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dholbachgood morning07:55
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ogra_chrisccoulson, oSoMoN, so you might have noticed that i uploaded a bunch of web games to the store yesterday ... some of them have some serious issues (flickering a lot etc), they work fine in the android and IOS browsers, who of you wants a bug ? :)08:54
oSoMoNogra_, please file bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/+filebug08:55
oSoMoNogra_, which games are they? I’ll give them a try08:55
ogra_oSoMoN, "dungeon fury" and "kiba kumba - jungle chaos"08:56
ogra_are the most noticeable ones08:57
oSoMoNok, let me see08:57
ogra_havent found aynthing in the logs or so ...08:58
ogra_bug 132843809:00
ubot5bug 1328438 in Oxide "Some online games show strong flickering when played in the webapps-container" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132843809:00
oSoMoNogra_, do the same games work better in the browser, by any chance?09:01
ogra_yes but just a little09:01
oSoMoNmmm, I can’t see a difference here09:02
oSoMoNat least not on dungeon fury, it flickers badly in both apps09:02
ogra_i found them less flickery using the browser ... but that might be really subjective09:02
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Iced Tea Day! :-D09:06
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janimobarry, hello, is there a doc describing how to run the system-image testsuite ? I tried running tox , setup.py , debian/rules but I get errors11:16
janimobarry, I am making some small changes and would like to add tests for them too11:16
mamenyakaogra_: do you have a moment please?11:20
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nik90ogra_: when you got time, can you quickly review https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-seeds/add-quickcontrols/+merge/220479 pls11:22
mamenyakacan someone help me? I'm running my port based on 4.4.2, but unity8 doesn't start11:32
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Wellarkany system-settings folks around?11:43
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LaneyWellark: oui?11:59
WellarkLaney: how do I run system-settings from the build tree directly?12:00
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Wellarkwithout installing12:00
seb128(don't ask to ask, just ask your question)12:00
seb128you don't12:00
Wellarkok, what's the usual devel flow then when working on a new plugin?12:01
WellarkI would not expect to have to install the new plugin each time I make a code change12:02
seb128we workaround it12:05
seb128usually I cp over the system one12:05
seb128so I can run make & cp & system-settings12:05
seb128then call back that command when I do a change12:05
LaneyWe do want to fix this but it hasn't been done yet12:11
Laneyabsolute paths specified at build time12:11
WellarkLaney, seb128: ok, thanks12:20
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barryjanimo: just running tox should do it.  i'll be adding a readme in the next version, but it all boils down to just running tox13:08
janimobarry, I have a bzr branch on utopic and build-deps installed but I still get a tox error, so I am missing sometihng. Will paste13:12
janimobarry, paste.ubuntu.com/7623480/13:13
barryjanimo: okay, that's strange.  it looks like you have some missing dependencies13:14
janimobarry, I have python3-apt installed so not sure what's with the apt-pkg error13:15
ogra_pmcgowan, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/development-1406-touch-language-packs ... FYI13:15
barryjanimo: there's also the _dbus_bindings problem earlier on (the apt-pkg error is because the dbus error then triggers apport)13:15
barryjanimo: but i notice it's python3.3.  what distro version are you on?13:15
janimobarry, utopic13:16
janimobarry, should I purge that and use 3.4 ?13:16
pmcgowanogra_, +113:16
ogra_pretty awesome numbers13:16
ogra_(see the whiteboard)13:16
barryjanimo: yes.  utopic only has 3.4 (3.3's been dropped, but it looks like you have a partial update.  try `sudo apt-get autoremove`)13:16
janimobarry, this was a dist-upgrade from trusty so that may be the reason13:16
janimoI run autoremove regularly but p33 was nopt removed by it. Removed it manually now13:17
barryjanimo: yeah.  once you're on 3.4 i bet it will work.  (the error makes sense, in that pure-python libraries will be importable on 3.3 and 3.4, but extension modules will only be available for 3.4.  guess what kind of module _dbus_bindings and apt_pkg are? :)13:17
pmcgowanrsalveti, is there an ofono script that will get the signal strength for me?13:18
rsalvetipmcgowan: lemmecheck13:18
janimobarry, tox still looks for 3.3 there may be something cached. I'll clean the tree completely13:18
janimobarry, btw system_image.egg-info/entry_points.txt and system_image.egg-info/SOURCES.txt whiel version controlled are modified by a tox run13:18
barryjanimo: system-image.egg-info isn't version controlled13:19
barryjanimo: bzr clean-tree --ignored13:19
janimobarry, bzr status shows it under modified.13:19
rsalvetipmcgowan: see if /usr/share/ofono/scripts/monitor-ofono offers you that, I'm currently flashing latest and will check in a minute13:20
barryjanimo: odd.  it's not present under a clean trunk13:20
janimobarry, hmm, let me check maybe I am on the wrong branch. revno 232 Releasing 2.2-0ubuntu13:21
pmcgowanrsalveti, its not saying anything, I switched to a new provider and getting no signal at home13:21
rsalvetipmcgowan: got it, let me investigate it further13:21
barryjanimo: be sure you're on the upstream branch, i.e. lp:ubuntu-system-image13:22
barrythere should be no debian/ directory13:22
janimobarry, right, doing that now. I copied the bzr brancvh that apt-get source suggested. Bad idea13:22
barryjanimo: right :)13:22
janimobarry, same as in the other branch with 3.3 removed:13:23
janimopy33 create: /home/jani/work/ubuntu/phablet/trees/src/bzr/system-image/.tox/py3313:23
janimoERROR: InterpreterNotFound: python3.313:23
janimobarry, I may need a full dist-upgrade13:23
janimoI may have some weird install13:23
barryjanimo: what does python3 point to?13:24
janimo/usr/bin/python3 -> python3.413:24
rsalvetipmcgowan: can you call list-modems and give me the output?13:24
rsalvetifrom /usr/share/ofono/scripts/13:24
barryjanimo: well, something's messed up :)13:25
