
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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JoshStroblhey guys, how do I re-install a core app like the File Manager and Calendar? They don't open, icon blank, and just doing an uninstall then click the Install button again doesn't work. Is it a package I can grab via apt-get or a particular click I need to push and install using adb?01:34
nhainesJoshStrobl: not possible.01:54
JoshStroblnhaines: *sigh*01:54
JoshStroblnhaines: so I gotta do a fresh install then?01:55
nhainesJoshStrobl: sounds like it.01:57
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Vairamcan anyone send me the download link for ubuntu touch latest build for droid razr xt91205:28
lotuspsychje!devices | Vairam05:28
ubot5Vairam: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices05:28
lotuspsychjeVairam: ubuntu-touch works best for nexus devices for now..05:29
lotuspsychjeVairam: its also best you install channel=devel to receive updates05:29
Vairami tried old build it has problem with tower05:29
lotuspsychjeVairam: also check the XDA formums for your device05:30
Vairamfiles from this link is not working05:39
dholbachgood morning06:28
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday and happy Fresh Veggies Day! :-D08:25
ybonIt's now three days my girlfriend uses the Nexus 4 on Ubuntu Touch I've installed for her, and she's yet gone to work with *my* phone :D (that they are both totally similar, apart from one being in English and the other in French)08:30
ybonIs phablet-screenshot working? I need to send her the SMS she receive :p08:32
ybonI have this error remote object '/tmp/mir_screencast_768x1280.rgba' does not exist08:33
popeyybon: yes, you need to patch it as the mir socket moved08:33
popeyone moment let me find the bug08:33
ybonthanks popey :)08:33
popeyybon: bug 132713908:35
ubot5bug 1327139 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "mirscreencast broke (moved socket) in #71" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132713908:35
ybondavmor2: about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/1329289 are you sure the message is not sent?08:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1329289 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Messaging indicator sometimes fails to send a reply" [Undecided,New]08:37
ybonI was about to file an issue about a similar problem I have with the indicator08:37
oSoMoNsil2100: hey could you (or someone you trust) comment on this minor packaging change in webbrowser-app? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/fonts-liberation/+merge/22320308:37
ybonbut in my case the message *is* sent, but never appears in the message app as sent08:37
davmor2ybon: Yes as I never receive it :)08:37
davmor2ybon: I'm sending messages to myself.  So I know that the text comes through correctly08:38
ybondavmor2: ok :)08:38
ybonSo I need to file a new one08:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1330390 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Some messages sent from the indicator never appear in the message-app" [Undecided,New]08:45
ybonwhere I can find the translation for "Unlock your PIN" message in the unlock PIN page? It's far too long in French, I'd like to propone another08:49
ybonpopey: I don't see how to apply the info from the mirscreencast bug to phablet-screenshot, any hint?08:54
yboni.e. I don't see any command line option for defining the socket in pablet-screenshot08:55
popeyybon: you need to ninja edit phablet-screenshot - the line which calls mirscreencast, add a -w /run/mir_socket08:56
popeyi think08:56
ybonooookey :)08:57
ogra_time that sergio returns so we can merge that fix08:57
* ybon ninja mode08:57
ybonstill remote object '/var/run/mir_screencast_768x1280.rgba' does not exist09:04
popeyybon: you need to update your phablet tools it seems you have very old ones09:04
ybonI see mir_screencast_768x1280_60Hz.rgba in /tmp09:04
popeyyeah, the freq was added a while back09:04
ybonshould I need a new ppa?09:04
popeyor ninja that in09:04
popeywhat release of ubuntu you using?09:04
ybonyet time to upgrade? :p09:05
popey  Installed: 1.0+14.10.20140528.1-0ubuntu109:05
