
Waykool99about to install ubuntu studio v14.04 LTS 64 bit along side v10.04 LTS (aware that supports done). but noticed, it refused to get the mp3 files on 1st run of Totem Movie Player and readdvdcss4 (not sure about spelling). if i reinstall 10.04 first, then install 14.04 on separate partition, does 14.04 offer 10.04 the files it can't get anymore?05:40
Waykool99i stand corrected. it's "libdvdread4".05:48
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
kostexhello all! Today I was in a hurry to set up an ubuntustudio system and deselected all "installation options", but with the main sections checkmarks unchecked, there were still checkmarks inside the sections.. does that make sense?13:36
kostexafter deselecting them manually, after installation completion there were still packages installed I didn't 'ask' for..13:37
kostexis this a known thing?13:37
zequencekostex: Yes, it's not perfect, but at least saves some space in the menu13:43
zequenceNot time, so much, because it installs everything first, then removes stuff, so it may even take longer to install, when not installing everything13:43
zequenceWe're working on a CD size ISO, and a new installer plugin to handle that better13:44
kostexthanks for the info! I'm not complaining! just noticed it and was wondering if I was the only idiot to uncheck stuff there..13:45
=== kritor is now known as krokus
MaynardWatersMaynardWaters> hey I'm running ubuntu20:05
MaynardWaters15:03 < MaynardWaters> and I've added a few of the studio extras20:05
MaynardWaters15:03 < MaynardWaters> I have this weird thing happen when I try to play movies20:05
MaynardWaters15:03 < MaynardWaters> it gives me sound, but not the full sound of the movie20:06
MaynardWaters15:04 < MaynardWaters> its as if maybe I'm only getting 2 of 5.1 channels or20:06
holsteinmaybe the device isnt supporting 5.1 in linux..20:06
MaynardWaters                       something similar20:06
MaynardWaters15:04 < MaynardWaters> when i stream the exact same movie file across my20:06
MaynardWaters                       network and play it on a laptop, it sounds fine20:06
MaynardWaters15:04 < MaynardWaters> any suggestions on what could be wrong?20:06
holsteini usually ask for just stereo from the source20:06
holsteinif you have 5.1 source, then you need to confirm you are getting 5.1 support for the device20:06
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:06
holsteinkeep in mind, this will not be directly related to ubuntustudio, so you can look in the larger ubuntu community if you like or xubuntu20:06
MaynardWatersholstein: I know in some instances I've gotten 5.120:07
holsteinMaynardWaters: ok20:07
holsteinMaynardWaters: are you specifically, in this particular instance, right now, getting 5.1?20:07
holsteinif not, then you will not get a 5.1 file to play..20:07
holsteinyou are not promised 5.1, or any linux support for that matter from the manufacturer..20:08
MaynardWatersholstein: what seems REALLY weird is that i know I have some stereo files which seem to give me a simliar problem20:08
holsteinMaynardWaters: im not sure i see any problem20:08
holsteinwhat would i do ?test with a known good audio file in vlc20:09
holsteini would be running pavucontrol and alsamixer20:09
MaynardWatersholstein: so I know I have a number of good files which I have tested20:09
MaynardWatersi do check alsamixer on a regular basis20:09
MaynardWatersi'm not so familiar with pavucontrol20:09
holsteinMaynardWaters: then elaborate as to what the "issue" is20:09
holsteinplay the file locally20:10
MaynardWaterswhen I play the files locally I am clearly missing some part of the audio20:10
MaynardWatersI hear things that I suspect are background sounds20:10
holsteinsom part?20:10
MaynardWatersyes like all of the vocals20:10
holsteinwhat sounds?20:10
MaynardWatersbut somehow I get some of the background music20:11
MaynardWatersand I've been missing sound effects too20:11
holsteinMaynardWaters: missing sound effects?20:11
holsteinshould be any20:11
MaynardWaterscrash bang water running20:11
holsteinyou should play a known good file, simply.. dont add effects20:11
MaynardWatersyet I hear an orchestra or some other ambient sound track parts20:11
MaynardWatersno no no, I'm not adding any effects20:11
holsteini would simply look for and apply upgrades20:12
MaynardWatersI am saying that for some reason vlc and other players including xbmc are not outputting the full sound of most of my movies20:12
holsteinsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:12
holsteinreboot, and test20:12
MaynardWaters13.04 LTS up today20:12
holsteinMaynardWaters: im saying *dont* test with a movie20:12
holstein13.04 is not supported20:12
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring20:13
holsteinyou want 14.0420:13
MaynardWaterssry i meant 12.04 LTS20:13
holsteinregardless.. dont open a movie.. just play a known good audio file, simply, in vlc20:13
MaynardWatersmy audio files work fine20:13
holsteinMaynardWaters: you should be using 14.04 now20:13
holsteinMaynardWaters: then whats the issue? just with video in a movie? all movies? where did you get them?20:14
MaynardWaters12.04 is still supported for some amount of time, I believe20:14
holsteinMaynardWaters: im not saying its not supported friend20:14
holsteinim saying, you *should* be using 14.04.. its currently getting the most attention and 12.04 support *is* ending for the desktop soon20:14
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120420:14
MaynardWatersyes so music works, it is some subset of my movie collection, and I know they whole sound track is there since I can play it on a different device and hear everything20:14
holsteinMaynardWaters: what "subset" ? where did you get them? what codecs are you using to play them?20:15
MaynardWatersunderstood. but it is difficult to upgrade20:15
MaynardWatersI have been unable to identify anything consistent with all of the files that are -kinda messed up20:16
holsteinMaynardWaters: where did you get them?20:16
MaynardWatersI've collected them over the years trading with people20:16
holsteinmaybe they are corrupt.. or you dont have linux support in place to play them20:16
holsteinMaynardWaters: i would purchase a good copy from the creators of the content, and see if it works20:16
MaynardWatersI wouldn't expect them to play on another device if the files were corrupt20:17
holsteinMaynardWaters: why>20:17
holsteinMaynardWaters: they are not the same codecs in use, regardless.20:17
MaynardWatersbecause the same source file is both situatoins20:17
MaynardWatersbut yea, I can believe I am not using the same codecs on both machines20:17
holsteinMaynardWaters: anyways.. you could simply fire up a 14.04 live CD or *any* live CD and remove your installed OS from the equation20:17
holsteinyou can try the guest user, and another user to remove your user config from the equation20:18
MaynardWatersholstein: that is essencially what I have done by streaming the files via an ssh server connect20:18
holsteinyou can try other players.. but, i usually just use vlc to test.20:18
holsteinMaynardWaters: i read it as different20:18
MaynardWatersyea, I've tried other players and interestingly vlc fails in some instances when omms (hadn't heard of that player before) works20:19
holsteinMaynardWaters: so, you play the file locally in vlc? its "broken". you put it on another machine, and connect from machine A and play it via ssh in vlc? and its fine?20:19
holsteinMaynardWaters: i would be testing hardware at that point20:19
holsteinthat still has the installed OS in the equation.. and you are saying its an intermittened issue?20:20
holsteinMaynardWaters: im leaving.. so you can try the main ubuntu channel.. but, it will be challenging, since you basically have pirated content20:21

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