janimobarry, indeed. Oh well, I'll fix it, good to know it's not some hard to run setup. I'll run tox when I dist-upgrade13:25
barryjanimo: sounds good13:25
janimobarry, btw, is there no way to have boolean config options in the s-i config files?13:26
janimocould be done via an int or by adding a boolean convertor13:26
barryjanimo: it's possible13:26
janimoI skimmed but saw no examples or tests for bool13:26
barryjanimo: it should be very easy to add an as_bool converter.  you can steal the one from lazr.config if you want.  (it's not worth pulling in that dependency for something so simple)13:27
janimobarry, ack13:27
barryhaven't needed one so far, so that's why it's not there13:27
barrysee systemimage/helpers.py for the existing as_*() converters13:28
janimobarry, before doing that though, I'd like to know if the option I am thinking about sounds harmless enough: skipping GPG verification (for development mode)13:28
barryjanimo: is this just for the -cli or also for the -dbus?13:28
janimobarry, good question one I did not ponder. I think the cli would suffice though13:29
janimothis being for platform porters and automation mostly13:29
janimobarry, so putting the test for the option in gpg.py under validation is too generic then?13:29
barryjanimo: if it's just for the -cli (which i would recommend) then it can just be a command line switch, i.e. added to main.py.  it doesn't need to be a config file option13:29
barryjanimo: yeah i think so13:30
janimobarry, ah, ok. I did not read the code closely enough to see that you can omit validation from the cli and is not only called from deep inside the downloade13:30
barryjanimo: well, that's not all plumbed through right now, but here's how i would do it13:31
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barryadd an attribute to Configuration, something like Configuration.validate_gpg_signatures.  default it to True13:32
barrythen, add --skip-gpg-verification to main.py, default to False13:32
barryif the option is given, toggle the Configuration attribute to False13:32
barryand plumb that check into gpg.py13:32
barrythat'll also make it fairly easy to test13:33
janimobarry, ok, thanks, I'll look into that13:34
barryjanimo: cool13:34
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rsalvetipmcgowan: dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.NetworkRegistration.GetProperties13:40
rsalvetipmcgowan: that will give you the Strength13:40
rsalvetiin case it's registered successfully in the network13:41
pmcgowanrsalveti, I seem to be stuck in manual mode13:46
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davmor2pmcgowan: indeed there is an old bug for that13:47
rsalvetipmcgowan: hm, what do you have in system-settings?13:47
pmcgowanrsalveti, its manual, I was messing with it earlier, now it wont reset to automatic13:48
pmcgowanwill try command line13:48
davmor2rsalveti: in settings if you change to manual like we had to to get a connection in malta you can't turn back to automatic in settings13:49
rsalvetihm, it works fine here (moving to manual->auto->manual->auto)13:49
rsalvetiweird, let me try a few more times13:49
ogra_there are definitely still issues with the network indicator or urfkill ...13:50
ogra_i have it often that it shows wlan while being completely diconnected when the phone was sitting on the table for 1h or so13:50
davmor2rsalveti: don't try like that try like this.  Auto → manual then manual → auto then close settings and then reopen settings and see what it is set to then13:51
davmor2rsalveti: the radio button move but the setting doesn't change back from what I can tell13:51
rsalvetidavidcalle: yeah, you got it13:52
rsalvetidavmor2: ^13:52
rsalvetiwhere is the bug for that?13:52
pmcgowanFailed to open connection to "session" message bus: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X1113:52
davmor2rsalveti: let me dig it out13:52
pmcgowantrying to do this:13:52
pmcgowanadb shell dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=org.ofono /ril_0 org.ofono.NetworkRegistration.SetProperty string:"Mode" variant:boolean:true13:52
rsalvetipmcgowan: as phablet?13:52
pmcgowanas phablet and then root13:52
pmcgowanthat was root13:52
pmcgowanas phablet it says:13:53
pmcgowanError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files13:53
rsalvetiyeah, settings is not changing ofono it seems13:53
rsalvetilet me try that13:53
rsalvetipmcgowan: might be missing --system13:54
davmor2rsalveti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/127461813:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1274618 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Cellular page: set to manual network detection can't revert" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:54
davmor2rsalveti: that would be trusty 152 by the way that the bug was discovered :(13:55
davmor2I did old bug right13:56
rsalvetiabeato: is that something you can check? ^13:56
pmcgowanrsalveti, he commented earlier, seems like UI13:57
rsalvetioh, great, nevermind then13:57
pmcgowanmy problem now unfortunately13:57
rsalvetipmcgowan: go fix it13:57
abeatorsalveti, yes, I can check, is it fixed?13:58
pmcgowanabeato, no, just rediscovered13:58
rsalvetiabeato: no, still same problem13:58
abeatoin fact I also rediscovered it a couple of weeks ago and opened a duplicated bug13:59
ogra_jdstrand, i thought you said ACK when i pinged you about the broken security smoketest wrt upstart-app-launch vs ubuntu-app-launch renaming ... seems the failure is still there14:03
ogra_jdstrand, did i misunderstand that ?14:03
jdstrandlet me look. I thought I committed that change14:03
ogra_http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/76:20140610:20140530/8503/security/1236732/ is the failing test14:04
jdstrandright, that is ubuntu-app-launch, that is something else14:04
jdstrandisn't ubuntu-app-launch14:04
ogra_was the socket move14:05
jdstrandright, I committed a change for that too...14:05
* jdstrand looks again14:05
ogra_Checking '-W /tmp/mir_socket'... !FAIL! (unexpected rc=0)14:05
jdstrandyes, I know what the issue is14:05
ogra_sorry for the confusion ...14:06
jdstrandlooks like I fixed most of the previous failures, but not all14:06
dobeydpm: hey. how's the translations of apps story in the scope now? it's good enough for the demo?14:28
