
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-platform-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/platform-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23ubuntu-uds-platform-1.html
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-platform-1 to: Track: Ubuntu Development | Utopic UE Unity8 & Mir roadmap | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22290/utopic-ue-unity8-mir-roadmap/
kgunnfor those waiting, apologies, just wrestling with google hangout14:05
kgunnok, getting started14:07
xnoxkgunn: did you start the hangout? what's the public viewers youtube url? can you add it to the event on summit http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22290/utopic-ue-unity8-mir-roadmap/14:14
kgunnxnox: is this the link https://plus.google.com/events/cvh4cv9p078dkuc6dcruc4frlso14:15
Laneyit needs to work on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22290/utopic-ue-unity8-mir-roadmap/14:15
kgunnxnox:  or this http://youtu.be/xhwV-mAtru414:16
xnoxkgunn: this later one youtu.be should be added to the summit page14:16
xnoxall is good now14:16
xnoxhaha! we now have a video guide on how to do the hangout =)14:17
Laneyyou might want to edit this video when it goes live ;-)14:17
xnoxkgunn: click present button to get the slides bigger?14:18
ppisatifull screen please14:18
xnoxkgunn: \o/ yeah =)14:19
kgunnany questions?14:38
kgunnlink of ozone-mir demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umuNhpass4Y14:40
kgunnlink of Qtcomp prep work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4wtaDdzkGw14:40
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-platform-1 to: Track: Ubuntu Development | Utopic UE Unity API Roadmap | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22283/utopic-ue-unity-api-roadmap/
dpmslangasek, can you or any other track lead start the hangout for the upcoming session?15:03
alecuhi, may I ask for the Hangout URL?15:03
slangasekdpm: er, my understanding was that session leads were supposed to run these this time, not track leads (per mhall119)15:04
dobeywho is the session lead?15:05
pstolowskithostr, ^15:05
sil2100thostr: how's the hangout setup going?15:05
dpmslangasek, sil2100 it seems thostr is having issues starting the hangout15:05
dpmso I was wondering if a track lead could help15:05
sil2100Ok, let me try then15:05
sil2100thostr: let me try doing that and see how it goes, ok?15:05
dpmthanks sil210015:06
thostrotherwise I just open another public hangout15:07
sil2100thostr: wait15:08
sil2100Or did you already set it up?15:08
thostrI could, but that won't have the recording15:09
sil2100thostr: ok, so I continue then15:09
thostror, will it do automatically?15:09
thostralecu: pstolowski: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/thomas15:09
pete-woodsthostr: do you want me in this hangout? or not15:10
sil2100Crap, compiz crashed...15:10
sil2100Use this one15:10
sil2100Everything set up, please join in15:11
thostrpete-woods:yes, if you want15:11
sil2100pete-woods: pstolowski: ^15:11
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-platform-1 to: Track: Ubuntu Development | RTM archive plans | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22310/development-1406-rtm-archive/
cjwatsonworking on setting up the hangout now16:00
cjwatsonhangout url should work now16:02
cjwatsonanyone other than me want to join the hangout before I put it on air?16:03
wgrantPossibly me?16:04
loolhmm if I can find the hangout link16:04
rickspencer3o/ cjwatson16:04
slangasekthe hangout link doesn't seem to let me join a hangout16:04
cjwatsonlool: should be in summit?16:04
* ogra_ stays o IRC ... connection issues today 16:05
cjwatsontry https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYf5VdaMh7Vxpn2RqBxQ16x9bqX7jXIh1p5TuvlQ2Vy8AyLY7Q?authuser=116:05
cjwatsonsummit should work now16:06
loolthanks, I alway landed on the streaming page for some reason16:06
bhueyheard voices16:07
loolcjwatson: stream works16:07
wgrantThere we go, live now.16:07
ogra_all fine16:07
bhueygot it16:07
apwyep here16:07
rickspencer3working cjwatson16:07
