
rsalvetiI can give it a try01:41
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 77 building (started: 20140611 02:05) ===02:04
rsalvetitedg: charles: asac: so hw alarms is partially completed with silo 14, works as expected on nexus 7 and I can hear the alarm ringing at the right time02:30
rsalvetiit's not yet perfect as we don't have anyone holding a suspend blocker once the alarm is triggered, and not turning on the screen either02:30
charlesrsalveti, \o/02:30
charlested and I are seeing it work on the n402:31
charlesyea the not-turning-on-the-screen is something we talked about back in #phablet if you remember02:31
rsalvetiI'd imagine we need to change powerd to also listen for alarms via /dev/alarm, and hold the lock for a few seconds (and turn on the screen)02:31
charlesI'd have to go back in scrollback but iirc you and ChickenCutlass and ricmm discussed making that change in powerd itself, same as how it listens for incoming calls02:32
rsalvetiright, I believe that's how we'll end up doing it02:32
rsalvetibut let's talk tomorrow to know how to proceed02:32
rsalvetibut I believe we can already land the silo, it's an improvement already02:33
charlesI agree, it's not a blocker for silo 1402:33
charlesthe other issue I'm seeing (or rather, hearing) is a 'stutter' in the alarm sound, https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/132087702:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1320877 in Indicator Date and Time "alarm sound sometimes 'stutters'" [Undecided,New]02:33
rsalvetiright, I think that will be solved once the powerd side is implemented02:34
rsalvetiit's a race because the device is still trying to suspend02:34
rsalvetiit wakes up but it'll try to suspend right after the alarm starts ringing02:34
charlesrsalveti, should powerd be added to that ticket?02:34
rsalvetisure, that's my theory at least, let me try to reproduce here again02:35
rsalvetiyeah, if the device is up the alarm plays fine02:35
rsalveticharles: can I mark your silo as tested then? can also land it02:36
rsalvetiwe can try to land the needed change in powerd tomorrow02:36
charlesrsalveti, ted and I both passed it on the n402:36
rsalvetigreat, I also validated it on nexus 702:36
charleswe were going to wait to make sure it passed on a tablet too, which you've done02:36
charlesso afaict we're ready02:37
rsalvetiargh, jenkins is still waiting for the arm64 build, that is never going to happen02:38
charlesok I've updated 132087702:38
charlesI'm going offline, I'll be back in ~11.5 hrs02:39
rsalveticharles: ok, only remaining issue02:39
rsalveticharles: needs packaging change for it to depend on libplatform-hardware-api1-dev only on armhf, i386 and amd6402:40
rsalvetias we don't have that package for the other arches02:40
rsalvetiand it might need build time changes to be smart enough and detect once it's available02:40
rsalvetiotherwise it'll be blocked in proposed, as we currently have a working version for powerpc, ppc64el and arm6402:41
rsalvetiand latest version from the ppa is not building any package for the above arches, because we don't have libplatform-hardware-api1-dev there02:41
charleshrm, that provides/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libubuntu_platform_hardware_api.so02:43
charlesso we want to ifdef out all the hw alarm stuff and not link against that when we're outside of those three arches?02:44
rsalvetiis there a way to not build the support for platform hardware api if not available during build-time?02:44
rsalveticharles: yeah02:44
rsalvetiso we can still produce binary packages for those arches02:44
charlesI thought platform-api fell back to stubs so that client apps didn't have to go through ifdef hell02:44
rsalvetiwell, not yet for every arch02:45
charlesokay, I can do that02:45
rsalvetiwe could change platform-api to be generic enough with stubs and so on, but I'm afraid such change will take longer to land02:45
charlesdyk where I could find an existing debian/control that does something similar? I haven't done this in debian packaging before.02:46
rsalveti               libplatform-hardware-api-headers,02:47
rsalveti               libplatform-hardware-api1-dev,02:47
rsalvetichange then to:02:47
rsalvetilibplatform-hardware-api-headers [armhf i386 amd64],02:47
rsalvetilibplatform-hardware-api1-dev [armhf i386 amd64],02:48
rsalvetiand during build time you just try to find if it's available or not02:48
charlesyep, build time I've got02:48
charlesso far so good on systems w/o alarm.h, now to try with alarm.h03:07
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 77 DONE (finished: 20140611 03:30) ===03:29
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/77.changes ===03:30
charlesrsalveti, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/hw-alarms-api/revision/35404:07
bzoltanMirv: are you in a position to be able to assign a silo to the line33?06:21
bzoltanOr maybe robru if still online06:22
dpmsil2100, would you be able to help bzoltan with his silo? ^07:00
dpm(and good morning :)07:00
Mirvrsalveti: no (testing emulator with 5.3), but I have that dependency problem with the gles packages I wrote about, so I couldn't even if I had the time07:08
Mirvdpm: assigned, even though bzoltan left07:11
dpmthanks Mirv!07:11
MirvI'll kick a build too07:12
vilaMirv, sil2100, ogra_ : Hi guys ! Looks like I can't select any carrier anymore since... ~#71 (I'm at #76 now)07:15
vilaNote that the automatic selection never worked for me07:17
sil2100vila: ouch07:37
vilasil2100: don't mention it ;)07:37
ogra_you are not the first one to claim that07:38
ogra_and i think there is a bug open for that07:38
asacrsalveti: charles: cool ... step by step :)07:39
ogra_vila, bug 1274618 ... see if it is the same07:40
ubot5bug 1274618 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Cellular page: set to manual network detection can't revert" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127461807:40
