
xnoxbarry: hey00:36
xnoxbarry: i'll check00:36
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=== Laney is now known as mrage
=== mrage is now known as Laney
balloonselopio, ping16:25
elopioballoons: pong.16:25
balloonselopio, seems mocking using the fixtures isn't working for me now.. still working for you?16:26
elopioballoons: mocking what?16:27
balloonselopio, sorry, mocking home.. I noticed it doesn't use a fake env on the desktop or device it seems16:27
elopioballoons: the fixture sets the initctl and env vars, that can't stop working because we have tests to check it.16:28
elopiobut we are not using it on any app, are we?16:29
balloonselopio, I use it on calendar, music, filemanager too maybe?16:33
balloonselopio, I do remember it working, but something has changed as it's not atm16:34
elopioI know filemanager is not using it. I don't know about the rest. Let me see...16:36
elopioballoons: I think I'm not understanding what you are saying.16:38
elopiocalendar is not using the fake home fixture in trunk.16:38
elopioit's using your original method, the one I copied to make the fixture.16:39
balloonselopio, yes I'm saying the original method.. I just tried on the phone and I see other events in the calendar.. it can't be working16:41
elopioballoons: ah, ok. I don't know about that. I haven't payed attention to that part while running the tests.16:42
balloonsalright, well if you haven't seen it, I guess I'll start by looking at the tests16:44
balloonsthat show it's working :-)16:44
elopioI think the calendar tests will pass even if they start with existing events.16:45
balloonselopio, yes exactly16:54
balloonshowever music won't, which is what I'm diving into now16:54
balloonsveebers, you about?21:34
veebersballoons: sorry I missed your ping. I am now22:29
veebersthomi: if/when you have a moment can you eyeball this please: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/autopilot/fix-upstart-rename-1330803/+merge/22348622:29
balloonsveebers, I'm concerned why my environment patching isn't working, and I'm trying to rule out autopilot.. or really trying to understand what's changed to make it no longe rwork22:30
balloonsspecifically I'm attempting to patch what is considered HOME to get a clean enviroment22:31
veebersballoons: so you had working code/patching and now it doesn't work?22:32
balloonssince phone brings more problems, I'm focused on the desktop for now, as it too no longer seems to work. In the past I used mock, then switched to fixtures.. It seems as of now, neither one works. Trying to confirm what the qml app sees atm, but it requires qt, so adding compiled code, blah22:32
balloonsveebers, simply put yes. It worked, but now it doesn't22:32
veebersballoons: how are you currently patching the env?22:32
balloonsveebers, using fixtures;self.useFixture(fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('HOME', newvalue=temp_dir))22:33
balloonsthat seems to work; in so much as if I log the environ variable after doing it, it's updated properly22:34
veebersoops wrong button22:34
veebersballoons: did I miss anything? last message I saw was: veebers, using fixtures;self.useFixture(fi . . .22:34
veebersballoons: I would say that should work22:35
balloonsveebers, no I think you got everything22:35
balloonsveebers, I agree, so I'm confused as to why it's not22:35
balloonsand I'm not sure where the blame lies persay.. I also have another related question22:36
balloonsI see launch_dir as an arg option for test_launch_application but it complains when I try and add it as an argument22:36
veebersballoons: what's changed between patching home working and not?22:36
* veebers looks22:36
balloonsveebers, since this is across apps.. the only changes have to be on AP's side.. I guess I could backdate AP and see22:37
thomiveebers: approved22:40
veebersballoons: so if you're using fixtures with EnvironmentVariable none of that is autopilot22:40
veebersthomi: cheers22:40
balloonsveebers, well technically I'm using the helper done by elopio22:40
veebersah ok22:40
balloonsveebers, so I would be happy to remove using that and call AP directly.. trying to narrow things down22:41
balloonsI see patch_enviroment is deprecated, but I tried using it also22:41
balloonsdidn't change anything22:41
veebersballoons: aye, patch_environment uses fixtures.EnvironmentVariable22:41
balloonsveebers, so part of the trouble is I can't verify that the app isn't seeing the patched env or not.. qml apps aren't friendly to printing these things afaik22:44
balloonsafaict, the patching from AP's side works.. then the app launches, and by all accounts, it isn't having the desired effect22:45
