=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/appdev-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1.html | ||
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Ubuntu Core Apps Weekly Hangout | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22289/ubuntu-core-apps-weekly-hangout/ | ||
ahayzen | nik90, o/ | 13:53 |
nik90 | rpadovani: awesome..give me a sec to start the hangout | 13:54 |
rpadovani | o/ | 13:54 |
nik90 | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYczxmmhQuOygrof5AY1jD_p901TPperRCDxsjMnIXAmUzIJIQ | 13:55 |
popey | o/ | 13:56 |
* popey will join in a moment | 13:57 | |
DanChapman | o/ hey folks | 13:58 |
ahayzen | DanChapman, o/ | 13:59 |
nik90 | DanChapman: hi | 14:00 |
popey | https://trello.com/b/Ie2rAS3W/core-apps-management | 14:01 |
DanChapman | popey: boards private | 14:01 |
ahayzen | thought it was publically viewable? | 14:03 |
* ahayzen checks | 14:03 | |
popey | so did i | 14:03 |
popey | fixed that | 14:04 |
t1mp | popey: cool photo/painting | 14:04 |
ahayzen | DanChapman, try https://trello.com/b/Ie2rAS3W/core-apps-management | 14:04 |
popey | ☻ | 14:04 |
t1mp | nik90: wasn't the world map part of a zoom-out using the bottom edge? or was that design changed? | 14:05 |
DanChapman | ahayzen: thanks :-) | 14:05 |
fatah | nice app | 14:05 |
t1mp | nik90: you can always convert coordinates to the image coordinates | 14:06 |
DanChapman | nik90 i believe the nokia here maps do world/continent views see http://heremaps.github.io/examples/ loads of great stuff there | 14:06 |
iBelieve | hey nik90, sorry I'm a bit late. Should I join the Hangout? | 14:08 |
ahayzen | damn deliveries ... | 14:08 |
rpadovani | iBelieve, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYczxmmhQuOygrof5AY1jD_p901TPperRCDxsjMnIXAmUzIJIQ | 14:08 |
t1mp | nik90: okay, thanks | 14:08 |
zsombi | popey: you wanna see your house, ain't ya? | 14:10 |
DanChapman | nik90: as an example http://heremaps.github.io/examples/explorer.html#map-tiles__aerial-map-tile-styles-and-modes | 14:10 |
popey | haha | 14:10 |
t1mp | do you really need to choose a city? horizontal scrolling between different time zones http://www.worldtimezone.com/ might work too? perhaps that's more a question for the designers | 14:11 |
t1mp | ^and maybe there are some exceptions of cities or tiny countries with a special time zone | 14:11 |
ahayzen | t1mp, what about different daylight saving within a timezone | 14:12 |
ahayzen | t1mp, ^^ where choosing an actual city helps | 14:12 |
t1mp | ahayzen: yeah, complicated.. perhaps daylight saving should be deprecated ;) | 14:13 |
ahayzen | t1mp, hah maybe ;) | 14:14 |
zsombi | t1mp: you want to deprecate everything?! | 14:14 |
rpadovani | tsk, in html is so easy to create a map, it's incredible qml hasn't something like <map><area> | 14:15 |
ahayzen | deprecate all the things! | 14:15 |
t1mp | there is no dynamic tabs from the uitk right now, that has been delayed until after RTM | 14:15 |
NoBugs | Do you have plans for map app as well, possibly with offline routing as in Osmand? | 14:15 |
nik90 | t1mp: hey do you want to join the hangouts? | 14:15 |
zsombi | t1mp: yes, hopefully we can get them at some point | 14:15 |
t1mp | popey: more actions would work better in the new header because there is an overflow :) | 14:16 |
t1mp | nik90: for now I'll follow it like this because I will have to leave soon | 14:16 |
nik90 | t1mp: ah ok.np | 14:16 |
t1mp | there can be 3 actions directly in the header if you don't have tabs or back button | 14:17 |
t1mp | zsombi: go get 'em! :p | 14:18 |
t1mp | nik90: and I don't look too good for a hangout, still recovering from QtCS ;) | 14:18 |
t1mp | popey: why would you navigate to Music/Abba? | 14:22 |
t1mp | ;) | 14:23 |
ahayzen | ABBA \o/ | 14:23 |
popey | Why wouldn't you? | 14:23 |
popey | </Archer> | 14:23 |
