device for bad blocks before creating the file system. If this option is specified twice, | 15:56 |
apb1963 | then a slower read-write test is used instead of a fast read-only test. | 15:56 |
apb1963 | Vague. | 15:56 |
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andytt | hi, someone use apple magic trackpad on ubuntu gnome? My cursor freeze whenever i use three or more fingers touch | 15:56 |
lotuspsychje | wols_: can you help apb1963 here with his badblocks issue | 15:59 |
TyrfingMjolnir | in /etc/apt/sources.list there is a naming cdrom: | 16:01 |
TyrfingMjolnir | how can make this cdrom: point to a certain path? | 16:01 |
deftykins | TyrfingMjolnir: there is a GUI way to use the same, but what are you trying to do? upgrade from a disc? | 16:04 |
Janusz | Hello. Can I install SteamOS over Ubuntu? | 16:04 |
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deftykins | Janusz: 'over' as in to replace? sure - that has nothing to do with ubuntu support though | 16:04 |
TyrfingMjolnir | I just installed 14.04 from memory stick | 16:04 |
TyrfingMjolnir | I would like to install the additional drivers from the memory stick to get on the wifi | 16:05 |
deftykins | TyrfingMjolnir: i... don't think they're on there in that form 0o | 16:06 |
sudormrf | deftykins, YOU AGAIN! :P | 16:06 |
deftykins | you must be thinking of someone else | 16:07 |
TyrfingMjolnir | deftykins: when you dont know, STFU | 16:07 |
Justus | hi | 16:07 |
TyrfingMjolnir | deftykins: Fixed this: http://linuxpoison.blogspot.no/2011/01/how-to-add-cd-rom-to-sourceslist-file.html | 16:07 |
bijoo_ | Hi I installed bmublebee here now; but still lshw says unclaimed: http://pastebin.com/gY9qNzz7 | 16:08 |
bijoo_ | Anyone know how to claim the device? | 16:08 |
deftykins | TyrfingMjolnir: i'm saying i don't think the package is available from the install media like that, don't show disrespect. | 16:08 |
TyrfingMjolnir | But you just answered alot of questions I never asked | 16:08 |
TyrfingMjolnir | I m just attempting to communicate with you at your level. | 16:09 |
deftykins | < TyrfingMjolnir> I would like to install the additional drivers from the | 16:09 |
deftykins | memory stick to get on the wifi | 16:09 |
deftykins | right so you totally didn't just ask that. | 16:09 |
TyrfingMjolnir | No | 16:09 |
Justus | got a bit of trobule with an ubuntu server here, I want to use it with jackd to act as a remote webinterface controlled radio streaming plattform. The general idea was use jackd and icecast to create a stream and deliver it, and use a python webapp to control jackd and software like skype and mediaplayers to generate a stream | 16:09 |
deftykins | ok, done speaking to you now - goodbye. | 16:09 |
TyrfingMjolnir | I asked how to edit the value of "cdrom:" used in /etc/apt/sources.list | 16:09 |
deftykins | indeed which is the wrong approach, anywho see above. | 16:10 |
Justus | now the problem is, I don't know why alsa is not working, it's as if there is no driver installed or it isn't propperly installed, how wld yo go abotu tracing this problem? cause I'm lost here | 16:10 |
Vivekananda | can someone help a little with vpn issues and troubleshooting | 16:11 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: Depends on the issues. | 16:12 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: What did you try to do? How did you try to do it? What did you expect to happen? What happened instead? | 16:12 |
apb1963 | Justus: Start here: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page Keep in mind, some programs just don't work with alsa for whatever reason, and require pulseaudio. | 16:12 |
s123 | is there a linux OS that works on a mac? i.e uses EFI instead of BIOS? | 16:13 |
deftykins | s123: ubuntu has been EFI capable since 12.04 | 16:13 |
deftykins | s123: there are separate mac ISOs available from the download pages | 16:13 |
Vivekananda | jhutchins: I installed open vpn in network manager included certs and tried to connect. It says connected successfully. Now I cannot ping any machine inside just my own local ip. Also I want to find out how to get info about dns settings for vpn ( this might help me configure vpn server if need be) | 16:13 |
jhutchins | s123: Most distros will work with intel macs. | 16:13 |
apb1963 | Justus: look for something called alsa-info.sh | 16:14 |
dey | where do games grab the supported resolutions from? | 16:14 |
s123 | i have a man, hirmware 8,1 there is no ubuntu for this | 16:14 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: Sounds like you have it set to use the VPN as the default gateway. That means you can't see the local network. | 16:14 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: The VPN server can either supply DHCP or can pass through DHCP. | 16:14 |
skinux | I let Ubuntu do an update, had to restart, and now Python complains _markerlib is missing when I try to install oursql? | 16:15 |
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skinux | Seems like everytime I do some kind of an upgrade something breaks in Ubuntu. | 16:15 |
Vivekananda | jhutchins: I am sorry but I dont know networking well enough to understand everything you said but I did understand parts of it | 16:15 |
Justus | apb1963: thank you | 16:15 |
wols_ | apb1963: in the age of SMART bacblock is not really used or needed anymore | 16:15 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: The default gateway is something you can set on the openvpn client. | 16:16 |
Vivekananda | when you say : I cannot see the local network did you mean the 'local' network at the client location ? | 16:16 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: Are you using Network Manager to control the VPN? | 16:16 |
apb1963 | wols_: The problem is with a USB flash drive | 16:17 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: Yes, the remote network being over the VPN connection. | 16:17 |
Vivekananda | if yes then I am sorry for not conveying properly but what I meant is that after connecting to the vpn I can ping the IP I get assigned by the vpn remote server and but I cannot ping the local SERVER side machines | 16:17 |
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streulma | hello I want usb info about a specific device xxxx:xxxx, how can I do it with lsusb? | 16:18 |
Vivekananda | by local I meant machines on the server lan/vpn connection | 16:18 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: Let's call the network at the other end the remote network. | 16:18 |
wols_ | apb1963: there the controller is supposed to map out bad cells. | 16:18 |
Vivekananda | ok | 16:18 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: local being what's located with your client machine. | 16:19 |
wols_ | apb1963: and if the controller cannot do that anymore, it's basically almost dead anyways | 16:19 |
Vivekananda | jhutchins: so I want to ping the remote machines available to me through the server | 16:19 |
Vivekananda | jhutchins: yes I understand and sorry for the confusion | 16:19 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: So can you ping the remote server's IP, or only the IP assgned to the connection? | 16:19 |
module000 | streulma: you can use `lsusb -s <BUS>:<DEVNUM>`, and throw -v in to get more info | 16:20 |
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Vivekananda | jhutchins: I am sure about being able to ping the ip assigned to the connection but not sure about the remote server ip | 16:20 |
Vivekananda | let me try that | 16:20 |
module000 | streulma: if you already know the device's /dev location, you can do `lsusb -D /dev/bus/usb/<num>/<num>` also | 16:20 |
Vivekananda | jhutchins: the problem is if i try that then I loose internet :( | 16:21 |
sflw | Hi guys, brand new to Ubuntu and also cronjobs. Can you guys see any reason why the following shell script wouldn't fire hourly when placed in /etc/cron.hourly: http://bpaste.net/show/ZanwfGQwVMdyhpNPFqyR/? | 16:21 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: Look for a "default gateway" setting. | 16:21 |
Vivekananda | jhutchins: where and how ? | 16:21 |
module000 | sflw: is 'scrapy' in the path? add some logging to it so you can capture any errors it might be throwing | 16:22 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: Where you set up the VPN connection. Unfortunately I don't have a Ubuntu desktop I can walk you through with. | 16:22 |
sflw | module000: Good question about path. How do I check that? Also any recommendations on catching errors? | 16:22 |
jhutchins | streulma: You will also see some information at the end of dmesg when you connect the device. | 16:22 |
sflw | module000: scrapy is a command from a python library I have installed, btw. | 16:23 |
module000 | sflw: i replied to your paste with some additions to dump the output to /tmp/mycron.output: http://bpaste.net/show/DuFcEFyWRp6E1GeassZw/ | 16:23 |
CarlFK | sflw: (and module000) nothing is in the path in cron.. you need to specify the full path to it | 16:24 |
Vivekananda | jhutchins: here is something I tried | 16:24 |
module000 | sflw: also if you put that in cron.hourly, it is going to run as root - so your normal user may have changes to their path that root won't have | 16:24 |
Vivekananda | jhutchins: http://imgur.com/fMy8scu | 16:24 |
sflw | module000: Thanks! I'm running as root@ip right now on my web server, so that should be fine? Also, I'm not sure what 2>&1 means. Have a resource I can read to learn more about that? | 16:25 |
datahead8888 | Can anyone help with this problem? My desktop manager (lightdm) is broken in Ubuntu. If I try to start it from recovery mode, it says, "Failed to get D-Bus Connection" If I don't find a solution, I am going to have to reinstall Ubuntu completely. | 16:25 |
Justus | apb1963: http://nopaste.info/0b26b91e1d.html there seems to be no driver installed, any ideas how I can go on here? Looking for this soundcard came up empty. | 16:25 |
bijoo_ | OerHeks: I think I finally get it here; seems I can't do HDMI output; since bumbleweed doesn't support it yet; and I have to use bumbleweed here; since I have Nvidia optimus: https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/wiki/History-of-the-project | 16:25 |
module000 | sflw: 2>&1 says to redirect standard error to standard output, so that any error messages end up in that log file. check out http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/io-redirection.html | 16:25 |
datahead8888 | My problem is posted at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/desktop-manager-is-broken-after-standard-ubuntu-updates-4175506282/ | 16:26 |
bijoo_ | OerHeks: I read that in the section titled this: "An end to the story ?" "As you can see, we've not been sitting down idling, and we're not going to do so now, because we still have a lot of things we want to put in Bumblebee: HDMI output support, VDPAU and alternatives backend, an graphical configuration interface, ..." | 16:26 |
sflw | CarlFK: Is the cd command enough? Or do I need to do /path/to/file + command? (ex. ~/BeijingAir/AQIspider/ python cngovaqi.py) | 16:26 |
sflw | module000: Gotcha, thanks. | 16:26 |
s123 | does ubuntu work on EFI? | 16:26 |
deftykins | bijoo_: nvidia-prime is also an option i believe | 16:26 |
CarlFK | sflw: python isn't going to run either | 16:27 |
deftykins | s123: we told you when you first asked. yes, since 12.04 | 16:27 |
s123 | but i can't make a live USB on a mac, how can i do it? | 16:27 |
apb1963 | wols_: so you're saying that the -c option for mkfs.ext4 is pointless? I have an output file to show you, but it will be a few minutes until it uploads... | 16:27 |
sflw | CarlFK: That's problematic. What do I need to do? | 16:27 |
wols_ | apb1963: at this point in time, yes | 16:27 |
CarlFK | sflw: in bash (where you have a path) do witch python (mine shows /usr/bin/python) and use that for python. | 16:28 |
module000 | sflw: CarlFK is right - i was treating your cron like a user crontab. it won't have any PATH at all since you're doing it in /etc/cron's files | 16:28 |
wols_ | apb1963: I trust you that a shitty usb stick is dying. that's nothing new :) | 16:28 |
mahua | hello | 16:28 |
sflw | module000 + CarlFK: Would it be easier for me to do this in crontab -e? I only put it in cron.hourly for the sake of simplicity. | 16:28 |
CarlFK | module000: I don't think user crontab has any path setup either. | 16:28 |
CarlFK | sflw: ^^^ no. | 16:29 |
sflw | Darn. | 16:29 |
module000 | CarlFK: the user ones will inherit the user - it runs through the bashrc/profile before it runs | 16:29 |
s123 | deftykins: i tried the latest version, but it does not show up on booting | 16:29 |
streulma | the problem is Acer replaced my internal Sunplus webcam hardware and the problem persists, the problem is not solved. It goes off after about 10secs or directly. | 16:29 |
apb1963 | wols_: yeah that much I know. The question is, will mkfs ignore the bad blocks? It's the second one that's dying brand new and I'd kind of like to get some use out of it. | 16:29 |
sflw | CarlFK: So then it should be /usr/bin/python cngovaqi.py? | 16:29 |
streulma | is this then a software issue? | 16:30 |
sflw | (My which python is the same) | 16:30 |
deftykins | s123: and did you download the mac ISOs? what kind of mac do you have? | 16:30 |
CarlFK | sflw: yes | 16:30 |
wols_ | apb1963: afaik yes it will | 16:30 |
sflw | CarlFK: How about scrapy then? Do I need to specify the path to the python library? | 16:30 |
wols_ | apb1963: buy better branded sticks. e.g. sandisk? | 16:30 |
streulma | does others have problems with Sunplus integrated cameras in Acer Aspire E1-771? | 16:30 |
apb1963 | apb1963: also, when you say "controller" I'm not sure what you mean... back in the day you plugged a daughterboard into the motherboard and that was your controller... now I have a usb port I plug the "drive" into. | 16:31 |
s123 | deftykins: i got the ISO from the Ubuntu website, i am not sure if there is a special ISO for mac, my mac is firmware 8,1 macbookpro 2012 and i have OS X 10.9.3 | 16:31 |
streulma | should I do it back to Acer ? | 16:31 |
CarlFK | sflw: when python runs, it will do it's normal make-me-a-python-path thing, so it will find scrapy | 16:31 |
deftykins | s123: yes there are as i mentioned above earlier ;) | 16:31 |
streulma | what is the problem here then? | 16:31 |
s123 | deftykins: oh, how can i find them? | 16:31 |
datahead8888 | Does anyone know how to solve a "Failed to get D-Bus connection" error for lightdm in Ubuntu? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/desktop-manager-is-broken-after-standard-ubuntu-updates-4175506282/ | 16:31 |
sflw | CarlFK: If that's the case should I call python on cngovaqi.py script first and then scrapy second? | 16:31 |
streulma | it is on Linux and Windows | 16:32 |
Vivekananda | jhutchins: can you tell me where to find out the dns settings for a vpn connection ? ie what is the cli command for seeing it ? Also can you tell me if the dns settings differ for vpnclients as compared to the remote network computers themselves | 16:32 |
deftykins | s123: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/trusty/release/ | 16:32 |
apb1963 | wols_: better brands mean more money... something I'm short on at the moment. | 16:32 |
deftykins | s123: i have no idea what the differences are though | 16:32 |
s123 | deftykins: oh | 16:32 |
CarlFK | sflw: i am lossing you. what? (pastebin it I guess) | 16:32 |
sflw | CarlFK: Sure, one sec. | 16:32 |
wols_ | apb1963: I ahven't noticed a big price premium for sandisk actually | 16:33 |
s123 | deftykins: ok downloading it now | 16:33 |
jhutchins | Vivekananda: the VPN client should update /etc/resolv.conf | 16:33 |
s123 | deftykins: will come back to you after i try installing it :-) | 16:33 |
apb1963 | wols_: really? How much for a 16GB drive? What about 128GB? | 16:33 |
jhutchins | http://pricewatch.com | 16:34 |
apb1963 | jhutchins: thank you. I learn all kinds of good things in here when I ask questions :) | 16:34 |
wols_ | apb1963: about 20 for less than 10€ http://geizhals.de/?cat=sm_usb&asd=on&asuch=sandisk%20usb%20stick&xf=309_16384#xf_top | 16:35 |
wols_ | 40€ for a 128GB one. USB2.0 however. for USB3 you pay 105€ | 16:35 |
sflw | CarlFK: Like this: http://bpaste.net/show/YFis94jhXBQScwjiGzAl/ | 16:35 |
arthurfiggis | USB flash drives are as cheap as dirt these days, thankfully :) enough that i don't bother buying blank dvd's any more, the bluray player i have has a USB port for mp4 files so i convert everything and play it off them | 16:35 |
sflw | CarlFK: I moved the python command up above scrapy | 16:35 |
apb1963 | wols_: not bad I suppose... I paid $3.85 for a 128GB drive.... $3.50 for a 16GB. So you can see the attraction. | 16:36 |
squeakytoy | using digitalocean, doing a wdet on a 6mb zip file, is saying ETA is 37m | 16:36 |
CarlFK | module000: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cron/+bug/1081379 PATH is set to "/usr/bin:/bin" (TIL there is a path. but seems nothing about bashrc. ) | 16:36 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1081379 in cron (Ubuntu) "cron ignoring PATH from crontab" [Undecided,Invalid] | 16:36 |
jhutchins | apb1963: I would say if you're seeing bad blocks on a "new" drive it's probably shot. | 16:36 |
module000 | CarlFK: ooh, i had no idea that was a bug in ubuntu. all my cron-fu comes from RHEL hosts at work ;) | 16:37 |
jhutchins | apb1963: The main thing to look for is read errors and increases in bad blocks. | 16:37 |
CarlFK | module000: no bug (it was marked invalid) | 16:37 |
deftykins | s123: ok you're holding down 'alt' after the boot chime yeah to select the different device? | 16:37 |
CarlFK | module000: but that report kinda explains what we are struggling with | 16:38 |
module000 | CarlFK: reading through it, thanks for the link | 16:38 |
CarlFK | sflw: once the first python exits, the python-path goes away with it. | 16:38 |
s123 | deftykins: yes, previously the live USB does not show up, even after several restarts, will try this ISO file and i will let you know :-) | 16:38 |
jhutchins | It's generally good practice not to assume anything about a script's execution environment and to specify anything that's important. Full paths always. | 16:38 |
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sflw | CarlFK: I'm afraid I don't follow. Does that mean I need to specify the path for scrapy or leave it as is? | 16:39 |
CarlFK | sflw: which scrapy, specify the full path to it. | 16:39 |
CarlFK | right | 16:39 |
wols_ | apb1963: those aren't real 128GB drives. not gonna happen for 3 bucks. you got scammed | 16:39 |
sflw | CarlFK: Got it. | 16:39 |
deftykins | s123: it's probably how you're creating it then | 16:39 |
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s123 | deftykins: oh, what should i do then? | 16:39 |
