
soeegood morning06:14
apacheloggerRiddell: add_subdir duplication should already be fixed07:27
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:05
apacheloggerRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdelibs/revision/589#debian/patches/kubuntu_add_langpack_path.diff that most certainly is not enough10:28
apacheloggeror maybe it is10:31
Riddellworks for ubuntu language packs10:38
apacheloggerthere's stuff other than actual l10n inside though10:42
apacheloggerkdelibs5-data: /usr/share/locale/all_languages10:42
apacheloggerthat file possibly needs relocating as well10:43
apacheloggerRiddell: did you test the KCM?10:43
apacheloggerbecause if there are problems with only adding the resource it would definitely show in the KCM10:43
apacheloggerkde-runtime-data: /usr/share/locale/l10n10:44
apachelogger    const QStringList paths = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("locale", QLatin1String("l10n/*/entry.desktop"));10:44
apacheloggerit technically shouldn't cause a problem that it is in usr/share/locale/ but I am not sure reality matches that expectation to be honest10:45
RiddellI /think/ I tested it although I'm not fully sure now under pressure10:46
apacheloggerle dangerous10:47
apacheloggerRiddell: I think at the very least kdelibs and runtime need their install paths adjusted 10:47
apacheloggerwhat with continuity10:48
RiddellI don't think anything else was needed for ubuntu language packs10:48
apacheloggeryeah, but as I said they are not the same thing as kde stuff also contains desktop files used to describe languages and countries etc.10:49
apacheloggerso just because it worked for the ubuntu langpacks doesn't mean it will work just fine for kde-l10n10:49
apacheloggerall I am saying is that needs to be QAd a bit10:50
apacheloggerand on that note, I'll not have time this week I think, or well, at least not today10:50
Riddellyep, I'll test it at some point, but plasma today!10:56
Riddellthis ubuntu online summit lacks a certain something, doesn't even have a logo10:57
Riddellvoila http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/ubuntu-online-summit.png11:04
Riddellwhatever would ubuntu do without my genius artwork skills11:04
* Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2014/06/10/ubuntu-online-summit-kde-frameworks-talk11:05
Riddell"Subject: Your membership in kubuntu-council is about to expire" wibble11:10
Riddellshadeslayer: how's the vote for that going?11:10
Riddellmorning sgclark 11:44
sgclarkRiddell: morning :)11:45
Riddellit's plasma beta release day today!11:47
Riddellchallenge is to get it all packaged and working in time11:47
Riddellwhich since we haven't had plasma desktop running at all yet is quite a challenge :)11:48
sgclarkRiddell: different from what we are working on?11:48
sgclarkRiddell: I am family free now so ready to work!11:49
Riddelldpkg: error processing archive plasma-workspace-data_4.97.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa3_amd64.deb (--install): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/desktop-directories/kde-utilities.directory', which is also in package kde-runtime-data 4:4.13.1-0ubuntu0.1~ubuntu14.04~ppa212:00
RiddellI wonder what to do about that12:00
sgclarkoh my12:02
jussioh, I guess Im not going to be a councilor anymore... hrm, what havoc can I wreak before I leave...12:03
Riddelljussi: propose a vote to build half a tram line for a billion quid12:04
Riddell..possible Edinburgh only humour there12:04
jussiRiddell: pfft, I think a vote to send me on a holiday to the carribean would be appropriate...12:04
jussibtw, I still have some ladies shirts left that need to be gone before the 24th june12:05
Riddelljussi: if they need thrown out then you could use your council powers to propose the council pays for them to be sent to deserving people12:06
sgclarkjussi: I just took a ladies shirt off your hands :)12:09
shadeslayerSorry, I've been a bit sick these past 3-4 days12:10
shadeslayergetting better now, so how's it going :)12:11
sgclarkhi shadeslayer, hope you feel better12:11
yofelshadeslayer resurrected \o/12:12
shadeslayerjust need to keep feeding myself paracetemol12:12
shadeslayerRiddell: lemme check12:12
shadeslayeryofel: someone should declare a holiday, because I was resurrected 12:13
yofellol :D12:13
