
Kiloscremora minora06:05
KilosMaaz  coffee on07:25
* Maaz puts the kettle on07:25
kbmonkeyhello Kilos 07:28
Kiloshi kbmonkey  howsit lad?07:29
* Kilos back on kde. unity is tiring to get working to my satisfaction07:29
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:29
KilosMaaz  ty07:29
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:30
kbmonkeyalright thanks Kilos. how are you and the sheep?07:33
Kilosgood ty apart from the cold07:34
Kilosso cold and peeps are flying around in microlights07:34
kbmonkeythe air must be like ice up that high07:35
Kilosyip. they must be fat peeps or thick skinned07:35
kbmonkeyI am driving to maritzburg shortly07:36
Kilosgo safe lad07:38
Kilosi did that trip every weekend for years07:38
Kilosbut the south coast way07:38
kbmonkeythank you Kilos. taking the sister and her husband with for father's day07:41
kbmonkeyI am going down so long, want to "assess" my car seat covers, need new ones07:42
Kiloshi Private_User  08:09
Private_Userhi Kilos08:09
Private_Userhey anybody here know of any good sites I can download some contract/partnership or client contract templates for ICT stuff like web development/support etc?08:34
Kilosall shopping08:50
Private_UserI guess since its Saturday everybody is out and about08:50
Kilosdid you try that script for win connections08:50
Private_Useryep I did, works lekker but internet was so slow yesterday did not make a difference08:51
Private_Usertoday it seems to be fine08:52
charl_good morning08:52
charl_hi Kilos, Private_User, kbmonkey08:52
charl_Maaz: coffee on08:52
* Maaz puts the kettle on08:52
Private_Usermorning charl_08:53
Kiloshi charl_  08:53
Private_UserMaaz: coffee please08:53
MaazPrivate_User: Alrighty08:53
Private_Usercharl_: you know of any good sites I can download some contract templates?08:54
Private_Usermore especially for like ICT stuff like providing development/support services to clients which they will sign and also to partner with other companies and provide those services08:55
Private_UserI know of a guy who lost everything because clients did not pay him and the amounts were in the millions08:56
Private_Userhe was doing software development08:56
charl_Private_User: sorry it's been years since i did any freelance projects08:56
charl_get a good lawyer08:56
Private_Userok no worries charl_08:56
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_ and Private_User!08:56
charl_i also had some bad expreriences with clients who did not pay08:57
Private_UserMaaz: thanks08:57
MaazPrivate_User: Okay :-)08:57
Private_Useryeah I am trying to avoid that08:57
Private_Userthis guy I know he had a company so not sure how he was doing business08:59
Private_Usersometimes word of mouth and trust is never enough08:59
Private_Userbut I think he lost everything due to poor financial management as well09:00
charl_Private_User: it's very hard in IT because it's a watery affair09:21
charl_most people outside of IT don't really know IT very well09:21
charl_so you end up having to hire a specialist lawyer09:21
charl_one who costs a packet of money09:21
charl_and the other party can always claim that you didn't do your job properly etc09:22
charl_so you have to prove that everything that was agreed upon has been delivered09:22
charl_when you do commercial software development, especially if you use the agile mythology, this can be difficult09:22
charl_because what is to be delivered is not structured in contractual form09:22
charl_it's captured on issue tracking systems like trac09:23
charl_that is, if you do it well, otherwise you just have a bunch of lose papers laying around with notes :)09:23
charl_so it makes it very hard to prove in court that you did your job and you need to get paid (in a legal way)09:23
charl_i used to mitigate the risk by mitigate the risk by insisting on clients paying deposits09:24
Private_Useryeah its a bit of a conundrum hey09:24
charl_it's the same as with quoting clients09:24
Private_Userbut you right how do you put on paper what is needed by the client and what that actually means in IT terms09:25
charl_how can you issue a quote based off a limited understanding of the requirements and variables involved09:25
charl_so you first have to do in-depth requirements analysis09:25
charl_by then you've already done half the work before you can actually quote the client09:25
charl_and then what if the client decides to go elsewhere09:25
charl_but that's typical waterfall mythology, i refuse to do that09:26
