
ochosielfy: morning!07:24
ochosithe 25th (wednesday) would work well for me (re: meeting)07:24
elfyochosi: ^^07:26
ochosiwell, "ten" utc not "thousand" utc ;)07:27
ochosidoes that work for you?07:27
elfyyep - mail sent/wiki changed - just needs adding to the calendar :)07:29
Noskcajelfy, Is there anything important i need to be there for? it's after "computers off time" for me07:32
elfyNoskcaj: not that I'm awqare of - we moved to fortnightly :)07:32
NoskcajSomething to discuss: weather plugin is going to need patches in trusty, precise, and utopic by 2014-10-07 for a weather api change08:09
ochosiNoskcaj: could you give me a hand in removing a patch from a package?08:35
ochosibasically it's explained here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils/+bug/133038608:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 1330386 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "The xserver-blanking patch in Ubuntu duplicates code" [Undecided,New]08:36
ochosibut i need to provide a patch for dropping the patch i guess08:36
Noskcajjust edit the bzr branch08:36
ochosi(it just adds duplicate code, so i guess the patch-content was integrated upstream but downstream never dropped the patch)08:36
NoskcajI have to go, be back in 10min08:36
Noskcajk back08:40
ochosiso it's clear what has to be done?08:44
ochosi(just drop the patch i linked to and everything that goes along with that)08:44
ochosii will propose a separate branch/patch for fixing xdg-screensaver for xubuntu08:45
Noskcajjust change the series file and make a changelog entry08:45
knomeochosi, what's the status of our black-screen SRU...?08:45
ochosiNoskcaj: thanks!08:46
ochosiknome: dunno, same as last time i looked i'd guess08:46
* ochosi thought he was subscribed to the SRU bugs08:46
knomebluesabre, what's the status of the black-screen SRU? do you need any help, or is it progressing?08:46
ochosiNoskcaj: btw, seb128 said he'd sponsor that change, so please ping me when you have a branch ready that drops the superfluous patch09:28
Noskcajochosi, i was doing it? ok. i'll get it done tomorrow09:38
ochosiNoskcaj: nvm, already got seb128 on it09:38
ochosiso i guess we'll have fixed blanking again soon09:38
bluesabreochosi: subscribed you10:10
bluesabrewaiting for SRU verification10:10
bluesabreknome: added "verification-needed" tags to the bugs today... somehow I thought that when bugs were added to -proposed, they would get reviewed and move along after the 7-day waiting period.10:12
bluesabreknome: subscribed you as well10:12
ochosithanks bluesabre 10:18
knomebluesabre, mhm10:30
brainwashI'm wondering.. bug 1054299 has high priority and is security related10:49
ubottubug 1054299 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Race condition in suspend scripts reveals desktop" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105429910:49
brainwashit affects two xfce packages10:49
brainwashand so far the report has been basically ignored10:50
brainwashshould it be added to the current development blueprint?10:51
bluesabreprobably, this is my first time seeing this bug10:58
brainwashit might not be reproducible anymore now that we use light-locker10:59
brainwashbut ignoring a high priority bug report is somewhat bad11:00
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elfyknome: ty :)13:00
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elfyhi GridCube 13:18
GridCubehi elfy 13:19
jjfrv8elfy, quick question on the system-config-printer testcase?14:03
slickymasterWorkhey jjfrv8 14:08
jjfrv8hey, slickymasterWork 14:08
slickymasterWorkhow's everything?14:09
jjfrv8not too bad here, how you?14:10
elfyjjfrv8: ask it - I'm in and out atm :)14:10
jjfrv8It looks like the "personal default printer" icon is now a red heart instead of a yellow star. Is that worth filing a bug against the testcase?14:10
slickymasterWorkthe same, it seems that summer finally arrived for good14:10
jjfrv8slickymasterWork, yeah, same here.14:11
slickymasterWorkwhere jjfrv8 ,in settings manager -> hardware?14:12
elfyjjfrv8: you can do - I'll do it at some point - didn't notice tbh14:13
slickymasterWorkme neither :P14:14
elfyhang on14:14
elfyI added one just now and it was a yellow star14:15
slickymasterWorkyeaps, same here ?!14:15
slickymasterWorkcould it be related to your theme and/or icons jjfrv8?14:15
jjfrv8hmm, this was a fresh install of today's daily, but it's the same on my production T box as well.14:16
jjfrv8wait, maybe it was because I was using a wireless printer in one case and CUPS-PDF in another.14:18
jjfrv8I don't have a USB printer14:19
slickymasterWorkjjfrv8, I'm with a local USB printer14:20
jjfrv8I think that might be the diff. And I'm too lazy to drag my printer to another room and cable it up right now :)14:21
jjfrv8but I will check that at some point14:21
slickymasterWorkok :)14:22
elfywell that was fun14:27
slickymasterWorkwb elfy 14:31
saqman2060Hello Xubuntu developers. I have an interest in the windows snap feature the ubuntu-unity uses that is applied by compiz. I wanted to have that same feature  in the Xubuntu, or in xfce4. This feature is very conveinient for window placement. I installed compiz on Xubuntu utopia 14.10 and I am able to use the snap feature. However, I understand this is package project that someone needs to manage. Is this a possible endeavor?18:19
ochosixfwm4 already has that feature18:22
ochosiso no need to do anything about it, actually18:22
ochosiit's possible that it's not activated by default though18:22
saqman2060How do you activate it?18:24
ochosisettings manager > window manager tweaks > automatically tile windows...18:25
ochosii think you have to deactivate the options in  settings manager > window manager > advanced > wrap workspaces... for it though18:26
saqman2060Wrap workspaces is not checked. The option to activate windows snapping is selected, however it did not perform as intended.18:28
saqman2060I actually had to resize them18:29
saqman2060I will remove and try it again. Get back to you with my results18:30
ochosieither way, as this is more of a support question now than a development discussion, let's continue in #xfce18:31
saqman2060Thanks for responding ochosi18:34
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