ochosi | morning everyone | 07:36 |
elfy | hey ochosi | 07:40 |
ochosi | Unit193: where are your xubuntu-related packages that would go into the extras repo again? | 07:42 |
elfy | ochosi: I'm not working the week after next, need to set the meeting up - but I can set it for when you're about if you want | 07:42 |
ochosi | elfy: thanks, that'd be nice | 07:43 |
ochosi | i have to announce in advance that the next two weeks might be a bit more chaotic for me, because i'm in my transition back home | 07:44 |
elfy | ochosi: yep | 07:44 |
ochosi | so i have a few last days here in venice and i'll also be travelling a bit (for fun, this time) | 07:44 |
ochosi | after that, things should be mostly stable throughout the summer | 07:44 |
elfy | let me know if there's a best time and I'll set it for then - as long as I've set it by early next week | 07:44 |
elfy | heh | 07:44 |
ochosi | for next week, i think mon-tue would be the best days | 07:46 |
ochosi | time-wise, hrm, i guess the meeting during the day worked best for me | 07:46 |
ochosi | we could also ask bluesabre if that'd work for him again | 07:46 |
ochosi | (that was 10utc iirc) | 07:47 |
elfy | lol | 07:47 |
elfy | I see you read and digested the meeting logs - no meeting next week - no meeting till week of 23rd June :) | 07:47 |
ochosi | oh right, i forgot, so the week after that... | 07:48 |
elfy | ok - so ~10:00UTC? | 07:48 |
ochosi | that makes it harder to say what day would be good though | 07:48 |
elfy | :) - well we can leave setting it for a few days if that helps | 07:49 |
Unit193 | ochosi: Mostly in /xfce, but thunar is in /test. | 07:51 |
ochosi | elfy: i guess i won't be able to realistically say anything until monday | 07:53 |
ochosi | Unit193: thunar? you mean the dropbox plugin? | 07:53 |
Unit193 | Yep. | 07:54 |
ochosi | k, any pkgs you wouldn't consider ready for the extras repo? | 07:54 |
elfy | ochosi: ok - well I'll set it then :) | 07:54 |
elfy | bbl | 07:55 |
ochosi | ok, thanks elfy | 07:57 |
Unit193 | Well xfwm is a git snapshot, sooo. | 08:06 |
Unit193 | And just pull thunar-dropbox-plugin from the other. | 08:07 |
ochosi | what's up with appfinder? | 08:09 |
ochosi | ah, we don't have that release yet in 14.04 | 08:10 |
Unit193 | Right, just a backport. | 08:10 |
Unit193 | Picked it directly from experimental, so can ignore it. | 08:11 |
ochosi | ok | 08:12 |
ochosi | hrm, the dropbox plugin is still building | 08:16 |
ochosi | xfdashboard is copied over though | 08:17 |
Unit193 | I was going to hit up utopic with that when things were slightly further along, but meh. | 08:17 |
Unit193 | Had it since quantal. >_> | 08:18 |
ochosi | fwiw, just dropped all pkgs for lucid from our dev-PPA | 08:42 |
ochosi | this one: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ppa | 08:42 |
ochosi | i apologize in advance to all users of lucid :p | 08:42 |
Unit193 | Hah. | 08:43 |
Unit193 | Thanks. | 08:43 |
Unit193 | ochosi: Have any other requests? | 08:43 |
ochosi | hmm, skippy-xd is already in the repos? | 08:44 |
ochosi | if not, that'd be a request | 08:46 |
Noskcaj | Unit193, Could you add the embed plugin (from debian svn) too please | 08:53 |
Unit193 | I can't add anything. :P | 08:53 |
Unit193 | What's it do? | 08:53 |
Unit193 | Noskcaj: PPA it and request someone copy it over. | 08:55 |
Noskcaj | "Plugin for embedding arbitrary app windows into the Xfce panel" | 08:56 |
ochosi | it's quite a funny and ridiculous plugin at the same time | 08:57 |
ochosi | iirc the author embedded a messenger app in the panel (that was the main usecase) | 08:57 |
ochosi | if anybody has more creative ideas than this ^ ... | 08:57 |
Unit193 | So, we need it for utopic? | 08:57 |
Noskcaj | Unit193, nope, just saying it should be in the ppa in case someone finds a use for it | 08:58 |
Noskcaj | It's in ppa:noskcaj/build now | 09:02 |
ochosi | Noskcaj: ok, feel free to ping me when it's ready and tested | 09:02 |
