
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (newvirus)04:50
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (snardbafulators)04:52
bazhangsnard is gone04:52
Flannel All we're left with is the bafulators.04:57
* valorie bafulates #ubuntu-ops04:59
valoriedunno what it means, but it's great!04:59
Flannelvalorie: I fully expect to see it in your next blog post.05:00
valorieyou could just be right!05:00
* valorie is writing a blog post atm05:00
valorieyou just never know.....05:01
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (user___)06:06
bazhang<ws2k3> do we have mariadb of mysql in buntu 14.04?07:07
valorie!info mariadb07:10
ubottuPackage mariadb does not exist in trusty07:10
valorieapt-cache policy says the same07:10
bazhangand -server, among others07:14
valorieah, I should have used ^07:16
=== mrmist is now known as mist
IdleOnenot sure why people insist on using anything but upstart12:06
IdleOnemust be the New Shinny Stuff syndrome12:08
ikoniagetting to grips with what's coming12:11
ikoniastarting to write there modules etc etc.12:11
ikoniait's not an unwise thing to do12:11
ikoniabut in that situation I'd expect a bit more research12:11
ubottuIn ubottu, marrio said: the grafic card is running wery bad probably because is windows game14:47
geniiHeh, issued the comment by mistake in #u but interesting to know that it works there18:58

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