
rogpeppe1mornin' al07:13
huwshimirogpeppe1: Morning07:13
rogpeppe1huwshimi: hiya07:13
rogpeppe1huwshimi: when do you usually knock off, BTW?07:13
rogpeppe1huwshimi: i don't think we've ever actually coincided at a meeting or anything...07:14
huwshimirogpeppe1: I knock off in 45 mins.07:15
rogpeppe1huwshimi: ah, you stop exactly as my day starts!07:15
huwshimirogpeppe1: Yep! Handy isn't it :)07:15
rogpeppe1huwshimi: kind of amazing we can work it at all :-)07:16
huwshimirogpeppe1: haha07:16
frankbanmorning rogpeppe1: could you please review https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/5 ?10:27
rogpeppe1frankban: looking10:27
rogpeppe1frankban: (morning!)10:27
rogpeppe1frankban: LGTM10:32
frankbanrogpeppe1: thanks!10:32
frankbanrogpeppe1: re the card "store: plan path for core store code to use own mongodb collection/data, (configurable?)". I guess it is already like that, right?10:40
rogpeppe1frankban: well, it does use its own mongo, yeah10:40
frankbanrogpeppe1: ok, I'll move that card to done10:41
rick_h_morning 10:48
rick_h_rogpeppe1: got a sec to chat?10:48
rogpeppe1rick_h_: hiya, sure10:48
rogpeppe1rick_h_: wanna start a hangout?10:49
rick_h_rogpeppe1: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2acu2ejbn33yfrckk6jnylksia?authuser=1&hl=en10:49
* frankban lunches11:01
rick_h_frankban: rogpeppe1 did you guys get your travel auth approved? Ramm said he was going to try to do them last night and want to check how far he got11:11
rogpeppe1rick_h_: mine's only a train ticket, which i think should be ok to just expense11:11
rick_h_rogpeppe1: ah, gotcha 11:11
* rick_h_ goes to take the boy to day care, biab11:42
bacfrankban: i have updated the quickstart readme for os x.  there is a separate card about updating the page on pypi.  that should not be necessary when 1.4.0 is pushed to pypi, right?  it will happen automatically.11:59
* rick_h_ is back12:02
rick_h_bac: oh, that's probably true. 12:02
rick_h_bac: the card about pypi was just as I was qa'ing it looked out of date. I didn't look to note if it was using the readme as the content there. 12:02
bacrick_h_: np.12:03
* bac wishes you could chain two cards together12:03
rick_h_well, feel free to wipe one12:03
frankbanbac: +1 on the change on that card12:20
bacyeah i almost deleted it then reconsidered12:20
rick_h_luca: ping, can I get edit to the urls doc so I can create the tab to work in?12:48
rick_h_jujugui reminder about call in 10, please make sure to join the other channel for back channel conversations/etc12:50
lucarick_h_: done12:53
rick_h_luca: ty much12:54
rick_h_party party13:05
=== tvansteenburgh1 is now known as tvansteenburgh
rick_h_jujugui call in 514:56
rick_h_crap, did I take someone's day for standup?15:14
bacMakyo: what did you say about elevators?15:14
rick_h_Makyo: hatch whoever I stole sorry and you can take thurs :)15:14
hatchyeah MINE!!!15:14
hatchlol s'ok15:14
rick_h_sorry hatch, was in a hurry today :P15:15
bacfrankban: will your card be in review today?  you think i can do a release this afternoon?15:15
rick_h_luca: I'm out wed/thurs. I can do our call wed morning, but let's aim to keep it as short as we can please. 15:16
frankbanbac: not sure, just started, will let you know in a bit15:16
lucarick_h_: this wednesday and thurs?15:16
bacfrankban: ah, ok15:16
rick_h_luca: yes, I was just killing appointments :) 15:16
Makyobac, Roger just guessed LTE meant "less trendy elevators" in chat.15:25
Makyorick_h_, is the new upgrade stuff in a document somewhere?  Not having any luck finding it.15:32
rick_h_Makyo: sec, will look otp15:32
* rick_h_ swears he's seen an image 15:36
lazyPowerjcsackett: !! solved it15:37
jcsackettlazyPower: \o/15:37
lazyPowerjcsackett: want to know the symptom/fix for that wonky hadoop charm?15:37
jcsackettlazyPower: yes, absolutely.15:37
lazyPowerWelp, it started with pebkac15:37
jcsackettah, i know that problem well.15:37
lazyPowerwhen i promulgated the charm, charm tools has a series flag. and I omitted that15:37
