
theblazehenhey kbmonkey 07:04
Kiloshi kbmonkey and others07:06
kbmonkeyhi theblazehen did your DNS update yet?07:10
kbmonkeyhi Kilos a shame I could not play last night :'(07:10
Kilosyeah it gets very frustrating, i even died because of the lag07:10
Kiloshopped on a stone to watch lava and stone disappeared under me07:11
Kilosrunning mtr showed only one place where there was packet loss07:12
kbmonkeyI am now on a public server, it is snowing here07:13
Private_Usermorning all07:13
Private_Usermorning Kilos, kbmonkey, theblazehen07:13
Kilosin the game or another one07:13
Kiloshi Private_User 07:14
kbmonkeyno problem with lag here Kilos 07:14
kbmonkeyhello Private_User 07:14
Kilostell me how to do it07:14
Private_UserMaaz: coffe on07:14
MaazPrivate_User: Sorry...07:14
kbmonkeyno it is raining07:14
Private_UserMaaz: coffee on07:14
* Maaz puts the kettle on07:14
Kilosyou mean another game host07:14
Kilosexplain in english man07:15
KilosMaaz, coffee please07:15
MaazKilos: Sure07:15
kbmonkeyMaaz, coffee and make it quick!07:16
Maazkbmonkey: Excuse me?07:16
Kiloskbmonkey, ^^07:16
kbmonkeyMaaz, coffee07:16
Maazkbmonkey: coffee is liquid code07:16
* kbmonkey slaps Maaz with a smelly wet trout07:16
kbmonkeyMaaz, coffee asseblief07:16
Maazkbmonkey: *blink*07:16
Kilosnot our game another one?????07:16
kbmonkeyMaaz, coffee please07:17
Maazkbmonkey: Sure07:17
kbmonkeyhe understands danie but not asseblief07:17
KilosMaaz, koffie asseblief07:17
MaazEish Kilos  Die engelse het tot ons boeretroos oorgeneem. Vra asseblief in engels.07:17
kbmonkeyhow do we update Maaz's education?07:18
kbmonkeysend him back to school07:18
MaazCoffee's ready for Private_User, Kilos and kbmonkey!07:18
KilosMaaz, danke07:18
Private_UserMaaz: thank you07:18
MaazPrivate_User: Sure07:18
Kiloswhat you wanna teach him07:19
kbmonkeyKilos, it is another game of a development server of one of the minetest forum people. I tried to see the speed. Our data will get eaten in one day here!07:19
Kiloscoffee is fixed and you need to know python well to change it07:19
Kilosfind a way to fix the flys man07:20
Kilosmust be a bad part somewhere because at times its fast so somewhere in all the places it travels through there is one weak link07:21
kbmonkeyI found it at http://minetest.net/servers07:21
kbmonkeywell I find that your chats work fine, I see your bodies move fine too. just crafting and world updates07:22
Kilosno man i dont wanna start from scratch07:22
kbmonkeyhey you said to tell you! ai make up your mind sir ;)07:22
Kilosat times my crafting is instant, others i wait 5 mins or so07:22
Kilosya now you see that it should be fast so find whats slowing our one down07:23
Kilosi got bones to find07:23
Kilosdoes mtr mean something to you?07:24
Kilosmtr -i2 -s0 -n link07:24
kbmonkeyI do not have mtr nor know what it does07:28
Kilostraceback runs from terminal07:29
Kilossee pm07:29
kbmonkeyI made a video to time test. it took just under 100 seconds to craft an axe07:30
Kilosman on good days i craft things instantly07:32
Kilosthere is one weak link in the trip to the uk07:32
kbmonkeyKilos, what do I look out for in mtr? I see one of the links has 40% loss07:39
kbmonkeythat it?07:39
Kilosmust be imo07:39
kbmonkeydoes the fly know of this?07:39
Kilosbut we need pro to explain07:39
kbmonkeyhmm yes.07:40
kbmonkeyI go get coffee and put on washing07:41
Kiloshaha pro will say man mtr07:41
Kilos195.66.224.82 that one bad07:44
Kilosshowed yesterday something.linode.something was the bad one07:46
Kilosmage noted it here too07:46
Kilosi go take sheep out07:47
kbmonkeythat is the one Kilos nice catch07:52
kbmonkeythe real sheep?07:53
Kiloswell i dunno or what one can do about it07:53
Kilosya the real ones07:53
Kiloswill be interesting to trouble shoot the prob and then even better to find a solution07:53
kbmonkeyI am running traceroute on the IP.07:54
kbmonkeysee where it leads07:54
Kiloswith the fly and graeme and pro we will sort it im sure07:55
Kilosuseless asking symmetria he has gone awol07:55
kbmonkeyhttp://www.iplocation.net says it is a UK ISP exchange07:56
kbmonkeyhow much loss do you see Kilos ?07:57
Kilosfind a local host for us 07:57
Kilosanything from 33% to 60% at times07:57
kbmonkeytoday I make parsnip soup07:57
Kiloshaha i made veggie soup yesterday for today07:58
kbmonkeyyesterday I made what they call Puli Milagai07:58
Kilosi use a large slow cooker to make it07:58
