=== jordan_ is now known as jordan [16:33] help please, http://vpaste.net/aMDor [16:33] bzr 2.7.0dev1 [16:37] mark06: that's a known issue; see the udd bug tracker [16:39] ok so currently I'm stuck and can't use UDD for this package, right? [16:41] mark06: there is some option you can set to prevent this [16:42] mark06: the bug report has details [16:42] I asked in packaging channel but no answer... any suggestion on the following issue? [16:44] it's been a while since I used PPAs and I moved from bare patches to bzr branch, which doesn't fit well with non-UDD packaging... I started my custom pidgin as a bzr branch based on upstream's tarball, well... [16:45] I guess I need to merge all ubuntu-specific changes introduced by the package, I can't simply build my own package from scratch... that'd be easy if I based my branch on the above (if it was ever working)... so I could simply merge.... [16:47] so what approach should I do? I'm thinking of doing a bare diff and try applying in the source package... that isn't much elegant as from source code point of view all my commits will be compressed into a single big diff.... but I see no other way... suggestions? [16:52] is there any command to convert a series of commits into a series of separate patch files? [17:14] is it possible to undo an specific commit in a branch? reverse cherry picking? [17:22] mark06: there is uncommit, or reverse cherry pick [17:48] done, thanks [18:11] what should I use as replacement for bzr builddeb, since I can't do UDD? [18:18] bzr -Olaunchpad.packaging_verbosity=off? [18:19] jelmer: Offhand, do you know the latest progress on bzr-git, and the dulwich version problem? I'm still getting: bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'BazaarObjectStore' object has no attribute 'get_graph_walker' [18:42] mark06: yeah, that will disable the freshness check that is buggy [18:42] (the exception you ran into before) [18:44] LeoNerd: nobody is working on bzr-git as far as I know [18:44] took a bit long but worked, thanks! [18:45] jelmer: :( [18:55] is it possible to somehow merge diverging branches? [18:56] Hah.. I have an interesting solution to bzr-git here. It seems the bzr-git plugin can checkout, and can do the pushing parts of commit/push, but can't actually fetch and update. [18:56] So you can make a new checkout, in which you're allowed exactly one commit before it breaks. [18:56] But that commit does at least make it back to github or wherever; so you can just blow away that checkout and make another one for next time. \o/ [19:04] bzr status [19:38] LeoNerd: I might have a look at fixing it for the purpose of git-remote-bzr at some point [21:37] is there any way to tweak bzr builddeb so it doesn't rely on the package version for fetching the upstream version? [21:37] mark06: that's how debian packaging works, unless I'm misunderstanding? [21:38] I want to use version like 1:2.9.0-rs137-0ubuntu3.1 but it thinks upstream is 1:2.9.0-rs137 [21:39] but this is very inconvenient for a *feature* ppa, it's really annoying that every debian/ubuntu update supersedes your features... then the user always get bizarre regression alternations... [21:40] I mean, it's inconvenient to attach rs137 after ubuntu3.1 [21:40] unless there's a way to avoid this odd superseding [21:41] mark06: what does rs137 indicate? [21:41] I didn't get well what exactly makes it guess what the upstream version is like [21:41] mark06: it just uses the standard format for Debian packages [21:42] even if you would get bzr-builddeb to use a different upstream version string, all other debian tools would break [21:42] rs137 is my naming scheme for my feature/bug patches to pidgin... http://pidgin.renatosilva.me/ [21:42] mark06: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version [21:42] mark06: if they're changes to the upstream branch and not the packaging, then you indeed want rs137 in the upstream version (as that reflects reality) [21:44] what I mean is given 1:2.9.0-rs137-0ubuntu3.1, why it splits into 1:2.9.0-rs137 ("the upstream") and 0ubuntu3.1, and given 1:2.9.0-0ubuntu3.1-rs137, why it splits into 1:2.9.0 (correct upstream) and 0ubuntu3.1-rs137? the rule is unclear to me [21:46] but in that case the diff from "2.10.9-rs137" upstream would be essentially void from actual changes and include only debian/ubuntu packaging changes... even so, I don't know how to make it find "2.10.9-rs137" since I am trying to create the very source package and that one still doesn't exist [21:53] is that really the workflow, let this bizarre regression alternation just happen? what ppa developers are expected to do? foresee an upcoming debian/ubuntu update and build before that? [21:53] it would be nice if it automatically merged the debian/ubuntu changes into the ppa [22:12] hmmm I kind of cheated it with 1:2.10.9-rs137+0ubuntu3.1 [22:12] it likes the '-0', it seems [23:25] so bzr builddeb could be smarter and create the patch from commit diff [23:25] it rather ignores all the dvcs thing and asks you to dpkg --commit or something, in a bare patch... [23:26] mark06: that's not bzr-builddeb asking it, but dpkg [23:28] right, but bzr let it happen... it could have handled it automatically since the idea of UDD is not dealing with raw patches anymore right... [23:35] mark06: it could suggest you run "bzr dep3-patch" instead, I guess