
=== leszek_ is now known as leszek
SilverLionhey leszek08:23
ReggieManI get this 'Err http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty/main i386 Packages' / '  404  Not Found' when running sudo apt-get update.08:34
leszekReggieMan: then disable the ppa08:45
ReggieManIs that the right way to do it? It seems like just a lazy way to ignore it.08:47
leszekReggieMan: the ppa seems to be offline anyways or is launchpad down ?08:48
ReggieManNo, that was only one package that errored leszek.09:11
leszekReggieMan: didn't you tell me just now it failed with apt-get update ? This would only download a packagelist from the ppa09:14
leszekand if the packagelist isn't available the ppa is basically offline or broken09:15
ReggieManleszek: Well a bunch of other packages worked, but that was the only one that came up with an "Err".09:16
leszekReggieMan: then run apt-get update again. Maybe it was uploading currently09:18
ReggieManSame error leszek.09:28
leszekReggieMan: please show me the whole error message. Paste it on a nopaste service09:28
ReggieManleszek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7622621/09:33
ReggieManSorry, I should be back soon. There's a problem with my electricity and we have to shut the power down. Really sorry about that.09:34
leszekyeah noproblem09:35
leszekhmm... ok ReggieMan does not understand the difference between packages and sources xD09:36
ReggieManleszek: Back.11:10
leszekReggieMan: checked the pastebin and have to say what I said before. Its not a package but a repository issue. Just deactivate the ppa repository and check if it even exists anymore11:12
ReggieManHow do I check leszek?11:14
textbrowserHi. How do I go about submitting tickets?14:20
textbrowserAnyone breathing?14:21
textbrowserhyper, are you a regular?14:22
holsteintextbrowser: what tickets?14:43
holsteinyou mean, bug reports?14:43
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:43
textbrowserYah, I found it.14:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:49
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ubottuYou might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.14:51
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!14:52
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords14:53
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:53
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textbrowserBack to sleep.14:55
holsteinOdd0002: o/18:39
Odd0002is it possible to add an "open terminal here" option to the lubuntu right click menu>18:39
Odd0002(I'm coming from linux mint)18:40
Odd0002hmm, f4 does it...18:49
Odd0002I guess I'll use that...18:49
Odd0002hello holstein by the way18:50
silverliono/ holstein18:51
Odd0002another question: how do you get multiple rows of virtual desktops that you can use ctrl+up/ctrl+down to access instead of needing to press ctrl+right multiple times?18:52
Mr_Cometi dont use terminal.18:58
Mr_Cometso no idea.18:58
wxlOdd0002: you can right click on the virtual desktop thingy if i remember correctly and edit number of virtual desktops there.19:00
Odd0002but that's only 1 row...19:00
wxlOdd0002: well that's the only place i know of where you can change it, so you might be out19:00
Odd0002and the thing that openbox says doesn't let use use ctrl+alt+up or down19:01
wxlOdd0002: patches welcome :)19:01
wxlOdd0002: you can modify your controls if you want19:01
Odd0002so it does the action 4x?19:01
Odd0002(for a 4x4 one)19:01
wxlOdd0002: sure19:01
wxlOdd0002: i'm not in front of lubuntu right now but i think the file is in ~/.config/openbox19:02
wxlit's like rc.xml or something of the sort19:02
wxlit's an xml file for sure19:02
wxlnot the most friendly things to edit19:02
Odd0002I've been looking through it19:02
Odd0002well I found a GUI for it...obkey19:02
wxlyou can add to it as well as changing it19:02
Odd0002maybe you can add that as a "keyboard shortcut editor"?19:03
wxlyou also might want to try a different window manager to give you the virtual desktops you want19:03
Odd0002(it's in python)19:03
wxl*i* don't use openbox on my lubuntu installs19:03
wxleasily changed19:03
wxlnot sure, you'll have to do some research19:04
wxli use awesome which also does not have arrays of vts19:04
wxli've heard a lot of people mention jwm19:05
Odd0002I'll see...19:10
Odd0002that's why!  The commands are wrong!19:13