vilaogra_: I saw some msgs on the u-phone ML but people seem to have recover, any idea on which project the bug was filed against... ::) ?07:40
sil2100Cellular seems to work fine here all the time at least07:45
vilaofono scripts fail with 'org.ofono.NetweorkRegistration doesn't exist (see added comment on bug)07:47
ogra_vila, that looks more like ofono isnt running07:51
vilaogra_: ps says there is an 'ofono -P stktest,provision,sao.udev.dun.smart,hfp' running07:53
ogra_ok ...07:53
ogra_so its not that07:53
ogra_any crash files in /var/crash ?07:53
vila3 today for the scripts I just ran, the others are quite old07:56
vilaogra_: I'll remove them all and restart07:57
vilaogra_: weird msg in the system setting upstart log file (added to bug), is that relevant ?08:06
vilathe /run/user/32011/signond/ dir is empty here08:07
vilaseb128: regarding bug 1274618 , am I seeing the same bug (related at least) or should I file a new one ?08:15
ubot5bug 1274618 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Cellular page: set to manual network detection can't revert" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127461808:16
ricmmseb128: hi seb08:17
ricmmseb128: any chance you could take a look at the platform-api MR from yesterday? the packaging review for the NEW ack08:18
ricmmwe are blocking on that, and I think you are also blocking on that landing for something08:18
ogra_vila, bfiller is doing system settings now08:18
vilaoops, sorry seb ;)08:18
vilabfiller: : regarding bug 1274618 , am I seeing the same bug (related at least) or should I file a new one ?08:18
ubot5bug 1274618 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Cellular page: set to manual network detection can't revert" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127461808:18
ogra_sil2100, any idea what is up with silo 14 ? spreadsheet says it is building ...08:27
sil2100ogra_: let me see that08:27
ogra_(despite being testing done)08:28
sil2100ogra_: ah, yeah, if a job is aborted then CI Train will not pick up the state... it seems it drops some supported architectures?08:28
ogra_not sure if it ever built on these08:28
seb128ricmm, hey, was on the phone, looking at that in a bit08:29
sil2100ogra_: LP says it did...08:29
seb128vila: if you are seeing a bug already open, no need to file a new one08:29
sil2100ogra_: I wonder if they discussed that with cjwatson08:30
sil2100(or some other archive admin)08:30
cjwatsonsil2100: rsalveti was working with charles in scrollback to get that fixed08:31
cjwatsonthis channel, about six hours back08:31
ogra_oh, and it seems that last change to debian/control is still missing if i see that right08:31
sil2100cjwatson: oh, ok, will have to look at the logs then.. so they intend to get it working for those archs? Since right now I just see a dep-wait on some mir libs08:31
sil2100ogra_: so I wouldn't call it 'testing done' ;)08:32
sil2100ogra_: meeting!08:32
cjwatsonsil2100: yes08:32
vilaseb128: thanks, abeato is guiding me to a workaround and a different bug anyway08:32
vilas/anyway/in th mean time/08:32
cjwatsonor so it seemed to me from skimming the discussion anyway08:32
vilaogra_, sil2100 : my modem is back thanks to abeato, bug #132162708:54
ubot5bug 1321627 in urfkill (Ubuntu) "Wrong WWAN value in saved-states" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132162708:54
ogra_cool, glad you found it08:55
Mirvit might be just my network at QtCS but my system-image-cli claims system-image.ubuntu.com has invalid certificate08:57
ogra_yeah, sounds like a proxy issue08:57
MirvI guess it's just that the mako doesn't have a proper connection, ubuntu-device-flash started just fine08:57
popeycan someone please reproduce bug 1328536 - just run "ubuntu-bug unity8" on a device09:00
ubot5bug 1328536 in apport (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug <package> broken in #76 mako" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132853609:00
brendandsil2100, ogra_ - was there an autopilot landing recently?09:03
brendandsil2100, ogra_ skip has broken it seems09:04
=== vila changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: vila | CI Train Status: #71 promoted | CI Train Support: US: robru, stgraber - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
ogra_brendand, on wed and thu ... for the upstart-app-launch rename09:04
brendandsil2100, ogra_ - at least for that one test09:04
brendandsil2100, ogra_ - right. i'll take a look and see if i can figure out what's going on09:05
ogra_are the package diffs09:06
ogra_sil2100, i think bug 1321627deserves some of our attention ... given that there seem to be many people with similar 3G probs09:10
ubot5bug 1321627 in urfkill (Ubuntu) "Wrong WWAN value in saved-states" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132162709:10
ogra_(like vila )09:10
vilaogra_: I can't agree more ;)09:13
brendandok it looks like a test that is skipped still runs setUp. that's stupid09:14
brendandalthough it's probably a 'feature' of unittest rather than APs fault09:16
sil2100ogra_: oh, I wasn't aware of that one09:20
brendandsil2100, really interesting finding about the medai player failure09:22
brendandsil2100, if you look at the timestamps, media-hub-server crashes *just* exactly when the test starts09:22
brendandlike 1 second after09:22
brendandsil2100, i can't reproduce it, but i think we can agree the test is not at fault09:25
brendandsil2100, do those crashes generate bugs automatically?09:25
brendandsil2100, or will i need to file one?09:25
sil2100brendand: no... we have to fill them in ourselves manually, but not sure if ogra_ didn't fill one in already09:26
brendandogra_, did you?09:26
sil2100brendand: so in other words, it should basically skip this test but the crash makes the test failing?09:26
