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xnoxtedg: it does boot here. Is that x86 or armhf? which rev # & channel?00:36
xnox(well it did, whenever i last re-initialised emulators locally ~ friday)00:36
xnoxi guess i didn't catch pitti.00:36
rcjinfinity, you said 'What you want here is "foo-lts-trusty, Depends: foo" and "foo, Breaks/Replaces: foo-lts-trusty (<< transitional version)"'01:00
rcjinfinity, for the other transitional packages they have Conflicts/Replaces rather than Breaks/Replaces and only the conflicts limits the package by providing the transitional version number.01:01
rcjNot sure what is needed.01:01
infinityrcj: Which "other transitional packages"?01:02
infinityrcj: The proper way to do file overwrites is a versioned Breaks/Replaces.  It used to be a versions Conflicts/Replaces many years ago, and some people are resistant to change. :P01:02
rcjinfinity, okay.  The open-vm-tools package had a open-vm-dkms transitional package when I picked it up.01:03
rcjinfinity, and the breaks and replaces both will specify the version, correct?01:04
infinityrcj: Yeahp.01:04
rcjinfinity, thank you.01:04
infinityrcj: Yeah, ignore the ickiness of that old transitional package, it's a little goofy.01:04
rcjinfinity, I'll leave that alone as I add the new ones01:05
hamiltontcjwatson: online?03:47
TheMusohamiltont: He is likely asleep atm, you may want to try in 5-6 hours if you are around.04:02
hamiltontthanks! No rush04:02
pittiGood morning04:18
pittixnox: thanks for the heads-up; I can't say I much like the startpar task patch either, I just really wonder why it doesn't work04:19
pittiinfinity: FYI, I see the bug with eglibc's autopkgtest failure, fixing now; sorry about that04:45
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slangasekhrm.  Why does 'dch -r' think the current target release is called 'the'?06:10
dholbachgood morning06:15
didrockshey dholbach!06:22
dholbachsalut didrocks06:23
pittihey dholbach06:23
pittibonjour didrocks06:23
dholbachhey pitti06:23
dholbach@pilot in06:23
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach, jdstrand
* pitti hugs dholbach06:23
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti :)06:23
pittidholbach: morning gymnastics^Wsponsoring, eh? :-)06:23
dholbachyeah :-)06:24
pittidoes anyone know, where can I find a list of supported frameworks for a click's "framework" field?06:25
pittiah, found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Click/Frameworks after some googling06:29
pittithat still doesn't explain how they are related, i. e. if ubuntu-sdk-14.04-qml-dev1 is a subset or a superset of ubuntu-sdk-14.0406:30
pitticjwatson: how can I map a click framework name such as ubuntu-sdk-14.04-qml-dev1 to a set of packages that must be installed (like ubuntu-sdk-libs)? I don't see this in Provides: or the touch seeds07:18
pitticjwatson: or, I figure a click package's autopkgtest should perhaps just have the correct one in its test deps07:23
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mapreripitti: what do you mean with "if pencil2d's programs/CLI is the same as pencil2d's?"07:55
pittimapreri: if pencil's programs are called the same way (option names, file formats, etc. -- I don't know what it is) as pencil2d's, then a transitional package makes sense07:56
pittimapreri: if it's something different, then we should just drop the pencil package07:56
pittimapreri: so in this case, as it's a GUI app, it's mainly about file format compatibility07:56
mapreripitti: pencil2d is the pencil fork. For now the interface is quite similar. The file format is the same, yes (as far as I can see they are moving to a new file format, but keeping backward-compatibility)07:57
pittimapreri: right, then making the pencil source build a transitional pacakge to pencil2d only makes sense to me07:58
mapreriWithe commit like https://github.com/pencil2d/pencil/commit/23f40954299c77730e37b8e83bca0c2555035f27 but the old format is keep07:58
pittimapreri: note that you will also need some Breaks:/Replaces: on pencil2d07:58
pittimapreri: which you can do on the Debian side (htey are harmless there)07:58
mapreripitti: do you know of a way to have an ubuntu-specific control file on debian? (like the series.ubuntu for the patches)07:59