hatchit's a serious problem here too15:37
jcsackettthat junk is epidemic.15:38
rick_h_Makyo: aha! found it https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/#folders/0B7XG_QBXNwY1Vmowb25PejhJOTg15:38
rick_h_Makyo: look in the bottom right, there's a 'change version'15:38
MakyoAh, there we go.15:38
rick_h_Makyo: so by default, the inspector doesn't need to know the latest or even any list of versions15:38
rick_h_Makyo: so this leads me to ponder making the gui just delay that work until required15:38
lazyPowerwhich put the branch tip for lp:charms/hadoop pointed at that trusty charm. Charm tools when checking that ~charmers owned the branch - had a brain fart, because the branch tip was lp:charms/hadoop15:39
lazyPowerso, that all balled up into the problem we saw with an inconsistent publish. It half promulgated teh charm15:39
Makyorick_h_, yeah, that sounds good.,15:39
rick_h_Makyo: or at least for now make it async, and have the inspector start out without the data so that you can move forward15:39
lazyPowerwhich is consistent with what we found.15:39
rick_h_Makyo: and then we can disconnect the async call and move it to the button press as we update the inspector UI15:39
rick_h_jcsackett: got time to chat?15:39
jcsackettlazyPower: good to know. y'all got a place to document that in case we see this oddity again in the GUI?15:41
jcsackettrick_h_: sure.15:41
jcsackettrick_h_: standup hangoug?15:42
jcsacketter, hangout15:42
rick_h_jcsackett: sure15:42
hatchlazyPower jcsackett this kind of seams like an issue in the process IMHO 15:42
jcsacketthatch, lazyPower: perhaps charm tools should now *require* series on promulgation, so it dies messily and angrily if its omitted?15:48
jcsackettwe now live in a multi-series world for charms. 2 LTSes.15:49
lazyPowerjcsackett: not a bad suggestion15:49
hatchyeah that sounds like a pretty good idea15:51
hatchjcsackett didn't you create a bug for removing the fillslot stuff?16:05
frankbanbac: I should be able to propose soon16:05
hatchor was it just a card? I'm having no luck finding it here16:05
jcastrohey fellas16:09
jcastrohave you guys seen it where you drag a bundle16:09
jcastroand then nothing happens, so you drag it again, and again a few times16:09
jcastrothen a few seconds later the gui "catches" up and it returns all the errors 16:10
jcastroI can't really explain it other than a "lag" for a bundle16:10
rick_h_jcastro: no, but might be that we wait for juju to acknowledge the bundle before showing the notification and we shouldn't be16:11
rick_h_jcastro: we can investigate that, I'll file a bug16:11
jcastrothat sounds exactly what I experienced16:11
rick_h_jcastro: added https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1331061 and will get it on the board to look at soon16:13
hatchhmm looking16:13
_mup_Bug #1331061: bundle deployment delay in drag/dropping a bundle in live environments <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1331061>16:13
jcastrorick_h_, I hadn't ever noticed it until MAAS16:13
jcastrothe gui ran so well this weekend man16:14
jcastroeverything worked16:14
rick_h_jcastro: yea, live environment vs demo and such probably16:14
rick_h_jcastro: awesome! glad to hear it. 16:14
hatchrick_h_ jcastro  yes that's the problem - we wait until juju says it received it before throwing a ntification16:14
hatchI'll update the bug16:14
hatchjcastro yay :) 16:15
rick_h_hatch: thanks, added a maint card for next sprint16:15
jcastroone other thing16:15
jcastroI don't know if this is a gui bug or not16:15
jcastroso, people make bundles right16:15
jcastrobut we're lazy and call all the DBs in each bundle "mysql"16:15
jcastroso when I want to deploy multiple bundles in one environment16:15
jcastroit errors our because there can only be one mysql16:15
jcastroother than renaming charms in bundles to like "mysql-mediawiki" and so on, is there a way we can be smarter?16:16
jcastroperhaps prompt for a new name if there's a collision?16:16
rick_h_jcastro: yea, so the plan eventually is to make bundles part of the pre-deployment story. 16:16