popeyno, I'm sticking to 14.04 as long as I can09:05
lotuspsychjetill 2019 :p09:05
ybonso I'm late, yeah09:05
popeyyeah, yours is olde09:05
ybonit may be that I'm using a wrong ppa09:06
popey        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/tools/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages09:06
popeythats where my phablet-tools came from09:06
ybonAPT-Sources: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages09:06
ybonthis is mine I guess09:07
ybonlet me change that09:07
ybonthanks :)09:07
popeyhow are you btw ☻09:07
popeyalso "morning"09:07
ybonI'm fine :)09:07
ybonfamilly time https://twitter.com/informagicien/status/47829934971868774509:08
ybonand setting up my girlfriend phone :)09:08
ybonI'm planning a new run on OSMTouch, but don't know exactly when, as I need a bit of time to understand how to override the QT map to allow more control09:09
popeyoh i saw that picture on the weekend, didn't realise you took it!09:09
ybonI took it... and eat it! ;)09:10
sil2100oSoMoN: hey! Sure09:12
oSoMoNsil2100, thx!09:12
ybonhumm, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/phablet-tools shows mine as latest, so I need something more cowboy I guess09:13
popeywell, the ppa will still fail with the mir_socket issue, but should have the 60Hz added09:14
ybonadding this one https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/tools atm09:15
ybonpopey: just thinking, what about organizing a OSMTouch sprint at some point?09:16
popeysounds fun ☻09:16
popeyi like the idea of community people planning and running sprinting events.09:17
popeyI'm planning on making some core apps hackdays soon. Maybe we could combine this, have core apps days mon-weds, and community app sprinting thurs-fri?09:17
popey(of course people are welcome to hack on whatever they want on whatever day they like)09:18
popeybut we focus on two apps per day usually.09:18
ybonthat sounds nice09:19
ybonalso I can move somewhere over the world if there is some IRL event where we can have a more IRL sprint :)09:19
popeythats also something we're thinking of doing09:20
ybonThe next need on OSMTouch is to have our own QtMap, so we can control more think, like double tap for zooming, or more map styles09:20
popeywill bring it up in our team call later today09:20
popeymaybe a sprint in the london office09:20
yboncool :)09:20
ybonI would love that!09:20
ybonpopey: screenshort working, thanks!09:21
ybon(oh but phone frozen :p )09:22
ybondamn, no way to unfreeze it09:23
ybonfirst time I see that09:23
ybonrebooting :s09:25
ybonsomeone able to help debug why I cannot install any app? This is was I get http://i.imgur.com/GD4YJZ8.png09:31
ybonthe download seems ok, but then the install fails09:31
ybondownloads_db.cpp:147]  out of memory Error opening database <= in the ubuntu-download-manager logs09:32
popeyybon: what image you running?09:32
popeygo to accounts, sign out of Ubuntu One, and sign back in09:33
popeythen try again09:33
popeyalso we have some datacentre issues over the weekend which are still happening, if that doesn't fix it, then it *could* be that09:33
ybonbut it works from my other phone09:33
popeyah okay, so likely is that issue09:34
popeyauth token expired09:34
ybon(which I don't have with my right now because my gf took it by error this morning :p )09:34
ybonpopey: but it seems that download is ok, only the install fails09:34
popeyout of disk space?09:34
ybonaccording to df -h, no09:34
ybonpopey: relogged, should I restart also?09:35
popeycant hurt09:36
* ybon invoking black wizards at some point09:36
popeybut shouldn't need to09:36
ybonok :)09:36
ybonlet's do that just in case09:36
popeyget some chalk and a chicken09:36
ybondo you think sardinian gnocchis can do the job?09:37
ybonI can go for raviolis too if needed09:37
popeythe gods of phone aren't fussy09:37
popeyjust no apples09:37
ybongasp, same error popey :(09:39
popeycould be DC issue still then, i see no apps on my phone09:46
ybonnote that I see this problem from some days09:47
ybonand yet Friday I was able to download from my own phone, but not from the one of my gf, having this error09:47
ybonSo I guess it's more linked to the phone itself than to an external source09:48
meaninghello all.09:51
