
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/community-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/11/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.html
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Community Roundtable | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22314/community-roundtable/
belkinsadholbach, working on getting the Hangout up?13:55
belkinsaAlright, just checking.13:55
dholbachhttps://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYezOmrGG6RMkrpKJ5busGYaORG2gr7Kc3FXVGc_kEsrEM1EYA for whoever wants to join13:56
belkinsaYou said that you redoing it, right, dholbach?13:58
dholbachbelkinsa: yep, but you can join as well if you like13:59
dholbachbelkinsa: the hangout is started already13:59
belkinsaOh, it's the same one?13:59
belkinsaIt made already.14:00
dholbachetherpad: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1406-community-roundtable14:01
philipballewdo we have a link again?14:01
philipballewbelkinsa, yeah, and I was wondering if someone could paste it here14:01
belkinsa_webBah, too many people14:01
* czajkowski hugs dholbach 14:02
czajkowskisoo many dates14:02
czajkowskiwhy not merge them into one14:02
czajkowskione busy week of crazyness14:02
czajkowskiand then do them at differnt times of the day so people can join them14:03
czajkowskieven try a saturday14:03
ahayzencore app hack days \o/14:03
* dholbach hugs czajkowski back :)14:03
czajkowskiI think some people are finding we have so many online events that people cannot find the time to attend them all14:04
czajkowskiand there is a masssive overlapping in them14:04
czajkowskiI think doing it over the weekend would help mhall11914:04
czajkowskimeeting people half way would help a lot to increaase particpation14:04
belkinsa_webYeah, we have three zones, Europe, Asia, and the Americas14:05
czajkowskiwhat about looking at doing the same session14:05
czajkowskitwice  aday14:06
czajkowskia day at differnet times?14:06
czajkowskiso you get the community attending at a time that suits14:06
czajkowskibut as dpm points out it is down to the driver of the meeting14:06
czajkowskiit may not always be so easy14:06
belkinsa_webTwice a day could work or have a full day of doing it, 24 hours for different people.14:06
czajkowskidpm: indeed I don't think it would work for all sessions but be nice to vary it a little.14:08
dholbachdo we have any other subjects which should be discussed during the roundtable as well?14:09
belkinsa_webSo, panels wouldn't work for people?14:09
czajkowskipopey: indeed for presentations it's not needed14:09
czajkowskidholbach: not sure if this has been brought up already, but can we set in stone the dates now for the next online UDS?14:09
czajkowskiso people know in advance I know this was raised a while back14:10
belkinsa_webAgreed, we need maybe a month in advance of a motice.14:10
dholbachczajkowski, sure... we can pick one, discuss it here, propose it to release team (and others), then announce14:10
czajkowskidholbach: bingo14:10
dholbachthe last time we did it this way14:10
dholbachand I think that worked well14:10
czajkowskioh you should do the 24hr madness again14:12
czajkowskiif only to see how crazy you go14:12
mhall119no, no no14:12
czajkowskiah go on14:13
belkinsa_webMaybe research some communities and see what they do for these type of things?14:13
czajkowskijust because the event goes on longer doesnt mean we need to fill every hour.  can leave like a lunch time gap/nap time and break up the day14:13
PabloRubianespeople are working!, we need this sessions on weekends!14:13
czajkowskiwhich will be hard14:16
czajkowskifor Emea for holidays as well14:16
czajkowskiso people take a lot of time off as well14:16
belkinsa_webAlining them?14:16
belkinsa_webYeah, I agree.  I have classes during that time of the UOS's.14:16
mhall119czajkowski: are you able to join the hangout?14:16
czajkowskimhall119: in set up for my event :)14:16
czajkowskimutlitasking sorry :/14:16