CarlFK | sflw: and according to what I am finding, you don't need /usr/bin/python just python, because /usr/bin is the path (and only /usr/bin) | 16:40 |
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deftykins | s123: i don't know - i've not had to create one with a mac before :) | 16:40 |
sflw | CarlFK: Okay, but which scrapy is /usr/local/bin/scrapy, I assume that's different? | 16:40 |
s123 | deftykins: :-) | 16:41 |
zergut | how to update ubuntu for last release? | 16:41 |
apb1963 | jhutchins: as soon as this file finishes uploading, I'll share the link with you so you can see what I'm dealing with. | 16:41 |
CarlFK | sflw: right. /usr/local/bin/scrapy crawl bjaqi | 16:41 |
sflw | CarlFK: All right, it's all set. The hour is in 18 minutes so we'll see if she goes or not! | 16:42 |
apb1963 | wols_: actually, the seller got boned. So I don't know if he knowingly sent me a bad drive, or if the drives are just crappy to begin with.... maybe both. | 16:42 |
apb1963 | wols_: got it on ebay | 16:42 |
CarlFK | sflw: you could change it to run at hh:45 (in 3 min) | 16:43 |
wols_ | at that pricing, the seller is a scammer. run h2testw on the drive | 16:43 |
sflw | CarlFK: I could, should I do that in crontab? | 16:43 |
CarlFK | sflw: yes, but something like * * *45 | 16:43 |
sflw | CarlFK: I need to specify the path to the file, right? So * * *45 /etc/cron.hourly/scrape.sh? | 16:43 |
deftykins | zergut: what do you mean? what are you running and what do you want to run? | 16:44 |
apb1963 | ok this is making me a little nuts... both dropbox and copy.com give me errors when I try to upload this text file with very long lines. | 16:44 |
llutz | CarlFK: sflw: man 5 crontab (45 * * * * ....) | 16:44 |
CarlFK | llutz: opps, right. | 16:44 |
CarlFK | sflw: 45 * * * * /etc/cron.hourly/scrape.sh | 16:45 |
CarlFK | better do 47 | 16:45 |
zergut | im runnin 10.10 | 16:45 |
sflw | CarlFK: K | 16:45 |
zergut | wanna last one | 16:45 |
lucas-arg | hey guys, im in problems, when i start a game like openarena or nexuiz the mouse cursor goes to the top left corner of the screen... cant solve it its driving me crazy... any ideas of a solution?? | 16:45 |
sflw | All right let's see how it goes. | 16:46 |
deftykins | zergut: honestly that's so far back you'd be better off just downloading and installing clean | 16:46 |
odisa | Hey, I just did a clean in stall of Trusty Tahr on a brand new SSD.. Works extremely smooth. But now I see there's an Amazon app installed or the likes.. How do I remove it? dpkg doesn't list any apps with amazon in the name.. | 16:47 |
jrib | !adlens | odisa | 16:47 |
ubottu | odisa: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ | 16:47 |
jrib | odisa: that? | 16:47 |
odisa | no, I've done that already jrib, thanks | 16:47 |
odisa | I mean there's an actual launcher for it | 16:47 |
sflw | CarlFK: Works! | 16:48 |
mr_sarna | hi everybody | 16:48 |
jrib | odisa: can you get info about the launcher? | 16:48 |
CarlFK | sflw: \o/ | 16:48 |
odisa | jrib: how would I do that? | 16:48 |
sflw | CarlFK: Thanks for all the help. Came for you module000 and llutz. | 16:48 |
mr_sarna | trying to install ubuntu 14.04, but I cant see the LVM partitioning optioning anywhere | 16:48 |
jrib | odisa: i don't know | 16:48 |
sflw | Same* | 16:48 |
sflw | I know there's a way to tell the bot to give cookies but I forget. :P | 16:48 |
kostkon | odisa, right click -> remove from launcher. it's just a web app | 16:48 |
odisa | hmm.. just says "Amazon" | 16:48 |
mr_sarna | Do I have to do something to be able to see the LVM install option on the installer? | 16:48 |
odisa | kostkon: will that remove the entire thing? | 16:48 |
kostkon | odisa, no | 16:49 |
sflw | All right I'm packing it in for the night. Thanks for the help. | 16:49 |
odisa | kostkon: Yeah... that's what I'm after.. | 16:49 |
datahead8888 | Does anyone know how to resolve a D-Bus connection error? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/desktop-manager-is-broken-after-standard-ubuntu-updates-4175506282/ | 16:49 |
odisa | hot damn that search was quick | 16:50 |
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odisa | found it in /usr/share/unity-webapps/userscripts/unity-webapps-amazon | 16:50 |
tonyt | can someone help me out real quick? im trying to install and nvidia driver but the thing is telling me i need to exit X before the install can take place. how to i exit this "X" ? | 16:50 |
apb1963 | ok, that was interesting... screen went black, mouse went dead... had to reboot. | 16:53 |
deftykins | tonyt: you shouldn't really be using the download from the nvidia site, have you tried the packaged versions already? | 16:54 |
SonikkuAmerica | tonyt: Drop to a tty with Ctrl+Alt+F1, log in, stop lightdm with sudo, and then run the script,if you must do it that way | 16:54 |
tonyt | i havent looked for anything in the software center yet | 16:55 |
tonyt | i was told i should try that first | 16:55 |
deftykins | tonyt: nvidia-current should be the one | 16:56 |
tonyt | ok thanks. ill search for that | 16:56 |
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otto82 | facebook album upload not working | 16:59 |
kris_ | test | 16:59 |
SchrodingersScat | kris_: test received | 17:00 |
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odisa | If I remove an application from /usr/share/applications, is it gone for good? | 17:00 |
otto82 | whats up people | 17:00 |
jhutchins | tonyt: Unlike Windows, the GUI on Linux is a seperate system. You have a fully functional text based OS running underneath it doing most of the real work. | 17:01 |
otto82 | sudo apt-get install whats up | 17:01 |
jhutchins | tonyt: OSX is somewhere in between, more integrated but still a seperate system. | 17:01 |
otto82 | why dont you try apt-get purge | 17:01 |
otto82 | type sudo apt-get purge appname | 17:02 |
otto82 | then sudo apt-get autoremove | 17:02 |
tonyt | got it | 17:02 |
odisa | otto82: tried that, but I'll try again | 17:02 |
otto82 | i run mountain lion on virtual box | 17:02 |
daftykins | otto82: that's lovely but off topic | 17:03 |
otto82 | if you want to use osx try build a custom i3 or i5 then hackintosh it | 17:03 |
otto82 | cheaper that way | 17:03 |
bekks | odisa: Please dont advice illegal activies in here. Thank you. | 17:04 |
otto82 | ok sorry | 17:04 |
odisa | bekks: excuse me? | 17:04 |
bekks | odisa: I'll excuse you. how can I help you? | 17:04 |
otto82 | he means hackintosh | 17:04 |
odisa | bekks: Which illegal activities? | 17:05 |
apb1963 | jhutchins: wols_: I keep trying to upload a file, so you can see for yourself what I'm dealing with, but both dropbox and copy.com keep rejecting it. I'm at a loss as to what to do at this point. | 17:05 |
bekks | odisa: Using hackintosh. | 17:05 |
daftykins | odisa: it was a nickname highlight accident | 17:05 |
odisa | ahh ok | 17:05 |
odisa | got me confused there, haha | 17:06 |
otto82 | well we both know more then half of the net using pirated soft | 17:06 |
otto82 | not only me | 17:06 |
odisa | So the command that the Amazon launcher runs is "unity-webapps-runner --amazon --app-id=ubuntu-amazon-default". Now I'm presuming deleting "unity-webapps-runner" will remove all webapps, correct? | 17:06 |
daftykins | otto82: please just let it go and take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:06 |
otto82 | ok | 17:07 |
bekks | otto82: It is illegal, end of the story in here. :) | 17:07 |
streulma | I know a dog and his name is Sudo :) | 17:07 |
otto82 | im new on ubuntu and kubuntu linux such anyways only two years but i learn lot in these days | 17:07 |
otto82 | way better then windows | 17:07 |
otto82 | i hate win 7 and 8.1 microsoft sucks | 17:08 |
bekks | otto82: Stop the offtopic. Finally. Thank you. | 17:08 |
Nokiabot | Why | 17:08 |
rww | otto82: #ubuntu is a support channel for Ubuntu Linux. For non-support discussion, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic and leave this channel free for support. Thanks. | 17:08 |
otto82 | but i think i must quit visual studio or delphi i must learn c sharp | 17:08 |
otto82 | well i need support | 17:09 |
bekks | otto82: Ok, ignoring you, since you are ignoring us. *plonk* | 17:09 |
rww | otto82: Then stop talking about off-topic stuff and ask your support question | 17:09 |
otto82 | why isnt it a free channel dont you people support free software | 17:09 |
rww | otto82: because it has a lot of people in it, and if everyone just did what they want it would be a mess. Ask in #ubuntu-ops if you have further questions on the channel guidelines (which you were linked to when you joined this channel) | 17:10 |
planetmaker | this is a support channel. Not a chat channel | 17:10 |
otto82 | well my support question is | 17:10 |
otto82 | ok wait i have a question | 17:10 |
zergut | how to change superuser password? | 17:10 |
otto82 | why we people must remove cups and samba and reject webmin and ssh or purge it | 17:10 |
bekks | !root | zergut | 17:10 |
ubottu | zergut: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 17:10 |
otto82 | how many people use remote connections | 17:10 |
otto82 | its a security hole | 17:10 |
planetmaker | zergut, sudo passwd | 17:11 |
rww | !noroot | 17:11 |
ubottu | We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 17:11 |
planetmaker | hm :) | 17:11 |
markolo25 | hello | 17:12 |
jxjl | hi, does anybody know, how to get global appmenu working for gtk apps and LibreOffice in new Kubuntu? I have installed appmenu-gtk as usual, unfortunatelly, this package is replaced by unity-gtk-module, that doesn't work with kde globalmenu plasmoid | 17:12 |
zergut | thank you | 17:12 |
vak | hi all | 17:12 |
markolo25 | i currently have a tar.gz file but i'm not sure if it's really a tar.gz, or if it's a tar.bz2 is there a way of checking what it really is | 17:12 |
Weishen | anyone know what happen to the off topic channel? | 17:12 |
teaearlgraycold | If I want to install a second linux distro (Xubuntu) on top of my current one (Crunchbang) will the xubuntu installer take care of the Grub config? Will I just need to add a grub entry for crunchbang? | 17:13 |
rww | mojtaba: file filename.tar.gz | 17:13 |
rww | markolo25: file filename.tar.gz | 17:13 |
planetmaker | markolo25, just try to ungzip it | 17:13 |
rww | mojtaba: mistab, sorry | 17:13 |
jhutchins | markolo25: Try to uncompress it with bzip or gzip. | 17:13 |
markolo25 | ok | 17:13 |
rww | Weishen: Nothing, it's still at #ubuntu-offtopic as usual... | 17:13 |
mojtaba | rww: no worries | 17:13 |
elky | jxjl: i had to give up, canonical apparently ceased to maintain that thing :( | 17:13 |
markolo25 | using the tar command right? | 17:13 |
jhutchins | markolo25: Using gunzip or bunzip | 17:14 |
nytelife | Running 14.04LTS. If OS freezes or crashes and I have to hard reboot, why does resolv conf loose its symlink? | 17:14 |
Weishen | rww: sorry, not ubuntu off topic, but general off topic channel | 17:14 |
jhutchins | markolo25: or, yeah, tar -xz, tar -xj | 17:14 |
markolo25 | do i have to rename the file when switching | 17:14 |
nytelife | I can fix by running dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf, but why does it not stick? | 17:14 |
rww | Weishen: #defocus is still #defocus as usual too (and op questions about it go in #defocus-ops, not here) | 17:14 |
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ice9 | how to enable vsync? | 17:15 |
vak | after re-aranging the SATA cables Ubuntu can't boot because of infinite loop in mdadm: CREATE user root not found \n mdadm:CREATE group not found \n Incrementally started RAID arrays. [...] | 17:15 |
Weishen | rww: I totally forgot it was defocus, thanks! | 17:15 |
vak | can one skip mdadm from grub? | 17:15 |
vak | (Ubuntu is installed on non-RAID partition) | 17:16 |
rww | Weishen: you're welcome :) | 17:16 |
nytelife | any ideas? | 17:17 |
x0077BE | I'm having some trouble installing Ubuntu. | 17:18 |
x0077BE | Details in 1 sec. | 17:18 |
x0077BE | Sorry. | 17:18 |
x0077BE | I'm using the Ubuntu Server version, dual-boot with Windows 8. I have my linux partition configured with a /boot partition configured as an EFI boot partition, then my main partition is a dm-crypt encrypted volume containing an LVM logical volume which is then divided into a swap and / partition, all mounted properly. | 17:20 |
x0077BE | It installs just fine, but fails to install the grub-amd64-signed bootloader. | 17:20 |
x0077BE | Sorry, grub-efi-amd64-signed. I found some people saying I need network connection, but that doesn't really seem to be helping. I erased the /boot partition and tried again, no luck. | 17:21 |
gdm85 | I enabled backports, but there is no 3.10 kernel :s | 17:22 |
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gdm85 | lotuspsychje: why did you point me at backports? | 17:22 |
x0077BE | It specifically says "grub-efi-amd64-signed failed ot install to /target", so maybe it's not looking for /boot? I dunno what /target is. | 17:23 |
bekks | gdm85: backports do not provide 3.10 kernels, but 3.11/3.13 | 17:23 |
lazor | !kali | 17:23 |
ubottu | Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 17:23 |
markolo25 | :3 file command is awesome jhattara told me exactly what i needed | 17:24 |
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nick07 | I want to ./configure a program (gtimelapse) but I ran into trouble (checking gawk.. no ....) | 17:25 |
gdm85 | bekks: I asked originally about 3.10. but I don't see listed 3.11 either. shouldn't it be listed by an 'aptitude search'? | 17:25 |
gdm85 | I enabled trusty-backports | 17:25 |
bekks | gdm85: Which ubuntu release are you on? | 17:25 |
gdm85 | bekks: 14 | 17:25 |
bekks | gdm85: 14 what? | 17:25 |
Vivekananda | hi everyone | 17:25 |
gdm85 | bekks: are there multiple 14? 14.04 LTS | 17:26 |
edgardokrause | hi everyone!!, i coulfnt install in acer aspire E1 510, win8, UEFI, not booteable usb, any idea? | 17:26 |
adamcunnington_ | can i play blu rays on 14.04? | 17:26 |
bekks | gdm85: sudo apt-get install linux-image will install 3.13.0-x | 17:26 |
bekks | adamcunnington_: "yes". | 17:26 |
vilambit | how do i downgrade my xserver? | 17:26 |
bekks | vilambit: you dont. why are you asking, actually? | 17:27 |
gdm85 | bekks: I am running 3.13 already, why would I do that? | 17:27 |
bekks | gdm85: Being on 3.13, why do you want to use 3.10 or 3.11? | 17:27 |
vilambit | bekks: because the previous version on my macbook pro didnt crash everyday | 17:27 |
nick07 | need some help with configure and install gtimelapse on ubuntu 14.04 | 17:27 |
Vivekananda | I have ubuntu 12.04 and trying to ping machines on remote network through vpn. I am able to ping the ip assigned to the connection but no other machines. I tried using this http://askubuntu.com/questions/320921/having-dns-issues-when-connected-to-a-vpn-in-ubuntu-13-04 . After doing the steps I see that my /etc/resolv.conf adds a line : nameserver x.x.x.x . I still am unable to ping machines though. | 17:27 |
markolo25 | if i do a tar xf mark.tar.gz mark | 17:28 |
markolo25 | will it extract the mark.tar.gz to a new folder named mark | 17:28 |
markolo25 | will it make the new flder | 17:28 |
bekks | Vivekananda: A nameserver has nothing to do with pinging IP adresses. | 17:28 |
Vivekananda | vilambit: interesting name :) | 17:28 |
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wilee-nilee | x0077BE, might be worth reading, this mod besides a few users here is a pretty helpful in this area. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295 | 17:28 |
vilambit | Vivekananda: u from india? :) | 17:28 |
gdm85 | bekks: if you don't know how to answer my question, just don't answer. much appreciated | 17:29 |
x0077BE | wilee-nilee: That's... a lot to read. Anything in particular you were pointing me to? | 17:29 |
bekks | gdm85: If you dont want help, just say it. Much appreciated. | 17:29 |
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Vivekananda | bekks: someone told me that I needed the remote networks' gateway info in the resolv.conf as one step in troubleshooting | 17:29 |
bekks | gdm85: Maybe someone else will help you despite your attitude. I wont. Good luck. | 17:29 |
bekks | Vivekananda: Thats not neded for pinging IP addresses at all. | 17:30 |
adamcunnington_ | bekks: i heard they have to be converted first due to DRM or something | 17:30 |
nick07 | like some help configure and install gTimelapse on Ubuntu 14.04 | 17:31 |
Vivekananda | bekks: okay then I am stuck and need help with vpn. Upto now I have installed openvpn for network manager and installed certs and stuff and connection goes through. I can ping the ip assigned to my machine but do nothing else. How do I proceed ? | 17:31 |
wilee-nilee | x0077BE, Basically it is a thread that indicates the maze of the manufacturers versions of uefi setups, shows variables. There is another thread associated with the bootrepair and and it's bootinfo summary that this mod and a few there host for this sort of stuff as well. | 17:31 |
bekks | Vivekananda: Check the routing, not the DNS. | 17:31 |
wilee-nilee | x0077BE, You seem fairly savvy but this uefi is a pain in the booty. | 17:32 |
wilee-nilee | uefi stuff* | 17:32 |
x0077BE | wilee-nilee: Yeah, I can see that, but I dunno how applicable it is really. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have much to go on. | 17:32 |
x0077BE | "x failed to install" is not a very helpful error message. | 17:33 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, are you trying to get to other machines on your remote network or other things? | 17:33 |
x0077BE | This: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/1252255 is suggested as being due to the grub-efi-amd64-signed package being named the wrong thing. | 17:34 |
rodhash | list | 17:34 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1252255 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 17:34 |
x0077BE | But it's not named wrong in my iso. | 17:34 |
wilee-nilee | x0077BE, Sure, I would run the bootinfo summary only and post at the thread here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post10871917 | 17:34 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: I am tryiing to 1. connect to remote network 2. successfully ping machines there 3. eventually log into and take control of one machine and do stuff on it | 17:34 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, ok. Let me post up a script. this will probably fix your issue | 17:34 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: umm could you , if possible, also tell me what the issue is coz I would like to learn this a bit too | 17:35 |
cassio3 | hey guys. simple question. | 17:35 |
cassio3 | I'm converting a windows machine | 17:35 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: I was just going to post info about route -n after connecting to remote | 17:35 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7614045/ | 17:35 |