t1mp | nik90: so you are lucky that I was slow in reviewing the pulltorefresh ;) | 14:34 |
zsombi | t1mp: not just you, AP had issues with :) | 14:35 |
t1mp | zsombi: or there was something that still needs to be changed? | 14:35 |
t1mp | ah yes | 14:35 |
t1mp | zsombi: just ping me when it is ready for another review (and AP likes it :p) | 14:35 |
nik90 | http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring/ | 14:36 |
zsombi | t1mp: :P | 14:36 |
t1mp | for all app developers: use the UITK custom proxy objects for autopilot tests, don't do for example select_single('Header') because that breaks when we change internals | 14:36 |
t1mp | (custom proxy objects were formerly known as autopilot emulators) | 14:37 |
ahayzen | popey, our mediascanner2 should be blocked no? | 14:37 |
balloons | inded.. and if the proxy objects break, they can be fixed easily and your code will work again most likely with no change from you :-) | 14:37 |
t1mp | the CPOs should actually be fixed the moment the internals change, so app developers should not even notice the changes :) | 14:39 |
popey | ahayzen: yes | 14:39 |
popey | ahayzen: I'd recommend marking it #blocked mediascanner2 | 14:40 |
ahayzen | popey, can we not link bug 1326753 somehow? | 14:40 |
udsbotu | Ubuntu bug 1326753 in mediascanner2 "Mediascanner2 QML applications fail to start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1326753 | 14:40 |
ahayzen | popey, so i if i add #blocked mediascanner2 lp:1326753 would that be picked up on the page? | 14:41 |
popey | i think so. | 14:41 |
popey | if not poke dpm ☻ | 14:41 |
ahayzen | popey, cool :) how often does it refresh itself? | 14:41 |
dpm | ahayzen, every 15 mins | 14:41 |
ahayzen | dpm, cool :) | 14:41 |
popey | \o/ | 14:41 |
ahayzen | done! | 14:41 |
popey | As if by magic, a dpm appears | 14:41 |
dpm | ;) | 14:42 |
ahayzen | haha | 14:42 |
popey | nik90: ahayzen you gonna be around for this one? | 14:53 |
popey | (I spy you in the etherpad ☻ | 14:54 |
nik90 | popey: lol, I am | 14:54 |
ahayzen | popey, o/ | 14:54 |
popey | right, I'll start it shall I? | 14:54 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Getting Involved in Core Apps | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22296/getting-involved-in-core-apps/ | ||
ahayzen | popey, yep :) unless nik90 wants to? | 14:55 |
nik90 | popey: go ahead | 14:55 |
popey | doing | 14:56 |
popey | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfd-4l0TnfUpXycvivye07CvjP81uc_PJezoAyJth2ZC0csVg?authuser=0&hl=en | 14:56 |
* ahayzen wonders how much CPU googletalkplugin will want for this session | 14:56 | |
popey | $LOTS | 14:59 |
popey | rpadovani: you about? | 14:59 |
popey | dpm: balloons or mhall119 welcome to join this session ☻ | 14:59 |
popey | also DanChapman ☻ | 14:59 |
rpadovani | popey, sorry, have to study | 14:59 |
t1mp | $LOTS+1 | 14:59 |
popey | ok, no problem. | 14:59 |
ahayzen | 130% for google 80% for Firefox :/ | 14:59 |
popey | http://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1406-getting-involved-in-core-apps | 15:02 |
mhall119 | nik90: it would be nice if all the core apps had "bitesize" bugs and perhaps made use of Harvest | 15:06 |
dpm | mhall119, we do | 15:06 |
t1mp | popey: what's missing from http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/ ? | 15:07 |
mhall119 | developer.u.c is about writing apps, not necessarily contributing to existing apps | 15:07 |
ahayzen | t1mp, does it even mention coreapps? as that is about writing new apps as mhall119 said | 15:07 |
t1mp | oh, true. | 15:08 |
t1mp | perhaps it could add a section, for new ubuntu developers to contribute code if they are not starting their own project yet | 15:08 |
t1mp | I think those two mix well.. people want their own apps, but contributing to a coreapp brings them more in contact with other experienced developers | 15:08 |
ahayzen | +1 | 15:09 |