dholbachPabloRubianes, which session would you like to see on weekends? things like demo sessions?14:18
dholbachor presentations?14:18
PabloRubianesdholbach: at least the community session14:18
PabloRubianesmaybe some week days and a saturday14:19
PabloRubianesnot all in the weekend but one day that people don't work14:20
PabloRubianeslike the bug jams14:20
belkinsa_webPabloRubianes: I like that thought14:20
PabloRubianesI am having an awful connection so I am not watching the hangout14:21
belkinsa_webI'm in the Hangout and my computer is not handling it well14:21
mhall119hangouts like to turn my CPU into a furnace14:21
dholbachbelkinsa_web, it's getting too hot?14:21
dholbachPabloRubianes, bah :-/14:22
belkinsa_webFunny, no. But too many people in one just lags my computer14:22
PabloRubianesdholbach: yeah14:23
belkinsa_webUser days were14:23
belkinsa_webon weekends14:23
PabloRubianesalso taking from the LoCo council perspective, we give a session on this summit for the time availability,14:24
PabloRubianeswe did not*14:24
belkinsa_webMaybe we could have a LoCo UOS on the weekend of the UOS week?14:24
czajkowskicommunity folks give up their weekends to work on Ubuntu14:25
belkinsa_webczajkowski: Indeed.14:25
PabloRubianesbelkinsa_web: we had a plan to have a similar idea, but we need to plan it right14:25
czajkowskiso I don;t think it's completely unreasonable to give up one day over a weekend by Ubuntu enginners to work on Ubuntu once a cycle14:25
cheeseheadIf doing four summits a year, should try one on a weekend.14:26
dpmczajkowski, engineers also need life back on the weekend, we've got people working 12 hours a day during the week too14:26
belkinsa_webI think we need to plan now and be ready for the next one a month before it14:27
czajkowskidpm: I do agree, but you could and I would argue community people give up their days adn evenings they too would like  a life also at the weekend or the evneings when they give it up for bug jams14:27
cheeseheaddpm, I don't think anyone is proposing weekend work _in addition_ to weekday duties. When my employees need to time-shift duties, I make it possible.14:28
dpmwell, I've been (and I am :) on both sides, and that would mean engineers have an obligation to work both during the week and weekends14:28
* belkinsa_web really wants a new powerful computer ;/14:29
PabloRubianesdpm: I am not taking about enginners, am talking about community session14:32
dpmPabloRubianes, yeah, I understand, I was replying to Laura14:32
belkinsa_webWe need to focus on the community folks too.14:32
MurazakiHe's Michael Hall's room taking flight ? ^^' Is it a lighted fan ?14:33
belkinsa_webMaybe the classroom team could get some track/session ideas on the UOS and have them on Hangouts on Air.14:33
balloonsMurazaki, you guessed it14:33
mhall119Murazaki: just a fan, looks better on video than in real live14:33
dholbachbelkinsa_web, sure14:34
belkinsa_webWork item?14:34
dholbachbelkinsa_web, sorry, I meant to say that the classroom would surely have some ideas :)14:35
belkinsa_webHow would a testing session work?  Just wondering.14:36
balloonsbelkinsa_web, what do you mean a testing session?14:36
mhall119belkinsa_web: running through checkbox and such14:37
mhall119or generally using the dev release and reporting bugs14:37
belkinsa_webI need to think on what I just asked14:38
dholbachdo we have any other subjects to discuss in this community roundtable?14:39
belkinsa_webMaybe packing into big events might be a good idea (with UOS).14:40
czajkowskiJuly tends to be conference season14:40
belkinsa_webOr have UOS styled events.14:40
balloonsyea.. summer in general isn't a good time, heh14:40
czajkowskiballoons: it really isn't14:41
cheeseheadNo time will be great every three months. There will always be interference and conflicts. But not everybody needs to show up at every event.14:42
czajkowskijuly 20-2414:42
belkinsa_webMaybe we need to see how many folks are attending the UGJ by poll or something.14:42
dholbachbelkinsa_web, ask by poll to see if we don't overlap with another conference?14:43