wilee-nilee | x0077BE, maybe 1 or 2 regulars here that I see fix this stuff, however it may be some just don't want to be involved hard to say, just a small help source in all. | 17:35 |
cassio3 | is there cross-platform backup software that will backup the windows machine and allow me to extract it on the windows side? | 17:36 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, IP forwarding is likely not setup. so you will surely be able to connect back to the remote network and probably ping the server, but you won't be able to get to any remote clients. | 17:36 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: how do I figure out if ipforwarding is not set up | 17:37 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, grab that script, chmod +x it and run it. | 17:37 |
Vivekananda | is there a way I can figure it out | 17:37 |
Vivekananda | okay one sec | 17:37 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, on the server | 17:37 |
daftykins | lol running some script someone gives you, seems legit ;D | 17:37 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: I am not the owner of the server. I can only remotely connect to it | 17:37 |
wilee-nilee | cassio3, backup meaning what exactly, the parts of windows saved. Honestly there is a ##windows channel for windows. | 17:38 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, can you run scripts on it? | 17:38 |
sudormrf | daftykins, YOU AGAIN! | 17:38 |
sudormrf | daftykins, if you look at the script it is pretty obvious what it does. there are even notes in it! :D | 17:39 |
daftykins | yeah, but he might not know that | 17:39 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: I can ask the owner to run them but I need to be able to tell him what the problem is. so can you tell me if I can figure out if ipforwarding is set up or not ? | 17:39 |
cassio3 | wilee-nilee, that is unnecessary. What I want to know is if there is cross-platform backup software. the files mostly. I am aware that the binaries aren't compatible. | 17:39 |
Vivekananda | also cant it be something at my end ? some routing table issues ? | 17:39 |
cassio3 | sorry mostly didn't mean to tag ya | 17:40 |
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon | ||
sudormrf | daftykins, true | 17:40 |
adamcunnington_ | can i play blu ray on ubuntu without having to convert the file? literally plug and play? | 17:40 |
wilee-nilee | cassio3, Sure, but can you be specific as what parts of windows, myself I just clone the stuff. | 17:41 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, so am I understanding this correctly, you can connect to the VPN just fine, but once connected to the VPN you cannot browse to any of the remote machines and you cannot access any web pages? | 17:41 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: IP forwarding will be referred to in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iirc | 17:41 |
sudormrf | daftykins, thanks :) | 17:42 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: yes. also I can ping my assigned ip and the gateway ip but no others. nmap -sP x.x.x.x also returns only two hosts up ie the gateway and mine | 17:42 |
wilee-nilee | cassio3, part of the issue is running within windows, there probably are tools, however we are support in general on broken stuff, not the white pages to find apps, E.g a polling station. | 17:42 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: checking that | 17:42 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, yeah. Had the same issue with it myself. | 17:42 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, there are two ways to solve this | 17:43 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, bridge the adapters (using a TAP instead of TUN, or the reverse, I forget). Or IP Forwarding | 17:43 |
reversiblean | Can I install gnome-flashback in Ubuntu 12.04? Anybody? | 17:44 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/BridgingAndRouting | 17:44 |
wilee-nilee | reversiblean, Not without a ppa | 17:44 |
cassio3 | wilee-nilee, I apologise if I've broken the rules | 17:44 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/faq/75-general/311-what-are-the-fundamental-differences-between-bridging-and-routing-in-terms-of-configuration.html | 17:44 |
cassio3 | I will go away | 17:44 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/miscellaneous/76-ethernet-bridging.html | 17:45 |
wilee-nilee | cassio3, Nah that just the channel has it's uses and we want to help, not waste you time. | 17:45 |
reversiblean | how about the compatibility? | 17:45 |
dhaval2712 | msg nickserv identify dhvl_2712 | 17:45 |
wilee-nilee | your* | 17:45 |
dhaval2712 | Ah. My password. | 17:45 |
dhaval2712 | Great. | 17:45 |
cassio3 | you are missing the slash | 17:46 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: hmmm but before I go into all that ( honestly I dont know networking well enough so will have to read a couple of times to follow) but if what you say is true then no one should be able to connect and log on to remote machines via vpn on that network right ? | 17:46 |
dhaval2712 | cassio3, Indeed. | 17:46 |
kirankumar | hi, my ubuntu is upgrade now can can i puase it and resume tomoroow | 17:46 |
dhaval2712 | So anyway, Ubuntu crashes very badly when I start the YouTube webapp, even AFTER the upgrade. | 17:46 |
wilee-nilee | reversiblean, If you address another using their nick as a preface keeps the context | 17:46 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, depends. the script I posted will setup ipfowarding for all openvpn connections. if the server admin has setup routes for single clients that would be different. | 17:47 |
Vivekananda | kirankumar: I believe upgrades should not be paused in between | 17:47 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, meaning those clients would be able to do what you are trying to do. | 17:47 |
Vivekananda | you might get broken packages | 17:47 |
kirankumar | ok | 17:48 |
bubble_beam | hello | 17:48 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, I may have had to do one more thing, but IIRC that script was all I needed | 17:48 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: and which file / command will tell me if this is the case ? will a route -n or nmap from the client computer that was successful | 17:48 |
bubble_beam | i cant manage my networks | 17:48 |
MikeySoarece | hello | 17:48 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, check where daftykins recommended | 17:48 |
bubble_beam | i mean , the icon for that is missing from the panel | 17:48 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: okay. I will have to ask my boss about it | 17:49 |
wilee-nilee | cassio3, Don't forget you are the one seeking help here, and this is free volunteer help it has a communication norm that includes at least respect for that scenario. | 17:49 |
bubble_beam | hi MikeySoarece | 17:49 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: just "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" | 17:49 |
MikeySoarece | i install epic5 irc client, how i change betwen channel windows | 17:50 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, yeah. the default behavior for OpenVPN is what you are experiencing | 17:50 |
MikeySoarece | or it just one window | 17:50 |
daftykins | MikeySoarece: this isn't IRC client support | 17:50 |
MikeySoarece | ? | 17:50 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: can i do this from my side ? or do I have to ask the server admin to do it and send me the output ? | 17:50 |
MikeySoarece | clear | 17:50 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, if you do what daftykins says, the value should return a 1 | 17:50 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: depends if you can get a shell on the VPN endpoint machine | 17:50 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: endpoint = client or server ? currently the server is remote and I am the client | 17:51 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: dude, i know you said you don't know networking, but what's the task we're working on here? :) routing on the server, heh - so on the server. | 17:52 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, can you SSH to the server? | 17:52 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, meaning does your account have the rights to do so | 17:53 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: okay | 17:53 |
kirankumar | if i am stop this process now . next time start it start from startly | 17:54 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: nope I dont think so guess will have to reach out and wait | 17:54 |
Vivekananda | kirankumar: people here would be able to give better recommendations but usually a distribution upgrade is a serious process and you need to make sure you have constant electricity + net up until you finish the upgrade | 17:54 |
Vivekananda | is what I know | 17:55 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: btw should I undo the changes I made from here http://askubuntu.com/questions/320921/having-dns-issues-when-connected-to-a-vpn-in-ubuntu-13-04 | 17:55 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, ok. well you know what you need to do :). good luck. I am leaving. | 17:55 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: thanks and yes I will ping | 17:55 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, nah. | 17:55 |
Vivekananda | whenever I see you again | 17:56 |
Vivekananda | tomorrow maybe ? | 17:56 |
Vivekananda | or late night or something ? | 17:56 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, all that did was change the "nameserver" display in /etc/resolv.conf from to whatever the nameserver is | 17:56 |
Vivekananda | sudormrf: I also commented out the demasq line | 17:56 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, I am usually in here all the time. can't guarantee I will be reading or that I will have the answers, but I can do my best. I personally have experienced the same issue you have, so yeah | 17:56 |
kirankumar | @vivekananda : ok thanks ,so i have to wait until upgration process is complete sir. | 17:56 |
sudormrf | Vivekananda, yeah, all that does is change what you see for nameserver. you can leave it. | 17:57 |
sudormrf | k. got go to now. | 17:57 |
Vivekananda | kirankumar: I guess so !! | 17:57 |
Vivekananda | thanks | 17:57 |
=== pakair is now known as pavlos | ||
Vivekananda | daftykins: if what sudormr says is true then how come when I took the steps in there ( http://askubuntu.com/questions/320921/having-dns-issues-when-connected-to-a-vpn-in-ubuntu-13-04) I saw a new nameserver line added to the resolv.conf after a vpn connection but did not see this happening before . the new line that gets added is like : nameserver : 10.x.x.x and this belongs to vpn connection | 17:59 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: a moment ago we were talking about IP forwarding for routing, now you're jumping to DNS... are you aware of the difference? | 18:01 |
kirankumar | Vivekananda : sir if any problem occures some like electricity down ya net is down at the end time of upgration . so we have to repeat all process ? | 18:01 |
wilee-nilee | kirankumar, Backup and clone the original, than you can do what you want, as you are prepared. | 18:01 |
kirankumar | yah | 18:02 |
wilee-nilee | ;) | 18:02 |
NGC982 | I'm having issues with the send-keys command in tmux again. I'm trying to simulate the enter key (to execute), but it always writes out the "Enter" word instead. I can't remember how i got it working since. :/ | 18:02 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest716 | ||
NGC982 | For now, i used: "tmux send-keys -t 0 helloworld Enter" | 18:02 |
maddawg2 | bleh... i gotta give more RAM to my ubuntu install | 18:02 |
NGC982 | gandaliter: Are you around? :-) | 18:02 |
maddawg2 | thankgod for vmware | 18:02 |
Vivekananda | kirankumar: as wilee-nilee said :) | 18:03 |
cortexman | how do I build a termcap shared library? the configure script doesn't support --disable-static --enable-shared | 18:03 |
kirankumar | yah | 18:03 |
simbageoleo | i need help installing my wireless driver please | 18:04 |
SchrodingersScat | !broadcom | simbageoleo | 18:04 |
ubottu | simbageoleo: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 18:04 |
wilee-nilee | simbageoleo, Sure give us the hardwrae info should show if you run lspci in the cli. | 18:05 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: to be honest the first thing i do is murder resolvconf on systems, all it does is make life harder | 18:05 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: I had done that step myself before I came in here for help. Just wanted to make sure if 1. I needed to undo it 2. trying to understand something I observed that happened on making the change but you are right coz you already said dns resolutoin is not connected to ip forwarding. I am waiting for the output from the remote server admin about the cat ... command and in the meantime I thought I should make sure the other stuff is in o | 18:05 |
Vivekananda | rder. But no worries I will wait for that first | 18:05 |
simbageoleo | Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05) | 18:06 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: although, i haven't actually followed your issue closely, so i don't know if you're trying to contact a system on the 'work' network by IP or name | 18:07 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: I tried a ping using both after I got a 'vpn successfully connected' on network manager on 12.04 | 18:07 |
thedoctor | no help | 18:08 |
kirankumar | sir i think if i am stop my upgration process in between . now next time it start from paused. is required? yes or no sir | 18:08 |
thedoctor | upgration ? | 18:08 |
kirankumar | yes | 18:08 |
thedoctor | not a word | 18:08 |
thedoctor | use spell check. | 18:09 |
kirankumar | yah | 18:09 |
wilee-nilee | simbageoleo, might be worth looking through this solved thread, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=309041 kinda old is all. | 18:09 |
wilee-nilee | http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man4/iwi.4freebsd.html more simbageoleo | 18:10 |
kirankumar | my meanig is that . linux have to preserve ya store a data if any interuption occcuress during upgration process. | 18:10 |
thedoctor | it might not | 18:10 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: ok, yeah definitely more wrong than just DNS... but having the VPN's DNS added *in addition* to your local isn't going to help much, but that's a few steps further on :D | 18:10 |
thedoctor | i dont see why it would have too. | 18:11 |
thedoctor | you hose your install its your deal not the fault of linux or the distro. | 18:11 |
daftykins | thedoctor: either be helpful or stay silent please. | 18:11 |
thedoctor | excuse me ? | 18:12 |
thedoctor | geez | 18:12 |
wilee-nilee | there is a history of issue there anyway | 18:12 |
gdm85 | I think debootstrap could parallelize its downloads. or is that done on purpose to not overload mirrors? | 18:12 |
thedoctor | dont be rude | 18:13 |
satrapes | hello fellow ubuntians | 18:13 |
thedoctor | yo | 18:13 |
kirankumar | good night every body . thanks for possitive reply . i wait until upgration process | 18:13 |
wilee-nilee | gdm85, can apt-fast be used in that scenario? | 18:13 |
thedoctor | upgration lol | 18:13 |
satrapes | I have been trying to solve a problem for some days and can't seem to find it | 18:13 |
bazhang | !behelpful | 18:13 |
ubottu | As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 18:13 |
satrapes | the solution that is | 18:13 |
bazhang | thedoctor, see above | 18:14 |
gdm85 | wilee-nilee: perhaps. first time I hear about that :) | 18:14 |
thedoctor | relax | 18:14 |
thedoctor | no jokes | 18:14 |
bazhang | thedoctor, take the chit chat elsewhere | 18:14 |
satrapes | I had a problem when upgrading from 13.10 to 14.04 | 18:14 |
thedoctor | relax | 18:14 |
last_romeo | hi | 18:14 |
simbageoleo | i want to find the wireless drivers for my easynote e2310 how do i do this | 18:14 |
wilee-nilee | gdm85, one other multi download apps I forget it's name is all. | 18:14 |
last_romeo | I needed some assistance with my brightness keys | 18:14 |
maddawg2 | good luck with that one haha | 18:15 |
last_romeo | is this the right place? | 18:15 |
satrapes | there seems to be a combination of kernel panic and error: grub_term_highlight_color not found | 18:15 |
last_romeo | sorryam new' | 18:15 |
maddawg2 | last_romeo what kind of computer? | 18:15 |
wilee-nilee | last_romeo, If ubuntu sure, give us an outline. | 18:15 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: btw I am not even sure if I set up the open vpn correctly ie I found that for some reason the cert import does not work well for ubuntu 12.04 so I had to break down the cert into parts and rename and then import them individually ( all by hand) . Does a ' vpn connection successful' clearly indicate that this is has been done correctly by me ? | 18:15 |
last_romeo | hi maddawg | 18:15 |
thedoctor | i wa saying i think ubuntu is a rolling release | 18:15 |
last_romeo | i have an Asus Laptop withA4 5000 | 18:15 |
thedoctor | took long time to upgrade | 18:15 |
gdm85 | simbageoleo: first you should identify what type of hardware is there. usually you can find it in dmesg output, or some other command that enumerates your hardware devices | 18:15 |
last_romeo | running Radeon hd 8330 and fglrx | 18:16 |
maddawg2 | well the GPU doesnt matter | 18:16 |
gdm85 | simbageoleo: do you already know what wifi chipset is there? | 18:16 |
wilee-nilee | last_romeo, compact all info to one post. | 18:16 |
last_romeo | kernel is 3.14 | 18:16 |
simbageoleo | built in or external card | 18:16 |
last_romeo | ok..sorry wilee-nilee | 18:16 |
wilee-nilee | last_romeo, NO prob that way you will get lost in the shuffele is all. ;) | 18:17 |
satrapes | does anybody have a clue why would grub break from upgrading from 13.10 to 14.04? | 18:17 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: i have no direct experience with it, is this a new setup by your boss he's trying to get you to test, or is it normally used by Windows people? | 18:17 |
thedoctor | question is ubuntu a rolling relase ? | 18:17 |
wilee-nilee | last_romeo, meant by not doing so. | 18:17 |
simbageoleo | built in intel external belkin | 18:17 |
bprompt | thedoctor: what do you mean? | 18:17 |
trism | satrapes: bug 1289977 has a description of how to fix it | 18:17 |
ubottu | bug 1289977 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14.04 Update breaks grub, resulting in "error: symbol 'grub_term_highlight_color' not found"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1289977 | 18:17 |
