
racarr_is CI completely destroyed or am I just having the worst luck ever on this branch01:37
RAOFracarr_: Heh.01:57
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RAOFErm, what?07:02
RAOFWe seem to call MirSurface::create_wait_handle.result_received(), but we never call MirSurface::create_wait_handle.expect_result()?07:03
RAOFHow does that not make mir_wait_for() a no-op?07:06
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RAOFAh, ok. So the answer is: it *is* a no-op.08:05
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alan_galf_: today it's "mir-android-utopic-i386" - https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-android-utopic-i386-build/11:13
* alf_ sighs11:15
alf_alan_g: I will ask in the CI channel, perhaps the can recreate the chroot tarball11:15
alan_galf_: fginther is already on it11:16
alf_alan_g: great then11:16
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alf_alan_g: anpok: Thoughts on the name for "Scene::inform_about_rendering_for(CompositorID, RenderableList const& rendered, RenderableList const& not_rendered);"12:59
alan_galf_: I don't know what it means => it is bad13:00
alf_alan_g: I wan't to let the scene know which renderables a compositor rendered and which it didn't13:01
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anpokthen use rendered instead13:04
anpokrenderered_renderables :)13:04
anpokor rendered_elements -typos13:05
alan_galf_: what's the sequence these days?...13:06
alan_g1, The scene gives the compositor a list?13:06
alan_g1.1. The compositor gives the scene two lists?13:06
alan_gCan't the compositor just tag the list items "rendered"?13:07
alan_gOr partition the list?13:07
alan_gDoes the scene even need to know what *wasn't* rendered?13:10
anpokit only needs to know what wasnt rendered at all in any compositor13:10
anpokso one list could be enough13:10
anpokso the scene now gets an explicit - i am done with rendering, and that is what I did call from each compositor (hopefully)13:11
alan_gIsn't it simpler for each element in the scene to know when it was last rendered13:12
alf_alan_g: anpok: It needs to know somehow (compositor tells it, or it tries to figure out by itself Rendered = All - NotRendered) what was rendered too, since we need to send both occlusion and exposure events.13:12
anpokoh so also the difference between this and last round of drawing13:13
anpokhm what if we have compositors that drive outputs that are side by side.. and that compositor has half the framerate of the other13:14
anpokahh nm, you can figure that out through the compositor id13:16
alf_anpok: the idea is that the scene knows about all the compositor ids. If all compositors say that we haven't rendered this surface then it is marked as occluded13:16
anpokbut you have to wait untill you receive results from all13:16
anpokand take the most recent maybe..13:16
anpokthen you also need to know that a compositor is turned off13:17
alf_anpok: but in any case, I am not concerned with the multi-monitor case right now, I am focusing on the single screen case13:17
anpok.. ok I just thought the interface is too complex..13:17
anpokbut it needs to be that way .. or the scene does more13:18
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alf_anpok: you mean passing both rendered and not_rendered?13:18
alan_gWe don't want to change everything as soon as there's multiple renderers13:18
alf_alan_g: we won't13:19
anpokalf_: well there is a reason for each parameter..13:19
alan_gthen we have to understand cases like multiple renders with overlapping contents13:19
anpokalf_: it feels like a start rendering / done rendering call required by the compositors13:22
anpokis rendereable_list_for only called once per frame per compositor13:22
alan_gAFAICS "occlusion" == we have to drop a frame because none of the renderers have drawn recently13:22
alf_alan_g: We (at least I) think we understand them. I am focusing on the simple case in the implementation side not the API side.13:23
alan_galf_: so for each buffer the scene tracks if each compositor was offered it and if it was then rendered?13:25
alf_alan_g: I tried the FrameDroppingPolicy approach, but it has problems.13:25
alf_alan_g: I am not sure what you mean with the last comment13:26
alan_gHmm. maybe I'm overcomplicating13:27
alan_gEach "thing in the scene that can be rendered"  needs to know whether all compositors offered the opportunity to render it on their last opportunity declined to do so?13:31
alf_alan_g: anpok: The current idea is: 1. Each compositor somehow informs the scene (or some other object) which renderables it rendered and which not 2. When a renderable hasn't been marked as not rendered by all compositors, it is considered "occluded" and the client is notified 3. When a renderable is marked as rendered by any compositor it is considered "exposed"13:32
anpokalan_g: not sure if it needs to know that it was offered - because if it wasnt offered for other reasons (and thus not rendered) it has to treated like occluded. so not rendered should be enough.13:33
anpokbut scene needs to track all compositions that happen in parallel and with a different rate..13:34
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alf_alan_g: anpok: We also need to know when it's being re-rendered after being occluded, to send an "exposed" event.13:35
alf_alan_g: anpok: that's step (3) above13:36
anpokwhy do we use something like a renderablelist at all?13:36
alan_galf_: understood. I'm trying to understand how the updates are generated from the information provided.13:37
alf_alan_g: oops (2) should be, "When a renderable hasn't been marked as not rendered by all compositors, it is considered "occluded" and the client is notified"13:38
alf_alan_g: double oops, should be, "(2) When a renderable *has* been marked as not rendered by all compositors, it is considered "occluded" and ...13:39
alan_gwhen a When a renderable has been marked as "occluded" by *all* compositors then it is considered "occluded". "All" being the compositors to which it was offered.13:41
alf_alan_g: right13:41
anpokdo we have to differ between occluded not offered to any compositor?13:42
anpokdo we have to differ between occluded *and* not offered to any compositor?13:43
alan_gNot offered to any makes "all" trivially satisfied13:43
anpoksure, just since you mentioned it, i wondered if in that case a different event is expected to be sent to the client - but I do not see a reason to do so.13:44
alan_gWe can represent "occluded in compositor X" by an attribute on the thing or as inclusion in a collection.13:46
anpokthe thing is the buffer inside the renderable list or the surface inside the scene13:48
alan_gYes, the "thing in the scene that can be rendered"13:49
anpokalf_: wrt naming, some proposals: compositon_result_for(id, rendered, not_rendered), submit_rendering_result_for(id..) )13:49
anpokand the opposite13:51
anpokand you need to find a point in time when you evaluate the information per thing13:51
alan_gthe point is time is when thing gets any messages adding/removing compositors or adding/removing occlusions.13:53
alan_gOr, using lists: Scene::rendering_result_for(this, RenderableList const& rendered, RenderableList const& occluded);13:54
anpokah so removal of compositors is like occluded_in(stopp_compositor)13:54
anpokalan_g: hm it only needs to store the "rendered by compositor x" information, which is removed on compositor removal, and occlusion, and added on rendering..13:58
alf_alan_g: anpok: right, so we can either make "thing" smarter (with the caveat that it needs to have more context), or we manage the logic centrally...13:58
anpokotherwise you would never loose occulded informations for removed compositors13:58
alan_gOK, I'm getting caught by another discussion. But to answer the original question...13:59
alan_gScene::rendering_result_for(this, rendered, occluded);13:59
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alf_alan_g|tea: anpok: Thanks! I will think through the details of both approaches (centralized vs distributed logic) and decide.14:11
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alf_fginther: Hi! Any update on the corrupted chroot tarball?14:26
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anpokAlbertA: with the current image the keyboard popups seem to be opaque15:18
anpokhm no we did not cause that15:19
AlbertAanpok: right15:20
AlbertAanpok: they are working around it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/132895215:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1328952 in Mir "Compositing with invisible surfaces" [High,Fix committed]15:20
AlbertAanpok: until the alpha fix lands officially in archive15:20
alan_galf_: fginther we have some CI successes at last!!!15:21
anpokah ok15:24
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