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dpmdobey, I think so, cwayne should be able to tell more. Some still need the inline translations fixes, but we got a few more updated and others that were installed as .debs already showed the localized names14:30
dpmdobey, alecu, on another subject, I think one of you asked me to ping you whenever I saw that bug whereby no apps were shown on the scope. I think I can reproduce it consistently every time I start the x86 emulator14:31
dpmso no apps are shown on the scope on startup, and then only after a search they're shown14:31
alecudpm: awesome. Can you check for .crash files in /var/crash ?14:32
dpmlet me restart the emulator14:32
dobeydpm: there is a bug in the x86 emulator itself about that i think14:35
dobeydpm: ie, it's something in the emulator, and nothing to do with the scope itself14:35
dpmdobey, ah, ok. alecu, in any case, blank scope, no /var/crash logs14:35
dobeydpm: you don't see any scopes right?14:35
rickspencer3rsalveti, quick q ... may I assume that if I do the firmware update that you suggest that I won't lose my user data?14:36
rsalvetirickspencer3: yup, will not erase anything14:36
rickspencer3thanks rsalveti14:36
seb128tedg, hey, did you notice that e.u.c has some url-dispatcher "weird" errors ... like https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/50ef8ac2301b5a70acb47d40d1efff412014d40b ... do you know if those are real bugs?14:36
ogra_dont we have a bug open for that as well  ?14:37
dpmdobey, I do see scopes listed in the scopes scope, and (online) results in the Videos scope. The only ones that are not populated are Apps and Music14:37
rickspencer3and I really appreciate that you tracked it down, and I'm happy it's not a widespread user facing issue :)14:37
ogra_the explanation should be added there imho14:37
seb128tedg, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/6ce11f4718330078dc8fcf62638071353e2ffdf7 as well14:37
rsalvetirickspencer3: hopefully that will fix your issue, let's see :-)14:37
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dobeydpm: hrmm. someone did a lightning talk about the emulator in malta on the second week, but i don't recall who exactly, and it was mentioned that this was due to a bug in the emulator14:38
ogra_dobey, that was rsalveti14:39
dobeydpm: so i guess ask rsalveti about that :)14:43
dobeythanks ogra_14:43
ogra_i thought there was a fix uploaded ...14:43
ogra_(or did that not land yet)14:43
dobeyno idea14:43
* rsalveti tries to understand the issue14:43
ogra_rsalveti, empty apps scope again14:44
ogra_(in the emulator)14:44
rsalvetioh, right14:44
rsalvetithe 'works after search' issue is known, not sure if related with the emulator though14:44
rsalvetididn't investigate it further yet14:44
dobeydpm: does it work after doing a search, for you?14:45
dpmdobey, yes, that's how I get apps to show up14:45
tedgseb128, They're some recoverable errors that I put in for somethings I'm trying to track down.14:45
tedgseb128, They're real in that they result in teh cache being wrong, but largely they "fix" themselves on the next update.14:46
seb128tedg, ok, the reports don't seem to have lot of info, I was mostly curious about why they are showing up there14:46
tedgseb128, So, not something to panic over, but I'm trying to use them to figure out what's up.14:46
dobeyrsalveti: maybe it's an issue in scoperegistry, but i've not seen any reports of this issue anywhere other than on the emulator :-/14:46
seb128tedg, k, thanks for the explanation!14:46
rsalvetidobey: right, the emulator might indeed behave a bit differently (slower startup, single cpu, etc)14:47
tedgseb128, FYI the bug in question is bug 132484814:47
ubot5bug 1324848 in The Webapps-core project "[Gmail] can't switch to another account" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132484814:47
rsalvetithe previous issue I had was that the scopes wasn't loaded at all14:47
dobeydpm: can you check ~/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log for any info about the click scope? maybe the slowness is causing the search to timeout before it can happen?14:48
dpmdobey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7623889/14:50
dobeydpm: hmm, there is nothing in there at all about the click scope14:52
dpmyeah, I thought I'd post it anyway14:52
dobeydpm: so seems like maybe it's not being loaded at startup perhaps :-/14:53
dobeyi'd expect to at least see something about the .ini though, if you're seeing "Apps" at the top of the page14:53
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tedgalesage, I have a couple of MRs for updating the tests in UAL. Can you do a QA review on them? https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-launch/+activereviews15:47
tedgalesage, Basically to plug holes we found in the UAL rename landing.15:48
alesagetedg one min pls15:56
tedgalesage, No problem, they don't need to be done right now, just doing due diligence.15:57
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ogra_yo zyga16:00
zygaogra_: so where can I find the seeds?16:00
ogra_zyga, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.utopic ...16:00
ogra_create an MP against this16:01
zygaogra_: ok, I'd like to patch and test it locally before doing that16:01
ogra_the rest needs a core-dev for uploading meta etc16:01
ogra_zyga, for that run update first ... then hack debian/control i guess16:02
ogra_to add your bits16:02
zygaogra_: on the files I mentioned, right?16:02
ogra_no, just debian/control16:03
zygaogra_: ok16:03
zygaogra_: I see everything in d/c depends on ${germinate:Depends}16:03
ogra_after running ./update it should have proper deps16:04
zygaogra_: so you say I should just apt-get source ubuntu-touch-meta, run ./update, edit debian/control to add pyotherside and that's it16:04
jdstrandzyga: apparmor policy is in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu16:04
ogra_oh, no, you are right, it doesnt16:04
janimobarry, still no luck with tox. Unless I run it with tox -e py34 it defaults to py33 and cannot run anything16:04
zygajdstrand: thanks!16:04
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zygajdstrand: how can I apply it for testing on my box (no fiddlign with ubuntu touch)?16:05
ogra_so i'm not sure that is even possible :/16:05
janimobarry, if I run it this way it fails later. It turnhs out that pythohn3.4 -m nose2 fails by itself too16:05
janimobarry, paste.ubuntu.com/7624203/ I could file a bug I guess16:06
