
rick_h_woot woot02:05
rick_h_stupid moon won't come out darn it02:06
jrwrenwhat time is moon rise?02:18
cmaloneyrick_h_: Full moon Friday 13th was this morning02:51
cmaloneyAlso: Everyone in this channel needs to see Tim's Vermeer02:52
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/3vsy46 - Amazon.com: Craig Maloney's review of Tim's Vermeer02:56
greg-gwe just saw the moon04:53
greg-git was huge, really low in the sky, but awesome04:53
greg-gperfectly clear night out here04:53
tony-smlrSMLR IS Live E128  - Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZROqdRCPc_c - Audio: http://live.smlr.us/streaming11:35
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/9c7w2d - SMLR Live Episode 128 - - YouTube11:35
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/aZ3pik - 404 Not Found11:35
cmaloneyGood morning12:57
cmaloneyBTW: There's a rudimentary Squeezebox client fo rRoku16:18
cmaloneyIt's not that great though16:18
cmaloneyAnd doesn't handle Flac files16:19
cmaloneyWhich is why it's awesome that Squeezebox supports DLNA. :)16:19
gamerchick02that's cool.16:30
rick_h_cmaloney: heh, had just put that on the tablet yesterday.17:06
rick_h_greg-g: cool, we finally saw the oon around 11pm but it was so low in the sky it was behind the trees17:06
rick_h_by the time it got above the trees there wasn't much else to really frame a photo, but cool17:06
rick_h_ok, that's it! http://r.bmark.us/u/2ff0418e67b29517:51
cmaloneyrick_h_: Tim's Vermeer?18:09
cmaloneyrick_h_: You're NOT going to Portland. :)18:10
cmaloneyJust trust us on this.18:10
wafrick_h_: oh my god this bookie auto-suggested-tags thing is awesome18:12
wafgetting back into using bookie, this is my first experience with it18:12
wafso cool18:12
wafanyone have a hack for "following" people on bookie? thinking i might yahoo-pipes it up18:49
wafwell, here's a pipe, you can add a csv usernames list for a single rss feed: http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=528e612c9db2a73fc1ef27bf4d4a012f&_render=rss&usernames=wafuqua,dyladan19:03
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/6Z4QAm - text/xml; charset=utf-819:03
jrwrenhuh, my 7yo kid just noticed the Apoptygma Berzerk-Black EP cover is a QR code. it goes to a "hidden track"20:41

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