brendandsil2100, well the behaviour of unittest module in python is to always run setUp. for good and for bad09:27
brendandsil2100, and setUp launches the app and checks it can be accessed09:28
brendandsil2100, so if setUp fails then it won't get a chance to be skipped09:28
sil2100Now this is a funny case happening then ;)09:31
sil2100Thanks for looking into that!09:31
ogra_brendand, nope, didnt09:33
brendandogra_, what's the project for media-hub-server?09:36
brendandogra_, is it the mediaplayer itself?09:36
sil2100brendand: media-hub I suppose?09:42
brendandsil2100, for the osk in web browser, it does appear, but i can't confirm if it's actually used. i'll look at the code a bit and also ask the AP folks later when they log on10:02
seb128ricmm, reviewed, it's mostly good but has some small issues10:11
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brendandsil2100, here's that crash bug finally. https://bugs.launchpad.net/media-hub/+bug/132885910:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1328859 in Media Hub "media-hub-server crashes when running mediaplayer-app test_scene_selector_operation test" [Undecided,New]10:41
brendandsil2100, launchpad very kindly crashed and lost my report halfway through filing10:41
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sil2100brendand: thanks! Murphy's law, as always ;)10:46
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asacSaviq: is anyone checking the unity8 test failure?10:59
asacwho from SDK team is lander besides zoltan?10:59
asacsil2100: ?10:59
sil2100asac: only Zoltan is the lander, we have bugs filled for this issue already11:00
asacsil2100: how long is his test failing?11:01
sil2100asac: but Zoltan and Saviq might be not too responsive because of the QDS11:01
asacsil2100: do we know when those test failures started?11:01
asacand which landing caused this?11:01
sil2100asac: just appeared now11:02
sil2100Qt Developer Summit11:02
sil2100asac: we don't know yet, things started getting more 'sensitive' after the Mir landing we had11:03
sil2100But we could not identify the source of why it started happening11:03
sil2100As these are generally only AP flakyness11:03
asacsil2100: so they dont happen on every image?11:04
sil2100Most of them are random, and brendand and elopio are helping as much as they can to identify the causes11:05
brendandsil2100, nothing is random :)11:07
brendandsil2100, we just don't have enough info yet11:07
brendandwe'll figure it out. we already realised about the media-server-hub crash11:08
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asacbzoltan: are you guys investigating the uitoolkit AP failure?11:24
ogra_asac, there is a fix already11:24
asacogra_: which component needs landing?11:24
asacuitoolkit itself?11:24
ogra_gimme a sec ... need to check if it is still the same failure11:25
ogra_hmm, it is still the same and there is an MP from elopio but i cant find a landing for it11:26
ogra_asac, bug 132607211:27
ubot5bug 1326072 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "test_fake_home_fixture_must_copy_xauthority fails to create file on mako" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132607211:27
ogra_seems it is merged into the staging branch but not in trunk11:28
ogra_and seems the whole UITK needs to land for it11:28
asacthe whole?11:29
asaclike no cherry pick possible?11:29
ogra_no idea how the SDK guys manage thes branches11:29
ogra_https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging has definitelly a bunch of newer commits already11:30
ogra_asac, aha, soli 6 seems to include it11:32
ogra_but it is untested11:32
asacsoli :P11:32
* ogra_ wishes the changelog entry was more descriptive again ... ldoesnt talk about Xauthority at all11:33
ogra_heh, silo indeed :)11:33
bzoltan1ogra_: asac: I have tested the soli6 but I am not happy with the results...11:45
bzoltan1ogra_: asac:  but yes, that silo has the fix for that problem11:45
asacbzoltan1: what results do you get that make you not happy?11:46
bzoltan1asac:  do you want me to dig up the original MR what fixes that issue? I know which one it was, but I do not know what conflicts it will cause later with the staging branch11:46
bzoltan1asac: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7628182/ But I want to reflash my testing device and run these tests again...11:48
sil2100Damn, what's wrong with my WiFi router11:49
asacbzoltan1: dont worry. was just checking11:49
ogra_sil2100, the NSA got you !11:50
asacsil2100: maybe its not your roiuter, but your computer wifi modem :)11:50
asacis your phone going off as well?11:50
bzoltan1asac: few weeks back I started to enjoy that I could roll out UITK releases in 1-2 days, but now we are back at 1-2 weeks... and most of the times it is not about the components11:50
asacbzoltan1: what happened?11:50
bzoltan1asac:  mostly AP changes11:51
sil2100It looks like the wifi router has some problems, it's not the first time all my machines loose WiFi suddenly ;p11:51
sil2100brb, quick test-reset11:51
asacbzoltan1: AP changes? QA changed autopilot (the framework)?11:51
asacbzoltan1: was there a new ap release that makes your life harder?11:53
bzoltan1asac:  the UITK's own AP tests changed and the applications own AP tests are not really reliable11:56
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bzoltan1asac:  simple said, we had problems with the AP itself, with the apps tests, with our own AP tests and the biggest change was the new header what flagged out poorly writen app tests11:57
mhr3Mirv / sil2100 any way to poke the hud sru? it's been in unapproved for 2 weeks now12:30
seb128mhr3, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/+members is who you want to ping12:31
seb128mhr3, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Publishing suggest you can try asking cjwatson on wednesdays12:31
