
valoriewelcome to the Council, Myriam / Mamarock03:00
soeegood morning06:20
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Riddellshadeslayer: want some merging done?09:11
Riddellvalorie: alive?09:11
apacheloggerwhy would it?09:14
apacheloggeragh, wrong tab ^^09:14
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Riddell"Kenny Duffus (kduffus) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members" yay seaLne still loves us!09:52
shadeslayerRiddell: why are you listed as merging things for all of the things  ?10:34
Riddellshadeslayer: because I'm merging all the things10:37
shadeslayersure, but one at a time right ? :P10:37
RiddellI am a jet engine in the wind, hear me soar10:37
RiddellI batch it up as much as possible, download all the tars, clone all the debian git, merge all the changelogs, make diffs for review, then review them all10:38
Riddellshadeslayer: do we have a kde-games-core-declarative ?10:48
shadeslayer!info kde-games-core-declarative utopic10:48
ubottuPackage kde-games-core-declarative does not exist in utopic10:48
Riddellshadeslayer: it's in bzr10:49
shadeslayerRiddell: it's in proposed10:49
Riddelloh right10:49
shadeslayerI reckon libkdegames is blocked because it would break other stuff10:50
shadeslayerso once the merge is done, we need to upload 4.13.2 to the archive10:51
Riddellautopkgtest for libkdegames 4:4.13.1-1ubuntu1: Always failed10:51
Riddellthat's the trouble with all this QA stuff, things will start to fail10:52
Riddelland I've no idea why10:53
shadeslayerRiddell: always failed is fine10:54
shadeslayerit won't block the migration10:54
shadeslayerbut if things passed, and then if the autopkgtests start to fail after a upload, then it blocks migration10:55
Riddellok, maybe there's some other reason why it's blocked10:56
shadeslayerI know why10:57
shadeslayerlibkdegames6 is now libkdegames6abi110:57
shadeslayerso stuff needs rebuilding against the new libkdegames6abi1 , which is why once we merge, we need to upload 4.13.210:57
Riddellinterestingly there's a bunch of packages debian has chosen not to have -dbg packages for11:19
Riddelland then for some they add -dbg packages compared to yours11:25
shadeslayeryep, its weird11:26
shadeslayerI've kept ours where it made sense11:26
shadeslayerin others, I've dropped it ( for eg. some stuff was exclusively python I think )11:26
Riddellbut but how do they survive without kteatime-dbg?!11:36
shadeslayerguess their tea doesn't need debugging11:40
shadeslayeror worse, they don't drink tea11:40
BluesKajafter reading about the amount of pesticides in tea nowadays I avoid it as much as I can11:49
Riddellthe return of Kross Ruby!  apachelogger will be pleased11:51
BluesKajhowever i imagine coffee pesticide levels are probly just as high11:54
apacheloggerif there was a reason to use kross that is11:57
Riddellshadeslayer: what's all this ${so:Depends} ?13:40
shadeslayersee the so plugin for debhelper13:41
Riddelldh_sodeps ?13:41
shadeslayerquite magic13:42
Riddellseems like an alternative to allLibraries13:44
Riddelldantti: ping13:56
Riddelldantti: should our print-manager package have a soft recommends on system-config-printer-udev (which contains /lib/udev/rules.d/70-printers.rules /lib/udev/udev-configure-printer /lib/udev/udev-add-printer)13:56
Riddelldantti: also we have patch ignore_scp_dbus_failures.diff for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-printer/+bug/104860613:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 902762 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu Quantal) "duplicate for #1048606 scp-dbus-service.py crashed with ImportError in __main__: No module named asyncconn" [High,Fix released]13:59
Riddelldantti: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/print-manager/view/head:/debian/patches/ignore_scp_dbus_failures.diff13:59
RiddellI don't know if we want that or not, debian doesn't have it14:00
RiddellScottK: do you know if there's any gotcha in the pykde merge?14:04
Riddellhmm looks kindae scary14:05
Riddellshadeslayer: for your merges are you settings the -dev build-depends to 4.13 ?14:21
shadeslayerRiddell: nope14:21
ScottKI'd have imagined it'd be a sync.14:21
shadeslayerScottK: bzr still needs updating14:21
shadeslayersince we use bzr14:21
shadeslayerso workflow is very different14:21
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm, won't that break the smooth building in future updates?14:22
ScottKRight. Except that. 14:22
shadeslayerRiddell: nope, script will update it14:22
shadeslayerwhen we upload 4.13.214:22
Riddellok if you say so14:23
shadeslayer        control = re.sub(r'%s\s*\(>=.*?\)' % builddep, '%s (>= %s%s)' % (builddep, epoch, upstreamVersion), control)14:23
shadeslayermuch magic regex there14:23
Riddellaside: that kubuntu-initial-upload build-dep update needs sorted to work for kf5 and plasma 514:23