t1mp | how about having a simple welcome page with links to the wiki for all details | 15:15 |
michelR | popey: hi ! for design subject, we may continue work started with Community Design Team ? I'm still motivated ! | 15:15 |
t1mp | popey: can we get links/banners on qt-project.org? | 15:16 |
balloons | t1mp, what do you mean?\ | 15:19 |
nik90 | t1mp: is that possible? Do they accept outside events? | 15:19 |
t1mp | they like to get more non-digia organizations involved in qt, and they are working on a new qt website | 15:20 |
balloons | app dev events session: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22315/community-1406-appdev-training-programme/ | 15:20 |
t1mp | I think it may be good for everybody to have some use cases or getting started links on the qt websites, and that could include links to developer.ubuntu.com. We would have to discuss that with qt people | 15:20 |
nik90 | I think that's a great idea | 15:21 |
balloons | michelR, are you doing design work now? I'm confused by your question a bit, but designers are always appreciated | 15:24 |
popey | michelR: hey! | 15:25 |
popey | http://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1406-getting-involved-in-core-apps notes for those following... | 15:25 |
mhall119 | FDroid | 15:27 |
mhall119 | popey: ^^ | 15:27 |
mhall119 | yes | 15:27 |
popey | thanks | 15:28 |
michelR | balloons: I participated to to Ubuntu Communitu Design started by popey. I made some proposals for Calendar. Even if I've been stressed at my work, I would like to continue. I just need to have some updates on last design changes for CoreApps | 15:28 |
balloons | michelR, awesome.. Glad to meet you. I like the new calendar designs.. | 15:29 |
popey | michelR: I will take a work item to refresh the design requirements we have and we can have another meeting to reboot.. yes? | 15:30 |
michelR | popey: Oh yes ! :-) | 15:32 |
kempe | most would be in #sailfishos and #mer now days i think | 15:33 |
dpm | http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/ | 15:33 |
kempe | the video thing sounds awesome, just what i would need to get involved | 15:48 |
Max_Tither | Question: Do I have to sign the CLA to get involved with core apps. | 15:52 |
ahayzen | popey, dpm, ^^ | 15:52 |
dpm | Max_Tither, essentially, yes, but let me answer on the session: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/DevelopmentGuide | 15:53 |
Max_Tither | dpm: Thanks for the wiki | 15:54 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Storing permanent app data: an introduction to U1Db | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22299/syncing-app-data-across-devices-introduction-to-u1db/ | ||
popey | that was awesome | 15:57 |
ahayzen | thanks guys productive session :) | 15:57 |
Max_Tither | Thanks guys | 15:57 |
nik90 | dpm: hey what happened to the calendar app discussion session? I thought it was in this hour | 15:57 |
dpm | nik90, it turned out the calendar devs couldn't make it, so I put my u1db session there instead to fill the schedule | 15:59 |
nik90 | dpm: ah ok | 15:59 |
mihir | dpm: kunal can't make it | 15:59 |
mihir | so we had an IRC today | 15:59 |
dholbach | hiya | 15:59 |
dholbach | not trying to steal people from this track, but in community 1 we have a session which might be interesting | 16:00 |
dholbach | do we have anyone who wants to join the hangout? | 16:00 |
dholbach | and talk about the App Development Training Programme? | 16:00 |
mihir | popey: dpm can we do next hangout next week for calendar? | 16:00 |
dholbach | #ubuntu-uds-community-1 | 16:00 |
dholbach | #ubuntu-uds-community1 | 16:00 |
dholbach | sorry | 16:00 |
popey | sure can mihir | 16:01 |
popey | mihir: we can make it hangout every week if you like. | 16:01 |
mihir | popey: sure | 16:02 |
dpm | ok, anyone wanting to join the u1db hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYclITJdIsFdiTvqGrL-YPFGIh-xWjH3VaGmcrTwBGy1f1-dew | 16:03 |