pittimapreri: in principle you could even add the transitional package to the Debian pencil2d source and only build that binary on Ubuntu; but it's a bit of a hack, and we can just keep the pencil source until the next LTS08:00
pittimapreri: no, that doesn't work; but you can do something like: if dpkg-vendor --is ubuntu; then export DH_OPTIONS=-Npencil08:01
pittimapreri: then the pencil transitional will only be built on Ubuntu, not on debian08:01
mapreriuh, great. in the meantime I file a bug for the pencil removal08:02
pittimapreri: for conditional dependencies you could use substvars, but IMHO it's not worth the effort; having the Breaks/Replaces: on Debian is no big deal08:03
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tvosscjwatson, doko seems like the symbols for std::once and std::once_callable have changed and libstdc++ has been updated in the archive to 4.908:25
Mirvit'd seem to me the new gcc-4.9 4.9.0-6ubuntu1 breaks phone08:47
MirvI mean 4.9.0-7ubuntu1. apt-get dist-upgrade + reboot from the morning's image (includes gcc + pulseaudio updates) gives me just google logo, downgrading to 4.9.0-6ubuntu1 and it works again08:48
dokotvoss, is this using the package in -proposed?09:04
dokoMirv, is this a runtime issue, or a build issue?09:04
tvossdoko, I don't think so, -proposed is not enabled by default09:04
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ogra_tvoss, in silos it was accidentially disabled ... if that build is from a silo PPA you might want to re-try (all silo PPAs now use proposed by default again as they should)09:06
tvossthostr_, ^09:06
dokotvoss, ARM only?09:06
Mirvdoko: this what I'm seeing is a runtime issue. everyone with a phone should be able to reproduce it by flashing the latest image and upgrading it to the latest gcc09:06
tvossdoko, seems so09:06
tvossthostr_, is https://launchpadlibrarian.net/177744514/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-armhf.unity-scope-click_0.1%2B14.10.20140616-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz from a silo build?09:06
thostr_tvoss: yes09:07
thostr_can try to rebuild now however.. ogra_ when did you change the setting?09:07
dokothere is a binutils issue reported yesterday by Laney, which is fixed by the current upload. so please lets see wait for this build09:07
ogra_thostr_, robru did last night (at least he was supposed to, i didnt check all silos) ... which silo was that i can take a look09:08
pittidpm: hm, do you know why https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/dialer-app is still empty? shouldn't that have the template from yesterday's upload?09:09
pittidpm: or does this again need to be approved?09:09
thostr_ogra_: silo 18 that is09:09
pittidpm: oh indeed - https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/dialer-app/+imports -- can you hit the magic buttons there?09:10
ogra_thostr_, has proposed on right now09:10
pittidpm: (I hope it will still make today's full LP export, otherwise we'll need to wait a week or so)09:10
ogra_(i sadly cant tell *when* it was switched on)09:10
thostr_ogra_: so, can I trigger a rebuild now?09:11
thostr_ogra_: building...09:12
Laneydoko: yay09:12
Laneydid you upload it to sid too?09:12
* ogra_ crosses fingers09:12
dpmpitti, argh, yes, every new template needs to be approved (just did that now). I had followed the conversation on ubuntu-phone, but I hadn't realized the upload had already happened09:12
dpmpitti, let me chech when the export is scheduled to start09:12
dokoLaney, yes09:12
mapreripitti: like this? http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/pencil2d.git;a=commitdiff;h=9620a0cf477847f221b9ee0bc1f9493bb4bfc4ed09:12
ogra_sil2100, see above :)09:13
ogra_(the translations, not my PPA conversation)09:13
dpmpitti, so the export starts at 10:30 UTC today and we should be good to go09:13
pittidpm: *phew*, thanks :)09:13
cjwatsonpitti: use "click chroot -aARCH -fFRAMEWORK create" to create the chroot - it knows which packages are supposed to be used09:14
pitticjwatson: ah, thank you09:14
dokotvoss, is this reproducible with the unity-scope-click package in utopic?09:15
cjwatsonpitti: not currently exported otherwise09:15
pittimapreri: "Ubuntu has had"09:15
tvossdoko, best to ask thostr_09:15
