
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-users-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/users-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23ubuntu-uds-users-1.html
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-users-1 to: Track: Users | Principles of test authoring | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22268/principles-of-test-authoring/
roadmr"this live event is over"?14:01
balloonswe should be live in a moment.. you should see it :-)14:01
roadmrgot it now14:02
brendandlittle hiccup14:03
balloonsyou'll need to refresh the page to get the new video14:05
* cking not having fun with the google hangout14:06
balloonswe are live.. but had to change the video.. make sure you reload the page14:06
* lool is watching14:06
balloonsfeel free to ask questions to get brendan to go deeper14:07
balloonsfeel free to ask questions at any time in here14:08
* elopio tries to watch too, but the connection sucks here today.14:10
loolballoons, brendand: is there a link to the slide that you could share here?14:10
balloonslool, I'll get brendan to share after the presentation14:11
ckingthat was useful, can we get the slides from somewhere?14:43
dobeyballoons: can you add the link to the google doc for the slides, to the video description on youtube?14:44
balloonsdobey, cking yep.. we'll share the link in the pad, on IRC, and I'll post to the video14:44
jgdxbrendand, can you briefly discuss high level tests asserting low level conditions? E.g. asserting that a click on a button manipulates a dbus prop value.14:48
* t1mp a bit late (I was following another session)14:48
t1mpmaybe you discussed it already, but this is always good to repeat:14:49
t1mp16:36:57 < t1mp> for all app developers: use the UITK custom proxy objects for autopilot tests, don't do for example  select_single('Header') because that breaks when we change internals14:49
t1mp16:37:32 < t1mp> (custom proxy objects were formerly known as autopilot emulators)14:49
cgregan_udsperhaps his point was that happy path can easily be automated but "negative" testing requires testers thinking like the user14:51
jgdxbrendand, I'll take "fine" :)14:53
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-users-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/users-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23ubuntu-uds-users-1.html
jgdxbrendand, thank you!14:56
balloonsthanks everyone!14:56
roadmrthanks :)14:58
abramelinI want to put ubuntu on my old xp machine HP Compaq nx6310 but it won't connect to BB   Is it possible to do this or do I have to forget it?16:41
cheeseheadabramelin: #ubuntu is a more appropriate channel for your support question16:45
abramelinno idea what's going on, no one in chat room and a bunch of people talking in Klingon16:45
t1mpmhall119: hi17:10
t1mpmhall119: would it be possible to add "UTC" to the times on the individual session pages such as this one? http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22248/marketing-ubuntu-in-south-africa/17:11
belkinsaAgreed.  It's missing for sure17:11
mhall119t1mp: probably17:17
mhall119t1mp: file a bug, but there's no active developer on summit anymore17:17
mhall119t1mp: it's an easy enough fix though....if you want to try it :)17:18
t1mpmhall119: what's the project?17:18
t1mpah "summit"17:18
udsbotuLaunchpad bug 1329396 in Summit "individual session pages don't show time zone" [Undecided,New]17:20
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-users-1 to: Track: Users | Marketing Ubuntu in South Africa | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22248/marketing-ubuntu-in-south-africa/
balloonssession should begin shortly, just setting up the youtube link18:03
t1mpthe embedded video disappeared from the page18:04
t1mpballoons: ^18:05
balloonst1mp, yep, working with Kapanda to put it in place properly :-)18:05
balloonst1mp, et la.. video should be there now ;-)18:05
t1mpballoons: yes it came back, but still "Starting soon..."18:06
balloonsmm, yes it's really laggy sadly Kapanda18:11
balloonscan you share a link to the presentation and just talk through it with audio?18:12
balloonsKapanda, ^^18:12
t1mpI only see black video, so better to turn it off18:12
t1mpah now I see the screenshare18:13
balloonsI'll try leaving the call, maybe it will be better18:14
balloonsKapanda, I don't think it's working sadly.. it's just broken audio :-(18:16
balloonsKapanda, we'll have to try and do this a different way; or perhaps another time18:16
balloonsI'm sorry it's not working.. connectivity can be hard18:17
t1mpKapanda: I can hear you but the audio is breaking up a lot18:18
balloonsyea, the internet is not always well connected.. I know the feeling18:19
balloonsI'm not sure if it can be done via IRC or not18:19
balloonsIf not, I would suggest recording a video and sharing it after uploading.. That might take a long time to upload, but it wouldn't have any lag issues18:20
Kapandaok let try again just now18:20
t1mpis there no way to make a regular phone call to dial in to a live hangout?18:20
t1mpif you fulfill some requirements, it is possible to make a voice call to a phone number from hangouts https://support.google.com/hangouts/answer/3187125?hl=en18:22
balloonsyes, that is possible.. But we're crossing several borders here.. I don't think it's doable18:22
t1mpprobably not in time18:22
balloonsI could also include him in a mumble conversation perhaps.. never tried that18:23
t1mpwell mumble also uses his internet connection, if the upstream is the problem, mumble won't solve it18:23
KapandaI have to switch pcs18:23
balloonst1mp, yes very true.. it might be a bit better than audio only.. but might not18:23
balloonsKapanda, be sure to update the links if you'd like to try again18:24
balloonsatm we still have the original link, so no new video18:25
balloonsthe scheduled session didn't work out.. network issues for the presenter18:36
evilburpoh noes :(18:36
evilburpwho is the presenter?18:36
evilburpOn http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22248/marketing-ubuntu-in-south-africa/ I'm only seeing Kapanda Phiri listed as attendee18:36
evilburpbut no information about presenter18:37
balloonsevilburp, yes Kapnda was the presenter18:37
evilburpI recently wrote this post if anyone is interested: http://cpbotha.net/2014/05/31/south-africa-why-are-you-not-running-linux/18:37
evilburpIt's something I'm really interested in18:38
t1mpevilburp: thanks for joining ;) pity the presentation didn't work out.18:38
evilburphey t1mp thanks for the heads-up on the blog!!18:39
t1mpevilburp: np. I read your blog once in a while, and when I saw this UDS session I remembered your blog post18:39
balloonsevilburp, meet Kapanda18:40
evilburpKapanda: Pleased to meet you!18:40
balloonsso we can still chat in IRC.. go for it18:40
t1mpKapanda: did you prepare slides for the presentation? you could share the link to that18:41
evilburpKapanda: I summarised my thoughts about the SA-vs-Linux situation in this post if you're interested http://cpbotha.net/2014/05/31/south-africa-why-are-you-not-running-linux/18:41
KapandaThanks evilburp will have a look and chat further18:43
balloonslooks like Kapanda is going to be able to share his presentation18:45
evilburpare we allowed to chat normally on this channel?18:46
t1mpevilburp: yes18:47
t1mpevilburp: but outside of the UDS sessions these #ubuntu-uds channels are usually not active18:48
balloonsawesome, so I would suggest chatting and seeing if there is some actions to take.. or perhaps you guys can talk offline.18:49
balloonsif you do chat, we can copy it into the pad for others to see later18:50
balloonsI placed the links into the pad at least18:51
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-users-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/users-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23ubuntu-uds-users-1.html

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