yofelwell, today's tuesday, so that's still free12:14
shadeslayerRiddell: Actual votes cast thus far: 2012:14
yofelshadeslayer: you never anwered me about kajongg btw... was that missing files error utopic-only?12:14
shadeslayerMaybe time to bump the mailing list12:14
Riddellshadeslayer: ooh wait, did i miss the announcement?12:14
shadeslayerRiddell: I haven't closed the poll yet12:15
yofelRiddell: you should've gotten a poll mail...12:15
Riddellfound it12:15
yofelalso: apt is making fun of me :'( http://paste.ubuntu.com/7623225/12:16
Riddellsomehow I'd marked it as read12:16
Riddellgosh, what a choice12:16
shadeslayerRiddell: valorie are we doing a kubuntu panel thing at UOS12:19
Riddellisn't it too late now?12:20
apacheloggerwhat do you want to panel about?12:20
shadeslayerRiddell: we can still get it in for tomorrow12:21
shadeslayerI don't think it should be an issue12:21
* yofel probably won't join unless it suddenly rains. Thinking with a molten brain doesn't work very well12:21
RiddellI see there is Kubuntu Documentation Team Roundtable June 2014 12:22
Riddellshadeslayer: I guess we don't want it, we've already had a meeting this cycle12:27
shadeslayerRiddell: ok12:29
yofel!testers | sc 4.13.2 and workspace 4.11.10 for trusty need testing in ninjas12:30
ubottusc 4.13.2 and workspace 4.11.10 for trusty need testing in ninjas: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information12:30
Riddellawooga, thanks yofel 12:31
soeeready 12:59
soeelet me check if i have ninjas here at work12:59
soeenope :/ please send me :)13:00
sgclarkRiddell: looks like I was approved for akadamy, do they normally ask for bank details over email?13:25
Riddellsgclark: yes they do in my experience13:26
Riddellmaybe ask valorie what's happened with her13:26
sgclarkhrm ok13:26
sgclarkyour not working on plassma-workspace still are you? I was going to fix the  runtime depends13:27
Riddellsgclark: nope go ahead13:29
RiddellI'm on khotkeys13:30
Riddellsgclark: except I just committed a change to plasma-workspace13:33
Riddellbzr commit -m "remove faulty depends plasma-framework5"13:33
=== vinay is now known as Guest32449
Riddellsgclark: I just committed some more depends fixes for plasma-workspace14:05
sgclarkRiddell: umm thought you said it was ok?? I have made several changes14:06
Riddellsgclark: just merge them in14:09
sgclarkRiddell: well it looks like it is the same depends issues I found. but I also fixed a few lintain errors so continuing with my stuff.14:11
Riddellsgclark: go for it14:12
Riddellsgclark: khotkeys is up, could you review for sanity?14:17
seaLnepeople going to akademy should register https://akademy.kde.org/2014/register 14:18
RiddellseaLne: moving to spain first, then I'll work out how to get there14:22
seaLneoh, when you off?14:23
RiddellseaLne: couple of weeks, going to enjoy barcelona for a wee bit14:23
seaLnehope this relocation goes a bit better than the last14:24
RiddellI think I'll stick to bikes only14:25
sgclarkRiddell: up where? can't find in bzr14:25
* Riddell fixes14:27
Riddellsgclark: up now at bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging-next/khotkeys/14:28
Riddellgood thing you reviewed it :)14:28
* yofel notes that the watch files should have both unstable and stable URL's14:31
Riddellcan they do that?14:33
yofelsee e.g. digikam, that has multiple urls14:34
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sgclarkRiddell: khotkeys looks good to me14:42
sgclarkRiddell: boo you got desktop haha. powerdevil just needs new plasma-workspace to verify build. What time is this beta release? or something for me to work on?14:45
Riddellsgclark: still some yellow bits on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_4.97.0_utopic.html are any of them fixable?14:47
sgclarkRiddell: I will double check but as of last night it was all of the soname does not match for all of the kdeinit-* stuff, lintain ignore?14:49
Riddellsgclark: boring things that should be done - re-check the build depends, the frameworks -dev packages got dependencies on other frameworks if they need it so a lot of build-depends won't be needed any more14:54
Riddellsgclark: also check if all the translations get installed, last release they didn't all get installed14:54
shadeslayeryofel: re kajongg, what missing files?14:55