yofelFWIW, you don't have to update them to 4.13 on merge, but you need to make sure some version is there in case debian doesn't have one14:32
yofelmy magic regex there doesn't *add* a version if there is none14:33
yofelRiddell: well, as long as the epoch is the same you can just add kf5 and plasma to kde-sc-dev-latest-utopic.txt14:38
yofelbetter than nothing14:38
sgclarkRiddell: ok I seem to be stuck on kde-baseapps requires baloowidgets which does not seem to exist in baloo kf5, ideas?14:38
yofelbaloowidgets is a seperate source14:39
Riddellsgclark: yeah I guess there's a baloowidgets frameworks branch14:39
sgclarkRiddell: yofel ahh ok, then off to package that, thanks14:39
Riddellyum free pizza from AWS, at last I get something back for all this money I sent them :)14:54
jussihrm, pizza...15:03
Riddellsorry too late, all gone15:04
jussiperhaps I need to call the pizza shop...15:06
Riddellnah just launch one on AWS like I did15:07
Riddellafter an hour it's gone but that's fine15:07
shadeslayerRiddell: free pizza? :D15:07
Riddellonly pepsi and 7up left now15:08
sgclarkRiddell: ok so there is a problem with the current Baloo-kf5-dev installing cmake files without KF5 prepended so baloo-widgets can't find it, however it looks like this is fixed in frameworks git, patch the one we have or package git version?15:48
Riddellsgclark: either way, probably easier to grab a git snapshot15:49
sgclarkRiddell: ok off to package baloo lol15:49
Riddellunless anyone can think of a reason why it should ↑16:01
lordievaderGood evening.16:21
kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 616:53
shadeslayerRiddell: you commited .gitattributes too17:04
shadeslayeruseless cruft that is17:04
shadeslayerhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/svgpart/revision/117/debian/changelog < looks properly screwed up17:05
shadeslayer4:4.10.4-1 after 4:4.13.017:05
shadeslayersame with other packages too17:06
shadeslayerRiddell: and why 4.13.2 entries in the changelog :S17:07
shadeslayerI am unsure if we can run the 4.13.2 script now 17:07
shadeslayeryofel: ^^17:08
* yofel wonders why even run it17:08
yofelit's a mess already, no point in fixing :P17:09
shadeslayeryofel: well, the idea was to merge, then run the 4.13.2 script to sort out package renames and what not17:10
yofelhow would that sort out anything17:10
yofel4.13.80 will sort that out17:10
yofelor not doing SRU's17:10
shadeslayerah, I was going to remove the diffing logic17:10
shadeslayerso it uploads everything17:10
shadeslayernot just the diffs17:11
yofelthe diffing logic only applies to --sru17:11
yofeldevel always gets everything17:11
yofelthat has nothing to do with package renames though...17:11
shadeslayerthen it should have worked out, since some lib stuff is stuck in proposed because it breaks packages, once we uploaded 4.13.2, everything would have rebuilt against the new stuff17:12
shadeslayerand would have worked out?17:12
yofelah yeah, proposed is a thing it would've solved17:12
yofelthe script *should* do something sensible if you run it with the same changelog message that the current 4.13.2 entry already has17:13
yofelor not17:13
yofeldch will not like the released changelog17:13
yofelyou can run with --nopush and throw the branches that already are .2 away before pushing17:14
soeegood evening17:14
yofelshadeslayer: actually, if there is already a released entry for the version you want, the script should really ignore the branch17:16
yofelmaybe you could add a check for that around line 34517:16
yofelthere is already some matching logic to prevent dch from running twice17:17
yofelpattern = re.compile("^%s \((\d+:)?%s.*?\).*?\n --" % (package, upstreamVersion), re.DOTALL)17:18
yofelsomeone explain to me what exactly I wrote there... -.-17:18
yofelah, matches the header and content of the first changelog entry17:19
yofelwell, you add it if you want, too magic for me :P17:20
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kubotufeed branches-next had 7 updates, showing the latest 618:00
Riddellweird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/p3qfv3kjv19:29
Riddellshadeslayer: shrug, .gitattributes is in debian git so I'm just syncing to that19:30
Riddellshadeslayer: the changelogs show the order of merges correctly19:31
shadeslayerRiddell: idk merge changelog seems to be the standard tool for merging these kind of things and it does it very differently22:02
valorieRiddell: alive, and here now22:14
valorie... and now off to run a bit22:29
Riddellshadeslayer: which is why I don't trust it :)23:20
sgclarkRiddell: can you review baloo-widgets5 when you get a chance23:41
valorieand back23:45
valorieRiddell: did you have a question?23:45

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