
valorie!info xmbc06:56
ubottuPackage xmbc does not exist in trusty06:57
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Riddellvalorie: how was the session?10:02
Riddellthe trouble with the new apt command is it doesn't replace all the functions of apt-get and apt-cache, you need to remember which ones it does and doesn't do10:59
Riddellsgclark: so... can you get any of this plasma 5 stuff to run? :)11:21
sgclarkRiddell: I honestly have not tried, I can make that a project today, needed  nap :) was working on calligra till late11:22
Riddelloh gosh don't burn out, get enough sleep!11:22
Riddellwhere did you get to with calligra?11:22
sgclarkwell, seems utopic version had tons of depends removed, thus removing most functionality, wondering why?11:23
sgclarkbuild depends that is11:23
Riddellwas it merged?11:23
sgclarkahh maybe11:23
yofeldoesn't look like it11:24
yofelwhat's missing?11:24
Riddellwhat's the changelog say?11:24
sgclarkbut why would we want to do that? it invalidates even the descriptions because it does not support those formats without the build depends11:24
sgclarkI was looking at the bzr diff11:25
yofelbzr diff to what?11:25
yofelright, and you were working on..?11:25
sgclarkI was looking at this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/calligra/view/head:/debian/control I don't see which rev did all that red, but all those deps are missing.11:28
yofeluh, they're not missing, that's just launchpads syntax highlighting being crap11:29
yofelthe only thing that's missing is libkactivities-dev11:29
sgclarkoh haha, well the only thing I can thing that happened herre is wrap and sort then, because I certainly did not removve them. Redownloading the debian  folder from bazaar...11:31
yofelah yeah, wrap-and-sort can't handle control files with comments in them11:31
* sgclark grumbles at wrap-and-sort11:31
yofelwe did talk about that yesterday...11:31
yofelwhat was it11:32
yofeldebian bug 74317411:32
ubottuDebian bug 743174 in python-debian "paragraph parsing truncates on comments" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/74317411:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: marble still installs marble-mobile? :P11:53
apacheloggermaybe it does again11:53
shadeslayeryofel: what happened to 4.13.211:57
yofelneeds copy and l10n upload11:57
yofelI have no time to do that properly until evening11:58
shadeslayerok, I shall do the copy11:58
shadeslayeryofel: should I copy everything?11:58
Riddellyay, I got something working! http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/snapshot2.png12:21
Riddellapachelogger, shadeslayer: you guys know how to turn this into a kindae useable system, what do I need to do to get e.g. that new wallpaper you see everywhere?12:22
apacheloggerI don't think there actually is setup for the new wallpaper nonesense12:23
Riddellapachelogger: so how does neon do it?12:23
apacheloggergenerally speaking usable though: you'll want to figure out runtime deps12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: custom scripting in iso generation12:23
apacheloggerplasma-desktop will at least want to depend on kded and kio-extras for starters12:24
Riddelland we'll need a meta package I guess12:24
apacheloggerdesktop also depends kwin, powerdevil, ksysguard, gdb12:25
apacheloggergdb might be gdb-minimal and actually a recommends ... that's for drkonqi12:25
apacheloggerRiddell: meta package workspace with all workspace packs? I guess12:27
Riddellapachelogger: how do you mean?12:29
Riddelldo we want a meta package in meta-kde or a seed like kubuntu-desktop I wonder12:30
apacheloggerthere can be both you know :P12:31
apacheloggerkde-workspace as a meta would simply drag in all the workspace bits (which TBH I find a bit pointless until first stable)12:32
apacheloggerkubuntu-next-desktop would be a port of kubuntu-desktop (i.e. mix of qt5/qt4 apps)12:33
apacheloggerlatter seems more useful12:33
apachelogger(the runtime deps of desktop still need to be figured out properly regardless)12:33