dpm | Or http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22299/syncing-app-data-across-devices-introduction-to-u1db/ to see it, going live now! | 16:04 |
Max_Tither | You were about to give a live demo | 16:30 |
ahayzen | dpm, just as you finished the slides it died | 16:30 |
dpm_ | ahayzen, is the feed back? | 16:31 |
Max_Tither | yes | 16:31 |
dpm_ | I've restarted the hangout | 16:31 |
ahayzen | dpm, yep :) | 16:31 |
dpm_ | ok, thanks guys! | 16:31 |
dpm_ | can you read the font well? | 16:33 |
dpm_ | is it big enough? | 16:33 |
ahayzen | yep we can read the code | 16:33 |
dpm_ | \o/ | 16:33 |
ahayzen | QUESTION: Will the code you are showing here be available on launchpad to browse after the hangout? | 16:42 |
dpm_ | ahayzen, https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/+junk/u1db-examples | 16:43 |
ahayzen | awesome :) | 16:43 |
dpm_ | listsu1db | 16:43 |
dpm_ | simpleu1db | 16:43 |
ahayzen | didn't know about db.deleteDoc(docId) ... i've been using putDoc() with an empty document contents | 16:54 |
* ahayzen takes a note | 16:54 | |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/appdev-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23ubuntu-uds-appdev-1.html | ||
dpm_ | thanks everyone! | 16:57 |
Arpegius | well I had a quesion... lol | 16:58 |
ahayzen | thanks dpm :) | 16:58 |
dpm_ | Arpegius, go for it :) | 16:58 |
Arpegius | QUESTION: How about that Index expresion whould be a Script? Or a string of JavaScript code? Or else how can I index documents that have many items in an array? | 16:58 |
Arpegius | Like this one https://gist.github.com/ArpegiusWhooves/9947a4517b177bf71505 | 16:58 |
dpm_ | ahayzen, yeah, at some point db.deleteDoc(docId) didn't quite do what it was supposed to, so what you were doing was the right workaround. Behind the scenes, IIRC, db.deleteDoc(docId) does exactly that: putDoc() with an empty doc :) | 16:59 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, expression is just an array of the attributes in the index ... correct me if i'm wrong dpm | 16:59 |
Arpegius | yea you right | 17:00 |
dpm_ | yeah, that's correct, afaik | 17:00 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, much like this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/u1db-recent-list/view/head:/storage/RecentStorage.qml#L36 | 17:00 |
dpm_ | Arpegius, but by design no scripts or code can be used as the expression, to keep it simple | 17:02 |
Arpegius | That's a good idea, but it would be nice to have a view that would be indexed, storing computed variables inside documents... i dont thng thats good idea if it going to be synchronized. | 17:03 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, you can optionally sync documents i believe... just set sync: to true | false but as dpm said syncing is not implemented yet | 17:04 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, i'll be using it for local only storage and not syncing any data initially | 17:04 |
Arpegius | Ok, that's good enough. | 17:05 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, once you get your query built it is really nice and easy to use as you can just point the listview.model directly at the query :) | 17:06 |
Arpegius | Well there is a lot of question. Like how to sort the result of a query. | 17:08 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, if you look at my branch i have sorting...but it doesn't work yet ;) | 17:08 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, so this part is how it 'will' work http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/u1db-recent-list/view/head:/storage/RecentStorage.qml#L40 | 17:08 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, this is not working due to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/u1db-qt/+bug/1266529 and this is the WIP mp to fix the issue https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/indexRoles/+merge/211771 | 17:09 |