Noskcaj | ready=yes, tested=no | 09:03 |
ochosi | if (tested == yes) { ping ochosi; } else { return; } | 09:05 |
Noskcaj | k | 09:05 |
knome | yeah, that PPA shouldn't be for experimental stuff | 09:06 |
Unit193 | So, don't put xfce4-appfinder in it. | 09:08 |
knome | when does something stop being experimental? | 09:09 |
knome | when enough people have tested it... | 09:09 |
knome | so just make sure it's tested and we can take it in | 09:10 |
slickymasterWork | knome: do you have a few minutes to spare? | 09:12 |
Unit193 | knome: So, both mine don't count? | 09:13 |
Unit193 | Meh, just dropbox doesn't, which is what I use. | 09:15 |
slickymasterWork | knome: I've just noticed that something got messed up with xubuntu.ent | 09:20 |
slickymasterWork | at least the s«Settings Manager icon isn't being properly load in the documentation | 09:21 |
knome | slickymasterWork, hmm, right | 09:28 |
brainwash | should we ask why the patched xfpm and lls packages are not available in -proposed yet? or just wait some more days? | 09:33 |
slickymasterWork | lol knome, meaning...? | 09:33 |
knome | meaning "i guess i should look at it" | 09:33 |
slickymasterWork | another thing I wanted to talk to you about is bug 1299743 | 09:34 |
ubottu | bug 1299743 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "No options: "Show printers shared by other systems"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1299743 | 09:34 |
slickymasterWork | I'm inclined to mark it as invalid. What is your opinion? | 09:34 |
knome | yeah, that's a good question | 09:34 |
ochosi | bbabl | 09:35 |
bluesabre | 10utc works best for me | 10:05 |
ochosi | elfy: ^ ok, then let's head for 10utc and fix the day/date on monday? | 10:56 |
knome | slickymasterWork, sorry, i must have missed your last question before.... | 10:57 |
knome | slickymasterWork, to be honest, i don't really know if it's invalid | 10:57 |
knome | slickymasterWork, if we insist there is a specific option to enable/disable and it doesn't exist, it's a bug in our documentation | 10:58 |
knome | slickymasterWork, maybe we could change it to something more general. at least we should see how xubuntu machines would have to enable that stuff and document that | 10:58 |
ochosi | bluesabre, ali1234, and whoever else it might concern: talked to larsu recently about their plans for indicators | 11:03 |
slickymasterWork | knome, lost connectivity | 11:04 |
ochosi | bluesabre, ali1234: in the short run (14.10) there are no big changes ahead – although honestly, with the indicator-stack you can never know... | 11:04 |
bluesabre | yeah, something will likely break | 11:04 |
ochosi | as soon as unity8 is around, it's questionable whether we can still use indicators easily, cause then they will change significantly | 11:04 |
ochosi | at least that was larsu's projection | 11:04 |
slickymasterWork | thing is that the paragraph in question addresses other Linux/Ubuntu based systems | 11:04 |
slickymasterWork | does xubuntu fall in that condition? | 11:05 |
knome | slickymasterWork, maybe we should "assume" the other systems are xubuntu, and write instructions for that | 11:05 |
bluesabre | we'll keep an eye on them, maybe team up with elementary folks for co-maintainership if we're the last people interested in gtk | 11:05 |
knome | and add "ymmv" for other systems | 11:05 |
ochosi | bluesabre: yeah, i guess going for gnome3's system doesn't make much sense.. | 11:06 |
slickymasterWork | lost you there knome, what's ymmv? | 11:06 |
knome | slickymasterWork, "your mileage may vary" | 11:06 |
bluesabre | yeah, gnome3 doesn't support indicators (I think) | 11:06 |
knome | slickymasterWork, basically implying that "we don't really know what kind of switch/option you have, but here's how you do it in xubuntu:" | 11:07 |
ochosi | bluesabre: well they have some different (js based?) plugin/extension system | 11:07 |
