
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
dustinspringmandw1: thank you!00:54
Oplexyo, anyone know of a software version of the fluke cable tester, for diagnosing bad connections02:36
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dfg888selling intim07:24
lordievaderGood morning.08:04
Cyberspiritits a shame tinfoil hat linux is no longer supported08:08
lordievaderHey Cyberspirit08:08
cfhowlettCyberspirit have you an ubuntu question?08:09
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sergeyI currently have a domain http://gweb.pp.ua. How can I add a subdomain? I'm using cloudflare and ipv6 tunnel to reach a home server in nat network10:27
samiuxsergey, you need to add the subdomain at the register10:28
samiuxsergey, you are running centos10:29
sergeysamiux: in subdomain I mean http://test.gweb.pp.ua. It should be added to httpd.conf, isn't it?10:30
samiuxno, you need to add in registrar cname also10:31
samiuxdo release you url here with phpinfo here, it is danger, such as hacker10:32
sergeysamiux: yes, it is centos. I tried ubuntu-server, but I had freezes when tried to reboot system10:32
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Trey is now known as Guest33738
jdstrandRoyK: use ufw delete on the last rule and ufw insert it in from of the other rule. you might want to look at 'ufw status numbered'12:55
RoyKjdstrand: I did12:56
RoyKjdstrand: works well12:56
=== EzeQL is now known as Guest77757
jamespagezul, wheel?13:56
zuljamespage:  needed for newer six13:56
zulglanceclient is ftbfs on trusty because it needs a newer six13:57
jamespagezul, oslo messaging needs it as well13:59
zuljamespage:  *sigh*13:59
=== fridaynext is now known as davidwebb
=== davidwebb is now known as fridaynext
fridaynextanyone in here use sickbeard?14:33
rbergfridaynext: yes14:42
fridaynextrberg: I've just gotten around to trying to sort my downloads, and i'm having an issue where it's trying to process them twice.14:43
fridaynextCan you see anything I'm doing wrong here?14:43
rbergfridaynext: it looks like you are moving the file into the same directory SB is processing from.14:48
fridaynextrberg: when i have my downloads folder separate from the folder the file is moved into, it renames the file, then renames it back to the original name when it's moved into the new location.14:49
hallynahs3: hi, had any time to look at netcf?15:07
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
coreycbjamespage, zul, I'm starting on ceilometer packaging for openstack icehoue 2014.1.115:09
fridaynextrberg: ah, I think it was because I had TV sorting enabled in sab.15:09
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
davidwebbMy APC doesn't seem to work very well.  I can see that it's full up on power, but when the power goes off, my Ubuntu 12.04 Server still shuts down.  How can I troubleshoot what's causing this?16:29
patdk-wktwo issues :)16:30
patdk-wkmake sure your apc is wired correctly, and it's settings are right16:30
patdk-wksecond, make sure the apc daemon is configured correctly16:30
patdk-wknormally you have a few options, like, shutdown on power loss, shutdown 5min after lower loss, shutdown on low battery16:31
TJ-davidwebb: "shutdown" or immediate power loss?16:31
patdk-wknormally shutdown on low battery isn't desired16:31
davidwebbimmediate power loss16:31
shaunoand watch out for which physical outlet you're using on the UPS.  on soho units, they're not all created equally.  some are surge-protection only (no battery backup), some have 'eco' modes where the outlets won't power unless a 'master' socket is drawing current, etc16:31
patdk-wkah, with that, ya, could be more issues :)16:32
davidwebbIt's a BN700MC APC unit, and I have it plugged into a Belkin three-port Surge protectore, b/c I read that the UPS itself does not offer good enough surge protection.16:32
davidwebbBut the battery is at 100%, so even if the Belkin shuts off, the APC should still be running, right?16:32
patdk-wkbut the computer would only be if it's plugged into the battery port16:33
patdk-wkalso, disconnect your serial/usb cable, and test it16:33
davidwebbIt is plugged into the battery port.16:33
davidwebbpatdk-wk: what difference does that cause?16:34
shaunoif there's a socket marked 'master', make sure you're using it.  if there's a green button, or a button with a green leaf, read the manual and find out how to turn 'eco' off16:34
TJ-davidwebb: Does the APC have two types of outlet, 1 set for just  for surge protection and another for battery backup?16:34
patdk-wkdavidwebb, make sure it's a ups issue, or a computer issue16:34
davidwebbpatdk-wk: ah.16:34
patdk-wkif you remove the serial/usb cable16:34
TJ-davidwebb: My bet is you've plugged into the surge protected outlets, apparently it has 4 of each type16:34
patdk-wkand computer goes off, ups issue, if it stays on, computer issue16:34
davidwebbTJ-: well i'll feel like a coontz if that's the case. let me go check.16:35
