=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-plenary to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/plenary/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23ubuntu-uds-plenary.html | ||
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-plenary to: Track: | Closing Plenary and Track Summaries | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22309/closing-plenary-and-track-summaries/ | ||
belkinsa | Yeah, this may not work... | 18:56 |
belkinsa | That's why I ask dholbach | 18:57 |
dholbach | belkinsa, so do you want me to do the community summary? or do you want to try? | 18:57 |
belkinsa | dholbach, go a head, I'm already getting unstable in the hangout and I think my mic is not working again | 18:58 |
dholbach | belkinsa, next time then! :) | 18:58 |
belkinsa | I hope so. | 18:58 |
belkinsa | Crappy netbook | 18:58 |
* dholbach hugs belkinsa | 18:59 | |
belkinsa | May I stay in the Hangout though? | 18:59 |
belkinsa | Thanks dholbach | 18:59 |
dholbach | belkinsa, you did a really great job during UOS - thanks a lot for that! | 18:59 |
dholbach | belkinsa, of course! | 18:59 |
belkinsa | No | 18:59 |
* belkinsa hugs all of the track leads | 18:59 | |
dholbach | :-) | 18:59 |
asac | o/ | 19:00 |
belkinsa | o/ everyone! | 19:01 |
belkinsa | Great UOS that we had. | 19:01 |
ogra_ | so we did ! | 19:02 |
mhall119 | \o/ | 19:02 |
belkinsa | Sorry guys for the audio problems. | 19:03 |
belkinsa | belkinsa = Svetlana Belkin | 19:03 |
boxtropica | W-what?! | 19:03 |
boxtropica | It's all clear now... | 19:03 |
belkinsa | Keep in mind there is a delay between our hangout and the stream. | 19:04 |
t1mp | nik90: \o/ | 19:05 |
belkinsa | Who has the controls in the Hangout? Check the input level of me. | 19:05 |
t1mp | where can we find the trello boards for the coreapps? | 19:08 |
mhall119 | t1mp: https://trello.com/b/Ie2rAS3W/core-apps-management | 19:08 |
t1mp | mhall119: thanks | 19:08 |
dpm_ | t1mp, https://trello.com/b/Ie2rAS3W/core-apps-management | 19:08 |
mhall119 | belkinsa: I have conrols in the hangout, what did you need? | 19:09 |
belkinsa | mhall119, check the input level for me. It might be at zero. | 19:09 |
mhall119 | belkinsa: it's at the default middle-level still | 19:10 |
belkinsa | Okay, could making it to the highest work? | 19:10 |
jonobacon | I find popey's voice so soothing | 19:10 |
jonobacon | it helped me to sleep at night in Malta | 19:10 |
belkinsa | jonobacon, lol. | 19:10 |
ogra_ | lol | 19:10 |
rickspencer3 | lol | 19:10 |
balloons | jonobacon, tmi | 19:10 |
mhall119 | belkinsa: maybe, we can try it when the community summary starts | 19:11 |
belkinsa | Sure. | 19:11 |
kenvandine | bacon! | 19:13 |
unix_mani | BACON | 19:13 |
* mhall119 will go back and watch that game dev session | 19:14 | |
balloons | popey goes wild :-) | 19:14 |
slangasek | time up popey, your webcam is turning into an LSD-enhanced pumpkin | 19:14 |
dholbach | HAHA | 19:14 |
mhall119 | popey's GPU doesn't like hangouts anymore, it's melting | 19:14 |
unix_mani | damn open source drivers =P | 19:15 |
t1mp | that would be a cool hangouts effect | 19:15 |
balloons | +1 t1mp | 19:15 |
belkinsa | Ready | 19:15 |
rickspencer3 | who is the real jonobacon ? | 19:16 |
ogra_ | rickspencer3, pull the goatee and you will know | 19:17 |
balloons | jonobacon, jono, or jono__ ? | 19:17 |
* rickspencer3 nick therealjonobacon | 19:17 | |
* mhall119 feels an emenem parody song coming | 19:17 | |
rickspencer3 | o. | 19:17 |
jonobacon | trying to keep it interesting :-) | 19:17 |
* balloons sings.. my name is ... | 19:17 | |
jono__ | indeed | 19:18 |
belkinsa | Thanks everyone and dholbach for backing me up. | 19:21 |
* dholbach hugs belkinsa | 19:21 | |
mhall119 | thank you belkinsa for all of your work, not just this week but the past several weeks :) | 19:22 |
belkinsa | Not a problem, mhall119 and dholbach. It allowed to get you both more and thanks for doing the UOS. | 19:22 |
jonobacon | belkinsa: you rock :-) | 19:24 |
mhall119 | +1 | 19:24 |
belkinsa | Thanks jonobacon! | 19:24 |
belkinsa | Oh, jonobacon, we shall carry on as much as you did! | 19:25 |
jonobacon | belkinsa: I have no worries about that :-) | 19:25 |
belkinsa | Too bad that I can't work for Canonical since I don't have the level that is required (the technical side of things). But I still can help, ;) | 19:26 |
mhall119 | belkinsa: technical side can be learned, especially in open source :) | 19:27 |
belkinsa | Good point. | 19:27 |
* mhall119 hopes to see belkinsa applying to Canonical in the near future | 19:28 | |
belkinsa | You don't need to be a developer to get involved with us! | 19:28 |
* belkinsa hopes so | 19:28 | |
mhall119 | devops track was *packed* this week | 19:31 |
belkinsa | Indeed. | 19:31 |
dshimer | Wow, I mostly followed user and community and even then just lurking, but it sounds like there were some really interesting tracks. Looks like I'll need to go back and listen to some of the fun. | 19:38 |
belkinsa | dshimer, yeah, I did the same but with community tracks. | 19:39 |
mhall119 | dshimer: that's why we do these summaries :) | 19:39 |
balloons | dshimer, we'll get you presenting next time on the users track ::wink:: | 19:39 |
dshimer | And even more importantly it will all wrap up before the first game of he world cup! | 19:40 |
dshimer | balloons: Even being such a low level user I could see being part of an Ubuntu evangelist roundtable with some of the folks active on StartUbuntu. Even if all I can ever contribute is converting friends I'll do what I can. | 19:42 |
balloons | dshimer, awesome | 19:42 |
mhall119 | a *huge* thank you to all the track leads, you all made this event possible! | 19:46 |
dholbach | great UOS everyone! thanks for your help! have a great rest of your day! | 19:46 |
belkinsa | Thanks everyone, you rock! | 19:46 |
Max_Tither | Thank you to everyone. It was very educational for me. | 19:47 |
jono__ | dpm nice work! | 19:47 |
jono__ | nice work everyone :-) | 19:47 |
dpm_ | thanks everyone, you all rock! | 19:47 |
dholbach | :-D | 19:47 |
dpm_ | thanks jono__ | 19:47 |
mhall119 | thanks dpm_ | 19:47 |
belkinsa | This one had more meaning for me and more work | 19:47 |
ahayzen | thanks guys see you at the next one :) | 19:47 |
rickspencer3 | o/ | 19:47 |
dpm_ | \m/ | 19:47 |
Novatillasku | Thank's guys! | 19:47 |
mhall119 | belkinsa: meaninfulness and work tend to go hand-in-hand don't they :) | 19:47 |
belkinsa | They do. | 19:47 |
belkinsa | Though the next one, I might be more in the background since I will be in school again. | 19:48 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-plenary to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/plenary/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23ubuntu-uds-plenary.html | ||
charan | 123 | 23:23 |
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