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mhall119nik90: no worried, code is at https://launchpad.net/~mhall119/+junk/developernews00:27
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ttyrecwould someone please suggest me non-professional programmer forum or community?04:45
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dholbachgood morning06:15
Wild34Hi, everybody06:47
Wild34I have a problem, the ubuntu-sdk didnt configure building toolkit in QtCreator automatically, can enyone help me to find qmake for ubuntu-sdk?06:49
Wild34damn, I can hardly understand how to ask in irc06:54
popeydpm: seen https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix-test-issues/+merge/223335 ?07:03
dpmpopey, oh yeah :)07:05
dpmpopey, I'm just looking at the other 2 QML errors for file manager in the logs, and I'm filing bugs for them, but I'm not sure if they relate to the failures (I think they don't)07:07
dpmHere's one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/133084107:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1330841 in Ubuntu File Manager App "QML error on PlacesSideBar.qml at runtime" [Medium,Triaged]07:07
dpmAnd here's the other one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+bug/133084307:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1330843 in Ubuntu File Manager App "Error in setting the path to the user's home" [Medium,Triaged]07:11
liuxgdoes anyone know how to send SMS quietly with any UI? thanks07:26
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Eat Your Vegetables Day! :-D08:12
justCarakashaha children love it ;o08:13
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nerochiarodpm: all system apps that were part of bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/messaging-app/+bug/1318008 have update .desktop files with transltions now, and merge request branches for it, whenever you have time to have a look09:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1318008 in webbrowser-app "Core apps .desktop files do not include translated strings" [High,In progress]09:17
dpmnerochiaro, I saw that, thanks! Sorry I didn't have time yesterday to review, will get to it today09:20
nerochiarodpm: thanks !09:20
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nerochiarooSoMoN: when you have a minute, can we talk about the task about adding thumbnail creation timestamp to the db that bill assigned to me ?10:09
oSoMoNnerochiaro, sure, now for example10:10
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, so is that database in the browser and it thumbnails the pages, or are we talking about some other thumbnail cache ?10:13
nerochiarooSoMoN: (i just started to look at browser again after probably several months since the last time)10:13
oSoMoNnerochiaro, it’s not about thumbnails, it’s the bookmarks db10:13
oSoMoNnerochiaro, what we need is the bookmark creation timestamp to be stored in the db10:13
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, so basically add the field to the db and then store the value when bookmarking, and return some sensible value for the cases when there is no timestamp10:14
nerochiarooSoMoN: as we don't want to worry too much about migrating all databases10:14
nerochiaroof existing users10:14
oSoMoNnerochiaro, exactly10:15
oSoMoNnerochiaro, you want to modify src/app/webbrowser/bookmarks-model.[h|cpp], and the corresponding unit tests10:15
oSoMoNnerochiaro, when there is no timestamp available, I imagine returning epoch should be fine10:15
nerochiarooSoMoN: excellent. i'll be on it10:15
oSoMoNnerochiaro, I reviewed https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/webbrowser-app-desktop-translation/+merge/22321910:32
nerochiarooSoMoN: added back some comments, will fix the rest10:50
oSoMoNnerochiaro, I’m not seeing your comments, you need to publish them by commenting on the MR itself10:53
nerochiarooSoMoN: bleh, lp messed up, but i think i posted the inline comments now10:56
nerochiarooSoMoN: i'll look into the rest after lunch10:56
oSoMoNnerochiaro, still not seeing your answers10:56
oSoMoNnerochiaro, I’m seeing the two identical comments on the MR itself, but not the inline ones10:57
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MirvFYI Qt Creator + plugins now also available on Qt 5.3, so you can upgrade to Qt 5.3 also on desktop without losing functionality. see instructions at https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta2 if you want to test11:41
nik90popey: can you add l.f.kempe@gmail.com to the trello board pls12:12
popeynik90: done12:16
nik90dpm: ping12:16
t1mpelopio: could you review these changes? https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-terminal-app/use_default_get_header/+merge/22321712:16
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nik90popey: I just created a virtual vm for utopic. Should I copy the ssh keys from my laptop to the vm or create new ones?14:05
popeybest practice says make new ones14:05
t1mpnik90: which software do you use for your vm?14:10
nik90t1mp: virtualbox present in the archives14:10
t1mpnik90: cool. Are you planning on trying out Qt 5.3? If yes, can you have a look at this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/+bug/1330977 and tell us what it does for you in virtualbox?14:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1330977 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "2-finger scrolling with touchpad does not work in qt apps on Qt5.3 when Ubuntu is inside virtual machine" [Undecided,New]14:11
t1mpnik90: it seems to work on hardware, but breaks in vmware fusion. No idea about virtualbox14:11
nik90t1mp: will try, I installed it on a vm to get the latest sdk updates :)14:12
t1mpnik90: I did the same today to debug uitk with qt53 :)14:12
t1mpnik90: it won't hurt to install utopic :) but we also have a staging ppa that supports trusty14:13
t1mpnik90: ^that ppa is still untested for trusty though14:13
nik90t1mp: well utopic can be unstable sometimes..and this is my main laptop that I use for master thesis..cannot afford for it to go down14:13
nik90t1mp: I think there was one day where utopic daily image wouldnt boot..that's bad14:14