slickymasterWork | lol, thought you were referring to some sort of a package | 11:07 |
knome | hehe, no | 11:07 |
bluesabre | yeah, js from what I can tell | 11:07 |
ochosi | bluesabre: btw, as i'm not able to test it anymore, how's the display dialog working now? | 11:07 |
slickymasterWork | ok, I'll rewrite it | 11:08 |
knome | slickymasterWork, cheers | 11:08 |
knome | slickymasterWork, can you test what the xubuntu user would need to do to enable that? or is it enabled automatically? | 11:08 |
slickymasterWork | I'll have to test it here knome | 11:09 |
knome | mhm | 11:09 |
knome | i'm actually thinking it might require some package to be installed, or then not | 11:09 |
knome | i have no clue... | 11:09 |
knome | i still don't have any resident printers ;) | 11:09 |
slickymasterWork | I can take advantage of the fact that here I have a network available to test it | 11:09 |
knome | yep | 11:10 |
knome | that's cool | 11:10 |
slickymasterWork | thanks for the brainstorming knome ;) | 11:10 |
knome | np | 11:11 |
slickymasterWork | told you I would be poking you :P | 11:11 |
knome | but that's okay ;) | 11:11 |
davmor2 | slickymaster: I wouldn't you don't know where knome has been ;) | 11:13 |
knome | true... | 11:14 |
slickymasterWork | I think I'm safe davmor2, I have a biiiiiiiiiiiiig poking stick | 11:15 |
knome | slickymasterWork, oh yeah the entity file is either messed up or it isn't loaded corretly | 11:17 |
slickymasterWork | yes, at first I thought it might be caused by some specific configuration of my utopic box | 11:18 |
knome | tbe, it's broken for languages only | 11:18 |
knome | did you check the main docs in english? | 11:19 |
slickymasterWork | but I branch them and build it locally and the issue remains | 11:19 |
slickymasterWork | yes | 11:19 |
knome | and did it break? | 11:19 |
slickymasterWork | yes | 11:19 |
knome | weird | 11:19 |
knome | because it's fine here | 11:19 |
slickymasterWork | not here | 11:19 |
knome | also Unit193 has reported some breakings with the latest branches | 11:20 |
knome | but only now and then, nothing he can reproduce | 11:20 |
slickymasterWork | but there's something going wrong anyway | 11:20 |
knome | yep | 11:20 |
slickymasterWork | I pinged Unit193, but most probably he finally went to sleep :) | 11:21 |
knome | i think the problem is that the translation is happening in a wrong directory | 11:33 |
slickymasterWork | the script is running incorrectly? is that what you mean? | 11:34 |
knome | not exactly | 11:34 |
knome | the script is running correctly | 11:34 |
knome | but the xml files reference to the .ent file with a relative path, eg. ../libs/xubuntu.ent | 11:34 |
knome | and i believe the script is in a wrong directory to get that right | 11:35 |
slickymasterWork | ah, I see what you mean | 11:35 |
knome | or something else is in the wrong place | 11:35 |
knome | but i believe it's in the translation process | 11:35 |
knome | because i don't experience the issue with the default docs | 11:35 |
slickymasterWork | by default you mean the ones in english? | 11:36 |
knome | yep | 11:36 |
slickymasterWork | I had experience the same issue with those | 11:37 |
slickymasterWork | s/had/have | 11:37 |
knome | i don't, so i'm unable to debug that | 11:37 |
knome | are you absolutely sure you have the latest branch revision? | 11:40 |
slickymasterWork | branch it at 10:00 AM | 11:43 |
slickymasterWork | knome: the branch is revision 198 | 11:52 |
slickymasterWork | it's the last one | 11:56 |
knome | yep | 11:56 |
knome | for some reason, xml2po seems to strip the line '%xubuntu-ent' off, which makes the entities not available | 12:24 |
jjfrv8 | slickymasterWork, re bug 1299743, that option apparently disappeared sometime between Precise and Saucy | 13:02 |
ubottu | bug 1299743 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "No options: "Show printers shared by other systems"" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1299743 | 13:02 |