udsbotu | Launchpad bug 1266529 in U1DB Qt/ QML "Allow sorting results in a Query" [Medium,Triaged] | 17:09 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, i'm waiting on this, and another bug, before i can move to using U1Db instead of localstorage | 17:09 |
Arpegius | A sorting the result of query is easear to implement but i am afraid that would not use the index... | 17:10 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, the example above uses a new SDK component will still keeps all the performance benefits so its cool :) it just sorts the resulting model from the query in that example | 17:10 |
ahayzen | but as i said it doesn't fully work yet :/ | 17:11 |
Arpegius | I am not talking about implementation itself but more about a concept of working. | 17:11 |
ahayzen | ah right | 17:12 |
ahayzen | Arpegius, kalikiana who hangs around in #ubuntu-app-devel is the one working on the u1db qml plugin | 17:13 |
Arpegius | ok thx | 17:15 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 to: Track: App Development | Applications Showcase | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22285/applications-showcase/ | ||
mhall119 | iBelieve: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYc-EGspMIVjpG0mhFsKm2QqI8h4yXlljrKRcrrtO3dx03ZUrw?authuser=0&hl=en | 17:53 |
iBelieve | mhall119, the computer I'm currently using doesn't have the Google Hangouts plugin installed. I will join shortly | 17:54 |
mhall119 | ok | 17:54 |
mhall119 | we still have a few minutes | 17:54 |
mhall119 | is Kevin Feyder here? | 17:54 |
mhall119 | DanChapman: hey, want to show off Trojita? | 17:55 |
mhall119 | mdeslaur: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYc-EGspMIVjpG0mhFsKm2QqI8h4yXlljrKRcrrtO3dx03ZUrw?authuser=0&hl=en | 17:56 |
mhall119 | DanChapman: ^^ if you want to show it off, join that hangout | 17:56 |
iBelieve | mhall119, you have it set to 18+ | 17:56 |
DanChapman | mhall119: would love to show it off but my mic is busted can't get rid of the static noise :-( | 17:57 |
mhall119 | iBelieve: I hit "cancel".... | 17:57 |
iBelieve | mhall119, ? | 17:57 |
iBelieve | mhall119, what do you mean? | 17:57 |
mhall119 | iBelieve: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYenx_SmfindtVV4M1m2jJgekzLkj4C0_OsZRfUfvZgmvecF2Q?authuser=0&hl=en try that one | 17:58 |
mhall119 | iBelieve: you were on for a moment | 17:59 |
jose | looks like no one is on the call? | 18:00 |
mhall119 | jose: sorry, had to re-create the hangout | 18:00 |
jose | np | 18:00 |
mhall119 | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYenx_SmfindtVV4M1m2jJgekzLkj4C0_OsZRfUfvZgmvecF2Q?authuser=0&hl=en is the new one | 18:00 |
iBelieve | mhall119, it's not working? I don't seem to be connecting | 18:00 |
mhall119 | anybody watching the page on summit.u.c should refresh to get the right video | 18:00 |
iBelieve | mhall119, it's like it's a new hangout, with nobody else it int | 18:01 |
iBelieve | in it | 18:01 |
mhall119 | iBelieve: we're all in https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYenx_SmfindtVV4M1m2jJgekzLkj4C0_OsZRfUfvZgmvecF2Q?authuser=0&hl=en | 18:01 |
popey | mhall119: I'm seeing "please standby" | 18:02 |
mhall119 | sorry everyone for the delay, we're working on getting presenters all in the hangout | 18:02 |
jose | popey: hangout is off-air atm | 18:02 |
popey | oh okay ☻ | 18:02 |
mhall119 | popey: are you going to demo stallbaord for us? | 18:02 |
popey | sure | 18:02 |
mhall119 | come join the party! | 18:02 |
iBelieve | mhall119, going to switch computers. Sorry for the delay! | 18:03 |
* DanChapman 's 2 yearold was playing with stallboard for ages the other day he loved it!! :-D | 18:03 | |
mhall119 | DanChapman: can you do a trojita demo? | 18:04 |