barryjanimo: that's very strange because on utopic, you shouldn't even have a python3.3 installed16:06
barryjanimo: you might try explicitly purging any python3.3 packages16:06
janimobarry, indeed. I really removed python3.3 and minimal16:06
zygajdstrand: not being familiar with apparmor yet, does our current app policy allow reading stuff like /usr/share and /usr/lib?16:06
janimoI'll try purging too then16:06
jdstrandzyga: yes. there will certainly be adjustments needed though16:06
zygajdstrand: is dlopen more than just read? (does apparmor integrate with shared libraries explicitly somehow?)16:07
zygajdstrand: sure16:07
jdstrandit will likely need 'mr'16:07
zygam == map?16:07
jdstrand'm' is for mmap16:07
jdstrandzyga: man apparmor.d will give you the info you need16:07
zygajdstrand: how can I apply a policy locally for testing (unless it's in man apparmor.d)16:08
barryjanimo: the pastebin bug is because you're probably not up-to-date with trunk.  utopic's psutil changed its api so that process.cmdline is a callable.  that's fixed in trunk.  i suggest pulling trunk update and merging into your branch16:08
jdstrandzyga: you might also want to look at http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Profiling_by_hand and http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Documentation16:08
barryjanimo: (and don't forget, use *real* trunk, not utopic source package :)16:08
zygajdstrand: thanks a lot! :-)16:09
zygajdstrand: do you think it's more practical to try to run this on 14.10 or on 14.10 emulator image?16:09
jdstrandzyga: the main thing to keep in mind is that with click packages, you declare a template and policy groups. that declaration ends up being stored in /var/lib/apparmor/clicks when you install your click app. then, aa-clickhook converts that declaration into an apparmor pofile in /var/lib/apparmor/profiles16:09
zygajdstrand: like template default and policy 'network'?16:10
jdstrandzyga: ultimately, both. it will be easier for you if you start with the emulator16:10
zygajdstrand: (just guessing though)16:10
zygajdstrand: ok16:10
jdstrandbecause you can just have ubuntu-app-launch just do all the laucnhing for you, which sets stuff up right16:11
zygajdstrand: thanks16:11
janimobarry, sigh, I thought I used real trunk and was again using another ubuntu branch . Sorry :/16:11
zygajdstrand: I'll give everything a try and get back to you and ogra if I get stuck16:11
zygathanks a lot!16:11
jdstrandzyga: if you are going deep in to confinement, you probably also want to see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement and http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/apps/security-policy-for-click-packages/16:11
janimobarry, nice, this seems to progress to actually testing things16:11
jdstrandthe former is a very detailed view of the implementation, the latter what you need to know as a developer16:12
barryjanimo: \o/16:12
jdstrand(start with the latter)16:12
zygajdstrand: sure, this should keep me busy16:12
janimobarry, had I used this from the start I'd have read the README which has a Test locally section16:12
barryjanimo: :)16:13
janimofooled by apt-get source16:13
barryjanimo: i frequently have to redirect bugs from the ubuntu package to the upstream project16:13
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zygatrying to create emulator devices on 14.10 just now fails for me, how can I debug that (run it from command line or seek log files)16:44
zygaogra_: ^16:50
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slvn_Hello ! I am facing this issue of Pulse Audio being blocked by apparmor !16:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1224751 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "pulseaudio should use app-specific directory for shm files" [Medium,Confirmed]16:54
jdstrandslvn_: is this with a click app?16:54
slvn_yes, with a native application using SDL16:54
jdstrandslvn_: did you specify the 'audio' policy group?16:54
ogra_zyga, thats a question for rsalveti once he returns from lunch16:55
slvn_I think, I did but that was one week ago, I will double-check.16:56
jdstrandslvn_: fyi, http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/apps/security-policy-for-click-packages/16:56
ogra_jdstrand, could we quieten the lttng-ust-wait noise at some point ? it really spills the logs16:56
jdstrandslvn_: just verify your security manifest has the audio policy group, then regenerate your click16:56
jdstrandogra_: we did?16:56
ogra_jdstrand, i was asking if we could :)16:57
jdstrandogra_: can you paste the denials?16:57
jdstrandI'm saying we should have already16:57
ogra_jdstrand, well. see that bug16:57
ogra_libust[5076/5079]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:886)16:57
ogra_libust[5076/5079]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:886)16:57
jdstrandthat bug is old16:57
ogra_i see that in all logs on my phone too16:57
jdstrandwe silenced those long ago16:57
jdstranddeny /{,var/}run/shm/lttng-ust-* r,16:58
zygarsalveti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-meta/+bug/132861016:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1328610 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-sdk cannot create emulator device without depending on ubuntu-emulator (missing dependency)" [Undecided,New]16:58
jdstrandogra_: if you are still seeing denials, please file a new bug. note: the apparmor silencing the denials only silences them in syslog, not in the application log16:59
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ grep ltt .cache/upstart/application-click-com.ubuntu.developer.ogra.kiba-kumba_kiba-kumba_0.1.log |wc -l16:59
jdstrandlttng would have to be adjusted to silence them in the application log16:59
jdstrandright, that is the application log16:59
ogra_this is in an app i packaged on the weekend16:59
jdstrandthat message isn't from apparmor16:59
ogra_i wasnt saying it is :)17:00
jdstrandah, well, you asked me to silence it, so...17:00
jdstrandI think maybe talk to ted?17:00
jdstrandistr he was the one that wanted lttng everywhere...17:00
ogra_ah, well, i dont know where it comes from17:00
ogra_right, we cant do that in production17:00
ogra_v0.1 of that appp was only started twice or so ... then i packaged 0.2 ...17:01
ogra_300 lines for 5 mins running it is quite a lot17:01
ogra_tedg, ^^17:01