dholbachbelkinsa_web, or in general to see how many attend global jam events?14:44
belkinsa_webdholbach: The latter might work the best.14:44
dholbachwe sort of do that with loco.u.c14:44
belkinsa_webThat works, mhall11914:45
dholbachlast time: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2656/14:45
dpmanyone on IRC running Ubuntu Hours events?14:46
dholbachdo we have any other topics apart from "events in this cycle" we want to discuss?14:47
belkinsa_webI like that idea, the weekly cimmunity hour on Hangouts on Air14:47
belkinsa_webTry for another track today or tomorrow?14:48
belkinsa_webMaybe we can have both suvery and Hangout?14:49
dholbachbelkinsa_web, the survey is going to happen in any case14:50
dholbachbelkinsa_web, which hangout would you like to do?14:50
belkinsa_webHangout on Air after the UOS to talk about what needs to work on and that tsuff.14:50
belkinsa_webI think with the ones who gone to Community and Users tracks.14:52
belkinsa_webThanks for the session.14:54
dholbachthank you :)14:54
sil2100dholbach: will you start the HO for the next session?14:55
dholbachon it14:55
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Users | From fix to image: how your patch makes it into Ubuntu | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22263/how-code-contributions-make-it-into-ubuntu/
dholbachsil2100, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYdbntNZ9rVjC1nliza-Y-O9uhGvpwU6IdYLpvVb5FjkTdzt5A14:56
xnoxGoing live in 5...15:01
xnoxprevious session slides are:15:02
dholbachplease keep your questions coming! :)15:04
dholbachdo we have questions for Ɓukasz?15:24
mwenningis there a link for  basic lander training?15:31
mwenningQUESTION: is there a link / doc for basic lander training?15:32
xnoxmwenning: i'll ask that to sil2100 right after current question.15:32
dholbachany more questions? :)15:38
sil2100Thank you o/15:41
sil2100Oh, an now my firefox crashed even, yay15:41
mwenningthanks, good stuff15:42
dholbachyeah, I'm super happy with all the great work you and others put into getting the landings right15:42
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/community-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/11/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.html
dholbachwho's kicking off the documentation team hangout? belkinsa, pleia2 maybe? if not, I could do it as well17:27
belkinsaI am doing it17:27
belkinsaOn it17:28
belkinsaI know that someone is kicking off the Kubuntu one17:29
belkinsaAlmost ready17:32
belkinsaTo join ^^17:34
dholbachbelkinsa, brilliant, thanks17:36
belkinsaThe roundtable will start in less than 20 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 and the Hangout link is (to join):  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en17:44
belkinsaThe roundtable will start in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 and the Hangout link is (to join):  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en17:49
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Ubuntu Documentation Team Roundtable June 2014 | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22234/community-1406-ubuntu-documentation-team/
* belkinsa waits17:51
belkinsaThe roundtable will start in less than 10 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 and the Hangout link is (to join):  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en17:53
belkinsadholbach, are you free for this session?17:54
belkinsaThe roundtable will start in less than 5 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-community-1 and the Hangout link is (to join):  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en17:56
belkinsaWho is here for the round table?17:57
belkinsa https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw?authuser=0&hl=en to join17:57
knome<- kind of17:57
belkinsaIRC or Hangout, knome?17:58
knomejust irc, and even that a bit on/off17:58
knomejust ping me if you need me to answer or give an opinion on something17:59