thedoctor | wrone person to ask i gusse | 18:18 |
bprompt | thedoctor: they have explicit scheduled releases, yes | 18:18 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, many variables, there is a app though tha is good for analysis, you want that? | 18:18 |
thedoctor | well was asking any one | 18:18 |
satrapes | yes please | 18:18 |
nimbiotics | hello all. I'm using ubuntu v14.04LTS with MATE. I have a Plantronics 995H wireless headset that was working fine ... until I installed some updates today. Can someone please help me understand what is going on and how to fix it? TIA! | 18:18 |
satrapes | I have tried most of first page of google solutions to no avail | 18:18 |
NGC982 | hmz. | 18:18 |
last_romeo | Fn+ brightness up or down not working all other keys like mute and volume work, even screen off works, AMD A4 5000 laptop with kernel 3.14 | 18:18 |
thedoctor | i mean u can upgrade with out a fresh iso every time. | 18:19 |
gdm85 | simbageoleo: I can't know. which one do you want to use? | 18:19 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair this is a repair app, on the gui is the bootinfo summary, you can run that alone and do no repairs, post the out out url of it. | 18:19 |
simbageoleo | well the internal one | 18:19 |
simbageoleo | please | 18:20 |
bprompt | thedoctor: you could, but just with with any other software or OSes, is prone to not work perfect, installed fresh from .iso delivers more reliability, then again, that's true of pretty much other OSes | 18:20 |
wilee-nilee | !who | simbageoleo | 18:20 |
ubottu | simbageoleo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:20 |
thedoctor | its fine | 18:20 |
captain-nemo | anyone available to answer a dual-boot question for the nearish future? | 18:20 |
thedoctor | it offer it | 18:20 |
wilee-nilee | captain-nemo, NOt a really good way to approach it, but go ahead. | 18:20 |
last_romeo | anyone,fixed the brightness issue for themselves? | 18:21 |
thedoctor | also how i restore permissions ? | 18:21 |
simbageoleo | !gdm85 i want to us the intel one please | 18:21 |
ubottu | simbageoleo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:21 |
captain-nemo | brand new hard drive for messed up dell inpiron...wanna dual boot ubuntu 14 w/ fedora 20...I'm assuming the best way is probably to install ubuntu 14 first right? i know we're all biased in here lol but opinions are welcome | 18:21 |
last_romeo | #help | 18:22 |
simbageoleo | !who | 18:22 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:22 |
maddawg2 | i'd try to help last_romeo but i realized the reason why my brightness controls work is cuz i'm using vmware | 18:22 |
wilee-nilee | captain-nemo, Does not matter with 2 linux installs | 18:22 |
Hachya_Home | join #python | 18:22 |
captain-nemo | directed at thedoctor | 18:22 |
Hachya_Home | fuck | 18:22 |
bprompt | thedoctor: how to restore permissions? doesn't that require a known permission set to begin with? so, there's an assumption permissions are not this or that, then again..... that's almost like asking someone "where are my car keys?" well, if one is not there, one wouldn't know | 18:22 |
simbageoleo | !gdm85 test | 18:22 |
thedoctor | im having issues withj copying folders | 18:22 |
wilee-nilee | !language | Hachya_Home | 18:22 |
ubottu | Hachya_Home: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 18:22 |
thedoctor | says im not the owner | 18:22 |
last_romeo | ok.. thanks maddawg2 | 18:22 |
last_romeo | any guesses anyone | 18:23 |
satrapes | ok the info is in http://paste.ubuntu.com/7614247 | 18:23 |
wilee-nilee | !tab > captain-nemo | 18:23 |
ubottu | captain-nemo, please see my private message | 18:23 |
thedoctor | im admin | 18:23 |
cadefy | hi | 18:23 |
captain-nemo | lol no owner of course ill be on later still figuring out irc in general sorry guys | 18:23 |
bprompt | !chmod | thedoctor | 18:23 |
ubottu | thedoctor: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 18:23 |
maddawg2 | since you aren't I cant really point you to a fix last_romeo, however I would suggest you look at this: http://nikunjlahoti.com/2012/04/29/ubuntu-12-04-fix-fn-brightness-keys/ .... it's a different computer but maybe it will have the same fix | 18:24 |
thedoctor | never mind | 18:24 |
simbageoleo | !tab gdm85 test | 18:24 |
ubottu | simbageoleo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:24 |
thedoctor | ill ask else were. | 18:24 |
thedoctor | im a bot too. | 18:24 |
* bprompt thinks thedoctor needs a "checkup" | 18:24 | |
thedoctor | just kidding | 18:24 |
gdm85 | simbageoleo: you should check if your easynote has an RT2500 wifi | 18:24 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: no this is a limitation ( as far as I read) of ubuntu 12.04 that is installed on my machine ( ie the client) . what I did was described here : http://naveensnayak.wordpress.com/2013/03/04/ubuntu-openvpn-with-ovpn-file/ | 18:24 |
thedoctor | i was hopping it was a command in the terminal | 18:25 |
simbageoleo | whats that | 18:25 |
cadefy | why does my laptop mouse scroll not work? | 18:25 |
last_romeo | maddawg2 it hasnt worked i tried | 18:25 |
thedoctor | settings | 18:25 |
maddawg2 | oh | 18:25 |
maddawg2 | then yea.. sorry i cant help | 18:25 |
thedoctor | top left coner | 18:25 |
thedoctor | gear icon | 18:25 |
bprompt | thedoctor: you can run "chmod" recursively, yes, check the info above given by ubottu | 18:25 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: that's a lovely link but until you get IP forwarding checked to understand whether it's meant to work, there's not much point wasting any time theorising | 18:25 |
maddawg2 | off to shower now | 18:25 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7614247 | 18:26 |
wilee-nilee | cadefy, THe scroll wheel? context and details needed. | 18:26 |
bprompt | !chown | thedoctor | 18:26 |
ubottu | thedoctor: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 18:26 |
thedoctor | no thanks | 18:26 |
last_romeo | hi,Fn+ brightness up or down not working all other keys like mute and volume work, even screen off works, AMD A4 5000 laptop with kernel 3.14.. | 18:26 |
simbageoleo | @gdm85 test | 18:26 |
* gdm85 somebody just won an /ignore | 18:27 | |
daftykins | thedoctor: please stop using enter as punctuation | 18:27 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: that reminds me of sherlock :). It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the data. One insensibly starts twisting facts to suit theories rather than theories to suit facts | 18:27 |
thedoctor | omg really | 18:27 |
cortexman | https://gist.githubusercontent.com/brianmingus/0e5e2bf030389d129248/raw/f523344a5aba1a05cdc770bf0cd919ec80225409/gistfile1.txt | 18:27 |
cadefy | wilee-nilee, laptops have a scroll feature on the track pad, doesnt work on ubuntu? | 18:27 |
simbageoleo | how do i check that please | 18:27 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: very wise indeed, is that from the BBC series? | 18:27 |
thedoctor | i told him the gear | 18:27 |
OerHeks | last_romeo, what laptop exact? | 18:28 |
thedoctor | moving on | 18:28 |
Vivekananda | daftykins: that is straight from conan doyle :) the creater of the super slueth | 18:28 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, you have inserted grub in the sda2 partition the main OS partition, some how. http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector | 18:28 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, Can you describe what happens when you try to boot ubuntu or W7? | 18:29 |
thedoctor | how do i force quit ? | 18:29 |
daftykins | Vivekananda: ah good stuff :) | 18:30 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: first of all I have set up a dual boot system in a single hdd with win7 installed first according to the following guide http://www.iceflatline.com/2009/09/how-to-dual-boot-windows-7-and-linux-using-bcdedit/ | 18:30 |
thedoctor | update manager is acting funny | 18:30 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: when I boot up I get a windows bootloader menu with choice for Linux and Windows 7 | 18:31 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: if i select windows I can boot normally no problem and if i try to boot Linux I just get grub rescue prompt | 18:31 |
thedoctor | i got it | 18:32 |
simbageoleo | lease can someone help me with my wireless intel card | 18:32 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: no grub prompt. Before updating when you chose Linux from the first menu you would go to the grub menu and you had ubuntu advanced options memtest and windows bootloader to return to the first menu | 18:32 |
lex_ | все доброй ночи !!! | 18:34 |
simbageoleo | please can someone help me install my wireless drivers | 18:34 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, Thanks that is what happens when you put grub in windows, it has to be removed is all. | 18:37 |
JerryP | has anyone been able to get OSX to run in VirtualBox on ubuntu 14.04? I get "no root UUID found for boot device" Loading Drivers... Error loading drivers. Boot Failed. EFI DVD/CDROM | 18:38 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: can you describe the situation... what did you install and what's happening? | 18:38 |
wilee-nilee | !ru | lex_ | 18:38 |
ubottu | lex_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 18:38 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: what do you mean? remove grub from windows? | 18:38 |
simbageoleo | well i am on ethernet but wast to have wireless but no wireless is showing up | 18:39 |
jack- | JerryP, shrug? i was planning to do the same | 18:39 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: also thank you very much for your help | 18:39 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, It is as it sounds, look at that url and sda2 it shows grub in sda2 the windows C | 18:39 |
JerryP | I may fire up windows to see if it works there to see if it is a linux issue or a virtualbox issue | 18:39 |
jack- | good luck :) let me know when you have osx running | 18:41 |
OerHeks | JerryP, licence say you are not allowed, and VirtualBox is not going to work without hacks and special drivers. so it is offtopic. | 18:41 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: ok i saw that now. So i should reinstall windows so that it is going to write on top of that or I must find a way to remove grub2 from sda2? | 18:41 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: and it's the intel 2200bg you said? which ubuntu version? | 18:42 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, Kind of unusual, we generally see grub put into sda1 the windows boot partition. Us e live ubuntu, open sda2 and run grub in the search of that partition and just delete any grub that comes up. Be sure this is sda2 only. | 18:42 |
revscript | lf help with 14.04 install issues pertaining to partitioning | 18:42 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: can you open a terminal with ctrl+alt+t, then run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" enter your password to install that program, then run "sudo rfkill list all | pastebinit" and share the link here | 18:42 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: ok thank you very much you are a lifesaver | 18:42 |
simbageoleo | cheers | 18:43 |
revscript | i need help with 14.04 install issues pertaining to partitioning | 18:43 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, That should work, you might just need to reload grub to the mbr, after removin the grub in sda2 can be done with the repair on the gui of bootrepair | 18:44 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, Cool, give us the scenario. | 18:44 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: last one to be sure so I will mount sda2 locate grub with whereis grub and rm everything grub that i find? | 18:45 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, Yeah I would not use any rm command, just right click and delete is all | 18:46 |
revscript | ok, I tried (2) different methods, first default install from USB flash. I used unetbootin to create the image. Upon booting from USB I get Ubuntu installer. I dont remember the message from the default, but when I tried to custom partition it hangs at SCSCI2 (0, 0,...) ext 4 part | 18:46 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: ok thanks again | 18:46 |
simbageoleo | where is pastebin located | 18:47 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, N prob rm is a powerful command is all, you may have meant that as an acronym, I just am careful here that I understand. ;) | 18:47 |
revscript | im running Windows 7 on this Machine. I have (2) hard drives, the one with Win, and a SSD which I am trying to install the Ubuntu on. | 18:47 |
wilee-nilee | No* | 18:47 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: no i understand | 18:47 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: what do you mean? | 18:48 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: running the above commands will install a package called 'pastebinit' then run a command which will send the output of that command to pastebin.com or some other site and provide a link in order to share that command's output to here. | 18:48 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, Can you from the live run sudo parted -l and pastebin it? | 18:48 |
simbageoleo | http://pastebin.com/5mALskvE | 18:49 |
simbageoleo | is that it | 18:49 |
wilee-nilee | simbageoleo, Is that pastebin for another user? | 18:49 |
revscript | wilee, explain from live run | 18:49 |
simbageoleo | yes daftykins | 18:50 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, The booted ubuntu install media for install. | 18:50 |
revscript | so youre saying run without install and run that command | 18:50 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, You stuck right, it will not install? | 18:50 |
wilee-nilee | Your* | 18:50 |
skinux | What is the group 'Whoopsie' for? | 18:51 |
skinux | it's a file/directory group | 18:51 |
trism | !info whoopsie | skinux | 18:51 |
ubottu | skinux: whoopsie (source: whoopsie): Ubuntu error tracker submission. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 20 kB, installed size 110 kB | 18:51 |
revscript | yes i tried to create a space for swap and for / and it hangs during install, it says ext4 SCSI2 (0,0,0) or something with the hand, under detail the last process is UserInfo | 18:52 |
skinux | So, why exactly are files changed to that group? | 18:52 |
simbageoleo | !daftykins http://pastebin.com/5mALskvE | 18:52 |
JerryP | jack-, simple case of RTFM. I read something backwards, seems to be working now | 18:52 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, For me I just want to see the HD's and any partitons there now, that is what the command does. And preface all responses to another with their nick. | 18:53 |
trism | skinux: it's a daemon, that's just how you do it, otherwise it would run as root | 18:53 |
simbageoleo | how do i messege someone with the red text | 18:53 |
revscript | It also will not detect my wifi so not sure I can access pastebin | 18:53 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: ok, hmm... it seems to believe there are two wireless interfaces - are you absolutely sure there are no wireless hardware switches on this system (is it a laptop?) that have the wireless turned off? | 18:53 |
wilee-nilee | simbageoleo, use their nick as a preface | 18:53 |
ZarakiKenpachi | When i select Automatic partition resizing does it resize all partitions or just one it wants ? | 18:53 |
JerryP | I always see an error everytime I boot, but linux continues to run anyway. Is there a way to check what this error is and see if I can get rid of it? | 18:53 |
JerryP | 14.04 | 18:53 |
wilee-nilee | JerryP, And the error is? | 18:54 |
revscript | it told me that it would recognize it, but i assume its not detecting the wireless card? | 18:54 |
skinux | So, files are changed to that group if they have been included in an error report? | 18:54 |
simbageoleo | daftykins yes there is no physical switch its a packard bell e2310 | 18:54 |
trism | skinux: which files are you talking about specifically? | 18:54 |
JerryP | wilnee-nilee, unfortunately it goes away so quick that I cant get it. And it is before linux starts, so I dont think I can print screen. anyway to look it up? | 18:54 |
NGC982 | How on earth do i load TCL scripts in irssi? | 18:54 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, plug in ethernet | 18:54 |
skinux | One is /var/www/metrics | 18:54 |
wilee-nilee | !who | revscript | 18:54 |
ubottu | revscript: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:54 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: try typing "sudo rfkill unblock all" | 18:55 |
nimbiotics | hello all. I'm using ubuntu v14.04LTS with MATE. I have a Plantronics 995H wireless headset that was working fine until I installed some updates a couple use the pulse audio control to indicate which input/output that application wants to use. How can I fix this?? | 18:55 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, nothing appeared to happen | 18:56 |
trism | skinux: sure you don't mean /var/metrics? | 18:56 |
jack- | JerryP, cool :) | 18:56 |
skinux | It might be supposed to be /var/metrics, but it's in /var/www/metrics | 18:56 |
EleanorEllis | I have stuttering audio on Ubuntu 14.04. It happens on DVDs, youtube videos, BBC iplayer and even today on music played from my hard drive. It makes no difference whether it is pre-recorded material or a live stream. Where do I start looking? I have already disabled automute in alsamixer as recommended here http://askubuntu.com/questions/157554/choppy-stuttery-sped-up-sound-after-update | 18:56 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: ok, can you do "lspci | pastebinit" and "ifconfig -a | pastebinit" | 18:57 |
trism | skinux: hmm I'm not sure then, that's kind of weird | 18:57 |
skinux | Oh wait! It is /var/metrics, may bad | 18:57 |
jack- | JerryP, which osx version are you using? | 18:57 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, my other question is if i can use wubi.exe to install from windows. In one method I was using it appeared to have an install from windows method? | 18:57 |
wilee-nilee | JerryP, tab complete nicks so spelled correctly, check that fstab has the correct UUID | 18:58 |
daftykins | revscript: i believe i speak for all of the helpers here when i say that WUBI should be avoided at all costs | 18:58 |
=== cassio is now known as Guest58848 | ||
wilee-nilee | revscript, Wubi is a not supported past 12.04, and it has only one supporter, yes one, not a good idea for install. | 18:59 |
trism | skinux: yeah that should be for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker#Invitation_for_metrics_collection | 18:59 |