Private_Useryep thats the other issue some clients want to know the price before they give you any info09:26
Private_Userso if you had to guess prices what you say a web design project price should start from?09:30
Private_Userbut now a user do they understand the difference between web design and web development09:31
Private_Userlots of things to think about I guess thats why some people just go on trust and do the job but I guess yes a deposit does help and then rest payable on delivery09:32
charl_well the thing is you have to manage the risk, just like with everything else in business10:41
charl_when you're in business you take risks, that's the only way to get anywhere10:41
charl_but which risks you end up taking is something you have to be very careful with10:41
charl_and you have to try and mitigate those risks as far as possible10:41
charl_when you get involved with a client, you have to be selective about which clients you are willing to take on10:42
charl_usually that does not as much depend on the project, but on the client him/her/themselves10:42
charl_if you do work for a client regularly, you build a trust relationship with them10:42
charl_if they always keep paying consistently there is no reason to ask for a deposit every time10:42
charl_but if you think to yourself "this guy is a real w*nker" then you have to be extra careful10:43
charl_and that's when you might consider inflating the quote and asking for a fat deposit up front to at least see if they actually have (any) money10:43
charl_you can always make it up to them later by saying "it was less work than we thought" and simply make the final invoice less than expected10:44
charl_then you did good business and the client walks away happy10:44
Kilosbuild in a killer bug that you remove after you paid11:36
Kilosjust tell the client it has a bug built it that deactivates on payment11:42
Kilosohi superfly  15:42
Kilosand others15:42
superflyhi Kilos15:42
* Kilos watching rugger with tara15:42
captineevening all17:18
SomethingwentwroKilos: do you see the moon?17:20
Kiloswho you Somethingwentwro  ??17:21
Kiloshi captine  17:21
=== Somethingwentwro is now known as mobilemonkey
Kilosmy monkey17:21
mobilemonkeyOops :)17:21
captinehi kilod17:21
captineKilos, 17:21
captinemy bad17:21
mobilemonkeyIt is big and red17:22
Kilosyou still in pmb mobilemonkey  ??17:22
Kilosi walked to otherside the world i think. many hours17:24
Kilos-625  and -89617:26
Kiloseish superfly  gale force winds and rain tomorrow by you17:27
Kilosstay in bed17:27
theblazeheneish. Where is the fly?17:27
mobilemonkeyNo I drove back oom17:28
Kiloswhy you not in the game mobilemonkey  ?17:28
Kilosim so far away im not walking back again17:28
Kilosim gonna commt sewerage pipe17:28
* theblazehen beeping loves rsync :D17:29
=== psychici1t is now known as psychicist__
Kiloshi psychicist__  18:05
superflyKilos: gale force winds always here... and rain, well... it's winter18:15
Private_Userevening all18:47
hibanagood evening19:04
Private_Userevening hibana19:09
inetprohibana: gaan weg!19:11
hibanasorry oom19:11
inetprogood evening19:11
inetproEskom giving us grey hairs today19:16
* inetpro been working most of the day having to shut down servers et all due to loss of power in Pretoria19:17
inetproUPS system ended up running out of power due to another circuit breaker failing to switch over load between city power and generator19:18
Kilosinetpro  why you chase my friend hibana19:35
inetproskuus oom, baie onvriendelik van my19:35
Kilosone of my first irc buddies19:36
Kiloshe was very helpfull not busy all the time19:36
KilosThatGraemeGuy  link to the map please19:37
Kiloshehe skuus man19:37
Kiloswe mgonna have to find another unity user to help noobs19:38
inetproKilos: why?19:46
Kilosim seriously thinking of only using kde19:47
inetprooh cool19:47
Kilosi cant get that compose thing working19:47
superflytop left hand corner19:49
Kiloson unity superfly  , the thing i used to make the degrees sign20:09
Kiloson kde it works20:09
Kilosi hope20:09
Kilosja left super and oo20:10
Kilosthey have disabled the compose key function20:10
Kiloson unity that is20:10
superflyYøü méån thàt ônẽ?20:12
Kiloslol ya that one20:12
Kiloson drussels pc it works even disabled but not here20:13
Kilosand all the links on what to do make matters worse20:13
Kilosso im gonna cruise on kde and keep the unity drive going just for noobs help methinks20:14
Kilosnow its bed time for ballies. night all20:15
Kilossleep warm20:15

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