meaningI'm gonna idle here a little bit as I am pretty enthusiastic about the project :)09:51
meaningespecially interrested in the oem / tablet creation possibilities09:51
meaningI am looking for a device that would be molest proof...09:52
lotuspsychjemeaning: we all run ubuntu-touch without molest here :p09:58
meaninghahaha yes I dont doubt it :)09:58
lotuspsychjeits already more stable and much safer that bl**dy android09:59
meaningbut I'm working in a very specific field where people tends to be very agressive with the hardware.09:59
lotuspsychjeyou wanna hammertest devices :p?09:59
meaningI'm looking for devices that looks like the ones we could use in the streets09:59
meaningavoiding vandalism09:59
lotuspsychjeexplain that a bit plz :p10:00
meaningwell...I work with mentally insane people...want to make them make use of tablets. but they could easily hit them, break them...etc.10:00
lotuspsychjemeaning: well you need rubber protection, rather then ubuntu touch then>?10:01
lotuspsychjemeaning: or you want the software to be safe too?10:01
meaningI would like them to onyl be able to make use of very specific features10:02
meaninga closed interface10:02
meaningyes games would be great10:02
lotuspsychjewe have few games apps already on touch10:02
meaninglotuspsychje are you working for canonical ?10:02
lotuspsychjetnx to all the dev guys working on it10:03
lotuspsychjeno, im a happy touch user10:03
meaningok :)10:03
lotuspsychjemeaning: installed touch on nexus7 tablet, and working smoothly10:03
lotuspsychjemeaning: you have developing skillz?10:04
meaningjust a little bit :)10:04
meaningmy company has its own dev team10:04
meaningI am product manager ;)10:04
lotuspsychjemeaning: interesting!10:04
lotuspsychjemeaning: wich company is that10:04
meaningthat's why I like to approach possible partners by connecting directly to the irc chans...in my opinion it is the best way to proceed10:04
meaningI'dd like not to talk about this atm ;)10:05
meaningsorry man :)10:05
lotuspsychjeno sweat10:05
lotuspsychjeyou know 2 oem ubuntu touch phones are up to come this year?10:05
lotuspsychjeyou can follow news on omgubuntu if you like10:05
meaningyes but I definitely will need tablets10:05
meaningI already do10:05
lotuspsychjewell touch works on my tablet10:06
meaninglotuspsychje it's good to see that enthusiasm of users around here ! :)10:06
meaninggotta go for now...I'm working in GMT+1...meaning its time to lunch for me ! ;)10:06
lotuspsychjewell, the enthousiasm is all about ubuntu10:06
meaningsee you !10:06
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MirvoSoMoN: any update on the Oxide update? we'd like to land Qt 5.3 this week and the compositing working would be absolutely needed for web11:10
oSoMoNMirv, it will be landing this week for sure11:25
MirvoSoMoN: ok, keep me posted11:44
oSoMoNwill do11:44
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AskUbuntuE:unable to open debricking | http://askubuntu.com/q/48406113:11
mptWellark, how long does a Wi-Fi hotspot take to start, usually?13:20
mptHalf a second? Five seconds? Twenty?13:20
ogra_mpt, on the phone ?13:21
mptogra_, yes13:21
ogra_a week or two :)13:21
mpthar har13:21
ogra_(to implement it first)13:21
ogra_once implemented its a matter of a few seconds13:22
mptHmm, a few seconds is slow UI-wise13:22
mptOkay, so we’ll need some progress feedback13:22
mptThanks ogra_13:22
ogra_it needs to switch the driver to a different mode and then do all the network-manager magic on top13:22
ogra_cyphermox, so i tested the BT audio stuff today on flo ... i get a connection but audio doesnt get routed through the BT speaker13:41
cyphermoxogra_: ok13:41
cyphermoxhave you tested on mako too?13:41
cyphermoxI never had my hands on a flo to take a look at bluetooth13:41
ogra_my mako still runs the last promoted image that doesnt have the cahnges yet13:43
cyphermoxah, right13:44
tedgdbarth, alex-abreu, hey guys, I noticed that you're not registering for domains in url-dispatcher with webapps. Is there a reason, or didn't know about it, or TODO?14:03
tedgWe'd put that feature in primarily for webapps. I'll drop it if it's useless :-)14:04
alex-abreutedg, mostly that I didn't know about it :)14:04