seb128mhr3, I guess I just sort of pinged for you there ;-)12:32
seb128(wouldn't mind seeing unity-settings-daemon approved as well, oem team is waiting on it)12:32
mhr3seb128, that's the way, i like it :)12:32
mhr3aha aha12:32
rsalvetiMirv: thanks, will take a look later today12:35
rsalveticharles: great, rebuilding the package now12:36
rsalvetisil2100: marked as tested yesterday before we found out that issue, moved to not tested now and rebuilding the silo12:37
sil2100rsalveti: o/12:38
sil2100rsalveti: thanks, good to hear that :)12:38
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bzoltan1asac:  for example.. the CI dash shows that the calendar app has 22 all OK tests... I flashed the latest image few minutes ago and I have 4 failures on the Calendar ap on the stock image http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7628432/12:54
ogra_bzoltan1, well, if you look at the test results from a few days you get a different picture12:58
ogra_looks like it constantly had flaky tests the last days12:59
ogra_it just happens that it didnt hit one today12:59
bzoltan1ogra_:  flaky tests are killing me...12:59
asacbzoltan1: just wanted to ask if always reproducible?13:00
ogra_bzoltan1, yeah, not only you ... but we still have some13:00
asacbut guess that answers it13:00
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: Ursinha | CI Train Status: #71 promoted | CI Train Support: US: robru, stgraber - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
bzoltan1elopio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7628383/13:03
alan_gUrsinha: For the last few hours we've seen jobs failing in a system header file: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-clang-utopic-amd64-build/. I assume something has changed in the build config: Can you help?13:11
Ursinhaalan_g: I'll have a look13:14
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sil2100ogra_: I'll try to look into what we can do to get our stuff migrated to that canonistack instance13:47
ogra_imgbot will definitely need some work before i can move it somewhere13:48
ogra_it is a mess of separate scripts atm13:48
sil2100k, let's slowly work on that I guess, not need for haste13:49
charlesrsalveti, any news?13:49
ogra_charles, you missed the second bit rsalveti mentioned above13:49
ogra_<rsalveti> change then to:13:50
ogra_<rsalveti> libplatform-hardware-api-headers [armhf i386 amd64],13:50
ogra_<rsalveti> libplatform-hardware-api1-dev [armhf i386 amd64],13:50
rsalvetino, that was done already13:50
rsalveticharles: rebuilding13:50
charlesrsalveti, ack13:50
ogra_rsalveti, i didnt see it in the PPA13:50
rsalveticharles: just missing ppc64el13:50
rsalvetiogra_: I triggered a rebuild this morning13:51
rsalvetimy morning :-)13:51
* ogra_ looked at it his morning ... 13:51
ogra_we should sync our monrings ;)13:51
charlesogra_, I pushed that 9 hours ago, you've had a long morning... :)13:52
ogra_i looked at it 5h ago or so13:52
ogra_but only at the debdiff in the PPA13:53
sil2100ogra_: ;)13:55
sil2100ogra_: rsalveti mentioned about a rebuild some time ago13:56
ogra_missed that, thanks13:58
Ursinhaalan_g: so, gcc was updated from 4.8 to 4.9 and clang isn't happy; it's a known bug and it's fixed on llvm-toolchain-3.4 1:3.4.1-4 (not on ubuntu yet)14:05
Ursinhaalan_g: possible workaround is to force gcc 4.8 on your side14:06
Ursinhaalan_g: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=744872 for reference14:06
ubot5Debian bug 744872 in clang "clang-3.5: once gcc-4.9 and g++-4.9 are installed, clang stops properly building existing projects" [Important,Fixed]14:06
alan_gUrsinha: thanks. I assume there's no ETA for the fix?14:07
alan_galf_: FYI ^14:07
alf_alan_g: thanks14:08
Ursinhaalan_g: not that I know of, fginther just investigated and concluded that that was the problem, other builds might fail due to the same issue so I believe it shouldn't take long14:09
Ursinhabut that's a guess14:09
alan_gUrsinha: thanks again. We'll figure it out.14:11
stgraberrobru: "stgraber is missing the Job/Build permission" ...14:12
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charlesrsalveti, will you retest the hw alarms for tablet w/the new build?14:43
rsalveticharles: yup14:43
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train Status: #71 promoted | CI Train Support: US: robru, stgraber - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
robrustgraber, bah, hang on15:00
robrustgraber, ok, i added core dev again, not sure why this isn't a permanent setting15:01
robrustgraber, you're on for landings today right? need any help?15:11
stgraberrobru: I should be fine now that I can actually get stuff done15:13
stgrabermhr3: you've got silo 19 for mediascanner15:15
robrustgraber, k, feel free to ping me if you have any questions15:15
xnoxsil2100: I want to become a lander! =)15:22
robrusil2100, ok, now that the session is over, please review my branch ;-) https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/cupstream2distro/add-core-dev-perms/+merge/22270515:42
sil2100robru: o/15:43
sil2100xnox: hah!15:43
sil2100xnox: wait, you're not a lander yet!!15:43
mterrysil2100, can I get a silo for spreadsheet line 37?15:43
sil2100mterry: sure, just heard about the revert plan15:44
sil2100What's up?15:44
sil2100Since I remember QA saying things aren't bad as they are now15:44
robrumterry, noooooooooooo :-(15:44
mterryrobru, I know  :(  But it will come back, though probably only for Desktop15:45
mterryrobru, RTM is too close to take the risk for phone15:45
robrumterry, so we're going RTM with single-user-only phones then?15:45
asacmy head is a bit messy today, did the alarm stuff land ?15:45
mterryrobru, yeah -- I mean, I think that was always likely the plan, but we wanted the correct architecture in place anyway15:45
ogra_asac, nope15:46
robrumterry, ah ok,15:46
ogra_asac, needs a tester first ...15:46
