
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
wgrantcjwatson: <313:27
wgrantcjwatson: You've tested that the split-out extra-overrides scripts actually work, I assume?13:27
wgrantcjwatson: You say that it needs ~ubuntu-archive read access, but why can't it use login_anonymously()?13:29
cjwatsonwgrant: Oh yeah that would work too13:42
cjwatsonwgrant: I'm going to test end-to-end now that python-launchpadlib is installed on pepo13:43
wgrantSome of us sadly do not have that capability.13:43
cjwatsonOh, hey, I already use login_anonymously13:44
cjwatsonWell, I could test it somewhere else, but it's handy to be able to diff the result and check that I'm not missing some other random dependency13:44
cjwatsonThe ported tests should be pretty close to good coverage, but it's hard to do an out-of-process run with sufficient mock objects13:45
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cjwatsonwgrant: Glad you asked - I found and fixed one bug in the translation to webservice-speak.  It works now after a bit of bodging of the shell script to write to somewhere different.14:08
cjwatson(And a change to the lockfilepath to avoid arguing with production ...)14:09
wgrantcjwatson: Excellent14:11
wgrantcjwatson: Do you intend to kill off lp-query-distro.py soonish? It seems like it should be just about trivial.14:12
cjwatsonwgrant: Yes, just wanted to do it in a separate step14:16
wgrantcjwatson: Sure, just checking.14:16
cjwatsonIdeally along with moving that shell loop into maintenance-check.py, but if I don't have time for that then writing a launchpadlib version of lp-query-distro is trivial.14:16
cjwatsonAnd it can hardly take longer to execute than lp-query-distro does :P14:17
cjwatsonlp_publish@pepo:~$ time /srv/launchpad.net/production/launchpad/scripts/ftpmaster-tools/lp-query-distro.py supported14:17
cjwatsonutopic trusty saucy precise lucid14:17
cjwatsonreal    0m8.588s14:17
cjwatsonuser    0m7.968s14:17
cjwatsonsys     0m0.400s14:17
cjwatsonI mean FFS14:17
wgrantYeah, Zope startup time is nice.14:18
wgrantWell, and importing a million lines.14:18
wgrantCan probably be done in one launchpadlib request.14:18
cjwatson[series.name for series in ubuntu.series if series.status not in ("Experimental", "Obsolete")]  or some such14:20
wgrantAlso Future14:21
wgrantI think14:21
cjwatsonSo two requests because you need the distribution first, but whatever14:21
wgrantIf that still exists.14:21
cjwatsonquerydistro only excludes those two statuses14:21
cjwatsonNot to say that it's correct14:22
wgrantIn fact, it should really be Future/Obsolete14:22
wgrantExperimental is a live status...14:22
wgrantNot that Ubuntu uses it.14:22
wgrantIn fact, how does that not generate things for v-series etc?14:23
cjwatsonPretty sure it does14:23
wgrantUnless it's just because there are no packages...14:23
cjwatsonIt's awesome14:23
cjwatsonOh, maybe it just used to14:24
cr3hi folks, might there be a coding guideline for launchpad that describes when to use the various logging levels? (I asked in #launchpad but here is more appropriate)14:24
cjwatsonwgrant: Oh, because we haven't created series beyond utopic14:25
wgrantcjwatson: Right, but we had before.14:25
wgrantSo u-series files should still exist.14:25
cjwatsonYep, and I think it used to generate for u-series.14:25
cjwatsonlp_publish@pepo:~$ ls -l /srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-misc/ | grep series14:25
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- 1 lp_publish lp_publish        0 Apr 23  2012 more-extra.override.q-series.main.supported14:25
wgrantcr3: There's no formal distinction between DEBUG/INFO and WARNING/ERROR, but the latter two generate OOPSes and generate cronspam.14:25
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- 1 lp_publish lp_publish        0 Oct 18  2012 more-extra.override.r-series.main.supported14:25
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- 1 lp_publish lp_publish        0 Apr 25  2013 more-extra.override.s-series.main.supported14:25
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- 1 lp_publish lp_publish        0 Oct 17  2013 more-extra.override.t-series.main.supported14:25
