[02:24] sup [10:23] aloha all i am new in linux and i just install on v box studio in order to start small radio station can i get some advices here ? [10:37] xanna, what do you need help with? [10:45] hello :) [10:46] thank you :) [10:46] i am new to linux [10:46] !details | xanna [10:46] xanna: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) [10:47] i live in Cyprus and i would like to run small on line radio station [10:47] so i want to ask for some guides please [10:47] i have just install studio [10:47] xanna http://www.icecast.org/ [10:47] what tools ill need extra? [10:48] and is there a way to connect skype or any other communicator ? [10:48] xanna read the documentation on the site. READ. [10:48] i am doing right now :) [10:49] dont be angry please :) [10:51] xanna not angry. you're trying to do something fairly technical. research a bit more, keyboard a bit less. :0 [10:51] appreciate that :) [10:52] my i add you to "friend " list for later questions ? [11:01] ok one more thing ! i can not install guest addition ? is there better way like in the terminall ? [16:02] * krokus is away (Linux is culture.) === krokus is now known as kritor [17:37] hey everytime I restart ubuntu studio [17:37] my apps come back [17:37] i dont want that [17:37] i dont havent selected the option that does that [17:37] so why does it keep doing it? [17:46] hello? [17:53] can someone help me ? [18:55] Heyyo [18:55] Anyone here using m-audio USB interfaces with Ubuntu Studio? [20:03] I have used m-audio [20:04] Several m-audio devices. Usually successfully. [21:10] Hey,i'm new here.Not sure how to ask for help [21:26] Just ask... but be willing to wait for an answer. Many leave the irc running while they are away [21:26] this lets them catch the back log. [21:27] The person with the best answer to your question may well be asleep right now depending on where they live in the world. [21:30] thanx.I recently installed ubuntu studio 14.04 and just can not get anything to work with jack.I have recorded guitar tracks to audacity with no problems but as i said jack doeesnt seem to work.The messages i get i dont understand.Im new to linux.Was a windows user and never liked it much [22:15] !proaudio | andrew [22:15] andrew: For information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro [22:15] andrew: you can try #opensourcemusicians as well [22:15] using jack.. well, any pro-audio in linux with JACK is just not a trivial process [22:16] andrew: i suggest starting simple.. get jack running, stable on an internal audio device with no other devices plugged in.. then, open something like yoshimi and make a sound using "connect" in qjackctl to route connections [22:16] then, maybe something like audacious to play an audio file that you have codec support for [22:17] after you get the hang of that, then, you can move on to ardour... or, elaboarate here, or the other channel i mentioned and maybe you dont need jack at all [22:36] i have been to linux musician but everything i tried just doesnt seem to work.Alot of it is i am new to digital recording the only software ive used so far is audacity.But it seems lmms guitarix seem to need jack.If i could i would just disable jack but i dont think that would be a good idea [22:41] thanx for the advice,Seems this is going to take alot of reading.I guess i didnt realize the huge learning curve that comes with ubuntu studio