=== octa is now known as octi === octi is now known as octophore === Ximo is now known as Soul_ === naught102 is now known as naught101 [04:51] While using selenium and tomcat with firefox. I am getting HTTP Status 500 - Unable to bind to locking port 7054 within 45000 ms. Read a lot of posts but not solved. THis only happens when I use tomcat and run my kubuntu desktop by VNC. If I dont do it by VNC but manually the normal way. All goes fine [04:53] i need speech to text [04:53] what software do i need [05:07] since i have a disability, staying vertical for long periods of time is not possible. i need speech to text so that the system will type what i say and perform the functions and commands i give it [05:09] most of the software seem to be geared for text to speech. i have installed LiSpeak, jovie, simon and some others === arne_ is now known as ahaaje [09:07] KDE 4.13.1 was not available for Kubuntu 14.04. I see 4.13.2 is released today. Is there any chance it will be available? === terry is now known as Guest31078 [10:05] 'Morning folks === mk is now known as Guest90068 [10:44] Jonathan_R: that's called speech recognition or dictation software. It will not be easy to find a freeware version of that, but there are probably some commercial packages for GNU/Linux [10:45] ahaaje: are you talking about the unofficial PPA for KDE? [10:46] No, I meant as official updates to the KDE 4.13.0 that is in Kubuntu 14:04 [10:51] ahaaje: .1 is in trusty-proposed and will be in -updates in a few days [10:52] yofel:thanks! [10:57] yes Walex2 thats correct, it would be dictation/speech recognition. i have simon,jovie and some others installed [10:58] it seems the simon can do dictation and so forth [10:58] now its just a matter of training it [11:07] ahaaje: in theory Ubuntu/Kubuntu versions don't do version updates. [11:07] ahaaje: that's why there are backports. [11:09] walex2:Not even minor versions like .1 to fix bugs? I seem to recall receiving minor version updates for earlier Kubuntu releases, but perhaps those came from backports [11:12] ahaaje: there is a difference between backported bug fixes and backported versions... [11:13] apt has distupgrade which allows for what is known as rolling updates/upgrade [11:13] ahaaje: however sometimes Ubuntu/Kubuntu do version updates, but that's the exception. Since for KDE there is a semi official KDE backports PPA, there may be less reason to backport minor versions. [11:14] they do come out with new releases, like the next one after this, 14.01 will be 14.04 [11:14] 14.01 is a LTS where as 14.04 will not be [11:15] soyou could download the iso every few months, or just do adistupgrade [11:16] ahaaje, does that make sense [11:17] 14.01? [11:18] I wondered about those versions numbers as well - for KDE? [11:19] the kde numbers are like the kernel numbers [11:19] kde 4 is the major release [11:19] the second set of numbers are the feature enhancements and improvements along the way [11:19] 14.10 is LTS [11:20] the third set of numbers is for bug fixes [11:20] yes BluesKaj you are right [11:20] ijust had a dislexic moment there [11:20] ok [11:23] ahaaje, here is what i mean as far as ubuntu is concerned; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule [11:24] Thanks [11:26] yw [11:45] Jonathan_R, i was wrong , my apologies 14.04 is LTS ... up too early my brain is still foggy :) [11:46] lol its ok [11:47] I should know...tested it for months before official release ...testing 14.10 now === _dv_ is now known as dv_ === kubuntu is now known as Guest76634 === fox_ is now known as foxsseecc [14:52] Hey guys, just wondering, is the oxygen-transparent theme not compatible with KDE 4.13? [14:52] Is there an alternative [14:57] I used to run RH in the mid 90s, around release 5.1/5.2 but after I found the packaging much better in Debian-based distros. RPM was a headache [14:57] ** frameworks talk on now http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22262/kde-frameworks-libraries-for-all-qt-users/ [14:58] Whups, wrong channel :) [15:30] quick question -- do you guys know of any way to configure kwin to