asacogra_: tester?15:46
ogra_asac, it was rebuilt with the final changes ...15:47
asacogra_: ok, how long is that build done?15:47
ogra_dunno, i didnt check15:47
xnoxsil2100: no, i am not a lander15:47
mterrysil2100, well anyway, I have a couple branches in line 37, this should revert the split greeter for now15:47
ogra_seems it built, the spreadsheet thinks it failed though15:48
sil2100xnox: let's change that in the nearest days then - core-devs themselves can anyway land stuff through CI Train but some basic training might be useful ;)15:48
robrusil2100, that can be true for real as soon as you review my branch ;-)15:49
asacogra_: ok seems its not dangling, but rather fresh TODO :)15:49
sil2100robru: no no, your modification is for the landing team ;p core-devs are landers by default since longer15:49
* asac wont ping folks to test for a bit15:49
ogra_asac, i think rsalveti confirmed to re-test after the rebuild15:49
asacxnox: awesome decision :)15:50
asacogra_: how long waiting for a tester?15:50
asac< 1h <3h >6h15:50
asacwell you figure15:50
ogra_asac, until he has time and isnt in a session or important discussion i guess :)15:50
robrusil2100, we need to think up better names than "landers" and "landing team", too confusing15:50
asacogra_: ok so charles and tedg already tested?15:51
ogra_dunno, who tested that15:51
ogra_i just saw the conversation between charles and rsalveti above15:51
rsalvetijust waiting the ppc64el package to build15:52
asacrobru: i had names once :)15:53
rsalvetioh, just completed :-)15:53
* asac finds the slide deck15:53
rsalveticharles: ^15:53
rsalvetiso once you re fine with mako, I'll cover flo15:53
rsalvetilet me flash latest on it15:53
stgrabermterry: shouldn't that last landing be marked as ready (I see you got a silo already though)?15:58
mterrystgraber, oh yeah let me mark15:58
stgrabertedg: is that indicator bugfix thingy ready to build? if so, please mark as ready (pinging because it's been on there unchanged for a while now)15:58
robrusil2100, so I just merged that MP and then deployed citrain, prepare job lost core dev perms again, what am I missing?15:58
robrusil2100, I guess the deploy job doesn't branch from bzr, how do I get the bzr branch code into jenkins?16:00
tedgstgraber, Jenkins failed on one of the branches and I rekicked it (branch conflict)16:00
tedgstgraber, Just waiting on that.16:00
stgrabertedg: ok16:01
tedgAh, should be good now.16:03
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
sil2100robru: one moment, meeting ;)16:25
sil2100(not landing, different one)16:26
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/preload-publisher-indexes/+merge/222768 whee16:27
cjwatsonWonder how much of a dent that'll make in cron.ppa runtime16:27
stgraberwe've ran out of silos, so new landings will have to wait for other people to finish theirs16:28
seb128tedg, is your indicator-session landing for logout on unity8 tested/ready to land? (we have 0 silos, looking what we could try to land to get some)16:28
seb128dbarth, ^ what about your 017 u-s-s-o-a one?16:28
seb128bfiller, ^ what about your ubuntu-keyboard bugfixes?16:28
cjwatsonjust looking at the hud SRU nowish16:29
seb128mandel, ^ what about dbus-cpp16:29
seb128cjwatson, thanks, if you could do unity-settings-daemon as well that would be great (oem is waiting on it, and it would free a silo)16:29
cjwatsondepends on time but I'll try16:29
seb128bfiller, you also have a qtorganizer-eds bugfix in there ... can that be verified/landed? ;-)16:30
* sil2100 back from meetings16:32
sil2100kgunn: hi! Would you mind if we clense your pre-flight silo 001?16:33
sil2100seb128: thanks for helping out whipping people :)16:33
tedgseb128, Trying to get a tester that has u8 desktop running, on my third :-/ bregma said he could test after UOS today, so hopefully soon.16:33
seb128sil2100, yw16:33
seb128tedg, I've unity8 desktop running ... do I need unity8 changes or just plain utopic?16:34
sil2100rsalveti: hi! How's landing 14 proceeding?16:34
sil2100robru: getting back to your question16:34
tedgseb128, Just utopic, then update indicator-session and then you should be able to logout.16:35
seb128tedg, great, testing16:35
kgunnAlbertA: is loosing silo1 for display state changes ok ?16:35
kgunnfigure sense we landed mir020 we might want to land this now... ?16:36
AlbertAkgunn: media hub mp is missing16:37
sil2100kgunn: if you can land it today it would be awesome16:37
AlbertAkgunn: and the powerd-cli to use the new display on requests interface16:37
AlbertAkgunn: which will be needed for autopilot tests16:37
charlesrsalveti, tedg, I was afk for a bit. does datetime still need n4 testing?16:37
kgunnsil2100: go ahead and use silo1 as you need....looks like we're waiting16:37
kgunnon some other projects16:37
AlbertAkgunn: yeah16:38
sil2100kgunn: thanks! Once you have all the bits in place, just ping us again16:38
AlbertAkgunn: we'll request another one when the other pieces are in16:38
robrusil2100, can we use that -test job to run 'bzr pull' on the jenkins instance or something?16:39
sil2100robru: one moment, let me take a look on what happened16:39
seb128tedg, how is it supposed to work? indicator-session has no icon in unity8, it's listed in the headers of the indicator set, but picking logout does nothing16:39
sil2100robru: ah, I see the problem ;)16:40
cjwatsonseb128: both hud and unity-settings-daemon accepted now16:40
seb128cjwatson, thanks a lot!16:40
bfillerseb128: I need to check with renato to see if he's finished his testing on that yet16:40
seb128bfiller, that would be nice, we are on 0 silo atm so everything new is locked pending on previous landing to be tested/landed/cleaned16:41
bfillerseb128: will do16:41
sil2100robru: ok, it's fine now - I see you didn't check DEPLOY_PREPROD_CITRAIN and DEPLOY_PROD_CITRAIN while doing the deploy16:41
seb128bfiller, thanks16:41