mapreriuh, right...09:15
pittimapreri: Replaces/Breaks versions need to be (<< version_of_transitional_package), not these old ones09:15
dokothostr_, ^^^09:16
thostr_doko: yes, IIRC09:16
tvossthostr_, could you share the respective MP that triggered the build failure in the silo?09:16
pittimapreri: also, the debian/changelog in that commit is a total mis-match09:16
pittimapreri: this is perhaps using git-dch and you forgot to revert, or something?09:17
mapreripitti: yes, the changelog isn't related, I commit it without thinking (commit -a -.-)09:17
thostr_tvoss: for click that is https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/unity-scope-click/merge-devel/+merge/22327609:17
pittimapreri: otherwise LGTM, but the B/R versions need fixing09:17
sil2100ogra_: I must say I'm a bit confused with this09:18
seb128ev, bdmurray: hey, https://errors.ubuntu.com/?package=unity8&period=year ... that seems buggy to me, is there a known issue? 1 unity8 report as a total over all releases seems too low?09:24
seb128even with the db change, we for sure got more than 1 report of issue since09:25
ogra_sil2100, the translation files are not exported yet by the app packages09:29
ogra_so we might be missing more than just dialer atm09:30
seb128tvoss, hey, do you know if that's a known issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7657512/09:32
tvossseb128, nope, haven't seen that before. ricmm ^09:33
seb128tvoss, sorry, ricmm just replied on -touch, I asked there before noticing you were not on the channel09:34
tvossseb128, ah, xchat keeps on forgetting about my channels :(09:34
ogra_doko, could it be that we get C++ issues with the new libgcc ?09:58
ogra_i see several reports of phnes stopping working after upgrading only that package09:59
dokoogra_, I think it's a libstdc++6 issue, but will have to confirm09:59
ogra_oSoMoN, ^^10:00
dokoso just replacing libstdc++6 with the old one should be enough10:00
oSoMoNogra_, doko: upgrading libgcc1 triggers the upgrade of libstdc++6 too, so that sounds right10:00
tvossdoko, the issue with the missing symbols for std::*once is reproducible with https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/dbus-cpp/bump-so-name-and-major-version/+merge/22322410:05
tvossdoko, see https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/dbus-cpp-utopic-armhf-ci/17/console10:05
WellarkI'm also seeing these: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-00210:07
Wellarklibprocess-cpp in the archive is broken10:07
Wellarkor missing symbols that is10:07
ogra_doko, looks like more fallout ^^10:07
tvossWellark, it's not process-cpp missing symbols, but the underlying libstdc++10:08
Wellarktvoss: well, sure. but my trail ends with process-cpp :)10:08
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tvossWellark, sure10:08
Wellarkbut that would mean that the archive is broken..10:10
tvossWellark, yup10:10
ogra_one lib is ...10:10
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dholbach@pilot out10:21
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jdstrand
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dokotvoss, ogra_: do you have a fast arm machine for a build? I only have porter-armhf which is a slow dual core10:24
tvossdoko, I'm building on the phone10:24
tvossdoko, my chromebook is in use by the family10:25
ogra_i use chroots since a while and my chromebook is collecting dust in the basement10:25
ogra_(and on saucy or something, would need a few hours for updating etc)10:26
sil2100dholbach: o/ just reminding about adding me for next month!10:26
ogra_doko, if sil2100 has a spare silo you could use distro builders for that inside a silo PPA10:27
dokono, havingPPA's myself10:27
sil2100ogra_, doko: for such occassions we always have landing-000 PPA10:27
ogra_doko, using HW builders ?10:27
cjwatsonogra_: yes10:28
dokoLaney, new binutils in -proposed, can you recheck?10:48
Laneydoko: looking good so far10:59
Laneydoko: yep, worked11:08
dokotvoss, ^^^so rechecking with the updated binutils would be good. still doesn't solve the libstdc++6 issue, my test build is however running11:10
tvossdoko, ack. thostr_ could you kick a rebuild of your ppa? should get the new binutils from proposed11:10