rick_h_jcastro: like the deployer bar/uncommitted stuff16:16
jcastrooh ok, so I can sort that before I hit the button16:16
jcastrocool, just wanted to make sure you guys had thought of that16:16
rick_h_jcastro: but it's not going to happen right away, it's more towards the end of the cycle16:17
jcastroobviously GMTA16:17
rick_h_jcastro: yea, the goal is you could even drag a bundle from an email, tweak the unit counts/colocate, etc16:17
rick_h_and THEN hit deploy16:17
hatchbug updated16:18
jcsacketthatch: i made a card in backlog.16:18
hatchjcsackett thanks16:18
hatch14C man our weather just sucks this year16:37
hatchfew days of nice weather followed by two weeks of rain and cold!16:37
rick_h_heh, we're crossing 30 and I'm very displeased16:38
* rick_h_ grabs my weapons (cell phone, car keys) and goes out to hunt down lunch16:39
hatchMakyo any idea when you want to get together to chat about this ecs stuff?16:39
Makyohatch, whenever is fine.16:40
hatchMakyo hows about now in the standup room?16:40
MakyoSure, be right there16:41
frankbanbac: https://codereview.appspot.com/10592004616:56
* bac looks16:56
hatchis there a `juju destroy-machine --force` ?16:57
bacfrankban: done.  didn't do QA.16:58
frankbanbac: that;s ok, ty16:58
bacfrankban: so do you want me to do the release?16:59
frankbanbac: yes do it please16:59
bacok, i will start in 30 minutes or so.16:59
hatchlazyPower hey is there a `juju destroy-machine --force` ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24250809/juju-destroy-service-do-not-remove-failed-services/24251250?noredirect=1#comment37469742_2425125017:00
bacfrankban: hey would you tag the branch before you commit?  'bzr tag 1.4.0'17:00
lazyPowerhatch: yep. juju destroy-machine # --force will force removal17:01
hatchlazyPower thanks that's not in the man file17:01
lazyPoweris there a hook that is in error in your environment or an open debug-hooks session? those are the 2 most common causes17:01
lazyPowerhatch: its pretty much a hulk smash at removal though. use with caution. Its going to send a terminate command to your cloud provider17:01
frankbanbac: tagging is a good idea. I'd be inclined to do that after the release QA17:01
frankbanbac: merged17:02
frankbanbac: so we basically release PPA and PyPI packages and then the last step is to just add a "v1.x.y" tag and push back to trunk17:03
hatchlazyPower thanks, I updated my answer17:03
hatchlazyPower feel free to upvote if you think it's the proper answer :D17:03
bacfrankban: sounds good.  but more granular, build PPA, QA packages, then push to pypi.  right?17:04
frankbanbac: yeah, the usual workflow, just adding a "bzr tag" at the end of the process17:05
lazyPowerbzr supports tagging? #TIL17:14
Makyohatch, sorry for ducking out.  We good with me starting on the remove relation ECS next?17:25
hatchMakyo yep I'm just trying to plan the set config stuff - want to resume that chat?17:25
* rogpeppe is done for the day17:29
rogpeppeg'night all17:29
rick_h_have a good night rogpeppe 17:30
hatchlazyPower can you see if you can answer the guy in #juju he is also asking in the golang channel abuot this stuff17:36
hatchrick_h_ can you join the standup room?17:36
rick_h_hatch: rgr17:36
bacgod, why do i never learn and still read the comments?  nice ars article ruined for me...18:02
hatchbac lol - those comments make it clear that people comment before reading the article18:08
rick_h_bac: yea, I had the same *ugh!* reaction18:08
bacmy hat is off to people like popey who wade in...18:09
hatch"Here's your sign"18:10
lazyPower'ey Hatch - can i bother you for a testimonial/comment on my Ubuntu application? I'm up for membership review tomorrow and could use any/all of the feedback you can give. 18:10
hatchlazyPower sure - I have no idea what you're talking about though lol18:11
lazyPowerhatch: its part of becoming a Ubuntu Member - there's a membership board that reviews your application (the wiki page) and they rule based on the merit of your contributions to Ubuntu as a whole.18:11