yofelshadeslayer: the qt stuff14:55
shadeslayerah, no, upstream screwed up14:56
Riddell** frameworks talk on now http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22262/kde-frameworks-libraries-for-all-qt-users/14:57
sgclarkRiddell: ahh ok15:03
Riddellsgclark: if you would rather do plasma-desktop let me know and I'll let you know what I've done15:08
sgclarkRiddell: sure :)15:08
Riddellsgclark: I found a bunch of .po translation files that are broken15:09
Riddellsgclark: so delete those from the tar and remake the tar15:10
Riddellotherwise it all compiled15:10
Riddelland that's as far as I got15:10
sgclarkRiddell: ok15:10
Riddelld_ed: thanks for doing the talk!  did you get any questions?15:40
d_edfrom KDE people, yes. From anyone else. No.15:41
Riddellhmm, disappointing15:41
shadeslayerScottK: yofel are we using libtiff-dev or libtiff5-dev16:40
lordievaderyofel: How can I help with testing 4.13.2?16:52
yofelshadeslayer: former I  believe...16:53
yofellordievader: by installing the packages ^^ - do you have access to the ninja repo?16:53
lordievaderyofel: If it still is your private ppa then yes.16:56
yofelshould be16:56
brotoesHello all. I am creating an internal APT repository using reprepro and apache2. The distributions config file seems to want a paragraph for every release of ubuntu. is it necessary to add every distribution of ubuntu you want the repo to work with to the file?17:27
soee4.13.2 uprade - ok18:04
lordievader4.13.2 upgrade went smooth :)18:19
sgclarkRiddell: any idea why? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7624931/18:46
juancarlospacoHello !18:47
juancarlospacoTheres a PPA for Qt5.3 and/or PyQt5.3 ?, or how to install PyQt5.3, or How can I use PyQt5.QtWebSockets because I got PyQt5.2 and it didnt have PyQt5.QtWebSockets 18:49
juancarlospacocan you import PyQt5.QtWebSockets ?, Docs says I should, but I cant  :(18:50
Riddellsgclark: well can you install libqt5qml-quickcontrols ?19:14
juancarlospacocan you import PyQt5.QtWebSockets ?, Docs says I should, but I cant  :(19:18
sgclarkRiddell: sorry figured it out, does not exist in utopic. removing for now19:20
ahoneybunseems valorie is going to make it19:59
Riddellmake what?20:06
Riddellsgclark: did you find any more problems in plasma-desktop that might need a tar fix?20:07
Riddellthe translations is one20:08
ahoneybunRiddell: UOS20:10
sgclarkRiddell: I was working on depends to build and I ran into a plasma-workspace mess. The runtime depends seem to not be the same in utopic20:10
sgclarkRiddell: we did this originally in trusty20:10
sgclarkRiddell: aka plasma-workspace-dev is not installable20:12
Riddellsgclark: not even the latest version in the ppa?20:16
sgclarkRiddell: nope. not for me, can you try to rule out a local issue for me?20:18
* Riddell starts an ec220:19
Riddellapachelogger, shadeslayer: is the neon5-latest.iso link up to date?20:20
Riddellsgclark: it's libqt5qml-quickcontrols20:32
Riddellshould now be qml-module-qtquick-controls I think20:32
Riddellfeel free to fix and upload20:32
sgclarkRiddell: ok thank you20:33
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
Riddellsgclark: new tar http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-4.97.0/plasma-desktop-4.97.0.tar.xz21:07
Riddellfixes the broken translations21:07
sgclarkRiddell: ok thank you21:07
shadeslayerRiddell: should be21:07
shadeslayerplz double check21:07
Riddellit's out! http://dot.kde.org/2014/06/10/plasma-5-second-beta-needs-testing22:01
kfunkRiddell: congrats!22:09
* kfunk likes the screenshot22:09
shadeslayerI seem to have found the golden rule, you find the most awesome videos on youtube after 1222:31
Riddellbut is it really them?22:32
shadeslayeridk, looks *alot* like them?22:33
sgclarkRiddell: ok still have failing po file, remove and remake tar?22:43
Riddellsgclark: which one?22:49
sgclarkRiddell: plasma-desktop-4.97.0/po/sr@ijekavianlatin/kfontinst.po22:49
valoriesgclark: I was asked for details by mail, yes22:50
valoriei've not actually gotten the money yet though, unless my bank reports otherwise today22:50
Riddellsgclark: are you sure you have md5sum 5ba08a5c4d07fd7ac260006140d7b4d5  plasma-desktop-4.97.0.tar.xz22:50
sgclarkvalorie: ok, I responded asking what exactly they need22:50
valoriethere is a faq about wire transfers, and I followed that22:51
