
thumperstub: do the postgresql charms for precise work on trusty?03:03
stubthumper: the are supposed to. I haven't run the tests recently on trusty.04:41
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axwmgz: standup?09:02
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mgzaxw: blast, did standup happen?09:33
axwmgz: yes, wallworld is going to email you09:33
mgzgah, really wanted to talk to you guys as last week we didn't get any09:34
tech2Hi all, I'm writing a juju charm and when a relation triggers, how do I determine the IP address of the machine the other service is on? I have a multi-master database setup, with replication. When a link is formed between the two via a relation in juju, how does the juju hook script know what each end's IP addresses are (or do I need to carry that around as local configuration info?)10:05
tech2Also, is there a way I can configure my charm to prevent multiple installations on the same machine (use of --to <number>)? The software I'm writing it for sadly only supports a single instance per machine.10:58
mthaddonhi folks, I'm wondering if the swift charms could grow support for swift-dispersion-report relatively easily? http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/object-storage-dispersion.html11:04
gnuoymthaddon, I'll take a look11:05
mthaddongnuoy: thx - I'm happy to file a bug if that's appropriate11:05
mthaddonlooks like it should "just" be creating a new user, generating /etc/swift/disperson.conf and then running swift-dispersion-populate - users can then run swift-dispersion-report whenever needed11:07
gnuoymthaddon, a bug would be great, thanks.11:08
gnuoyBut I agree, at first glance it looks straight forward11:08
mthaddongnuoy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/swift-proxy/+bug/132806411:11
_mup_Bug #1328064: Add support for swift-dispersion-report to charms <swift-proxy (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1328064>11:11
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tech2Does juju have a concept of a "collection" of services, such that when a relation is made between two machines it's really made to the group, or is this something to be managed externally? I'm trying to manage multi-master database replication without having to set-relation between every instance in a full-mesh (but having the resulting configuration represent that).13:39
mthaddontech2: for which service are you trying to configure multi-master replication?13:41
tech2mthaddon: our own database system which I'm trying to write a charm for.13:42
mthaddontech2: ah okay - so relations are between services, not between machines, so basically the model would be that you'd have a foo-multimaster-db service, and the relation would be to that13:43
mthaddonhi folks, I've been looking at the swift charms and there are two settings I'm wondering about - partition-power has a default of 8 in swift-proxy which means essentially the default expects a ring with up to 2 drives (you're supposed to have 100x the number of total drives you expect in the cluster and it's raised to the power of 2)13:44
mthaddonthe second setting is "workers" in the swift storage components, which seem to be hard coded to 2, which doesn't quite represent what the swift docs recommend13:45
tech2mthaddon: sorry, bad choice of words, and yes. So how does one manage the relations to create a full mesh?  <dbname>-relation-joined would be run, but how would that derive information about all participants without someone having run set-relation on all the services?13:45
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mthaddontech2: that'd be up to the charm itself. Basically when you run a set-relation on (say) the appserver side, that would trigger a response from the foo-multimaster-db service that would return information about all participants, but this may be DB specific.13:49
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kentbdo suboridinate charms work with constraints, or, I guess I should ask, is there any point to declaring constraints when deploying a subordinate charm since they basically just 'bolt on' to an existing service?13:52
lazyPowerkentb: they bolt onto an existing service with scope: container13:54
lazyPowertbh i haven't tried to deploy a subordinate with constraints to see if it blocks the deployment on a machine that doesn't meet the constraints.13:54
lazyPowerso it may have some functionality, but needs citation.13:54
kentblazyPower, ok. thanks.13:54
tech2mthaddon: so how would you propose structuring this (assuming I wanted N instances of the DB, all cross-replicating)? I'd have a second multimaster charm that just acts as a mechanism to connect things to?14:02
mthaddontech2: I don't think that's necessary, but depends on the application. Do the nodes already chatter amongst each other and keep an up to date list of what nodes are in the replication set? If so, could you use that?14:06
tech2mthaddon: I'm starting afresh. This used to be a package that was deployed to a box and then configured to replicate either by hand or via chef script by adding the IPs of the other instances it would replicate with. Instead of managing that by hand I'd just like the option of telling it "you're a part of this group, find your neighbours" or something.14:08
tech2mthaddon: I was just hoping this was a known pattern for services (and as such that there'd be a standard solution) rather than me making something up myself.14:11
mthaddontech2: I think the peer relations is what you're looking for - trying to find an example for you14:11
mthaddontech2: the haproxy charm's peer-relation-joined (it's a symlink to hooks.py, but notify_peer (and therefore notify_relation) is probably what you're looking for14:13
tech2I'll take a look, thanks.14:14
jcastrolazyPower, you're on reviews this week?14:20
jcastroI believe cory_fu is your deputy if you guys wanna pair up or whatever14:20
lazyPoweri am?14:21
* lazyPower looks14:21
lazyPowerWelp, there goes the neighborhood14:21