hatchgot it, yep I'll write out some fancyness today for ya18:12
hatchthanks for helping out the guy in #juju btw18:13
lazyPowerNP. It's what I'm here for :)18:13
hatchhaha i knew I could count on you!18:13
hatchI finally got around to posting about the latest gui release http://fromanegg.com/ I think I hit on all the main points19:24
hatchbleh, rick_h_  so this isn't going to be as simple as I had thought, databinding is what stores the dirty fields atm19:48
hatchnot that I thought this would be simple19:48
rick_h_hatch: right, but that's the conflict issue. 19:51
hatchright - but we'll now have two 'dirty' indexes19:52
rick_h_hatch: but the dirty can be in the model from the UI/ECS side ofthings. however, we need a path to getting the databinding dirty/conflict into somewhere the UI can access as well19:52
rick_h_hatch: right, we always were going to have to19:52
rick_h_hatch: I guess we can call one 'uncommitted' and one 'dirty/conflict'19:52
hatchthe issue is that the model needs to reach into the databinding to find out what's dirty before sending the dirty list to the ecs so it doesn't overwrite changes that it shouldn't be19:53
hatchstandup hangout?19:53
rick_h_hatch: sure19:53
hatchoh wait I think I figured it out19:55
hatchfrom now on I should just hop into a hangout and talk to myself19:55
rick_h_lol, I joined but didn't see you19:56
hatchyeah the model doesn't actually need to know whats in the databinding conflict because that's only a UI thing19:56
hatchthe model is actually updated right away19:56
rick_h_hatch: right19:57
hatchugh I hate this databinding stuff19:58
* hatch opens file, gets punched in the face19:58
kadams54Back from the go karting… me being a nice son, I let my old man score the best time.19:58
kadams54Though we did tangle up in one corner after he spun out in front of me.19:58
kadams54http://www.newcastleraceway.com/photos/newphotos/aerial-82409-4.jpg <- the race track we were on.19:59
hatchnice track19:59
kadams54These were racing karts… not the ones that your local mini-golf place hase.20:00
kadams54hase? has.20:00
kadams54We were both spanked by what appeared to be a 10-year-old girl20:00
kadams54She wasn't on a rental kart.20:01
hatchhere is our race track https://www.google.com/maps/place/Martensville+Speedway/@52.301784,-106.648735,311m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x53045c2c9f46f337:0xffb39df6a0df0a4420:01
hatchthere is also a few rental tracks around 20:01
hatchbut this one is for real race karts20:01
kadams54Good stuff20:02
* hatch used to race20:02
kadams54We need to find a race track some sprint20:02
hatchfor 14 years actually :)20:02
kadams54Then you can help me level up my racing foo for the next father-son matchup20:02
hatchsounds like a plan to me!20:02
hatchI'd love to get back into it again but I don't have the time :(20:03
kadams54I grew up in Indy so we're big racing fans20:03
kadams54This was about 30 minutes east of Indy20:03
hatchoh nice20:03
hatchkadams54 any idea how long that track is? Ours is about 1km - yours looks very similar20:04
kadams54hatch: 1 mile or 1.6 km20:04
kadams54I'll post photos and videos to Google+ once they're ready.20:05
hatchoh wowzers that's one long lap!20:05
hatchyes definitely20:05
kadams54We raced for about 30 minutes, so it was a good amount of time to get comfortable and start to learn the track.20:05
hatchyeah, well your laps must have been what....35-40s?20:05
kadams54I think 1'26" was my fast lap, my dad had 1'25"20:06
kadams54I wouldn't be surprised if the 10-year-old pro was running 35-40s though20:07
hatchhah, well they probably throttle down the rentals too though20:07
kadams54Sure seemed like she had twice as much speed when she passed me on the straightaways :-)20:07
kadams54It's a good thing, since I t-boned my dad in his spin20:07
hatchlazyPower I'm having trouble logging in to wiki.ubuntu.com, it keeps hanging, i'll try again later20:08