DanChapman | [18:58] <DanChapman> mhall119: would love to show it off but my mic is busted can't get rid of the static noise :-( | 18:05 |
iBelieve_ | mhall119: can you share the link again? I should be good to go | 18:05 |
rickspencer3 | o/ mhall119 | 18:06 |
popey | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYenx_SmfindtVV4M1m2jJgekzLkj4C0_OsZRfUfvZgmvecF2Q?authuser=0&hl=en | 18:06 |
jose | DanChapman: maybe you can join and mute yourself when you're not talking? | 18:06 |
mhall119 | rickspencer3: want to show off something? | 18:07 |
=== iBelieve_ is now known as iBelieve | ||
rickspencer3 | mhall119, well, I got a whole session yesterday on GetThereDC | 18:07 |
rickspencer3 | but I can show it again if there is time and interest | 18:07 |
mhall119 | there will likely be plenty of time | 18:07 |
rickspencer3 | Random Cats? | 18:07 |
mhall119 | oh, even better :) | 18:08 |
popey | GAH | 18:08 |
popey | GPU Lockup | 18:08 |
popey | i cant see anything now | 18:08 |
t1mp | oops | 18:08 |
rickspencer3 | hangouts killed popey ? | 18:08 |
iBelieve | Can anyone else see me? Same computer I used for the Core Apps presentation this morning, but I’m not being pulled in | 18:08 |
ali1234 | lol | 18:08 |
rickspencer3 | mhall119, I guess move on | 18:08 |
mhall119 | iBelieve: no, you're not in the hangout | 18:08 |
rickspencer3 | I'll call the ambulance | 18:08 |
popey | stupid intel video driver ☹ | 18:08 |
* mhall119 hugs his intel video driver | 18:09 | |
iBelieve | Just not working for me. I can’t figure out why I’m not being added | 18:10 |
mhall119 | iBelieve: no worries, we'll have another chance to demo apps in the future | 18:11 |
rickspencer3 | iBelieve, did you try joining from this link? https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYenx_SmfindtVV4M1m2jJgekzLkj4C0_OsZRfUfvZgmvecF2Q?authuser=0&hl=en | 18:12 |
iBelieve | rickspencer3: yes | 18:14 |
rickspencer3 | :( | 18:14 |
iBelieve | I think it is a temporary bug where the green button to join isn’t showing | 18:14 |
rickspencer3 | omg | 18:17 |
rickspencer3 | I hate this app | 18:17 |
rickspencer3 | because Stallman's face freaks me out | 18:17 |
mhall119 | it's brilliant | 18:17 |
popey | heh | 18:20 |
popey | rickspencer3: patches welcome | 18:20 |
rickspencer3 | popey, lol | 18:20 |
mhall119 | indeed, cjwatson and beuno have created an incredible experience for publishing apps | 18:22 |
rickspencer3 | o/ jono | 18:31 |
mhall119 | hey jono__ | 18:35 |
jono__ | hey mhall119 | 18:35 |
jono__ | hey rickspencer3 | 18:35 |
dobey | mhall119: you cut off jose's demo! | 18:35 |
jono__ | how has UOS gone? | 18:35 |
mdeslaur | popey: double dog dare you to make a sabdfl soundboard :P | 18:35 |
jose | dobey: nah, it's good :) | 18:35 |
mhall119 | oh, dammit, I forgot, sorry jose | 18:36 |
jose | not a prob | 18:36 |
iBelieve | Has the session ended? | 18:36 |
mhall119 | iBelieve: yeah | 18:36 |
iBelieve | mhall119: ok, thanks | 18:37 |
popey | mdeslaur: haha! | 18:37 |
mhall119 | popey: we can make a jonoboard now | 18:37 |
ali1234 | you already have two, how many more do you need? | 18:38 |
popey | heh | 18:38 |
popey | neither are in the store ☻ | 18:38 |
mdeslaur | mhall119: every button says "vegetables" | 18:39 |
popey | i like the idea of an sabdfl board | 18:39 |
ali1234 | there's a store now? | 18:39 |
popey | the click store, yeah | 18:39 |
ali1234 | can i upload my jonoboard and charge $1000 for it? | 18:39 |
popey | not yet, but soon | 18:40 |
mhall119 | mdeslaur: lol | 18:40 |
rickspencer3 | hey jono__ | 18:40 |
popey | paid apps hasn't landed yet, but I think it's due this or next month | 18:40 |
jono__ | hey rickspencer3 | 18:40 |
rickspencer3 | sorry, I had a small emergency to deal with | 18:40 |
mhall119 | ali1234: you'd have 1 purchase | 18:40 |
mhall119 | and it'd be jono | 18:40 |
mdeslaur | lol | 18:40 |
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