shadeslayerpitti: did you fix something with autopkgtest? :) seems like debhelper is being installed by default now11:16
pittishadeslayer: I fixed build-depends-indep: handling this morning; but this would have entirely crashed the test very early unless it happened to have a trailing comma11:34
pittishadeslayer: debhelper isn't installed by default11:34
pittishadeslayer: which test was that?11:34
shadeslayerhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-adt-killbots/1 was the one that failed11:34
pittishadeslayer: that didn't fail due to debhelper, but UTF-8 in debian/control11:35
pittishadeslayer: I fixed that two days ago, and rolled it out this morning11:35
pittii. e. handling UTF-8 files under C locale (argh)11:35
shadeslayerah ok then11:36
jdstrand@pilot out11:39
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
seb128arges, hey, could you review the libgphoto SRU for trusty? it's a follow up to fix a typo in the current proposed version11:45
seb128if somebody from the SRU team could also do copies to updates that would be nice11:46
seb128some items at 13 days old and validated11:46
seb128slangasek, bdmurray, infity, stgraber, ...: ^11:46
* cjwatson does a few11:48
seb128cjwatson, thanks11:48
tvossdoko, so the binutils change did not help. Seems like we need to rebuild process-cpp11:59
dokotvoss, ?11:59
tvossdoko, thostr_ tried rebuilding his silo with only the changed binutils from proposed12:00
dokocjwatson, tvoss: now explicit deps on g++-4.9 ?12:18
cjwatsondoko: Yes, it gives them control over when to switch given that it appears they need to change SONAME at the same time12:19
cjwatsondoko: We've made it clear that it's not carte blanche to stay with old GCC versions12:19
cjwatsonIt's just timing control12:20
cjwatsonAnd limited to those cases where this control's actually needed - i.e. we know we're using experimental features12:23
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shadeslayerpitti: btw I don't suppose you know of any dep 3 parser13:19
shadeslayerfor patches13:19
arun_hello guys !!! I am having some verification problem with reprepro thing !!!113:25
Saviqlool, hey, do you think you could package doxyqml 0.2.0 please https://github.com/agateau/doxyqml/releases ?13:33
Saviqlool, you seem to be the maintainer :)13:33
loolSaviq: hehe13:48
loolSaviq: sure13:48
Saviqlool, got a source built if you want it :)13:48
Saviqlool, only change in packaging seems to be tests are split into unit and functional13:49
pittishadeslayer: no, I don't know of any14:11
argesseb128: ok i'll look at libgphoto214:14
seb128arges, thanks14:15
pittithanks arges; sorry for the typo14:15
arges: )14:15
dokoLaney, can I close 1328838?14:17
shadeslayerpitti: thx14:17
Laneybug 132883814:17
ubottubug 1328838 in gcc-4.9 (Ubuntu) "Can't x-build ubuntu-system-settings with 1.0.4ubuntu1: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libapt-pkg.so: undefined reference to `std::__throw_out_of_range_fmt(char const*, ...)@GLIBCXX_3.4.20'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132883814:17
Laneydoko: yep14:17
bdmurrayseb128: I don't know of any issue that would make the unity8 numbers low14:17
Laneyoh yes, since the revert14:17
bdmurrayseb128: looking at the old database the highest occurring crash over the year only has 43 occurrences14:18
dokowell, we need to keep these in sync for cross building14:18
Laneyyou made that true again14:19
seb128bdmurray, hum, ok, that seems weirdly low, seeing the number of mentions we get on IRC for example14:19
mlankhorstdarktama: it seems to be caused by the i2c support14:20
Laneymlankhorst: !!!14:20
LaneyI forgot to try your thing14:20
Laneydo you still want me to?14:20
mlankhorstoops wrong window :P14:20
mlankhorstgo for it, not sure how useful it is though14:20
bdmurrayseb128: "number of mentions we get on irc"?14:20
Laneyif not useful then I won't bother14:21
seb128bdmurray, we have people mentioning unity8 crashes and reporting them14:21
seb128bdmurray, I just wonder where they end up if not on e.u.c14:21
mlankhorstLaney: yeah I did some fixes that went in the right direction, but threading's hard :P14:22
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bdmurrayseb128: In utopic whoopsie now logs the OOPS ID of a reported crash in /var/log/syslog so we could ask for the OOPS ID and from them and figure it out.14:23
