
20WAAFW9USerendipitously I just ran into this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AivEQmfPpk00:37
belkinsa20WAAFW9U, what's with the nick change?00:37
20WAAFW9UGot disconnected, so my IRC client (pidgin) adds a suffix until the original nick clears the  server00:38
belkinsaI see.00:38
20WAAFW9UOh, I see this: 20WAAFW9U00:38
20WAAFW9UThat seems a bit severe00:39
belkinsaIt does.00:39
=== 20WAAFW9U is now known as BobJonkman
BobJonkmanI'm usually BobJonkman or BobJonkman1 and sometimes get as high as BobJonkman3.  I don't think I've ever been 20WAAFW9U before00:41
mhall119AlanBell: happy birthday :)01:33
mhall119it still is on this side of the pond anyway, so I'm not technically late01:33
locodir-userwe cannt install canon printer in ubantu 12.04 lts05:27
locodir-userany one help us05:27
BobJonkman1Hi locodir-user: You may want to see if your printer is listed on https://www.openprinting.org/printers05:47
BobJonkman1locodir-user: Otherwise you're best off asking support questions in the IRC channel #ubuntu -- this channel #ubuntu-locoteams is for the Local Community Teams around the world; more of an administrative channel than a technical support channel05:49
locodir-useri have checked that printer is listed in openprinting.org05:52
locodir-usermodel is canon LBP2900B05:52
BobJonkman1OK, then pop over to #ubuntu and explain the problem, any error message you're getting, what you've tried, what the results were05:56
dholbachgood morning06:15
mhall119AlanBell: ping13:38
geniiAh, OK, in -meeting 20:08
geochr!lococouncil I have sent an email on mailing list, please sent me a reply if someone is online.21:07
belkinsajose, ^^^21:08
josegeochr: I'll reply in a couple minutes, finishing something21:08
josebelkinsa: no need to double-highlight, thanks :)21:08
belkinsaI forgot you can see it21:08
josewe have lococouncil and loco-council on highlight (which is... messy sometimes when spammers decide to hit)21:08
belkinsaAh, I see.21:08
belkinsaSmart move.21:08
geochrthanks Jose21:22

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