sil2100robru: it's required to do a bzr pull16:41
tedgseb128, I'm not entirely sure. charles ^16:42
tedgseb128, I thought it was just hit logout.16:42
robrusil2100, ah ok, I didn't understand those options on that job, thanks16:42
mhr3_robru, can i get 019 reassigned to line 40?16:43
mhr3_robru, i mean, i'm giving up 01916:43
robrumhr3_, alright16:43
mhr3_and want it back for another project :)16:43
robrumhr3_, ok, freeing now. it takes a bit, hopefully nobody else assigns before I can reassign it...16:44
mhr3_k, ty16:44
robruyoure welcome16:44
sil2100robru: we really need an useful FAQ or docs for citrain ;p16:48
robrusil2100, yeah... wanna add some stuff to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/FAQ ?16:49
sil2100robru: would love to if I had the time ;p16:49
robrumhr3_, ok, got you in 15 actually, 1 free silo yay ;-)16:50
robruwho's next in line for a silo?16:50
mhr3_heh, k16:50
=== mhr3_ is now known as mhr3
dbarthseb128: not finished, so far i fail to co-install the 2 modules, but i may be missing a step16:51
seb128dbarth, what about the html5 one?16:51
robrusilos 2, 4, 13, and 17 haven't seen any movement since last week, I'd like to free those ones...16:52
dbarthseb128: i just got it 4h ago16:53
seb128dbarth, ok, sorry, just looking at the list since we are out of silos ;-)16:53
dbarthseb128: if you need one, take the ussoa + signon one16:53
seb128dbarth, no, that's fine, just making sure things don't stay there for a week because it blocks others to get a silo16:54
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
mandelseb128, we are looking at dbus-cpp at the moment17:01
seb128mandel, thanks17:01
robruthere are too many requests and not enough silos. I can't risk assigning something to somebody who isn't around and won't use the silo immediately. therefore silos will be assigned on a first-ping basis. whoever asks first, gets it first17:04
mandelseb128, robru kill silo 02 for dbus-cpp and I'll request it later, is not urgent17:08
seb128mandel, k17:08
tedgrobru, sil2100, let's drop silo 13, we'll be able to land it next week with the u8 MR for the same feature.17:09
robrutedg, thanks!!17:09
robrumandel, also thanks ;-)17:09
seb128robru, can I get a silo for ubuntu-system-settings on l38?17:09
robruseb128, yes you can!17:09
robruseb128, you got 117:10
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
robrubfiller, tedg, boiko, kgunn: i've gone through and marked all the unassigned silos as ready:no. if you are around and you really want a silo, please ping me.17:15
tedgrobru, I'd like a silo for the bug fixes to lower down the MR queue, but it's not critical. If there's a lull, it'd be nice to work off the backlog.17:16
robrutedg, yes we have some silos free now, it's no problem to give you one, I just can't assign them without some sign that you're actually around to work on it, otherwise it's a waste to have silos idling for people who aren't around.17:17
robrutedg, ok you got silo 2. thanks for grouping indicators into one big one17:19
tedgrobru, Cool, thanks!17:19
robrutedg, you're welcome!17:19
sil2100robru, ogra_: so, the plan is... let's try getting the alarm fix from rsalveti in as soon as possible17:22
* rsalveti just got back from lunch17:22
sil2100Once that's in, let's kick a new image and consider it as a promotion candidate17:22
rsalvetilet me validate the ppa17:22
sil2100If not, then we can promote 77 as we have green lights on that17:22
robrusil2100, sounds good17:22
sil2100rsalveti: thanks :)17:22
rsalveticharles: yeah, please test on n417:22
charlesrsalveti, k17:23
robrursalveti, i've got an idle n4, want me to help test? what do I do?17:23
rsalvetirobru: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-01417:23
rsalvetirobru: use http://paste.ubuntu.com/7625773 to update lxc-android-config17:24
robrursalveti, alright, on it17:24
rsalvetithen set an alarm, suspend the device (make sure you don't have any usb cable connected to it)17:24
rsalvetiand wait for it to wake up :-)17:24
* sil2100 jumps out to the store for a moment17:24
rsalvetithe alarm sound might but be that smooth, but that's known as we still need to change powerd in a way it blocks the suspend once the alarm is triggered17:25
rsalvetibut the main different here is that you'll get something17:25
robrursalveti, alright17:26
robrursalveti, what do you mean by "suspend the device"? does that mean just let the screen turn off?17:32
charlessigh. trying to set alarm, got this... https://i.imgur.com/UckEY8w.jpg17:35
robrucharles, hm, I was able to set a couple alarms, but the interface for selecting the time was rubbish, very unresponsive.17:36
charlesrobru, it's being redesigned, nik90 is implementing the new design for rtm17:36
rsalvetirobru: yeah17:37
robrursalveti, alright, alarm set for a couple minutes from now, will let you know ;-)17:38
rsalvetiyeah, might be a different issue17:38
charlesokay, after blowing away the alarm database and rebooting the phone, I'm able to set alarms now... testing17:38
robrursalveti, alright, so I got this piano-y alarm tone, it sounds a bit crap, like a CD skipping, but it technically triggered at the right time. so that's what we want?17:40
charlesyep, wfm as well17:41
ogra_do you actually let the phone lseep for a while so it is in deep sleep ?17:41
charlesrobru, the skipping CD is a different issue17:41
robruogra_, how deep is deep sleep? I had my screen off for 5m17:42
rsalvetiogra_: the crap audio shows that the device was sleeping17:42
* ogra_ only misses allarms if the phone was off for like 30min 17:42
rsalvetibecause it wakes up and then tries to sleep again17:42
rsalveticausing the audio issue17:42
ogra_i.e. i had all alarms go off in malta where i regulary used it17:42
ogra_yeah, i know that17:42
rsalvetito fix that we need changes in powerd17:42