jjfrv8 | slickymasterWork, http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/print-server-settings-comparison.php | 13:03 |
jjfrv8 | so that means I missed it at least the last two cycles :( | 13:03 |
knome | that happens... :) | 13:11 |
slickymasterWork | knome, jjfrv8, so basically the issue relates to changes in the system-config-printer | 14:14 |
slickymasterWork | package | 14:14 |
jjfrv8 | slickymasterWork, yes, I think so. That setting appears to be the default now. I tested it and it does seem to work that way. | 14:15 |
slickymasterWork | ok, I'm going to test it now, to see how it's now achievable | 14:16 |
jjfrv8 | slickymasterWork, I drafted a wording change as a suggestion: https://code.launchpad.net/~jjfrv8/+junk/print-server-settings | 14:20 |
slickymasterWork | jjfrv8, seeing your commit | 14:20 |
slickymasterWork | lol | 14:21 |
slickymasterWork | do you want me to assign to bug to you, jjfrv8? | 14:21 |
slickymasterWork | s/to/the | 14:21 |
jjfrv8 | that's okay with me. Just let me know if you think the change is good or if you'd rather do it another way. | 14:23 |
jjfrv8 | bbiab | 14:37 |
GridCube | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ristretto/+bug/1314829 | 14:39 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1314829 in ristretto (Ubuntu) ""Set as Wallpaper" doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:39 |
slickymasterWork | damn connection | 14:43 |
slickymasterWork | jjfrv8, your rewording works for me | 14:43 |
slickymasterWork | do you want me to merge or will you do it yourself? | 14:44 |
jjfrv8 | slickymasterWork, I'll let you do the merge. I'd probably screw it up. | 15:14 |
slickymasterWork | lol jjfrv8 | 15:15 |
slickymasterWork | it will be my first one, but that's one of the reasons for wanting to do it | 15:16 |
jjfrv8 | slickymasterWork, should I do an MP or can you do it from junk? | 15:16 |
slickymasterWork | good question, jjfrv8. Probably it would be better if you do a proper MP | 15:16 |
jjfrv8 | ok. I haven't verified that it looks the same in Utopic yet. Probly need to do that. And then do I need to pull separate versions from T and U? | 15:18 |
slickymasterWork | probably not | 15:18 |
slickymasterWork | I'm running utopic and so far the package in question is exactly the same | 15:19 |
jjfrv8 | ah, good. | 15:19 |
slickymasterWork | and if by any chances it gets changed we can always reproduce that change | 15:20 |
jjfrv8 | yeah, it's still early for that. | 15:20 |
slickymasterWork | yes | 15:20 |
slickymasterWork | I'll just be able to merge later this evening though | 15:21 |
slickymasterWork | over here at work I'm bind to port 80, communicating to the exterior | 15:21 |
jjfrv8 | ok, MP into Trusty is there for you. | 15:24 |
ochosi | jjfrv8, slickymaster: btw, since both of you know xubuntu from a very specific viewpoint, i'd be interested to hear where you think we should improve htings | 15:39 |
ochosi | things | 15:39 |
ochosi | this is more a general remark though, so always feel free to speak up if you feel you're documenting a silly procedure that users have to undergo to achieve goal X – at least if it's something that is under our control somehow | 15:40 |
elfy | ochosi: 10UTC is fine with me - I'll wait for you to tell me which day I'm choosing :D | 17:18 |
Unit193 | knome: Well, to be more precise, it happens every time on real boxes, but in chroots it's fine. | 17:35 |
knome | aha | 17:35 |
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy | ||
knome | Unit193, entities aren't loaded correctly for the docs | 20:37 |
Unit193 | knome: Are you having the same problem? | 20:38 |
slickymaster | that's it Unit193 | 20:38 |
slickymaster | Unit193: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t09:20 | 20:38 |
slickymaster | and http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/12/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t11:17 | 20:39 |