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- 1 lp_publish lp_publish        0 Apr 17 17:19 more-extra.override.u-series.main.supported14:25
wgrantWithin the two categories is basically up to the engineer; we normally have scripts logging at DEBUG anyway.14:26
wgrantcjwatson: Hah14:26
cjwatsonwgrant: Do you have an opinion on the matter at the tail end of https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=72323 ?14:26
wgrantcjwatson: Is that the puppet vs juju thing?14:26
wgrantMeh; we'll know pretty quickly if it breaks. As long as it doesn't get autoremoved.14:27
cjwatsonI'm assuming that (a) the publisher isn't moving to juju in a long time and (b) maybe it's not worth arguing about14:27
cjwatsonWe can just keep it in -soyuz-deps until then I suppose.14:27
cjwatsoncr3: What are you working on, out of interest?14:28
cjwatsonOh, useful thing I noticed in my RSS feed: Linux 3.15 adds an atomic exchange-two-files (and I think also directories) operation14:30
wgrantThe renameat extension actually went through?14:32
wgrantI remember discussion about that like a year ago.14:32
wgrantBut it stalled14:32
wgrantAh, renameat2, nice.14:32
cjwatsonYeah.  It's still the annoying renameat2(..., RENAME_EXCHANGE) API rather than exchangeat(), but whatever14:32
cjwatsonSo I guess we just need to make sure support for that is in Python and then we can use it in 2020 or something14:33
cjwatsonWill deploy that ubuntu-archive-publishing change after this publisher run finishes, and monitor the next run.14:34
wgrantI'm glad we avoided having sensitive data like an ~ubuntu-archive OAuth token on pepo...14:34
cjwatsonEh, this option is better, but it's not like pepo isn't already a much scarier machine than snakefruit (which has such a token).14:35
wgrantIndeed, I intend to convince people to gradually fix snakefruit :)14:35
cjwatsonWhat would you suggest there?  It's kind of integral to how most of it works14:35
cjwatsonAbsent things like operation-limited oauth tokens14:36
wgrantRandom people not having logins to it :)14:36
cjwatsonOh well yeah14:36
cjwatsonThough I think it's just us and the graphite server14:36
wgrantIt is always going to be scary, but it needn't also be the errors log machine or whatever it is.14:36
cjwatsonIt's a lot less scary than lillypilly was :)14:36
wgrantlillypilly was retarded, not scary.14:36
wgrantBut yes14:37
wgrantNow we just need to get the errors stuff onto some new UE equivalent of carob, and all will be marginally less dreadfully.14:37
cjwatsonOh, right, I think app-logs is new since I last checked /srv14:37
cr3cjwatson: sorry for the lag, I'm working on another project using Zope3 and I wanted to adopt similar coding as Launchpad like those described here: https://dev.launchpad.net/Hacking14:54
cjwatsonAh, I thought it might be in Launchpad itself, OK14:55
stubcr3: ERROR for broken things that we can continue from. FATAL for things that mean termination. WARNING for things someone should look at. INFO so you can follow normal operation. DEBUG when you are debugging a problem, DEBUG2->DEBUG9 when you need more DEBUG14:55
stubcr3: Hows life?14:55
cr3stub: hey dude, life is still awesome in montreal. how about you, still loving thailand?14:56
stubcr3: Just another usual coup, same as always really.14:57
cr3stub: you probably have as many coups as we have demonstrations in the streets :)14:59
stubSomewhat itchy feet... might move next year. Still, every time we talk about it we end up deciding Thailand suits us best for now.15:00
stubcr3: Oh, and as wgrant mentioned WARNING and ERROR additionally get an OOPS report generated15:02
* cjwatson deploys ubuntu-archive-publishing15:03
cr3stub: I'd wait until the end of Game of Thrones before moving back to Australia :)15:07
* cjwatson has a brief moment of "but Game of Thrones is being filmed in Northern Ireland", but I see what you mean :)15:08
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
cjwatsonOK, new ubuntu-archive-publishing looks good15:52
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