
CyborgCygnusHow would I fix Light Locker? I had trouble with it locking during media playback in the alpha & beta's so I did a complete reinstall once the stable official release came out, I still get the same problem. It will lock the pc during media playback & keep playing it, despite my settings to not do so.00:13
abitzCyborgCygnus: what settings?00:18
CyborgCygnusabitz, Just wondering if it's possible to make light-locker do what it's supposed to in 14.04. There isn't other settings in xubuntu that would prevent the pc from locking while playing back media? Would I need to perhaps run the software/apps with gksudo to allow it to prevent the screen saver & sleep mode?00:21
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
cyborgcygnusxscreensaver seems to lock my pc when media is still playing as well, surely there must be another setting somewhere outside of any screensaver to prevent locking, sleep, turning off the monitor when I'm watching a movie01:01
Kekaiunder your battery settings01:01
Kekaichange your monitor to never01:01
Kekaior what ever time you want01:01
kdederI tried xubuntu 14.04 on live usb but there's no gnome disk manager anywhere in the menu?  Why?!?03:55
cfhowlettkdeder because xubuntu doesn't USE gnome disk manager??03:56
kdederno one can find it... it's only in gnome and unity03:59
cfhowlettkdeder and xubuntu uses NEITHER of those ...03:59
kdederI had to run gparted from terminal since it is nowhere to be found04:01
kdederI use  gnome ubuntu 14.04 and kde in debian... I'll stick with those... xubuntu is too annoying...04:02
kdederI had it on live usb stick to help someone with a partition problem... and it was annoying to use04:02
kdederessential program and not in the menu04:03
holsteinkdeder: its all linux, friend.. if youd like, you can add whatever you want to any menu04:14
dieselbuntuHey all.  Anyone here running 14.04 with nvidia + dual monitors ?? ^ ^04:27
holsteinopen driver now.. in 14.04.. works "out of the box" without hassle :)04:27
dieselbuntudid it work out of the box for you or did yo have to..04:28
dieselbuntuahh kk =]04:28
holsteini have had to in the past04:28
dieselbuntu1 last Q ..is this the noueveu or  nvidia-(open)04:29
holsteindieselbuntu: just the noueveu included driver04:30
holsteindieselbuntu: i didnt add anything..04:30
dieselbuntubeautiful =]   okay, here goes nothin'  -.004:31
dieselbuntuThanks holstein04:31
=== Guest9496 is now known as ponbiki
dieselbuntuHi.  Anyone here figure out xubuntu with nvidia binaries and dual monitors yet?05:25
dieselbunture: 2nd screen viewport being smaller than actual resolution05:27
dieselbuntuubewmtu!  everytime you update, your system goes.. BEWMMMMMMmmmmm =] heeeheehe05:52
DubbiosoSono nuovo chi mi può aiutare per favore?08:32
DubbiosoC'è qualcuno?08:33
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:35
ronaldsmazitisailed to execute default Terminal Emulator.10:55
ronaldsmazitishow do I create bash line to open nano in terminal emulator10:55
gryWith oxygen theme installed, xfce theme scollbars have mess with scrollbars arrows. The packages conflict.11:15
gryThere is also a problem, which I didn't yet identify the cause of -- the Xfce-* themes all have garbage with evince (a gtk3 app I think?). "FileEditViewGo" menuitems lack spacing as do many other things.11:16
gryPlease help me to properly report or solve both these issues.11:17
xubuntu152hi is there a linux version or an HP ipaq RX3715?11:21
brainwashgry: the Xfce-* themes don't support recent gtk3 versions I'd assume11:29
gryok, can you tell me again which themes 14.04 is shipped with please? it would be nice for me to nuke the broken lot11:30
brainwashthe themes provided by the packages "shimmer-themes" should all work and look nice11:30
brainwashgreybird is one of them11:30
grywhy the broken themes are in the repos is a question too - people install them and see an unusable app, not only ugly11:30
brainwashwell, these Xfce themes are provided by the Xfce project I think11:31
brainwashso they are packaged and shipped by xubuntu automatically11:31
grythey don't ship distros, they probably don't need to make things consistent with "recent gtk3 versions"11:32
grybut I'm not sure11:32
gryso I'd probably nuke broken themes from the repos at the moment11:32
brainwashfeel free to do so11:32
gryand tell them about the issues11:32
brainwashbut it's not a big deal after all :)11:33
gryit's something I can identify and resolve - it is quite broken atm11:34
brainwashit's a common problem with gtk3 themes11:34
brainwashthey need to be kept up-to-date, every new release of gtk3 breaks or changes something11:35