bdmurrayseb128: there is a pending SRU for that in Trusty too14:23
seb128bdmurray, ok, thanks14:24
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dokocjwatson, so my gcc-4.9 test build is ok. can we copy the binaries from the ubuntu-toolchain-r/ppa PPA into -proposed once the i386 build finishes?14:34
dokotvoss, thostr_, ogra_, Mirv: the ubuntu-toolchain-r/ppa PPA has a fixed gcc-4.914:35
brendandstgraber, why am i getting these errors? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7658715/14:36
thostr_doko: so, ci should work now again?14:36
dokoit is not yet in -proposed14:36
stgraberbrendand: either because lxcbr0 doesn't exist or because your kernel somehow lacks veth support14:37
stgraberbrendand: the latter tends to happen when you haven't rebooted your machine in a while + flushed all kernels from disk as veth.ko is no longer there to be loaded14:37
brendandstgraber, if lxcbr0 is supposed to be in ifconfig, then no i don't have it14:37
brendandstgraber, i did delete a lot of kernels recently14:38
stgraberbrendand: ok, what LXC and Ubuntu version is that?14:38
brendandstgraber, utopic14:38
stgraberbrendand: sudo status lxc-net14:38
brendandstgraber, lxc-net start/running14:39
cjwatsondoko: Yes, should be fine, go for it14:39
tvossdoko, what was the issue in the end?14:39
brendandstgraber, version: 1.0.3-0ubuntu5build114:39
stgraberbrendand: can you pastebin /var/log/upstart/lxc-net.log?14:39
stgraberbrendand: that version is a tiny bit old (I uploaded 1.0.4 last week) but that really shouldn't matter so we may as well figure out what happened before you upgrade14:39
brendandstgraber, doesn't seem to exist14:39
stgraberbrendand: hmm, ok, odd. Can you try "sudo stop lxc-net && sudo start lxc-net" then, see what happens?14:40
brendandstgraber, whoops - just needed sudo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7658732/14:40
stgraberbrendand: ah, ok14:41
stgraberbrendand: do you have bind9 or some other DNS server installed on that box that'd bind port 53 on all interfaces?14:41
brendandstgraber, yeah. for whatever reason i do have bind914:41
brendandstgraber, remove it?14:42
stgraberbrendand: yeah, remove it, make sure it's no longer running, then restart the lxc-net job, that should fix things.14:43
stgraberbrendand: basically LXC starts a dnsmasq service for DHCP and DNS on lxcbr0, so if another daemon already claimed all interfaces, that fails, which in turn makes the rest of the job fail14:44
stgraberyou're the second one reporting this happening though, so I'm starting to wonder if we somehow pulled bind9 into our base install by accident...14:44
stgrabernot according to cdimage.u.c at least14:45
tseliotbdmurray: are you around?14:45
bdmurraytseliot: yes14:45
tseliotbdmurray: I have two packages associated with some SRUs. Can you help please? nvidia-prime (precise-proposed) [LP: #1326257, LP: #1296020], ubuntu-drivers-common (trusty-proposed) [LP: #1306928, LP: #1296020, LP: #1310023]14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1326257 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Trusty) "[nvidia-prime] Cannot adjust brightness in guest session and results in black screen while changing the resolution" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132625714:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1296020 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Trusty) "[Asus U36JC] Non-existent display detected in both intel driver and nvidia driver (Optimus Laptop) (ubuntu trusty 14.04)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129602014:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1306928 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Trusty) "Broadcom STA driver gets autoinstalled on BCM4313, where it's no longer needed" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130692814:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1310023 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Trusty) "14.04: Nvidia Prime is unable to switch to the Nvidia card" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131002314:46
rcjstgraber, Would you have time to look at a updated open-vm-tools for trusty for that SRU?  It's been uploaded to fix a breaks/replaces problem.14:46