Riddelllooks like fredora do custom scripting for that too12:53
apacheloggerfor what?12:53
Riddellthe files for the app menu need to be sorted out (upstream)12:53
Riddellfor wallpaper and whatnot12:54
apacheloggerdoesn't need scripting12:54
apacheloggerneeds fixing upstream...12:54
Riddellis that Next wallpaper in git somewhere?12:54
Riddellor svn?12:54
apacheloggerwhich is why it needs fixing12:54
apacheloggerright now the wallpaper that is configured as default isn't released at all12:54
apacheloggernot part of the release scope12:55
apacheloggerif I install ubuntu-foundations, build all of plasma beta on it, I get no wallpaper12:55
apacheloggerfrom a package perspective you could simply recommend whatever pacakge contains elarun for now12:55
Riddellmy plasma doesn't seem to be able to find icons for its widgets, that I'm more puzzled about12:56
apacheloggeroxygen-icons is installed?12:56
apacheloggerpossibly installed but not configured?12:56
apacheloggeralso there is some icon fumbling going on upstream, perhaps the beta has some issue WRT that12:57
apacheloggerRiddell: on today's build I have breeze icon theme as default which falls back to oxygen12:58
apacheloggerno clue if that alraedy was the case for beta though12:58
Riddelldoes breeze icon theme exist yet?12:58
apacheloggerin today's build it does12:59
Riddellah hah!13:29
Riddelldid a dist upgrade, rebooted and everything started working13:30
Riddelllooking nice13:30
Riddelleverything.. except there's no network manager so I couldn't get online to give people irc hugs13:30
sgclarkok so skipping wrap-and-sort calligra builds in trusty fine.. where do I put this?13:38
Riddellupload the package to kubuntu-ppa/ppa as an update13:41
yofeler, what?13:42
yofelI already put 2.8.3 there13:42
yofelalso, don't put backports in ppa please13:42
yofelnever, ever13:42
Riddellyofel: for 14.04 it's an update compared to 2.8.1 in the archive13:43
yofel     1:2.8.3-0ubuntu0.1~ubuntu14.04~ppa1 013:43
yofel         50 http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages13:43
yofelit's already there...13:43
Riddellsgclark: sorry looks like you may have wasted your time :(13:44
sgclarklol wow.. ok moving on13:44
yofelyes, but we put changes into the dev release which needs more QA to be considered an 'update' IMO13:45
yofelso if you start from the utopic package that's a backport, not an update13:45
Riddelloh I see what you mean13:45
sgclarkall I did was start from utopic for a backport for a user request13:46
yofelsgclark: sure, that's fine, but in your own interest please check if nobody else didn't already do that first13:47
sgclarkI asked Riddell, but will ping IRC instead in the future13:47
yofeluhm, if you plan to put it in the ppa, just check the ppa13:47
yofelRiddell might not always know what's in there either13:48
Riddellyeah always check it's not there before you start to package, sorry13:48
sgclarkok so my   to do today is test out kf5? what is the best way to go about this? VM?13:49
Riddelldepends if you care about your normal system :)13:50
RiddellI've got it running on my normal system but still working out how to connect to the wifi13:50
sgclarkWell my other computer expoled trying to compile calligra, so yeah, this laptop all I have13:50
Riddellvirtual machine with trusty -> dist-upgrade to utopic -> install bits from next PPA -> see what breaks13:52
Riddellor you can try a utopic daily image, maybe they work now13:52
Riddellbah still can't get network access to work14:47
Riddellplasma-nm doesn't want to work14:47
Riddellah hah! got it!14:52
Riddelldon't try to use /etc/network/interfaces at the same time as networkmanager14:52
Riddellit doesn't like it14:53
Riddellapachelogger: does the GUI wallpaper changer work?14:56
Riddelloh weird, it has a 5 minute delay in working14:56
apacheloggerRiddell: file a bug, people didn't listen to me when I said the initial cache building is too slow14:59
apacheloggerthere's also no visual cue that it is doing anything which makes it worse really14:59
Riddellchanging the wallpaper needs a cache build?14:59