belkinsa_webOkay, but I think you are only one here17:59
knomewell, that's ok17:59
knomei mean, for me17:59
knomei'll have the hangout open17:59
knomeor the stream tbe18:00
knomei can try to catch if you ask me something there ;)18:00
belkinsa_webThe link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JmBVSRVIWY418:00
knomeyeah, i have it open18:00
belkinsa_webpmatulis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JmBVSRVIWY418:00
belkinsa_webPad: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1406-community-1406-ubuntu-documentation-team18:01
dholbachbelkinsa_web, yes, I can attend18:01
belkinsa_webAlright, just checking18:01
knomeyay for dholbach on the camera18:01
raubAre the nickname and pw the ones used for launchpad?18:02
belkinsa_webraub: you can use any, but the LP one be better18:03
raubOr I can just type here?18:03
belkinsa_webYou can.18:03
dholbachis anyone else joining in?18:03
dholbachjoining the hangout I mean18:03
belkinsa_webOr join the hangout if you want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JmBVSRVIWY418:03
belkinsa_webdholbach has the right link18:04
dholbachhttp://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1406-community-1406-ubuntu-documentation-team is the pad18:04
raubI will then type here since I am at work18:04
pmatulisbelkinsa_web: you can talk about the poll idea18:05
dholbachis nobody of the docs team joining the hangout?18:05
raubI am trying, but the data squirrels are slow today18:06
pmatulishow do i join the hangout?18:07
belkinsa_webpmatulis: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw18:07
mhall119pmatulis: there should be a link just above the video18:07
raubpmatulis: the plus.hangout link dholbach put up18:07
raubI type slowly18:08
raubThough I am still waiting for the hangout to let me in :(18:08
belkinsa_webFixed that link18:09
mhall119are we having technical difficulty?18:10
belkinsa_webIt's fixed18:10
raubI am. Can't join the hangout18:10
belkinsa_webThe hangout link was wrong18:10
belkinsa_webhttps://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw is the link18:10
raubI am still in a "Please Wait..." screen in the hangout18:11
knomexubuntu uses docbook to write the docs, we can export the same stuff to web18:13
knomeso the docs are available in both places18:13
knomemaking it web only is a restriction as well18:13
belkinsa_webAgreed, we needboth forms18:13
knomethough i understand the pros of not being tied to (release) schedules18:14
raubRisking sounding like certain companies that steal their customer's souls, would it be possible to record how often a given machine access the docs?18:14
raubSo we can have actual data18:14
mhall119raub: local docs?18:15
mhall119I don't think that would be possible/acceptable18:15
mhall119we could maybe use popcon to see how many have installed the docs packages, if (a) they are separate -doc packages and (b) they aren't isntalled by default or as a recommends18:16
knomemhall119, that's not the number we want; all regular xubuntu installations *have* the docs18:16
knomewe'd like to know how many actually *use* them18:17
mhall119right, so we'd have record and report file access.....that won't be popular18:17
knomeyeah, not really18:17
raubI wonder how to get data without being google18:17
mhall119take it away and count how many people complain :)18:17
knomemhall119, how do the people who have no internet access and need the offline docs complain? ;)18:18
knomealso, vocal minority18:18
raubpmatulis: Where would we find the average desktop user so we can put the poll there?18:18
mhall119yeah, no good way to get this info18:18
knomeyou could keep the same infra, and have packaged docs, and online (web) docs18:19
knomethe packaged docs could point to the "updated" online docs18:19
knomewhich could be updated regardless of where you are in the release schedule18:19
dholbachcould you guys join the hangout as well? :)18:20
mhall119couldn't we also SRU new docs after release?18:20
belkinsa_webLink: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfs-LezOGpwYbtjHH5WGSrWEWJlDz0_qvciVDrRmseAly4gtw18:20
