
DanChapmanGood Morning all09:00
Raven67854morning DanChapman12:21
Aki-Thinkpadhey for gradients, is it possible to do it diagonally?15:55
Max_TitherHello, I was wondering how some people are implementing the bottom edge swipe? Is this going to be built into the sdk, or are developers left to do the work.17:02
AskUbuntumodule verification failed signature and/or required key missing | http://askubuntu.com/q/48328317:09
Aki-ThinkpadBah; I just can't figure out how to change a colour gradient on a button state20:29
__llort__how long does it take to get my app on the ubuntu store20:39
__llort__Been waiting 3 weeks so far still pending review20:39
daker__llort__: desktop app ?21:04
__llort__daker, yeah21:04
daker__llort__: that's true, the desktop review queue is long and it's done manually21:12
__llort__daker, they seems to be accepting like 1 per week21:15
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, hey23:19
Aki-Thinkpadyou had a question earlier23:19
Aki-ThinkpadThe bottom swipe; you aren't talking about the popover menu, are you?23:20
Max_TitherI mean from the article loving the bottom edge23:20
Max_TitherI'm using the new header toolbar, so that means that I can use the bottom edge to my choosing23:21
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, the bottom edge is the popover I believe, here, a screenshot23:21
Aki-Thinkpadscreenshots would help23:21
Max_TitherUnless it is mostly design, I don't know if there is going to be an api: http://design.canonical.com/2014/03/loving-the-bottom-edge/23:22
Max_TitherWhat I would like to do is slide from the bottom to slide to the top a page23:22
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, yah I hadn't seen that design page23:24
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, so your gesture is just to do a little slide, and have that scroll to the top?23:24
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, Correct23:25
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, hrmmmmmmmmmmmm....23:25
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, I found something that I will try: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.Popups.ActionSelectionPopover/23:25
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, well that is the easiest solution; just put a button in the popover that will activate a scroll23:26
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, I don't know whether there is an api for it yet, but this place is pretty quiet on the weekends23:26
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, You are actually the first person to have a conversation with on this channel. When I have no luck, I turn to google+. I might poll some people on the developer Community.23:27
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, seriously this place does get busy23:28
Aki-Thinkpadmonday mornings england time23:28
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, you can always ping me, although in this case I have no clue.23:29
Max_TitherAh thats the problem, I am in the states on the eastern coast. By the time I get on, It must be already the afternoon or evening over there23:29
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, ha23:29
Aki-Thinkpadwhat app you developing btw?23:29
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, I am very new to irc. What does ping mean?23:29
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, Ping is a network protocol23:29
Aki-Thinkpadyou say ping23:29
Aki-ThinkpadI say pong23:29
Aki-Thinkpadso lets try it23:30
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, I have been jumping when I fail, but currently I am making an hours tracker23:30
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, Ping23:30
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, pong23:30
Max_TitherThats it?23:30
Max_TitherI though it was a command23:30
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, I know ping from networking, but not irc. Interesting23:31
Aki-Thinkpadthe head devs here are popey, dpm, mhall119 , and  probably someone I am missing23:31
Aki-Thinkpadbut they are usually doing the ubuntu on air sessions23:31
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, yah its a bit of a joke. Usually just saying their name, they will eventually get back to you. Just make sure you idle your irc23:31
Aki-Thinkpaddon't disconnect23:31
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, Ok.23:32
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, Have you tried the ubuntu stack exchange?23:32
Aki-Thinkpadits really helpful if you ask the question there, as that helps everyone23:32
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, I found that Google plus is the quickest and most dynamic way to get a response.23:32
Max_TitherThough I am a member23:32
Aki-ThinkpadMax_Tither, but it only helps yourself :P23:32
Aki-Thinkpadwhen you use ask ubuntu, it contributes to the community23:33
Aki-Thinkpadand you get brownie points23:33
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, Maybe if I find that it is something that contributes to the community, I ask there.23:33
Max_TitherI think this question may actually be very useful for many people23:33
Max_TitherI may try there.23:33
Max_TitherAki-Thinkpad, Have a good day or night and best regards on your trip.23:37
Max_TitherThanks for your advice23:37
popeyMax_Tither: wassup?23:48
Max_TitherGood Evening popey23:49
Max_Tither: )23:49
Max_TitherNothing much, and yourself?23:49
Max_Titherpopey, I was curious, Is there an api for the new bottom edge, or are developers going to have to find a way to utilize it?23:50
popeynot as such really23:58
popeyits pretty much a free-for-all23:58
popeybut t1mp and nik90 know more about that ☻ ask again during the european working week ☻23:58

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