rcjstgraber, or I can ask infinity since he raised the issue.14:47
stgraberrcj: looking14:48
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bdmurraytseliot: I'm still a bit swamped with the error tracker, but I'll try and have a look.14:49
tseliotbdmurray: thanks14:49
stgraberrcj: accepted14:53
rcjstgraber, excellent14:54
thostr_doko: any estimate when things should be finally fixed/landed in ci?15:27
dokothostr_, just copied15:29
dokotvoss, some binutils change between Jun 04 and Jun 12, feel free to pick one15:30
thostr_doko: so, rebuild should now work?15:30
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dokothostr_, you need to wait until the package is published15:30
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thostr_doko: once published, can you ping #ubuntu-ci-eng?15:32
dokothostr_, I'm afk now, please have a look yourself. they are published but not yet mirrored16:09
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tjaaltoncjwatson: hey, it's probably a normal feature that grub2 menu gfx operates very slowly on a highres framebuffer?17:15
tjaaltontakes a while to redraw the screen17:15
tjaaltonlike on a 3200x1800 screen..17:15
cjwatsontjaalton: sometimes hard to get suitable acceleration in place17:17
cjwatsonI improved some of that a while back but no doubt it could do with somebody sitting down for another profiling/optimisation pass ...17:18
tjaaltonI might have a go at some point17:20
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ddssswhen packaging a .deb - is there a special directory I should use for an example config file?17:28
jtaylorusing dh_installexamples is probably not wrong17:30
infinityddsss: If it's an example strictly for the user's interest, /usr/share/doc/<package>/examples/ (which is where dh_installexamples will put it), if it's going to be used by the package (ie: a postinst does "cp example.conf /etc/example.conf"), it needs to be in /usr/share/<package> as the doc directory is pruged in some setups.17:31
ddsssinfinity, does the same goes for an example upstart script?17:32
infinityddsss: An example is an example, not sure the content makes a difference here. ;)17:32
ddsssinfinity, gotcha. thanks!17:32
infinityddsss: It's the intended use that matters, if the PACKAGE is referencing it, it can't be in doc, if it's just for the user's reading and learning pleasure, it belongs in doc.17:33
ddsssinfinity, awesome. awesome to the max.17:35
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bdmurraypopey: do you have another test case for bug 1278780? I'm specifically looking to crash unit8.18:03
ubottubug 1278780 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport takes too long to write crash report, appears to lock up phone" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127878018:03
sergiusensslangasek jdstrand no rush on this one, but am I good to migrate back to gc golang? Or is the recommendation still being worked on?18:09
slangaseksergiusens: we have a long term plan to migrate to gc; I don't think we had settled whether we should start using it today in the absence of dynamic linking support18:10
slangasekI think I would prefer to see us continue with gccgo for right now, unless you're running into specific problems18:10
sergiusensslangasek: no, no problems at all on my side18:11
popeybdmurray: thats a while back, not had that recently, sorry.18:19
bdmurraypopey: okay, thanks18:20
popeyogra_: looks like my booting got significantly worse after doing a completely clean install (and adding full disk encryption) http://people.canonical.com/~alan/bootcharts/deep-thought/deep-thought-trusty-20140616-4.png18:24
ogra_popey, heh, well, encryption ... gotta pay a price for that18:25
ogra_the gren grass on the right looks seriously worrying though18:26
ogra_your disk seems to be doing mad stuff there18:26
popeyyeah, its bonkers18:26
popeymight reboot a few times to get some more stats, later, after dinner18:27
ogra_is it actually taking 1:30 til you have a desktop on screen ?18:28
* ogra_ doubts that ... looks like it simply doesnt go into idle which keeps bootchart going on until it times out after 1:3018:28
popeyogra_: sometimes it is fine http://people.canonical.com/~alan/bootcharts/deep-thought/deep-thought-trusty-20140616-1.png18:30