knomedholbach, can't right now, i'm afraid18:20
dholbachmaybe try different browsers if your current doesn't work18:20
dholbachknome, ok18:20
knomemhall119, yeah, that too18:20
knomemhall119, but peter's main argument seems to be "the bureaucracy slows down our progress"18:21
raubWhat if the in-computer docs will have enough useful info to get the basics running, including getting online? Then the online docs would be more abridged18:21
rauber, UNabridged18:22
knomeyep, happening, and we will land an SRU for xubuntu 14.04.x18:22
raubi.e. more crap18:22
dholbachI was just looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-help/whats-new.html18:22
raubI do agree that too much bureaucracy does slow things down18:22
knomeubuntu community help18:23
knomedholbach, help.ubuntu.com/community18:23
dholbachhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/ubuntu-docs/utopic I guess18:23
raubmhall119: I think there should be enough docs in the desktop to get it up and running and connected to the net18:24
knomepmatulis, you can keep on working on the documentation after the freezes, and put the latest revisions online18:24
knomeyeah, the release team should be relatively liberal on updating docs after freezes..18:25
belkinsa_webWe still have no driver for Desktop18:26
knomei think the only reason why freezes happen as soon as they do now is that there needs to be some time to handle the uploads18:26
knomedholbach, ^18:26
raubAre there any people from the desktop team here?18:27
knomeso if there was a person or two who could commit uploading the docs later, the freezes could happen later easily18:27
knomedholbach, i agree. but that's what the doc team wiki says.18:28
dholbachok :)18:28
raubAbout docs deadline, why not just have one deadline a year? I mean, how much should it change between pickls.04 and pickles.10?18:28
belkinsa_webWe can't, we have cycles that are 6 months long.18:28
raubbelkinsa_web: how much does the releases really change between cycles?18:29
knomepmatulis, sure, i understand. but what are the late changes you need to do?18:29
belkinsa_webGood point.18:29
knomepmatulis, i mean, why weren't they been done earlier?18:29
knomethe rest of the community can (kind of) commit to schedules, why can't documentation?18:30
knomeor why is it so different for documentation?18:30
belkinsa_webI think we don't have enough man power.18:31
belkinsa_webAs pmatulis says18:31
knomethen the problem is not the bureaucracy or the processes but the amount of contributors.18:31
belkinsa_webRecruitment issues.18:31
bregmawith an LTS release, it may be possible to defer the final docs until the .01 point release to give more time for revision and translation cycles18:31
* raub is guilty of that18:32
knomewould the more appropriate question be how the developers of certain apps/parts of the system can help the documentation team?18:32
bregmadevelopers make very poor documenters18:33
raubknome: that would be a good question18:33
dholbachI'm adding notes right now (http://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1406-community-1406-ubuntu-documentation-team)18:33
bregmadocumentation is an ideal entry point for non-technical contributers, perhaps that should be stressed in the "how can I contribute?" material18:34
bregmaQUESTION: is there a definitive list of "official" documention, who owns it, and how to get involved or contribute to each?18:35
belkinsa_webMaybve that link can be included on the main page?18:35
belkinsa_webThe main COmmunity Help Wiki page18:35
cheeseheadIs the recruiting problem that nobody wants to help? Or do new helpers get scared/demotivated and drop away?18:35
knomedholbach, re: gunnar, i don't know, i believe he was only going to pick up ubuntu-docs18:36
belkinsa_webAli talked about that and we are missing that link18:36
dholbachknome, in that case, he could probably help with other packages or apply for upload rights for them too, or somebody else should apply18:36