alex-abreutedg, any quick pointer where I can have a look?14:04
alex-abreutedg, this is something that I have been waiting for some time (if it is what I think it is) but I missed the MR so didn't know it was in14:05
tedgalex-abreu, http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/platform/guides/uri-dispatcher-guide/14:05
* tedg is trying to be good and use the new fancy link mhall119 gave him14:05
tedgalex-abreu, Basically allows facebook webapp to register for http://*.facebook.com14:06
alex-abreutedg, precisely what I wanted :) ... awesome!14:06
tedgalex-abreu, So that way if an app has "Go to my Facebook page" and links, it could go to the webapp.14:06
Saviqbarry, hey, I ended up with multiple versions of (preinstalled, afaict) clicks installed for the same user, anything I can do to debug what's happened?14:07
pmcgowanSaviq, yeah we all have that since last week, maybe gatox would know14:08
alex-abreutedg, I might submit a few MRs or bgs, to enhance the uses cases (after I actually see what kind of patterns it can support)14:08
tedgalex-abreu, Cool, it's fairly simple right now. Just a domain suffix.14:09
gatoxpmcgowan, Saviq no..... has pkcon changed in any way?14:09
alex-abreutedg, right, it might be handy to e.g. support http & https and more precisely a form such as https?, etc.14:10
tedgalex-abreu, Sitting down with mpt we couldn't come up with use cases that needed more. So if you've got them we're game.14:10
tedgalex-abreu, You can register multiple in that case.14:10
alex-abreutedg, we got them :)14:10
pmcgowangatox, my theory was competing updates form the store and image14:10
pmcgowansince we download both at the same time14:10
alex-abreutedg, right, but might be simpler w/ the ?14:10
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Saviqgatox, nothing I know of14:11
barrySaviq: no idea from me, unfortunately14:13
* Saviq wonders who should be notified of this14:14
ogra_Saviq, the click scope people ?14:14
ogra_or cjwatson as click maintainer ?14:14
gatoxSaviq, if it is about click updates14:14
Saviqgatox, I'm not sure what happened, I just noticed after flashing my device today that I got missing icons14:14
* ogra_ doubts its a UI thing ... 14:14
gatoxSaviq, i'll look into that... but the weird thing is that no changes has been made there this last weeks14:15
ogra_i have the same on my flo here14:15
ogra_well, i have them duplicated14:15
Saviqgatox, I didn't use the settings app to update anything OTA14:15
Saviqogra_, yup, and missing icons?14:15
ogra_music, calculator etc are there twice14:15
Saviqyeah, same thing14:15
gatoxSaviq, ahh no system/click updates from system settings?14:15
ogra_and one is trannslated, the other isnt14:15
Saviqogra_, yeah, probably .mo missing14:15
ogra_i had updates iirc14:15
ogra_it is like that since a while on my flo ... (a week or so)14:16
Saviqgatox, not for those apps, no, preinstalled got updated via image flashing14:16
gatoxSaviq, mmm if it wasn't during a system/click update from system settings..... then not me14:16
Saviqgatox, yeah, I didn't think so14:16
Saviqogra_, do you know of a bug#?14:16
* Saviq files14:16
ogra_i dont have it on my mako14:16
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ogra_only on the flo14:17
ogra_(the mako is running promoted (79) though ... )14:17
cjwatsonSaviq: simply having multiple versions shouldn't be a problem in itself14:17
ogra_cjwatson, well, the Ui presenting both of them to you is one :)14:17
cjwatsonthen people should say what they mean rather than coming up with proxies14:18
cjwatsonSaviq: could you please pastebin: ls -l /opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/phablet/ /home/phablet/.cache/upstart-app-launch/desktop/ /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/14:20
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Saviqcjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7653266/14:21
cjwatsonSaviq: ok, that's an ubuntu-app-launch bug - its hook should have synchronised ~/.local/share/applications/ with the source directory (~/.cache/upstart-app-launch/desktop/) and has failed to do so14:22
cjwatsonSaviq: there might be something useful in ~/.cache/upstart/click-user-hooks.log (or something like that)14:22