* schwuk-uos waves on behalf of PES16:10
ogra_hmm, why cant we just use the archive sources.list ? only "developers" will use debs anyway16:11
ogra_i would expect these to actually wanting to use debs from the devel release16:12
wgrantogra_: This is for image builds.16:12
wgrantWe need to have a stable base from which we can build images.16:12
ogra_wgrant, well, we create a sources.list at the end of the build16:13
ogra_which imho should just point to the archive16:13
ogra_indeed we need a PPA based one during build16:13
ogra_ci train -> i thought we wanted to land in the normal distro first and then migrate packages from there16:21
ogra_sounnds like your proposal is the other way round16:21
loolcjwatson: so archive admin will be same team as for Ubuntu16:22
ogra_cjwatson, thanks !16:23
loolcjwatson: just a single new archive?16:24
asacQ: will launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm be throwaway after our RTM milestone this summer or is that something we will continue to use to prep and produce our future stable releases from too?16:24
ogra_the former16:24
loolcjwatson: it's just the touch packagesets in the new archive though?16:24
ogra_lool, yeah16:25
ogra_only the seed16:25
cjwatsonnot quite16:25
cjwatsonwill answer at end16:25
asacyeah lets talk later :)16:26
ogra_i imagine that we should future RTMs simply base on stable releases we have out by then ... only if a venndor wants to wait for the next stable explicitly they can do that (or pay for a forked RTM)16:28
ogra_(since i think that is the purpose of having a generic rootfs)16:29
ogra_heh, yeah16:30
schwuk-uosogra_: ideally, yes, we will base off stable releases. We'll see what reality brings us :-)16:30
asacmaybe we produce stable releases out of ubuntu-rtm :)16:31
ogra_but i think forked RTMs should be a paid service then ;)16:31
ogra_asac, baware !16:31
asacso ubuntu-rtm feeds into stable-proposed channel16:31
loolcjwatson: ack ok16:31
loolprobably will pull most of main via build-dep chains I guess16:31
ogra_asac, no, ubuntu feeds into stable ... utopic will bee todays RTM with cream and cherry on top ... that should be our base for the next 6 months16:32
ogra_(for other RTMs that occur during this timeframe)16:32
loolcjwatson: would you have a link to the slides?16:32
asacdont think i agree :)... cjwatson is right, we have to check what happens16:33
asaccjwatson: you can just link the slides in the youtube description after. that would be cool16:34
loolcjwatson: works from an incognito window16:34
schwuk-uoscjwatson:our goal is to ultimately use stock RootFS, but the reality is for the short term we will continue to roll custom ones. The tentative requirement of basing our custom one off a certain RTM image has already been raised. Any ideas on how to simplify this?16:34
bhueycjwatson: works16:34
ogra_schwuk-uos, you should mostly be able to use the rootfs as is today already16:35
ogra_there are a handfull of files that we will need to move16:35
ogra_which is on my TODO before RTM16:35
schwuk-uoscjwatson: we want to avoid lots of snapshots (as we currently have)16:36
asacschwuk-uos: what is a snapshot?16:36
ogra_why do you do them today ?16:36
ogra_the phone rootfs should already be usable without doing any snaphots16:37
asacwhat is a snapshot? :P16:37
asaca copy of the archive or what?16:37
cjwatsonslide 316:37
asacso i would have hoped that we can work togehter with PES on the ubuntu-rtm distro16:38
schwuk-uosasac: yes - we have internal archives of given points in time of an Ubuntu release16:38
asacto produce their images16:38
ogra_asac, please lets re-think that for the actual archive16:38
asacanyway, tbdlater16:39
ogra_not focus on the RTM forking ...16:39
asacwait :)16:39
ogra_that should stay a special thing16:39
asacogra_: i strongly agree and noone says we are forking16:39
ogra_not something regular16:39
schwuk-uoscjwatson: it's a fuzzy requirement at the moment, just wanted to share my stress :-)16:39
ogra_asac, ok :)16:39
asacthe rtm thing is just there to get the fixes etc. that schwuk-uos needs in imo16:39
asacso i was hoping we can avoid need another snapshot layer etc.16:39
