
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
pittiGood morning04:14
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pittijibel: I'm scared; I think I understand and know almost the entire autopkgtest code now :)13:17
jibelpitti, well, you almost entirely rewrote it :)13:21
pittiheh, true that13:22
jibelpitti, do you know if it is possible to change the date in an lxc container?13:29
jibeldate -s returns operation not permitted13:29
jibelfor a test I must set the date to something post-14.04.113:30
pittijibel: do you get an apparmor violation? supposedly you can do it with an unconfined container?13:30
jibelpitti, nothing from apparmor13:31
pittijibel: hm, I don't know then, I'm afraid; supposedly containers and host just have one common clock, as they have a common kernel13:32
jibelpitti, yes, that what I suppose to, and I certainly don't want to change system time13:33
jibelhost system's time13:33
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elopioballoons: sorry, I forgot the landing meeting in 15 minutes. So I have 15 minutes.15:44
jibelelopio, didn't you say Germany/Portugal was in 15min :P15:46
elopiojibel: I have two monitors and two eyes.15:47
balloonselopio, ahh yes, post landing team15:58
balloonselopio, lol, no worries at all15:59
balloonsbtw, costa rica won.. woot15:59
elopioit was unbelievable.16:01
elfybut awesome to watch :)16:01
balloonswatch out elfy, they play england in a couple games!16:03
slickymasterWorkbah, portugal match is starting and I'm unable to see it16:03
balloonsgermany is playing now16:03
* elfy is unimpressed by the current match - wants neither team to get any points from it :(16:04
elfyballoons: yep :)16:04
slickymasterWorkyes balloons against portugal16:05
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elopioballoons: ready.16:18
balloonselopio, alrighty16:23
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saqman2060Hello guys. It has been awhile. I am using Utopia 14.10, Xubuntu on my laptop currently. Been very happy with it. Sorry that I missed the last UDS summit. What are the current plans moving forward?17:43
saqman2060 One thing that I would like to see is the snap feature included with XFCE4.17:44
balloonssaqman2060, howdy17:45
saqman2060Hello ballons17:45
elfysaqman2060: snap feature?17:52
saqman2060elfy, yes, the snapping of windows together as a similar feature implemented in Ubuntu-Unity17:53
elfynot seen that17:53
elfyplace to ask is #xubuntu-devel though :)17:54
elfypedantically yes - but I would imagine the underlying question is about xubuntu - or why be in a *buntu channel at all asking :)17:55
knomewould imagine nobody in the xubuntu team is willing to pick that feature request up17:56
elfywell yes there is that17:56
elfyanyway - whatever :)17:56
knomebut being a realist, sounds very improbable that anybody active in xfce would do that either...17:56
balloonswell technically it's a wm feature18:06
saqman2060Just a thought. It would make window placement much easier18:06
balloonsif you ran compiz plus xfce you could have it18:07
balloonsand for the record I love it18:07
saqman2060The power of asking lol18:07
saqman2060thanks ballons. This has potential. Wish me luck guys. I will bring this the xubuntu-dev channel.18:14
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