ogra_is the dir still called upstart-app-launch after the rename ?14:23
Saviqcjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7653270/14:23
cjwatsonogra_: it was for a while, but indeed I just noticed it isn't any more14:23
Saviqgrr ^W14:24
ogra_well, tedg should have done some transition from a maintainer scritp or so14:24
cjwatsonSaviq: ls -l ~/.cache/ubuntu-app-launch/desktop/14:24
cjwatsonogra_: shouldn't be necessary14:24
Saviqcjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7653277/14:24
cjwatsonSaviq: right, still an ubuntu-app-launch bug despite my initial mistake :)14:25
cjwatsonclick has given it the right data but it isn't dealing with removed files properly14:26
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tedgSync issue between the cache and local/share/apps?14:27
cjwatsontedg: apparently; but that's entirely controlled by your hook :)14:28
tedgSure, just missing a pastebin I think of the applications directory listing?14:28
cjwatsontedg: part of http://paste.ubuntu.com/7653266/14:28
cjwatson(disregard the first block, my u-a-l checkout was out of date)14:29
* ogra_ assumes it will only affect people that updated preinstalled apps during the renaming ... i.e. wont affect promoted images (since they are so far apart in versions)14:29
tedgWho's machine is this? /me wants to ping the right person :-)14:30
ogra_tedg, Saviq and I see it14:30
tedgMy guess is that you got one of the interim images that had the click desktop hook run.14:30
ogra_the pastes are from Saviq14:30
tedgogra_, Can you see if they both have the X-Ubuntu-Application-ID field?14:30
ogra_right, i dont see it on my mako that only runs promoted images ... i do see it on my flo that runs all devel images14:31
tedgUAL won't delete something it didn't creat.14:31
tedgAnd it checks for that field to see if it created it.14:31
ogra_where is that tag exactly ?14:31
tedgogra_, In the desktop file, likely towards the end.14:31
tedgogra_, Generated one ~/.local/share/applications14:31
ogra_looking at gallery app, only the second one has it14:32
tedgYeah, so the first one was created by the click desktop hook. Which is why UAL didn't delete it (and won't).14:33
tedgThat was caused by a bug where the click desktop hook wasn't changed for the rename, so it ran before the UAL one.14:34
ogra_tedg, well, the prob now is that the UI gives me no way to remove the broken one14:34
ogra_trying the usual way i only get a "open" button ... no "remove" anywhere14:35
ogra_funnily tapping the icon-less entry properly opens the app14:36
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tedgogra_, Heh, if you just remove the applications directory and run the UAL hook it'll rebuild it for you.14:37
tedgNot a GUI solution, but a pretty quick fix.14:38
ogra_tedg, right, i dont moind doing that ... but we have many people out there running the proposed images ... probably a mail is in order to tell them how to get rid of that14:38
sil2100dholbach: ping :)14:41
dholbachsil2100, pong14:41
cjwatsontedg: ah, yeah, that would make sense14:41
tedgSorry, wireless firmware died :-/14:42
davmor2Mirv: header isn't right in gallery on qt5.3 either14:42
tedgSure, I'm surprised that people would be running devel-proposed for things they don't expect to wipe regularly. But don't mind sending the mail.14:43
ogra_well, some people like to live on the edge14:43
ogra_(i dont)14:43
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davmor2tedg: because someone has to find the faults14:44
tedgI'll see if I can find the video of the house they just burned down in Dallas because the foundation was falling into the lake :-)14:45
tedgdavmor2, We're good, we have enough faults, we don't need you to find more :-)14:45
davmor2tedg: Tough :P14:47
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Mirvdavmor2: oh, ok... file a bug, ping devs14:57
janimobarry, hi, I filed two MRs agains system-image-cli last week (one based on our conversation)15:04
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barryjanimo: yep, thanks i saw them, and they are on my list to review.  i was working on a few other big branches first, but i think both are sufficiently stalled at the moment that i won't wait for them to finish before looking at your branches.  hopefully in the next day or so, but ping me if they languish any longer than that15:08
