=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
jazzycool | hey guys here is my problem it is not a code it was just a long paragraph so had to write on pastebin http://pastebin.com/XVPW4HzH | 03:44 |
jazzycool | guys anyone | 03:46 |
cfhowlett | !patience|jazzycool | 03:46 |
ubottu | jazzycool: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 03:46 |
jazzycool | well I don't exactly know how to frame a question its actually really big so | 03:46 |
MatPoweR | hi | 06:08 |
MatPoweR | anyone for some help ? please | 06:09 |
baizon | !ask | MatPoweR | 06:09 |
ubottu | MatPoweR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 06:09 |
MatPoweR | i have an xubuntu up to date, and i can't focus any window after the launch is finished, i see nothing in the log, only the last focused window is usable | 06:10 |
baizon | MatPoweR: have you tried cleaning the .cache folder? | 06:11 |
MatPoweR | yes, i delete everything in | 06:11 |
MatPoweR | it happened in the past, and the only find solutions was to delete all the config files | 06:12 |
Rux_ | hi guys :) | 07:30 |
Rux_ | can anyone help | 07:31 |
js_doode | running xubuntu 14.04, when i hover over from terminal and into browser, the browser isn't automatically activated, so I can't browse without having to click in, and my terminal window dissappers. Where's the setting to fix this? | 07:32 |
js_doode | Rux: just ask your question. always, you are not being rude. | 07:32 |
elfy | js_doode: settings manager - window manager - focus tab focus model | 07:34 |
js_doode | elfy: thanks. | 07:34 |
elfy | js_doode: welcome | 07:35 |
Rux_ | yesterday i had no problems with youtube on firefox, xubuntu latest version x64 | 07:37 |
Rux_ | now when i want to open youtube.com it opens only text's and links | 07:37 |
Rux_ | no graphics | 07:37 |
Rux_ | i have java installed, flash also... and latest driver from amd... (im mining with this) | 07:37 |
js_doode | Rux: version of firefox? xubunt x64 what... | 07:40 |
js_doode | Rux: in terminal, type $ lsb_release -a | 07:41 |
Rux_ | No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Release:14.04 Codename:trusty | 07:46 |
Rux_ | firefox 30 | 07:46 |
Rxx | sorry had to restart browser to check | 07:48 |
Rxx | i can open almost every other website with videos | 07:48 |
Rxx | but when opening youtube, its takes a while and when it opens ... only LINKS | 07:49 |
Rxx | and txt | 07:49 |
Rxx | nothing more | 07:49 |
js_doode | Rxx: is the problem specific to just youtube or any other site with videos and photos? | 07:49 |
Rxx | name me one website with video | 07:50 |
Rxx | and will check it | 07:50 |
Rxx | i can open all websites but only youtube | 07:52 |
js_doode | Rxx: vimeo? | 07:52 |
Rxx | no problem :) opening fast | 07:53 |
Rxx | http://www.pictureshack.us/images/89572_sc.png | 07:54 |
Rxx | printscreen of youtube | 07:54 |
js_doode | Rxx: Aren't you running the beta version of the browser? | 07:55 |
Rxx | not that i know of | 07:56 |
Rxx | 30.0 mozilla firefox for ubuntu canonical -1.0 | 07:56 |
Rxx | but i have chromium installed | 07:58 |
Rxx | same problem | 07:58 |
js_doode | Rxx: how did you install firefox version 30? | 08:06 |
Rxx | i dont know :D | 08:07 |
Rxx | but how can't i play on chromium also | 08:07 |
Rxx | Congrats! You’re using the latest version of Firefox. | 08:09 |
Rxx | :o | 08:09 |
js_doode | I'm assuming has to do with some codecs that didn't install, but I'm not the expert on that. I would suggest installing midori and see if youtube videos play there, if not some codecs will be missing. | 08:09 |
Rxx | if it was codec it would not open any other site | 08:10 |
Rxx | i just installed minitube | 08:10 |
Rxx | and playing youtube on him... its perfect | 08:10 |
Rxx | but on browser it wont go | 08:10 |
js_doode | just try my suggestion, it wont hurt | 08:11 |
Rxx | will do bro :) btb | 08:12 |
Rxx | brb* | 08:12 |
