
OvenWerkszequence: ubuntustudio-controls has two bugs Bug #1329114 and Bug #1329117.00:58
ubottubug 1329114 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu) "ubuntustudio-controls will not run. Gksu is missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132911400:58
ubottubug 1329117 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu) "ubuntustudio-controls fails with Segmentation fault (core dumped)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132911700:58
OvenWerksThe first is easy to fix, but the second would seem to need a rewrite of the gui portion of things due to using gtk2. I think fixing the first bug before the second is a bad idea as it will just make things so that any time someone tries to run -controls we get a new bug report.01:01
OvenWerksWhile I am willing to work on it, I would pretty much need to rewrite it from scratch. To do so I would want an application spec.01:03
OvenWerksI would probably not do it the way you would do it. I would try to self document as much as I could though.01:04
OvenWerkszequence: I have added my two cents to the ubuntustudio blueprint (in the white board area), but wonder if it would be helpful to start a wiki page for it. It would be easier for me to visualize what is going on and wanted if there were graphics attached.01:25
OvenWerkszequence: more thoughts on -controls. I think we need a collection of scripts to go with it. Starting Jack (and a2jmidid) at the begining of a session for example, needs to be done by a system script, but still needs user config. It needs to do it's job and get out of the way. There are some parts of the controls stuff that really are a part of settings and others that are needed during run time. To put all of this into one application in a dropd03:05
zequenceOvenWerks: We'll fix it by rewriting it from scratch07:30
zequenceOvenWerks: First version will be only a SRU for trusty, that can do one thing: give users realtime rights07:31
zequenceOvenWerks: After we've done that version, we can start making it what has been planned for years07:31
zequenceLet's do one thing at a time07:32
zequenceFirst, a simple gui app that can give any user realtime rights.07:32
zequencei have some bash code that can decide if a user is a "real" user07:32
zequencelet me do some things first, then I can at least show what I'm thinking there07:33
zequenceWell, I'll get back to that anyhow07:33
zequenceOvenWerks: But, sure, if you find solutions to problems separately, no matter in which type of code, just collect them for later, and we can look at how we implement them07:34
zequenceOvenWerks: On starting jack - if we have our own control for that, we can do any number of things before jack is started07:40
zequence..and make that configurable too07:40
zequenceif you are interested in looking at how to do configuration files, in python, there's a nice simple library for that - https://bitbucket.org/ambv/configparser07:42
zequencepackage name: python-configparser07:42
zequenceI'm not against using qt4, just that I've only been doing GT3 myself so far07:48
zequenceOnly one person needs to do the gui interface anyway07:49
zequenceOvenWerks: I think we should focus on planning features first, then do implementations. falktx has done a lot of work that might be useful to us. No reason to reinvent the wheel :)09:31
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
OvenWerkszequence: The main thing I didn't like about Falk's tool is that the dropdown from the systray had too much stuff in it... it was too hard to use quickly.23:12
OvenWerks(maybe I am just getting old)23:12

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