kbmonkeyit is skinned chillies in tamarind sauce07:58
Kilosdo you like lentils split peas and beans07:58
Kilosyou can buy 4 in 1 soup mix07:59
kbmonkeysplit peas are good I made green split soup last week in pressure cooker07:59
Kilosya they need to cook long otherwise07:59
Kilosso i make for next day and a couple after that. never ready on the first day08:00
kbmonkeyit freeze well08:00
kbmonkeyvery good08:00
Kilosi also cut in lots of young garlics with the green tops cut up too, adds wonderful flavour08:01
Kilosand a tablespoon vinegar also adds to flavour08:01
Kilosif you wall through the middle of a dam , will the side away from source water dry up?08:04
kbmonkeyhmm, explain? the middle of the wall on the side?08:04
kbmonkeythe water will spill out08:05
kbmonkeyhey you left the game? see I can't play since it is still loading since I logged in 08:05
Kilosi mean straight through the centre of the dam08:05
kbmonkeyfrom the top?08:06
Kiloswow that is very slow, i log out when i go afk to save data08:06
kbmonkeyoh you mean build a pipe through to the bottom of the dam?08:06
Kilosluckily ian gave more so last month ive been well off08:06
kbmonkeyto move through?08:06
kbmonkeyyes it will dry up. that how I built that underwater glass room08:07
Kilosnot a pipe man a wall from bottom to above water08:07
kbmonkeybuilt room under water and it dried up08:07
kbmonkeybut only if the wall cuts off all the water sources08:07
Kilosso we can dry up there under the water and look for bones08:07
kbmonkeyha ha sounds like a crime investigation show08:08
Kilosi killed your waterfall there too08:08
kbmonkey"Let us trawl the river bed for them bones..."08:08
Kilostoo much water no good08:08
kbmonkeymy waterfall? I made no waterfall there08:08
Kiloswas a big one between trees at the one edge of that water we are converting08:09
Kilosi cut trees and killed source08:10
kbmonkeyoh ja I dont know who put that there08:10
kbmonkeyI wanted to take it away last night but could not reach08:10
Kiloswas a big job with the lag08:11
kbmonkeyhmm I cant seem to drop stuff08:21
kbmonkeyaah I changed drop to G to stop pushing it accidentally :)08:21
kbmonkeyalso I changed Inventory to TAB. much nicer than pressing i08:22
kbmonkeyG is vir "gooi dit weg"08:22
kbmonkeyit actually quicker for me to reconnect than wait for the lag he he08:30
superflykbmonkey: good ideas on the keybindings08:50
superflyI also keep dropping stuff :-(08:50
superflykbmonkey: also, things seemed to get better later last night08:51
superflyI made the waterfall on the tree :-)08:51
kbmonkeysuperfly, I also did the mtr trace, it does seem to lose packets at a certain point, about 40% loss09:02
superflyperhaps I should request they \move my vps09:02
kbmonkeyit can't be a port that gets blocked otherwise all packets would fail right?09:02
Kilosthat might do it superfly 09:02
kbmonkeyI do a ping -i 10 to the server, to help me time delay09:03
kbmonkey90 seconds about09:04
Kiloskbmonkey, superfly you guys froze now??09:17
superflyno, I had to deal with children09:18
kbmonkeyno I went to get more coffee09:18
kbmonkeypassive observer :)09:19
kbmonkeysuperfly, would it be worth trying run the server on another port?09:38
kbmonkeyKilos, here are your bones at -97 -7909:40
kbmonkeyabove the water09:40
Kiloskbmonkey, drop them there for me please im coming 09:58
kbmonkeyRoger that Kilos 10:03
Kilosim right next to you kbmonkey 10:03
kbmonkeynope you are not10:03
Kilosyou want me to hit you???10:04
kbmonkeyI see you far away next to raoul10:04
Kilosim right by you10:04
kbmonkeyKilos, at the coords I gave 10:07
kbmonkey-97 -7910:08
charl_good afternoon10:32
charl_does anyone happen to have any experience with maas10:32
Kiloshi charl_ 10:32
charl_am trying to install it but am getting postgres issues10:32
charl_Maaz: coffee on10:32
* Maaz washes some mugs10:32
charl_hi Kilos 10:32
kbmonkeyMaaz, coffee please10:33
Maazkbmonkey: Done10:33
kbmonkeyMaaz, make it a double10:33
Maazkbmonkey: Excuse me?10:33
kbmonkeyMaaz, espresso10:33
Maazkbmonkey: Excuse me?10:33
charl_hi kbmonkey 10:33
kbmonkeyMaaz, americano black please10:33
Maazkbmonkey: *blink*10:33
charl_bah americano :(10:33
kbmonkeyMaaz, make me a sandwich10:33
Maazkbmonkey: What? Make it yourself.10:33
kbmonkeyMaaz, sudo make me a sandwich10:33
Maazkbmonkey: sudo make me a sandwich is $nick is not in sudoers file. This incident will be ported.10:33