=== lazyPower changed the topic of #juju to: Welcome to Juju! || Docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://goo.gl/9yBZuv || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP || Weekly Reviewers: lazypower / cory_fu || News and stuff: http://reddit.com/r/juju
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cory_fuDoes anyone have experience with destroy-relation?17:01
cory_fuSpecifically, I issue the command, get no errors, but the relation never goes away17:07
lazyPowercory_fu: is a dependent service in error?17:09
lazyPowercory_fu: or is there an open debug-hooks session trapping your commands?17:09
cory_fuNo services in error state whatsoever17:09
cory_fuNo debug-hooks open, either17:09
lazyPowerstrange. I've not seen that behavior before. What version of juju are you running?17:16
cory_fuI can work around it, but was wondering if it was a known bug17:18
lazyPowerit warrants filing17:19
lazyPowerI'm not seeing that behavior and i'm on 1.19.317:19
lazyPowermake sure you attach your all-machines log with the bug report, + how to reproduce, and scrub any api keys if you're using a public cloud from the log output.17:20
jcastrohey mbruzek17:55
jcastrodo you think we can get elasticsearch working on power by say ... thursday?17:55
mbruzekjcastro, ElasticSearch works, but logstash does not18:02
mbruzekLogstash has a architecture dependency.18:03
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mbruzekjcastro, IDK how to resolve the architecture problem in logstash,18:05
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jcastrooh sweet, reviewboard incoming!20:48
thumperjcastro: charm?20:57
thumperavoine: IIRC you did the python-django charm yes?20:58
thumperavoine: I have some questions on the juju list about how to hook up the subordinate charm for supplying the actual django site20:58
thumperwould love some comments if you have some time20:58
jcastrothumper, yep20:59
lazyPowermbruzek: did you see? log4j, [2014-06-09T21:01:44.664]  WARN: org.elasticsearch.transport.netty: [Kwannon] Message not fully read (response) for [859] handler org.elasticsearch.discovery.zen.ping.unicast.UnicastZenPing$4@45114dfc, error [true], resetting21:01
lazyPower - Logstash itself has an issue all around21:01
lazyPowerI'm filing the bug now21:01
arosalesalexisb: rick_h_ jcastro: perhaps we make What's coming in the Juju and Juju gui UOS to Juju whats coming in the GUI21:02
arosalesas we have a Juju Core Roadmap21:02
* arosales looking at http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/all/21:02
arosalesfor Cloud DevOps21:02
mbruzeklazyPower, I did not see that21:02
alexisbthough jcastro I am happy to get some help with the juju core roadmap stuff as this will be my first UDS :)21:02
lazyPowermbruzek: check in /opt/logstash/*.log - this is scrolling non stop after adding teh cluster relationship21:03
arosalesSeems Road Map and whats coming (juju core wise) may be the same content21:03
jcastroI am of the opinion that one session can cover juju and the gui21:03
mbruzeklazyPower, I could not get logstash running on Power remember?21:03
jcastroI mean, 1 hour is a long time to read off changelogs and roadmaps21:03
rick_h_jcastro: but it's so exciting!21:04
arosalesjcastro: agreed thus my suggestion21:04
rick_h_oh hmm, that's tomorrow21:04
lazyPowermbruzek: was it not starting up at all?21:04
usdudeinkThe only thing it can't do is PDFs from Firefox with HPLIP, any ideas out there??21:04
arosalesjcastro: so can you make "whats-coming-in-juju-and-the-juju-gui" just "whats-coming-in-the-juju-gui" --drop Core and just cover core in the "Juju-core-roadmap" session21:04
arosalesjcastro: actually I think I can update21:05
mbruzeklazyPower, no, it had an unknown-Linux error21:06
jcastroarosales, sure, but that's 2 sessions, is that what we want?21:06
jcastroI can't imagine the gui has 1 hour of things coming soon21:07
lazyPowermbruzek: ack. I'm refining this bug stepping through an itneractive debug session - if you want to follow the progress - https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/logstash-indexer/+bug/132827221:07
_mup_Bug #1328272: Failed Unicast Discovery <audit> <logstash-indexer (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1328272>21:07
arosalesjcastro: that was jut what was on the schedule21:07
arosalesthere were 2 sessions, but "whats coming" had both core and gui21:08
arosalesjcastro: I guess we could cover both in one and then drop the roadmap session21:08
jcastroI can go either way21:08
* arosales just going off what is on the schedule right now21:08
jcastroit seems the gui session has already been renamed21:08
* arosales renamed it21:09
jcastrorick_h_, hey, can you fill a slot with 55 minutes of content?21:09
rick_h_jcastro: arosales ok, will check back later to figure out what I need to prepare for tomorrow. EOD21:09
rick_h_jcastro: not really, I can do 30min or so perhaps21:09
arosalesjcastro: feel free to combine "whats coming" to be both core and gui, _but_ then drop the "Juju Core Roadmap session"21:09
jcastroI'll ping you tomorrow, worst case we can do it on thursday too21:09
rick_h_jcastro: ok21:09
arosalesjcastro: thanks or getting the CloudDevOps track all set21:10
jcastroour big data session will be epic21:10
alexisbjcastro, if you want to combine the core and gui stuff into one session that is fine by me21:15
alexisbI can make sure we have core present21:15
jcastroyeah let's do that21:16
jcastroIt's supposed to be a summary, surely we can do both in an hour21:16
alexisbok, when is the session?21:17
alexisbjcastro, ^^^21:18
jcastrowed, 1500 UTC21:18
jcastrorick_h_, that gives you an extra day to prepare21:18
alexisbjcastro, perfect, thank you21:18
jcastrothat gives us an extra slot to go over with "Getting Started with Juju"21:20
jcastrojust in case21:20
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josenegronjl: hey! do you have a minute? I'm stuck with some seafile stuff23:46

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