Unit193 | I've known translations had a problem, but they validate in a chroot fine, just not on any hardware. | 20:39 |
knome | Unit193, yeah, but not with the english version, only translations | 20:39 |
Unit193 | Exactly, only translations. | 20:40 |
knome | Unit193, if you look at the translation xml files, they lack the %xubuntu-ent; lines | 20:40 |
slickymaster | the exception is that I got it also with the english version | 20:40 |
knome | so is it the xml2po process that removes that? | 20:40 |
knome | and why/how didn't that happen before? | 20:40 |
Unit193 | <!ENTITY % xubuntu-ent SYSTEM "../libs/xubuntu.ent"> | 20:40 |
knome | yes | 20:41 |
knome | but the following line | 20:41 |
knome | see the main xml files | 20:41 |
slickymaster | knome, going to need your assistance on something | 20:42 |
knome | slickymaster, you should know you can ask in 5 minutes ;9 | 20:42 |
knome | well 4 | 20:43 |
knome | + 1-4 | 20:43 |
Unit193 | gnome-doc-utils shouldn't be the problem at least, hasn't changed in a while. | 20:43 |
slickymaster | regarding bug 1299743, jjfrv8 and I got sorted out early this afternoon and jjfrv8 already made a MP | 20:43 |
ubottu | bug 1299743 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "No options: "Show printers shared by other systems"" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1299743 | 20:43 |
knome | slickymaster, noticed | 20:44 |
slickymaster | thing is I never have made a merge | 20:44 |
knome | i'll help you once the first period is over | 20:44 |
slickymaster | how do I go about doing it? | 20:44 |
slickymaster | your seeing the soccer match? | 20:44 |
knome | yep | 20:44 |
knome | (you're) | 20:44 |
slickymaster | is Brazil loosing? | 20:44 |
knome | no, it's 1-1 | 20:45 |
elfy | not now the ref's cheated | 20:45 |
knome | they did an own goal though... | 20:45 |
slickymaster | that I knew, Marcelo, wasn't it? | 20:45 |
knome | well their goal was fair | 20:45 |
knome | yeah | 20:45 |
knome | neymar tied | 20:45 |
slickymaster | watching now :) | 20:46 |
knome | has been kind of boring after the second goal... | 20:46 |
Unit193 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxml2/+bug/1321869 | 20:48 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1321869 in libxml2 "xmllint 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.1 does not load entities any more" [High,Fix released] | 20:48 |
knome | aha | 20:48 |
slickymaster | good catch Unit193 | 20:49 |
knome | fixed three days ago, but i still had it today? | 20:49 |
slickymaster | yeaps | 20:49 |
knome | slickymaster, ok, so there are basically two ways to do it: | 20:49 |
slickymaster | shoot knome | 20:50 |
knome | the first one is how i do it, and it's the most straightforward, BUT it doesn't preserve the person doing the merge proposal as the committer | 20:50 |
knome | basically, three steps | 20:50 |
knome | 1) make sure you have the latest main branch | 20:50 |
knome | 2) bzr merge lp:~somebody/xubuntu-docs/their-branch | 20:51 |
knome | 3) bzr commit -m "Merge Somebody's branch." && bzr push | 20:51 |
Unit193 | knome: No, downgrade and you're good. | 20:52 |
slickymaster | that somebody is step 2 is exactly who, or what knome? | 20:52 |
Unit193 | apt-get download libxml2=2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4 libxml2-utils=2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4 python-libxml2=2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4 | 20:52 |
knome | between 2 and 3 you might run into conflicts, if the person doing the merge proposal has used an old revision to base their branch, and same files have been changed in both their branch and the main branch | 20:53 |
knome | slickymaster, in this case, it's jack | 20:53 |
knome | slickymaster, whoever's branch it is you are merging | 20:53 |
slickymaster | but it's his LP alias, right? | 20:53 |
knome | slickymaster, yep. the merge command is always shown in the merge proposal | 20:53 |