valoriebasically, your routing number and the bank's physical address22:51
sgclarkRiddell: oh hmm it seems not22:51
Riddellsgclark: http://download.kde.org/unstable/plasma/4.97.0/src/plasma-desktop-4.97.0.tar.xz22:51
Riddellis the right one22:51
valorieshadeslayer: I still have not gotten a vote email for the council vote22:51
shadeslayervalorie: is your email addy hidden in launchpad?22:52
sgclarkvalorie: oh ok22:52
valorieI've been reading my spam folder religiously22:52
valorieI've always gotten votes before, so I don't think so22:52
* shadeslayer checks22:53
valoriespam is so interesting22:54
shadeslayer ✘ shadeslayer@solembum  ~/src/kubuntu/kubuntu-dev-tools  ./bin/kubuntu-members-email-list | grep -i val22:55
shadeslayer ✘ shadeslayer@solembum  ~/src/kubuntu/kubuntu-dev-tools  22:55
sgclarkRiddell: ok md5sums match! trying again22:55
shadeslayerso yeah, your email is not public22:55
shadeslayeror lp is broken :P22:55
shadeslayeror you're not a kubuntu member :O22:55
* valorie goes to check22:55
shadeslayerwhat's your lp page?22:55
Riddellapachelogger: so what's the best way to push tags with tarme?22:55
shadeslayerah hm22:56
shadeslayermost interesting22:56
shadeslayervalorie: emailery away \o/22:57
valorieI see the problem: my kubuntu.org was my contact email22:57
valorieinstead of my gmail22:57
shadeslayerI've sent it to your kubuntu.org email addy again22:57
valorieoddly, the gmail is what shows when I login, so I was fooled22:57
valorieawesome, thank you22:57
shadeslayervalorie: oh, so did you find the email?22:57
shadeslayeror did I just send you 2 votes? :S22:58
valoriejust one22:58
shadeslayerI wonder how I check who's voted and who's not22:59
shadeslayerI should send a reminder email tomorrow23:01
shadeslayerawesome sauce23:02
valorieanybody else notice that kdeconnect no longer works?23:03
valorieupdate seems to have killed it23:03
* shadeslayer runs away23:03
shadeslayervalorie: please file a bug report on bugs.kde.org23:03
shadeslayeralso, off to sleep I am23:03
sgclarksleep well23:04
valoriesweet dreams, and thanks again23:04
valorieabout kubuntu uos: we should have scheduled a session, but I ran out of time or energy or both to do it23:05
valoriea user session, not a devel one23:06
sgclarkyeah would have netted useful information I bet. didn't know about uos till today 23:08
sgclarkalas need more time in a day23:08
* Riddell snoozes23:11
valoriethat's one of my problems: not enough time in the day23:24
valorielast few days, lack of drive just adds to that 23:24
ahoneybunvalorie: hey23:25
ahoneybunRiddell: is there a ppa to test Plasma 5?23:25
valoriehi, ahoneybun23:25
valoriehttp://dot.kde.org/2014/06/10/plasma-5-second-beta-needs-testing has links, ahoneybun23:26
ahoneybunjust a iso23:27
valoriesince neon5 is available, a PPA seems (IMO) dangerous23:27
valoriewith neon you are booting into an alternate system23:28
valoriein a PPA, you are modifying your production system23:28
ahoneybunI'll try it out in a VM23:29
ahoneybunvalorie: so you can make it to the session tomorrow?23:30
mparilloahoneybun: I am running the PPA for KF5 in a VM. I can use LightDM to switch between stock Kubuntu 14.04 and Neon with KF5. It works great on my regular sized monitor23:30
valorieI've already set an alarm, ahoneybun23:30
* valorie is supposed to be a uos admin, I should at least make it to one of the sessions....23:31
valorieyou might publicize it a bit, or it will just be you and me23:31
ahoneybunI was at the one today23:31
valoriethe one?23:32
valorieI saw David's presentation of frameworks, but didn't attend23:32
valorieI miss real UDS23:33
mparilloahoneybun: I think I followed the directions here: http://blogs.kde.org/2013/07/31/project-neon-5-daily-builds-ubiquity-wireless-setup23:33
valorieah, but the daily builds is a bit different than the release of the beta23:35
ahoneybunvalorie: went to the one http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22305/howto-join-and-contribute-to-ubuntu-communities/23:36
valorieoh very nice23:36
valorieI missed ubuntu women23:37
valorieafk for a bit23:37
ahoneybunRiddell: btw Plasma 5 looks great23:41
ahoneybunI'm guessing there will be a new icon set as well23:41
valorieyes, there is23:49
valorienot complete yet though23:49

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