
tsdgeosMirv: at Berlin you said you had a ppa following "stable", you're aware that "stable" doesn't exist anymore?08:27
Mirvtsdgeos: it's not automatically following, but yes I noticed they're now merging to 5.308:32
Mirvtsdgeos: the last build is from 2014060508:32
Mirvtsdgeos: any change of looking at the 5.3 crash? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1328485 Pat assigned to Saviq though but it can be reassigned if it's more your turf08:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1328485 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGABRT on Qt 5.3" [High,New]08:33
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, could you try and have a look at ↑?08:38
Saviqtsdgeos, from the symbols I saw, it'd be an upstream bug around HTTP requests08:38
* tsdgeos checks08:39
CimiSaviq, new infographics are broken here09:17
CimiSaviq, I am testing...09:17
Cimidon't review yet09:17
Cimisomething got broken between the split and unsplit merges09:17
mhr3Saviq, will you be able to land the id hack today?09:19
Saviqmhr3, I think so, yes09:20
tsdgeosSaviq: Mirv: so that crash should just happen by scrolling up/down in the apps scope?09:22
Saviqtsdgeos, I believe some "normal" usage is causing it09:24
Saviqtsdgeos, but Mirv knows more09:25
tsdgeosi can't get it to crash :/09:25
Mirvtsdgeos: Saviq: yes, but sometimes it seems pretty hard so I tend to also open several apps, continuing rapid swiping of apps scope up/down etc.09:27
tsdgeosok, let me open a few apps09:28
tsdgeossee if that helps09:28
Mirvtsdgeos: maybe expand the Available and then swipe up/down (as that probably generates http requests or so)09:28
tsdgeosyeah i was doing that a lot09:28
MirvI actually just got a hang (?) that way, unity8 is consuming 100% CPU09:28
tsdgeosi just got it to crash09:51
tsdgeosbut with a different total bt than Mirv's09:52
tsdgeosuncool bt09:52
Saviqtsdgeos, ouch09:53
Mirvtsdgeos: http://people.canonical.com/~tjyrinki/qt53/unity8hang.mkv this was right after reboot (pure hang in this case, a crash earlier)09:53
davmor2Mirv: is apport running at 99+ % in the background10:16
davmor2Mirv: as in after reboot it started to report the earlier crash because it hadn't done so previously?10:17
Saviqtsdgeos, you were supposed to fix the one found already, *not* find two new ones ;P10:18
tsdgeosSaviq: i think it may still be just on10:19
tsdgeosmemory gets corrupted10:19
tsdgeoscrashes in a random place10:19
Saviqtsdgeos, yup10:19
Mirvdavmor2: no, the only case I saw apport was when it was reporting the currently happened crash (I tend to let it finish)10:34
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
CimiSaviq, what was installing /usr/share/unity8/Greeter/graphics/infographic_circle_back.png ?11:21
SaviqCimi, > dpkg -S /usr/share/unity8/Greeter/graphics/infographic_circle_back.png11:22
Saviqunity8: /usr/share/unity8/Greeter/graphics/infographic_circle_back.png11:22
Cimihah I don't have it11:22
Cimiwhy... weird :D11:23
CimiSaviq, what does debian/control needs?11:26
Cimiand what should go in unity-api?11:26
SaviqCimi, in any case, that file should be gone now, the infographics svg needs to include that circle11:26
SaviqCimi, isn't there a new package with the qml bindings that your MP depends on?11:27
Cimimmm no11:27
Cimior yes11:27
Cimiwell yeah it does indeed11:27
SaviqCimi, qtdeclarative5-infographics0.111:28
SaviqCimi, as per https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libusermetrics/file-based-infographics/+merge/21402011:28
CimiSaviq, adding11:28
SaviqCimi, make sure to add the dep in the correct place (unity8 vs. unity8-common, depending on where you put the QML files in)11:30
CimiSaviq, this dep is runtime for unity811:31
CimiSaviq, infographics are in qml/Greeter11:31
SaviqCimi, sure, but which package do the QML files that "cause" that runtime dep get installed in? unity8 or unity8-common?11:31
SaviqCimi, hint: debian/*.instsall11:32
CimiSaviq, both11:34
CimiSaviq, Infographics in in qml/Greeter11:34
CimiSaviq, but uses CrossFadeInfographics that is in qml/Components11:35