knome | slickymaster, in https://code.launchpad.net/~jjfrv8/xubuntu-docs/print-server-settings/+merge/222962 | 20:54 |
knome | slickymaster, see "To merge this branch" | 20:54 |
slickymaster | ok knome | 20:54 |
knome | the other way, just for completeness: | 20:55 |
knome | 1) branch the proposed branch (in this case, lp:~jjfrv8...) | 20:55 |
knome | 2) bzr merge lp:xubuntu-docs | 20:55 |
knome | 3) (i think) bzr commit -m 'Merge with main' | 20:56 |
knome | 4) bzr push lp:xubuntu-docs | 20:56 |
slickymaster | I'll go with your first one knome | 20:57 |
slickymaster | one last thing knome, there's no need to update the changelog just for this merge, or is it? | 20:57 |
slickymaster | s/is it/is there | 20:57 |
knome | well, it depends how verbose you want to be with the changelog | 20:57 |
slickymaster | as scarce as possible | 20:57 |
knome | lol | 20:57 |
knome | well, let's go through this case, because there is a nice thing about it | 20:58 |
slickymaster | which is... | 20:58 |
knome | if you write: * Fix the printing chapter to remove a reference to obsolete setting (LP: #1299743) | 20:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1299743 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "No options: "Show printers shared by other systems"" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1299743 | 20:58 |
knome | then the bug status can be tracked automatically based on the status of the upload/process | 20:59 |
slickymaster | yes | 20:59 |
knome | so i'm kind of in favor of listing everything that has been a bug | 20:59 |
slickymaster | agree | 21:00 |
slickymaster | so, I do it in jjfrv8's branch, before merging it, right? | 21:00 |
knome | and since you are merging with the first way, that's the only way jack can actually be attributed | 21:01 |
knome | you can do it after the bzr merge command | 21:01 |
slickymaster | and then commit it | 21:01 |
knome | then when doing bzr commit, just note you are merging and updating the changelog | 21:01 |
knome | yep | 21:01 |
slickymaster | think I got it | 21:01 |
knome | feel free to ask if there is something else | 21:02 |
slickymaster | but as the second period is about to start, I'll wait for the end of the game to do it | 21:02 |
knome | hehe, i understand ;) | 21:02 |
knome | Unit193, i don't like downgrading :) | 21:02 |
Unit193 | Understandable. | 21:03 |
Unit193 | So, how do you fix it? | 21:07 |
knome | no idea. | 21:07 |
Unit193 | knome: Fixed it. | 21:52 |
knome | Unit193, great! what did you do? | 21:52 |
slickymaster | how did you fix it Unit193? | 21:52 |
Unit193 | knome: I patched and recompiled libxml2. | 21:52 |
knome | lol | 21:52 |
knome | that's not a fix for us.. | 21:52 |
slickymaster | exactly :P | 21:53 |
Unit193 | No really, they did it wrong. It should be a fix for Ubuntu. | 21:53 |
knome | probably :) | 21:53 |
knome | please propose it. | 21:53 |
Unit193 | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/libxml2/trusty-security/revision/73#debian/patches/lp1321869.patch != https://git.gnome.org/browse/libxml2/commit/?id=dd8367da17c2948981a51e52c8a6beb445edf825 | 21:55 |
knome | great... | 21:55 |
Unit193 | Can I just comment on the current regression bug? :/ | 22:00 |
knome | whatever gets the bug fixed. | 22:01 |
Unit193 | --Translating pt | 22:02 |
Unit193 | Validating pt/index.xml ... | 22:02 |
Unit193 | It's fixed already. :D | 22:02 |
slickymaster | great, Thanks Unit193 | 22:02 |
knome | Unit193, for you, again.. | 22:03 |
slickymaster | knome: running the merge command I got: | 22:04 |
slickymaster | Conflict adding file desktop-guide/po/en_GB.po. Moved existing file to desktop-guide/po/en_GB.po.moved. | 22:04 |
slickymaster | Text conflict in desktop-guide/po/fr.po | 22:04 |
slickymaster | 2 conflicts encountered. | 22:04 |
knome | slickymaster, yeah... i told you about conflicts :P | 22:05 |
Unit193 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxml2/+bug/1321869 hopefully that's good enough. | 22:05 |