charlesrobru, if you're interested https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/1320877/comments/317:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1320877 in powerd "alarm sound sometimes 'stutters'" [Undecided,New]17:42
charlesogra_, hm, ok. Let's try with a 30+ min alarm too17:43
rsalvetiogra_: charles: tested with flo17:43
rsalvetiflo always go to deep sleep in minutes17:43
rsalvetiworked as expected17:43
ogra_ah, k17:43
ogra_flo is different17:44
rsalvetino radio17:44
rsalvetimodem I mean17:44
rsalveticharles: looks good, guess we can land it17:44
rsalvetilet me do a watch-only build17:44
ogra_land it !17:45
rsalvetirobru: ogra_: charles: DONE17:46
robrursalveti, should I publish then?17:47
ogra_asac, ^^17:47
ogra_there are your alarms17:47
rsalvetirobru: done already17:47
robruoh great17:47
rsalvetiasac: not yet perfect though, but getting there17:47
charlesrsalveti, :D17:47
rsalvetiyou should hear something now at least :-)17:47
rsalveticyphermox: this landing also unblocks lxc-android-config17:48
rsalvetiso feel free to push your change17:48
nik90charles: are you guys discussing the wake from deep sleep when an alarm is being triggered?17:48
ricmmrobru: can you reconf silo 7 for me please?17:48
charlesrsalveti, are you handling the powerd changes for 1320877?17:48
ricmmdbus-cpp is added which needs a rebuild against gcc 4.917:48
ricmmwhich was switched ON 2 hours ago17:48
rsalveticharles: our team will handle that17:48
robruricmm, sure17:48
cyphermoxrsalveti: ah, thanks!17:49
charlesrsalveti, ok17:49
robruricmm, you're welcome!17:49
robruahhhhhh... 3 free silos, and 2 just published will be free soon... such breathing room, it's great!17:51
ricmmrobru: actually I think I can reconf myself17:52
robruricmm, too late, I did it!17:52
ricmmalright great17:52
ricmmI'll build17:52
cyphermoxrsalveti: robru: so, confirm line 26 is no longer blocked? I just set it back to Ready17:55
robrucyphermox, right, well lxc-a-c just got published, it's not free yet. are you able to base your upload on that one? if so I can assign you a silo17:56
cyphermoxI can17:58
robrucyphermox, alright, you got silo 1317:58
sil2100robru, ogra_: once silo 14 migrates, remember to kick a new image :)18:07
sil2100davmor2: if you could then dogfood #78 we'll think of promoting it tomorrow18:07
asacrsalveti: will this help at all?18:12
asacrsalveti: what does "not perfect mean" :)?18:12
ogra_asac, sound playback will still stutter18:13
asacogra_: ok. i wasnt after18:13
asacogra_: i only want my alarm to ring in the morning so i can schdule morning calls again :)18:14
asacthat works now?18:14
ogra_it will in 7818:15
* asac crosses fingers that that one gets promoted18:15
asacmaybe i can start waking up early on friday :)18:15
asacthat would be phabulous18:16
rsalvetiasac: not yet perfect because we need to fix bug 132087718:17
ubot5bug 1320877 in powerd "alarm sound sometimes 'stutters'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132087718:17
asacrsalveti: ah. yeah. i think a not predictable rythm helps me actually to not built up alarm-tolerance :P18:19
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
robruogra_, hmmm, something goofy is going on with silo 14. citrain says it landed, launchpad and rmadison say the packages are not only not landed yet, but not even in proposed...18:42
rsalvetimaybe there were just migrated18:42
rsalvetithat happens when the migration is in place iirc18:42
ogra_robru, looks fishy18:43
robrursalveti, usually when I check LP in the middle of a migration, it says there's two in the release pocket. but right now there's no LP or rmadison acknowledgement of the new packages at all18:43
robruogra_, rsalveti: also, excuses says 'valid' on both new packages18:43
cjwatsonhave you checked +publishinghistory?18:44
cjwatsonit's usually clearer for this kind of thing18:44
cjwatsonthere is certainly a window where the package will be absent from the normal source package page18:44
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
robrucjwatson, hmm, it does show up in the history18:45
cjwatsonRight, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc-android-config/+publishinghistory and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+publishinghistory are as I'd expect18:45
cjwatsonSo that's busy migrating to release18:45
robrucjwatson, ok great, thanks for clearing that up. I guess just by chance I never saw a migration at exactly this stage before18:45
cjwatsonproposed-migration does a copy and a delete, and the main source package page only shows things in the published state18:46
cjwatsonso it'll look missing from there until the publisher starts18:46
cjwatsonI reach for +publishinghistory pretty much as a reflex now as it actually fits my model of the world :)18:47
ogra_cjwatson, thats a recent thing, right ?18:48
* ogra_ was caught by surprise by it a while ago when rmadison didnt show the package anymore all of a sudden)18:49
robrucjwatson, but we still need to trust rmadison as authoritative, right?18:49
cjwatsonogra_: no18:50
cjwatsonrobru: yes18:50
cjwatsonthat's what tells you what the image builder will see18:50
cjwatsonogra_: well if by recent you mean start of raring when proposed-migration was introduced18:50
cjwatsonogra_: windows tend to shift around a bit over time depending on various factors18:51
ogra_cjwatson, no recent like a few weeks ago ... right before malta i noticed it for the first time18:51
cjwatsonno change at that point18:51
cjwatsonI think you just got (un)lucky18:51
cjwatsonit's behaved that way for ages18:51
ogra_i never noticed18:52
ogra_probably i'm more patient usually and dont reload rmadison that often :)18:52
cjwatsonok, I should reread and clarify18:52
cjwatsonLP not showing the package for a period is standard and normal18:52
cjwatsonrmadison not showing it is bad luck18:53
cjwatsonthat happens if the publisher starts between the copy and the delete18:53