gryShimmer is such a wonderful project.11:48
=== crimson` is now known as crimsondusk
chtibossi cqnnot put qn qwerty keybord in Xubuntu 1412:37
chtibosscannot put keybaord in azerty12:38
freezedHello everybody, just installed xubuntu 14.04 and wonder how to change the resolution. Any idea ?13:00
freezedI have got only 1 choice : 1280x1024 at 77Hz13:01
freezedWith last version of xubuntu (12.04) I can get 1900x120013:01
freezedI tried to enable nvidia_304 driver, but nothing13:04
freezedRebooting and come back13:05
gryI've purged a lot of themes and it is a lot easier now - none of the broken ones are a part of xubuntu-desktop so I'm not complaining13:15
grynow I'm looking at 'bum' and it has a load of entries on things that are not even installed -- not sure how to give it a kick to only list things that have a proper name and are installed13:16
cfhowlett!info bum13:49
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (trusty), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB13:49
=== crimson` is now known as crimsondusk
xubuntu646is it ok to chat in the channel or is this for support only?15:49
deshipu!ot | xubuntu64615:50
ubottuxubuntu646: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:50
BBLLCChi, can you help me with openvbe?16:23
knome!ru | Guest355716:24
ubottuGuest3557: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:24
flux242knome: how do you know it's russian?16:31
Aritheanieit came up as Cyrillic16:31
knomeflux242, educated guess.16:32
flux242Aritheanie: do you have any idea how many countries are using Cyrillic?16:32
Aritheaniequite a few. And most of them as a consequence also have Russian commonly spoken, IIRC...16:32
knomeflux242, if it's wrong, the user will tell us. unless you have a support question, let's move on16:32
flux242Aritheanie: does mongolish sound like russian to you?16:33
knomeflux242, please stop insisting. no offense was ever meant, and you're not helping the cause by whining16:34
flux242knome: relax, use this possibility to learn something new16:35
bazhang!ot | flux24216:36
ubottuflux242: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:36
flux242there's nothing happening on the channel anyway16:37
bazhangthat does not make this the chat channel16:38
=== WLM|weg is now known as WLM
AritheanieI'm not sure why we're even arguing this again?16:46
Aritheanieanyway, back on topic, even if nothing is happening at the moment.16:46
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xubuntu250I was installing the latest update for 13.10 when my laptop froze up. I restarted it and now I get a message that says: Fatal error: token too large, exceeds YYLMAX. I can't get a terminal to come up and I can't get to anything else for that matter. Is there a way of fixing this without having to do a fresh install of the OS? Thanks.18:24
paoloyou could try start a live cd, mount your disk partition/s and look at the log files for more info18:27
paolojust an idea..18:27
xubuntu250I'm not sure how to do that. I'm pretty much a novice at this stuff.18:29
xubuntu250How do I do that when I can't get anything to boot?18:30
paoloyou should set your bios to boot from cd/dvd, then put the live cd into and go18:30
Unit193You can also try to edit the grub command line and boot directly to a TTY, and get more logging output too.18:30
paoloxubuntu should mount automatically your disk partitions (not sure though)18:30
xubuntu250I can't get to the bios. that's part of the problem.18:31
paolologs are placed in /var/log18:31
Unit193paolo: Meant while it's booting to see where it's wedged.18:31
xubuntu250No bios access and can't get to grub command line.18:31
paoloxubuntu250, if you have a 2nd disk install xubuntu and boot from there, then mount the disk containing the broken os and you should be able to access to the logs18:34
paolobtw, i wonder why you can't access to the bios18:35
xubuntu250I've been wondering about that myself. Unfortunately  have second disk to use.18:39
xubuntu250I don't have a copy of the OS other than the one I have running on my laptop. No CD or USB versions.18:48
paoloxubuntu250: you don't strictly need another copy, it's enough if you have a 2nd computer/laptop, attach the broken os there and run the live cd18:50
xubuntu250I don't have another laptop available. I'm currently chatting to you from my phone.18:53
paoloi'm short of ideas, ask a friend for the laptop ;)18:56
xubuntu250I see. Ok, thanks for trying.18:57
paoloit sounds weird such a bad breakage due to installing the latest updates18:59
paoloi'm more inclined to think of hardware issues18:59
wishartHello folks22:09
