
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
__marcogood morning, can I change the status of a bulk of bugs all together?08:28
__marcofix committed -> fix released08:29
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
Saviqmore spam https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/133094311:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1330943 in Unity 8 "One Consumer's Observations Of The Mental Health Care System In America" [Undecided,New]11:36
cjwatsonSaviq: Looks like William dealt with that12:05
bookwari am trying to register new project and i checked that https://launchpad/<my_name> gives nothing, but launchpad gives an error that <my_name> is already taken. Is it a bug or are there certain hidden projects?13:29
dobeybookwar: what name?13:33
dobeyit is already taken, yes13:34
bookwarok, thanks13:35
dobeyit's inactive, so maybe an admin can reclaim it for you, but you'll need to ask a question about the issue at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad for further help13:36
bookwardobey: thanks, posted there, let's wait and see https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/25036313:44
wgrantbookwar: Done.13:45
bookwarthat was fast :)13:47
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
landroniI have a question wrt to code imports: https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImports15:24
landroniCan anyone be of assistance?15:24
dobeylandroni: just ask your question15:26
landroniSure. I want to import an arbitrary GIT branch for the LyX project (NOT 'master', but the '2.1.x' branch): http://git.lyx.org/?p=lyx.git;a=heads15:27
landroniHow can I do that in Launchpad: https://code.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new ?15:27
dobeyappend ",branch=$name" to the url in the import15:28
landroniSo this would look like: `git://git.lyx.org/lyx,branch=2.1.x`, correct?15:29
dobeypossibly (if git://git.lyx.org/lyx is the url for master, yes)15:29
landroniIndeed. Thanks a lot! I'll try this.15:30
=== Laney is now known as mrage
=== mrage is now known as Laney
ctraceyhey all. wondering if there is an established policy for seemingly abandoned project names.18:55
ctraceyI have searched for this topic, but did not find anything.18:55
dobeywhat project name?19:04
ctraceydobey: octavia19:05
ctraceydobey: this is the request: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/250367. Was just trying to see if I was even remotely on-base here.19:06
dobeyThe "moved to github" bit is confusing19:08
dobey"Moved to github" != abandoned19:08
dobeyi see several things on github with the name "octavia" and they're all different19:09
ctraceydobey: yeah, we looked but could not find anything19:09
dobeyso i'd suggest that perhaps "octavia" is not a good name for your thing19:09
dobeythe request to free the name seems valid-ish, but it seems to not be a good naming choice, as people searching for it might end up in a sea of confusing projects all named the same thing, but all of which are different things19:11
ctraceydobey: understood. we are proposing this to be a subproject of OpenStack19:12
ctraceyspecifically stackforge19:12
dobeyhttps://github.com/blueboxgroup/octavia <- is it this?19:13
ctraceydobey: that is a placeholder with the intention to move it to stackforge19:14
sbalukoffI think this is what that "octavia" project became: https://github.com/openlabs/poweremail19:15
sbalukoffAlso I just put in for a trademark request on "octavia"19:15
dobeywhich octavia became that?19:16
sbalukoffThis one: https://launchpad.net/poweremail/trunk/0.319:16
dobeythat is not a project named octavia19:17
ctraceylaunchpad.net/octavia seems to bring you diectly to launchpad.net/poweremail19:17
dobeythat is a milestone for a project, with a code name of "octavia"19:17
dobeynot for me it doesn't, but that might be a permissions thing19:17
dobeyit's probably sending you to a search and that's the only search result19:18
sbalukoffAah-- yes it doesn't redirect for me, either.19:18
sbalukoffctracey: Can we register the "octavia" project, then?19:18
ctraceyi cannot19:18
ctraceylaunchpad says this name is in use19:18
dobeynot until an admin comes around and deals with that question19:18
ctraceyi asummed it was for poweremail19:18
dobeyyes, the name is in use, but that poweremail thing isn't why19:19
sbalukoffAnd we need an admin to tell us why it's in use?19:19
dobeyi can tell you why it's in use19:19
sbalukoffThat would be very helpful, thanks. :)19:19
dobeyi can't delete it or give you ownership19:19
sbalukoffOh, ok.19:19
dobeyit's in use because a long time ago some random user signed up to launchpad and had no idea what they were doing19:20
sbalukoffIt was probably me.19:20
sbalukoffBut maybe not.19:20
dobeyit wasn't you19:20
dobeylong time ago == 200819:20
ctraceydobey: thanks for the clarification here19:21
sbalukoffYeah, that's definitely before I was involved.19:21
ctraceysounds more promising it seems19:21
sbalukoffYes, thanks!19:21
dobeyi think someone was trying to file a bug against gimp or something, and created a project to describe their support request19:21
sbalukoffdobey: Do you know who we should contact to resolve this?19:21
dobeyoh, maybe i can resolve it after all19:22
ctraceydobey: provide address and adult beverages shall arrive :)19:22
dobeyyou should be able to register it now19:22
sbalukoffTrying now...19:24
sbalukoffAww hell yes!19:25
sbalukoffThank you very much!19:25
ctraceydobey: thanks!19:26
ctraceyoffer stands19:26
sbalukoffYep. Totally.19:26
dobeyheh :)19:26
dobeyyour welcome19:26
dobeyyou're even19:27

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