ahasenackhi, I deployed juju-gui on precise with all default options, and then I used that to deploy the hadoop bundle from the store,20:12
ahasenackI got an error in a juju-gui notification and would like to debug it20:12
ahasenackthe note says:20:12
ahasenack 1 notifications20:12
ahasenack    Failed to load charm details.20:12
ahasenack    Charm API error of type: no_such_charm 4 minutes ago20:12
ahasenackand that's it20:12
ahasenackwhere can I find out what it was trying to do? Which charm was it trying to load details from?20:13
hatchahasenack oh yeah there is an issue with a charm20:13
hatchcan you link me to the bundle to confirm?20:13
ahasenackotherwise the bundle deployed, there are hook errors but that's unrelated as it happened much later20:13
ahasenackbzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/bundles/hadoop/bundle20:13
ahasenackit what is says in the UI20:13
hatchok thanks one sec20:13
hatchahasenack hmm that bundle is deploying fine here in sandbox mode - did you happen to use Chrome?20:15
ahasenackno, firefox20:15
hatchhmm ok, I'm hoping there is an error in the js console20:15
hatch(chrome persists errors but I'm not sure firefox does)20:15
ahasenackthere's this, not sure if it's recent or old20:15
ahasenackUnexpected value translate(undefined,undefined) parsing transform attribute. all-yui.js:1920:15
ahasenackThe Web Console logging API (console.log, console.info, console.warn, console.error) has been disabled by a script on this page.20:15
hatchyeah that one can be ignored20:16
ahasenackbut, doesn't look like the gui failed, it started the deploy, I got units20:16
ahasenackshould I try again with some debugging mode?20:16
hatchyeah so basically what that error means is that the charm that the bundle is trying to deploy doesn't exist20:16
ahasenackhatch: ok, any way to find out which charm that is?20:16
ahasenackI was expecting it to be in the error message :)20:17
hatchwell the json returned from juju-core should include that 20:17
ahasenackother than that, the service count seems correct, the readme says 4 services will be deployed, and that's what I got20:17
rick_h_ahasenack: well there's 3 charms and 4 services in that bundle. Did all of them come up?20:17
hatchthis is definitely a bug that we aren't exposing that to the user20:17
ahasenackall services are there20:17
ahasenackhadoop-master, hadoop-slavecluster, hive, mysql20:18
ahasenackall but mysql have some failed hook, but that happened after the notice I got from juju-gui20:18
hatchwe should expose the charm name to the user though for this error message20:21
rick_h_hatch: yea, verified each charm responds via the api. That error is typically when the GUI tries to load a charm from manage.jujucharms.com but it can't find it20:21
hatchI'll create a bug20:21
ahasenackis that done via port 80 and/or 443?20:21
ahasenackI'm behind a firewall, let me check connectivity to that host20:21
rick_h_ahasenack: yes 44320:21
ahasenackport 80 works20:21
ahasenack443 is blocked20:21
rick_h_ahasenack: it's a typical restful api behind https20:21
rick_h_ahasenack: that'll do it then20:21
rick_h_so the GUI tried to fetch the charm info and failed because of network connectivity20:21
ahasenackrick_h_: that's not where the charm is deployed from, it's to get other info20:21
ahasenackok, gotcha20:22
rick_h_ahasenack: right, the charm itself comes from another url20:22
ahasenackthanks guys20:22
rick_h_ahasenack: but the metadata, used to show things like icons, readme files, etc comes from manage.jujucharms.com20:22
ahasenackbut I was able to see the README for the bundle20:22
ahasenackin this case, it's the individual READMEs for each charm the bundle deploys?20:22
hatchrick_h_ when we load the gui we should ping these places to see if we can connect to avoid these issues because they are kind of secret 20:22
rick_h_ahasenack: well it depends on what you were interacting with at the time. Normally it's from clicking on a service (and the inspector pops up) or something20:23
ahasenackso, I juju deploy juju-gui20:23
ahasenackhit the web interface, logged in20:23