apacheloggerRiddell: ah, actually changing is slow?15:00
* apachelogger was talking about the preview caching in the dialog15:00
apacheloggerI have never actually changed the wallpaper mind you :O15:00
Riddellnow it works fine15:00
Riddellso something was blocking it15:00
Riddellyay! working desktop! http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma5.png15:05
OdurWhee... the languages got reset to American English when I upgraded to 4.13.2. Oh well, I can manage :)15:09
Riddellmm, that shouldn't happen15:11
Odurmaybe. But there is no l10n packages for 4.13.2 and it refuses to use those for 4.13.115:12
Riddellyofel: any plans for l10n?15:13
RiddellOdur: why does it refuse to use 4.13.1 ?15:13
OdurRiddell: don't know. Error message: http://pastebin.com/x5QXcGLx15:14
shadeslayerRiddell: needs doing, I can handle that15:17
shadeslayerif I can find the script for it15:17
* Riddell blogs http://blogs.kde.org/2014/06/12/plasma-5-green15:17
Riddellshadeslayer: http://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Packaging/L10nOperatorGuide15:18
RiddellOdur: hum :(15:18
OdurShit happens :)15:19
OdurRiddell: Bug #1327527 seems to be the same15:23
ubottubug 1327527 in Ubuntu "Unable to set locale after update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132752715:23
OdurSeems like downgrading the kde-l10n packages to those not from kubuntu-ppa solves it, according to some comments in the bug discussion. Strange.15:27
Riddelloh is it not liking my kde-l10n packages that install to a new location?15:29
OdurSeems so. See comment 13. https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/1327527/comments/1315:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 1327527 in Ubuntu "Unable to set locale after update" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:30
Riddellsgclark: I added a few packaging tasks to the notes page, how are you getting on?15:41
Riddellshadeslayer: do you have the magic needed to build an image using archive and a PPA incase the launchpad stuff doesn't exist yet?15:42
shadeslayerthough launchpad stuff does exist15:42
shadeslayertalk to cj I guess15:43
Riddellhopefully, not got an answer from cjwatson on how to find it yet15:43
Riddellwill ping more tomorrow15:43
RiddellI'm just happy to have it all running today :)15:43
Riddell16:20 < Laney> Riddell: there's no PPA involved there15:43
Riddellnot PPA15:44
shadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity815:52
shadeslayerso I guess the ISO is made from the archive15:52
shadeslayers/I guess//15:53
kubotushadeslayer meant: "so  the ISO is made from the archive"15:53
sgclarkRiddell: sorry was afk, vm set up, was about to get the kf5 going, I can package as well15:53
Riddellsgclark: give installing it a try and see what breaks15:54
Riddellmight be an idea to save the vm state so you and go back to it for later use15:55
sgclarkRiddell: ok 15:55
sgclarkRiddell: I can also tackle some of these TODO?15:55
Riddellsgclark: yep, getting libnm-qt and plasma-nm packages would be a good place to start15:56
Riddellnot much use without internet15:57
Riddellbut I'm not sure where to get the sources15:57
sgclarkok, I will hunt them down15:57
Riddellsgclark: git clone kde:libnm-qt; cd libnm-qt;  git checkout framework15:59
Riddellsgclark: it's in the framework branch of the libnm-qt archive, no release yet, you'll need to get it out of git and tar it up16:00
sgclarkok np16:00
Riddellshadeslayer: so ppas shelved, it's a question of working in the archive or working with your scripts16:00
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah16:00
shadeslayernot quite16:00
shadeslayerderived distros is another way16:01
Riddellsgclark: then same thing for plasma-nm16:01
Riddellshadeslayer: sounds faffy16:01
shadeslayerFWIW ubuntu-defaults-builder is the package which has the script16:02
Riddelllet's chat more tomorrow, I'm out now16:05
yofelshadeslayer: how's l10n?16:06
shadeslayeryofel: signing now16:07
shadeslayeryofel: how does one backport them to the PPA/16:07