wishartA couple of recent software updates for xubuntu involved having to reboot. Is this normal?  Was the kernel being updated?22:10
FernandoBassoHey folks. I installed xubuntu-desktop on my wife's "ubuntu" machine. How to remove the "global menu" (or whatever it is called) from xfce4-panel?22:11
wishartNo one seems to know the answer to our questions. Same as before. Waste of time coming in here.22:17
Unit193FernandoBasso: indicator-appmenu, I think it was?22:17
FernandoBassoUnit193: Also, I would like to know how to completely uninstall ubuntu-desktop.22:19
FernandoBassoI use arch, and it is so damn clean and easy to try other window managers and desktop environments.22:20
Unit193There used to be a way to do that, but it's not updated now.22:20
FernandoBassoxfce runs amazingly here.22:20
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »22:20
FernandoBassoWow! That is cool! Thanks.22:21
Unit193But, it hasn't been updated recently at all. :/22:21
Alex_______guys.. I just installed xubuntu on an intel nuc ... I removed some software I don;t need like documents viewer and music apps... now the desktop it's empty and nothing get's loaded:(22:21
FernandoBassoUnit193: Yeah, I can't event get to a display manager anymore.22:33
Unit193Install xubuntu-desktop again, or just pull in lightdm-gtk-greeter (which will pull in lightdm if it's missing.)22:34
FernandoBassoI did, but when the display manager should show up, the monitor just turns off. I can only get to a tty. :D22:37
=== pks is now known as Guest17505
Alex_______so no one has a clue how to fix the xubuntu desktop not showing anything on it?22:38
climbNmaintainWhat do you mean by not showing anything on it?22:41
Alex_______i uninstalled some programs ... games and media and the desktop it's empty just the wallpaper:)22:43
Alex_______i can ALT+F2 on it and it brings the application finder22:43
climbNmaintainSounds like you need to re install XFCE perhaps?22:46
climbNmaintainCan you get to a CLI?22:47
climbNmaintainaptitude install xfce422:52
climbNmaintainthis actually might be a better option: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:53
climbNmaintainI was actually hoping if anyone was available to help me out with a little problem of my own. Any takers?22:54
Alex_______ah great the first one worked:)22:54
climbNmaintaingood deal.. np22:55
knomeclimbNmaintain, you should just ask23:08
climbNmaintainlol, right then, running 14.04LTS. I have several external HDDs hooked up to the box and I rebooted for updates a few hours ago and now none of them will mount.23:10
climbNmaintainTried editing the fstab and I can paste the output of that here if that would help any.23:11
knomeyou can use a pastebin;23:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:13
climbNmaintainright, coming right up23:14
climbNmaintainThe fstab file: paste.ubuntu.com/7615397/23:20
climbNmaintainAnd the error I'm getting when trying to mount a HDD: paste.ubuntu.com/7615389/23:20
knomehave you tried booting with an older kernel (from before the upgrade)?23:23
climbNmaintainIt was not an upgrade, I made a clean install of Xubuntu 14.0423:25
climbNmaintainBut no, I have not tried anything like that.23:25
knomeright, sorry, i somehow thought it was an upgrade...23:28
knomei looked around a bit, and it looks like kernel stuff23:28
knomewell, potentially..23:28
climbNmaintainfrom the little I read from doing google-fu, the "bad block blah blah blah" part of the error might suggest the drive is dead? but it happens to all 4 drives so...yeah23:28
Unit193Hrm, thought there was a thunar-volman thing.23:28
Unit193I suppose the UUIDs are correct as well?23:30
climbNmaintainUUIDs were pasted from sudo blkid23:33
climbNmaintainThey worked on ubuntu 14.04 but vanilla was too intense for this box which is getting up there so I decided to go with Xubuntu over opensuse up until now.... lol23:36
climbNmaintainIs it hopeless you think?23:40
Unit193Have you tried manually mounting?23:41
xubuntu419hello can some one help me figure out how to install this program23:43
xubuntu419does any one know how to install xubuntu23:48
Unit193Use the installer?23:48
xubuntu419Ok ill play what installer23:49
xubuntu419all you get is a iso cthat cant be opened23:49
Unit193You use burning software to "extract" that to a CD, DVD, or flash drive.23:50
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto23:51
xubuntu419cant to a cd its to big dont have a flash drive or DVD-r's23:52
xubuntu419an exteral hard drive can i use that23:53
climbNmaintainUnit193: I have tried mounting using disks and that is a no go...23:57

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