=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware === kritor is now known as krokus [01:55] * krokus is away (Linux is culture.) === krokus is now known as kritor === Serpente is now known as Kondor [07:51] can anyone help me troubleshoot a no-audio problem? [10:15] hey [14:18] hi! [14:18] could anyone answer one my question? [14:18] !ask|joey_ [14:18] joey_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [14:20] How do I lock memory for jack and know if I succesfuly locked it + Can I choose the amount I lock in ? [14:21] joey_ IIRC you can set up a "profile" configuration. sadly, I don't use jack enough to know the details of setting this up. [14:23] Does anyone here do ? [14:24] joey_ oh! just remembered: #opensourcemusicians will know [14:26] Thanks [14:31] Mhhh opensourcemusicians seems dead right now [14:32] oh nvm i found it uh... [14:34] Does anyone know how to use cPlay ? [14:47] joey_: you really shouldnt need to be doing that anymore [14:47] ? [14:47] what do you mean? [14:47] joey_: have you tried the default ubuntustudio? it should be configured out of the box to be ready for audio production [14:47] ...yes [14:48] I want to try something called memory playback [14:48] if you want lower latency for either of the 2 reasons that one would need that, you might consider a realtime kernel [14:48] Where a song is loaded on the RAM [14:48] joey_: why? [14:48] fully decoded [14:49] because [14:49] anyways, thats more the scope of the main #ubuntu channel and community [14:49] really? [14:49] joey_: you can try the main mailing list, and just not even mention its a song [14:49] how [14:49] joey_: if you learn to do that with *any* file, you can do it with a song [14:50] joey_: i personally just let the system decide what needs to be in memory, becuase i feel and find the default memory management a nice and comfortable compromise [14:50] if you want to fiddle around with it, feel free, but, you will get more attention in the main ubuntu community, or a general linux community.. [14:51] you might want to consider asking about the work flow.. [14:52] ? [14:52] like, why you are trying to do that.. there may be better and easier ways to get the result you are tyring to get [14:52] otherwise, if you just want to know how to load things in ram, just load them there [14:52] ram disks.. or whatever [14:53] uh [14:53] really [14:53] how? [14:53] there is a directory for the ram on my computer? [14:53] is that what you mean? [14:53] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM would load the OS.. like pupply linux [14:54] http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-create-linux-ram-disk-filesystem/ [14:54] ^ creates a filesystem in ram [14:54] i think you'll find, unless you are more specific, you really wont gain anything in particular [14:55] oh shit [14:55] thanks! [14:55] !language [14:55] The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [14:55] ohweeee [14:55] thanks! [16:03] hey i just found this http://www.ubuntuka.com/ubuntu-ramdisk-ramdrive-easy-way/ [16:03] it works [16:03] sound is much better :) [16:05] thanks yall [16:13] Hello, what is the optimal driver for my videocard - NVIDIA GT218 [GeForce 210]? [17:41] Hey [17:42] need some help whith ubuntustudio [22:44] whats the channel for ubuntu support? [22:46] nvm ha [23:26] Hi, I want to use my GPU's ram as a ramdisk, following these instructions : [23:26] http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Using_Graphics_Card_Memory_as_Swap [23:26] But when I input the " modprobe phram phram=VRAM,0xd8400000,124Mi " command, I get the following error : modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'phram': Input/output error [23:26] Also, is there anyway I could use more than the 128M of prefetchable memory, my GPU has 1GB of ram, I would prefer to use "most" of it.