dholbachit's not overly bureaucratic - either throw up a merge proposal or file a bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors18:37
knomedholbach, i think the answer to the question if he'd like to do that was "not really", so yeah, somebody else needs to..18:37
dholbachlet me know if stuff doesn't get sponsored18:37
knomedholbach, i understand that and it's not a problem for our team, but i was thinking about the documentation stuff generally18:37
dholbachto me it doesn't look like the biggest problem in the whole docs process - I'm happy to help with sponsorship as well18:37
knomesome packages always seem to be stalling for a reason or another :/18:38
knomedholbach, probably not18:38
dholbachsome stuff might stall, yes - I agree and I'm not saying it's perfect18:38
dholbachlet me know if things stall18:38
dholbachafter a few sponsored uploads, some doc member can apply for upload rights themselves then :)18:39
knomei don't think you need to be a member of any team to do a merge proposal18:39
knomemhall119, ^18:39
dholbachknome, no, you don't18:39
dholbachah sorry18:39
dholbachI misunderstood :)18:39
dholbachignore me :)18:39
knomei can help with upgrading the community help wiki frontpage (to ensure it keeps looking good)18:40
raubGood because I do not know how to go anymore from the main ubuntu site to the server docs18:40
raubshame on me!18:40
belkinsa_webpmatulis: can you post it here too?18:40
dholbachknome, I noted down an action for you :)18:42
knomeFor information on contributing see the Ubuntu Documentation Team wiki page.18:42
knomehelp.ubuntu.com says that ^18:42
ahoneybunlots of people18:43
raubWhy not have links to the, say, intro to bazaar?18:43
raubon the main doc page?18:43
raubor how to use this thing18:43
belkinsa_webFor the Kubuntu Doc team roundtable, who is kicking it off?18:43
raubIf you already know how to use it, don't click th elink18:43
ahoneybunvalorie: want to kick us off?18:43
belkinsa_webI will be joining too, but not kicking it off.18:44
knomeraub, contributions on improving the team page are welcome18:44
belkinsa_webBut thank you, ahoneybun.18:44
ahoneybunfor belkinsa?18:44
belkinsa_webGiving me a update.18:45
ahoneybunoh I'll kick us off if I need to18:45
knomepmatulis, that makes me think if canonical could help with that at all.18:45
knomethe documentation team wiki is a bit sloppy18:46
belkinsa_webMaybe in this cycle, we can clean it up?18:46
ahoneybunknome: throw me a link to it and I'll look at it18:46
knometo me it looks like the wiki might overcomplicate some things.18:47
knomepmatulis, they aren't called documentation any more18:47
knomepmatulis, it's called community help wiki now18:47
ahoneybunI mean we don't really work on that as that is the main ubuntu docs team page, but I'll help if I can18:48
belkinsa_webYeah, they are just help guides18:49
belkinsa_webThe UF are18:49
belkinsa_weband AskUbunti18:49
* ahoneybun is confused18:49
raubknome: point taken18:50
ahoneybunthe kubuntu session has not started right18:50
belkinsa_webahoneybun: everyone is googling for the answer18:50
belkinsa_webOh, sorry18:50
ahoneybun19:00 is 3pm to New york18:51
knomegot to go. thanks belkinsa_web, dholbach for running the meeting18:51
belkinsa_webNot a problem18:51
belkinsaahoneybun, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS/Sessions18:51
belkinsaLook at this18:51
belkinsa_webIs the timer off?18:54
belkinsa_webIts' 54 not 5518:54
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Track: Community | Kubuntu Documentation Team Roundtable June 2014 | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22242/community-1406-kubuntu-documentation-team/
mhall119dholbach: I managed to freeze Unity18:56
dholbachthanks guys! :)18:56
dholbachmhall119, oopsie18:56
mhall119thanks everyone18:56
* mhall119 goes to reboot18:56
* belkinsa_web needs one too18:56
dholbachis anyone going to run the kubuntu docs meeting?18:56
valorieahoneybun: do you need to invite me or something?18:57