revscript | daftykins, ok if so, then should i be trying default install or "something else" method? | 18:59 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, http://pastebin.com/tHP00Zw0 http://pastebin.com/eisJQ252 | 19:00 |
=== Mike____________ is now known as Mike__ | ||
wilee-nilee | revscript, default is best if you have an unallocated area already for install. | 19:00 |
arthurfiggis | EleanorEllis: this is probably something that you've checked already, but you might want to run "top" in a console and check to see if there's some process that's using up loads of CPU/bogging the machine down...i had a similar problem with kubuntu, but it turned out to be the file indexer baloo blowing up in the background :( | 19:00 |
nimbiotics | hello all. I'm using ubuntu v14.04LTS with MATE. I have a Plantronics 995H wireless headset that was working fine until I installed some updates a couple of days ago. Now I have use the pulse audio control to indicate which input/output each application wants to use EVERYTIME. How can I fix this?? | 19:00 |
daftykins | revscript: i didn't follow your query so i don't know if you're dualbooting or ubuntu is to be the only OS, etc | 19:00 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, the particular issue I think is there are multiple guides and I am not really sure which are correct in regards to partitioning...that is assuming my issue is being caused by partitioning. It is supposed to be unallocated, however I get a message after the space slider screen and it says something pertaining to root | 19:01 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: what do you get if you run "lsmod | grep -i ipw" ? | 19:01 |
anoldhacker | I'm running 10.4 on an older box. This last update has fouled up power manager during login & firefox. ????? | 19:02 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: Chrome is fluctuating up to about 21% but this happens even when I have nothing running other than my audio players (Audacious and QuodLibet) | 19:02 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, Helping here really relies on us seeing what is actually there, or spot on descriptions, I will only help if I see it. | 19:02 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, We will need hard data from that computer in other words get it to the web, or use a usb to transfer info. | 19:03 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, yeah i know, im going to try to run it on a VMware and confirm that the image/source is good and then I can use that as a reference point. I will see if I can get something on a usb drive then and return here with the info | 19:03 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, http://pastebin.com/BvjQQ89d | 19:03 |
arthurfiggis | EleanorEllis: hmm...yeah, that doesn't really seem to be enough to make an impact, sorry...just a guess :) out of curiousity what sort of sound card/onboard chip do you have? it should be listed by the output of lspci | 19:04 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, Yeah a VM would be a good start, and maybe the best scenario at this point. ;) | 19:04 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, You can sum check the iso, and or usb/dvd | 19:05 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, explain sum check | 19:05 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: sorry that these commands are never ending :) also "dmesg | grep ipw" please | 19:05 |
wilee-nilee | !md5sum | revscript | 19:05 |
ubottu | revscript: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 19:05 |
wilee-nilee | anoldhacker, If this is a desktop 10.04 it is eol and not supported except for upgrades to a release supported like 12.04. | 19:06 |
anoldhacker | 10.04 is LTS-- that's 5 years. | 19:07 |
wilee-nilee | phunyguy, That answer you like?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | 19:07 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: I mean the stuttering happens even when there is nothing running other than the audio player. Total CPU load seems to be about 36%. The built in audio device is an intel http://paste.ubuntu.com/7614434/. This stuttering also happens with a USB sound module so it is device independent. | 19:07 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, http://pastebin.com/uUfWCCb1 | 19:07 |
anoldhacker | And I just got another set of updates two days ago... | 19:07 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: mmm "ipw2200: Radio Frequency Kill Switch is On:" | 19:07 |
wilee-nilee | 10.04 | anoldhacker the desktop is eol period | 19:07 |
wilee-nilee | !10.04 | anoldhacker the desktop is eol period | 19:08 |
ubottu | anoldhacker the desktop is eol period: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details. | 19:08 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: My top looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7614443/ | 19:08 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, how do i disable it please | 19:08 |
wilee-nilee | anoldhacker, Desktop support ended May 9 2013. | 19:08 |
anoldhacker | Now that's really annoying. | 19:08 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: not sure yet, still reading - you're sure there's no function key along the top row with a wireless icon on it which needs pressing with an 'Fn' key? | 19:09 |
anoldhacker | Especially since I have a strong dislike for Unity. | 19:09 |
wilee-nilee | anoldhacker, Can be but that is the issue, it is info you should know is all. | 19:09 |
anoldhacker | ty | 19:09 |
wilee-nilee | anoldhacker, About 50 possible desktops to use, so take your pick. ;) | 19:09 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, tryed that kill switch still on | 19:10 |
anoldhacker | Well, that's going to make this a lot of fun... | 19:10 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: the dmesg command is a log of things that already happened, so to press the keys now a full reboot would be needed to check if anything changed | 19:11 |
wilee-nilee | anoldhacker, If it were me I would backup what is needed and throw 14.04 there just released and 5 years support. | 19:11 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: also, did you say what version this is? sorry i forgot | 19:11 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: Sometimes the audio repeats for about half a second (up to about 3 times but this is random, sometimes it is just once) and sometimes it just stops momentarily and then restarts | 19:11 |
anoldhacker | I recently picked up an external usb drive, so that's an option. | 19:11 |
anoldhacker | I just had other things to do today... | 19:11 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, its the latiest ver of lubuntu | 19:11 |
wilee-nilee | anoldhacker, Cool, let us know what help you need if any, you seem able to do this. | 19:12 |
anoldhacker | I expect so, it's just a pain. | 19:12 |
anoldhacker | l8r | 19:12 |
wilee-nilee | ;) yeah | 19:12 |
robynata | :-S | 19:12 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: I don't think I had these problems before Ubuntu 14.04 but I can't really remember. There were various problems with 12.04 which I never bothered to fix as 14.04 was coming out soon. Perhaps I should try a non buntu distro or even debian. | 19:13 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: I am sorry to trouble you again but I can't remove grub from sda2 I don't know the exact commands could you please tell me how to do it | 19:14 |
arthurfiggis | EleanorEllis: hmm...i've been looking around trying to see if there's any special parameters you have to pass to the module for that chip but i haven't found anything yet, sorry :( sometimes, like in the case of intel hda, there's actually a wide range of chips that are covered and sometimes they're not autodetected correctly...although if it's also happening with a usb sound module then... | 19:15 |
arthurfiggis | ...that's not helpful either :( looking at top there's not much to suggest a process going out of whack either | 19:15 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: did you say this has worked before, or is this the first time this laptop is being used with ubuntu ? | 19:16 |
simbageoleo | first time | 19:16 |
arthurfiggis | EleanorEllis: i'd suggest sticking around here all the same, someone who is more familiar with the sound subsystem in recent versions of ubuntu might well have an easy answer, i'm just kind of throwing ideas out there :) but yes, if you try another distro say with a live cd or dvd, and you don't have the problem....that might just indicate something weird going on with your computer and the... | 19:16 |
arthurfiggis | ...kernel that 14.04 provides? | 19:16 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, first time | 19:16 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: I just remembered update manager has been nagging me about rebooting. Maybe I should do that and see if something in the update has changed. | 19:16 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, No commands just right click it and send to trash or enable delete to delete it. | 19:16 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: are you familiar with the BIOS? have a look at reply #3 here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/202541 | 19:17 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee when i search the sda2 there is no grub file | 19:17 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: when i search the sda2 there is no grub file | 19:17 |
arthurfiggis | EleanorEllis: that might be a good idea actually, there's been a few kernel updates pushed out since the release so if one of them fixes the sound problem...so much the better :) but you won't notice those without rebooting, i don't think | 19:17 |
arthurfiggis | (if it doesn't then stop back here, I'm sure if it's a common on-board chip someone has had the same problem :) ) | 19:18 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: I will reboot now and come back to you. I have been resisting it for a few days as I have multiple browser windows open with something I am working on. Hopefully chrome will open the remaining pages. | 19:18 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, The bootinfo summary says there is grub there. look in sda1 as well, I suspect you search is wrong just use the search in nautilus | 19:19 |
wilee-nilee | your | 19:19 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, Commands are good if you know them explicitly, and a drag if you don't. | 19:20 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: i mounted /dev/sda2 in /mnt and could see the contents of the files clearly and searched in nautilus for grub in the program files folder for vim | 19:21 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, In sda2 hit the search icon at the top of nautilus and type in grub. | 19:21 |
Clinteger | hi, I'm installing Ubuntu 14.04 on an EFI Mac as the only OS. It doesn't seem to want to install the boot loader so it doesn't boot.. | 19:21 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee that is exactly what i did | 19:21 |
daftykins | Clinteger: that's not greatly surprising, just keep OS X and resize its' partition to the smallest you can get away with | 19:22 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, no need to mount other than with a click on that partition in the left panel of nautilus | 19:22 |
Clinteger | daftykins: I don't have OS X to keep. | 19:22 |
daftykins | Clinteger: oh, no discs? | 19:22 |
Clinteger | no | 19:23 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: still no grub files perhaps because it is a windows partition it is hidden? | 19:23 |
Clinteger | well I had arch on here before | 19:23 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, If you are sudo mounting that may be the issue | 19:23 |
Clinteger | and that booted fine | 19:23 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, what do i do now | 19:23 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: did you look at the page i linked with point #3 referring to check in the BIOS? | 19:23 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, ctrl-h unhides, could be not sure. | 19:23 |
Jammerx2 | I'm unable to select speakers as an output device while headphones are plugged in, the usual option "Analog Output" that is used for speakers still goes to headphones when I select it (there is an alternative "Headphones" option, both go to headphones). | 19:24 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: i didn't sudo mount now it was already mounted with the livecd | 19:24 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, and no i am not familiar with the ios | 19:24 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, and no i am not familiar with the bios | 19:24 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: No luck unfortunately. It's just as bad after a reboot | 19:24 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: it's a setup like utility that can be accessed after powering on, by repeatedly pressing a key to access it. sometimes that key is Delete, sometimes it's F2... F8, F9... etc :) | 19:25 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, look with this info Grub2 (v1.97-1.98) in the file /linux.bin | 19:25 |
simbageoleo | cheers will do that now | 19:25 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: you want to have a look in there to reset settings to defaults, or look for a wireless option | 19:25 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: It was very embarassing when this was happening while I was DJing to 300 swing dancers. I thought at the time it was because I had my music on an NTFS volume which was perhaps fragmented so I defragged it and was able to continue with my set. Later I moved all my music onto an ext4 volume and junked the ext4 volume. But now it is still happening. | 19:26 |
Clinteger | ah ok | 19:27 |
Clinteger | daftykins: apparently the efi boot partition has to be formatted as hfs+ not vfat | 19:27 |
daftykins | Clinteger: interesting - i'm not sure Linux support of hfs+ is all that great, but oh well :) | 19:27 |
Clinteger | unfortunately the arch wiki is down :| | 19:27 |
Clinteger | daftykins: it works well enough read only :) | 19:28 |
daftykins | mmm but to install you'll need to write to it, right? | 19:28 |
Clinteger | yes | 19:28 |
Clinteger | you can mount it write, it works fine too | 19:28 |
daftykins | Clinteger: i take it right now you're just stalling at the white screen of doom? | 19:28 |
daftykins | oh ok - i thought i saw someone in here having great issues with it before | 19:29 |
Clinteger | yep | 19:29 |
Clinteger | i was using gummiboot with arch | 19:29 |
Clinteger | it worked fine | 19:29 |
Clinteger | with the efistub in the kernel | 19:29 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, there was no option in there to turn the wireless on | 19:29 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: Trouble is I don't really want to dump ubuntu altogether now that I have my computer setup the way I want it just because audio stutters. | 19:30 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: how about anything relating to the wireless at all? or an option to load defaults? | 19:30 |
arthurfiggis | EleanorEllis: hmm...not so simple as just an old module then, that's a pain :( as i say i'm not much of an expert on sound, although for live performances that you need better response times for, you might want to try one of the "realtime" kernels and JACK as a combination...it certainly produces better response times for me :) | 19:30 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, not that i could see | 19:30 |
arthurfiggis | EleanorEllis: there was a "studio" re-spin of ubuntu i think, that might be worth looking into just to see if it performs better on the same system | 19:30 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, let me check again to see if i missed anything | 19:30 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: it should do on a save and exit page, perhaps - depends, they're all different a lot of the time | 19:30 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: one more thing... | 19:31 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: I am only playing a playlist from audacious, not doing live mixing or anything complicated that would need a real time kernel. | 19:31 |
daftykins | doh. | 19:31 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: Plus I have tried setting up JACK in the past and everytime I have retreated in despair because I never manage to get it working. | 19:31 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, This is just a rather unusual situation, not part of the upgrade, but grub was pointed at the sda2 somehow, or was deposited there per the script in the url. However things happens and not every command or script is empirically accurate so we are a bit in no mans land as far as my skills, which are pretty good in this area. | 19:31 |
gdm85 | E: Unable to find a source package for linux-image-3.13.0-27-generic | 19:32 |
gdm85 | which source do I need for that? | 19:32 |
wilee-nilee | gdm85, context? | 19:32 |
gdm85 | wilee-nilee: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 19:32 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: Anyway, Ubuntu Studio is simply regular ubuntu with the real time kernel and some media apps already installed. The only advantage I found was that JACK was already setup but that is a bit of a sledgehammer to crack a nut. | 19:33 |
wilee-nilee | gdm85, what kernel are you running now I have 3.13.0-29 | 19:33 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: thank you very much for your time | 19:33 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: i am trying to understand it myself | 19:33 |
EleanorEllis | arthurfiggis: The other issue is that the real time kernel is then slower for almost everything else. And I really shouldnt need it simply to playback audio. | 19:33 |
gdm85 | wilee-nilee: ah, that might be it. I am running 3.13.0-27 | 19:33 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, No problem, hope we can resolve it, I do know other sources though, one is whom I learned most of this from. | 19:34 |
wilee-nilee | gdm85, What does sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade show? | 19:34 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: you know what is weird that in sda2 in the boot file info it says grub2 while the boot file is /windows/system32/winload.exe | 19:35 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, i reset to defult but nothing has happened | 19:35 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: that is perhaps why i can't find grub to delete it | 19:35 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: perhaps fixmbr will do the trick | 19:36 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, no fixmbr wont work | 19:36 |