ahasenacksearched for hadoop, several options showed up20:23
ahasenackpicked the cluster one20:23
ahasenackread the README, and other tabs20:23
rick_h_hatch: well, we've got WIP for the store to have the info so if you don't have access to get this data you can't deploy charms either 20:23
ahasenackall that worked20:23
ahasenackdoes any of that come from manage.jujucharms.com?20:23
rick_h_ahasenack: yes20:23
ahasenackmaybe on port 80?20:23
rick_h_it shouldn't, but possible I suppose20:24
ahasenackthat is the only one open here for that site, at the moment20:24
ahasenackI'll try the network tab before asking for port 443 to be opened20:24
rick_h_ahasenack: ah yea, some of the api calls will work over 8020:24
ahasenackah, good (to have an explanation)20:24
rick_h_I wonder if some call is hard coded to https or something. Or perhaps the network redirects https to http in your network? 20:25
rick_h_not sure20:25
ahasenacktelnet on port 443 got stuck20:25
ahasenackno tcp handshake20:25
rick_h_:( no https makes techies sad20:25
ahasenackor is any of that made through my browser?20:25
ahasenacki.e., my machine hitting manage.jujucharms.com20:26
ahasenackinstead of the juju-gui one20:26
rick_h_ahasenack: oh, yea that goes through your browser from the GUI20:26
ahasenackok, good (to have another explanation) :)20:26
ahasenackmy browser sits somewhere else, I have no connection impediments20:26
rick_h_not through the service deployed...except some stuff will go through there because it's assumed you might be offline but the environment must be able to get out to do a deploy at all20:26
rick_h_ahasenack: so yea, interesting20:27
ahasenackbut the bundle deploy goes through the juju-gui machine? This metadata fetching when I'm deploying20:27
rick_h_ahasenack: yes, to deploy the bundle, your browser sends it to the deployed juju-gui, which then tells juju to deploy these charms/etc20:27
ahasenackthat's ok, what about the no_such_charm error?20:28
rick_h_ahasenack: well that's curious now. We'd love to have the network log to be able to see which call failed and where it came from20:28
ahasenacksure, in a minute20:28
ahasenackAdded charm "cs:precise/juju-gui-91" to the environment.20:28
lazyPowerhatch: it does that. it takes ~ 45 seconds to complete teh oauth exchange20:30
hatchwho decided that was a good system20:30
hatchahh there it goes20:31
ahasenackhm, didn't see any reds20:32
rick_h_ahasenack: ok, well if you can repeat it and get some details we'd love to make sure it works right. 20:32
rick_h_ahasenack: but otherwise might call it an intermittent network failure atm20:32
ahasenackfound a 40420:32
rick_h_ok, that'd be something to look at, with what url?20:33
ahasenackfreaking firefox, can't find a way to copy it20:33
ahasenackhang on20:33
ahasenackit's against manage.jujucharms.com20:33
ahasenackand the response is that error note20:34
ahasenackI bet you are dying to know what it is20:34
ahasenackhttps://manage.jujucharms.com/api/3/charm/precise/login was the request20:34
ahasenackand the response was20:35
ahasenack  "charm_id": "precise/login", 20:35
ahasenack  "type": "no_such_charm"20:35
ahasenackwell, just hit that url yourself20:35
hatchwoah that's not a valid url heh20:36
rick_h_hah, wonder what that was from20:36
rick_h_hatch: I wonder if something in state tried to process the /login url of the gui?20:36
ahasenackis there a way to get the whole network tab contents as a text file of some sort?20:36
ahasenackin firefox?20:36
hatchsorry I have no idea....20:37
rick_h_ahasenack: that's good enough I think. We can file a bug/look into it from there. 20:37
ahasenackman, there are some weird GETs...20:37
hatchlooking at what might generate that url 20:37
ahasenackwhy would it search for that20:37
hatchthat's from the charmbrowser20:37
ahasenackI searched for hadoop, then dragged it20:37
hatchthe initial list of charms20:37
rick_h_hatch: with double dispatch and such I wonder if something is taking /login and trying to treat it as /precise/login like /mysql20:37