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
shaunowhat do the lights on it (ups) do when it 'goes off' ?16:35
davidwebbTJ-: you're a f***in genius, and i'm an idiot.16:36
davidwebbplugged into surge only.16:36
davidwebbTHANK YOU.16:36
* TJ- grins16:36
TJ-davidwebb: No, I can just read the manuals :)16:37
davidwebb:) well, there's that.16:37
davidwebbI did turn the beeper off months ago, which is nice.16:37
TJ-davidwebb: Your description of the problem made it pretty obviously, really, you'd just got tunnel vision16:37
davidwebbwell we're in the middle of a crazy lightning storm, and the light keeps flickering, so i'm sure I'll be able to test this without getting up again in the next couple minutes16:40
davidwebbI kept thinking I would need to get the latest NUT and build it from source, or that something rogue was wrong.16:42
davidwebbBut I remember looking down at the UPS a couple months ago and thinking "Well those two outlets look more "important" than all the others! I'll plug the NAS in there!16:42
davidwebb"Controlled by Master" is definitely not the same as "Master"16:43
shaunoif it has the 'master' stuff going on, it can be disabled.  it's a nice touch for desktops (eg, have your printer etc power off when you shut your PC off).  it's pretty much the opposite of what you want for server/network/etc16:44
davidwebbI see.  I'd actually prefer the printer to stay on, as I wireless print stuff to this station (sort of a shipping desk).16:46
shaunothat one's just a personal beef because I hit it too often.  one machine in the master, one machine 'controlled by', and it's a game to see which powers down first16:46
davidwebband btw - this was me when I saw what port I was plugged into http://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/fucking_idiot_arrested_development.gif16:52
coreycbjamespage, zul: cinder started16:56
coreycbzul, jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/cinder/2014.1.1/+merge/22252517:12
zulcoreycb: why did you drop the fix-requirements.patch?17:14
jamespagecoreycb, I was about to ask the same thing17:14
coreycbzul, jamespage: rtslib wasn't in requirements.txt - unless I screwed that up17:15
* coreycb checks upstream17:15
zulim pretty sure it is :)17:15
zulline 2517:16
coreycbzul, hmm yeah.. alright redoing17:16
coreycbzul, jamespage: when I "debcheckout -a cinder", requirements.txt doesn't have rtslib17:22
coreycbI see it upstream, just not when I debcheckout17:22
zulcoreycb: ack17:22
coreycbzul, is that expected?  I didn't think the patch would have been applied already17:23
zulcoreycb: it should have, i still do bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/cinder/icehouse though so im not sure whats up with debcheckout17:23
coreycbzul, I guess I'll go with your process for now17:27
jamespagecoreycb, when you debcheckout, the patches will be applied to the upstream tarball17:32
jamespageyou should see that happen17:32
coreycbjamespage, I don't remember it happening that way.. I thought patches were applied when you ran pbuilder17:33
coreycbor bzr bd -S maybe17:33
=== davidwebb is now known as fridaynext
coreycbjamespage, zul: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/cinder/2014.1.1/+merge/22252518:03
zulcoreycb: commented18:05
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=== Trey is now known as Guest17373
coreycbzul,  thanks18:07
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
zulhallyn:  i have libvirt 1.2.5 building now...ill put it in a ppa18:45
hallynzul: rockin', thanks18:47
hallynzul: btw, i have fully working libvirt with cgmanager at ppa:serge-hallyn/libvirt-testing;  but it'll probably take some patch porting to 1.2.5, so i'll do that port myself after we submit the base 1.2.5618:48
coreycbzul, jamespage: updated per zul's comment - https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/cinder/2014.1.1/+merge/22252518:48
zulcoreycb: +118:50
zulhallyn:  okies18:50
coreycbzul: ty - only a few more to go :/18:50
coreycbzul, jamespage: starting cinder18:52
coreycbzul, jamespage: I mean, glance18:52
coreycbzul, jamespage: heat started18:59
coreycbzul, jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ceilometer/2014.1.1/+merge/22254219:02
=== alexisb_lunch is now known as alexisb
coreycbzul, jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/glance/2014.1.1/+merge/22254319:08
coreycbzul, jamespage: starting horizon19:14
coreycbzul, jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/horizon/2014.1.1/+merge/22254619:27
coreycbzul, jamespage: keystone started19:59
coreycbzul, jamespage : https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/heat/2014.1.1/+merge/22255120:10
coreycbzul, jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/neutron/2014.1.1/+merge/22256121:05
coreycbzul, jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/keystone/2014.1.1/+merge/22256921:57
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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