Cimi(will work in getting the mod in the sdk, but will come later I believe...)11:35
SaviqCimi, and both import the module?11:35
Cimijust unity8 then11:38
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CimiSaviq, ok updated and using png instead svg12:03
SaviqCimi, png/svg of what?12:03
CimiSaviq, mocks12:03
SaviqCimi, kk12:03
CimiSaviq, diff easier to read12:03
SaviqCimi, indeed12:03
mzanettiSaviq: do you know what's the ETA for the split greeter revert?12:08
Saviqmzanetti, already in trunk12:08
mzanettidandrader: ping12:09
dandradermzanetti, pong12:09
mzanettidandrader: hey. do you think you could update the qtcomp unity8 to the latest unity8 trunk?12:10
dandradermzanetti, sure12:13
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* kgunn wonders if mterry took his swap day today13:09
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Saviqkgunn, last mention of him on the channel was 2200 UTC13:16
Saviqkgunn, but you should be able to find out in hr c c, assuming he reported it there13:17
kgunngood point13:17
SaviqCimi, QtCS notes are on warthogs for you13:21
CimiSaviq, thx13:21
mhr3Saviq, people are getting nervous about departments, mind if i build u8+all the rest in a silo?13:36
Saviqmhr3, ETA on your part?13:36
Saviqmhr3, in any case, I'm landing u8 real soon, probably best to wait for that13:37
Saviq@unity: anyone running a ~clear recent image13:39
tsdgeosnope, lots' of 5.3 stuff in here13:39
Saviqdo you have all app icons in Installed?13:39
Saviq↑ to anyone that *does*13:39
mhr3Saviq, will still take a while, i'd want it as a non-blocking silo13:40
mhr3Saviq, we need to land all the api breaks in there, so will have to also update and rebuild all the scopes etc13:41
Saviqmhr3, I'm fine with that, only worry I'd have is we'd be blocking silo, but if you can convince sil2100, be my guest13:42
mhr3i'll promise sil2100 to not request any other silos while i'll have that one13:44
Cimiseb128, every laptop suspend  in utopic unity crashes and keeps crashing until I reboot... happening since few weeks. do we have a bug for that?13:53
seb128Cimi, not that I know about no13:53
Cimiseb128, strangely apport doesn't collect anything13:53
mhr3Saviq, dednick texted me that dist-upgrade hosed his system... guess he might not make it to standup14:11
Saviqmhr3, ouch14:12
Saviqmhr3, thanks14:12
tsdgeosSaviq: any idea who/what can be setting the Theme to Ubuntu.Components.Themes.SuruDark ?14:16
MacSlowSaviq, for the "changelog bump" in lp:unity-notifications, regarding the increased max. number of actions, what part of the package-version (x.y.z+ddmmyyyy-pkgrev) is meant the be increased?14:16
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SaviqMacSlow, just the part before +14:17
SaviqMacSlow, and leave it UNRELEASED14:17
dednicknew kernel hosed my system.14:17
Saviqdednick, welcome back14:17
Saviqtsdgeos, Shell.qml:7414:17
tsdgeosSaviq: no, that's SuruGradient14:17
dednickfor some reason above 3.8 kernel doesnt work on my system.14:18
Saviqtsdgeos, ah, then UITK probably14:18
dednicki did notice some errors go past on dist-upgrade though...14:19
Saviqtsdgeos, MainViewStyle.qml14:20
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tsdgeosfound it14:20
tsdgeosSaviq: you aware it's overriding our surugradient?14:20
MacSlowSaviq, ok... that's what's to be checked in unity8's debian/control afterwards. Still, I have yet to find the correct option of "dch" to create the correct changelog-entry or is that something one has to do manually?14:20
tsdgeosalso that weird construct is making valgrind and asan complain14:21
tsdgeosobviously not what causes our crashing problems14:21
tsdgeosbut makes asan stop there14:21
MacSlowSaviq, is what it looks like atm http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7653268/14:21
SaviqMacSlow, 'dch -v 1.2.3 "Changelog entry"'14:22
SaviqMacSlow, just drop the part after +14:22
SaviqMacSlow, but yeah, `dch -v 0.1.3-0ubuntu1` would work14:22
MacSlowSaviq, ok... well 0.1.2 is already the bumped version :)14:23
SaviqMacSlow, then that, yes14:24
