
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/WDI6X - Programmer Ryan Gosling00:07
cmaloneyAlso: http://youtu.be/Ky4wTMZ0AZM00:12
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/uHGgmI - Skiltron - Bagpipes of War (with Lyrics) - YouTube00:12
jrwreni prefer to read that as program merry ango sling00:22
jrwrencrazy.  http://hellsangeled.blogspot.com/2010/04/william-billy-wadd-smith-former-boss-of.html   My bro-in-laws parents sold that pbar to this guy01:23
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/B4ExCd - Hells Angel Road Master: William "Billy Wadd" Smith, a former boss of the Devils Diciples bike club01:23
rick_h_cmaloney: was a cool movie02:27
cmaloneyrick_h_: Wasn't it? :)02:34
greg-g!np Phlegethon02:38
greg-gdoes bookiebot hate me?02:39
greg-g.np Phlegethon02:39
bookiebotPhlegethon's current track - Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley on Elvis: 30 #1 Hits02:39
greg-goh right02:39
greg-gcurious how this'll show up:03:45
greg-g.np Phlegethon03:46
bookiebotPhlegethon's current track - Local God by Everclear on Ten Years Gone: The Best of Everclear03:46
greg-glast.fm's album support is wack03:46
greg-gactual album: "William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet - Music From The Motion Picture"03:46
greg-ghells yeah, one of the best sound tracks to come out of the mid-90s03:46
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/nhQDU3 - Shut The Box | Craig Maloney11:55
cmaloneyPut up the Java version on github.11:55
cmaloneyAlso: Good morning11:55
mrgoodcatgood morning to you13:14
cmaloneyHow's the morning so far?13:18
mrgoodcatnot bad13:41
mrgoodcatwish i could afford things...13:41
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/j6NVwA - HEXO+: Your Autonomous Aerial Camera by Squadrone System — Kickstarter13:41
cmaloneyAnd you need this why? :)13:45
cmaloneyOK, that is pretty awesome. :)13:47
mrgoodcati want it for mountainbiking and such13:50
mrgoodcatalso because it's just pretty cool13:50
cmaloney3421 albums with 35979 songs by 3405 artists.17:55
greg-ghow many gigs?17:58
cmaloneyMost of it is FLAC files.18:05
greg-gI'm paltry in comparison18:06
greg-ggreg@x200s:/mnt/seagate3/Music$ git-annex info .18:06
greg-gdirectory: .18:06
greg-glocal annex keys: 1464218:06
greg-glocal annex size: 286.71 gigabytes18:06
cmaloneyThat's all directly related to the show18:06
greg-gaccording to LMS:18:07
greg-gTotal Tracks: 10,66218:07
greg-gTotal Albums: 89618:07
greg-gTotal Artists: 18718:07
greg-gTotal Genres: 7618:07
cmaloneyVery cool18:07
cmaloneyTotal Playing Time: 2788:47:1418:08
greg-g1469:28:26 for me18:08
cmaloneyyea, I think I could DJ for 116 straight days without a repeat18:09
cmaloneythough there's a lot of classical and some repeats in there18:09
greg-gdefine repeat? covers or actual repeats?18:10
greg-gremastered vs originals?18:10
greg-godd, gmusicbrowser says 10660 tracks, LMS says 1066218:11
greg-gno way to diff the two :/18:11
cmaloneySome rip-repeats, some remastered albums18:11
cmaloneyA few BBC Music albums got re-ripped18:12
cmaloneybecause the metadata on those things is a real PITA.18:12
* greg-g nods18:13
cmaloneyAlso: I've come to LOOOOVE Musicbrainz18:14
cmaloneyeven though they infuriate me at times. :)18:14
cmaloneyMostly because of what's not there. :)18:14
greg-gadd it!18:14
cmaloneyI DO!18:14
greg-gI just completed a re-rip session, still have a bunch of lower importance CDs in the queue, but all of my stuff should be re-ripped to flac now.18:15
cmaloneyWell, if you have any Suicide Silence you are in luck18:15
cmaloneybecause apparently someone added metadata for their discography18:15
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/Wwyin4 - Editor “whygottalogin” - MusicBrainz18:16
greg-gis that you?18:16
greg-gahh, yes18:16

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