t1mpnik90: I understand. I meant that the staging PPA now also supports trusty14:15
t1mpnik90: btw, what's the topic of your thesis?14:16
t1mpelopio: hello leo!14:17
nik90t1mp: I am doing the literature study at the moment, but it is about creating an control algorithm to navigate obstacles for a micro UAV.14:17
t1mpelopio: good morning, can you review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-terminal-app/use_default_get_header/+merge/223217 :)14:17
t1mpnik90: are you going to create an ubuntu drone? ;)14:18
nik90t1mp: ;)...well we do use Linux to communicate with the hardware14:18
t1mpnik90: sounds interesting14:19
nik90t1mp: it is..may be at the end I can create a ubuntu touch app for it :)14:20
t1mpnik90: yeah you can use an ubuntu phone/tablet as a remote control :)14:21
elopiohello hello14:21
elopiot1mp: on it.14:21
t1mpelopio: thanks. and this too https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/notes-app/remove_get_header/+merge/22321814:22
t1mphmm, jenkins doesn't like it14:22
t1mpbut I don't see why14:22
* elopio looks14:24
nerochiarooSoMoN: should updating a bookmark update the timestamp (if updating them is possible at all)  ?14:58
oSoMoNnerochiaro, there’s no way of updating a bookmark14:59
oSoMoNnerochiaro, a bookmark can be deleted and then recreated14:59
oSoMoNbut that’s all14:59
oSoMoNnerochiaro, to be exact, there’s *currently* no way of doing that, we might want to allow renaming bookmarks in the future15:00
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok, we'll worry about it when we allow that. thanks15:29
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elopiorenato: I can't run the app from your branch. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7659102/15:56
renatoelopio, you need to install the app to run it15:57
elopiorenato: so it's no longer possible to run it from the build dir without installing?15:58
renatoelopio, it works for click packages15:58
renatoElleo, try tor build with -DCLICK_MODE=On15:58
renatoelopio, ^15:58
popeyballoons: dunno if you saw, we landed filemanager16:01
elopiorenato: no luck. It keeps looking form MainWindow.qml on the installed path, even with the QML2_IMPORT_PATH var.16:02
popeyballoons: would be good to get calendar and music AP tests fixed. Will you have time today to look at those?16:02
elopiohum, actually it's not looking for it at src/app/share/address-book-app//imports/MainWindow.qml:16:03
elopiorenato: ok, I could install it on the branch dir.16:04
balloonspopey, yes I wasn't able to talk to veebers yesterday, so last night I realized a simple workaround I could do and I pushed it for calendar and tested it.. but pyflakes. .it should land asap.. For music, trying to figure out why it's failing to mock properly, but it's highest priority.16:05
popeyballoons: ok.16:13
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t1mpartmello: hello16:55
artmellot1mp: hey16:55
t1mpartmello: I was testing qt5.3 on my nexus 4 and I noticed an invisible header in gallery-app. Did you see that before?16:56
artmellot1mp: maybe related to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/132718916:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1327189 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "UITK + Qt 5.3 autopilot failure ubuntuuitoolkit.tests.custom_proxy_objects.test_toolbar.ToolbarTestCase.test_click_toolbar_button" [Critical,In progress]16:58
t1mpartmello: I have a fix for that one. It fixes the toolbar, but not the header16:58
t1mplet me see if I can reproduce the header issue on my laptop16:59
* t1mp compiling gallery-app trunk16:59
t1mpartmello: I also have the bug on my desktop (utopic with qt 5.3): https://www.dropbox.com/s/9719xxfovc5m7ul/Screenshot%202014-06-17%2019.01.35.png17:02
* popey pokes frecel_ with https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/+bug/133105917:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1331059 in Oxide "Add PDF support in Oxide" [Low,Triaged]17:06
balloonspopey, building rev 324 of calendar with the overflow bug; should be in the store in soon17:16
artmellot1mp: humm I will take a look on that17:19
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t1mpartmello: thanks17:29
elopiorenato: I like the new design very much.17:36
renatoelopio, yes it is great17:36
elopiorenato: I have some comments about the autopilot helpers, but while I was reviewing your branch I wrote them to give them a try. So I'll propose a branch against your soon.17:37
renatoelopio, the header need some work but timp is already working on that17:37
elopiorenato: one thing. I think that the make autopilot cmake task needs to be updated, because now it will complaint about not finding MainWinndow.17:37
renatoelopio, I will try to fix this MainWindow problem17:38
renatoin a future branch17:38
elopiorenato: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/address-book-app/new-visual-contact-editor-autopilot/+merge/22346018:01
renatoelopio, thanks18:05
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iBelievepopey: ping19:36
popeyiBelieve: hey19:37
iBelievehi popey, are we still doing the file manager meeting every Tuesday in half an hour? It’s been so long since I’ve been able to make it so I wanted to confirm. Or are we just doing the weekly hangout?19:38
popeyiBelieve: hey, yeah, we do usually do the irc meeting on tuesday. is that a good time for you?19:38
iBelievepopey: yes, that time works again for me. The event that had come up on tuesdays is now over, so I’ll be able to be at the meetings again19:40
popeygreat stuff!19:40
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t1mppopey: I haven't seen vthompson on irc for a while. Could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-terminal-app/use_default_get_header/+merge/223217 ?20:11
popeyt1mp: done20:11
t1mppopey: that's fast, thanks20:11
t1mppopey: will it be merged automatically now?20:12
popeyya, should be.20:12
t1mpgreat, thanks.20:12
popeyt1mp: i looked at it earlier but forgot to hit the approval button ☻20:17
ahayzenHey, any SDK people around who can help me investigate a performance issue?20:40
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