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zygaogra_: how can I create a kit from an emulator image?17:11
ogra_"a kit" ?17:11
zygaogra_: something that allows me to run my hello app on x86 emulator17:12
zygaogra_: apparently kit is a Qt Creator concept17:12
ogra_ah, never used the SDK17:12
zygaogra_: :-)17:12
zygaogra_: who might know?17:12
* ogra_ uses vi for all his apps ... even the QML ones17:12
zygaogra_: how do I run my qml app on the emulator from shell then17:13
ogra_liek you would do it on the phone ... install phablet-tools use adb to push the click to the device use phablet-shell to get a shell on the emulator etc17:13
zygaogra_: nice, let me try that then17:14
zygaogra_: (who is handling the qt creator integration itself?)17:15
ogra_zyga, the sdk team ... bzoltan1 or zsombi etc17:16
zygabzoltan1: how would I create a "kit" that runs my app on an emulator?17:17
zygabzoltan1: oh, you just need to boot it :P17:18
zygadamn, that was too easy, sorry17:18
zygabzoltan1: no, the question stands, how do I do that? (autocreate doesn't seem to do anything017:18
slvn_jdstrand, I have some trouble to install my click package. I do :   adb shell "pkcon install-local /home/phablet/Downloads/$CLICK"17:23
slvn_it installed17:23
slvn_but I dont the the App on the tablet17:23
popeyslvn_: you should adb shell sudo -u phablet pkcon install-local /home/phablet/Downloads/$CLICK"17:23
popeyi.e. do it as the phablet user17:23
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slvn_popey, yep thanks ! But I also had to reboot.17:29
slvn_jdstrand, ok, here's the sound :)17:29
slvn_thanks !17:30
popeyyou shouldn't need to reboot17:30
popeyjust search for your app in the dash17:30
jdstrandslvn_: you want to do 'sudo -H -u phablet pkcon install-local <path to click>'17:31
jdstrandyou can then see it with 'sudo -H -u phablet click list'17:31
jdstrandyou might have to use SEARCH (as popey said) to find it if you are installing in this manner rather than via the app store17:32
slvn_ok. Yes the SEARCH works.17:33
slvn_it saves me a reboot :)17:33
slvn_Another question : the click application starts in fullscreen, but there is the Top Status Bar17:48
slvn_Is there a way to hide it ?  or to know the size of it ?17:48
ogra_slvn_, not yet ...17:55
ogra_it will be fixed before release17:56
slvn_ok ! no problem, I was just wondering.17:57
slvn_.. and also, would be nice to have a way to force the Orientation17:57
slvn_like forcing the Landscape Mode, or forcing the Portrait Mode17:58
ogra_you can force autorotation off ... but currently not force a specific mode17:58
BrunchI can't wait till I get on my hands one of these phones. Right now I'm stuck with a crappy replacement phone.17:59
BrunchI've noticed there's some expo in shanghai soon. Anyone going?17:59
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ogra_slangasek, why only smemstat ?18:23
* ogra_ thought we wanted all tools 18:24
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taiebotHey all looking at https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg08514.html what does it mean by saying  "2 - Reboot into bootloader"? Does it mean adb reboot bootloader?18:42
tedgogra_, Yeah, I think we need to detect the env var, it's on my TODO list but not very high. Was planning on fixing next time I open up UAL (not name change) which should be late this week early next.18:43
ogra_tedg, perfect ... i just want it quiet for release ... any time before that is fine18:43
tedgogra_, +118:44
tedgNo logs we don't need. I hear someone is testing when we can't write to the home directory ;-)18:44
ogra_hah, yeah, that too18:45
ogra_well, we need to tlak about logs anyway18:45
ogra_the current logrotate is leaving to much behind ...18:45
dobeytaiebot: yes18:48
taiebotdobey:thanks will flash soon.18:49
zygaogra_: hey, can I bug you some more about a few basics?18:52
ogra_try it ... we'll see if you can ;)18:53
zygaogra_: I got the hello world app click package, deployed it on the emulator with adb push + pkcon install local (as phablet user), the apps page is empty though18:53
zygaogra_: sometimes (rebooting the emulator, etc) I got it to display but clicking on it makes it quit immediately18:53
zygaogra_: no python, pyotherside yet, just stock stuff18:53
zygaogra_: what did I do wrong?18:53
ogra_zyga, i think you need to search in the apps page, thn it gets filled18:53
ogra_rsalveti talked about that today18:54
zygaogra_: I think I did (offtopic: how do I de-focus search and hide the keyboard?)18:54
zygaogra_: but then it wouldn't run at all18:54
ogra_scroll sideways18:54
zygaogra_: ok18:55
zygaogra_: how about the not running part? (offtopic: how do I start apps from shell / see console.log trace?)18:55
ogra_as phablet user use qmlscene --desktop_file_path=/path/to/some/.desktop /path/to/your/.qml18:56
zygaogra_: oh, so all apps need to be started via qmlscene?18:57
zygaogra_: including stuff with lots of C?18:57
zygaogra_: (I assume that you then need to wrap that in qml plugin)18:57
zygaogra_: will what you just said enable confinment as usual?18:57
zygaogra_: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlscene: unrecognized option '--desktop_file_path=/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.zkrynicki.simple/current/simple.qml'18:59
ogra_zyga, no, point the option to a .desktop file18:59
ogra_(any will do)18:59
zygaI see what I did19:00
ogra_and then the path to your .qml as other option19:00
zygaI think I did, that's just funny shell output with adb19:00
zyga(bad term things I think)19:00
cwaynezyga: use phablet-shell instead, its ssh so none of the adb shell shenanigans19:01
zygaphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ qmlscene --desktop_file_path=/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.zkrynicki.simple/current/simple.desktop /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.zkrynicki.simple/current/simple.qml19:02
zyga/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlscene: unrecognized option '--desktop_file_path=/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.zkrynicki.simple/current/simple.desktop'19:02
zygaQUbuntu: Could not create application instance19:02
zygaAborted (core dumped)19:02
zygacwayne: I'm using phablet-shell now19:02
zygaogra_: ^^ ?19:02
zygaogra_: note, --help doesn't claim --desktop_file_path is an option either19:02