gdm85 | wilee-nilee: nothing. I installed most recent version but didn't reboot yet | 19:36 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: can you re-run "ifconfig -a" to see if you see any interface other than eth0 and lo ? | 19:36 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, post that scripts url here, this is an excellent helping thread. satrapes | 19:37 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10871917#post10871917 | 19:37 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, i now have wlan0 | 19:37 |
JerryP | is there a way in ubuntu to look up the motherboard specs? | 19:37 |
phillyj | hi, anyone know why I have to always modprobe my ethernet driver, after updates? It is inconviniet especially because my parents use the machine and I'm not always around | 19:38 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: SUCCESS! | 19:38 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: are you able to see any wireless networks listed when clicking the network manager icon top right? | 19:38 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, so how do i connect to a wireless network i see no icon | 19:38 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, anything grub in sda2 or sda1 is the problem, it does get deposited in the boot files area in general | 19:38 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: it should be the same one as for your currently connected wired interface | 19:39 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, i see sound some sort of keyboard and xchat in the bottom right | 19:39 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, This is fixable, so it is a how long you wait for better help or work to do it. | 19:39 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: do you see the one with the two arrows up and down? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Ubuntu_Unity_Keyboard_shortcuts_-_En.png | 19:40 |
wilee-nilee | gdm85, YOU have run the commands I gave you and are updated? | 19:40 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, this is lubuntu not ubuntu so the interface looks diffrnet | 19:41 |
satrapes | wilee-nilee: thank you very much. I have been messing with this for 2-3 days now but thank you for all your help | 19:41 |
JerryP | wilee-nilee: I'm not sure what you mean about the fstab UUID. I did sudo blkid and I have all of the UUID's. It also shows the labels and 1 UUID for the ntfs for my dual boot Win8. Maybe the error is just saying that I have Win8 drives that it cant read? There's no log of the error anywhere, huh? | 19:41 |
phillyj | JerryP: you can try "sudo lshw | grep product" and it should be at the top of the output | 19:42 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, No problem, that thread should get you fixed, you want help from a mod nicks is oldfred | 19:42 |
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daftykins | simbageoleo: ah ok - in that case you should've mentioned back when i asked what version :) | 19:42 |
JerryP | wilee-nilee: oh and I checked the /etc/fstab file and it seems to match up | 19:42 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: i've no idea how wireless is managed in lubuntu i'm afraid | 19:42 |
Slidey | we upgraded from 12.10 to 14.04lts last night, and are now seeing really high latency on vms - pings between the host and the vms jump up massively on a seemingly random basis. anyone seen this elsewhere ? | 19:42 |
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satrapes | wilee-nilee:okz nice job | 19:43 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, i did mention it 3 or 4 times | 19:43 |
beheldbeat | hi | 19:43 |
Clinteger | hmm | 19:44 |
wilee-nilee | satrapes, The key of that bootinfo summary is that is accurate, so if you mess with it any more be sure that script shows exactly how it is, just rerunning is sufficient. | 19:44 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: ah, oh well i'm between channels :) | 19:44 |
Clinteger | so I'm in the ubuntu live cd, and I installed it on the disk but I need to install the bootloader :S How can I do this ? | 19:44 |
=== Eric^^ is now known as eric^ | ||
simbageoleo | daftykins, is there somone that can help with it please | 19:44 |
beheldbeat | hi boys | 19:44 |
phillyj | so to make sure that my ethernet driver always loads on boot, should I just edit the /etc/modules? I just want to know that I won'd break anything | 19:45 |
Ubnoobtu | Hey everyone!!!!! I have a question. Is there a Distro of ubuntu used for antivirus removal, rootkits, etc, that hasa GUI and can be installed on a USB using unetbootin? | 19:46 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, In what OS would these be in? | 19:46 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, removing that stuff is a waste of time a clean image would be used. | 19:47 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, you never really know if you have gotten it all | 19:47 |
wilee-nilee | in ms anyway | 19:48 |
zamaliphe | !mysql 5.6 | 19:48 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: first google result - http://askubuntu.com/questions/322861/how-to-connect-to-wireless-network-in-lubuntu | 19:48 |
phillyj | wilee-nilee: I think Ubnoobtu is asking about a live CD distro used for troubleshooting machines..I think? | 19:49 |
alcides | guys, where is iptables rules in ubuntu? I mean, my rules are being reseted after reboots | 19:49 |
wilee-nilee | phillyj, let us let them speak. | 19:49 |
zamaliphe | upgrade mysql to 5.6 try to remove kde any help previnting that ? | 19:50 |
Ubnoobtu | phillyj: That's correct, pretty much. wilee-nilee, I know I could just reinstall win7 for my friend, but I'd like to show off a little bit with some neat and pwerful tools | 19:50 |
mexi_d3 | !info swat | 19:50 |
ubottu | Package swat does not exist in trusty | 19:50 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, Not a real usable scenario, if you need an ego boost get a cool haircut and snazzy clothes. ;) | 19:51 |
mexi_d3 | That package was there in Precise. *searches google* | 19:51 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, wireless is greyed out | 19:51 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, Any usable tools in linux in that are cli not a gui like in windows and than you have to research if the data is not a false red flag. | 19:52 |
owen1 | I have a terminal emulator that is 'stuck'. i can't use it and i can't kill it. i use the recent version of ubuntu and it happens on 2 different machines. is this output helpful to investigate this? paste.ubuntu.com/7611293/ | 19:52 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, no click and clean in linux here. | 19:52 |
Ubnoobtu | ReaReally? I've been trying to use systemrescue, but it doesnt have what I want. I just want to load a bootable usb with clam and scan the windows hardrive | 19:53 |
mexi_d3 | Not found in package manager. What happened to this package in Trusty (swat): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat | 19:53 |
daftykins | simbageoleo: i don't know how to get any further, it might still think wireless is disabled. what i was going to suggest earlier was pulling the mains + battery out, then boot up again | 19:53 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, Honestly if you want to show off, inform that this is a reload of a clean image scenario, any legit IT pro would tell you that | 19:54 |
wilee-nilee | not apps that seem to work | 19:54 |
simbageoleo | daftykins, ah ok cheers | 19:54 |
daftykins | mexi_d3: what are you after? | 19:55 |
daftykins | was swat a firewall program? i forget | 19:55 |
wilee-nilee | fly killer | 19:56 |
mexi_d3 | daftykins: Web gui for configuring samba | 19:56 |
mexi_d3 | daftykins: The package appears to be removed in trusty. Docs still imply it's there. | 19:56 |
Ubnoobtu | wilee-nilee: Alright, I guess I'll just load up the backup. bummer tho..... I want it to be like it was before the ransomware got on it for him | 19:56 |
daftykins | mexi_d3: ah, what docs? | 19:57 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, images/clones/backups are the best defense beyond correct use. Most problems in this area are basically user errors | 19:58 |
mexi_d3 | daftykins: You already saw the link. | 19:58 |
wilee-nilee | or bad practices | 19:58 |
jdsdsa | hello | 19:58 |
jdsdsa | is it possible to become root from within a script? | 19:58 |
mexi_d3 | daftykins: I found the source code though | 19:58 |
daftykins | mexi_d3: i'm between channels so no, i didn't | 19:59 |
daftykins | heh, ok | 19:59 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, The windows channel has a best safe use link you might ask them for it and show it to your friend. | 19:59 |
Ubnoobtu | is it ##windows? | 20:00 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, Yeah, this methodology should keep them safe. | 20:00 |
Ubnoobtu | okay, thanks m8. | 20:00 |
tsnyph | How would one test the output of a faulty usb port? | 20:01 |
majod | hi. in fstab, can i use "defaults" and other parameters too? or if theres "defaults", no other parameter can be added? | 20:02 |
rww | majod: i believe you can, but it's redundant | 20:02 |
bekks | majod: All desired parameters can be added. | 20:02 |
majod | rww: id like to use x-gvfs-show. but it doesnt work after i reboot. | 20:03 |
ravindu | Ello | 20:03 |
bekks | majod: Thats not a valid fstab option. | 20:03 |
nagar | hello guys, I'm using gnome-boxes , but can't create any virtual machine, it says connection to (example.iso) failed, I checked via terminal command " gnome-boxes --checks " this is the output " | 20:03 |
nagar | (gnome-boxes:4695): Boxes-WARNING **: util-app.vala:247: Failed to execute child process "restorecon" (No such file or directory) | 20:03 |
nagar | • The CPU is capable of virtualization: yes | 20:03 |
nagar | • The KVM module is loaded: yes | 20:03 |
nagar | • Libvirt KVM guest available: yes | 20:03 |
ravindu | Ain't ubuntu beautiful? | 20:03 |
nagar | • Boxes storage pool available: no | 20:03 |
unopaste | nagar you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 20:03 |
ravindu | Anyone hear me? | 20:03 |
majod | bekks: i found it, nevermind. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-disk-utility/+bug/1011257 | 20:03 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1011257 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu Raring) "x-gvfs-show option doesn't work" [High,Confirmed] | 20:03 |
ravindu | What is the topic of covos right now? | 20:03 |
ravindu | What is the topic of covos right now? | 20:03 |
ravindu | What is the topic of covos right now? | 20:03 |
wilee-nilee | ravindu, covos? | 20:04 |
ravindu | *convos | 20:04 |
rww | ravindu: type /topic | 20:04 |
wilee-nilee | !details | ravindu | 20:04 |
ubottu | ravindu: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 20:04 |
ravindu | thanks | 20:04 |
rww | or see the topic widget at the top of your screen | 20:04 |
DougsTech | YOLO | 20:05 |
ravindu | What is Ubuntu Pastebin? | 20:05 |
kostkon | !pastebin | ravindu | 20:05 |
ubottu | ravindu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:05 |
ravindu | kostkon, Thanks :) | 20:06 |
ravindu | Why doesn't Ubuntu detect my AMD Radeon Sapphire HD 5450? | 20:06 |
mexi_d3 | rww: Topic widget? Which IRC client are you using? I might have to check it out. | 20:06 |
ravindu | I've enabled PEG in my BIOS too | 20:07 |
mexi_d3 | ravindu: If you type `lspci` do you see it? | 20:07 |
ravindu | nope. | 20:07 |
rww | mexi_d3: ravindu is using xchat | 20:07 |
ravindu | I see my Intel G41 OnBoard controller... | 20:07 |
ravindu | Yep. I'm using XChat | 20:08 |
daftykins | ravindu: you wouldn't be seeing a picture if it weren't | 20:08 |
jack- | make sure it's plugged in perfectly | 20:08 |
ravindu | I'm using my onboard Intel G41. | 20:08 |
ravindu | okay. | 20:08 |
mexi_d3 | ravindu: Use anti-static if you open the PC. | 20:08 |
ravindu | Yep. | 20:09 |
ravindu | I will | 20:09 |
ravindu | g2g | 20:09 |
jack- | good luck | 20:09 |
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Sander^lap | What wireless network security mode do you guys recommend out of: wpa personal/wpa enterprise/wpa2 personal/wpa2 enterprise? | 20:10 |
daftykins | WPA2 personal | 20:11 |
DarkPeak | What's the difference between personal and enterprize? | 20:11 |
daftykins | enterprise options are for workplace networks | 20:11 |
daftykins | requiring logon servers and so forth | 20:11 |
Sander^lap | TKIP+AES or AES only? | 20:11 |
daftykins | AES | 20:11 |
daftykins | never use mixed modes, they ask for trouble | 20:11 |
DarkPeak | Ah so enterprise would use a domain server or directory system? | 20:12 |
Ubnoobtu | wilee-nilee: Do you know anyone that can help my with Xorg configs? | 20:12 |
daftykins | DarkPeak: yeah, plus probably certificates. look up IEEE 802.1x i think it is | 20:13 |
DarkPeak | daftykins, ty | 20:14 |
Ubnoobtu | Im having an issue with my video card, or soemthing. The display keeps sliding out..... I guess | 20:14 |
Ubnoobtu | past the desktop, and the window goes outside the desktp, so that I can see a blue screen behind it | 20:14 |
Sander^lap | Thanks! | 20:15 |
Sander^lap | daftykins, should I use B or G mode only? | 20:16 |
daftykins | that'll be down to what the client hardware supports, they are speeds | 20:16 |
daftykins | you ought to read about wireless to understand more | 20:17 |
Ubnoobtu | Anyone? | 20:17 |
Sander^lap | daftykins, I know about them.. but I never remember the diffrence between them.. which speeds does each of them got? | 20:17 |
Slidey | we upgraded from 12.10 to 14.04lts last night, and are now seeing really high latency on vms - pings between the host and the vms jump up massively on a seemingly random basis. anyone seen this elsewhere ? | 20:17 |
daftykins | Sander^lap: just allow all modes. i am not a substitute for google | 20:17 |
Sander^lap | daftykins, the alternative is mixed mode, which you didnt recommend. | 20:18 |
Sander^lap | Ok ill google it | 20:18 |
daftykins | yeah mixed for authentication | 20:18 |
daftykins | speed = different | 20:18 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, THe channel is pretty good with that, not myself is all. | 20:18 |
Ubnoobtu | wilee-nilee: Can you help me rephrase my question? I know it isnt very descriptive. | 20:20 |
Sander^lap | daftykins, Ah, ok, explains it, thanks again! | 20:20 |
lazyworkaholic | I had a problem I couldn't fix, so I reinstalled ubuntu over the previous drive which had "/" (btrfs) and "/boot" (ext4). Then I rebooted, and fell into grub-recovery, which tell me it the device doesn't exist. What do I have to do? | 20:21 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, Not sure I can, other than to avoid seems like decelerations, but a image off with your best description in this scenario. | 20:22 |
wilee-nilee | of* | 20:22 |
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Ubnoobtu | okay, wilee-nilee, I'll try to get it. I can fix it manually thou, by going into the Xorg config and redoing the offset, so I'll have to screencap it once it does it again, probably after a reboot. but its a huge pain in the ass, but it doesnt stop it from functioning. | 20:24 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, Cool, I jsu have not had to mess with this issue, I know mostly what I have had to fix, or learned from lurking. ;) | 20:25 |
wilee-nilee | jsut* | 20:25 |
Ubnoobtu | ugh, my system keeps freezing up when I go to youtube. | 20:27 |
garbage_ | anyone who can help me with this : my suspend function isnt working.. it just goes to the lock screen, never suspends the computer.. been googling for a while with no results :/ | 20:27 |
Ubnoobtu | garbage_: I've had the issue before, Nothing seemed to help after awhile | 20:28 |
=== garbage__ is now known as garbage_ | ||
garbage_ | Ubnoobtu, you never got it solved ? | 20:30 |
nimbiotics | hello all. I'm using ubuntu v14.04LTS with MATE. I have a Plantronics 995H wireless headset that was working fine until I installed some updates a couple of days ago. Now I have use the pulse audio control to indicate which input/output each application wants to use EVERYTIME. How can I fix this?? | 20:30 |
Exagone313 | is there a way to open a graphic session on a server thought an online service? | 20:32 |
Baribal_ | Hi. I've fired up a VM, setting the default locale to en_US, but I get error messages like these; what did I miss to do? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7614798/ | 20:32 |
Exagone313 | (hi) | 20:32 |
Ubnoobtu | garbage_: Not really. I just reinstalled yesterday, after having months of trouble I never got fixed 100%. I am sure there is some way to fix the problems but Im not suavvy enough to figure them out, muchless describe the problem accurately enough. | 20:32 |
garbage_ | damn it | 20:33 |
=== demon_spork is now known as demonspork | ||
ankurk__ | I just installed OpenVPN on my VPS, how can I get the .opvn file? | 20:35 |
Ubnoobtu | garbage_: Don't give up man | 20:36 |
Ubnoobtu | garbage_: I mean, Really, before I had to reinstall, I had this problem where I couldnt enter the dash menu. | 20:36 |
ankurk__ | Anyone? | 20:37 |
Ubnoobtu | I couldn't get to any of the programs I installed. Every time I opened it, guess what happened. It would lock the screen and make me log in all over again. It seemed anything asking for admin auth would boot me back | 20:37 |
hansn | Hello. I got a problem. I removed myself from the sudoers group, and now I need to access the root shell prompt. I am unable to enter the grub menu and boot into recovery mode because all I see when I boot is a black screen with a purple border (pressing shift does not help). Is it possible to add myself to the sudoers group without booting into recovery mode? | 20:37 |
garbage_ | Ubnoobtu, haha, that sounds like linux ;) | 20:37 |
arcsky | how do i install the new openssl 1.0.1h ? | 20:38 |
arcsky | since i cant find it with apt-cache search .. | 20:38 |
Ubnoobtu | garbage_: still better than win7/8 | 20:38 |
garbage_ | true | 20:38 |
Ubnoobtu | garbage_: The problem I am having now I think is with the Xorg config, or my Video drivers. My window will go out of the desktop, so that I can scroll around outside my desktop, | 20:39 |
wilee-nilee | hansn, try at powering on tapping the shift as if shooting in a game | 20:39 |
Ubnoobtu | and I can see blue behind it | 20:39 |
hansn | wilee-nilee: thanks but I've tried that a couple of times | 20:40 |
garbage_ | your computer is in the fourth dimension, you just haven't harnessed the power of it yet | 20:40 |
