
=== wilee-nilee is now known as beldar
=== beldar is now known as Beldar
ornjWhat tool would y'all recommend to normalize the volume on a directory of FLAC philes?02:44
guest-ecj9U2My login screen keeps reappearing even after entering the right credentials05:57
guest-ecj9U2the guest account works fine. it's a fresh 14.04 install and my home directory is mounted from another partition. it was imported from another 14.04 install05:58
ornjThat's not good05:58
guest-ecj9U2ornj no not at all.  any ideas?05:59
ornjNot at all.06:14
guest-ecj9U2might be a persmissions issue06:25
guest-ecj9U2gonna try it out06:25
ethermonkguest-ecj9U2, create anouther account (sudo useradd) and rename your broken user's /home/usr/.config06:26
ornjCan anyone help with libav/ffmpeg?07:13
cfhowlettornj maybe.  ask. details07:14
ornjn/m, I think I figured out the answer07:15
ornjwhich is that Ubuntu Studio comes with libav, not ffmpeg, and it's invoked from the command line with avconv, not libav.07:15
ornjn'est-ce pas ?07:15
cfhowlettornj true.  ffmpeg was deprecated and appeared to be abandonware ... currently seems to be back in development, but avconv is the recommended alternative07:16
ornjYes, OK07:17
ornjaltho I just found a page that said the opposite, but OK.  ;)07:17
ornjYeah, avlib's fine  :)07:38
ornjCan someone help me with it, though? It's choking on my arguments trying to convert to A/52.07:39
=== newbie is now known as Guest34591
Guest34591How do I get my time applet and my volume applet back on the desktop?  I have Ubuntu Studio 14.04 64 bit09:24
Guest34591I think that the latest upgrade of the kernel wiped the applets out09:24
ornjOn the panel, you mean? Like the menu bar at the top or bottom of the desktop?09:44
dan-rogerhowe are you09:46
dan-rogeri am at facebook09:54
dan-rogerdo you want my phonenumber09:57
dan-rogerÄr du kvar10:16
ornjdan learned how to use irc10:24
ornjI'm very proud of him10:25
joshhsojHi, I was wondering if anyone could point me to songs recorded with Ardour and mixed/mastered with free software18:07

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