Rxx | still nothing | 08:31 |
Rxx | same thing | 08:31 |
Rxx | i think this is a java problem | 08:31 |
pawell | Hi, do you know why my icon with network connections disapeard after upgrading xubuntu to the newest version ? And maybe how can I get it back ? I've already tried google but I didn't find any solution : | | 11:29 |
ObrienDave | desktop icon or panel icon? | 11:30 |
pawell | panel icon | 11:32 |
pawell | Is there any way to choose wifi connection without it ? | 11:32 |
ObrienDave | add "indicator plugin" to your panel | 11:32 |
pawell | Because in setting manager --> network connections I can configure it but I can not connect | 11:33 |
ObrienDave | did it work before the upgrade? | 11:34 |
pawell | I have this indicatior plugin but there are only smth about voice and player | 11:34 |
pawell | Yeah, perfectly | 11:34 |
ObrienDave | broadcom adapter? | 11:34 |
pawell | what do you mean ? | 11:34 |
pawell | Generally I have access to Internet | 11:35 |
pawell | also via wifi | 11:35 |
ObrienDave | your wi-fi adapter. is it a broadcom model? | 11:35 |
pawell | probably yes, how can I check it ? | 11:36 |
pawell | Wireless Controller | 11:39 |
pawell | Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1030 | 11:39 |
pawell | Is it network adapter ? | 11:39 |
ObrienDave | ok, not a broadcom | 11:39 |
ObrienDave | ok, looking, just a sec | 11:41 |
ObrienDave | open session & startup | 11:41 |
ObrienDave | under application autostart, is "Network" checked? | 11:42 |
pawell | yes | 11:42 |
ObrienDave | and "indicator Application"? | 11:43 |
pawell | ok I got it | 11:45 |
pawell | It was with indicator plugin I guess | 11:45 |
ObrienDave | cool | 11:45 |
pawell | Because now I restarted with this indicator enabled and It shows so thank you very much for your help ! | 11:45 |
ObrienDave | most welcome | 11:46 |
=== WLM is now known as WLM|rotexamens | ||
rawrmonster | is there a way to invoke light-locker to lock right then and there? | 16:01 |
deshipu | xflock4 | 16:02 |
rawrmonster | awesome ty | 16:02 |
ochosi | you can also call light-locker directly with "light-locker-command -l" | 16:03 |
ochosi | but xflock4 should work just fine in 14.04 | 16:03 |
ochosi | in older versions of xubuntu and if you install ll by hand, use the direct command | 16:04 |
ochosi | rawrmonster: ^ | 16:04 |
rawrmonster | Yea its just driving me crazy not having a keyboard combo for locking | 16:04 |
brainwash | rawrmonster: the default keybind does not work for you? | 16:07 |
rawrmonster | brainwash: what is the normal keybind? I tried super+L and alt+ctrl+L both didn't do anything | 16:08 |
rawrmonster | brainwash: i just set it to alt+crtl+L after i found out about the xflock4 | 16:08 |
brainwash | ctrl-alt-del I think | 16:08 |
Sysi | you can check from keyboard settings | 16:09 |
rawrmonster | brainwash: I never push ctrl+atl+del unless i want to reboot the system, unless that doesn't do the same thing in xubuntu | 16:09 |
brainwash | right, if you set it via the keyboard settings, you'll see the default keybind | 16:10 |
brainwash | rawrmonster: reboot? doesn't it usually kill the X server? | 16:11 |
rawrmonster | brainwash: not on any linux os i have ever run | 16:11 |
Sysi | when you're not on xorg c-a-d reboots, c-a-backspace used to kill x | 16:12 |
rawrmonster | brainwash: brainwash ctrl+alt+f* *={1,2,3,4,5,6} | 16:12 |
brainwash | oh, backspace - delete | 16:12 |
brainwash | yeye | 16:12 |
Sysi | nowdays it's altgr prntscr k IIRC | 16:13 |
Sysi | I had pretty bad tearing on 13.10 when using netflix trough pipelight, should that be solved on 14.04 with new xfwm? I have intel graphics, do I need to enable tearfree with xorg.conf? | 16:15 |
rawrmonster | Sysi: what intel graphics card? | 16:15 |
Sysi | hd4600, haswell integrated | 16:16 |
rawrmonster | Sysi: hmm that is odd I have a intel hd 4000 and it works fine for me | 16:16 |