wilee-nilee | hansn, removing yourself in the sudo group is a bad idea. | 20:40 |
wilee-nilee | or was | 20:40 |
hansn | indeed | 20:40 |
Ubnoobtu | lol. | 20:40 |
Ubnoobtu | garbage_: Well, good luck, lol, your PC doesnt want to go to bed, what a bad child. | 20:41 |
kostkon | arcsky, all the versions of openssl have been patched in ubuntu, you don't nened to get 1.0.1h. just make sure that you have installed all your updates. More info here http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2232-1/ | 20:41 |
garbage_ | thanks :> | 20:41 |
wilee-nilee | hansn, I think I actually saw someone here fix this sort of scenario, yes one time, it is theoretically possible. | 20:41 |
hansn | wilee-nilee: usermod -G www-data hansn :) | 20:41 |
hansn | well that's good | 20:41 |
phillyj | is there a CLI tool or way to figure out my DSL speed (which I can now check only on my modem webpage)? | 20:42 |
wilee-nilee | hansn, I would not hold your breath is all, that is no mans land. | 20:42 |
FluxD | Hi, I don't know what causes this but my themes and interfaces become greyish like so: http://i.imgur.com/My1sAAl.png what causes this? | 20:42 |
garbage_ | phillyj, wget http://download.thinkbroadband.com/1GB.zip | 20:42 |
phillyj | yea..what's that? i don't download random stuff | 20:43 |
garbage_ | i dunno, just googled for "1gb file" | 20:43 |
garbage_ | wget would tell you your dl speed | 20:43 |
hansn | wilee-nilee: ah ok. All of the grub fixes require sudo as well, so I am reinstalling :) | 20:43 |
wilee-nilee | hansn, Looks like a server? Do you have a working image saved? | 20:43 |
hansn | sadly, no. It's just my local development system | 20:44 |
wilee-nilee | hansn, clone it when it is a working setup | 20:44 |
wilee-nilee | saves a lot of time | 20:44 |
Clinteger | anyone know how to install a bootloader that works with efi boot on a macbook air with ubuntu and no os x ? ^^ on arch i used gummiboot and efistub and it worked just fine, but ubuntu tried to install grub and now I have no bootloader :-) | 20:45 |
hansn | wilee-nilee: funny thing, just yesterday ubuntu was telling me to backup my files (and possibly create a working image?). I ignored it :) | 20:45 |
=== demon_spork is now known as demonspork | ||
FluxD | Hi, I don't know what causes this but my themes and interfaces become greyish like so: http://i.imgur.com/My1sAAl.png what causes this? | 20:46 |
garbage_ | FluxD, that looks normal | 20:46 |
revscript | hey guys im back, still trying to get help with install...I am in live Ubuntu now | 20:47 |
FluxD | garbage_, it's like a low graphics theme like in the past when you do sudo nautilus or similar | 20:47 |
garbage_ | FluxD, are you sure thats not just your firefox theme | 20:48 |
garbage_ | p sure that firefox looks that way by default | 20:48 |
FluxD | garbage_, no it's everything xchat firefox, I will take a normal vs the broken way to show you | 20:48 |
wilee-nilee | hansn, I just spent 8 hours trying to do a refresh on a W8.1 setup and three phone calls to MS over two days, on a problem a clone would have fixed in about 10mins. I had to have my friend purchase a W.81 disc supposedly pre activated, it was not, and train the MS help on how to listen to the issue so we could actually communicate, and get be a key generated for the disk. | 20:48 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, what was that you were having me do before to determine whats going on with the install. I keep getting the message that it cannot use free space on the partition. | 20:49 |
wilee-nilee | a nightmare | 20:49 |
garbage_ | wilee-nilee, i literally would have said fuck it and downloaded an iso of it after an hour | 20:49 |
garbage_ | youre braver than i am | 20:49 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, a pastebin of sudo parted -l | 20:49 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, where do i run that command | 20:49 |
phillyj | without resorting to wget to download a file and check speeds, is there some way to look at the speed listed at my modem leve? (I hope I am not too vague) | 20:50 |
wilee-nilee | garbage_, Don't swear, and your scenario is without actually using a legal means. | 20:50 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, In the ubuntu terminal | 20:50 |
wilee-nilee | garbage_, I had discs legal ones, we needed a legit activation | 20:51 |
ActionParsnip | phillyj: speedtest.net maybe | 20:51 |
hansn | wilee-nilee: I feel for you. Lucky for me my files are allready backed up in the cloud so I'm going to do a quick reinstall as soon as I wake up. Cheers! | 20:51 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, sorry i meant where do i access the terminal in ubuntu | 20:51 |
ActionParsnip | revscript: press CTRL + ALT + T | 20:51 |
paorz | unable to reload Ubuntu 14.04. Lost Windows7 partition, and only have a partially working Ubuntu. Can someone pls walk me through completely removing and reinstalling Ubuntu 14.04 so I can start anew? | 20:51 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, at the ubuntu desktop in the dash searching with terminal or ctrl-alt-t | 20:52 |
kostkon | phillyj, if you mean your up/down sync rates, then usually in your modem/router's settings | 20:52 |
ActionParsnip | paorz: delete the Ubuntu partitions. Reinstate Grub to the MBR using the Windows CD | 20:52 |
phillyj | kostkon: I'm trying to write a modem reset script, if my speeds fall below a threshold | 20:53 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, something must be wrong as ctrl+alt+t does nothing..i dont see "terminal" under search either. It should be here in live mode also, no? | 20:53 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, nm i got it now just delayed | 20:54 |
wilee-nilee | revscript, should be, but to be honest I am not a handholder helper this sort of play by play help drives me crazy. ;) | 20:54 |
ActionParsnip | revscript: its default setup in Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu | 20:54 |
wilee-nilee | <revscript> wilee-nilee, nm i got it now just delayed cool | 20:54 |
paorz | sorry so ignorant to all of this, need most basic info....don't know how to delete Ubuntu partitions, don't know what Grub to MBR means, and don't have windows CD...I'm a hard case. | 20:54 |
wilee-nilee | ActionParsnip> paorz: delete the Ubuntu partitions. Reinstate Grub to the MBR using the Windows CD Heh could you describe what that means. ;) | 20:55 |
FluxD | Hi, could someone tell me why my theme keeps going like low resolution and choppy http://i.imgur.com/0Zg8nw0.png http://i.imgur.com/0T822Tz.png the bad vs the good version. I am not messing with any themes at all | 20:55 |
ActionParsnip | paorz: use Windows to delete the partitions. You can use ##windows to see how you can reinstate the Windows boot loader | 20:56 |
* wilee-nilee looks up the definition of Reinstate | 20:56 | |
Corvette | I'm trying to chmod something and it tells me the directory is invalid but the directory is valid | 20:57 |
ActionParsnip | Corvette: is the folder stored on an NTFS partitions? | 20:57 |
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FluxD | Hi, could someone tell me why my theme keeps going like low resolution and choppy http://i.imgur.com/0Zg8nw0.png http://i.imgur.com/0T822Tz.png the bad vs the good version. I am not messing with any themes at all | 20:59 |
Corvette | ActionParsnip no it's ext4 | 20:59 |
wilee-nilee | ActionParsnip, Thanks for restating that!! In general in many areas you are the best help here, among others, not questioning you abilities and calm demeanor. ;) | 20:59 |
paorz | where to I use ##windows? | 21:00 |
kostkon | phillyj, find a good speed test service, one that provides some kind of api, and make your script query it every now and then? | 21:00 |
ActionParsnip | Corvette: use TAB to complete the folder name, does it help | 21:00 |
ActionParsnip | paorz: type: /join ##windows | 21:01 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, parted shows me invalid option '-1' | 21:01 |
ActionParsnip | wilee-nilee: some, many are better dude | 21:01 |
bekks | revscript: minus small letter l, not number one. | 21:01 |
Corvette | ActionParsnip no it doesn't. In fact I can't even enter the command | 21:02 |
Corvette | 'nautilus /home/me/ | 21:02 |
ActionParsnip | revscript: if you copy and paste given commands, you won't botch them | 21:02 |
paorz | AP...where do I go to type:/join##windows | 21:02 |
Ubnoobtu | lol, wilee-nilee and garbage_ , you guys are funny. | 21:02 |
ActionParsnip | paorz: in yor IRC client | 21:02 |
bekks | paorz: there, were you are typing your questions. | 21:02 |
hansn | Hi there. Is it possible to boot into a live USB without going through the grub menu via reboot? | 21:02 |
ActionParsnip | hansn: your BIOS will boot the USB, not Grub | 21:04 |
revscript | wilee-nilee, here is pastebin http://pastebin.com/LCShuDij | 21:04 |
hansn | ActionParsnip: oh of course. | 21:04 |
hansn | ActionParsnip: any way around that, then? | 21:04 |
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paorz | says unknown command when typed here | 21:04 |
Clinteger | hi guys, looking for help installing any efi bootloader on a macbook air. grub requires that the efi boot partition be vfat, but apparently macs will only boot if it is hfs+ | 21:05 |
ActionParsnip | hansn: how would it work without a reboot? It makes no sense. You must reboot to boot the usb instead of your internal drive. | 21:05 |
Amigadude | paorz, /join ##windows | 21:06 |
ActionParsnip | paorz: there is a space which you probably missed | 21:06 |
Amigadude | u need the space | 21:06 |
paorz | join ##windows | 21:06 |
Ubnoobtu | I love booting from USBs, Its soo cooool. That one thing makes me feel like a hacker | 21:06 |
wilee-nilee | ActionParsnip, I recognize humility, I have some top 2% skills in other areas, but I hope you can get the gist. | 21:06 |
kostkon | paorz, you also need the forward slash | 21:06 |
revscript | to anyone, http://pastebin.com/LCShuDij | 21:06 |
ActionParsnip | paorz: with a leading slash..... | 21:06 |
hansn | ActionParsnip: I see. It's just that it's not booting into usb as it should so I was wondering if there was some other way. | 21:07 |
Ubnoobtu | wilee-nilee: What skills are those? | 21:07 |
ActionParsnip | hansn: no, if you want to 'boot' something you must reboot | 21:07 |
ActionParsnip | revscript: what is the issue? | 21:08 |
paorz | when I type "/join ##windows" and hit enter nothing happens | 21:08 |
JoshDreamland | hi all; after I updated to 14.04, my applications and such disappeared from the Wine submenu of my applications menu | 21:08 |
ActionParsnip | paorz: look at where it says #ubuntu around your client, do you also see ##windows ? | 21:08 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, I am not here to brag, humility when you have some skills that seperate you from even your peers in a wide field are needed for improvement. ;) | 21:09 |
JoshDreamland | is there a way to get them back? | 21:09 |
ActionParsnip | JoshDreamland: what version did you upgrade from? | 21:09 |
JoshDreamland | 13.10 | 21:09 |
revscript | ActionParsnip, it will not install via default, it says it cannot use due to free space | 21:09 |
paorz | ah yes will go there now, thanks | 21:09 |
Amigadude | how do set the button areas on a touchpad to not be touchpad... it reacts like I'm trying to multitouch rather than hold button and drag | 21:09 |
ActionParsnip | paorz: so something did happen..... | 21:10 |
Ubnoobtu | wilee-nilee: hit me up with a PM tho bro. | 21:10 |
Ubnoobtu | I dont know how | 21:10 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, I have pm off, but thanks for the interest. ;) | 21:10 |
JoshDreamland | I tried `wine winemenubuilder`, but that didn't do anything | 21:10 |
Ubnoobtu | wilee-nilee: You've help me so many times before, I need some advice from someone good natured and skilled, and you're that guy. | 21:11 |
ActionParsnip | revscript: well, its all NTFS....no free space. Where is Ubuntu going to install? | 21:11 |
wilee-nilee | my peers know me that is all I need Ubnoobtu | 21:11 |
ActionParsnip | revscript: do you have Windows installed at the moment? | 21:11 |
Ubnoobtu | wilee-nilee: OI, so how does one best study for a linux admin cert? And whats the best certs to get? | 21:11 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, good natured, heh, If you ran a poll here I doubt I would score anywhere near. | 21:12 |
paorz | AP...yes it moved me to windows chat...will ask them how to reinstate Windows boot loader? | 21:12 |
Ubnoobtu | wilee-nilee: Don't temp me, lol. Polls are quiet interesting to me | 21:12 |
revscript | ActionParsnip, no I wiped both HD, I am only using live atm | 21:12 |
Ubnoobtu | tempt**** | 21:12 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, certs I would have no clue, I'm basically an armchair advocate. | 21:12 |
ActionParsnip | revscript: your partition is showing ntfs, if you delete that partition you will lose all the data on it but you will then be able to install | 21:13 |
revscript | ActionParsnip, so what do i need to set the partitions at in order for it to have free space to install, or do i have to create ext2, ex4 or whatever in advance with minitool | 21:13 |
Ubnoobtu | wilee-nilee: Oh, me too, But I'd like to make some money from doing this sort of thing, so I've been bettering my skills for little over a year now, and I've not made much progress beside being more confident. | 21:13 |
Ubnoobtu | I wish there was an ubuntu cheat sheet, or like, all that stuff thats related. | 21:14 |
wilee-nilee | Ubnoobtu, Sure, this area is really offtopic so maybe #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux might be more helpful. | 21:14 |
ActionParsnip | !manual | Ubnoobtu | 21:15 |
ubottu | Ubnoobtu: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 21:15 |
ActionParsnip | Ubnoobtu: you ok with using Windows? | 21:15 |
nimbiotics | hello all. I'm using ubuntu v14.04LTS with MATE. I have a Plantronics 995H wireless headset that was working fine until I installed some updates a couple of days ago. Now I have use the pulse audio control to indicate which input/output each application wants to use EVERYTIME. How can I fix this?? | 21:15 |
revscript | ActionParsnip, so basically to install i need no partitions at all? should it say unallocated? | 21:16 |
ActionParsnip | nimbiotics: try: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.config/pulse* | 21:16 |
Ubnoobtu | ActionParsnip: I'm pretty good with win7, I guess as a rare user, win8 baffles me. | 21:16 |
jojoa1997 | I am trying to install ubuntu 14.04-i386 on my laptop which has a Pentium III cpu. I am trying to get the forcepae to work but I do not know how to edit perameter line I get when pressing TAB. it is ".config /multiboot/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386/isolinux.cfg /multiboot/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-i386/isolinux". Where does the forcepae go? | 21:17 |
ActionParsnip | Ubnoobtu: and how did you get proficient with Windows? | 21:17 |
robotdevil | so what the npapi solutions for chrome? I cant use pipelight with it? Firefox only? | 21:17 |
ActionParsnip | revscript: use Gparted and you can manipulate the partitions | 21:17 |
kostkon | jojoa1997, is it a pentium m? otherwise, you don't need forcepae | 21:18 |
Ubnoobtu | ActionParsnip: I grew up using it, so just using it, but what if I wanted to accelerate my progress. | 21:18 |
ActionParsnip | Ubnoobtu: then why not do the same with Ubuntu...? | 21:18 |
revscript | ActionParsnip, yes i just unmounted the SSD and deleted the partition. Sounds like I should be good now to do default install? Or do I have to choose something else and specify / and /home | 21:18 |
ActionParsnip | Ubnoobtu: just use it and learn the same way | 21:19 |
ActionParsnip | revscript: yeah should be ok | 21:19 |
revscript | ActionParsnip, going to try install now ill check back in a bit | 21:19 |
Ubnoobtu | ActionParsnip: Its a bit harder with TCI systems thou | 21:19 |
ikonia | TCI ? | 21:19 |
kai__ | hi | 21:20 |
jojoa1997 | kostkon I do not know entirely but it says that pae is not supported(i already knew) and with "cat /proc/cpuinfo" it gave me the family 6 model 9 and a pentium cpu. Here http://www.paradicesoftware.com/specs/cpuid/index.htm it says Mobile Pentium III but idk if that is Pentium M. | 21:20 |
kostkon | jojoa1997, penitum m most likely then | 21:21 |
ActionParsnip | jojoa1997: hold shift and you can lress E to (e)dit the boot options. You can add what you need | 21:21 |
Ubnoobtu | The terminal command lines | 21:21 |
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kai__ | is there a known issiu with python-numpy ? when i try to install a packe python numpy throws an error | 21:22 |
ActionParsnip | !away > megabit|away | 21:22 |
ubottu | megabit|away, please see my private message | 21:22 |
Ubnoobtu | or whatever, see, what I think I understand, I have no clue, so Im clueless | 21:22 |
kai__ | (ubunut 14.04) | 21:22 |
jojoa1997 | shift + e isnt working | 21:22 |
OerHeks | pentium III .. maybe lubuntu will run, ubuntu is certainly too heavy | 21:22 |
ActionParsnip | jojoa1997: hold shift then when you see the screen press e. Its not shift + e | 21:23 |
JerryP | Anyone use QEMU? What do you use to install guest OS? Just CLI or a GUI? | 21:23 |
deus__ | exit | 21:23 |
ikonia | JerryP: libvirt and virtmanager are quite solid | 21:23 |
skinux | How come we have to browse Windows partition in Nautilus so that we can access any files on that partition via shell? | 21:23 |
ikonia | skinux: how do you expect to use a gui file manager to access files wihtout browsing to them | 21:24 |
Clinteger | oops I think I just deleted the kernel? | 21:24 |
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JoshDreamland | hm | 21:25 |
ActionParsnip | skinux: if you add the NTFS partition in /etc/fstab you can access it as you like | 21:25 |
JoshDreamland | the menu appears in alcarte correctly | 21:25 |
JoshDreamland | it's just not showing up in my XFCE menu | 21:25 |
ActionParsnip | skinux: nautilus is just handling the mount for you.... | 21:25 |
JoshDreamland | I can create folders around it, and they'll appear, and I can hide other items, and they'll disappear, but it vehemently refuses to show that menu | 21:25 |
ActionParsnip | JoshDreamland: you could add a line in the .desktop file to make it show in xfce | 21:26 |
JoshDreamland | it always did before; not sure why it stopped. But what line? | 21:26 |
ActionParsnip | JoshDreamland: if you read the file for mousepad or similar youll see it | 21:27 |
jojoa1997 | what would be better for a server on a mobile pentium III cpu. ubuntu 14.04 or lubuntu 14.04? | 21:29 |
jojoa1997 | also it is a local server that wont connect to the net | 21:29 |
