
dodger_MobileRoey: I'd be really surprised if it did00:25
dodger_it probably doesn't know about KDE or Phonon and pipes sound directly to ALSA00:25
dodger_hold on00:26
dodger_when you play a video, open the mixer00:26
dodger_(click the volume control icon in the system tray, then click mixer)00:26
dodger_then look at the playback streams tab and see if you can see the flash player's audio stream there00:27
dodger_if you do, right click on its icon at the top, and go to 'Move'00:27
dodger_there you should be able to select the output device for that particular stream00:27
MobileRoeyah wonderful, one moment then00:39
MobileRoeydodger_:  thanks! tha t worked!!! :)00:40
MobileRoeydodger_:  how can KDE do that?00:42
MobileRoeyi.e. assert control over non-Phonon-compliant streams00:42
MobileRoeyor maybe flash does play nice with phonon00:42
dodger_i actually don't know how that works exactly00:45
dodger_never looked into phonon in detail :P00:45
MobileRoeyhehe thanks though :)00:48
MobileRoeyhey do you know amarok + streaming?00:48
dodger_no, not really - like streaming from icecast servers and such?01:01
MobileRoeyand charsets.01:05
MobileRoeyI only see stuff like áñóə01:06
MobileRoeyit's hebrew but the charset is off and I don't know how to fix it.  It appears like that in the Amarok titlebar01:06
MobileRoey(this changes wih the songs01:06
dodger_sorry, i don't know anything about that01:11
MobileRoeyaye ok01:14
MobileRoeythanks though01:14
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calcmandani'm looking for something that'll move my mouse pointer to 2-3 designated locations on my screen and done so within specific periods of time. anyone have a good cl tool that'll do this?04:28
crudsonAny way to get the Virtual Desktop "Show desktop layout indicators" to appear on all monitors when switching, not just the one the mouse is on?04:33
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lordievadercalcmandan: xdotool + cron.05:38
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Guest71500hi :D05:50
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WalexMoscherkobold: IRC does not have a charset. IRC is "binary".09:11
Borsiis anyone using 7870, closed source driver with kernel 3.14 or higher?09:11
WalexMoscherkobold: oops, that was MobileRoey09:11
WalexBorsi: you probably :-)09:11
Borsior any other ati card with latest kernels?09:11
Borsiwell i am stuck at 3.13 series09:12
Borsidoesnt compile as module without some patch09:12
lordievader!info linux-image-generic09:15
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB09:15
lordievaderBorsi: Probably not since Trusty doesn't carry 3.14 (or 3.15 for that matter).09:16
MoscherkoboldWalex: np :)09:16
Borsiwell kubuntu has quite recent kernel anyway09:17
Borsibut why are they maintaining kernel that has lack of support, why they just dont move to another kernel series?09:17
lordievaderBorsi: That is the way Ubuntu works, releases will stick with the kernel version they originally got.09:18
silv3r_m00nrecent versions of chromium/chrome are not integrating well with the oxygen theme of kde, any idea how to fix this ?09:59
mcstrgood morning11:07
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lordievaderGood evening.16:21
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chromahitcherHello world18:02
bpromptbon jour et tout de monde =P18:05
BluesKajhmm bprompt , is that supposed to be french ? :)18:10
bpromptsorta =)18:11
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cyberlalahi am new20:52
geniiToo bad they left before I could welcome them with a mug of coffee.20:55
OxDeadC0dehey guys, got a fresh install of kubuntu 14.04, it was working great, but the power went out and the system went down. when it came back up, lightdm isn't showing the kde desktop option, so I can't log into any desktop really..23:20
OxDeadC0dehow can I get it showing kde, or plasma-desktop or whatever the entry was, again?23:21
Pibbledo you have a terminal23:22
OxDeadC0dewell, control+alt+f1 term23:22
OxDeadC0deno options for.. anything at lightdm23:22
Pibbledoing a quick search for you, might be able to help out23:23
Pibblegimme 523:23
OxDeadC0dethanks, I'll be searching too23:23
PibbleTry ctrl alt f7?23:24
PibbleYou can stop KDE with init 323:24
Pibblethen restart with init 523:24
OxDeadC0deLightdm is working, xorg is running, it's just, not showing any options for choosing the desktop manager to use23:25
OxDeadC0dehave rebooted just to make sure23:25
PibbleOh weird23:25
Pibblexorg config could be messed up23:25
PibbleIve had it blank itself out before23:25
OxDeadC0delightdm if anything is the one messed up23:26
OxDeadC0detried dpkg-reconfigure --force lightdm, didn't do anything23:26
PibbleFull purge of the package and reinstall?23:26
OxDeadC0deprobably some other package that ties lightdm and plasma-workspace together, adding the config entry for the DM to lightdm23:26
PibbleMight fix it for you23:26
OxDeadC0deI'll try that23:26
PibbleIt SHOULD work like it did out of box23:27
Pibblemight reset some settings23:27
PibbleBut it could also purge some dependecies so be prepared for that23:28
OxDeadC0deit wanted to purge lightdm, lightdm-kde-greeter, and nvidia-prime. will take a second to get reinstalled.. need to find a network cable ;)23:30
OxDeadC0dealso tried dpkg-reconfigure --force lightdm-kde-greeter, no change23:30
PibbleYeah, those arent system breaking if purged23:30
* OxDeadC0de nods23:30
PibbleIt should work fine with defualt settings once reinstalled23:30
PibbleIf it worked before that is23:30
OxDeadC0dethe issue was that it was in the middle of updating packages when the power cut out for 3 hours while we upgraded the lines.. guess it didn't finish writing everything to disk23:30
PibbleVery possible23:31
OxDeadC0de*while we upgraded the power lines23:31
Pibblecorrupt .config somewhere and everything is garbled23:31
Pibblexorg is finicky with anything that ties into it23:31
OxDeadC0dereinstall of the 3 packages had the same result. am trying apt-get update && apt-get upgrade23:34
PibbleI dont use lightdm so I dont know your exact setup D:23:35
OxDeadC0deit's just a fresh 14.04 from the dvd iso (installed via usb && yumi multiboot), with whatever updated packages the notification popup wanted me to upg23:37
OxDeadC0de32-bit even.. shoulda done 64-bit.. but whatever.23:37
PibbleIve had the iso's not burn right before23:37
PibbleGot a 99% working system that went down a couple days later23:37
Pibbleafter updates23:37
OxDeadC0de*installed from usb*, not burned23:37
PibbleStill, could be a bad download?23:38
OxDeadC0deI doubt it. is working fine on the other computers.23:38
PibbleIf its fresh you may try and full reinstall if you have the time.23:38
PibbleIf you cant troubleshoot it that is23:38
Pibblemay save you time in the long run23:39
OxDeadC0deyeah, I may end up doing that. hate that option, but at least it's there.23:39
PibbleAnd maybe23:40
Pibbleget the 64 bit iso ;P23:40
OxDeadC0debbiab, changing the breaker that powers the modem and router in the basement.23:42
OxDeadC0deam trying dpkg-reconfigure --force -a before hosing it.23:51
OxDeadC0deoh neat, can re-enable control+alt+backspace by doing dpkg-reconfigure --force keyboard-configuration23:57

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