janimobarry, thanks!15:08
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janimobarry, the auth one is useful as some of our OEM builds are served over restricted https connections15:09
oSoMoNdidrocks, hey, I need a core-dev ack on https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/fonts-liberation/+merge/223203, do you have a minute to look at it?15:09
didrocksoSoMoN: sure, doing15:11
didrocksoSoMoN: approved15:12
didrocksyw ;)15:13
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ogra_sergiusens, there is a phablet-screenshot fix awaiting your review and ack ...15:37
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lotuspsychjeany news on pdf reader yet?16:25
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balloonsping jdstrand17:06
jdstrandballoons: hey17:09
balloonsjdstrand, just curious about apparmor errors I still see from mknod: Jun 13 20:47:22 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [19523.720367] type=1400 audit(1402692442.412:389): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" parent=1852 profile="com.ubuntu.calendar_calendar_0.4.319" name="/home/phablet/autopilot/fakeenv/tmp99b763f1/.config/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/theme.ini.TJ9415" pid=9415 comm="qmlscene" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201117:09
balloonsthey don't affect anything, but they still exist and are a bit weird..17:10
jdstrandballoons: that isn't an exception listed in click.rules17:11
jdstrandthis gets back to the problem of fakeenv that we discussed. there are non-app specific readonly paths that are affected by using fakeenv17:12
jdstrandthey either need to be added to the click.rules file and copied in by the test tool or symlinked from the fakeenv to the real location by the test tool17:13
balloonsjdstrand, is this yet another rule we didn't add then?17:15
lotuspsychjedownloading version 83...17:15
balloonsif so, I guess, can we do so?17:15
jdstrandballoons: well, like I said. there is a choice. 1) have the test tool create the symlink from the fakeenv to the actual file and don't change the policy or 2) copy the file in to place in the fakeenv and update the policy17:17
jdstrandI think '1' is easier to maintain cause it is only in the test tool, whereas '2' is in the test tool and the clic.rules file in autopilot17:18
jdstrand'1' isn't totally isolated, but apps won't be allowed to change the contents of those symlinked files, so it shouldn't really be a problem17:19
jdstrandballoons: this is really going to have to be done for every file that is affected by resetting the XDG variables that isn't in the app-specific directory17:20
jdstrandballoons: grep HOME /usr/share/apparmor/easyprof/*/ubuntu/*/*|cut -d ':' -f 2- | sed 's/^ *//' | grep -v APP_|sort -u17:25
* jdstrand would ignore the cordova-ubuntu-2.8 ones17:26
balloonsjdstrand, ahh that's what you mean17:42
balloonsso symlinking everything listed here will allow the app to read it under the fake home as usual and nothing more17:44
balloonsand then I shouldn't see the errors17:44
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jdstrandballoons: right. apparmor will resolve the symlink so the policy doesn't have to be updated, yet, the app is accessing it under the fakeenv17:45
rickspencer3may I assume that image #83 has the split greeter revert?17:54
* rickspencer3 updates17:55
dobeyrickspencer3: #81 had it17:55
rickspencer3dobey, was #81 promoted?17:56
dobeyaccording to landing team mail17:56
dobeyno, i don't think so17:56
ogra_yeah, wplit greeter is out now17:58
ogra_cyphermox, awesome ... music from my speaker in #83 !!18:01
cyphermoxogra_: rsalveti landed the pulse changes?18:02
ogra_well, it works on mako (which just got 83 since i promoted it 30min ago)18:02
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ogra_it doent work on flo ... which likely needs some extra pulse love18:03
rsalveticyphermox: not yet, hopefully landing this week18:04
rsalveticyphermox: oh, sorry18:05
cyphermoxit should not work on either, or work on both18:05