popeyit may have been sat at the login screen#18:30
ogra_well, that disk stuff deserves examination for sure ... you got something that peaks it every few seconds18:31
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hallyn_xnox: hey, did you get a chance to look at http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf-src-0.2.4/netcf_0.2.4-1.dsc ??18:37
hallyn_(for debian upload)18:37
ddsssare most ubuntu packages  - source packages? or binary ones?18:46
infinityddsss: They're all both.  Source packages produce binrary packages.18:47
ddsssim trying to build a source package - sort of stuck.18:48
infinityddsss: You probably want #ubuntu-motu18:49
ddsssinfinity, what's that - beginners channel?18:50
infinityddsss: They deal with beginner packaging issues there, yes.18:50
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ddsss .deb source packages are not directly installable - right?20:22
jpdsddsss: Build the .deb with 'debuild'.20:22
ddsssjpds, what's the difference from c++ source files and deb-src sources?20:23
jpdsddsss: deb-srcs include the debian/ directory which explains how the .deb is built.20:24
ddsssjpds, so then someone else compiles deb-srcs packages for each platform?20:25
jpdsddsss: Someone else?20:25
jpdsddsss: We don't crowd-source the .deb building.20:25
ddsssjpds, I mean - isthere some automated UBuntu build-server or something?20:26
jpdsddsss: https://launchpad.net/builders20:26
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jpdsddsss: build serverS - is the term you're looking for.20:27
ddsssjpds, aha - I see.20:28
ddsssjpds, so whebever someone "dputs"new source package - that triggers a build for various architectures?20:30
jpdsddsss: Yes.20:30
ddsssjpds, but people can also upload binary packages as well - right?20:31
jpdsddsss: No.20:31
jpdsddsss: Everything must be built from sauce.20:32
ddsssjpds, aha. I see.20:32
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ddsssjpds, when building source package  - does it matter if program is using cmake instead of automake?21:04
dobeywell unless you're trying to use autotools to build a cmake source21:08
dobeyhow to build the thing is defined in debian/rules21:08
dobeyddsss: you should probably be asking these questions in #ubuntu-packaging or #ubuntu-motu though21:08
dobeyas was suggested earlier21:09
ddsssdobey, thanks. switching to  #ubuntu-packaging :)21:09
hallynxnox: zul: all right i have a working libvirt-with-cgmanager.  jsut a few more tests then i intend to push to utopic.21:11
jtaylor_hm is the backport builddepending on backports issue fixed now?21:48
jtaylor_ah found the bug in my too large email archive, seems fixed, thx infinity  :)21:49
stgraberoh, is it? neat21:49
jtaylor_bug 88866521:49
ubottubug 888665 in Launchpad itself "Backports can't build-depend on other backports" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88866521:49
bluesabremdeslaur, I was wondering if there is anything holding these up?23:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1326740 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Please backport xfce4-power-manager 1.2.0-3ubuntu6 to trusty" [Undecided,In progress]23:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1326741 in light-locker-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Please backport light-locker-settings 1.2.1-0ubuntu2 to trusty" [Undecided,In progress]23:00
bluesabrelet me know if you need anything additional from me :)23:00
sarnoldbluesabre: someone needs to verify the SRUs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/PerformingSRUVerification23:08
Unit193sarnold: A bit hard to do if it isn't in proposed yet.23:18
sarnoldUnit193: oh :)23:19
sarnoldI just saw the verification-needed tag and jumped straightaway to a conclusion..23:19
Unit193Can blame bluesabre for trying to confuse you. ;)23:20
bluesabreAh, sorry about that, the SRU steps are a bit confusing :)23:20
xnoxhallyn: \o/23:30
xnoxhallyn: I thought i uploaded netcf, let me check my mails23:30
hallynxnox: was that a "boy it's late i oughta be in bed' stretch?  :)23:49
hallynxnox: rmadison -u debian didn't seem to show it, but maybe it's hung somewhere23:49

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