pleia2 | at sf ubuntu hour \o/ | 01:12 |
nhaines | pleia2: would you like a demo download code for Tamodachi Life for 3DS? | 05:02 |
Roguehorse | Good Morning | 13:51 |
nhaines | Roguehorse: good morning! | 13:52 |
Roguehorse | Well, aren't we the early risers : ) | 13:53 |
nhaines | Yup, one of those days. :) | 13:54 |
Roguehorse | AS I get invoilved with different groups around the Bay Area it's funny the different ways some communicate and some don't | 14:01 |
nhaines | IRC's a big one. :) And mailing lists. | 14:03 |
nhaines | Welcome to 1989! | 14:03 |
Roguehorse | LOL right : ) Some prefer the mailing lists and some IRC | 14:10 |
Roguehorse | I was reading the Ubuntu Unleashed book about how Usenet has become the "Twilight Zone" | 14:10 |
nhaines | Yeah. Used it all the time in 1995. Not so much anymore. | 14:11 |
nhaines | Although I do sometimes check in on | 14:12 |
nhaines | It's real-time Usenet on a 30-year delay. | 14:12 |
Roguehorse | LOL | 14:13 |
nhaines | Star Trek III just came out, so they've *just* stopped fighting over Star Trek II and *just* started fighting about what Star Trek IV will be about. | 14:13 |
nhaines | Also no one has video tapes, books go out of print, everyone's relying on memory and reference material, and it's a spectacular look into a different world. | 14:16 |
Roguehorse | sounds thrilling : | | 14:25 |
nhaines | Every couple of months I remember about it and go look at it. It moves a lot slower too. | 14:30 |
nhaines | akk: good morning! | 14:30 |
akk | hiya, nhaines | 14:31 |
akk | Darn, the IRC log doesn't have what this slow-moving thing is. Here I was about to be grateful for once that the channel was logged. | 14:34 |
nhaines | Oh, we were talking about net.startrek from 30 years ago. | 14:35 |
akk | heh | 14:35 |
akk | Some of those old things run a lot faster. I went and found the source for xroach a while back, and it moved so fast you couldn't see it. | 14:39 |
akk | I had to hack some delays into the source. | 14:39 |
nhaines | Oh, this is the Usenet group. :) | 14:40 |
nhaines | I just peeked in after ignoring it for a couple of months. | 14:40 |
nhaines | Star Trek III just came out, so they've *just* stopped fighting over Star Trek II and *just* started fighting about what Star Trek IV will be about. | 14:40 |
Roguehorse | akk: Good Morning - Had to get my boy of to daycare | 14:57 |
Roguehorse | | 15:24 |
darthrobot | Title: [Intelligence Law Blog: Did the NSA or FBI Threaten Steve Gibson to Force Him To Abandon CryptoLink?] | 15:24 |
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