charl_lol i think you discovered a bug10:34
charl_$nick was supposed to be kbmonkey10:34
charl_Maaz: you are buggy10:34
Maazcharl_: I already know stuff about you10:34
charl_Maaz: are you threatening me now?10:34
Maazcharl_: What?10:34
kbmonkeyand ported should be reported :)10:34
charl_Maaz: what you gonna blackmail me ?10:34
Maazcharl_: Sorry...10:34
charl_you better be10:34
charl_kbmonkey: we used to have that one hang up here in the office10:35
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_ and kbmonkey!10:36
charl_Maaz: thanks10:36
Maazcharl_: Sure10:36
superflykbmonkey: unlikely10:40
charl_hi superfly 10:40
superflyhi charl_10:42
* Kilos happy like a pig in ---. got 14.04 server and desktop dvd's12:03
* Kilos swanks12:03
Kiloshi Vince-0 13:15
Vince-0Hi Kilos13:15
Kilossuperfly, will a 40g drive handle server and game?13:16
superflyKilos: if you want to play locally, just use the single player option13:16
superflyKilos: but yes13:16
superflyhi Vince-013:16
Vince-0surp superfly13:16
Kilosno superfly i want to setup a server here and learn how to let you connect to it13:17
Kilosin the game that is13:17
Kilosand ill need to document everything that needs to be done, cause its a new learning curve again13:18
Kilosi want to see how fast it will work without using another host13:19
Kilosif i can get the monkey to connect and game is fast for him then one of us can setup a local machine on an uncapped line just for that13:22
Kilostell me if im mad13:22
smilehi guys :)13:22
Kiloshi smile13:22
KilosThatGraemeGuy, put your thinking cap on so long13:23
Kilosim gonna get a dual core ready to take server13:24
charl_ubuntu cloud solutions are not so good13:29
charl_i am hitting the one problem after the other13:29
charl_openstack is also acting up13:29
charl_although it might be because i'm running it inside of vmware13:29
charl_juju is dark magic and doesn't seem to be working properly either13:29
charl_nah rather give me proxmox :P13:29
Vince-0me2, just moved and updated two vms13:30
Vince-03 commands each13:30
Vince-0charl_: docker + lxc ?13:31
charl_docker is really awesome indeed13:31
Vince-0proxmox has been around long enough to just work well at what it does13:31
charl_don't have much experience with lxc13:31
charl_only kvm/qemu13:32
Vince-0lxc is like openvz containers but with cgroups13:32
Vince-0vcztl is trying to catch up as lxc tool13:32
Vince-0but no mainstream kernel for vz soo, 13:33
charl_need to spend some time with it13:34
Vince-0other platform to look at is oVirt13:35
Vince-0similar to prox13:36
charl_i have taken a look at ovirt indeed13:38
charl_but it looks immature ?13:39
Vince-0I guess, it's been around for at least 4 years13:39
Vince-0so it's coming time 13:39
charl_hmmm doesn't seem to be too much traction around that project13:40
charl_i have looked at it a long time ago but you don't often hear of it13:40
charl_i try to go with the more mainstream tools as far as possible13:40
charl_better support and community13:40
charl_openstack is supposed to be all the rage right now13:45
Vince-0I went to a RH presentation last october, the AWS sales guys kept poking holes13:46
Vince-0its overkill compared to prox13:46
Vince-0"cattle vs pets"13:47
charl_yeah i don't like those heavyweight solutions13:52
charl_just to get openstack installed takes forever on a VM13:52
charl_but i can't really run a virtualisation environment inside another virtualisation environment13:52
charl_vmware doesn't allow a guest to also perform hardware virtualisation and place the nic in promiscuous mode13:53
Trixar_zaoh god14:10
Trixar_zaAn Afrikaans version of Gangnum style14:10
charl_links !!!14:12
charl_i want ze url !14:12
charl_i thought the dutch version is cringeworthy but this is much worse14:19
Trixar_zaCongratulations superfly, you found one worse than what I saw14:25
superflyTrixar_za: never underestimate the power of YouTube15:02
theblazehenAnyone here run mail servers?16:02
theblazehenI need some help with receiving mail16:03
Kilosmaybe the fly theblazehen 16:22
theblazehenty Kilos 16:23
theblazehensuperfly: ping16:23
Kiloshey charl_ what about you16:23
psychicisthi Kilos 16:23
psychicisthi theblazehen 16:23
Kiloshi psychicist 16:23
theblazehenhey psychicist 16:23
Trixar_zaHigh unfounded medical evidence based drug dealer16:24
Kiloshi Trixar_za 16:25
Trixar_zaI generally don't like psychiatrists :P16:25
psychicisthi Trixar_za 16:26