shadeslayerbecause this is for utopic16:07
yofelyou don't backport anything, every release and ppa has it's own l10n branch so the changelogs don't conflict16:07
yofelas you must have a branch to generate something16:07
shadeslayerneeds correct branch then16:08
sgclarkerr how do I version something from git when making a tar16:08
yofelshadeslayer: hm, you never uploaded l10n for the .1 SRU?16:09
shadeslayerI should do that16:10
yofelneeds last change in the branch reverted btw.16:10
yofelthe locale rename16:10
shadeslayeryofel: so revert last commit, upload to trusty, then revert revert, upload to ppa?16:37
shadeslayeri.e. do we want that special dir for those files16:37
shadeslayeror do we not care since we're packaging for utopic16:37
yofelwe do not16:43
yofeljust remove the install path change, make sure you only have the SRU changelog for .1, upload to -proposed, then add the next one for .216:44
shadeslayeryofel: l10n uploading17:20
Odurshadeslayer: nice :)17:29
shadeslayerOdur: fyi this is for 4.13.117:29
shadeslayerI'm going to do 4.13.2 tomorrow17:29
shadeslayerlemme do that :P17:30
OdurCool. I can live with 4.13.1 as long as it's in the right path :)17:30
lordievaderGood evening.17:33
Odurevening lordi17:33
lordievaderHey Odur, how are you?17:33
Odurlordievader: I'm feeling extatic actually. I just got my result from the last test at the university. And i passed with half a point :)17:35
lordievaderOdur: Congratulations :)17:38
Odurlordievader: Every point more than pass is wrong utilized leisure time17:39
shadeslayerOdur: uploading17:49
Odurshadeslayer: Nice!17:51
shadeslayerOdur: let me know if stuff breaks17:53
Odurshadeslayer: will do17:56
=== Haudegen_ is now known as Haudegen
Odurshadeslayer: Mabye a "fix released" at bug 1327527 ?18:13
ubottubug 1327527 in Ubuntu "Unable to set locale after update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132752718:13
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EvpokAhoj, denizens18:33
Odurshadeslayer: Everything works this far18:36
EvpokSo, how does installing the packages from the Next ppa fares so far? Are talking about that, Odur?18:39
OdurEvpok: Nope. Just a bug with the l10n-packages18:42
EvpokAw :(18:43
soeeRiddell: thers not Nm for plasma-next yet ?18:46
sgclarksoee: I am working on it now18:57
soeesgclark: super ;)19:08
EvpokOh well, I guess I will install kubuntu on the test laptop and try the ppa there :)19:53
guest222111112I was just trying to install Plasma 5 in ubuntu but QT 5.3 packages are missing in utopic so far - is there a PPA for that?  (at least libqt5core5a >= 5.3 / libqt5gui5 >= 5.3 / libqtdeclarative-abi-5-3-0 are not available)20:43
sgclarkguest222111112 : deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/landing-005/ubuntu utopic main21:09
RiddellI still get a little excited jump in my heart when I see my laptop running plasma 5 :)21:12
guest222111112sgclark : thank you! upgrading now :) curious if the session will start again21:23
apacheloggersgclark: Riddell: someone should copy the qt binaries to the next ppa21:27
sgclarkapachelogger: good idea, I will do that21:33
sgclarkerr wait, I am not sure what all in this PPA needs to be copied over21:37
apacheloggerjust copy everything21:39
sgclarkok done, I skipped the failed builds, can copy later if needed21:48
sgclarkI have to run out for a bit, but will be back21:50
soeejust tried neon 5 iso :)22:08
soeenice one 22:09
valorieRiddell: the session yesterday was a bit of a joke IMO22:16
valoriebut I suppose practice will help22:16
valoriehard to trust aaron after his disappearance act, but his enthusiasm seems genuine22:17
valorieso I'll hope for the best22:17
valorieperhaps he's never led a meeting before, dunno22:26
valorieanyway, it happened, and some progress was made22:26
shadeslayermy mistake as well, I started cooking dinner 10 minutes before the meeting22:29
shadeslayertotally forgot about it :/22:29
valorieAaron didn't do much publicity22:35

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