rawrmonster | Sysi: well i guess how big of a screen? | 16:16 |
Sysi | are you on 14.04? | 16:16 |
rawrmonster | Sysi: yea but i have not tested since i have used 14.04 | 16:17 |
brainwash | you will have to upgrade to 14.04 eventually | 16:17 |
Sysi | I didn't run 13.10 on this hardware, I'm on windows | 16:18 |
Sysi | I tried fedora kde but pipelight didn't work | 16:18 |
Sysi | it also had tearing when moving a window | 16:21 |
brainwash | xfwm4 4.11 has now support for vsync, you can also just use an opengl compositor like compton to get rid of tearing | 16:22 |
brainwash | and of course intel's tearfree option | 16:23 |
Sysi | if I have to use compton I might go with lubuntu, but I'm a bit baffled why kde was tearing | 16:26 |
kRush | can't one get a new user login from the xscreensaver lock screen anymore? I had to uninstall light-locker because it wouldn't suspend correctly and xscreensaver complains about a missing gdmflexiserver which seems to be unavailable from the repos | 16:33 |
brainwash | kRush: gdmflexiserver isn't provided by lightdm anymore | 16:34 |
brainwash | kRush: the black screen problem triggered by light-locker will be fixed soon | 16:37 |
kRush | not sure what the black screen problem is, my machine just would not suspend after the specified time | 16:38 |
kRush | it locks but then just sits there | 16:38 |
brainwash | and it works fine with xscreensaver? | 16:39 |
kRush | yep | 16:39 |
brainwash | that's odd | 16:39 |
brainwash | maybe you should consider filing a bug report on launchpad | 16:40 |
kRush | If I knew where to get all the proper info for one, yeah | 16:41 |
knome | it's better to file a partial one than not report one at all | 16:42 |
knome | and you've just described a lot of what needs to be there | 16:42 |
=== WLM|rotexamens is now known as WLM | ||
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
nikita__ | hello friends! i have a problem with xubuntu 12.04 LTS. since a few days when im starting up ubuntu it's goddamn slow. it takes now like up to 5 minutes for the windowmanager (xfce) to get ready for work. what am i doing wrong? | 18:04 |
ObrienDave | cursing in a family oriented channel for starters | 18:05 |
baizon | nikita__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=868189 | 18:07 |
ObrienDave | have you installed timeshift? | 18:12 |
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy | ||
=== WLM is now known as WLM|zzzzz | ||
pumkash | What's up people! | 20:19 |
pumkash | Anybody home? | 20:21 |
pumkash | Hello? | 20:22 |
=== dh437f27f is now known as mmazing | ||
mmazing | over the last couple weeks, there have been a few times that my 14.04 xubuntu has gone halfway into suspend (without my input as far as i can tell), and i am unable to get networking and other stuff back online, shutdown, or even reboot | 20:36 |
mmazing | i have to do a hard shutdown, and when i turn it back on it takes forever and i get a crash with "apportcheckresume" | 20:36 |
mmazing | so my question is - can i completely disable system-wide hibernate and/or suspend? i saw that kiosk mode can do that but im not sure if that is the right way | 20:37 |
pumkash | I have question. | 20:42 |
pumkash | How do I create a command line/GUI firewall? | 20:42 |
pumkash | ....in Xubuntu? | 20:43 |
koegs | pumkash: ufw + gufw | 20:45 |
pumkash | Thanks koegs! | 20:45 |
jazzycool | hey gusy | 20:49 |
jazzycool | I have upgraded my xubuntu from 13.10 to 14.04 | 20:50 |
jazzycool | but my resolution is 1024x768 and that is the max it has as an option but my computer has 1366x768 so how can I change it | 20:50 |
pumkash | I have another question. | 21:01 |
pumkash | How do I setup a VPN in xubuntu? | 21:01 |
jazzycool | guys anyone who can help me out? | 21:02 |
knome | jazzycool, ask and find out | 21:03 |
koegs | pumkash: which VPN do you want to use? | 21:03 |
knome | jazzycool, oh, sorry, you did... | 21:03 |