ahasenackso the 404 one is right after the "interesting" one, in the list20:38
rick_h_ahasenack: heh20:38
rick_h_hatch: yea, that sounds like double dispatch coming back on us to me20:38
rick_h_hatch: with a slower connection or something it's coming back to dispatch /login after state is up/running20:39
hatchI don't see how state would be calling an api call though20:40
rick_h_hatch: well something is trying to dispatch to /precise/login? As if there was a charm details there20:41
rick_h_hatch: what I'm thinking is that state gets the url and parses it and finds it's a short charmbrowser looking url and tries to dispatch20:41
rick_h_hatch: but just what it sounds like imo, I could be off20:42
hatchahasenack what is the url path after the hostname? when you get that odd url ending in /login20:42
ahasenackI don't have that anymore, sorry :/20:42
ahasenacklet me try another deploy of something else20:43
hatchsorry for making you jump through all of these hoops20:43
ahasenackI do qa, I jump like that all day long :)20:43
hatchhaha well thanks for helping qa the GUI 20:44
ahasenackso, got it again20:45
ahasenackjust by logging in20:45
ahasenackI hit logout, then logged back in, did nothing else20:45
ahasenacknotification is there20:45
hatchok let me try that on sandbox20:45
hatchI think this is a double dispatching issue20:45
rick_h_ahasenack: we'll file a bug and look into it20:45
ahasenackhatch: now, url path after hostname?20:45
hatchrick_h_ ahasenack  I can reproduce this locally20:45
ahasenackwhat do you mean?20:46
rick_h_hatch: awesome20:46
ahasenackhatch: aha20:46
hatchahasenack thanks so much20:46
ahasenackpiece of cake now20:46
hatchthis squeaked past our QA20:46
rick_h_hatch: woot another release this week :)20:47
rick_h_hatch: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1331189 if you want to add any notes/etc20:47
_mup_Bug #1331189: GUI attempts to load charm details for /precise/login during login process <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1331189>20:47
hatchthanks I'll add a note20:48
rick_h_ahasenack: thanks, card added to the board and we'll try to get that updated and an updated release out this week.20:48
hatchrepro comment added20:50
ahasenackrick_h_: thanks20:50
hatchdarn double dispatch20:53
kadams54hatch: I checked race times and it looks like the best times are right around 1 minute, which makes me feel a little better :-) http://www.newcastleraceway.com/results.shtml?mylaps=type,run,runid,311828120:54
hatchkadams54 haha well that actually kind of makes sense ours is around 32s but that one is .6k longer20:55
kadams54hatch: My dad and I were talking and we realized that the rental karts also don't have any gears.20:56
kadams54Big diff from the real racers out there20:56
hatchonly 'shifters' have multiple gears20:56
hatchwhich is a very small subset of karting20:56
kadams54The serious peeps out on the track with us must have been shifters20:57
kadams54You could hear it through the corners20:57
kadams54And as they left you in their dust :-)20:57
hatchwell you can easily hear the shifts20:57
hatchthere are others which will just scream but never shift20:58
kadams54Mine didn't shift or scream ;-)21:00
hatchhaha no it was probably a 4stroke brigs or something21:00
kadams54"The karts feature 6hp Honda engines on Arrow racing chassis with rear crash guards. "21:01
hatchit's entirely possible they were shifters at which case...yes they would have blown past lol21:01
hatchyep that's what I used to race :)21:02
hatch~65mph top speed21:02
hatchthe shifters are over 100mph21:02
kadams54It's a great feeling whizzing along at 50 MPH 2 inches above the ground21:02
hatchbut there are also yamaha's and rotax's which are slower than shifters but still scream but don't have gears21:03
hatchyep it is21:03
hatchit's a blast21:03
kadams54Looked at the various classes they race and there's only one (125cc) for shifters.21:04
kadams5415 years and up, which makes me wonder if that girl was older than she looked21:04