Saviqtsdgeos, so we don't get SuruDark in the end?14:25
Saviqerm SuruGradient?14:26
tsdgeosSaviq: nope14:26
tsdgeosor at least i'd say not14:26
tsdgeosfirst output is what you set, second what you had14:27
tsdgeosthe last ones are Dark, Dark anyway14:27
Cimiseb128, where do I find unity 7 log?14:27
Cimiseb128, keeps respawing14:27
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seb128Cimi, ~/.cache/upstart/compiz.log or gnome-session-Unity.log14:28
Cimiseb128, I have this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/131103714:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1311037 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[mesa] intel_do_flush_locked failed: Invalid argument" [Undecided,New]14:32
Cimiseb128, for unity714:32
Cimiseb128, no nvidia card on this laptop14:33
seb128Cimi, try talking to the #ubuntu-x team if you hit that error14:35
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Saviqmhr3, had to recon the unity8 silo, will take a bit more to land :|14:42
mhr3Saviq, np, i'm ready to rebuild it a few times...14:42
Saviqmhr3, I meant the app id hack14:43
Saviqerm, category id14:43
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dednickhm. apparently my new kernel doesnt like nvidia15:00
Cimiseb128, works with trusty kernel I think15:05
Cimiseb128, why don't we have tests for those errors?15:05
seb128Cimi, because hardware specific issues require real hardware, and we can't easily own/manage every single hardware config that ever shipped in the world15:06
Cimiseb128, it's a dell certified vostro15:06
Cimibtw I see the point15:06
Cimihopefully we'll debug it15:06
seb128step one is to report a bug15:07
Cimiseb128, I failed to get debug symbols15:07
Cimiseb128, tried attaching gdb before suspending15:07
Cimiboh, didn't get anything15:07
CimiI will try again another time15:08
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dandradermzanetti, unity8/mirCompositor merge done15:29
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mhr3Saviq, thoughts how we'd do https://f966f709-a-c881af26-s-sites.googlegroups.com/a/canonical.com/unity8dash/toolkit/10-content-loading/mixed_bar_surface.png?attachauth=ANoY7cqrTVVU7UYpiae_0usTaP887PIG-9Qf90uiqJ9FRI0RUUCjLtx0jE9tpeJyimfW_3nRUiX0D3pDXqd4tncf7yep5FF7oaD8k-aRzkbl4Ntkto2VGgfvzxZu6uyNQbYaZk6mZnw5VLLv0b0sZbpqB6bAUiV4mz9_UWqkQqjVBm4HmvN1hgS0HhczULqx_5KEc93IMLJ0RfI6gZSl7RYY7aAeRmt-5xeWiJicT42ecs_Ck0KDLjGRss1jpp15:36
mhr3S6PifqzmOUKdbg&attredirects=0 ?15:36
Saviqmhr3, yeah, url shortener15:36
mhr3Saviq, http://goo.gl/1aixM915:36
Saviqmhr3, we have two usecases there, no internet connection and no account configured15:37
Saviqmhr3, (at least)15:37
Saviqmhr3, so I'm thinking two strings + url coming from the scope15:37
mhr3Saviq, no account needs to be different, cause no internet is always just one, missing account creds can be multiple15:38
Saviqmhr3, multiple as in multiple accounts missing?15:38
Saviqmhr3, don't think you'd display multiple lines like this15:38
mhr3indeed, i think design was thinking about an inline card button for account issues15:39
Saviqmhr3, one button "accounts" would be just as useful I'd think, maybe with the left one listing supported accounts?15:39
mhr3hm, maybe, that's still not designed apparently15:39
Saviqmhr3, yeah, so...15:40
mhr3i do remember mike promising me that design though15:41
elopioping Saviq, tedg: this is an interesting bug, but I'm not sure who can investigate on it15:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1329141 in Unity 8 "qmlscene crashed while running test_can_launch_multiple_applications" [Undecided,New]15:43
elopiocan you assign it to somebody?15:44
Saviqelopio, please trace the .crash file first15:44
Saviqelopio, apport-cli on the .crash file on the device where it's from15:44
Saviqelopio, otherwise the .crash file is missing details15:45
mzanettidandrader: thanks15:45
elopioSaviq: that one comes from ci. So we should configure jenkins to do that?15:45
Saviqelopio, I *thought* it was configured already (whoopsie-upload-all does that)15:45