mmazing | pumkash, click the network indicator in your top panel (assuming you have a top panel) and there should be a "VPN connections" menu along with "Configure VPN" | 21:03 |
knome | jazzycool, you can check the ubuntu forums and askubuntu while you wait :) | 21:04 |
mmazing | pumkash, also there are several networkmanager addons depending on the type of VPN you want to set up | 21:04 |
mmazing | for instance i recently had to install network-manager-openconnect to enable extensions for cisco VPN | 21:05 |
brainwash | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient | 21:05 |
pumkash | Oh Word! Thanx mmazing! Much appreciated. | 21:05 |
mmazing | pumkash: sure | 21:07 |
pumkash | mmazin: you are the best! | 21:09 |
xubuntu120 | hello | 21:19 |
knome | hullo | 21:19 |
xubuntu120 | Hi my install disk appers to be stuck once i plugged a network cable in its stuck installing bcmwl-kernal-source (i386) any ideas if i should wait or did i do a booboo | 21:20 |
xubuntu120 | er * kernel | 21:21 |
xubuntu120 | i think i broke my install not sure what i should do other than try and reinstall not sure if im being to short in requireing it 'now' or not Im upgradeing from xp and mostly use ubuntu.... | 21:25 |
xubuntu120 | I do realise the world cup is on and possibly only crickets hear these keys:)I am hanging on | 21:26 |
slickymaster | xubuntu120: did you check the MD5SUM of your iso? | 21:26 |
xubuntu120 | no | 21:27 |
xubuntu120 | it sdaid it was ok yesterday on a laptop though | 21:27 |
xubuntu120 | the lappys fine btw | 21:27 |
xubuntu120 | it lain on a velvateen pad over night with velvateen covering it to keep it from being scratched Im weird about sc scratches | 21:28 |
xubuntu120 | *cd | 21:28 |
xubuntu120 | can i check that nopw w a terminal\ | 21:28 |
xubuntu120 | the md5sum or should that have been done already | 21:29 |
slickymaster | you cab chek it now | 21:31 |
slickymaster | s/cab/can | 21:31 |
xubuntu120 | cool | 21:31 |
slickymaster | dou you know how to do it? | 21:31 |
xubuntu120 | barely | 21:32 |
slickymaster | give a sec xubuntu120 | 21:33 |
xubuntu120 | ok | 21:34 |
slickymaster | xubuntu120: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#Check_the_iso_file | 21:34 |
xubuntu120 | awsome | 21:34 |
xubuntu120 | do i need to do this sudo | 21:35 |
slickymaster | no xubuntu120 | 21:37 |
xubuntu120 | no such file or directory | 21:37 |
slickymaster | are you in the same folder where the iso file is? | 21:39 |
xubuntu120 | i cant be the terminals is not finding it | 21:42 |
slickymaster | you can either cd into the folder or run md5sum /path/to/the/folder/where/the/iso/is, xubuntu120 | 21:43 |
xubuntu120 | yeah im trying the pathway route but i installed it to a smal disk for the OS | 21:44 |
xubuntu120 | sda or sdb hummmmm should i just restart it all or would that cause more harm than good it is a fresh install nothing to ruin or lose ??? | 21:46 |
xubuntu120 | what happened was i plugged a network cable in after i told it to go ahead and install without the internet for updates | 21:47 |
xubuntu120 | it has stuck here for 2 hours longer than w the laptop who used this disk last and is working fine | 21:48 |
slickymaster | if it's a fresh install, you'll probably get it done faster just restarting it than yring to find what might be wrong with this one | 21:48 |
xubuntu120 | OK let me log out of here and re do with the net cable pluged in and see whats what thanks for the md5sum file I will use that before i install to make it better and note which directory its going in case i have to return | 21:49 |
xubuntu120 | thanks a million :) | 21:50 |
slickymaster | np xubuntu120 | 21:50 |
xubuntu120 | btw i think brazil is trounceing croatia | 21:50 |
xubuntu120 | :) | 21:50 |
knome | xubuntu120, #xubuntu-offtopic for football talk | 21:50 |
xubuntu120 | bye bye thank you | 21:51 |
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