valoriethe link you posted only allows me to "watch"18:57
dholbachvalorie, ahoneybun: are you setting up the hangout? :)18:57
ahoneybundholbach: I got it set up just need to send links18:58
valorieah got it18:58
barsookWhat;s the hangout link?18:58
barsookthe one to join?18:59
ahoneybundo I air it?18:59
valoriebut I think there is another one18:59
ahoneybunstart broadcast?18:59
barsookWhat is it again?19:00
valorieahoneybun: did you follow the uds/sessions link?19:00
dholbachbutton at the bottom19:00
belkinsa_webYeah, it's not the one19:00
dholbachyou're live!19:01
SilverLionahoneybun: pls DO wear headphones!19:01
belkinsa_webahoneybun: it's the one that you get when in the hangout and the sound needs to be fixed19:01
SilverLionyour background noises are terrible :(19:01
belkinsa_webHeadphones please.19:01
ahoneybunthere is a delay19:02
SilverLionyour ac is killing the sound19:02
ahoneybunok turned that off19:02
ahoneybunhow do I invite people to the hangout19:03
dholbachahoneybun, just paste the URL in here19:03
valorieoh thank goodness19:03
ahoneybunvalorie: did that work?19:04
shadeslayerhey ho19:05
belkinsa_webHangout link to join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcJruxQy3tuc0JL7-Q6EQzyP02oFJS0JqiRdfzgqnz76VTmPg?a...19:05
valorieyes, that works19:05
valoriethank you belkinsa_web19:05
shadeslayerahoneybun: there's usually a delay19:05
ahoneybunshadeslayer: you made it19:05
shadeslayerI'm cooking dinner/practicing my violin, I'll pipe in if required19:05
shadeslayervia IRC19:05
shadeslayercan't do 3 things at once19:06
SilverLionhow do you folks get these banners with the icons where your names are on?19:06
ahoneybunSilverLion: hangout tool19:06
ahoneybunleft handside19:07
shadeslayerahoneybun: document process  on the wiki! :P19:08
* ahoneybun is bad at this lol19:10
belkinsa_webIts' cool, you are learning.19:10
shadeslayerahoneybun: apachelogger moved the wiki19:11
ahoneybunshadeslayer: oh he did?19:14
shadeslayerahoneybun: yes, everything is on community.kde.org now19:14
shadeslayersee ML19:14
belkinsa_webI think I like how the wiki is on the KDE site.  You have the Discussion page/tab.  Lucky you.  ;)19:15
belkinsa_webYour LP project page is outdate: https://launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs19:17
s-lioncan someone repost hangout link?19:17
s-lionyou'll get a Lubuntu visitor ;)19:17
belkinsa_webAnd a Ubuntu one too19:17
shadeslayerFYI I've lost the stream19:18
shadeslayerso best ping me on IRC19:18
belkinsa_webIs there a Ubuntu Comms team, by any chance.19:20
belkinsa_webSilverLion just gave me an idea19:20
shadeslayerand back, and gone19:20
valoriebelkinsa_web: not as such19:20
valoriebut we're trying to get a group together19:20
belkinsa_webI figured since the Ubuntu Marketing team is dead19:21
ahoneybunubuntu comms?19:21
belkinsa_webI think Ubuntu needs one too19:21
belkinsa_webTurn off your mic!19:21
belkinsa_webI think a Comms teams might be better for this case rather than marketing.19:23
belkinsa_webOr that.19:23
belkinsa_webSounds like a recruiting for the starting point19:24
belkinsa_webDevelopers don't docuement anything19:25
belkinsa_webThat's the problem.19:25
sgclark2I will try to spend some time with documentation between packaging19:26
belkinsa_webBut I think pleia2 is trying to get developers to give updates.19:26
sgclark2re-inventing the wheel19:27
valoriehey sgclark219:27
sgclark2plus another 24 hours in a day19:29
sgclark2it is a full time job keeping all that up19:29
belkinsa_websgclark2:https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYcJruxQy3tuc0JL7-Q6EQzyP02oFJS0JqiRdfzgqnz76VTmPg?a...  if you want to join19:31
belkinsa_webDon't forget the action items!19:32
belkinsa_webLike https://help.ubuntu.com/ would something like that?19:34
belkinsa_webLooks clearer.19:35
sgclark2I can't seem to get the plugin to work19:37
belkinsa_webWhat's the problem, sgclark2?19:37
valorieyes, however, we've had trouble getting themes to be uniformly applied19:38
belkinsa_webWe are all USA folks19:39
ahoneybunthank you belkinsa_web19:39