ogra_well, what we produce in the archive should become good enough for schwuk-uos to use ... very simple ... customization should be done via the customization tarballs16:40
ogra_not via PPAs16:40
slangasekrelated to treating them as ubuntu bugs... will we have ddebs?16:40
slangasekwithout that, having the crashes may not be useful16:40
asacwgrant: cjwatson: so how much work do you think is needed to finish dervied archive?16:41
schwuk-uosogra_: ideally, yes, but current projects are using custom Android and RootFS - the customisation tarball doesn't work for some requirements right now.16:41
asacschwuk-uos: did you run those cases through someone?16:41
ogra_schwuk-uos, you will always have to use custom android16:41
asacschwuk-uos: would be cool to ru those through us every other week :)16:41
ogra_schwuk-uos, but with the same rootfs16:41
asaceven if we cannot solve them its important to keep those problems thought off16:42
schwuk-uosasac: will follow up with you16:42
xnoxwgrant: weren't ddebs suppose to move into launchpad?16:43
cjwatsonblocked on prodstack416:43
cjwatsonin general, for disk space reasons16:43
cjwatsonbut as wgrant says we may be able to do it just for this16:44
schwuk-uosogra_: we're using custom RootFS for things like updated/replacment packages e.g. ofono was one used recently16:44
ogra_schwuk-uos, right, thats wrong and we need to find a way to get your stuff into the main ofono then16:44
schwuk-uosogra_: john-mcaleely and team are doing that, but some projects are moving too fast. As I said, we view the custom RootFS as a short-term thing.16:45
ogra_yeah, for development thats surely a good option16:45
loolit's kind of sad we're using lots of space to publish the archive and ddebs twice when 90% will be unmodified16:45
ogra_as loong as we can make sure your stuff is in the final stable rootfs16:46
asaclool: how do you measure that sadness?16:46
loolasac: it's about :-((16:46
asaclool: i would measure that with potential monetary waste :)16:46
loolon a scale of :-( to :-(((((16:46
ogra_money is cheap16:46
asacthats probably marginally close to 016:46
wgrantLaunchpad does have plans to make duplicated archives basically free disk-wise, but I don't quite have time to implement it just yet.16:47
wgrantMaybe in a year :/16:47
loolasac: anyway, didn't bring it up in the ho cause it's16:47
asacdoesnt feel really important to me to optimize space if its not going to mirrors16:47
asacsure :)16:47
looljust a detail that doesn't matter technically16:47
cjwatsonI don't think it's a big deal, no16:47
xnoxcjwatson: is livefs building lp depends on prodstack4? or is scalingstack separate from that?16:48
wgrantxnox: It doesn't really depend on either.16:48
xnoxwgrant: cool.16:48
wgrantThe extra librarian space from PS4 would be nice, but not a requirement.16:49
cjwatsonit isn't going to be using scalingstack even when scalingstack first lands16:50
cjwatsonit will eventually when scalingstack takes over the world16:50
xnoxok. didn't know scalingstack is planned for gradual roll out. sounds all good then.16:51
wgrantxnox: scalingstack is just taking over PPA builds to start.16:51
cjwatsonscalingstack will take over the PPA build farm first16:51
rickspencer3thanks cjwatson16:51
cjwatsonbut livefses will build on what's currently labelled the distro build farm16:51
asacthanks cjwatson16:51
cjwatsonthat is, devirtualised builders16:51
ogra_thanks !!16:51
sil2100Thanks o/16:51
schwuk-uoscjwatson: thanks16:52
asaccjwatson: if you didnt get my suggestion: the youtube video is in your youtube account so you can just link the slides there to make that a more useful contribution to history :)16:52
asacin the description16:52
cjwatsonYep, I'm just waiting for it to finish uploading and show up in my account16:53
cjwatsonOK, linked now16:53
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-platform-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/platform-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23ubuntu-uds-platform-1.html
rsalvetiall good17:02

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