
balloonselopio, when you get a second I'd like to take quickly about some core apps tests; file manager, calendar, and reminders14:52
balloonsI'd like to talk :-)14:52
elopioballoons: I have 7 minutes14:53
elopiothen meeting, and then back.14:53
balloonselopio, let's talk in an hour and 7 ?14:53
elopioballoons: ok.14:53
balloonselopio, re: faking home stuff.. ping me before you start it again as there is even more file copying / symlinking that has to be done than is in calendar.17:44
elopioballoons: ok. Can we have a sample app that will fail if we don't have all the folders?17:45
elopiowe will need that to automate a test and make sure it keeps working.17:45
balloonselopio, sure.. that's something I can help with.. so just note we should work it together17:47
elopioI have it noted.17:47
balloonsfor now, back to other things :-)17:47
balloonsnuclearbob, :-)17:49
balloonsso I have a bug I shall ping you about nuclearbob until veebers and thomi arrive if you are interested and curious17:49
balloonsor perhaps cgoldberg as well17:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1328600 in Ubuntu Calendar App "test_new_event autopilot test fails on device (r315)" [Undecided,New]17:50
nuclearbobballoons, I can try, cgoldberg may also be able to help17:50
nuclearbobballoons, I expect maybe that's related to changes that thomi recently made, so it may be easiest to wait until he gets on17:51
balloonsso essentially the bug is with datepicker and autopilot; specifically autopilot is grabbing the max date.. and it's a twofold problem17:51
balloons1) overflow bug occurs for dates > 2038 and should be corrected17:51
balloons2) why is it generating the max date object?17:52
balloonsnuclearbob, I expected as much.. I was talking to thomi about the datetime stuff he did in Malta17:52
balloonsbut he shouldn't get all the fun eh?17:52
nuclearbobtechnically I think veebers is the kink of autopilot now, so he should get some fun too.  If I knew more about this particular change I could probably help better17:55
* alesage imagines veebers wielding riding crop18:12
thomibarry: good morning!19:59
barrythomi: hi!19:59
thomibarry: for the gunicorn packaging, I don't have a branch, but I assume that you can reconstruct my work from the package in the PPA? Or should I 'bzr init . ; bzr add *' and push somewhere?20:00
barrythomi: iwbn if there was a branch.  also, where's the ppa?20:00
barrythomi: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/pyramid/+spec/python3-pyramid20:01
barry"it would be nice" :)20:01
thomione branch,c oming up.20:01
thomiI'm actually somewhat proud of my gunicorn package, it doesn't seem *that* bad :)20:01
barryi have zope.deprecation and chameleon ready to go in debian20:02
thomibarry: BP updated with branch & other details - thanks!20:03
barrythomi: excellent, thanks20:05
thomibarry: debian packaging is so nice when it "just works"20:06
thomiI had to learn about refreshing quilt patches yesterday - so much fun!20:07
barrythomi: quilt is so wonderful, especially when in a vcs.  it's like inception20:07
barrythomi, nuclearbob could you please update the blueprint with the url to the ppa.  also, can i upload stuff to the ppa?20:10
thomibarry: sure - I just added all the branch links...20:10
thomibarry: I don't think you can20:10
thomibut I can add you probably, one second20:10
thomibarry: PPA link added, fginther is adding you to the CI team so you can upload20:13
barrythomi: wow, it's a big ppa.  looks like maybe we should try again for porting restish to py3 eh? :)20:14
fgintherbarry, done20:14
thomibarry: yeah, they're using resting for other components20:14
barryfginther: thanks20:15
barrythomi: come to usa and we'll sprint on it :)20:15
thomibarry: come to New Zealand and we'll sprint on it :D20:15
barrythomi: clearly we need to convince our managers to split the difference.  see you in honolulu20:16
thominah.... we should consider the total hours spent in a plane per year worked at Canonical, and whoever has the higher ratio gets to pick the location :P20:16
thomiactually, I dunno, I may lose that20:17
thomibarry: WRT the gunicorn stuff, do you think the correct solution is to ship a 'gunicorn3' executable? I ask because if we're going to keep that I need to update the charm20:18
thomibarry: but if we're going to do something else then I need to hold off a bit I guess20:18
barrythomi: the py2 version is `gunicorn` right?20:19
thomibarry: correct20:19
barrythomi: so yeah, gunicorn3 makes sense20:19
thomibarry: and gunicorn_django and gunicorn_paster20:19
thomiok, sweet20:19
elopioping barry.21:16
elopioit seems that your dialer py3 branch is still installing py221:16
barryelopio: huh21:17
barryelopio: oh, i think that's because it depends on ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot which pulls in both py2 and py3 dependencies21:19
barryelopio: i just did a trunk merge and re-push21:19
elopioahh, you are right21:20
elopiohum, so why did it fail again21:20
barryelopio: that is a question i have never been able to answer21:20
elopioAutopilot Package Version: 1.4.1+14.10.20140430-0ubuntu421:20
elopiocould not import package dialer_app: No module named dialer_app21:20
elopioLoading tests from:21:20
elopioDid not find any tests21:20
barryelopio: building the package locally just to see if the debs layout correctly21:24
barryelopio: gosh, it looks okay to me.  i have nfc why the branch is failing21:26
elopiobarry: I think that now the problem is on phablet-test-run.21:27
barryxnox: ^^21:27
elopiothis message at least is more readable than one week ago.21:27
barryelopio: let's see what happens with my new push, although i'm sure it will fail again.  i can try to take a closer look tomorrow21:27
elopiobarry: oh, it is never installing py3.21:29
barryelopio: dialer-app-autopilot Depends on python3-autopilot though21:29
barryand ${python3:Depends}21:30
elopioyes, then it's jenkins going crazy.21:31

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