
SouL___He left00:18
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest28702
Guest28702i am looking for a code of ubuntu01:03
Guest28702who can help me?01:04
meddyanyone know how I set up wallpaper slide show ??02:36
=== WonkoTheSane is now known as amingv
=== mk is now known as Guest75253
=== Guest28618 is now known as dex
=== dex is now known as Guest8493
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meddyhello anyone?08:38
meddyi downlaoded a linux app uiseral media server but it just a tgz file what I do with it ?08:39
meddyhello anyone i have an issue08:44
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:31
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
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=== toscalix is now known as toscalix_
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=== ubuntu is now known as Guest79526
=== SvenOostenbrink is now known as phoenixz
lordievaderGood evening.16:53
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest45553
=== kyle_ is now known as m1sf1t
=== bart is now known as Guest42491
keais it possible to turn ubuntu 14.04 into Linux mint with out a fresh install19:12
kealinux mint 1719:13
lordievaderkea: This is #kubuntu not #linuxmint, here we support Kubuntu not Mint. Ask in #linuxmint for Mint support.19:13
=== james is now known as Guest82168
keathanks im using kubuntu 14.0419:14
keait was just a question i was wondering about19:14
* genii slides lordievader a tasty cookie19:17
=== jubo2 is now known as MadCommieScienti
keaoh i see this is a support channel19:22
keanot a chat channel, im sorry about that19:22
=== MadCommieScienti is now known as jubo2
=== mir_ is now known as MirT2500
rohanon my work computer, after i unlock the screen, the window on top no longer has focus, so i need to click on it. however, on my home computer, this does not happen: the last window still has focus after unlocking. both systems run kubuntu 14.04. any ideas?20:48
MirT2500((O__O))  first time i ever had a computer panic, halt itself and catch on fire... literaly20:51
MirT2500that hard drive is toast20:51
=== Haudegen is now known as Guest65549
donixim trying to convert from kubuntu to Ubuntu22:47
donixwouldlike to keep my data (video, pics etc) and KDE if possible22:47
donixtrying to convert to Ubuntu from kubuntu22:49
donixtrying to keep data (video, pics, etc) and a KDE22:49
geniidonix: Should just be able to: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop    ...and have both.22:53
MirT2500my audio devices are not showing up in the KDE settings22:55
donixim doing sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop right now22:55
donixhow do i get rid of the old kubuntu and its apps?22:56
geniidonix: You just said you wanted to keep your kde22:57
donixoh can you not download or what not KDE individually?22:58
donixim switching because i just found out steam only officially supports Ubuntu, and i cant get Ku to see my video card or get the drivers i need for it22:59
geniidonix: Since Kubuntu is KDE with ubuntu repositories underneath I'm not sure what advantage there would be22:59
donixthats what i was thinking but i can't figure anything out beyond that, so i dont really know what else to do23:00
geniidonix: Perhaps come back another time and ask for help getting your video working on Kubuntu :)23:00
MobileRoeyI'm trying to play music on my new Bose Soundlink III.  It works, except for Youtube (sounds comes oujt of the laptop) and also mpd's streaming HTTP server.  I've set my prefererences to prefer the Soundlink over the built-in audio out23:21
MobileRoeydoes Flash (for the youtube) not respect Phonon settings??23:21
* MirT2500 still ponders why his audio devices show up in alsa but not in kmix23:26

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