show the application switcher like gnome3 (mutter)? I want alt-tab to show application icons, and alt ` exactly the same way that mutter === don is now known as Guest87758 === dex is now known as Guest28618 [16:52] Good evening. [16:58] yoasif: https://www.google.com/search?q=gnome+mutter&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=9jiXU775JurksATZpoDQCw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1600&bih=760#q=kde+task+switcher&tbm=isch [16:58] task switcher should be able to do it ootb [17:47] what are the main advantages of kde, besides personal preference? [17:48] It doesn't try to be clever ;) [17:48] ? [17:48] how so? [17:49] konqueror, rekonq, konversation, k3b, kdenlive, krunner... [17:49] you get the idea [17:49] but on a serious note [17:50] it is very configurable, has a nice UI, consistent look and feel, modularized, relatively stable, and support for many files, protocols, and other stuff [17:50] plus, KDE has the most complete suite of programs, such as an IDE, task mangler, runner, DE, WM, painting programs, audio players, Office suite, and more [17:51] Also they are going with Wayland [17:51] plus, all KDE programs share a similar look and feel, and with oxygen-gtk, so do GTK programs [17:51] plus, KDE itself is cross platform [17:51] eg, http://windows.kde.org and http://osx.kde.org [17:52] Thank you TheFakeazneD525. Still confused about what lordievader wrote. [17:52] cobracommand: I'm of the opinion that Unity and Gnome are trying to be clever. [17:52] lordievader, the naming convention [17:52] er, cobracommand , naming conventions of KDE are very simple [17:52] just shoehorn in a "K" somewhere, [17:52] cobracommand: "Hey your pc supports standby, instead of shutdown you probably mean standby. I'll just hide shutdown" -gnome3 [17:53] :P [17:53] TheFakeazneD525: Naming convention? [17:53] lordievader, I meant to highlight cobracommand [17:53] Hmm, cobracommand to give one drawback of KDE [17:54] it is somewhat heavier than other desktop environments [17:54] But it should run fine on most computers [17:54] I ran it on a very weak computer, and it didn't cause too many problems [17:56] cobracommand, you could try Netrunner-OS standard [17:56] it's based off of Kubuntu, with some upgrades [17:57] I'm such a newb I thought I was using gnome, I didn't realize the default was unity. I thought unity and gnome were the same thing [17:57] cobracommand, unity is somewhat of a fork of GNOME, due to some issues between the GNOME project and Canonical [17:58] Unity is based on gnome, forgot if it was 2 or 3. [17:58] plus, Unity might switch to Qt too... seeing as Ubuntu touch's version of Unity is Qt based [17:58] And, it will have support for Mir, Canonical's display server [18:07] ololo [18:09] Hello people [18:10] Im new in here [18:10] Есть Русские? [18:11] I see in KDE that dolphin file manager does not show .jpg thumb previews for a network location. Does anyone know where the setting is to show network location image thumbnail previews? [18:12] * TheFakeazneD525 shrugs [18:13] !ru | dentonkiy [18:13] dentonkiy: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [18:13] Thanks [18:20] Hi all, question. My out of the box Kubuntu doesn't display Korean characters. Also do characters sometimes display as a filled rectangle. When I mouse over its gone. Any ideas? [18:23] SternNL, you should try installing the locale [18:23] I'm not on Kubuntu ATM, but it should be in systemsettings under language [18:24] I don't want to switch my interface language to Korean. It's just Korean characters in my browser are shown as rectangles. [18:25] Is it Firefox? [18:25] SternNL: Does your browser use utf? [18:25] Yes it is [18:26] Japanese is showing fine [18:26] So I guess it's UTF capable [18:28] Checked it is on Unicode [18:32] SternNL: Do you have a site I could look at where this might be happening? [18:32] ko.wikipedia.org [18:43] SternNL: you don't have a font capable of displaying Korean in your chosen encoding. [18:46] Does the page display fine at your end? [18:46] I use the default Ubuntu font [18:46] SternNL: your