robrucjwatson, bad luck, as in, something went wrong?18:53
cjwatsonno, just an exceptional event18:53
robrucjwatson, can you estimate how long until it's resolved?18:53
ogra_30min at most18:53
robruah ok18:53
cjwatsonrobru: I don't see a problem, rmadison shows lxc-android-config ...18:54
robruI'll stop refresshing rmadison every 2s then ;-)18:54
ogra_cjwatson, indicator-datetime18:54
ogra_is the second package in the set18:54
cjwatsonit shows that too18:54
ogra_not for me18:54
robrucjwatson, it shows me 0.170, we're waiting for 0.171 which is missing18:54
cjwatsonsure, not the latest version, but it's not missing18:54
ogra_thats what you look for18:54
cjwatsonnothing's broken there, it's just not fully processed18:54
robrucjwatson, the latest version is missing :-P18:54
cjwatsonnormal condition18:55
robrualright, well I'm going to step out for lunch then, no point twiddling my thumbs for this.18:55
cjwatsonwith a bit more detail, what probably happened here is:18:55
cjwatsonpromote-to-release requested the copies18:55
ogra_robru, right, i'll take care (since i'll build the image anyway)18:56
cjwatsonthose are async, and the copy requests came back successfully18:56
cjwatsonit then scheduled the delete18:56
cjwatsonthat's a synchronous request18:56
cjwatsonthen the copy job ran18:56
cjwatsonin between the delete and the second stage of copying, the publisher started18:56
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: fginther | CI Train Status: #71 promoted | CI Train Support: US: robru, stgraber - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
cjwatsonso it processed the delete and copy out of expected order18:56
cjwatsonwhich leaves the package temporarily absent from both the published utopic and utopic-proposed suites18:57
ogra_well, couldnt rmadison maintain a cache for one publisher run ?18:57
cjwatsonNo, not its job18:57
cjwatsonrmadison shows you what is in the archive right now18:57
cjwatsonIt would be terrible if it stopped doing that because it would make things harder to debug18:57
cjwatsonThe right way to improve this is to add an atomic move request to LP18:58
cjwatsonThat would be async, but it would always preserve the order18:58
cjwatsonProbably just copyPackage(move=True)18:58
cjwatsonAnyway, it's publishing right now, should be done in <20min18:59
ogra_yeah, i'm patient19:00
cjwatsonAnd to further clarify what I said above: it's absolutely normal for the package to not show up in any published state in the LP UI for a while, but it's an unusual chance event if it goes missing from rmadison19:00
cjwatsonHope that makes sense19:00
ogra_it does19:00
ogra_i just never had it occur to me19:01
ogra_until a few weeks ago19:01
cjwatsonIt actually gets more probable as we make the publisher faster :)19:01
cjwatsonI deployed a change a day or two ago which speeds up the germinate stage of the publisher (which runs at the end, typically in parallel with things like proposed-migration)19:02
cjwatsonSo that could have tweaked the probabilities19:02
cjwatsonAnyway, I should do the atomic-move thing, since that would close this window for good.  Might see if I have time tomorrow19:05
ogra_=== Image build triggered ===19:20
ogra_(bot should pick up in 5)19:21
charlesogra_: as a postscript to the discussion about sleep on different devices... I just had an alarm go off on my n4 after it had been unplugged and asleep for an hour :)19:27
ogra_charles, \o/19:27
ogra_cool !!!19:27
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 78 building (started: 20140611 19:30) ===19:29
Ursinhasil2100: hey :) are all unit tests passing for you on cu2d trunk?19:30
cjwatsonogra_,robru: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/132905220:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1329052 in Launchpad itself "Atomic "move package" operation" [Low,Triaged]20:06
* ogra_ subscribes20:07
sil2100Ursinha: hey!20:08
sil2100Ursinha: didn't try yet ;) Let me do that tomorrow20:08
Ursinhaalright :P20:09
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 78 DONE (finished: 20140611 20:50) ===20:49
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/78.changes ===20:49
dobeyugh, i forgot the architecture fix i made for unity-scope-click isn't in trunk yet, so the package is held in proposed because of a binary dep that's not satisfiable on arm64 :-/21:01
robrudobey, can you clarify what's going on there? the version stuck in proposed contains your fix21:10
dobeyrobru: yes, it contains the fix for the gcc 4.9 issue. but the previous upload was held in proposed because we introduced a binary dep on ubuntu-sdk-libs, which is not built on arm64. i fixed this in our /devel branch, but apparently that hasn't made it to trunk yet. for the previous upload the migration was overridden21:13
robrudobey, ah, the previous upload introduced that. ok i was wondering about that, because your upload clearly couldn't cause that ;-)21:14
robrucjwatson, ^^ can we get a manual override on unity-scope-click in proposed?21:14
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train Status: #71 promoted | CI Train Support: US: robru, stgraber - EU: sil2100, Mirv | Known issues: -
robrutedg, you around? what happened in silo 2? dbus-test-runner was never built22:45
robruLaney, ^22:46
robruso that MP is just syncing the archive to the trunk, no idea why this is in a silo.22:47
robruI'm removing it22:47
cjwatsondobey,robru: can't see any evidence of the previous upload having been forced22:48
cjwatsonthat said it does seem to be uninstallable on arm64 right now22:48
cjwatsonhow strange22:49
robrucjwatson, no idea, it's dobey's thing ;-)22:50
cjwatsonI wonder if it was traded off against some other uninstallability (one reason I hate introducing them)22:50
cjwatsondobey: forced22:51

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