JoshDreamland | I see name, genericname, comment, exec, icon, terminal, startupnotify, type, categories, and mimetype; nothing XFCE-specific | 21:29 |
Corvette | How can I make VLC the default video player | 21:30 |
Clinteger | are there https apt sources for ubuntu ? | 21:30 |
JerryP | ikonia: is libvirt just the API? I found Virtual Machine Manager (VMM aka "virt-manager"), was that the other one that you were talking about? | 21:31 |
kieppie | morning | 21:31 |
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keevitaja | hello, i wanna switch from mint to ubuntu. in installer there is an option to change mint with ubuntu and warning, that it will destroy all files. will it format other partitions as well or only the one where mint is installed | 21:32 |
kieppie | I've just ran my periodic updates/upgrades & now for some reason the OpenVPN configs I had defined in my NetworkManager is unable to connect - & from what I can see the logs aren't much help either. Any help, please? | 21:32 |
nimbiotics | ActionParsnip: will try, thx | 21:33 |
wilee-nilee | keevitaja, That is true if you overwrite the area mint is in. It seems you have stuff you want to save? | 21:33 |
kostkon | jojoa1997, the llighter the better. you could install the server version and add a DE later, if you need one at all | 21:34 |
keevitaja | yes, but they are all on sepparate partition | 21:34 |
revscript | lovely, so now it hangs at the 'preparing to install ubuntu' page, the one where it tells you to plug in power and internet.. | 21:34 |
wilee-nilee | wilee-nilee, You can use the something other option a manual install and just overwrite that partition | 21:34 |
keevitaja | ok, tnx | 21:34 |
jojoa1997 | kostkon ok i think i will go with lubuntu. I need the gui for being able to use the dell like a normal laptop too | 21:34 |
JoshDreamland | so I google "alacarte wine menu" thinking maybe somehow this will return relevant results | 21:35 |
jojoa1997 | and there is no 32bit ubuntu server 14.04 | 21:35 |
JoshDreamland | fml | 21:35 |
wilee-nilee | keevitaja, Cool, if you need my help again, just preface any inquiry with my nick. ;) | 21:35 |
kostkon | jojoa1997, ok then. it will do. if you overcome the forcepae problem that is | 21:35 |
revscript | ok, this is progress i now have all options, but should i choose LVM with the new ubuntu installation or erase disk and install ubuntu or the something else option??? | 21:35 |
jojoa1997 | kostkon oh yeah it worked | 21:36 |
nimbiotics | ActionParsnip: I did execute the killall command tried opening a program that generates audio (UrT), but I still had to go back to pulseaudio volume control in order to to select correct audio device | 21:36 |
kostkon | jojoa1997, :) | 21:36 |
nytelife | hola | 21:37 |
revscript | so guys, Logical Volume Management or Erase disk and install Ubuntu, or 'something else' option? | 21:37 |
nytelife | Question: Sometimes when I disconnect my vpn from work, the resolv.conf symlink breaks | 21:37 |
nytelife | is this a know issue? | 21:37 |
nytelife | easily fixed..just a pain | 21:37 |
wilee-nilee | jojoa1997, look here for 32 bit server. http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ | 21:37 |
nimbiotics | ActionParsnip: I read on a forum something about the number being assigned to it changing inconsistently and that you can hard code which number you want assigned to it but I could not figure out how, the articule wasnt very clear | 21:39 |
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JoshDreamland | okay, apparently it isn't displaying menus which only contain menus and not programs (even if the menus it contains themselves contain programs) | 21:44 |
JoshDreamland | so all I have to do is create a dummy item in that folder and it displays | 21:44 |
TimothyMcVeigh | What up bitches? | 21:44 |
JoshDreamland | simple regression | 21:44 |
wilee-nilee | TimothyMcVeigh, the ignore function | 21:45 |
SenorSenpai | hey guys having a slight issue, transfer speeds from an internal HDD to a USB3 external HDD suddenly went slow after earlier today I opened pavucontrol, which in turn fried something and my mic and camera stopped working (usb devices just failed to work at all after rebooting with them in) any logs I can check to find out what happened? | 21:47 |
kostkon | SenorSenpai, check all of them? well, most of them. logs are in /var/log. you can use the System Log app to do that | 21:48 |
paorz | how do dump my current Ubuntu 14.04 and reinstall again? When I try to load from DVD it loads directly to with my username asking for password, rather than giving options for fresh install. | 21:49 |
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nytelife | bios boot order | 21:50 |
sydney | paorz:I am not a pro at this,but are you sure that it booted from the dvd? | 21:50 |
wilee-nilee | paorz, "loads directly to with my username asking for password" Is this the installed login gui? | 21:51 |
nytelife | paorz: go into bios and change boot order | 21:51 |
sydney | It sounds like it booted from the hard disk,not the dvd | 21:51 |
paorz | no I think it's booting from the computer, but don't know why as the dvd is in when I restart | 21:51 |
nytelife | can anyone see this? just testing as I am not getting responses to questions or comments | 21:52 |
sydney | nytelife: I see it loud and clear...:D | 21:52 |
nytelife | thanks | 21:52 |
wilee-nilee | paorz, As suggested you can set the disk as first read in the bios, but there is also a per-session boot menu | 21:52 |
sydney | paorz: Your bios boot settings have to be changed. ;) | 21:53 |
TeraJL | hi there, i'm trying to run illustrator (https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=26011) i've copied the folders from a working windows installation , and i've installed on wine some required software, but i'm getting this error, "wine: Call from 0x7bc4c0f0 to unimplemented function USER32.dll.SetGestureConfig, aborting wine: Unimplemented function USER32.dll.SetGestureConfig called at address 0x7bc4c0f0 (thread 0 | 21:53 |
wilee-nilee | not have to there is a per session boot outside the bios sydney | 21:53 |
paorz | wilee-nilee/sydney: pls how do I set the disk as first read in the bios | 21:54 |
wilee-nilee | paorz, open the bios go to the HD read section set the disk as first read | 21:54 |
frygor | or find something named "boot order" in bios | 21:55 |
paorz | wilee-nilee: emparassed, don't know what bios are or how to open | 21:55 |
wilee-nilee | paorz, Cool, I think others will be better help here. ;) | 21:55 |
frygor | when u restart the computer, then it should show, what key enters to Setup | 21:55 |
frygor | usually F2, Del, F10 or something like that | 21:56 |
nytelife | ^^^ | 21:56 |
frygor | but u have to be quick | 21:56 |
nytelife | it will tell you when you reboot | 21:56 |
wilee-nilee | frygor, be sure to preface with nicks so this is a who you are talking to situation. | 21:56 |
nytelife | it well say hit "some key" to go into settings/bios.... | 21:56 |
wilee-nilee | nytelife, same for you use nicks | 21:56 |
nytelife | what is the quick way to preface nics? | 21:56 |
frygor | wilee-nilee, okey, tring to remember :) | 21:57 |
wilee-nilee | !tab | 21:57 |
ubottu | You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 21:57 |
nytelife | wilee-nilee, ah ok | 21:57 |
SenorSenpai | kostkon: is there in way i can watch in real time iostat? ive noticed that it reads then writes, which causes it to stop copying to the drive for a few seconds. is that normal? | 21:57 |
wilee-nilee | nytelife, Cool, thanks. ;) | 21:57 |
wilee-nilee | time for starbucks anyone want anything? ;) | 21:57 |
kostkon | SenorSenpai, i have never used it, so it's safe to say i'm not in the best position to help you | 21:58 |
steamboat | hi, I've got a weird keyboard issue -- as best as I can tell from poking at xev, w and the super key are both firing events for both of them. likewise z and altR, and x and altL | 21:58 |
paorz | anybody able to walk me through setting dvd to read first upon start up? | 21:59 |
sydney | paorz: When you reboot,right after the computer cycles back on,it will show a message. when that first message shows up,it should say somthing like "hit f2 to enter bios settup.(it may not be f2,it may be Del or f10) | 22:01 |
paorz | thanks will try | 22:01 |
intx | or f8 | 22:02 |
intx | or f9 | 22:02 |
steamboat | also the key to the left of w as CntrlL | 22:02 |
steamboat | and 1+1 as CntrlR | 22:02 |
sydney | paorz: then you have to navigate to the boot sequence area,and change the boot sequence. | 22:03 |
sydney | All of mine are f2. ;) | 22:03 |
paorz | sydney: i originally loaded Ubuntu along side Windows7 , the first thing I see that shows up is the choice between Ubuntu and Windows7, at least that was till I messed up partitions with gparted...don't care about windows at this point...will try to see it though upon reload now and see if boot sequence...thanks for responding. | 22:06 |
CalimeroTeknik | on ubuntu 12.04 server I get pretty bad lockups when going over 5 of load on a 4-processor 8-thread server, how can I fix that? | 22:06 |
CalimeroTeknik | like, ping takes 10 seconds to respond every 10 seconds | 22:06 |
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CalimeroTeknik | or 2 seconds of lockup, it depends; it never exceeds 10 seconds though | 22:07 |
steamboat | this holds even in dvorak keyboard. | 22:07 |
sydney | I have enough trouble telling my relatives what a bois is!! :P | 22:09 |
* Asterisks googles bois | 22:11 | |
CalimeroTeknik | wood in French? | 22:12 |
Asterisks | "Boi (plural: bois) is a term used within LGBT and butch and femme communities to refer to a person's sexual and/or gender identities." | 22:12 |
Asterisks | I'm assuming he means this | 22:12 |
Asterisks | never heard that slang before | 22:12 |
Asterisks | and back on topic, what's going on in the ubuntu community today? | 22:13 |
CalimeroTeknik | I'd like to know what I can do about my 12.04 server freezing network connections for 10 seconds | 22:14 |
CalimeroTeknik | whenever the load exceeds 5 | 22:14 |
CalimeroTeknik | well, it can be 7 and not cause that, but… | 22:15 |
CalimeroTeknik | yup, even my processes halt for 10 seconds | 22:17 |
CalimeroTeknik | it's not just network connections | 22:17 |
CalimeroTeknik | the system locks up for 10 seconds | 22:17 |
ki7rw | i can't seem to print to my HP network printer but i can ping it and i can print a test page with the device manager - i tried reinstalling the driver with no solution | 22:17 |
CalimeroTeknik | whenever the load exceeds the number of CPUs | 22:17 |
sydney | ki7rw: Are you sureyou are printing to the right printer? ;) | 22:19 |
CalimeroTeknik | can irqbalance be the cause of 10-second lockups under high load? | 22:21 |
ki7rw | sydney: yes | 22:22 |
sydney | Hmm | 22:22 |
tdelam | Hi, I am dual-booting Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on my Macbook Pro. Does anyone know if it's possible to change the shortcuts to be more OSX-like? I am having a reall hard time between the 2 operating systems shortcuts | 22:23 |
sydney | ki7rw: Not sure..... :( | 22:25 |
cebor | hi, when i setup a static ip, must i also state network/broadcast ip? or do i get them from the netmask ? | 22:25 |
gompa | can someone please explain to me how to run a kvm host where the guests are able to connect to each other and to the Internet but not to the lan network? | 22:34 |
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ukaz | eix gcr | 22:36 |
pavlos | !de | pavlos | 22:36 |
ubottu | pavlos, please see my private message | 22:36 |
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simo_ | please somenody help, im doing a ubuntu update to 12.04, in the terminal i had an option with many option of which of them was to type D to see the difences, i entered d and now dunno how to get back to the previous dialogue to continue the updgare http://pastebin.com/3m8uyF0J | 22:38 |
brycefisherfleig | I'm using 12.04. Is there a recommended way to install Firefox Aurora (the alpha release)? | 22:40 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
Jordan_U | simo_: Press 'q' to exit less. ( "less" is the command run to view the diff ). | 22:40 |
OerHeks | brycefisherfleig, if you really want ff 31, add the ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/firefox-aurora | 22:42 |
brycefisherfleig | OerHeks: awesome! I'll give that a try | 22:43 |
OerHeks | brycefisherfleig, carefull with ppa's, they can break something ... but it is reversible with PPA-Purge | 22:44 |
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joey_ | hi | 22:46 |
joey_ | i need help with something | 22:46 |
joey_ | i want to use my gpu's memory as a disk | 22:46 |
joey_ | so I am trying to make this : http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Using_Graphics_Card_Memory_as_Swap | 22:47 |
joey_ | work | 22:47 |
joey_ | but when I use modprobe phram phram=VRAM,0xd8400000,124Mi lets say | 22:47 |
joey_ | i get an error | 22:47 |
=== FearTheGerbilz is now known as STiK | ||
joey_ | about phram Input/output error | 22:48 |
joey_ | yet mtd phram is set in th ekernel and all | 22:49 |
joey_ | what is my problem? | 22:49 |
joey_ | no? | 22:53 |
joey_ | no help :/ ? | 22:53 |
OerHeks | joey_, are you performing this howto on ubuntu? | 22:58 |
joey_ | yes | 22:59 |
Azzmazing | ;) | 23:00 |
Azzmazing | Ubuntu is so problematic everyday there seems to be some problem Uhhh so frustrating! | 23:00 |
alin1 | hello | 23:04 |
alin1 | test weechat on ubuntu 14.04 | 23:04 |
robotron | Azzmazing: anyways it gives You opportunity to solve problems | 23:06 |
blue | hi | 23:06 |
=== blue is now known as Guest81621 | ||
joey_ | So does anyone know why I can an error when I use phram with modprobe ? | 23:11 |
OerHeks | joey_, as there are no official guides, to do this, is that videocard in use? | 23:13 |
joey_ | Yes my video card is in use and shows up with lspci -vvv -s * | 23:13 |
OerHeks | i think using Gpu memory as swap, cannot be done when the system is using that config with unity and stuff | 23:14 |
joey_ | im not using unity btw | 23:14 |
joey_ | but xfce4 | 23:14 |
joey_ | without compositing | 23:15 |
OerHeks | it could work on a headless server | 23:15 |
joey_ | ? | 23:15 |
OerHeks | you might want to ask this on askubuntu too | 23:16 |
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joey_ | ok brb | 23:20 |
sydney | SenorSenpai: Did you get your problem fixed?] | 23:25 |
joey_ | Hi, I want to use my GPU's ram as a ramdisk, following these instructions : | 23:25 |
joey_ | http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Using_Graphics_Card_Memory_as_Swap | 23:25 |
joey_ | But when I input the " modprobe phram phram=VRAM,0xd8400000,124Mi " command, I get the following error : modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'phram': Input/output error | 23:25 |
joey_ | Also, is there anyway I could use more than the 128M of prefetchable memory, my GPU has 1GB of ram, I would prefer to use "most" of it. | 23:25 |
wilee-nilee | joey_, posting in multiple channels is a rude way of doing this. | 23:26 |
joey_ | I'm sorry... ? | 23:27 |
wilee-nilee | you are in permanent ignore here | 23:27 |
joey_ | Did I just loose my ticket to get help ? | 23:27 |
joey_ | Oh wow great | 23:27 |
joey_ | So I am damned | 23:28 |
joey_ | That's basicly it ? | 23:28 |
kostkon | !patience | joey_ | 23:29 |
ubottu | joey_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 23:29 |
SenorSenpai | http://sc-cdn.scaleengine.net/i/faf27181aee18e0b216136d699b3dca9.png :( usb3 | 23:35 |
Pici | joey_: are you sure that is the correct memory location? Also, I'm not sure, but you may need to load the mtd module first. | 23:36 |
joey_ | Yes it's the memory location given by the lspci -vvv -s **** command and I have I am pretty sure I have loaded the MTD modules, most are =m some =y | 23:38 |
studio | hola | 23:44 |
basheba | hey I just upgraded to 1404 and now I have no text in chromium. Any fix? | 23:44 |
basheba | !chromium | 23:44 |
ubottu | You can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa | 23:44 |
studio | hola | 23:44 |
joey_ | hola | 23:45 |
wilee-nilee | basheba, probably a reset function in chromium, I would look there first. | 23:46 |
wilee-nilee | basheba, https://productforums.google.com/forum/?_escaped_fragment_=topic/chrome/QOTm1mhdLcM#!topic/chrome/QOTm1mhdLcM | 23:47 |
sydney | basheba: settings,Advanced settings,Reset Browser settings? | 23:48 |
markolo2_ | hello | 23:48 |
markolo2_ | i ran my program with an & | 23:48 |
markolo2_ | will it keep going after i close putty | 23:48 |
basheba | did that still no text | 23:49 |
studio | HOLA | 23:49 |
wilee-nilee | markolo2_, More distinct details needed. | 23:49 |
studio | HOLA | 23:49 |
studio | hola | 23:49 |
markolo2_ | i ran tar xf mark.tar.gz & | 23:49 |
sydney | Hi :P | 23:49 |
wilee-nilee | studio, We see you, do you have a support issue? | 23:50 |
studio | como estas?¡ | 23:50 |
wilee-nilee | !es | studio | 23:50 |
ubottu | studio: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 23:50 |
markolo2_ | i want a process to run after typing the command | 23:50 |
markolo2_ | also after closing putty | 23:50 |
studio | puta yo no habloingles | 23:51 |
kostkon | !es | studio | 23:52 |
ubottu | studio: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 23:52 |
wilee-nilee | studio, use the right channel, english here. | 23:52 |
markolo2_ | damn he cussed us english speakers out Q_Q | 23:52 |
joey_ | lol | 23:53 |
markolo2_ | so how do i keep a process running after closing putty | 23:54 |
sydney | basheba: Try making a new user/ | 23:55 |
sydney | ? | 23:55 |
basheba | I uninstalled and guess what! There is now java and flash in rekonq | 23:56 |
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zerowaitstate | markolo25_: one option is nohup | 23:56 |
SchrodingersScat | !info screen | markolo25_ use screen | 23:56 |
ubottu | markolo25_ use screen: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9 (trusty), package size 613 kB, installed size 936 kB | 23:56 |
sydney | basheba: :D | 23:57 |
zerowaitstate | markolo25_: you can also persist a session using screen/tmux/byobu | 23:57 |
=== cls is now known as Guest32374 | ||
markolo25_ | so i would type the command like this : $screen tar xf fafa.tar.gz | 23:57 |
zerowaitstate | markolo25_: the thing w/ nohup is that standard output (and possibly input) needs to be redirected. with screen, etc, you can just jump back into the terminal session | 23:58 |
markolo25_ | there's no output since it's just a tar extract | 23:58 |
markolo25_ | i just wanted it to keep extracting after turning off my laptop so i can get ice cream | 23:58 |
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SchrodingersScat | markolo25_: that should be fine | 23:59 |
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