
infinityslangasek: Alright, Paul tells me he tested the Debian upload, and it built fine on all arches, so a +1 on syncing to trusty, and then I'll find a time machine and do some testing on Ubuntu too?00:12
infinityWell, once LP learns about it, so it can do the copy...00:13
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tseliothi, can an admin reject ubuntu-drivers-common from trusty-proposed, please? (I'd like to add one more small fix)06:19
tseliotinfinity: ^06:21
RAOFtseliot: Sure.07:27
tseliotRAOF: thanks!07:28
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Riddellwhat would it take to make a kubuntu-plasma5 flavour which was built with a PPA?15:07
RiddellLaney: how's the unity 8 flavour doing?15:21
Riddell(I would like to point out we were planning on a plasma5 flavour before you announced that one :)15:21
LaneyRiddell: there's no PPA involved there15:22
RiddellLaney: ah, it's all in the archive?15:22
LaneyI think cjwatson's new stuff might help you in this regard somewhat15:24
LaneyRiddell: btw, are you aware that kubuntu-active images are failing to build?15:26
LaneyRiddell: because kmail-mobile and kdepim-mobileui-data have a file conflict15:26
Riddellgosh are they still trying to build?  I should probably stop them, it's not usable15:27
LaneyStill seems like a bug. :)15:28
Riddellcjwatson: what's the magic new stuff to make images buildable with PPAs?15:28
seb128Riddell, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2014-May/038267.html15:29
Riddellthanks seb12815:34
RiddellLaney: this is your unity8 flavour? http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-live/current/15:44
LaneyRiddell: yup15:45
LaneyRiddell: It doesn't work atm15:45
RiddellLaney: how did you build it? just editing cdimage scripts or is there a newer more fancy way?15:45
Laneywrong type of snow on the ci train line etc15:46
Laneycdimage, launchpad (to generate Task:) and livecd-rootfs15:46
Laneyand I think cjwatson did some bits to debian-cd behind the scenes too15:47
Laneyand adding the product to the ISO tracker15:47
shadeslayerLaney: cjwatson I thought that unity8 was going to be delivered via PPA;s15:51
shadeslayeror atleast that's what I recall from the ML discussion15:51
LaneyNot for this flavour at any rate15:52
LaneyThere might be some ideas floating around about how to get it running on 14.04 that involve PPAs, not sure about that15:53
seb128see https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg08410.html15:54
seb128the ppa option got flagged as "shelved" in there15:55
shadeslayerok, I keep messing up derived distribution and ppa >.>15:55
cjwatsonRiddell: it's not in place yet, please ask later15:56
shadeslayeranyway, IIRC cjwatson had some tooling done to make ISO's from PPA's I think, will wait for him to get back15:56
shadeslayeroh ^^15:57
cjwatsonRiddell: it'll require https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad-buildd/livefs-extra-ppas/+merge/220109 and then we can set EXTRA_PPAS in the environment when running a livefs build16:56
cjwatsonfrom cdimage16:56
cjwatsonwill probably refine that later16:57
cjwatsononly works as long as the PPA's only needed for the livefs though; if it's needed on the pool on the ISO then that will take some more work16:57
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Riddellcjwatson: ooh interesting, thanks17:03
cjwatsonRiddell: more importantly it requires https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/db-livefs/+merge/217206 https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/livefs/+merge/217261 https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/livefs-garbo/+merge/217784 https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/livefs-browser/+merge/219505 :-)17:05
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robrucjwatson, can you check on platform-api in proposed? excuses says valid candidate but it's been sitting for a while.19:30
seb128robru, see #ubuntu-ci-eng19:31
seb128that's being discussed there19:31
seb128robru, you should know about http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt by now no?19:31
robruseb128, yeah I just forget19:32
robruseb128, also no idea how to interpret it19:33
cjwatsonrobru: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration has some interp advice fwiw20:00
robrucjwatson, thanks20:06

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