rsalveticyphermox: you mean the config changes18:05
rsalvetinot pulse-droid18:05
cyphermoxI see what you mean now ;)18:05
rsalvetinot yet, will push in a few, just flashing a clean image to test18:06
lotuspsychjeimage gallery still crashing on version 83 on my nexus718:06
cyphermoxso how does it work on mako then?18:07
cyphermoxunless we're just lucky in this particular case, and it goes to bluetooth anyway18:07
cyphermoxogra_: on flo, did you start music-app after or before connecting the bluetooth device?18:08
ogra_i even killed and restarted it18:08
* cyphermox will go buy a flo tomorrow18:08
rsalvetiogra_: cyphermox: wonder how it works on mako but not on flo without the pulse changes18:09
ChickenCutlasscyphermox, rsalveti oh so the a2dp pulse thing did not land yet18:09
rsalvetiwill test and see18:09
ogra_i'd try again but the BT indicator doesnt start scanning18:09
ChickenCutlassI wonder why it worked18:09
cyphermoxrsalveti: that's what I was saying18:09
ogra_in fact i cant enable BT now on my flo18:10
rsalvetiI got an a2dp device in hands, will test after it finishes flashing latest image18:10
* ogra_ reboots :(18:11
cyphermoxrsalveti: a2dp only?18:11
cyphermoxwhat device?18:11
cyphermoxI don't have any that are a2dp only18:11
rsalvetiI guess it's the same speaker ogra_ had in the sprint18:11
cyphermoxoh ok18:11
dobeyugh. #83 has the black screen of death issue still for me :(18:11
cyphermoxBose Mini SoundLink18:11
cyphermoxrsalveti: will you have time to help me with bluez/hsp this week?18:12
cyphermoxlike I mentioned before, kind of out of options and ideas on why it doesn't work18:12
rsalveticyphermox: yup, planning to spend some time on that tomorrow already18:12
cyphermoxI tried with pulse-droid but didn't manage to switch the port to something that would do hsp18:13
ogra_ok, no go on my flo ... just confirmed again18:13
cyphermoxall the profiles already appear fine for it18:13
ogra_its funny, since flo and mako are largely the same devices18:13
* dobey wonders how the heck to even debug this issue18:13
ogra_dobey, start with /system/bin/logcat -d18:14
ogra_that should show you any driver issues18:14
dobeyi did an adb shell while the screen was black, and whoopsie was doing something. not sure what crashed though18:16
rsalveticyphermox: ogra_: system-settings seems to be quite broken for me on latest18:58
rsalvetiafter entering in the bluetooth section, I can't get back18:58
cyphermoxbroken how?18:58
rsalvetiand the enable/disable icon is not there18:59
cyphermoxclick at the top left18:59
cyphermoxpress I mean18:59
rsalvetithere's no top left :-)18:59
rsalvetilet me take a picture18:59
cyphermoxno title?18:59
cyphermoxwhy did this make it in the archive then? :D18:59
rsalvetiright :-)19:00
rsalvetiogra_: how to take a screenshot now?19:00
rsalvetiphablet-screenshot is not working for me19:00
rsalvetiFailed to connect to server. Error was :connect: No such file or directory19:00
rsalvetiremote object '/tmp/mir_screencast_768x1280.rgba' does not exist19:00
rsalvetiguess because of the socket path changes19:00
cyphermoxthere's a slight difference in the file name yeah19:01
rsalveti115     adb shell mirscreencast -m /tmp/mir_socket -n1 -f $MIRFILENAME19:01
rsalvetiwonder if we already have an MR for that19:01
rsalvetiogra_: we need to land that :-)19:03
rsalvetilet me test/review19:03
rsalveticyphermox: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/system-settings.png19:04
rsalvetibut it seems that every screen is broken19:05
rsalvetiin system-settings19:05
rsalvetithis is image 8419:05
ChickenCutlassrsalveti, I am running 84 -- its fine for me19:06
rsalvetiweird, let me reboot19:06
rsalvetinah, still broken19:08
rsalvetiwonder if that's a bad config or such19:09
rsalvetiChickenCutlass: cyphermox: yeah, worked fine after erasing ~/.config and such19:12
rsalvetican't connect, I'm able to see the device but stays on connecting19:15
dobeyW/Adreno-ES20( 2368): <core_glReadPixels:212>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION19:29
dobeyW/Adreno-EGLSUB( 2368): <CacheInvalidateHandle:243>: PMEM_INV_CACHES undefined19:29