belkinsa_web3:39 PM here19:39
ahoneybunbelkinsa: same time here19:39
sgclark212:40 pm here19:41
sgclark2that is what I am packaging19:41
ahoneybunnice sgclark219:41
belkinsa_webahoneybun: carefull, Twitter was hacked into today19:44
valorieoh yes, I saw a tweetdeck exploit19:44
s-lionlubuntu comms was using tweetdeck ;)19:45
valoriei'm sure it will be fixed soon19:46
s-lionit definetly will19:46
belkinsa_webYeah, I quit Twitter though.19:46
s-lionbelkinsa_web: no need to quit the whole twitter ;)19:46
belkinsa_webWell, I don't use it anymore.19:47
belkinsa_webANd I get my updated via feeds.19:47
s-lionI'll head out of the hangout now19:47
s-lionreturning to Lubuntu Comms Works ;)19:48
valorienice to see you Harry19:48
belkinsa_webThank for coming19:48
ahoneybunthanks s-lion19:48
s-lionI'll be around as silverlion though19:49
s-lionyou'll find me in the lubuntu area if needed or belkinsa can make contact ;)19:49
belkinsa_webJust a wonder, I think Recruiting or comms can work19:49
belkinsa_webMarketing makes me think of selling it19:50
belkinsa_webPromo could work too19:50
sgclark2Promoting sounds good to me19:50
belkinsa_webahoneybun: you use e-mail client?  I do to.19:52
ahoneybunI really like kmail belkinsa, I only need to use browser email for my steam code19:52
sgclark2more than one will need to help with social, it is alot of work, I did it for a long time and finally ran off screaming haha19:52
valorieI agree19:53
belkinsa_webSee ya, computer needs to charge19:53
valorie& can hardly stand social media these days19:53
ahoneybunbelkinsa: thanks for coming belkinsa19:53
belkinsa_webNot a problem19:53
belkinsa_webGlad to help and I think we may have a larger problem in the COmmunity of Ubuntu and it's flavours.19:54
belkinsa_webIf only two teams have a Comms/Promo/Recruiting team.19:54
valoriewhat larger problem?19:54
valoriewell, I'm part of my LoCo19:54
valorieand do promo there19:54
sgclark2see you in irc!19:54
ahoneybunI am too but I can't go to Orlando for the meetings19:54
belkinsa_webI try to but it's quiet in Ohio19:55
* valorie goes afk for awhile.....19:55
ahoneybunsgclark2: what time are you in >?19:55
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-community-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/community-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/11/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.html
sgclark2Pacific US19:55
ahoneybunhow do I put for public view?19:56
* SilverLion is located in UTC + 2 (CET) :D19:56
SilverLionI have to go offline for updates ... be back later!19:57
belkinsamhall119, do you know which flavours have a Comms/Promo/Recruiting team to help new people to get involved?19:58
mhall119belkinsa: I don't, no19:59
mhall119Kubuntu might?19:59
belkinsaKubuntu will as I heard.19:59
belkinsaAlright, I was just wondering.  You think Ubuntu needs one?20:00
mhall119belkinsa: I missed this session, what would such a team do?20:00
belkinsaIt could be used to help new people to get involved.  Like a starting point where that person can be lead to the othher teams within that flavour.20:01
knomebelkinsa, that's a hard, and probably in ways a wrong question20:52
knomebelkinsa, xubuntu doesn't have a specific, designed team for that, but we are all pretty open to help anybody with anything they might need20:52
knomebelkinsa, so a bit more organic than how some of the other flavors (ubuntu GNOME, lubuntu) have structured their teams and helping out new people20:53
belkinsaknome, ah, I see.21:02
belkinsaDo you use your main flavour mainling list for it?21:02
knomewe have a -devel list21:22
knomebut some of us do follow the -users list as well21:22
belkinsamhall119, this was suggested to me on the doc team's IRC about your item in the Doc Team's Roundtable: [17:17] <GunnarHj> belkinsa: A link to http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/documentation/ might be what should be on top of help.ubuntu.com22:15

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