choice.... [18:48] You have a better option? [18:52] Hello [18:53] SternNL: I do. [18:53] Would you be so nice to share it with me? [18:53] can i run kubuntu- KDE 4.8 on a pentium4 1.2gb ram and 128 video memory? , Thanks [18:54] SternNL: there are probably several HOWTOs on how to choose the right encoding and fonts for Hangul on the web, including the Ubuntu/Kubuntu ones probably [18:54] SternNL: I personally use Arial for web font has it has a very large coverage of Unicode. [18:55] SternNL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KoreanTeam [18:56] Thanks [18:56] SternNL: there is also a channel on Freenode called #Ubuntu-KO [18:56] SternNL: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Microsoft_Fonts [18:57] Rocco_666, yes, KDE should run fine with those specs [18:57] oh, thanks BluesKaj [18:57] Rocco_666: but you may need to tone down a bit some of the more advanced tricks, mostly to save memory. [18:57] Seems like my out of the box system has some font issues. Perhaps corruption. On a fresh gnome-ubuntu install Ubuntu shows ok. [18:58] SternNL: 'sudo fc-cache' should solve most of them [18:58] like? Walex2 [18:58] SternNL: reinstalling the fonts packages. [18:58] akonadi, nepomuk? [18:59] Rocco_666: I would also turn down the fancy graphic effects [18:59] Rocco_666: Strigi first, then nepomuk. Akonadi is not too bad, but it monitors a bit too much. And the fancier graph.ics effects as says can take a fair bit of memory [18:59] ok, got it rberg [19:00] thanks folks [19:00] i love KDE [19:00] Rocco_666: if you can spare a bit of money buying even a small (60GB, 120GB) flash SSD can speed up things a lot [19:00] Walex2: gonna try that [19:00] on my quadcore machine runs like a dream but i want kde on my old box too xD [19:00] ok, a ssd... [19:01] Rocco_666: I have found that the main consumption of memory is from too many web browser tabs. I just realized that I have "accidentally" opened 700 and that is nearly too much for 8GiB of RAM. [19:02] Rocco_666: for SSD I like Micron, Toshiba. [19:02] Rocco_666: on a 60GB SSD you can easily fit the "/" filetree and a swap space and probably your home directory too. [19:02] let me google some... [19:03] Rocco_666: with flash SSD leaving a bit unused improves their durability a lot. [19:03] flash SSD can really improve the responsiveness of an older system [19:04] amazing, im just a noob... [19:04] BTW buying a top of the line one is pointless on an older system because they are limited by the speed of a SATA or SATA2 connection. What matters is the much faster random access. [19:05] hmm, i see [19:06] like a Crucial M500 instead of a Crucial M550 [19:06] maybe an old* version of kde... [19:07] kubuntu 12.04- KDE 4.8 [19:07] ? [19:07] Rocco_666: recent versions of KDE4 are pretty good. [19:07] Rocco_666: that is still pretty good. [19:07] yeah, im running 4.13 on my laptop [19:07] Rocco_666: if you use the KDE PPA backports you can install it on 12.04 LTS too. [19:07] NICE [19:08] :) [19:10] gotta go,, thanks for the info folks, o/ === cypherman is now known as asterismo [20:23] hello,is kubuntu-ppa an oficial ppa supported and maintained by kubuntu developers? [20:24] !kubuntu-ppa [20:24] lunife: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa <--- seems so, yes [20:27] ok and is it better to have only kubuntu ppa and no ubuntu repositories for updates or is it ok to have both? [20:28] shouldn't matter, kubuntu is just ubuntu using kde desktop manager and window manager, as opposed to using Unity, still ubuntu though [20:30] i've asked because i'm using both the official ubuntu repositories and kubuntu ppa [20:30] thank you for your answers bprompt [20:30] np === ptomblin_ is now known as ptomblin === DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec === rohan_ is now known as rohan === MoonBob is now known as Bongrip [22:20] Ok, having a serious sound issue...apparently notification sounds volume keeps getting reset to 100% after every alert. How2fix without in-depth knowledge of patching or rewriting .cfg files? [22:23] *crickets* [22:26] Well...this channel is f'ing useless. :\