bacshouldn't that be our next 'team building' exercise?21:04
bacor would bumper cars be more like it?21:04
hatchkadams54 very possible, although lately I've always thought kids are much older than they really are21:05
hatchmust be whatever they are putting in the milk21:05
kadams54bac: I'd be down with that :-)21:05
bacjujugui: new quickstart packages up on the beta PPA and released on pypi.21:09
bacqa has been good.  will push to juju/stable shortly21:10
rick_h_bac: yay21:10
bacthis is 1.4.0 wherein we announce os x support.  rick note that it may take a bit to get it up for brew21:11
rick_h_bac: rgr21:11
baci'm not sure the turnaround for the non-initial PR21:11
bacit may be they just rubber stamp it if CI is happy21:11
rick_h_well hope21:11
rick_h_we'll hope21:11
bacyeah, anything else would probably bury them21:12
bacrick_h_: full disclosure: i only did qa on trusty and precise and will do limited on the pip package.  couldn't bring myself to repeat it all on saucy21:13
lazyPowerI like the new layout where the config panel occupys the drawer on the left21:13
lazyPower+1 to the gui team for this change21:13
rick_h_bac: ok, well small changes and we'll find out. :) 21:13
rick_h_lazyPower: heh, UX made us do it, well machine view made us do it21:14
rick_h_though I do recall it coming up during initial inspector designs21:14
lazyPoweri think it just makes sense now that its there21:14
lazyPowerits like "i was giving up this space anyway with the drawer"21:14
lazyPowernow i'm always moving one direction to interact with stuff. 21:14
rick_h_and :flags:/mv works nicer21:15
lazyPoweryou guys ar etaking care of dense trogoldytes like myself. which is +121:15
lazyPowerah, wait. found a bug with this. i refreshed the GUI and now i'm getting the white block issue. http://i.imgur.com/Pa4TyYV.png21:20
* lazyPower goes to file ze bug21:20
rick_h_lazyPower: I think that might be a chrome issue. I'd be curious if it always happens, happens on that env/url with other browsers, happens in incognito mode, etc21:22
* rick_h_ runs away now to get the boy night all21:23
_mup_Bug #1331202: Random white blob on screen refresh <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1331202>21:23
hatchlazyPower do you still have that env up?21:34
hatchif so, can you look in the browser console for any errors when that happens21:36
lazyPowerhatch: i do21:36
lazyPoweri think this is correlated with what we saw yesterday with hadoop21:37
lazyPowerits a half promulgated charm21:37
hatchwell the url shows that you're trying to access the inspector for a deployed service21:38
hatchso it should be displaying an inspector there21:38
hatchso I'm hoping there is an error in the console to help debug21:38
lazyPowerhatch: its due to the charm being half promulgated21:54
lazyPowerthis is the same issue as what we ran into with HADOOP yesterday. Incomplete data in the charm store due to a push that didn't complete. 21:54
lazyPowerawesome that I keep finding these corner cases >_>21:54
hatchlazyPower ok but is there any error messages? 22:02
hatchWe should guard against these issues in the GUI so that even if this does happen it gives the user an error message instead of bricking the app22:02
lazyPowerhatch: nope22:02
hatchdarn ok thanks22:03
hatchany idea why a juju env would hang on any juju command?22:53
hatchfor example juju status on ec2 is just hanging22:55
hatchmaybe I'm just having a bad ec2 day22:57
rick_h_morning huwshimi 23:10
huwshimirick_h_: Hey23:10
hatchmorning huwshimi 23:21
hatchwow ec2 instances are slow23:25
hatchit's taking like 15mins or more to bootstrap a machine on ec223:25
huwshimihatch: hey23:26
rick_h_hatch: yes, ec2 can be really slow23:45
hatchnow my ghost charm doesn't turn on for something23:45
hatchrick_h_ do you know where juju charms are stored in instances?23:47
rick_h_hatch: sudo updatedb && sudo locate ghost23:49
hatchheh yeah just did that23:49
hatchthis instance is just so damn slow23:49

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