cwaynei think its desktop_file_hint19:03
ogra_ohg, right19:03
ogra_i rarely use that19:03
zygaogra_: yeah, that's better now, it still aborts and crashes though19:03
zygaogra_: is this in any way related to qml plugin arch-specific import paths generated by the hello world app?19:04
slangasekogra_: because smemstat is the one whose name I knew; as I said in the post, someone else can add the others19:05
ogra_slangasek, ah, sorry, missed that19:06
ogra_i'll care for the rest19:06
slangasekok, thanks :)19:07
* zyga wonders if everyone is on 14.04 where it presumably works19:07
zygaor is this just broken in general19:07
ogra_you mean on the phone ?19:07
ogra_surely everyone is on 14.1019:08
zygaogra_: I mean on the desktop and emu/device (everything here is 14.10 and nothing works)19:08
zygaogra_: I've wiped the image and am running a fresh one now19:08
ogra_did you try with desktop_file_hint ?19:08
zygaogra_: but it was like 0.5 day old and I don't know why that app crashes19:08
zygaogra_: yes19:09
zygaogra_: that makes the warning message go away but still abort()'s19:09
zygaogra_: did you increase memory to your emulators?19:09
ogra_i booted the emulator twice since we have it ...19:09
* ogra_ does everything on a phone 19:09
zygaso who is responsible for making the emulator work?19:10
zygawe give it to people, it'd be a shame if it never worked19:10
zygaogra_: ok, I'll plug nexus 719:10
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ogra_zyga, tons of people use it all the time19:11
ogra_i'm sure it works19:11
* zyga wonders if it'd work for ogra_ had he tried now)19:12
zygaif it's anyhow affected by anything on my system19:12
ogra_i doubt that19:12
ogra_qmlscene should just work19:12
zygaogra_: especially if you do stuff via qt creator19:12
ogra_which i never do either :)19:12
zygaogra_: so you don't know if it works or not19:13
zygaogra_: that's my point19:13
zygaogra_: ok, trying on nexus19:13
ogra_i know that others use it19:13
slangasekogra_: so will you be including health-check and eventstat (which cking just mentioned on list)?19:17
ogra_slangasek, yeah, and what else from cking's "white" PPA is in the archive19:18
slangasekogra_: ok, cool19:20
ckingogra_, well, not all of them, perhaps forkstat and suspend-blocker too19:20
ogra_cking, ok19:21
achiangslangasek: if you have power to modify seed, can you take a look at - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-meta/+bug/132235719:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1322357 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu) "please add packagekit-tools to seed" [Undecided,New]19:22
ogra_achiang, wasnt that objected by someone ?19:22
cwayneogra_: heya, it's time for my 'daily bothering of ogra to check if ubuntu-touch-session change is included in the image'19:22
ogra_cjwatson iirc19:22
achiangogra_: no, he did not object19:22
ckingnote that suspend-blocker isn't yet in ubuntu, it's *just* in my ppa as it's phone + android kernel specific19:23
achiangogra_: and anyway, if there was an objection, i'd expect it to be in the bug19:23
ogra_cwayne, sorry, UOS and stuff ... you are still on the top of my TODO19:23
ogra_achiang, ah, k19:23
slangasekachiang: currently in a UOS session; could look after, but yeah I would need to confirm that this isn't going to pull in a bunch of extra/inappropriate deps19:23
achiangslangasek: i guess i'm just wondering if a manual irc ping is part of the process of getting a response to a filed bug ;)19:24
cjwatsonachiang: I suggested it19:24
achiangogra_: ^^ see? :)19:24
cjwatsonslangasek: it's already there, this was insurance19:24
zygaogra_: doesn't work with nexus 7 either (from qt creator)19:24
zygaogra_: I can give you a log if you're interested19:24
* ogra_ just remembered a discussion about it here 19:24
slangasekachiang: a manual irc ping of /me/ certainly isn't ;)19:24
cjwatsonogra_: my assent/suggestion is in the bug19:25
achiangslangasek: sure... i get that. i guess i was just complaining that filing a bug doesn't seem to do anything, and that someone still need to be pinged. :)19:25
zygaachiang: hey, who can I contact to help me debug issues with qt creator / sdk basics like that? (I'm glad to have a hangout to try to sort that out)19:28
achiangzyga: i ping zoltan for all questions related to qtcreator19:29
ogra_zyga, on a supported N7 (flo device)19:30
zygaogra_: yes19:31
zygaogra_: wiping the device now19:31
zygaogra_: I just noticed that over usb 3.0 I get a constant stream of disconnects19:32
zygaogra_: connected over usb 2.0 port (good that this machine still has some)19:32
slangasekachiang: the package in question is maintained by the phonedations team, if the process needs improved, please take it up with them... :)19:32
ogra_i onl have one machine with 3.0 and that runs precise (no mtp support)19:32
achiangslangasek: fair enough. ta :)19:32
achiangslangasek: (um... but will you take that particular bug on? or do i need to ping phonedations for it?)19:33
zygaogra_: hmm phablet-flash fails on lack of disk space now, poking around it tells me that /home uses 3.5 GB (df) and 55MB (du)19:34
ogra_zyga, phablet-flash ?19:34
ogra_zyga, /topic ...19:34
* zyga feels like in a Polish movie where everything fails19:34
zygaogra_: u-d-f19:35
ogra_thats deprecated since 5-6 months19:35
zygaogra_: sorry, muscle memory ;)19:35
ogra_ah, k :)19:35
zygaogra_: I dd use udf19:35
zygaogra_: / has 348M free19:35
ogra_you dont care for /19:35
zygaogra_: no? what about /cache?19:36
ogra_unless you tinkered with debs and have a writable image19:36
ogra_right, the image is copied to /cache19:36
zygaogra_: oh, I did but I want to wipe that (I didn't install anything big really, just a few MB)19:36
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ogra_zyga, well, clean the cache partition ... there is 10M taken it seems19:37
ogra_by whatever19:37
zygaogra_: I'm flashing it from recovery now19:38
zygaogra_: I don't want to debug that image now, just wipe it clean19:38
ogra_oh, if you want it clean you want --bootstrap ...19:39
zygaogra_: I really owe you a round of beers for holding up to my constant blabbing about $stuff not working and poking you for answers19:39
zygaogra_: did just that :)19:39
ogra_(and it wants to flash from bootloader mode then)19:39
dpmrsalveti, how can I update an emulator? Do I need to destroy it and create a new instance?19:39