psychicistI am not a real one :D16:26
Trixar_zaThe whole 'chemically unbalanced' bull they sell is scientifically unfounded. In fact, they have no idea why some drugs work and generally anti-depressants actually makes a person more depressed and suicidal.16:26
Trixar_zaIt actually made my panic attacks worse. The moment I got angry and took myself off it, they went from 10 to a 1.16:27
Trixar_zaSo I have trust issues for real ones16:27
Trixar_za(Ironically, my sister is a genetic councilor, which makes her partly one.)16:30
Kilosimo them okes just let you answer questions till you sort what your prob is. they point you in the right direction to find your hangups16:33
Kilosso you heal yourself just one often overlooks your own mistakes16:34
Kilosspinza, hello16:40
Kilosyou okes that run irc in the background with sdound alerts turned off16:41
* theblazehen does that...16:44
KilosTrixar_za, tell me about dcc16:44
Kilosis it only for direct chatting and file transfer16:44
Kilosanyone else that knows may answer16:45
theblazehenKilos: yeah16:45
Kilos195.66.224.82                    39.9%17:29
Kilossuperfly, fire them17:29
superflytheblazehen: PONG17:31
Kilosyay schumacher not inna induced coma anymore17:33
superflyOops, looks like caps lock was on... Thank you children17:35
KilosMaaz, tell inetpro Wen jy darem met die krag probleme oompie17:38
MaazKilos: Got it, I'll tell inetpro on freenode17:38
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy come see dam18:24
ThatGraemeGuywhere is it?18:24
theblazehenhi ThatGraemeGuy 18:25
Kilosby the deep i think18:25
ThatGraemeGuyhi theblazehen18:26
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: i'll be on shortly18:26
smilesee ya :p18:34
Trixar_zaKilos: Like the name says, it's a direct connection between two IRC clients. Mostly for Chatting in private or sending files. It's more secure because it doesn't go through the server, so man in the middle attacks probably won't work.19:08
Kilosty was wondering if one could use it to play a game on the other pc19:09
kbmonkeyjust pointing out that irc clients/protocol is clear-text, so unless you tunnel it via ssh the man in the middle can still see. :)19:11
Trixar_zaOnly if it's served by an IRC client as such. All-out-war is (and used to be - depending on where you look for it) such a game :P19:11
Kilosi was wondering if we could run a game on a server pc and play from others that way19:12
Trixar_zaOnly if they compromise either of the two systems - but if you're there anyway, then reading the client's text isn't rocket science. DCC just prevents that a compromised IRC Server can be used in such a way :P19:12
Trixar_za[21:15:12][Trixar_za] Kilos: I'm not sure it could work like that unless it rewrote how the client deals with DCC Chat19:17
Trixar_za[21:15:23][Trixar_za] I have seen CTCP used in such a way though19:18
Trixar_zaAforementioned CTCP game19:19
Kilosi just looking for a way around having to use a host that has lag probs19:19
Kilosmainly for interests sake19:20
Trixar_zaEven with DCC, you'll still have some lag - normally the lag between the two clients. It may be less than a server, but not always.19:21
kbmonkeyrelating to minetest Kilos ? ;)19:21
Kilosyessir kbmonkey but its much better tonight19:21
kbmonkeyirc is responsive because it is really very little information19:21
Kilosand this avy was very fast19:21
Kiloswas crafting instantly19:22
kbmonkeythe minetest server sends block data in 30x30x30 sections for world updates19:22
Kiloskbmonkey, come see the dam near the deep19:22
kbmonkeycombined with other users moving around, 19:22
kbmonkeyya okay :_)19:23
Kilosmajor engineering exercise19:23
Trixar_zaMineTest needs a lot of optimizing on the server that's for sure19:23
kbmonkeyah yes I died last time kilos. twice. lag drowned me.19:24
Kilosdont swim here walk along the tracks if you lagging19:25
Trixar_zaFreeminer has some fixes to the server to make it faster, but it's not as easy to get working like MineTest19:26
Trixar_zaThere's also Carbone (also a MineTest fork), but it suffers from the same problem than Freeminer19:27
kbmonkeysuperfly, mtr is a gui tracert the pro suggested to show packet loss. `mtr -i2 -s0 -n minetest.snyman.info`.20:00
kbmonkeyshows 40% loss at one of the linked servers20:00
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight21:41

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