wxlthere ya go :)19:15
wxlif you find something wrong, don't forget to file a bug19:15
Odd0002but I don't know if this is intentional or a bug...19:16
wxlalways worth filing a bug19:16
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:16
Odd0002but I don't know what package it is... keyboard shortcuts file?19:17
wxlfile against openbox19:17
Odd0002is it openbox? lxde-something?19:17
wxlor lubuntu-default-settings19:17
Odd0002well it's not openbox, just the default config19:17
Odd0002oh, ok19:17
wxland even if you screw up the package, the team will refile against the right one19:19
wxljust as long as you file, that's all that matters19:19
Odd0002unless it's ignored hehehe19:20
wxlthey're not19:21
wxlall it needs is 2 people to say it affects them and it's automatically confirmed19:21
wxlas far as obkey is concerned, i thought it was included, but maybe not. it may have had other bugs.19:22
Odd0002well obkey is discontinued19:25
Odd0002so maybe that's why19:25
wxlprobably :)19:26
Odd0002is the lubuntu community really this small?19:32
wxlif you're judging by how many people are talking on this channel, no19:32
wxli'd say we're actually rather large and increasing every day19:32
wxlcheck out where we're at on distrowatch.com19:32
wxl13. we've been higher before :/19:33
Odd0002but I'd've thought someone else would have found this bug before...19:33
holstein*this* is how many people are on the irc channel19:33
holsteinmost dont expect larger functioality from lxde19:34
wxlstill higher than xubuntu, bodhi, kubuntu, red hat, peppermint, knoppix, ubuntustudio, etc.19:34
wxlnot everyone's use case is the same19:34
wxlor desires19:34
abbiyai am not able to install lubunu 14.04 on my acer aspire 4738 from usb(tried making it bootable with pendrivelinux and unetbootin). The live thing works fine but when i try to install it always takes me to the boot screen from "Install now" option19:34
Odd0002but surely somebody else would have found this bug...19:34
wxlabbiya: how much ram you have?19:34
holsteinabbiya: please dd copy the iso, and try another stick19:34
wxlOdd0002: not surely19:34
holsteinhttp://www.chrysocome.net/dd can be used from windows19:35
wxlabbiya: actually before you do what holstein says you might want to md5 the stick and compare with the md5 of the iso19:35
holsteinwxl: abbiya has19:35
Unit193Sure, someone else may have found it, but then not reported it to LP or done anything.19:35
wxlholstein: ah sorry19:35
holsteinwxl: no worries.. keep us thorough :)19:36
wxlholstein: :)19:36
wxlabbiya: if that still fails, you might try other usb slots and/or another drive19:36
Odd0002wxl: it led me to a page saying "Invalid OpenID transaction" (dillo)19:38
Odd0002when I tried to file the bug...19:38
wxlOdd0002: do you have a launchpad login?19:39
wxlOdd0002: it didn't ask you to login or create one?19:40
Odd0002no, just took me to a page with a single "continue" button, that I pressed, then led me to that19:40
Odd0002I think it's because it opened dillo (has no ssl support)19:41
wxlOdd0002: that's it for sure. i know launchpad uses ssl.19:41
wxlOdd0002: you might try xombrero if you want lightweight.19:41
Odd0002I'm opening the link in ff19:42
wxlOdd0002: that works too19:42
* wxl guzzles coffee whilst yawning19:42
Odd0002I can use a username right?19:42
Odd0002instead of my real name?19:43
Odd0002are they called "virtual desktops" or "workspaces" or...?19:47
wxlboth work19:48
wxlaccording to wikipedia at least XD19:48
=== Guest24112 is now known as rezrov
Odd0002can you edit your bug report afterwards?20:07
Unit193Description and stuff, so sure.20:07
Odd0002wxl: how is this?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-default-settings/+bug/132867120:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 1328671 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Default keyboard shortcut actions for switching workspaces do not work with multiple rows" [Undecided,New]20:08
Odd0002any feedback on my first bug?20:24
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
ellwerhello, i would like to run acestream , but i got error The following packages have unmet dependencies.  acestream-engine : Depends: python2.7-apsw but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:23

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