
ikoniaphunyguy: are you there ?07:28
ikoniaphunyguy: give me a nudge when you have 2 minutes and are free for a pm please11:57
* Pricey msgs iptable 13:01
Picitheir nick always confuses me for a moment13:01
Picialso, thanks, I'm not really watching #ubuntu right now13:02
PriceyGet the distinct impression they're just repeating my bad advice badly.13:03
Piciftr, I've seen them give good advice in the past13:03
phunyguyhello ikonia13:05
ubottuIn ubottu, dkn64738_afk said: dkn64738_afk is currently away, try again later15:50
=== h00k_ is now known as h00k
bazhangapt itude!18:11
bazhang<Pewdiepie> Hello bros18:12
bazhangtroll detected18:12
Picibazhang: they just got quieted in #freenode18:12
bazhangPici, after telling multiple users to shut it18:13
PiciI'm not sure what Jeroen_Mathon is going on about18:14
bazhanghe's light on facts so far with his "support"18:14
=== jtrucks_ is now known as jtrucks
bazhang<Guest37130> just to bypass bans :P18:58
bazhanghe played the free speech card18:59
Unit193http://xkcd.com/1357/ :P19:00
phunyguythat xkcd is pretty awesome.19:21
geniiAlmost all xkcd is good19:23
phunyguyyes but some are awesome19:33

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