Saviqelopio, but apparently it doesn't15:45
Saviqelopio, bug #131796815:46
ubot5bug 1317968 in Ubuntu CI Services "Smoketesting doesn't preprocess .crash files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131796815:46
Saviqbug #126038415:46
ubot5bug 1260384 in Ubuntu CI Services "Should preprocess .crash files on test devices" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126038415:47
Saviqelopio, in any case, qmlscene crashing has nothing to do with unity815:47
elopioI'll ask on ci about the trace.15:47
elopiotedg: if qmlscene crashes during ubuntu-launch-app, is it on your plate?15:48
Saviqelopio, unlikely15:49
tedgelopio, Not really, it'd be the application that it's running.15:49
Saviqelopio, but I believe fginther saw qmlscene crashing in jenkins recently15:49
Saviqelopio, maybe he knows the issue15:49
Saviq(and fixed it for us, too)15:49
tedgAh, it seems to be in one of the test applications.15:50
elopioSaviq: in this case, it's not an application.15:50
elopioit's the fake qmlscene that we use to test application life cycle on unity15:50
Saviqelopio, so it is an application ;)15:50
elopioso it's just an empty dummy app.15:50
Saviqelopio, empty, dummy, but still an app (coming from UITK autopilot, too)15:50
Saviq(I think?)15:50
tedgNot a fake QML scene, the real QML scene binary15:50
elopioright, a fake qml that we launch with qmlscene.15:51
Saviqelopio, and fginther had exactly the same in our qmluitests job, fixed it in some way, so maybe he has an idea15:51
elopioit's an app, but should have nothing that could cause the failure.15:51
* elopio waits for him...15:52
Saviqmzanetti, oups, I replied to Olivier but dropped you guys from CC to not spam (went to warthogs still), yes there was a QtWeb* session, there's notes on the wiki, apparently none of us went there16:06
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mzanettiSaviq: yep... just saw the mail16:11
mzanettisounds like Germany just scored a goal16:11
* mzanetti does not have any TV running16:11
Saviqthey just started though :D16:12
mzanettiwell... 12 minutes16:12
Saviqyeah, 1:016:12
* Saviq runs out o/16:13
mzanettipeople were going wild around the neighborhood... so I assumed must be that16:13
mzanettiand again :D lol16:31
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dednickSaviq: is the split greeter now reverted in image?16:37
mzanettidednick: its in trunk now, yes16:39
dednickmzanetti: in phone image?16:39
mhr3ah, tsdgoes gone?16:40
mzanettidednick: afaik in trunk also means in the latest devel-proposed image. its not in a propagated image yet16:40
dednickmzanetti: i c16:40
dednickmzanetti: thanks16:40
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fgintherelopio, what's up?17:47
MalinuxI made a search lense couple of years ago. It worked in ubuntu 12.04. However, in 14.04 it dosen't show up in dash17:47
Malinuxhow can I make it work with ubuntu 14.04 ?17:47
* greyback eod17:47
elopiofginther: have you seen qmlscene crashes recently?17:47
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fgintherelopio, I have not looked at any recently17:48
fgintherelopio, there was an issue in CI with qmlscene running on desktop last week, but that was resolved to running on the wrong release17:48
elopiofginther: ok. I've marked the bug as incomplete, waiting to see if we can gather more information.17:49
elopiothe last daily run was impressively green.17:49
fgintherelopio, if I read the scrollback though, it looks like back traces are missing (due to the switch to using the smoke test runner)? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/+bug/131796817:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1317968 in Ubuntu CI Services "Smoketesting doesn't preprocess .crash files" [Undecided,New]17:50
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elopiofginther: yes, I think you are right. Andy said he was going to prepare a branch for it.18:09
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dandradermzanetti, ping19:18
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