veebersballoons: hmm one way to confirm this might be to write a simple qml app that has a text label that displays $HOME. Run that outside autopilot, then run that within autopilot (while patching the env)22:46
balloonsveebers, right.. however seems qml doesn't get access to such things.. So I'm trying to write a qt app that does it22:47
balloonskind of annoying..22:47
thomiballoons: launched how? Remember that some apps are launched in a clean environment22:47
balloonsveebers, any thoughts on the launch_dir issue however?22:47
thomifor example if they're click / ubuntuapplaunch launched22:47
veebersballoons: not yet, just going to look further now22:47
balloonsthomi, I'm using launch_test_application22:48
balloonsbut launch_click_package seems to fail too22:48
balloonsalthough while we are on the topic.. I noticed there's ubuntuapplaunch and some others as well..22:48
balloonsahh nvm.. it's a wrapper for upstartapplaunch22:49
thomiballoons: upstartapplaunch doesn't exist any more22:49
thomiit's ubuntuapplaunch now22:49
balloonshmm.. I still have UpstartApplicationLauncher on my system22:49
thomiballoons: oh, sure that still exists22:50
balloonsand I've upgraded... maybe this is why I'm seeing import errors for UpstartAppLaunch22:50
thomiit's public API, so we can't change the name easily22:50
veebersballoons: are you running T or U? I have a branch that I'm about to land that fixes Upstart -> Ubuntu app launch for T22:51
balloonsveebers, I'm on U.. the weird part is yea, on the desktop I can't use python2 autopilot without the import error22:52
balloonsbut casting that aside, stay focused :-)22:52
veebersballoons: :-) what's the complaint you see when trying to use launch_dir?22:53
balloonsveebers, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7660802/22:54
* veebers looks22:54
balloonscalling like so; http://paste.ubuntu.com/7660804/22:55
veebersballoons: heh, yeah I can see the issue. It'22:56
veeberss a bug :-\22:56
veebersWill file and fix22:56
balloonsok, good my sanity still exists.. I didn't see it in the arglist, but adding it didn't fix it22:57
veebersballoons: but I don't have a straight forward answer for your HOME env var question  though :-\23:00
balloonsveebers, that's ok, I'm very close to getting the output from a qt/qml app23:03
balloonsso i'll have more data23:03
balloonstrolled; QML sees home as: $HOME23:03
balloonsveebers, sweet, so I got the env list23:08
balloonsveebers, and home shows correct.. so I guess you are safe on this front :-)23:08
veebersballoons: heh sweet23:11
veebersballoons: I was going to suggest: what happens when you launch $APP like: HOM=/tmp/blah <application> ?23:12
balloonsveebers, not a bad idea..23:12
veebersbut I guess you're getting some answers now23:12
balloonswell no.. I'm more confused that ever honestly23:12
balloonsit means everything is being set correct afaict, and the app has HOME set properly. But it completely disregards it23:13
balloonsso that means qmlscene or ?23:13
balloonsI really have no idea23:13
ahayzenballoons, o/ is this the mediascanner2 issue?23:14
balloonsahayzen, yes I'm trying to solve music's issue of not having a fresh enviroment23:14
ahayzenballoons, you sure it is not something to do with mediascanner2 moving to use dbus to communicate23:14
balloonsto be fair I don't know anything at the moment23:15
balloonssince music isn't a compiled app it still might not be working23:15
balloonsand AP in general seems to be misbehaving for me now23:16
ahayzenballoons, lol ... does autopilot stop/start mediascanner2 or something? i tried doing that manually one time but with no success23:16
balloonsahayzen, no it doesn't.. I tried messing with mediascanner.. it's a ball of worms23:17
ahayzen:/ that dbus move has caused chaos it was all working in Malta23:18
balloonsahayzen, tests as well?23:18
balloonsI'll feel saner if so, haha23:18
ahayzenballoons, yep end of Malta *everything* was working23:18
balloonsso what on earth changed to make the patching not work since Malta23:19
ahayzenballoons, we were ready to land then mediascanner2 migrated to using dbus ...and that broke us with the app failing to start ... and then autopilot broke around the same time23:19
balloonsyes, but it's not just you.. all the patched apps don't mock properly anymore23:20
ahayzenoh god thats not good23:20
balloonsI discovered that with calendar today23:20
ahayzenbut you got calendar working a few weeks ago?23:21
balloonsit still works, but the env is not clean23:21
balloonsfor music you guys have to have a clean env23:22
veebersballoons: I'm about to go for an early lunch, keep me in the loop with your env var findings. I should have a fix for the launch_dir stuff today23:42
balloonsveebers, will do23:42

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