zygaogra_: already underway19:39
ogra_good good19:39
zygaogra_: those linaro days come quite handy19:39
slvn_quick question.   adb shell "pkcon remove $Package" does not work :/  (maybe my Package name is wrong)..  I use "pkcon search name $String" to get the name of the package.19:41
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ogra_slvn_, install the latest phablet-tools and use phablet-shell ...19:42
ogra_adb shell would try to remove it as root19:42
zygaoh, gcc 4.919:43
ogra_slvn_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7625182/19:44
rsalvetizyga: that's an sdk bug, not sure if the meta should be depending on it, but someone should indeed depend on the emulator, ping zoltan19:45
zygarsalveti: I will thanks19:45
zygarsalveti: is zoltan also the person to talk to about qt creator not really working with emulator images at all?19:46
rsalvetiusually, yes19:46
rsalvetidpm: atm you need to destroy and create a new one (you can use apt-get update/dist-upgrade, but that's not 100% supported)19:47
rsalvetixnox is working to enable system-image update for it19:47
dpmrsalveti, ok cool, thanks19:47
zygarsalveti: thanks19:48
rsalvetizyga: ^19:50
zygabzoltan: oh19:50
zygabzoltan: hey19:50
zygabzoltan: I need to bug you a little about a few issues I ran into, if you have the time that would help me enormously19:50
bzoltanhello zyga19:50
slvn_ogra_, Thanks !  that's working with "click unregister". I am just confused of not using "pkcon remove".  Actually "click remove" works. but  "pkcon remove" is not working. I dont know the difference .. No problem. Thanks!19:50
bzoltanzyga:  I am here for you :) shoot19:51
zygabzoltan: I'm trying to get qt creator + sdk to work in basic *emulator* workflow, I keep hitting roadblocks19:51
zygabzoltan: ok, let's start with kits19:51
bzoltanzyga: normally the emulator is just a normal device19:51
zygabzoltan: I assume that kits (qt creator concept) are supported and are the way to get the app I'm working on to run on the emulator, unlike on my desktop (where it works okay)19:52
bzoltanzyga:  first of all.. are you on trusty with the SDK PPA or on Utopic?19:52
zygabzoltan: I have an emulator image yet when I click on the 'autocreate kit' button, nothing happens19:52
zygabzoltan: utopic19:52
bzoltanzyga: nice, same as I do19:52
zygabzoltan: just updated everything19:52
zygabzoltan: I also just wiped my nexus 7 clean19:52
zygabzoltan: emulator is the first goal, then I want to move to real hardware19:53
bzoltanzyga:  logical19:53
zygabzoltan: I created a simple qml app (the hello world default app) for sanity checking19:53
bzoltanzyga:  OK, I start my emulator too19:53
zygabzoltan: I called my app simple19:54
zygabzoltan: (offtopic: qmlplugindump often hangs/crashes)19:54
zygabzoltan: (showing it running for ~hours in htop)19:54
bzoltanzyga:  I know, it is ugly and disturbing19:54
zygabzoltan: ok, back to the issue at hand19:54
bzoltanzyga:  it is on my backlogs to check out19:55
zygabzoltan: I just removed and re-created my emulator (x86)19:55
zygabzoltan: does the 'autocreate kit' button work for you?19:55
zygabzoltan: for me it appears to do nothing?19:55
zygabzoltan: oh, I'm running in pl_PL.UTF-8 locale19:55
bzoltanzyga:  Do you have a device kit  listed on the emulator page?19:55
zygabzoltan: I saw tons of bugs on stuff choking on utf-8u19:55
zygabzoltan: emulator page? I assume the 'devices' tab?19:56
bzoltanzyga: yes19:56
zygabzoltan: I see two devices there, "Ubuntu Device" (the hardware) and "emu" the x86 emulator19:56
zyga(or will see once the image finishes building)19:56
bzoltanzyga:  I have clicked on the"remove" button and now I do not have any device kit19:56
zygabzoltan: we can hop in a hangout if that would make it easier19:57
bzoltanzyga:  I am on slow net 30kB/s19:57
zygabzoltan: ok19:57
bzoltanzyga:  I moved to an other village to get better bandwidth for the UOS session :)19:57
bzoltanzyga: OK... so I have no kit assigned. No I click on the  "Autocreate" button19:58
zygabzoltan: I did (nothing happened)19:58
bzoltanzyga:  for me it assigned the GCC armhf-ubuntu-sdk-14.04-trusty19:59
zygabzoltan: ah, I created x86 emulator19:59
zygabzoltan: not the (super slow) armhf one19:59
zygabzoltan: I'm still talking about the emulator kit btw20:00
zygabzoltan: ok, the image finished building20:00
zygabzoltan: I can click on the green arrow to start it (after selecting it in the ubuntu devices tab)20:01
zygabzoltan: once it boots I will have the autocreate button again20:01
bzoltanzyga: My emulator is an x86 one20:01
zygabzoltan: so why did it assign armhf-ubuntu-sdk?20:01
zygabzoltan: still booting20:03
zygabzoltan: anyway, so what does that button do in principle20:03
zygabzoltan: and how can I see some logs to figure out why it does nothing for me20:03
zygabzoltan: ok, it shows up as booted20:03
bzoltanzyga:  cool, that is a good sign20:04
zygabzoltan: let me just get through the intro20:04
bzoltanzyga:  so now, just create a simple qml app from the templates and go the publish tab of the QtC20:05
zygabzoltan: emulator display is frozen, no reaction to mouse events20:05
zygabzoltan: wait20:05
zygabzoltan: so I still haven't created the kit20:05
zyga(doing that does nothing)20:05
zygabzoltan: creating package from the publish tab20:06
zygabzoltan: that was it, now what?20:06
bzoltanzyga:  change the framework to 14.0420:06
zygabzoltan: ah20:06
zygabzoltan: any specific one?20:06
bzoltanzyga: ubuntu-sdk-14.04 will make it ...20:07
* zyga restarts the emulator 20:07
zygabzoltan: ok,20:07
zygabzoltan: is there any save button or is that live?20:07
bzoltanzyga:  it is a bug in the platform that it accepts only 14.0420:07
zygabzoltan: I clicked on create package20:07
zygaah :)20:07
* zyga feels there's a few of known issues like that that noobs like me stumble upon20:07
zygabzoltan: ok, what next?20:08
bzoltanzyga:  it is nothing about your competence.. believe me, this machinary has dozen moving parts.20:08
bzoltanzyga:  go back to the editing tab and hit Ctrl-F1220:09
zygabzoltan: ok, so emulator seems stuck on the locker screen, I can phablet-shell in (nothing busy on CPU there)20:09
zygabzoltan: qt creator is 50% busy all the time though20:09
bzoltanzyga:  does not the emulator reacot on mouse events?20:09
zygabzoltan: nope20:09
zygabzoltan: it used to earlier today ;)20:10
zygabzoltan: it's not too reliable20:10