dobeyogra_: ^^ if you're still around, do you think that could maybe be related to unblank failure? i see that on image #50 though which works, so maybe not?19:29
rsalveticyphermox: can't connect with mako, for whatever reason19:41
rsalvetilet me test with flo19:42
rsalvetialright, connected after removing the previous config I had for it, and rebooting19:43
rsalveticyphermox: but after connecting with mako the route is still as before, not changed automatically (as expected)19:52
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AskUbuntuToughbook CF-C2 touch screen not detected | http://askubuntu.com/q/48422620:03
elrafiehi all20:06
elrafiedo ubuntu touch works in HTC one MAX20:06
elrafiedo ubuntu touch works in HTC one MAX20:07
elrafiedo ubuntu touch works in HTC one MAX20:09
elrafiedo ubuntu touch works in HTC one MAX20:09
popey!devices | elrafie20:11
ubot5elrafie: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices20:11
elrafiei found htc one20:11
elrafiebut not max20:11
elrafieis one max and  one are same ?20:12
elrafieis one max and  one are same ?20:12
elrafiei found htc one but not max20:12
popeyi have no idea20:13
dobeyi'm sure he doesn't know20:13
popeyby the way, asking the same question over and over isn't useful usually20:13
elrafiewho can answer this quesion20:14
dobeyyou can20:14
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noobfishI think about buying a Nexus 4 or 5 (my current phone broke down these days)20:42
noobfishI read that sound and bluetoth are making problems in nexus 520:43
noobfishis this still up to date ?20:43
noobfishor in generall... is nexus 5 a bad idea ?20:45
dm1ria bad idea in the meaning of using it for ubuntu touch or in general?20:46
dm1rii have a question too, i still have a galaxy nexus^^ is there any way to install utopic on it? can i probaly use the armhf image?20:47
noobfishin generall it's a good phone:P i mean about ubuntu21:03
robotfuelartmello|afk: can you look at this when you have a chance, https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/133064821:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1330648 in gallery-app "lrt test found crash file _usr_share_click_preinstalled_com.ubuntu.gallery_2.9.1.996_gallery-app.32011.crash" [Critical,New]21:09
robotfuelartmello|afk: if it's a problem with libQt5Core or with the SDK and not the gallery-app let me know so I can assign it to the right project21:12
AskUbuntuUse Ubuntu on Tablet with mouse/keyboard? | http://askubuntu.com/q/48426621:41
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msvb-labHi folks, got a problem after running 'dualboot.sh' and getting the /system/app/UbuntuInstaller.apk seems correct.23:13
msvb-lab...but I see no 'Ubuntu Dualboot' icon in my apps list inside CM
msvb-labWhoops, I meant Cyanogenmod 11 (not 10.2.1.)23:14
msvb-labI just upgraded to 11 yesterday so assume this is a problem for UbuntuInstaller.apk?23:15
msvb-labNo ideas?23:15
GLaDOS_I need help!23:34
GLaDOS_I have samsung model:sm-T10R2, how do i install unbuntu????23:35
sarnoldGLaDOS_: some unofficial ports are listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices23:36
GLaDOS_sweet, would the Galaxy tab 2 port work even though my is a 3??23:38
geniiNot sure I'd chance it.23:39
GLaDOS_oh could I brick my device?23:41
GLaDOS_I assume so23:41
geniiConceivably. And since it's not an official port, not much we could do for you here about it.23:41
GLaDOS_Thank you genii!23:42
geniiGLaDOS_: You may find someone on the XDA forums that's working on it, but not listed on the official page given earlier23:43
GLaDOS_Thank you genni!! Take care!!!23:44
frecelGLaDOS_: compare the hardware elements of galaxy 2 and 323:53
frecelGLaDOS_: if glaxy tab 3 just uses newer versions of the same hardware than I think you have some chance of making it work23:53
frecelGLaDOS_: if it doesn't then don't even bother23:54
GLaDOS_sweet Ill try it out23:54
GLaDOS_Thanks frecel!23:54
GLaDOS_http://www.phonearena.com/phones/compare/Samsung-Galaxy-Tab-3-7.0,Samsung-GALAXY-Tab-2-7.0/phones/7834,6929 seems pretty close, take not where the chip type is located, on the table, there is no listing for tab2, because the field on the \left appys23:56
GLaDOS_Id assume so?23:56

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