slickymaster | yeah, I rememver | 22:05 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1321869 in libxml2 "xmllint 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.1 does not load entities any more" [High,Fix released] | 22:05 |
slickymaster | how do I solve it? | 22:05 |
knome | slickymaster, if i understand correctly, *.moved files are the old ones | 22:06 |
knome | slickymaster, so basically, remove those, then run: bzr resolve | 22:07 |
knome | i'd double-check if they are the right files | 22:07 |
slickymaster | knome: in xubuntu-docs/desktop-guide/po/ I just have one .moved file | 22:08 |
knome | let me check what i get. | 22:09 |
knome | yeah, the other ones are .BASE .OTHER .THIS | 22:10 |
Unit193 | Yeeeeeah, useless bzr... | 22:10 |
knome | the .moved file is smaller than the non-.moved | 22:10 |
slickymaster | remove all three also | 22:10 |
knome | so i'd remove .moved | 22:10 |
slickymaster | yes... | 22:10 |
slickymaster | what about the .BASE .OTHER .THIS | 22:11 |
slickymaster | ? | 22:11 |
knome | so, that's a text conflict | 22:13 |
knome | let me check how to do this the least manual way | 22:13 |
knome | which is what i usually do.. | 22:13 |
slickymaster | yes, in the french po and english po | 22:13 |
slickymaster | oki dokie | 22:13 |
slickymaster | I'll wait for your lead | 22:14 |
knome | if you want the .THIS file, then: | 22:17 |
knome | bzr resolve desktop-guide/po/fr.po --take-this | 22:17 |
slickymaster | 1 conflict resolved, 1 remaining | 22:18 |
knome | yep, now have you removed the .moved file? | 22:18 |
slickymaster | yes | 22:19 |
knome | then just issue: bzr resolve | 22:19 |
knome | and it'll notice you've resolved that as well | 22:19 |
slickymaster | Remaining conflicts: | 22:19 |
slickymaster | Conflict adding file desktop-guide/po/en_GB.po. Moved existing file to desktop-guide/po/en_GB.po.moved. | 22:19 |
slickymaster | it got created again | 22:19 |
knome | lol | 22:20 |
knome | weird... | 22:20 |
knome | bzr resolve desktop-guide/po/en_GB.po --take-other | 22:21 |
knome | http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/beta/en/user-reference/conflict-types-help.html | 22:21 |
knome | that's useful | 22:21 |
slickymaster | stranger because if I ls -la desktop-guide/po/ | 22:21 |
slickymaster | there's no .moved file | 22:21 |
slickymaster | and that seemed to be the culprit | 22:23 |
slickymaster | bzr resolve desktop-guide/po/en_GB.po --take-other | 22:23 |
slickymaster | desktop-guide/po/en_GB.po.moved does not exist. | 22:23 |
slickymaster | 1 conflict resolved, 0 remaining | 22:23 |
slickymaster | proceeding with the merge | 22:23 |
knome | good | 22:23 |
slickymaster | nopes knome | 22:24 |
slickymaster | now it's complaining about bzr: ERROR: Working tree "/home/slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/" has uncommitted changes | 22:25 |
slickymaster | bzr status gives me slickymaster@PaPir:~/xubuntu-docs$ bzr status | 22:25 |
slickymaster | removed: desktop-guide/po/en_GB.po | 22:25 |
slickymaster | added: desktop-guide/po/en_GB.po | 22:25 |
slickymaster | modified: desktop-guide/C/printing-scanning.xml | 22:25 |
slickymaster | pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions) Jack Fromm 2014-06-12 Revised Printing-Scanning chapter to remove obsolete sharing reference. | 22:25 |
knome | yeah.. because you didn't commit | 22:25 |
knome | i told you to do that before pushing :) | 22:25 |
slickymaster | so, I must commit before merging? | 22:25 |
knome | also remember to edit the changelog | 22:25 |
knome | no, | 22:26 |
knome | you should merge, then commit | 22:26 |
knome | remember, commit is a local action until you've pushed | 22:26 |
slickymaster | I got that when I issue the merge command | 22:26 |
knome | the second time? | 22:26 |
knome | you only need to run it once. | 22:26 |
slickymaster | way before the commit && push commands | 22:26 |