zygabzoltan: the outcome is better than before though20:11
zygabzoltan: changing the framework helped20:11
zygabzoltan: this is what ctrl+F12 does http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7625326/20:11
zygabzoltan: it still seems to want to run it but it hangs there20:11
zygabzoltan: I'll remove the emulator device20:12
zygabzoltan: and try with nexus 720:12
bzoltanzyga: running the app is like creating a click package, installig it and running the app20:12
zygabzoltan: do I need to click the "autocreate" button for a real device before using ctrl+f12?20:13
bzoltanzyga:  your emulator image seems to be busted20:13
zygabzoltan: fresh emulator, I'll wipe cache and rebuild it in the background later20:13
bzoltanzyga:  you do not need any kit for running a pure qml app20:13
zygabzoltan: trying...20:13
zygabzoltan: ok, that worked20:14
zygabzoltan: so far so good, that's far better than ever :)20:14
zygabzoltan: does that stream console.log and such?20:14
bzoltanzyga:  try tro start the emulator and verify that is is responsive to mouse input and stuff20:14
zygabzoltan: so what do kits do?20:14
bzoltankits are good for the compiled project... like qml app with C++ plugin20:14
zygabzoltan: btw, I reported a bug on missing dependency between ubuntu-sdk and ubuntu-emulator20:14
zygabzoltan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-meta/+bug/132861020:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1328610 in ubuntu-touch-meta (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-sdk cannot create emulator device without depending on ubuntu-emulator (missing dependency)" [Undecided,New]20:15
zygabzoltan: any C++ plugin or one built along with the app?20:15
bzoltanzyga: thanks20:15
zygabzoltan: I assume the latter20:15
zygabzoltan: as we have lots of plugins that are bundled with the app20:15
bzoltanzyga: positive...20:16
zygaer sdk20:16
zygabzoltan: ok, so this is far closer to what I needed :)20:16
zygabzoltan: I'll try to get the emulator started again20:16
zygabzoltan: tomorrow I'll probably bug you and others about frameworks, I want to add pyotherside to the default set of frameworks and see how that works20:17
zygabzoltan: can you walk me through an app with C++ qml plugin (like pyotherside) and how I need to use kits to use them?20:17
bzoltanzyga:  I liked the idea of supporting pyotherside :)20:17
bzoltanzyga:  Are you in .pl?20:17
zygabzoltan: yes20:18
zygabzoltan: currently, I normally live in .es20:18
bzoltanzyga:  wow :)20:18
zygabzoltan: where are you from? :)20:18
bzoltanzyga: I am right now in .hu but normally I am in .fi20:18
bzoltanzyga: I am Hungarian :) my wife is from Finland. I love Poland :) and Estonia20:19
zygabzoltan: can I try to see which apparmor confinment restrictions would prevent pyotherside from running by pretending to use pyotherside as my private qml plugin?20:19
zygabzoltan: \o/ :-)20:19
bzoltanzyga:  try, I do not think you will have any probelm20:20
popeyawe_: where should voicemail notification related bugs go?20:20
zygabzoltan: hmm, not sure how to get started with that, I got pyotherside packaged, can I copy the armhf binary and pretend I built that to cut some time?20:20
zygabzoltan: (I mean get the armhf deb, unpack the .so file and stick that into my project somehow)20:21
zygabzoltan: and deploy that as a part of an app to a device?20:21
awe_popey, popey I would say either messaging-indicator or ofono would be good candidates, depending on what the bug is...20:21
bzoltanzyga: the click packaging and the confinement  is happy with everything what is in the package... the package is your sandbox.. you can put there quake3 or MS Office if you ant20:21
popeyawe_: getting no notification at all that you have a voicemail message waiting20:22
zygabzoltan: ok, let me see....20:22
zygabzoltan: should I create a new project to get some manifest bits "right"?20:22
zygabzoltan: I'm quite unfamiliar with how those work20:22
bzoltanzyga:  that is exactly what you sould do ...20:22
awe_popey, OK then add to ofono and we can move if need be..20:22
zygabzoltan: there's a qml-and-c++ template app20:22
popeyawe_: thanks20:22
popeyfrecel: ^ "ubuntu-bug ofono"20:22
bzoltanzyga: for the qml with C++ you will need a click chroot too20:22
zygabzoltan: oh, I recall building those ones20:23
bzoltanzyga:  let's talk about it tomorrow and pull zbenjamin into the talk too20:23
zygabzoltan: will qt creator handle that automatically?20:23
zygabzoltan: ok20:23
zygabzoltan: thanks for your time :)20:23
zygabzoltan: I'll catch you tomorrow20:23
bzoltanzyga: no problem :) happy to help20:23
zygabzoltan: are you going to budapest by any chance?20:23
bzoltanzyga: I am in faaaar countryside.. Karta village right now. Damn dark and damn nothing out there.. maybe dogs20:24
zygabzoltan: I mean the sprint20:24
bzoltanzyga: Sprint in BP? When?20:24
zygabzoltan: 22nd this month20:25
bzoltanzyga: wow... did not know about that20:25
* zyga creates 14.04 click target20:25
bzoltanzyga:  what sprint is that?20:25
zygabzoltan: PES sprint, probably not affecting you20:26
zygabzoltan: I was just being curous20:26
* bzoltan is underinformed20:26
zygabzoltan: lots of sprints all the time ;)20:26
zygabzoltan: I hope you got to malta at least, we didn't20:26
bzoltanzyga:  Yes, i was there... i would have traded in to Budapest :)20:26
bzoltanzyga:  but must admit that seafood was great in malta20:27
zygabzoltan: really? malta was amazing according to what people tell me20:27
zygabzoltan: I was in budapest once for a linaro event20:27
bzoltanzyga:  just the 6 hours flights I did not like20:27
zygabzoltan: nice combination of Poland-like familiarity and pretty architecture20:27
zygabzoltan: hehe20:28
zygabzoltan: no sprints in Hong Kong I guess ;)20:28
zygabzoltan: anyway, thanks for your time, it's really late now20:28
bzoltanzyga:  LOL...20:28
bzoltanzyga: hell it is :) late20:28
bzoltanzyga:  dobranoc ... i have learned it in Warsaw few years back after eating a trackload sized golonka with local fellows.20:29
zygabzoltan: :-)20:30
zygabzoltan: adeu (that's catalan)20:31
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slangasekachiang: yes, I'll have a look at the seed change22:43
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achiangslangasek: thank you22:50

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