knome | conflicts do not mean the merge action is canceled | 22:27 |
knome | it's done anyway | 22:27 |
slickymaster | oh, so my first merge command did it | 22:27 |
knome | but you're left with a broken state | 22:27 |
knome | yeah. | 22:27 |
slickymaster | now I get it | 22:27 |
knome | the conflicts just mean that doing the merge you have things you need to resolve | 22:27 |
knome | before committing | 22:27 |
slickymaster | so, I now can just and go ahead editing the changelog, commit && push | 22:28 |
knome | yep | 22:28 |
slickymaster | always learning | 22:28 |
slickymaster | that's why yopu're my tutor | 22:28 |
slickymaster | not my grammar police | 22:28 |
knome | ;) | 22:28 |
slickymaster | and spelling cop | 22:28 |
knome | am i not your grammar police :P | 22:31 |
slickymaster | knome: one other thing should I edit under 14.04.1 or 14.10? | 22:32 |
knome | for starters, always something that says UNRELEASED | 22:33 |
slickymaster | in the changelog | 22:33 |
slickymaster | just the 14.10 has the UNRELEASED | 22:33 |
knome | if we were staging this for an SRU, we would want to create a new release | 22:33 |
knome | 14.04.2 | 22:33 |
knome | since 14.04.1 is already released, we can't change that any more | 22:33 |
knome | but since we are preparing this for 14.10, it should be that | 22:34 |
slickymaster | not seeing/getting 14.04.2 | 22:34 |
knome | no | 22:34 |
knome | because we haven't initialized that version yet :) | 22:34 |
knome | but if/when we do SRU's, we'll do that | 22:34 |
slickymaster | oh, dumb me | 22:34 |
knome | but yeah, general rule is: *never* touch releases that aren't UNRELEASED | 22:35 |
slickymaster | knome: when pushing bzr is naging about bzr: ERROR: No push location known or specified. | 22:40 |
slickymaster | do I bzr push :parent ? | 22:40 |
knome | to be sure, you can do: bzr push lp:xubuntu-docs | 22:42 |
slickymaster | ok | 22:42 |
knome | but :parent *should* be the same | 22:43 |
slickymaster | Pushed up to revision 206. | 22:43 |
knome | that should be it then | 22:44 |
knome | usually you don't need to do the conflict resolving, so the process will be quite a bit quicker | 22:44 |
knome | well, usually and usually.. at least in an ideal situation | 22:45 |
slickymaster | is it normal that at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/xubuntu-docs/trusty isn't showing it up yet? | 22:45 |
knome | yes... you pushed to the utopic branch | 22:46 |
slickymaster | saw that right after typing :P | 22:46 |
slickymaster | lol | 22:46 |
Unit193 | knome: So we supposed to ping someone or something to poke it? | 22:58 |
knome | Unit193, mdeslauriers? | 23:00 |
slickymaster | the bud was inittialy assigned ti him | 23:01 |
slickymaster | s/bud/bug | 23:01 |
slickymaster | not the beer | 23:01 |
knome | and fixed by him. | 23:05 |
slickymaster | yes | 23:05 |
Unit193 | bluesabre: Congrats. | 23:11 |
knome | yay | 23:12 |
slickymaster | hey you two got the ML first. Just got it now | 23:15 |
Unit193 | knome: Feel like you haven't done enough today? Want to finish off that translation crap/ | 23:15 |
Unit193 | slickymaster: And the reply. | 23:15 |
slickymaster | Congrats bluesabre | 23:15 |
knome | Unit193, probably yeah... we could look that over the weekend though, if you are around | 23:16 |
Unit193 | Depends, but should work out, if you don't need Friday night. | 23:18 |
knome | not really | 23:20 |
brainwash | should this page be removed? https://launchpad.net/notification-daemon-xfce | 23:34 |
knome | probably | 23:35 |
* knome looks at ochosi | 23:35 | |
brainwash | mmh, https://launchpad.net/xfce-project | 23:36 |
brainwash | some more changes might be needed | 23:36 |
brainwash | like adding Parole | 23:36 |
brainwash | and removing xfmedia | 23:38 |
brainwash | this Xfce project overview site appears to be a little bit outdated :) | 23:39 |
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